The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 16, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Clearance Prices on
Laces and Trimmings
Our system of purchasing abroad is particu
larly effective in our lace department In our
complete stocks may be found laces for every
purpose neckwear, lingerie, blouses, tub frocks
and evening dresses.
Wash Laces French and English Val. edges and
insertion?, cotton Cluny and crocheted edges
and insertions from one to two inches C
wide. Specially priced, per yard, JC
Silk Spanish Laces and Chantilfy Handsome pat
terns for summer frocks or blouses in black and
colors. 27 to 36 inches wide. Qftr
Specially priced, per yard, 5IOC
Collar and Lingerie Laces A great many pretty
patterns, 3 to 5 inches wide, suitable for collars,
camisoles and underwear. Per -i
yard, IOC
Imported Wide Embroideries Nainsook and
cambric embroideries, well made with fast
edges, 9 to 16 inches wide. Per i
Real Irish and Filet Laces Attractive patterns,
all hand made, y to inches wide. Spe-1 Q -daily
priced, per yard,
Imported French Organdy Flouncings Ruffled
and hemstitched in white, pink and blue. Six
rows of one-inch ruffling, each with 1 1 Q
double hemstitching. Per yard, I IV
Main Floor Center
Midsummer Wash Fabrics
and Domestics
Our rammer wash good stock are complete with beautiful
fabric for summer wear. On the Main Floor we are bowing
Organdie, Tiatue, Gingham, Linen and other good of beau
tiful quality for mart street and club frock.
fn the Basement our stocks cover a wide range of prices and
styles. Here are wash material of quality, practical for every
purpose, all priced at reasonable figures.
Genuine Irish Dress Linens Our famous Nonkrush and Royal
Irish brands in a good assortment of colors. Your unre
stricted choice of either quality, Monday, while E
1 Kfin mif1a loaf twr vArrk WW
Imported Swiss Organdy In white and a splendid range of plain
shades and with permanent Cilander finish. Our regu- CGJf.
lar 1.00 quality, 45 inches wide, per yard, . vOt
Embroidered Tissue Ginghams In a variety of checks and
plaids with embroidered patterns in contrasting colors. Charm
ing for cool summer frocks, 36 inches wide. dSlf
Per yard, . 7
Mercerized' Oxford Suitings In a grand collection of plain
shades and sport colors for summer frocks, skirts and AQg
outing togs. 36 inches wide; per yard, tOC
Silk Mixed Marquisette A beautiful collection of -new printings
on white and tinted grounds, also some plain shades, 36 inches
wide. This has been sold all season at 98c; for Mon- A Q
day,, per yard,
Mam Floor Lenler
White Organdie A good domestic quality, sheer and Q
dainty. 40 inches wide, per yard, Oe7i
Fancy Dress Voiles A great collection of patterns, designs and
colors. A splendid value, 38 and 40 inches wide, . OR-
per yard, aSJ
White India Linon A sheer cotton fabric especially suitable for
aprons, linings, fancy work or boudoir sets. Our reg- 1Q.
ular 29c quality, 27 inches wide; per yard, X7C
White Ratine Very smart this season for sport skirts or jumper
frocks. Our regular 75c quality, 36 inches wide; tQ
Monday, per yard, . v, , v j
White Oxford Suiting So serviceable for wash dresses, skirts
or children's wear. Regular 48c value, Qc.
per yard, , ,
Gingham Remnants 3,500 yards in neat checks and assorted
colors. 2 to 10-yard lengths, 32 inches wide; Mon- ! Ol-
day, per yard, .
Pajama Checks Full standard quality for underwear, pajamas,
boys' and girls' waists. Long mill lengths, 1
per yard,
Tissue Ginghams 5,000 yards of this sheery. clingy fabric in
checks, plaids and stripes. 36 inches wide, final clear- OQ
ance price, per yard, JU
Shrunk Muslin Full spring water bleach, similar in construction
and quality to Indian Head. 36 inches wide; Monday 1Q.
while 2,500 yards last, I7C
White Middy Twill An excellent twilled cotton material for night
shirts and gowns, underwear, pajamas and other uses. 1 Q
A limited quantity, per yard,
Bleached Seamless Sheets 81x90-inch Size, made of splendid
quality Eastern sheeting, free from starch or dress- -I QR
ing, with 3-inch hem. Each, I ea&O
Sale of Silverware
Closing Out Two Patterns in Wm. A. Rogers and
Wallace Bros. Silverware.
Everyone is familiar with the standard quality of these two
famous makers of silverware and these sale prices offer an un
usual opportunity to secure a set of silver,, in part or a complete
set, at much less than regular prices.
Standish and Elizabeth Patterns
in Win. A. Rogers Silver
Regular Price Sale Price
Salad Forks, set of 6 5.00 3.75
Oyster Forks, set of 6 3.75 2.50
Orange Spoons, set of 6 3.75 ' 2.50
Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 4.50 3.50
Sugar Spoons, each 1.00 79
Cream Ladles, each 1.25 896
Dinner Knives and Forks,
hollow handle, set of 6 .14.50 11.50
Tea .Spoons, set of 6 2.50 1.69
Soup Spoons, set of 6 5.50 3.98
Dessert Spoons, set of 6 5.00 3.50
Gravy Ladles, each 1.50 1.00
Berry Sooons, each 1.98 1.39
Butter Knives, each 1.00 75
Coffee Spoons, each 2.50 1.89
Wallace Bros. Hudson Pattern
Regular Price Sale Price
Salad Serving Set, 2 pieces 5.50 3.00
Cream Ladles, each ) 150 894
Tomato Servers, each 2.50 1.75
Tablespoons, set of 6 6-50 3.50
Soup Spoons, set of 6 6.50 3.50
Butter and Sugar, set 2.25 1.50
Coffee Spoons, set of 6 3.25 2.00
Berry Spoons, each 2.75 1.50
Cold Meat Forks, each' 1-50 1.00
Gravy Ladles, each 2-50 1.50
Orange Spoons, set of 6 4.00 2.50
Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 950 . 3.00
Dessert Spoons, set of 6 6.00 3.00
Dinner Knives and Forks, set of 6 17.50 11.50
Hollow-handled knives and flat forks.
Dessert Knives and Forks, set of 6 16.50 10.00
Hollow-handled knives and flat forks.
Main Floor East
iMonday An Important Sale of
Printed Crepe Dresses
At Special Prices for Clearance
and 39
We are showing a great many styles for
Matron or Miss in light and dark color
ingsthose in black and white, and scar
let and white being very effective. Entre
deux, giving the effect of fagoting, or
pleated panels of georgette are attractive
ly used in some of the models. Many are
loose flowing styles that are particularly
cool looking. This type of frock is espec
ially versatile, being appropriate for
street, sport or afternoon wear. Sizes for
misses, 16 to 20; for women 34 to 44.
Second Floor West
Printed crene frocks
have been the outstand
ing style sensation of
the summer. Many of
the patterns are repro
ductions of quaint old
English prints and
have proved very
charming in Summer
Silk frocks.
Midsummer Clearance of All Our
Mohair and Iceland Wool
Sweaters at 12.95
This means the choicest sweaters we have, for the newest and
smartest ones this season have, been in these hard-twisted wools.
Monday you can choose a stunning black and white model with a
block design in black on a white ground; or a soft, cloudy tan with
1 stripes running around in contrasting shades that only in these finer
qualities seem to achieve brilliance without being gaudy. All for
much less than their original prices.
Our entire line of better wool sweaters are included, some tuxedos and a
great many slipovers. Among the colors are lavender, yellow, beige, apple
green, horizon blue, all white, all black and combination, in striped and block
designs. Sizes up to 46.
Second Floor North
Better Bathing Suits
Specially Priced at 7.95
In or out of water, it's easy to be a "Bathing
Beauty" in one of these suits, they're so good look
ing. Made of pure virgin wool, they are cleverly
styled, some with kilted skirts that show two colors,
gay stripings in fiber silk or perhaps a solid color in
smart block weave.
Monday these are offered at much less than their
original prices. There is a complete range of sizes
and the colors include purple, gray, tan, copen, black,
and navy in solid 'colors and clever combinations.
Many are Annette Kellerman and Neptune's Daugh
ter makes.
Second Floor Center
Table Glassware
Priced for Pre-Inventory Clear
ance at 10c to 1.00
These odds and ends in glassware are windfalls
from former sales that have been repriced for a final
Cologne Bottles, each, 10
Vinegar Cruets, each, 10
Large Vegetable Bowls, each, 10c
Etched and Cut Goblets, 3 for 1.00
Etched and Cut Sherbets, 3 for 1.00
Etched Tumblers, each, 10
Thin-Blown Tumblers, dozen, 1.00
Colored Glass Guest Sets, Water Bottle and
Tumbler with enameled decorations, set, 98$
Fifth Floor East
Midsummer Munsingwear
for Women and Children
A very complete showing of styles and sizes will be found here.
Munsingwear is distinguished by many good qualities and for fit it is
supreme. Particularly, its superiority in retaining its shape after
washing, is evident.
Munsingwear may now be, had in knit-wear, woven-wear, in
athletic styles and silk Jersey. Its superb wearing qualities are the
same in any material. If you want to experience complete under
wear satisfaction, buy Munsingwear here.
if A Wk
Women's Combed Cotton Munsingwear
Suits In all styles with Og
loose or tight knee. Each, s50
Women's Munsing Woven-Wear Athletic
Suits Made of fine nain- Q(?
sook in flesh or white. Each, saCO
Women's Lisle Munsingwear Suits In
, white or flesh, with bodice or regu
lation tops, loose or tight knee, also
closed skirt styles and teddies. Reg
ular ana extra T cn i ryr
1 .91 to 1 I O
sizes,, each
Women's Fine Lisle Suits O f"
Regular sizes, eSsOU
Out sizes 2.75.
Women's Mercerised Lisle
Suits Regular sizes,
Out sizes 3.25.
Women's Vests and Pants
Many styles, each,
Boys' and Girls' Fine Combed Cotton
Union Suits All styles in cream or
full bleach.
Each 1WV to
Boys' and Girls' Munsing WoTen-Wear
Suits Athletic 1 AA f fZf
style, each, 1 vl to 1 OV
1.00 . 1.75
Munsingwear Silk Vests The tailored
i simplicity of these dainty vests ap
peal instantly to discriminating wo
men. There are no seams to cause
discomfort when worn under the
corset All sizes, in O QC
flesh, each, ' aW.JJO
Munsingwear Silk Bloomers Rein
forced for double wear, these bloom
ers are fashioned snug at the knee
with a trim tailored finish. Their
elasticity makes them form-fitting,
yet they are roomy enough A ff
for comfort 4OU
Third Floor Center
DO you remember the Brsndels
StoTfl Shopping Expedition that
v made a tour of Europe last winter?
Because of its unusual character,
that expedition attracted general
attention. That it was productive
for merchant and customer alike, we
well knew, for the reason that even
our representatives were surprised
at many of the rare barganis they ob
tained. Some of these purchases arrived several
weeks ago. Now, week by week, others are coming
in. In today's ad you have a hint of the success
of that tour. You find it in the offering we make
of a carload of clothes baskets made in Belgium,
where basket weaving has come to be a real art.
You will be impressed with the good quality of these
baskets and delighted with the low prices. In
linens, direct from Ireland, our customers obtain an
other advantage from our European trip and in that
department the prices are, likewise, attractive.
You will be interested in knowing that there are
cities much larger than Omaha whose stores have
never enjoyed a European shopping tour on any
thing like so large a scale as that of the Brandeis
Store. Aside from the matter of the advantages
which our customers obtain from such an expedi
tion, it will be a matter of pride to them, as it is to
us, that an Omaha store is able to cany to a suc
cessful conclusion such an important enterprise.
Longer WearLess
That's what happens when you come to our Corset'
Department and invest in a Nemo Corset. It is guar
anteed to outwear two ordinary corsets, and will give
you anatomically correct support and control.
No. 515
is designed for the woman who is worried at the ever
increasing size of her hips and thighs. It has a low
top with Lastikops gores in front. Its long skirt has
Lastikops bands and inserts at sides and back to con
trol and reduce unwanted hip and thigh flesh.
Pink coutil ; sizes 24 to 367.00.
Skillful Fitting Service
Let us clear up some of your own difficulties in
the matter of corset selection and fitting.
Third Floor North
A Whole Carload of
Clothes Baskets
Direct from Belgium
3,480 baskets, to be sold at 35 to 40 less than
prevailing prices. These baskets were purchased in
Belgium by members of our corps of buyers and have
just been received at the store. They are of sturdy
peeled willow; the handles are strong and firmly
spliced; the fancy beaded edge roll top and convex
bottom prevent sagging and assure long service.
Size Width Length Depth Price
No. 1 19 in. 25 in. 11 in. 1.09
No. 2 20 in. 26 in. 12 in. 1.29
No. 3 20 in. 30 in. 12 in. I.59
No. 4 23 in. 30 in. 14 in. I.99
Housefurnishings Department Fifth Floor West
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
For Women and Children
The fame of Phoenix Hosiery is founded on the
lasting rock of good value because those who wear
them find they give the greatest hosiery mileage for
the money. The Phoenix guarantee is back of these
hose, as is the guarantee of the Brandeis Store.
Wf iarf ,howin mKDy beautiful styles for women in
black, white and colors, priced from 1.20 to 3.50
For children, priced 35 to j
Main Floor Center
In the summer every housewife is interested in ways of
lessening her burdens. Our housefurnishings department car
ries an unlimited line of laborsaving conveniences for cooking,
cleaning and household use. Below are listed some attractive
Electric Grills American
Beauty or Unlf ttftl
makee, three-heat style,
with three pans,
Auto Vacuum Ice
Cream Freeser Makes
ice cream without
turning a
P.lar Cub Electric
Fans S-ineh size,
brats eJ.98
Bath Spray Nickel
plated nozzle with 4
feet of red rubber
VI -
Water Coolers Set
right next to the
ice in the refrifer-
atcr. Made of sal
iron, holds
two quarts
of polished
aluminum, guaran
teed heating ele
ment, with 5 feet of
Wear-Ever Ahuuausa Pre
wiring Ket- Of
tJe-S-qwrt 1,51
S-cjoart sise, 1.49
Lisk Wash Boilers
With heavy copper bot
tom, retinned sides and
one-piece cover.
No. 8 Q49
Fifth Floor West