ipaaaaasvaiasssssssraraw v I THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. JULY 13. 1922. it f , i '''i , . 4 ' ! el - i i . How to Keep Well . DR. , A. EVANS QlMtllMt IMUtllil kpfMM. paaite tIM t4 prMIUMI ! diMAM. )1R- aHitaa la Pr. Coaae by twam el Tae will tea aaavarae par MaaUjr ukMl prapar lunltallaa, aere a Unpad, aaeraawe eavalepe U ea taaaa. Dr. Evaee will pal aiaka 4iateale ar preacriaa la laglviaual aiaaeaae. Aaarttt Ultars ia car al Ike Sae. Copyright! J:i REPAIRING THE WASTE. Dr. William H. Porter consumes nsny page in the Western Medical finirs in giving the reason people hould not luc on in exclusive diet of lurched corn. I know a shorter way to state the flUOllOII. It is: "Breatie they don't hive to. Nobody ever lived on an exclusive met of parched corn unless he had to. The ttori'i aliout members of ex neditioni forced to live- on a few graini of corn are supplemented by utatements at to conditions ot starva- tion and bodilv wasting. "Give me three graini of corn, mother, give me three graini of cornf whtyi drpitsasi in "Ten Nights in a Barroom plays, is acted by a thin, emaciated girl. Dr. Porter doe not ay that parch rd corn, as an ingredient of a mixed dirt, is not all riant. The main reason for drawing on his article is in the information it contains as to nitrogen and protetds, and especially as to how the body gets rid of proteid and nitrogen wastes. Almost all the important tissues of the body are chemical compounds, built around nitrogen. The wastes of the body wear and tear are com pounds, most ot wnicn are duiii around nitrogen. If any reader thinks of nitrogen as a dead, inert, forceless, powerless chemical as his school chemistry seemed to teach, I advise that reader to go to the library and get Slosson's "Creative Chemistry." It is up to date and the presentation is simple and easily understood by such folks as you and I. Of the wastes containing nitrogen, 73.5 per cent are thrown off by the kidneys, 21.8 per cent by the' liver, and the remainder, about 4.7 per cent by the lungs, the skin and all other organs. There are those who think that if the amount of protein food eaten is excessive and if this is kept up for a long time the kidneys are worn by the excessive work of elimination. Of the total elimination of nitrogen, two-thirds goes off as urea, most of Childbirth VaJaable Dhutrated Book Sant Free. Row tbeanaas of woman, br tha simple SMbaj ef an amlaaat phyeleiaii. have. Saarnlilail ee.tueJ. ai e .kT ZZaIZTZJ -"- wwn many amaaat Baby has ar rival to fully explained to. tha Tamarkabla book. ouirBooa ana the Baby.- Talla alao what da before and after aay coaas, probable data ot birth, baby taka. ate., and about j srcnerauena or ere store eremrhara. Vo4hara Friend" ia evaJU4 antomallw tm aKfiwa from nareotiea. permits easier invwnin ox muaeiea ana nerval anrlac expectancy pud child-birth. Start oalaf it today. Un. E. X. Karcar. Slayton. jUan, aayit It pulled me throuch." Send ar book today, to Bradflald Regulator Co., R-SS, 'Atlanta. Oa. "MataarV rnA"ii add at aB aruc atom. IfyotirsWnftches andbtimjustuse Kesinoi If yo are suffering from eczema, ringworm or similar itching, burn ing, unsightly skin affection, bathe tha tore places with Resinol Soap and hot water, then gently apply a little Resinol Ointment. You will probably be astonished how in stantly the itching stops and heal ing begins. In most cases the sick akin quickly becomes clear and healthy again, at very little cost. Xeaael Oabaant sad Kttinol Soap alio clear away staples, redness, took hscaa and eaadrt. SoldbreUeraffiate, ADVERTISEMENT. Works for Child Must Keep Well Mothanina Like Situation Should Read This Letter sToni Mrs Enrico Chfcsgo, Blinoia.-"I took Lydia pipkkam'a Vegetable Compound tor a serious trou ble. I had tried doctors and all said the same an operation. At first I only felt the pain on my left aiue, dui later i seemed to feel it on both sides. I am a power sew ing-machine oper ator and have a little srirl to sun- I work in a tailor shop and that of work haa been very slack this r ar and I am home part ef the time, do not bice to take any chances, an I erBsnlted mr friends, and one lady said. Take Lydia Pinkham'a roextfeine,' so I did. I have felt bet ter right along and am in good enough health to go to work. I recommend your Vegetable Compound and San ative Wash to alL" Mrs. Mart En rico, 469 N. Carpenter St., Chicago. Often the mother is obliged to sup port her children and good health is hi i sea sir Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg etable Compound is just the medi cine you can depend upon. It is a medicine for women's ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it may brine to you. rm f 'lit which it separated outby the Lid nevi. To supply the nitrogen lost the body need a minimum amount of proteid. Lukk uvi this miniinum amount a d-y is J) grami, or about one ounce, if the protein comet from meat or eggi, or is more if from other sources. In supplying the human body .TO grains of meat protein is equal to 31 grains of milk protein, 34 graini of rice protein, 38 grains of potato pro. tein, 54 grains of bean protein, 76 grains of bread protein, and 102 grains of Indian corn protein. While we speak ot protein as though it were a single substance, it is in reality a mixture of amino acids. some 20 or more in number. If the protein contains a good deal of amino acid called tryptophan, it is excellent to repaid the waste in the human body. Indian corn protein is a combina tion of amino acids that is not so rich in tryptophan, but does contain a good deai of rein, an amino acid which is not very useful in repairing human waste. He says that proteins like those of GINGER ALE, 0 X Ginger Ale JSiF AnthiraLcite Coal E Available Now Since we are unable to predict the outcome of the coal strike, we take this opportunity to protect our friends by calling attention to our supply of Pennsylvania Hard Coal, In the event of a prolonged strike and con sequent coal shortage, a supply of coal placed in your bins now may be a very welcome protection later, as our supply is not unlimited. UPDIKE Lommbeir & Coal Indian corn and gelatin, which con tain but tittle tryptophan, have little nutritive value in fact, are harmful. I doubt if others will ga with him at far as saying that gelatin and In. diao meal are harmful. Nap's Epochal Glands. L. S. writes: "In your section 'M. P.' wonders if the physiological con dition of Napoleon had direct effect on the history of the world. Especial, ly 'M. F.' refers to Napoleons low pulse and the pituitary glands, neith er of which, in my opinion, had any direct effect on his actions. "Instead of 'M. F.' concerning him self with Napoleon's pituitary glands it would be wiser to investigate Na poleon's thyroid and adrenal and pi' neal (lands, which were much more vital to his mental and physical char acter than the pituitary glands, for the last control the hair and bone growth chiefly. "Napoleon alo had cancer, which might have had an effect of an ab normal balance of gland secretions. "I hope this information may prove ot aid to M. r. and any of the pub lic who may have been misled by Coffee for breakfast Clicquot all the time Clicquot Club Ginger Ale the friendliest, happiest beverage. There is no particular time of the day that it calls its own. You can drink it morning, noon, or night, letting your thirst dictate when. Clicquot never varies in taste ot quality. "Always it is pure as the spring water from which it is made. The ginger is the finest that Jamaica can send to us. Get Clicquot Club by the case for the home. If you prefer variety, you can get Clicquot Club Sar saparilla, Birch Beer, and Root Beer. THE CLICQUOT CLUB CO, MiUia, Mass., U. 8. A. EKfal i WA Inut 0300 the suggestibility of 'M. F.Y theory bout the pituitariri." RKPLY. There may bt tome literature on the subject that you, somehow, (ailed to read, Acid Urine From Eggs. M. I". C. writes: -I, tto eggi, cheese, and milk produce acid urine or alkaline? "2. Will dotes of common baking sod neutralize the aridity of the urine in any marked degree? "J. Is acidity influenced bv the state of the weather? lnet cold or heat affect it?" REPLY. I. Acid urine. Kggt particularly are rich in lulphur. Foods rich in sulphur make an and ah, 2. Yes, the urine can he made alka line by the ue of soda. J. r. The more urine the Ictt its aridity, fold weather increases the amount of urine. There are other factors. Consumption After 18. llht M. m. writet: "I. It is the theory o( a well know Chicago tub and f aVf SV ' Jtl l.li le MBOBM.-,- r' oi uonnern Wisconsin S Plan your vacation in this great outing region $ 6 where you can camp, canoe, fish, hike over pine- & scented trails or just loaf. Following greatly reduced fares in effect gj tickets on sale daily return limit October 31st. From Omaha II From Omaha o to r Cable, Wis. $28.75 Lake Owen, Wis. $27.00 Cumbariand.Wla. 23JI0 Shall Uka, Wis. 24.15 Gordon, Wit. 26.20 Solon Springs, Wla. 26.60 Grand ViewJWU. 27.75 Spooner.Wia. 24.50 Hayward.WU. 255 Turtla Uka, Wis. 22.50 Conopoodiagly low farea to Virgin forests, winding, woodsy a" I l . t tt fy-v gamy tun wiu test your skill won rod and reel. Iv-N. FoWer "Out'Of-Doon in Vppn Wlieaimn'' p ttttt beat it Our representatives wul take pleasure in giving further infor mation, advising you of our excellent train service and assisting In W arranging travel details Chicago & 12011203 r ! CONSOLIDATED TICEEI OFFICES ay . eer ftT Ji7 1416 Dodge St Tettpkae Daalu4M U a A.ea . erculosis specialist that consumption cannot be contracted after the age 10. "2. In consumption when dors the temperateure ne and ueually to what j degree or degrees Kr.rut. I. I he statement at quoted it an exaggeration, but it contains a lot ol truth. 2. In the main in the afternoon. It may range from W to 104. British Entry in Air Derby Hopes to Fly 4 Miles a Minute London, July IJ, Four unlet a minute it wliat C. F. l'p'int expettt to make in the aerial derby ou August 7, in hit new Bristol biplane equipped with a 5lX)-hore power en gine. Sadi I.erointe of France will com pete in a KciMport, believed to he capable of doing 500 kilometer (312 unlet) per Hour. It it taid it lands so fat that the Groydon airdrome will have to he enlarged to handle it. Very Low Excursion Fares to the Great Tourist Fishing District 1 II7 ethet adjacent tourist detdaatient. trails, cool, restful days await you . f I of your trip. North Western Ry Farnam St J ir Co, MPT "Canned Heat" Used for "Jag" Producer J'UtUinomli, Neb , July J, (Spe cial.) A new kind of jag producer his been found that rivals lemon ex tract, hair tonic and othrrs, A stranger, employed as a cook in tlie (iresr railroad camp here, Mas found hy police in hrlplns condi tion. I'pon being removed to the ji to recuperate he poured forth the story of hit undoing. The man h?d purrhaxed five cant of the "canned ftrat" used by mo toritik,' separating therefrom the de natured alcohol hy straining it through a towel. Cow Killed, Auto Wrecked Keatiice, Neb,, July I.'. (Special.) During a heavy rainstorm, an auto occupied by James Barnard and Will Fuehrman struck a cow and killed her. The machine was put out of commission, but the occupants es caped unhurt. mUTIf'AI, AUVRIITiaRMRNT Why Not a Successful Business Man for Governor? The business affairs of Nebraska require the steady hand of a tried executive like Senator Charles H. Randall Of Randolph, Republican Candidate Hi3 Knowledge of Business and Agricul ture Gained in a Suc cessful Banking Ex perience and Active Management and De velopment of Farm Lands. Read What Senator Randall's Neighbors Think of Him The neighbors of Chas. H. Randall, who have known intimately of his career from the time he landed in Randolph in 1888 with empty hands and a spirit of invincible industry, unite in recommending him to the people of Nebraska as a full-sized candidate for Governor. His knowledge of agriculture, gained as a farm hand and owner; his knowledge of busi ness, gained in a successful banking experience; his knowledge of economic and political affairs, gained as council member, school officer, mayor and state senator; his native ability, his untiring energy and his fine personal character make , it certain that the executive affairs of Nebraska :an be safely placed in his hands. We recommend him to those voting citizens who think the executive affairs of the state important enough to be entrusted to one who has successfully conducted his own business affairs and won and kept the esteem of all his fellows. CEDAR COUNTY Randolph C. C. Bacon, Farmer W. H. Stageman, Real Estate W. R. Cain, Banker August Huwaldt, Farmer J. H. Gilman, Merchant F. R. Stewart, Farm Produce S. E. Strom, Farmer W. H. Shoaf, Minister Martin Buol, Garage George Hill, Farmers Union Store Hartingten G. 0. Mengshol, Merchant W. H. Burney, Farmer George I. Parker, Banker P. O. Olsen,. Farmer J. C. Robinson, Lawyer S. S. Morten, Real Estate Adolph Matson, Farmer F. 0. Robinson, Co. Treasurer M. K. Pollock, Farmer C. M. Jones, Clothing E. E. Collins, Banker Coleridge O. G. Ritchie, Real Estate Linkhart Bros., Real Estate Frank Specht, Farmer Charles Gallagher, Implements F. G. Dewey, Physician C. D. Young, Banker Jesse Lowther, Farmer Dean Mohr, Furniture Geo. A. Gray, Banker Laurel Thomas Berge, Merchant H. J. Candor, Station Agent Byron J. Hoile, Merchant H. A. Harper, Farmer Guy Wilson, Banker F. P. Voter, Lawyer D. D.- Coburn, Automobiles A. D. Felber, Druggist 0. A. Johnson, Lumber P. K. Tolles, Farmer E. E. Burns, Farmer Balden G. G. Westrope, Merchant F. E. Harper, Farmer C. E. Montgomery, Editor J. G. Myers, Hardware J. C. Busby, Physician J. V. Harper, Merchant A. R. Collins, Banker Magnet W. H. Delozier, Farmer Chas. G. Bugenhagen, Farmer O. W. Hegstrom, Farmer W. E. Delozier, Farmer Jas. G. McCIure, Farmer Rob't. Lynn, Banker E. E. Snygg, Gen. Merchandise R. E. Jones, Grain Dealer Art C. Nelson, Garage Theo. Clausen, Farmer The Favored Candidate of People Who Know Nebraska's Needs and Have READ RANDALL'S RECORD USE BEE WANT ADS-THEY BRING Reports of British Plan to Tay lf. S. War Delit Doubted Washington. July II. (By A. P) Keports from London of arrange ments being made by Great Britain for the payment of that government's debt to this country of $S,IXIO.OOO,(X10 in a tump sum within a short time, were received lat night with con siderable iurrrdulilv by the tressury. High trea-ury officials were inclin ed to view the report as "a wild news paper story." No official word of any such plan SoJe ZfcrlllFANTSciltlVALIDS ASK FOR t.t. i...aa. mmA ftmariaa CUUraa Tto Orlstaal food-Drtak For AS Aat POMTirAI. AnVEKTiaEMENT KNOX COUNTY Wausa G. H. Renard, Banker C. A. Holmquist, County Supervisor R. E. Cook, Banker S. J. Larson, Garage G. B. Sellin, Merchant Theol Anderson, Merchant F. E. Anderson, Editor E. P. Lingren, Retired Farmer A. P. Larson, Farmer Bloomfield W. D. Funk, Lawyer P. A. Tulleys, Banker C. T. Heckt, Banker E. C. Prescott, Furniture H. F. Cunningham, Mayor M. E. Richmond, Minister J. B. Gossard, Ford Garage J. H. Gesler, Telephone Mgr. W. H. Weber, Insurance H. R. Van Anken, Mgr. Butter Co. PIERCE COUNTY Pierce Ed B. Fanske, Jeweler Henry Klug, Farmer Harry Srinewald, Farmer H. J. Manske, Oil Business M. Inhelder, Banker L. P. Tonner, Banker S. M. Durfee, Clothier Herman Otto, Farmer T. C Andersen, Garage Oamond W. S. Butterfield, Farmer R. L. Senift, Jeweler Burt Buchanan, Well Man Jim Hamer, Merchant A. J. Hoehne, Impl'nt Dealer Henry Huwaldt, Farmer Herman Lorenz, Farmer Frank Stedry, Farmer Pete Petersen, Farmer Plainview W. L. Mote, Banker E. Phillips, Farmer-Stockman S. W. Mosher, Farmer F. C. Holbert, Banker P. D. Corell, Stockman en the part ef the British fevera ment has reached the treasury, It wag stated. CASTOR IA Wat Ioiaots ltd CkUdrtt In Um For 0vr30YMrt Ahrayabeait tfca ef 1 lor lick's r aaap waaaaaaw Afoldlmitathtu i gflck ailBr. auttaal araia attract la I Ha Caatlag - NawiahW - PtfatlUe POLITIC I, AIIVRStTiaEStENT His Knowledge of State and Economic Affairs Gained in Two Terms in Nebraska Senate and Member Nebraska Loan Com mittee of War Fi nance Corporation. H. G. Corell, Retired Lumber man. W. M. Dutcher, Farmer-Stockman H. M. Scott, Auto Dealer J. D. Alexander, Stockman Chris Lerum, Farmer-Stockman W. E. Cook, Farmer R. C. Harper, Editor Plainview L. J. Jensen, Cashier Lars Jensen, Farmer Otto Saathoff, Firmer-Stock-man C. E. Greene, Hotel Proprietor WAYNE COUNTY Wayne H. H.' Hahn, Dean Wayne College A. B. Carhart, Hardware J. G. Mines, Jeweler Harry Robinson, Farmer D. E. Brainard. Banker Ervin Auker, Farmer Alex Jeffrey, Farmer Claude L. Wright, Real Estate I. 0. Richardson, Farmer A. R. Davis, Lawyer Win.ide Walter Gaebler, Merchant A!. H. Schmale, Merchant J. C. Schmode, Merchant G. A. Mittlestadt, Merchant W. H. Brune, Merchant Herman Fleer, Merchant I. F. Gaebler, Banker A. W. Dewey, Banker V. B. Dewey, Banker Carroll Matt Jones, Hardware J. V. Francis, Implement Dealer Joe Jones, Hardware , Otto Black, Retired Farmer W. R. Thomas, Garage M. S. Whitney, Manager Farmers Union MADISON COUNTY Norfolk Ralph Finley, Grain and Coal C. E. Burnham, Banker Rev. J. H. Andress, Pastor J. B. Gibson, Banker Geo. W. Phelps, Insurance W. J. Kruetzfeldt, Hardware Chas. Schrain, Real Estate G. W. Evans, City assessor. S. E. Martin, Lumber & Coal Asa Hepperly. Farmer C. A. South, Retired Farratr' Paul Buol, Retired Fred Dederman, Farmer Burr Taft, Farmer DIXON COUNTY Dixon J. E. Sullivan, Banker A, W. Malcom, Farmer R. R. Ross, Farmer F. L. Philips, Farmer PROFITS W - J -v