The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 09, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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10 A
Allies Preparing
for Threatened
Crash in Germany j
Financial Upheaval Almont
Certain to Kntail Fall of Re
publican Government
Lloyd Georpe Alarmed.
rawmht, !.
London, July 8-Srerct rrport of
the RMvcst character were received
by Downing Mrcrt from Herlin )
Icrday. It ai stated that Germany i
hovering on the brink of financial
!iatcr which ii almost certain to
entail the fall of the republican gov
eminent. With the government' fall
the rod will ,,e ,c't ?ctt ,or c0,,fl'ct
between nf aiming at the res
toration of the monarchy and ex
tremists urging communism.
1'ritne Minuter Lloyd George i
seriously alarmed at the portent of
private advices from English agenti
in Germany. He is now conferring
personally with Foreign Minister
Schanirr of Italy regarding the
measure the allies may have to take
when the crash comes. Diplomatic
correspondence also is passing be
tween Downing street and Quai
d'Orsay on the same subject.
The menace of a chaotic Germany,
without a Kvernniciit and with the
resulting dangers from imperialists
and reds, all advocating tearing up
the Versailles treaty, was directly re
sponsible for the British govern
ment's stid Jen feverish interest ii
reorganizing its aviation-- and
strengthening the aerial arm of the
British army.
Thursday Sir Robert Home, chan
cellor of the exchequer, frankly ad
mitted in the house of commons that
Germany was insolvent and he con
fessed the inability of the powers to
aid it since the Morgan bankers com
mittee, which met at Paris, refused to
touch the situation.
It is known in diplomatic circles
that a well-laid plot existed in Ger
many for an uprising after Foreign
Minister Rathcnau was assassinated,
but was delayed owing to the im
mediate precautions taken by Presi
dent F.bert.
Further information indicates that
the monarchists have not abandoned
their program, merely postponing
their next action until a more pro
pitious moment.
Signor Schanzer already has re
ceived warnings by way of Rome
and the Italian foreign office has im
parted its apprehensions to Mr.
Lloyd George, while the French are
awake to the gravity of the situation.
"The German crisis has more po
tent dangers than the Irish situation
during its gravest period," said Mr.
Lloyd George at a luncheon, and his
opinion was shared by other govern
ment leaders.
While anxious to curb any French
anxiety for immediate action in the
Regain the Vital
Force of Youth
A Simple Home Treatment, More
Available Than Gland Treatment
or Bark and Animal Extracts.
Nature's greatest gift to mankind Is
Korex Compound, for the rejuvenation of
flagging vital force. If you aspire to re
stored vital nervous energy, to the glori
ous vigor of the days of youth, try Korex,
in the privacy of your own home. Gratify
ing results are known, usually in a f?w
Korex Compound (in tablet form) is the
result of many years of scientific research.
It contains no harmful drugs or opiates.
It acts naturally to rebuild the vital
forces in man or woman, to revive the
power of youthful vigor and stamina.
More widely acclaimed than Gland Treat
ments or bark and animal extracts. It
has a powerful action in strengthening and
renewing nerve tissues, and to overcome
the handicap of physical weakness, result
ing from breaking nature's laws.
Korex is distributed and guaranteed
by the Melton UDoraionesi, isev.
Massachusetts Bldg., Kansas City,
of this wonder
vitalixer sent prepaid for only $2.00. Or,
it .nvonient onr1 no monev: pay
U muie "" -- --- , ,
the postman 12.00 and a fow centa post
age when It arrives. The laboratories
puarantee to return your money promptly
if results are not entirely satisfactory.
Cut or tear out this ad now, and send or
der. today.
shape ef military treasures, the mo
ment trt-iiBtt hirtkt in Ornunv, Mr
Lloyd Oorge is not unmindful ol
the vhi- of strong united front
towards Germany with reidinew to
strike, if the entente's position is
Strengthen Air Forces.
Realising the British, people'
aversion to raising another army, Mr
Lloyd George, it is declared, decided
to strengthen the aviation so that
English air squadrons, combining
wiih the French land forces, could
aid in protecting the allies' Rhine line,
while at the same time exercising sur
veillance deep inside the right bank
of the Rhine and spying out any at
temps to concentrate men to menace
the allirs' bridgeheads.
Bankruptcy, restoration of the
monarchy or communism in Ger
many would cause, an immediate re
vision of the British policy, which is
now hated on the reorganization of
German industry and Germany's
return among the wortd's industrial
powers. The crash of Germany
would aggravate England's industrial
crisis, w hich already is serious.
The menace of the pauper states
Russia, Germany and Austria united
through common misery, against
which Mr. Lloyd George sounded i
warning in his speech at Genoa when
he forecast another war within 10
years, seems graver jthan ever in
Downing street circles.
U. S. Aid in Preventing
German Collapse Sought
London, July 8.-(By A. .P.)
American embassy officials said to
day that while no formal representa
tions had been made by the British
government looking to the participa
tion of the United States in allied ef
forts to rehabilitate Germany the
subject had been discussed for some
time in diplomatic and other circles
and the hope expressed that the
United States might be induced to
lend its support to the project
It is generally pointed out in
financial quarters here and elsewhere
in Europe that in the resent state
of Europe's financial depletion little
can be done by the allies to restore
Germany's shattered economic struc
ture without the assistance of the
United States. Ambassador Harvey
had discussed informally with Prime
Minister Lloyd George and other of
ficials the financial plight of Ger
many and Austria and it is believed
the ambassador has laid the British
viewpoint before the State depart
ment. Mexican Meet in N. Y. on Oil
Land Ends Without Pact
New York. July 8. Conferences
between Adolfo De La Huerta. Mex
ican minister of finance and Ameri
can oil executives, relating to a plan
for the development of "wild cat" oil
territory in Mexico have ended
without an agreement.
Senor De La Huerta, who issued
a statement yesterday announcing
that his mission consisted "only in
hearing the propositions made by the
companies through their representa
tives" declared later that he regarded
his mission as a successful one and
at the office of one of the five com
panies involved, it was stated that
"reasonable progress had bvn
Dawes Back on Joh in
Chicago Trust Company
rt.: T1 a Cm friaries Ci.
vmi.asu, ju.jr u. ...... .
Dawes, the first man to make a bud
get forhe entire United States gov
ernment, yesterday resumed his place
at his desk in the Central Trust
company, which he founded V years
ago. On the first of this month
- 4ii r n of! river Vlt VufHtTpt
duties to Brig. Gen. H. M. Lord,
and left Washington for Chicago.
uen. Dawes is to resume n tw-
1 f ,1.. nffn.'re tVtf fpntml
irui UL luc annua . ...v-
Trust company, which he has served
successively as . president ana as
chairman of the board of directors.
Sleeping Sickness Traced
to Iniected lonsils
Spokane. Wash., July 8. State
ments of Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the
Mayo foundation that encephalitis
lethargica (sleeping sickness) and al
lied disorders had been traced to in
fected tonsils and throat was the
sensation of last night's meeting of
the Pacific Northwest Medical asso
ciation. Medical men at the meeting assert
that Dr. Rosenow's conclusion
opened a new vista of possibilities in
treatment of such cases.
For a great many
Omaha families-
"there's no place like home."
And these people are looking for homes!
Many who have contented themselves with
rented houses or apartments while they .
waited for the price of real estate and of
building material to drop realize that "the
time is ripe" and are ready to buy NOW.
y "The moment has arrived" for the man who
' has a house or a homesite to offer for sale.
During the warm summer days, when yard
and garden are at their best and when the
desirability of large, airy rooms and cool,
cbzy screened porches is constantly evident,
people are most earnestly and thoroughly
convinced of the- advantages of owning
their own home. Your house or lot is at
its best now and most easily and conven
iently reached by auto.
Let a "House for Sale" advertisement in the
"Want" Ad columns of The, Omaha Bee
reach these prospective buyers for you.
For Belter Results at Lesser Cost Use
The Omaha Morning Bee
De Valera With
Irish Rebels in
Province, Report
Eri-kine Cliilderi Rrportti!
Slightly Wourjilcnl Free
State Forcfi Win in Fight
ing in Country.
London, July 8,-(By A. IM
Chief interest In the Irith situation
for the moment centers in the opera
tion in the PlrMuigton district. 15
miles south of Dublin, in County
Wicklow, owing to the supposition
that Famon De VaTera U with the
irregular forces there. The repub
licans are tightly enclosed within
ring of national troops and announce
ment of the final success of the gov
ernment forces is awaited with con
siderable confidence.
Krskine thilders, one of De
Valera's chief supporters and recent
ly reported as commanding the
rebels in the area south of Dublin, is
said by the (correspondent of the
Daily Mirror to have been barely
Win Province!.
Dublin, July 8.-(By A. P.)-The
activities of the free state forces in
the provinces, as indicated by the
latest ' official reports, are meeting
with complete success, large numbers
of insurgents continuing to be cap
tured. In various parts of the prov
inces the irregulars, alarmed by the
advance of the national soldiers, have
abandoned and burned their fortified
positions and fled into the country.
The encircling movement in the
hills south of Dublin is rapidly ap
proaching success, virtually whole
roving bands ot irregulars onus
driven into Blcssington, where they
are practically invested, with the na
tional troops holding part of the
town.. J he total numoer oi irregu
lars in Blessington is placed j more
than 500.
Dublin Becoming Normal.
In Dublin itself life is rapidly be
coming normal. Ihe railways arc
thnuch damaee to
the line prevents direct railroad com-
municaiion witn cone.
The tragic end of Cathal Brugha
ri,ori Rnrtrp:1 the first irreeular
leader to fall in the present fighting,
was the foremost topic toaay. n wa
recalled how, when fighting the
British forces, lie received no less
than 14 wounds, and for a month
hovered between life and death,
p.ffnn!illu tn heroine minister of de
fense in the first Irish government,
though later he espoused the repub
lican cause.
Harry Boland at Blessington.
Hirrv Rnlnnfl is known to be
hesiecred at BlessinK-
ton. His brother, j. Boland. was cap
tured today alter a DrisK ngm ai a
farmhouse two miles north of Bless
the rebels fled. Bo
land, with 11 others, drove up to the
farmhouse later, supposing u 10 uc
;n ik. hnHc nf the irreeulars.
and the whole party was captured
with a quantity ot arms.
.; r.n MnrDnnnell. command
ing the irregulars, also was captured.
National Loan Urged.
Tlnhlin Ttllv ft. Casualties suffer-
1 armv iii the recent
conflict in Dublin were 16 dead and
122 wounded, an official announce
ment says. Architects estimate tnai
,.,;il iiiiri fnnr vears to rebuild
the areas devastated during the re
cent fighting.
Tl. T,;,.i Tnftenendpnt: SUBeeStS
an Irish loan of 20,000,000 sterling
for reconstruction. "
Mayor Says Subway
Accident Avoidable!
New York, July 8 Mayor lll-m
divlarrd Usi n'uht that Thursday',
uhwav accident in which US men
! .iml unmen urre overcome by
poitoiious vapors was avoidable,
and called upun Corporation Counsel
O'Hricn to that there was "no
whitewashing" of thoe responsible.
This- attitude was taken by the
mayor alter he studied a report sub
muted by Conimiiiioner of Plants
and Structures Whalen, in which
that otUcial stated that asphyxiating
and toxic ga were generated by
the combination of secret chemical
siibstancv i' pyrene. the ex
tinguisher used on the llame in the
twitchluix. Commissioner Whalen
made five recommendations which,
if adopted, he raid, will prevent the
recurrence of such an accident.
Chinese Troops
Stage Mutiny
Division of Army Stationed at
Paotingfu Attempt to
Loot City.
Taotingfu, China, July 8. (By A.
IT) The 23d division of Gen. Wu
Tei-Fu's army, which is stationed
here with other troops, mutinied
Thursday night and attempted to
loot the city.
Loyal troops attacked the mutineers
with machine suns and. after an all-
flight battle, crushed the revolt.
Late yesterday afternoon officials
had the situation well in hand and
order restored.
This is the second mutiny among
troops under Gen. Wu's banner with
in three weeks. The previous out
break occurred July 21 at Hsinho,
when the 26th division revolted. A
gunboat quelled that mutiny ifii
seized all the division's ammunition.
Regaining Prestige.
Pekin, July 7. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
is regaining his prestige in Canton
and his former friends are rallying
again to his support, according to
foreign relations here.. The situation
is serious and more fighting in the,
neighborhood of Canton between
Sun's forces and those of Chen
Ching-Ming, who deposed Sun, June
16, is inevitable, in the view of the
legation's informants.
China has replied to Japan's pro
test that bandits along the Korcan
Manchurian border have taken Jap
anese lives and looted Japanese
"China is exerting efforts to ex
eripate the bandits who threaten
the lives of Japanese living in Man
churia near the Korean boundary,"
was the text of the answer to Japan.
Files Second Protest.
Torikichi Obata, Japanese min
ister to China, has filed a second pro
test, however, with the implication
that if raid do not cease, Japan will
be forced to send troops or consta
bles into the territory to protect its
If your eyes are tired and overworked;
If they itch, ache, burn or smart, go to
any drug store and get a bottle of Bon
Opto tablets. Drop one tablet in a fourth
of a glass of water and use to bathe the
eyes from two to four times a day. You
will be surprised at the rest, relief and
comfort Bon-Opto brings.
Note: Doctors say BonOpto stMnirthens eye
sight 60 per cent in a. week s time in many instances.
Steger & Sons
The World's
Best Pianos
On the Easiest Terms
The Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co. carries the fol
lowing celebrated makes of
Grands, Uprights and Play
er Pianos in stock all the
time and are the exclusive
representatives in Nebras
ka and Western Iowa.
Lindeman & Sons
Behr Brothers
Schmoller & Mueller
New Uprights, $275.00 and up.
New Player Pianos, $365.00 and up.
New Baby Grands, $635.00 and up.
When You Want a Piano See Us First and Get Radio Set Free
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb.
Good Dentistry Pays
In Dollars and Cents
jp YOU are sick tomorrow and can't work, you lose a day;
If if that illness continues for a week, you have lost a lot
of time that cannot be replaced. Just figure what it has
cost you in dollars and cents to bs ill to gay nothing of the
discomfort and positive pain you have endured.
Health, which is the basis of all success, comfort and happiness,
is absolutely dependent upon the Teeth.
Oar System of Service affords you a splendid opportunity to
have good teeth at vary low cost.
All waste time and useless visits, by our system, ara eliminated
and the patient benefits in dollars and centa.
Free Eznmlnatloa and Exact Estimate tf Coat.
Yoa, Above AH, Mast Bo Satisfied.
Corner Mth aad Farm am.
rboae JA eksoa SST2.
1334 Faraaaa Street.
And Now
When You Need Them ihe Most
Bond's Snnuner Suits
Reduced Ii Price !
To show our appreciation for the patronage
of the thousands of men who have bought Bon(Ts clothes and to
make new friends, we have deckled to depart from our usual policy
and hold a sale, the proportions of which have never been equalled
by any clothier in this city. Starting Monday morning, we will sell
every summer garment in our store
at an extremely reduced price
It 'will pay you
to take advan
tage of this sell
ing event as
there are still
many weeks of
hot weather to
Palm Beach
Cool Cloth
Havana. Cloth
What can
be better
than an ex
tra pair of
pants with
your sum
mer suit?
' . A rrom Bona s . r VVtrv frl
Factories s f'liM
fc '.-'A Direct to the 'fVZNA I
MS Wearer ' Skvky
This group in- SrRfUM Ai -
S3S 'Ukymi
Finest Quality Mohairs
Here you will find by far the largest assortment of the
finest quality mohairs in this cify. We say this with
full knowledge of what the ordinary retailer is showing.
Solid colors, pencil stripes, pin stripes and shadow
stripes sizes to fit every man.
Genuine Palm Beach and
Cool Cloth 2fPants Suits
C o nserva
tive and
sport mod
els in the
seas on's
latest color
White Flannel
Made of the
famous Clark
& D a n n e r
white flasnel.
Silk Suits
Make you
feel and
look cool.
2,000 Pairs of Men's j m
t Trousers, Special, pa5r '
New York
St. Louis
Kansas City
Extra Special
Bond's All Wool
Worsted and Cassimere
Shepherd Check
Yes, we've cut our price but we
haven't cut our quality; this is a
sale of our regular three-piece
Shepherd Check suits, and a
wonderful opportunity for every
man to add one of these popular
suits to his wardrobe.
You can obtain an extra pair of
trousers to most of these suits
for only f 5.