THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 16. nz. Spend Five or Ten Minutes Each Day in getting acquainted with the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. Thousands of dollars' worth of real estate, automobiles, furniture, machinery and scores of other things change hands each year through this wonderful service. Lawyers Fail to Learn "Mosquito Girl's" Identity Humane Sodrty Worker TVs tifieg Young Woman' Home "in Reenrrtablt Part of Dm Moines." Attorneys made assault after as sault upon the reserve of Nadine North, 17, "mosquito girl," who was found bittri, ill, and alone in Kivcr- view park at an early hour a wrek ago, but failed in Central police court fiaturday morning to reveal her real identity. The only light on her past life xas lied by Mrs. E. S. Stiles of the Nebraska humane society, who tes- .iheu the young woman s home is in Dcs Moines "in a respectable part of the city where the breath of scandal is seldom felt." Charles Oddo, 1 105 South Ninth street, in whose house the mysterious Miss North told officers she was tak en to get something to drink before she fell unconscious from drugs, was arraigned in court for illegal sale of liquor. The case failed completely. M. F. Dempsey, chief of police, ran to the front of the court and irged that seme action be taken. Frank Dineen, prosecutor, quickly is sued a complaint for keeper of a disorderly house on that count, be cause Sergt. Frank Williams of the morals squad found a man drinking beer in Oddo's house, Oddo was fined $50. He threatened to appeal. Nadine North's Omaha address was given as 924 South Thirty-third street, where authorities say she is employed. Her mother in Des Moines has been notified and welfare workers are said to have learned that the girl left home two weeks ago to make her own way. Detroit Woman Re-Elected Head of Business Women Chattanooga, Tenn., July 14. Mrs. Lena Lake Forrest of Detroit wil continue to head the National As sociation of Business and Profes sional Women's clubs for at least another year, having been re-elected by the fourth annual convention with out opposition. Ida Anderson of Indianapolis was chosen to succeed Lola E. Kelly of Denver as first vice president and Stella Akin, a lawyer of Savannah, Ga., was elected second vice presi dent and succeeds Alice Englihardt of Cincinnati, tor recording secretary, Miss E Coonrod of Chattanooga had no opposition. Fay Fitzgerafd of Salina, Kan., was re-elected corre sponding secretary. Paula Laddey of Newark, N. J., was chosen to succees herself as treasurer. Attorney General Opens Probe of Mine Massacre Marion, 111., July 15 (By A. P.) Attorney General W. J. Brundage of Illinois departed for Chicago after assuming a personal hand in investi gation of the massacre of a score of nonunion workers at the strip mine of the Southern Illinois Coal company near here, June 22. He had a long conference with State's Attorney De los Duty and Sheriff Melvin Thaxton, and announced that he had obtained the full co-operation of these two Williamson county officials in bring ing to justice, those responsible for the killing. Attorney General Brundage came to Marion to get in Jouch with the local situation and to see personally that notices are posted calling at tention to hit offer of $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the killing. Several Persons Injured When Engine Hits Train Asheville, N. C. July 15. Several persons were reported injured, two engines disabled and a combination baggage and passenger coach on the Southern railway derailed nea Sal uda, N. C, when the extra engine used on the mountain grades broke from control and struck the first sec tion of passenger train No. 4, head-on, according to advices received here. No details were contained in the first accounts, but railroad officials expressed the belief that no one was killed. Special engines were ordered to the scene to switch the passenger coaches around and attach them to the "Carolina Speical" so the pas sengers might continue their journey. Furnace County Legion Holds Annual Convention Cambridge. July 15. (Special.) The Furnace county convention of the American Legion was held here yesterday, with every post jn the county represented. It was estimated that more than 2,500 people were in attendance. Fancy riding by cowboys and broncho busting was a feature of the program. State Commander Richie of Lincoln gave an address on the work and the aims of the American Legion. A baseball game was plaved by Cambridge and Hol brook, the Cambridge team winning 6 to 1. Jeweler Held Up, Robbed of $20,000 Worth of Gems Sacramento, CaL, July 15. H. S. Shibata, Sault Lake City jeweler, was robbed of $20,000 worth of sample jewelrv by two unmasked highway men, 15 miles south of Sacramento, last night, according to a report to the police here. Omaha Bank Clearings. Total Omaha bank clearings for the week were $40,726,676, as com pared to $35,694,369 last week, ac cording to the Omaha Clearing house. Omaha ranked 15 among the cities of the country in clearings for the week, Bjadstreet's New York office. stated m a message to the Chamber, of Commerce. Manacle Sphinx Regains Speech Brown Talk to Jail Physician Who Come to Treat Him. Fred Brown, the manacle sphinx, regained Ins conversational powers ratiinav morning. Ur. Julius Johnson, county jail phyirian, went to Brown's cell to treat him. "How arc you, Fred?" he asked, entering. "Better." "Have a bad niht?" the physician then asked. "N'ot very." Other questions regarding Brown's health were answered by the prisoner with nods or shakes of the head. District Judge Leslie favors draw ing a special panel of veniremen for jury duty in August and in that de sire lies hope for an early trial for brown. Otherwise the trial would be delayed at least a month later. In the meanwhile A. V. Shotwell, county attorney, is suspicious of a move to have Brown's bond reduced from $63,000, which he announced Saturday he would fight bitterly. British Columbia Man Gets Big Rail Contract in Peru Victoria. B. C. lulv 15. Robins Dunsmuir, son of a former lieuten ant governor of British Columbia, has signed a railroad contract with the Peruvian government, and a syn dicate is negotiating with New York bankers, it became known here to day. The concession includes land grants amounting to 50,000,000 acres, surface rights in perpetuity, oil and mineral rights for 33 years. The 2,400 miles of railroad to be constructed bv Mr. Dunsmuir will cost, at least $120,000,000. Terms of the concession require immediate payment to the Peruvian government of $5,000,000. This pay ment is to enable the Peruvian gov ernment to free the tobacco monopo ly from a first charge, to hand over this monopoly, together with 168 miles of r.ailroad already completed or under construction, to Mr. Duns muir, who will be empowered to col lect the tobacco monopoly and to use the proceedings for guaranteeing interest on bonds to be issued to operate the concession. The concession requires ratifica tion by both houses of the Peruvian congress. Mrs. Theodore Westerman Heads Kappa Kappa Gamma Glacier Park, Mont., July IS. Mrs. Theodore Westerman of Bronxville. N. Y., was elected na tional president of Kappa Kappa Gamma for 1922-23, at the close of the sorority's biennial convention at Monnt Glacier last night. Other officers elected were: Na tional vice president. Miss Marion Ackley of Detroit, Mich.; national secretary, Miss Delia Lawrence of Fort Bryan, Tex.; national registrar, Miss Marie Leghorn of Seattle, Wash., editor of "The Key," nation al publication, Miss Rosalie Geer, New York City. Selection of a meeting place for the ly4 convention was lett in the hands of the executive committee. Mason Tire Company Slashes Prices With Plant Oversold Cleveland, July 14. (Special Tele gram.) The Mason Tire and Rub ber company today announced a 28 per cent price reduction on cord and fabric tires, in order to get tire prices down to bedrock and to establish true tire values. The price cut was made in spite oi the oversold condi tion of the Mason plant, with no re lief in sight for months. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 daya. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 daya or longer. These ratea apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All weekday advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at the one cost. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads whicn are commonly termed 'public wants." and do not Include ad vertising or exploiting their business. THE BEE reserves the right to desig nate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE -..17th and Farnam Bts. South Omaha 2400 N St. Council Bluffs 13 Scott St. Telephone AT-lantlo 1009. Call for Want Ad Department. An ex perienced want ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The ratea quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 a. m. Morning Edition 9 p. m. Sunday Edition 5 p. m, Saturday. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES ACKERMANN Augusta, entered Into rest Friday, July 14. at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. K. L. Droste, sr., at the age of 82 years. Funeral aervices Monday. July 17, at 1:30 p. m., at the home of her daughter. 818 Park avenue. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends welcome. BESSIE Age. 11 years: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heavrln. 4402 South 29th St., died Thursday at a local hos pital. Funeral Monday. 10 a. m.. from Brewer's chapel, 24th and K Sts. Buiial Graceland FarK cempTfry: BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults. Recommended and for sal by all leading undertakers. Water proof, no steel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 8211 N. loth, Omaha. . TeL Kenwood 177. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section ha recently tt'.n opened in Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It I but wis dom to select a lot before abeolute necessity compels on to do o- Send for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION. tt Brandeia Theater Bid FLORISTS Phone I JO. IJ44 HAY IT WITH FLOWKHII FROM HEM . BWOHOllA. HI! FAKNAM BTKKE U Ilf-NIH.IIKON, IH J Farnam. J A. Mil, JOHN BATH. 1114 rrm. J A. IMlT FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., SUCCMMf t Suck A Falconer OMAHA'S BKHT. ft row A M B U L A N CEKf sis? Thirty-third and Fsrnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker snd Embalm. r-hon. ha. o:4. orrir mi rimtot "LARKIN BROTHERS FI'NKRAL DIRECTORS, 4S1I HO. S4TH Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Director. 1124 Cuming. CROSBY-MOOREV.M,,r.t PERSONALS THIS SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicit your old clothing, furniture, msgasln. We collect. W distribute. Phone DO. 4116 (nd our wagon will call. tan ana inspect our new noma, lilt u 11-1114 Dodg Bt. MAGNETIC batha; Vlolat Ray treatment witn mtmin. ill B. ltth. AT. Sill SULPHUR batha. Swedish rniMiit. chl ropooy. syveninga 10 a. so B. join )l, ELECTRIC BATHS (or nervousness. WK, 11 1 u CAL II. Writs; Important. McCausland, WOODWARD'S MASSAGE 1710 y, Lavan. worm; omce l. EXPERT MASSAGE, ATLANTIC S, FISHER batha, ibiimh. 320 Arthur Bide, RENT vacuum claantra. Ho. HA. 107L MASSAGE. Emma Brott, 1717 Wabatar. M. HOLERAN. manage. Joi Navllla Blk MATERNITY HOME. Ill Emmett. EXPERT mssssg. 210 No. 17th. MASSAGE. Eva and Sun Aptmt. At. 1311. LOST AND FOUND IP you have found something, look through thla column and aea If the owner has auvertised hla loss. It'a surprising how many people read thla claaalflcatlon each aay just out or curiosity, sometimes. FOUND Pair'of glasses at 14th and Far. num. Owner may call for them at Bee Piurf. LOST Gold wrist watch. REWARD of rerea. at. 3585. LOST Bankbook case containing money. run ncy ,jqj. LOST A GRAY SWEATER. KE. 3132, MALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCE UNNECCESSART. GET rAniiuuLAKS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR IDHlTlta. HARTLEY DETECTIVE AGENCY 202 BUSHMAN BLDO. 202 BUSHMAN BLDO. AT. 1017. MEN $90 weekly; travel by auto and In- aiau new stove convenor In every home: wonderful Invention: cook and bake all year without coal or wood; no gas or elee- wiuny neeuea, we iurnisn auto. Thomas aiig. v-o., converter, tus Dayton, O. OMAHA corporation has need of the serv ices of a real high grade salesman. We prefer one who has had experience in stooks, bonds, Insurance or advertising sales. An acquaintance in Omaha con 8idered a favorable point, but not highly essential ir you really can sell. The salary will be high, but the class of man muBt bo proportionately high. Prefer a man not employed at present, but who has a good reason lor not being. Address Box W-105, iur uppoirimenc. PLASTERERS WANTED. Thirty first-class plasterers, Masonio Temple job, Birmingham. Long job, ornamental. Best wages. Transpor tation paid. For further Information write Epperly Plastering Co., Inc., Birmingham, Ala. Salesmen With Car We have openings for two salesmen of experience and ability. We want men ac customed to making 15.000 a year or more and who can demonstrate ability to han dle men. Giving telephone number, ad dress Box W-104, Omaha Bee, for Inter view. SALESMEN Unusual opportunity for am bitious men, sell Davis fZu Quality made- io-measure ciotnes irom maKer to wearer year round position: quick sales: adver tiring to holp you; entire deposit your commission; wonaeriui values; satisfaction or money returned; ' Square Ieai" proposl tlon; Investigate us; act quick. Write, giving three references. P. H. Davis Tail oring uo., uinctnnatt, v. SALESMEN American Shirt Co. wants traveling custom shirt salesmen. We offer popular priced and hish-class line, ex clusive territory and liberal terms for selling. To salesmen who have an estab lished trade exceptional Inducements are made. Write us at once stating full par ticulars and give three references. Im perial Bldg., St. Louis, Mo: SALESMEN for freight bill auditing sys tem (established 30 years). All manufac turers and wholesalers need It. Pocket outfit. High class side line. Experience un necessary. Commissions $15 and upwards each sale. National Freight Bureau, 2B Broadway. New York City. SALESMAN Young, aggressive, to handle fast-selling, well-packaged, well advertised toilet accessory to drug, department, dry goods retailers and jobbers: permanent. exclusive, highly profitable connection for cleancut, hard worker. Address Box Y- 1949, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN to travel, can earn $100 to $150 a week. Must have specialty sales experience. Apply Room 423, Fontenelle Hotel Mon day, between 5 and 8 p. m. SALESMAN Calling on wholesale drug, hardware and hospital suddIv house, to sell Imported line of thermometers, hy drometers, syringes: commission basis; give detailed information. Max Bauer, 450 4th Av., New York. SALESMEN, sell greases and roof coatings to accessory, garage,. hardware, coal and lumber dealers. Salary and commission. Only experienced specialty salesmen need apply. Premier Co., 1131 W. llth, Cleve land, O. SALESMAN Calling on the better furni ture ana general store trade to sell our high-grade line of specialty rugs. Exclu sive territory. Manufacturer, Box 3402, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN Advertising; who can make at least 1100 per week on straight com mission basis In his home territory with A-i proposition or many years standing, Q. Bloss. 639 Wade St.. Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN of better class to call on physician and dentists. Immediate, per manent, well-paid work. State are. ex perience. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN Commission salesmen, call ing on retail hardware dealers: we have a fast catcher fly trap. Address F. Day a CO., Alcester, b. u. WANTED NON-UNION TINNER STEADY WORK. Address Box W-177, Omaha Be. WA'TED experienced farm band. Apply at Wellington Inn Saturday p. m. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 200 per cent profit; wonderful little article: something new: sell like wildfire; carry in pocket; writ at once for free sample. Albert Mills, general manager. 1221 American Bldg , Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED A'iKNTH T,ilallh rlIS, Plllll'Sun I Mandsrful $; lll"r4 la rdr van in i ttq Pn pApo rniiifp VnTT ut suiuuvensaia tell anil h.i.Ui3Ij1' InUO 111V1 IUU thxyra all un mk, cheaper inn siur prices; Pig mon.y rur nuiii; pn' ('d4 tvmlory. You k'ep dpuit. i'iey Uh outfit free (tollable men writ" J, M Mimfson. Ill West Adams, lpt. It), i nu aia, AUKNTS IU to Is4 weakly In your apara lima doing penal advertising work among the famiii's f your eiiy; no inn' naieaery. vt rna lousy iur cm iani.-uiare, Ameriran Product Co., iiU Ainrnn King , lai innan, AOe.NTH lu-$210 waek. Fie samples. Uold ilvn tellers. Anvolla lih nut on tura windows. Ilig demand. Liberal offer io general agenia. MKTAI.LIt I.KTTEH CO., 43$ N, Clark. I'hl.sga. AUKNTS: MEN AND WOMEN IIS to ISO per day distributing literature of wonder ful new discovery. Full or pari lima. No sperienra or Invtsiment, We furnish everything. Write quirk for free par ticulars. Hox leu. New Haven, ( onn. AHENT8 Big profit". Ill-Power Cream or Malt and Hops, rns creamiest bever ages. Great demand every community. Repeat orders. Constant Income. Canad ian Malt Extract Co.. Ltd.. 44 Pearl tit.. loronto. t snaoa. CHKAPKR GAM New Improved Inven tion: reduces gss bills lo per cant; fits any gas stove, every homo wants It; big money for (gents, crew managers and distributers. Wrlto us quirk. Allied I'roducla Co, Box M13-C. Waterloo, Iowa. AUKNTH WANTED For labor and tlme- aaving household neceseltles. Guaranteed ssles. Make 150 to !2i0 weekly. No com petition, f actory connection. rixciueive territory. Kartell Hamilton Co, Dept. B'U, Toledo, o. AUENTS: CHEWINO GUM Sell to stores: profitable business built un quickly with our novel packages: spearmint and popular flavors; writ today, jieimei uo tin- clnnatl. AGENTS 14.00 an hour. Newest kitchen combination. Sells city and country to every home, nsmpi Auto xurnisnea to travel In. THOMAS MFQ. CO.. House 1021. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS Twtntv. aulrk unci tuv aaujr win mtn you uvor onm tuuu.tiH dollar- monthly, write nr wir quicic, FOSTER LABOR ATOR I K3. VVU Hi, Wis. . AUr.lV 1 SA DUIIRCM U, JUUT U.ll, l"""" imrklln vl mmi nlatpa numbers. checkerboards, medslllons, signs. Big II- luatrated book mailed free. E. raimr, no, o. AUTOS KILLING THOUSANDS New invention prevent accidents; costs agent 12; retails $5; state men consiqerea. CAUL BKUWN, b, (JOlUmDUS, J. t unc EuioT MivurirrtmitR wania agents to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big values. Free samples. Madison Mills. 603 Broadway, New York. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We show you how. Free book, explains everything. N. S. Labnrstorks, 626 Main, Richmond, Va. son. Neb. AGENTS Mak $500 quick this summer; something new; miniature rotating me chanical fan: vest pocket size: sells on sight. Aero Fan Co., 601 N. LaSalie, Chi cago. AGENTS Wonderful seller, 90e profit every dollar sales. Deliver on spot. License unnecessary. Mission. Factory 2, Smith Ave., Detroit, sncn. female help wanted at ONCE Five ladlea to travel, demon strate and sell dealers. $40 to ifn per week. Hallway faro paid. oooaricn Drug Co., Dept 1C3A, Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED toilet goods demonstra tor. Apply superintendent. Burgess Nash Co. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged lady of aood references. Christian character, wanted for companion and housekeeper for elderly couple In town or sot) in soutn wesiem Iowa. Must aooly Immediately, Hendinz references to Mrs. Golds Samuels. Box 111. Sidney, la. Permanent horn If satisfactory. RKA1ITV hon onerator wanted. A first- Inss operator for beauty parlor, juyst do ble to do marcelling. 130 per ween 10 start. Ruter's, The Fashion Store, Kear- ey. Neb. WANTED COMPTOMETER OPERATORS We have calls for 10 experienced comptometer operators that we are un ablo to fill. We need 20 students to go through a six week's course to fit them for Just such positions, it you must work, why not prepare so that you will get the most for your time? Let us tell you about It. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 402-3 Mtckel Building. JA. 1493. The School That Graduates Experts. SITUATIONS WANTED MR. Employer or Mrs. Housewife, READ These Ads It Is Impossible for these worthy people to talk with all of you fare to fare an thev have used this o nmn as a means of notifying iuu that they want to work for YOU. COLORED woman wants day work. WE. 4706. DAY work, white woman. AT. 8438. DAY work wanted. Ref. WE. 6004. ATTRACTIONS DOLLS, BALLOONS, RUBBER BALLS, NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co., 1206 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. CONCESSION amusements and free acts anted lor picnic, Aug. 2; no exclusives; no gambling. E. A. Krohn. Sec, uarri EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and nil TCnarllah unA rnmmerclnl hrinrhpa. Write, call or phone Jackson 1566 tor large illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College Boy lee Bid?., Omaha. Neb. EN WANTED No strikes or walkouts; bo independent; learn automobile busl- ness; own your own business; graduates l. - ftftrt A tin AnI raaa- Bar ib I U. XT. micron St eta liiMmnmlt ifhnn I tl Aiitn -nirto- S72fl Wnnriwarrt Avfl.. r- trott. Mien. i FRANCIS and Frank Madera would like ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Sery to know the whereabouts of their father. Ice. PFEIFFERS. 2525 Leavenworth. John Madera. At one time he lived In ,. ....,...,. - F4;NrI? AnSXh at heard of In Crete. Neb. If anyone nows hla whereabouts kindly notify me same. Frank Madera, Box 41, central Park. Houston. Tex. EARN 1110 to 1250 monthly, expenses paid, as Railway Traffic inspector. Position guaranteed after 3 months' spare time study or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. write ror Free Booklet, E-271, Stand. Business Training Inst. Buffalo. N. Y, WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-city namer uouege. Van Sant School of Busines. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doualas 5890. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. J A. 1081. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto SchooL 2114 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. CLOTHING AND FURS niranen wlWT rv urTT.TJI r a few unclaimed, all-wool Tjundea" auit. cheao. alterations free. I Northwest Cor. 15tn and Harney Bt. FULL DRESS suit and Tuxedo for rent. JA. sizs. iw n. iota oi. a. reiumiii. ARMT she 12.10. 701 No. Kth. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED radiator, all make far sale. Green- eugh Hsdlato Kepair. z3 ram an. FORD roadster, 1120. starter; 2052 Farnam St cheap. UrD ?ad,n.1nJnKle!, "0rd C"r lsi coming. ONE good Maxwell touring for sale, cheap. I AT. 3aS7. f IF IVS a "Ford'' wo can fix It. Vance I Garage. 131 Howard St. I UOLLt. expert cat trimmer, sll 8. :4th. I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CAN USE 3-li r-kr. I pin. Ii (.use. l it I'ackant l.turing. 3 14 I'a.kard Inuring l:l Hunk louring. !l lluirk touring Mamrnn muring. l:'ft Hudson pedsir. i:o dun p. !: IWi.k K-4J louring. IS.'O Kaiev louring. U.'O Hit Fig 7-r I !-' I'oilge Hedsn 1920 Clevelsnd louring. is:n iiaklanri sedan. l:o For t Hvilan. HJii Ford coupe. 192tt Nli louring. 19:0 Ohltmnbil l-pssi, 1920 Huvnes speednler, 1919 llii'laon cabriolet. 1911 Hudson speedster. 1919 titUIS ti-pS. 1919 nidnmnhii f-pssa. 1919 llnpitinhll t-ps. 1919 OMsmnhil t touring. 1919 Lexington sport model. 1919 1 indse roadeter. lull Ford delivery. 1919 Haynrs 7-psss. 1911 Dodge roadaler. 1911 Oldsmoblle s touring. 1911 Chalmers touring. 191 Cole I touring. 19)1 Bulck F.-4'.atnurlng. 1911 Bulck R-49 touring. 1)11 Chevrolet touring. ltl Rlearna-Knigbt I touring. 1911 Hsxon a touring. 1911 Pathfinder 12 touring. 1!W Baynes touring. 1911 Hsynes sedan. 1918 Maxwell 6-passenger. 1917 Bulck D-46 touring. 1917 Hsynes 3 touring. Monei t3 caainaa touring, Tremier roadster. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES'. OPEN SUNDAY TO I. MEEKS AUTO CO., . rtvarw 2047-49 FARNAM. CALF, NOW nOTNf: ON Every used rsr In our used car department mum sou win do boiu oy August i. ALL MAKES. ALL MODELS. ALL CARS OVERHAULED One excellent coupe for only $29B. Several fine tourings for only $150. " "" "ur 'r Pan"" P,n" nm fnvnuuu. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. 2562 Farnam Street. Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Terms. We have them all prices all mode.n. -n. Be sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station.' Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 350O. Open Sundays from 9 till 11 a. m. Fords ! Fords ! New and Used. Cash or terms. We have them all prices all models. J3e mire and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co. "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. rtrtAn C.,Ha,. twnn O .111 1 1 a rrt !J 2 ! - Auiuaunut m.r.urKiuiA.-vs. me- chanlcs In big demand. Each mail hrlnga inquries for our graduates. We place our men in the best-paying posi tions. Prepare for this great oppor tunity. Write, free baoklet. Johnson Automotive Trades School, Electrical Mechanical. 729 Broadway, Dept. J, Denver, Colo. 1921 FORD coupe In fine condition, only 6200 miles on city streets in one year. Equipped with bumper. Defender shock absorbers, brand new Willard All-Rubber Battery, sun visor, extra tire and cover, Stewart speedometer. Decker wheel and oil guage. $425 cash. Call AT. 6236. BUY an automobile. The best bargain in used cars are offered In thla column. -n.0l.n "Want" Ar4a a a rlo.nna nous9 for practically all makes of cars. MoBt of them ar9 in excellent condition ..d . b. Dut t0 any rest. sums oargains in usea roras; prompt delivery or, new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3501) WE BUY and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. JA. 24B8. FORD Sedan, at a bargain; recently over hauled and painted. In perfect condition; 1920 model. Call WE. 3J69. OVERLAND 5-pass., newly remodeled, just overhauled. Will sacrifice if taken at once. Phone Co. Bluffs. Red 1ST 1 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. J066 Farnam St. AT. 7835. BUI A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Rafa Tnvratmonf 26th ,nd Farnam Sts. pn0n'e DO. 1970. FORD cars made to start first turn of crank. $3.00. While you wait. Used Ford Csr Co., 1S14 Cuming St. B'KBB inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery ana fans co., Farnam St.. AT. 314. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne- ' braska Oldsmobile Co., 18th aud Howard stm, AT. 1770. tOWinE Car. mOQei. n-to, J irSi-CiaHS snape. iViv oneriiiBii. aw vodu. n.ed"jusTT.Ve new. HA. 6750, ' H.-45 BUICK. FIRST CLASS shape; win- ter top. Call HA. 6750. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. $75 buy the best. Phone Douglas 4423. HIGH-GRADE furniture, rugs, household goods, dishes. AT. 1832. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses made over. New ticks. Box Sorincs Repaired. 5115 Cuming St. AT. 4979. AUCTIONS are held daily and evenings at Dowd s Auction House. lRth and w eD ster street. Phone AT. 0966 for details. COMPLETE line of household furniture for sale. 206 S. 20th St. COMPLETK solid oak dining set. 6 leather chairs. Very reasonable. AT. 8096. FOR SALE Ivory reed buesy. used short time. Reasonable. WE. 5251. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1275.00 buys a beautiful slightly used player piano complete with bench and no 00 worth or roue. Bsdio receiving et free. Terms $2.00 per week. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. TeL Douglas 1623. TRADE your uaed p.ano on a new player piano. Helen, e as low as 110 per month. A HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglas. GUARANTEED phonographs. li 50 up. Srhlae Phonograph Co . 14"4 Dodge St. ini - nr .,,(,. ,.- .a ebony; BARGAIN. Call WE. 6920- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Used Fianos $:i0 and Up. All makea. sues, styles sad prices, such ss riefer a none, m nnioiisr and Jluelier, Knifatiiiry. Gerhard. Hrhiller. Schubert. VteiiiMsy, Shonlnger, Kmeraon and msny omers. Radio rareiving set free. 'lernia ti sun our toiitenl'nc. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1511 M. 11 Dodie St. Tel. Douglas 12). ulll'llcll'.M Tenor Banjo, with rasa. Ilk new; usrd thie months t'ost $70. First 115 tskca It. T. C. Shipley, Kushvlll, Neb. $150 I'honograph plsys sll records, good ss new and about so records. Tel. Kb.. 1674. Address 204 Ssrstogs. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EVKHYTHINO In Rsdlo supplies. Mall orders solicited. Omaha Sporting Ooods o. i a i o narney Kt. LXPEHT sswlng machine repairing. MICK ELS. l'.th snd Harnsy. DO. 1H7I. FOIt SALE Two 16-Inch O. E. electrlo tsns. I I J Farnam 8t. FOR SALE 3-A GRAFLEX CAMERA. MARKET till. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Baby chicks, 10-week old, and matured pullets, cockerel and yearling hens, all leading varletle. Send for catalog. S. il. I'esn, Box 771, Fort Dodge. Ia. WHEAT SCREENINGS, $1.50 per 100 lbs. a. w. wagner, s'U n. lstn. JA. 1142 BLACK Tersion male kittens, $10 such. Tel. JA. 154. LIVE STOCK. VEHICLES. ETC, MILK GOATS Grade Toggenburg. early soring buck kids; $10 and $15 each. M. M. Grover leru. Neb. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT WlMv sell equipment of soft drink parlor and restaurant separately or entirely. In cludes 4 electric fxns, 1 small reetster, 1 double-drawer register, large safe, rolled to ursk, coffee urn, heavy oak tables ana cnairn to match, scale, peanut ma chine, cooking utentlls, 12-burner iraa, steam table, glsosware, 3 heating stoves, 3 show rases, white enameled re- rriirerator, candy case, small ice noxes, dlahen nnd silverware. 824 N. 16th St. or phone Kenwood 3793. TYPEWRITERS AND AH MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA, Get our prices befort you buy. Every machine suaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, A. 4izn. 1912 Farnam. Wb buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc., Oma ha Fixture at supply Co.. a. w. cor. ntn ana uou;iss. ja. in. BURROUGHS adding machines, $100, fac tory gusrantee. K. A. Fisher. AT. 0381. GUARANTEED typewriters. $10 and up, Midland Supply Co., 1404 Dodgo St. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. IF you want to purchase fresh, whole some fruit, vegetables, bakery goods In fact, anything In the food line watcn this classification dally. It will prov a lime rnd money saver for you BLACK cherries tor sale. Im's Fruit Farm, 51st and Military Ave. WA. 19S5. DKL1CIOUS APPLES FOR JELLY. CALL WA. 4434. CHKRRIES. apples. 600 Sprague. KE. 291. BUSINESS CHANCES BEAUTY OPERATORS, ATTENTION! BRAND-NEW OEM ELECTRIC PER MANENT HAIB WAVER. COST $125. NEVER BEEN USED. GUARANTEED WAVE FOR SIX MONTHS. WILL SACRI FICE. WILL TRADE FOR GOOD ELEC TRIC MANGLE. CALL WE. 7034, OR WHITE 2424 PARKER AVE. WANTED IMMEDIATE LY! CUSTOMERS WAITING! Have party wanting to buy the lease and turniture or money malting hotel located Council Bluffs or good town In Nebraska. If you want to seil list with E. W. EXLEY, HOTEL BROKER. 1105 W. O. W. Bids;, Omaha Douglas 5169 ELEVATOR AND MILL FOR SALE. Cribbed erain elevator, approximately 30, 000 bushel capacity and 50-barreI flour mlli, fully equipped, will be sold at public auction at Haxtun, Colorado, July 29, 2:00 p. m. Bertram Fairbank, temporary receiver of the Farmers Grain and Trad ing Co. Warehouse for Sale Five-Ktory and basement, brick butldinf!-. on corner, 60x132 feet. V, p. trarkawe front and rear. Price $G',noo. favorable terms. World Realty Co. AT. 3492. World Theater Bldg. FOR SALE Several splendid Kentucky typo saddle houses, ready for prompt de livery. We also have for rent good sad dle horses at reasonable rates. Safe for women and children to ride; also gentle ponies for the kiddies. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMY. Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Tel. WA. 6051. HOTEL for sale 36 rooms, brick; heated, electric lights, gas, 100 feet from estab lished center of sity. 116,000, 15.000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Restaurant, fur nished, for aale at $300. Two or three of fices to let to good chiroprator or doctor. Address Prop. Elliott House, Stillwater. Minn. ARE you looking for a business opening or a chance to get into business for your self' Rfid the opportunities which ap Pfar In this -column each day. Eventual ly you will locate Just the business you want at your price. PROFITABLE cash business; learn stock privilege trading. Acquire independence. Large profits possible on capital of $125 to $1,000. Write for free book. B. 14. Paul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. ARTHUR AUDITORIUM 210 SOUTH 18TH ST. Two very fine lodge rooms with large dancing floors. THOS. W. HAZEN. 205 Arthur Bldg. JA. 0561. FOR RENT. Stors room, 25 feet by 70 feet, full base, merit, modern, good location, suitable for grocery or other lines. For terms, etc. write to I. S. Walkr. Kimball. Neb. HOTEI, 1 4-room hotel, modern, furnished complete, big garage, large garden, good business and home cheap for quick sale, terms, no trades. Owner, 702 W. Lyon St., Marshall, Minn. Hotel for sale. Furniture and five-year lease on Hampton hotel at Holdrege, Neb. 60 rooms. Must be sold within 10 day. Inquire U. G. Simpson, Holdrege, Neb. MOTION picture show. 15,000 buys good paying motion picture ahow if taken before July 31st. Write for particulars. G. E. Moore. Maxwell. N. M. FOR SALE Fully equipped electric blacksmith shop. 2 fires; trip hammer; cash business. Edgar G. Lee, Julesburg, C"ln. CLOTHING and shoe store for sale, 110. 000 will handle, eastern Nebraska; good business. Address T-1163. O.msha Bee. HERE IT IS A going multigraph busl ne?s. One of the bst buys in Omaha todsy. Call AT. I04. CAKE and bakery for sale. A-l buslnea. located in northwest Iowa. Address Box Y-l;4. Omaha Bee. MEAT market for sale, only one in lively country town. D. H. Klltna, Ohlowa. Neb. BARBER shop and pool hall, only one in town. Terms. J. R. areas. Tamers, Neb. MAKE hay while the sun shines, confectionery. 417 No, 25th St 16. BUSINESS CHANCES ,MKAT niaik.t and aniirry for sale, lirsi- d In b"'t iiiy in western Neb I'tipulsllon s.Oiio In good farming locality. 1'uing irutlv rash liuslnras. Modern equipped. Ire niai'hln. I'm snd terms fur asm will surpilas you Addieaa Y-1940. Onish lit. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCOHDH N l'l. LATINO. ACCOKDION, side, knife, bos plsatlng, covsred buttons, sll styles: hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Writ Idsal Button Pleating Co.. J0I Brown Uleck, OmsBa, Nsb. Telephon J A. 11. NEB. PLEATING ed Bui Ions. raraam, l rioar. no. i7o. KODAK riNIHHINH. KILMS DEVKLOl tD FRRB. The Knslgn Co., ISftf Howard Ht DKNT1STS. DKNTAL X-RATS. 60 each. II full set. Ill Becurltlss Bldg., Kth and Farnam, Dr. H. R. Pag, Dentist. 141 Wnrld-Her- Old Bldg. Of. AT. OHI. Kve.KE.07TI riKTKCTIVKP). RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway K. Bldg., J A. 1011: night, KB. IIU, Independent Detective Bureau, 104 Neville Big. AT. 1101; night, W A. 4041; KE.I4II JAMES ALLAN, 111 NevlJI Blk. Evldeoc secured in all cases. AT. 111. CONTRACTOR". 0ARAOE8 built, any atyl and sts. 1100 UP. Concrete work. illcklln Lumber aV Wrecking Co. Tel. WB. 656s. PI.ASTKRINO. cement work, building, rs modeling garages of any kind; guarsn teed work. WA. 07. DRF.MIMAKINC. PLAIN and fancy sewing: silk shirt peclalty; work guaranteed. JA. (I7S. FURRIERS. TTTIPC remodeled, rellned, cleaned. X1 UIVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., !01 Ho lVh Bt. DO. int. HAULINO. TRUNKS. 50c; bags. 25c; any place In town. Day Eipress. Call AT. 49S0. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodga, room 101. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventor sell their patent. PAINT AND PAPER HANOINO. PAINTINO AND PAPF.RHANOINO Large or small Jobs, short notioe. Call Atlsntlc (SK. LUPTON Pslnter; Inside work i clalty; cheap for cash. AT. 1717. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. Ill S. II St. Do. 1147, TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming, tree urgry. Surgery I our specialty. Work don by experts. Call us for free advice In the care of your trees. Home Landscape Service, 911 N. 24th St. DO. 6116. TOWEL SUPPLY. FRONTIER Towel Supply furnishers of clean linens. 1819 Csl. AT. 6291. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS Zl pay the best prlc with privilege to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephon DO. 6041. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses mad over In new licks at halt price of new bed. Pillow renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed tick washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. DR. Louis N. 8mrnoff, disease of women and children. 116 N.,2!t St. AT. 876". PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drugstores. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desks bought, sold And traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 614S. Call WE. 6441 first W pay mor for turniture, rugs, stoves, clothes. ROOMS FOR RENT HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 24th. Single room with private bath ta. 10.5 per week; for two. 112.60 per week. Two large outside room with bath, 120 per week. A 8 A l lot1 ACTUM r hl.Al B TU 1.1VC. WELLINGTON INN HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. NICE LY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEELY RATES. MR. RAMEY. THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. LOOKING for a room Possibly you have Just come to the city and are looking for a homelike place. Your recourse is in tho Rooms' ads In this column. Look tnem through today. If you can't find what you want come to The Omaha Bee office and let us supply you with a turnisnea room directory, free of charge. CHICAGO manufacturer selling hardware products to the large jobber Is looking for additional ltnes suitable for this class of business. If you have any article of merit which you want manufactured and sold, please write us. giving full Informa tion. Address Mr. Jean, 630 Tribune Bldg., Chicago. DESIRABLE accommodations for 1 or 2 business or professional men In attractive ly furnished bachelor quarters, West Farnam district. Phone HA. 4643 after 6 p. m., Saturday afternoon or SundayJ DOCTOR WANTED Young doctor at Em mett, Kan. Splendid location. For par ticulars write Emmett Drug Co., Eramett, Kan. HOTEL SANDFORD, 19fh and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. DELMAR HOTEL. Cool rooms. Hot and cold water, tele phone. Special ratea. 24th and Farnam. CHICAGO, 2546, south front, newly fur nished, comfortable sleeping and house keeping rooms, ideal home. HA. 3718. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 1250. FURN. rms. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonanie, oajr or wk. Hotel Hamilton, at. NINETEENTH St.. 405 North. Clean, nicely furnished fooms; light housekeep ing and sleeping. LARGE COMFORTABLE room for gentle men. Private home near 38th ana tar nam. Phone Harney 1116. FOITR furnished, front rooms; adjoining bath; private family; 86 a week. WE. 3507. DOUGLAS ST., 4250 Pleasant room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private home. WA. 0059, TEL. WE. 2132 Finely furnished front room for refiner colored people. TEL. MARKET 1790 Two cool furnllHted rooms, private home, block to car. CASS ST. 2023 Nice large, cool sleeping rooms for rent. Men only. INVENTORS We sell patents on com mission. Patent Co., Peterson. Ia. CASS ST. 2423 Graystone, rooms. AT. 7994. nice cool NICE large room with garage. WE. 3268 NICELY furnished room. DO. 4748. BOARD AND ROOM Ideal Home Private family. Close to car. Pless snt, modern and homelike. 7 per week. 3311 No. oth 81. WA 6171. TO LET Room with meal If desired. Will accommodate two; prefer persons employed during dsy; recommendations exchanged. WA. 1211. SEVERAL large, cool, rooms and good board, gentlemen preferred. 2111 Cass. FRONT room, home cooking. HA. 1511. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS LARGE rm.. mod. convenience, screened porch; coupl or 2 bus, women. HA. IS12. MODERN rooms, smsll private family, Peer csr, board optional. HA. 7306. SINGLE or 2-roem houaekeeoing auite. modern, walking dlstsnre. AT. 7110, HA. C038 Two elesn front rooms, 15.01. Respectable working people only. 111! CAPITOL AVE. cood BousekeeDlna and sleeping rooma HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS t'SK i-r J riHim si'is. 114 s Jld m WIlA kll'llel'ell. Ill :T1I AVK-Clos in. '?!,y' 5 -room apsrimenls. reasonable r.leetrto I'ghl. gss. evernhing furnished, these today; save money. wTcHT IHPrS csr llns; rlo to llsnsram nark; beautiful eol room, light o keeping. Isrge sun room. HA. I T. TVVil Isrg housekeeping rooms, every thing roinpleie; walking lietame, rruew ahla i0. nil. HOUSES FOR RENT Houses Five room.. l:o South 10th ft, partly modern. I JO. Five rooms 111! South 96th Street, partly modern. 111. Flv rooms, HIT Tltu Ave, all rd. Fiv'room. 1111 North Twnly -fourth Street, all modern, Ml. Sis room. 110 Hsuth llth Ave, all mad am. III. Eight rooms, 421 North list Street, all modern. III. Si mom, 0 North l"'h Ft , sll mod em. 171. Peters Trust Company "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam SI. ATTRACTIVE l-room hous In Dundee. 1120 Isard Street. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0144. 17th and Farnm Sff. VERY nice 6 -room house, bath and garage, now vacant. 3i. 2021 Pierce. AT. 2121 and AT. 0274. , 4-ROOM hous near 17th and O rover. 121 per month. See owner at 2641 Haskell Bt. FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur nished: good Inside and nut. 1727 North 44)h. Call Eagle Shoa Repair, 2231 Far nam. I6-RQ0M rooming houae, partly furnished, walking dlitance; part cash. 646 So. 26tb St. Calf J A. 11(1. APARTMENTS FOR RENT We Own ind Operate Almost. 1,000 Fireproof Apartments All practically new. All modern. All convenient locations. Price rang from 137 60 to 197.60. A few furnished. Call us up, we will take you out or meet you mere. Drake Rental Agency 17th and Howard. j a. :soi. AT. 1701. ja. :s Attractive Apartment!; at . Attractive Rents Three rooms. No. 16 Klngsborough, 2631 Dodge Street, 166. Four rooms. No, 1 Troy, 3001 Hsrney Street, 157. Flv rooms, No. I Georgia, 1040 South zstn street, ss. Five rooms. No. 6 Potter. Thirty-third and Farnam Streets. 1100. Four rooms and dining alcove. No. IT Mt. Vernon, 524 South .list streets 96. Five rooms. No. 12 Monticello, 620 South 31st Street, 1115. For others get our rental list. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. HAMILTON HOTEL FARNAM AT 24TH A beautiful 4-room apartment, consisting of Ilvlny room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen with built-in pantry and Ice box. Newly decorated throughout. It can't be duplicated for the money. Will be pleased to show It at your convenience. GET our list or vacant apartments and house. We handle a larger variety of rentm properties than any other agency In the city. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT 6 rooms, modern but heat, 1251 South 16th St. 3 rooms, city water and gas, 1251U South 16th St. Gallagher & Nelson JA. 3382. TWENTY-FOURTH ST.. 842 8. 2, I, 4 and 6-room all modern, newly remodeled and In A-l shape. Will equip some or all of the rooms with new furniture If de sired. Call AT. 0295. L. H. Stern, 306 hi Omaha Bldg. and Loan Ass'n. NEW, 2 large rooms, 4-room accommo dation; bed, stove and ice box; laundry and locker room. 142.60. 1801 Vinton. Douglas 6537. LEAVENWORTH St.. 2701 Cool, outside. 3-room apartment. All modern, nicely dec- orateu. mh. victor koos, A. zis. MODERN apt., living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Walking dis tance. 160. Walnut 3888. MODERN 6-room apt. with garage, 181 per montn. 13s no. 3rd Bt. Call Harney 0332 or Doulglas 2680. MANDF.RBON St., 2S20 Three unfurn- ished toi "It"' water, gas, light furnished, f frlvate home. 3-room, unfurnished aparU fr rent, reasonable. 1016 Paclfla garage MODER ment St. AT 1761. IOQ room modern apartments. THIS 2 u " DRAKE RENTAL AGENCX& 1702 Howard St AT. 1708. JA. 3805. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms: low rent, cloe in. O. P. Stebblns. 1110 Chicago. 6-ROOM desirable brick flat. AT. 60254 JOHN R. M'CARVILLE, 1002-03 City Nat. CHICAGO ST.. 3908 New 6-room apart ment, all modern: garage. HA. 6539. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel,. 18th and Dodge Sts. I Apartments consist of living room. dress-J Ing room, kitchenette and bath Weekly rental Includes host, light, gas. phone and maid service. Either weekly or perma nent guests. Phone AT. 3210. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of living room, drafting room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Include heat, light, gas. phone and maid services. Either weekly or permanent gutnta. Phona AT. 1210. THE EL-BEUDOR OMAHA'S LARGEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT HOTEL Reservstlons now being made for future occupancy. Completely fur nished. No lease required Dode at llth St. AT. 4300. ROOMS for men onlr: running w an cold water; wslklng distance. lirown Bachelor Apts. 608 North list St. it 744a TWO strictly modern, airy 3. 4 snd 6- room apartments; oak floor. Murphy bed: Icebox, gas rang, ateam heat, one block cross-twon car. U -block Sprlnr Lake park. 2214 t St. 114 N. 1ITH ST.. two room, kitchenette Ka-.. h 1 11. -1 r iiii nnrrnT i m i etiviaeaviiv, sentence, pore,