14 f 7 t i ft The Bee Book Shelf 'Our Utile Writ Indian Cou.ln," by t mily (i. Taylor u an aMnioii to Iht educational irrici gotten out for children by the 'age company. it dealt in muting and interesting (ahmn vwth the manner and life of the littlt (oik of the itlandt of the gulf. A knock down and dra out tight between a woman and a man. the the owner of a areat itrel olant and he her manafier, provide the cliniaic in Henry ydnor lUrriun' novel, "Saint Tereia" (Houghton Mifflin company). Thl ii an entraordinary book, full of (trange iluatton but true to life. The author' fame wa won on "Queed," "V. V.' Kye." and "Angela Iiunne. ' and thu n hit firK novel lince 1V1S. With more than ordinary sincerity for a wetern ttory, "A Daughter of the Badlands tell a tale of South Dakota. It begin with a romance on the college campu and pursue! an exciting eourie among cattle nutlet, honestetdett and Indian. The author are Kate Boyle Bing ham and Virgil D. Boyle, the pub lisher, the Stratford company. Anne Dougla Sedgwick, which ii to ay. Mr. Basil dr Selincourt. is favorably known by her novel. Tante. The me brillrsnce and fascination ii found in her latest work. "Adrienne Toner." This i the ttory q' an Anglo-American mar riage. There it a bit of the war in t his. with the heroine buried in repatriation work. Published by Houghton Mifflin. TBI i nt rui.r i. v.n. e-ll. M)rnri1 a Co . Boaton. The free and eauy Ufa of the "Out. lawa," a eoclety of free-thinking ar tlata In New York, forma the baal of the etory. "The Love Chsise." by renx urendon (sman-Maynard). A wlnaome young New York ml, wearied of the binding life of her noma, riee to, the realm of the "Out lawa," become a sincere advocate of free love and make a aensatlonal trip to Europe with the eon of a millionaire diamond merchant. Her quest, for true love leada her tnrough London, fa rig, . Berlin and Brume, amid a vortex of conflict ing emotion, and ever trailed by a giant New York 'newspaperman who mistake her adherence to free love for reckless abandon. In Pari her personality and talent entrancca a wealthy English noblewoman.- who induces her to forsake the love chaae for a position as head of a large Institution for Independent buttneea women of New Tork. Her trip with the diamond heir continuea to block 4ier path, and the man she now realir.es she truly loves Is poor "as a door mouse and has stoutly told her time and again he never can marry a oeuever in rree love or a girl who ever has had a free lover. . '. " ; - The story Is mediocre.. On feels through It all thevauthor Is bidding for heavy sales because or its love element and twang of the free love theme. But, in fairness to him, it must be said that the subject i treated In a wav which la not sordid. His character portrayal is quite good and the element of suspense ana surprise Is well handled through. the medium of a secret service ageni trailing spies and diamond smug glers. "OOPPER STREAK TRAIU" by Buirn ,,V unlove Rhoadei. Mouenion-mmnn Two buddies of the desert'discover a copper mine In their territory and uncover a plot among their enemies to steal it. ttfnlle one of them lies in jail on a charge of highway rob bery, framed by their enemies, the other goes to New York, uncover the root of all their trouble in the 4 prisoner's cousin, meets his buddy's millionaire uncle and returns west trr time to make a harrowing; flight across the desert in a race to stake the mine.when the little son of his pal of earlier day gets lost in ttie desert. "To hell with the mine." he cries, "we've got to save Bobby." And in the meantime their enemies are hot on the trail. Tnere s just a bit too much philosophising- in this tale. "Copper Streak Trail." oy Euirene M. Rhoade s (Houghton TWifflin. But the delineation of Old Pete, the sterling character of the desert, is keen as well as interesting. And little Bobby, with his onery 'mustang pony, Is, a real Doy. ine action of the story'almost makes it worth while to plow through all the philosophy. - . ; y. "run nnnr nu tub PIKE." hr O. W, sih.'- stewort-jridd Co.. Cincinnati, O. A volume worthy of a place in any vacationer's kit Is "The Book of the Pike." by O. W. Smith, fishing editor of Outdoor Life and autnor or "casv 1ng Tackle and Methods." (Kidd rinrinnatll. Because of the flood of questions regarding the identity or tne fine family which has been meet by Mr. Smith during his service as fishing editor, he has written this book of Infnrmatlnn npcnmllln tprt from lake, stream and laboratory during the Ha enlivens the tellinsr with nu merous stories and anecdotes of pickerel, pike and lordly muskel- lunge. The book Is proruseiy uius trated on cameo paper. "The Gentleman With a Duster," perhaps spurred on by the success of his two previous works, has recently had oublished (by O. P. Putnam' Sons) a new volume, "Painted Win .inn" This work, a study of re " ligious personalities, as well as of different 5 movements in England, nortrays 12 of the leading religious tninaers in uu tleman With a Duster" discusses Bishop Gore, Dean Inge, Father Knox. Principal I P. Jacks. Bishop h.Ih Honnnn. Dr. W. . Orchard Bishop William Temple, Principal w. B. Selbie, miss bhuub Canon E. W. Barnes. General Brain well Booth and Archbishop Ran There in revealed the chaos of opinion . which disturbs the modern cnurcn. ne -unuwu -- -sents what to the established ortno i. . ..ivan-Ail Doimt of view. He believes that the church has not ...aa.ai i 4t. miasinn. "The gOOO news of Jesus was the revelation of a strange and mighty power wnim only now the world is beginning to use." He blames for its present posi tion the backward look of the church and Its stressing of the Importance of documents. He thinks that Christ should be sought in the liv ing word and not in documents of antiquity." He seeks a new defini tion of faith, even as the churchmen seek to save or reinterpret the old. This book, because of the survey It attempts, covers more disputable grround than the others of "The Gen tleman." But it is an Interesting ana important study which, as the author hopes, should have many readers in America, if only because of the de lightful manner in which the noted English leaders are presented. Prof. irsopp Lake has written an Intro- ucuun iifr lue J. irifi it i, n raiLiuu. "Wanderers," by Knut Hamsun (Alfred A. JCnopf). is of particular Interest.. Introducing as it does the giguro ot "Knut Pedersen," who . '.-'v. ;-.', I may taken a representing Iht I author. Knut Mihs a I Urn- : tun a original nam. i Thu work (all Into two parts. Tudor Ota Autumn Hum." a delight Ail Idyll, and "A Wanderer Plata on 'Muted String." a calm narrative of a rrii In the married Ufa of torn gentlefolk." Tli manner of lira wniment. lb Iuwiwm of movement, I he depth of feeling, th sympathy evidemed. in quint, paiiomt ad wiii urea of lirrn and hi vatr bund comrade all make ttua an la (reatlotT book. Tmtr la a varied combination of I heme, but the en tral figure) through It alt, though he I not the leading a-tor In many pan, la 'edern Hamsun I. lie I a wanderer, truly, who rU on muted airlnga, but play well. "A Man of 1'urpoM," by Donald nirhbrra (Thoma Y. Crowell). la a ttory of a man who dared. Hut be wa a man who wae weak. Women acre the cauae of hit undoing. Mr. R libber a haa written a good "prob lem novel." It I the life story of a brilliant and successful lawyer and politician of the middle went. Al ways In revolt, the lawyer oea too far; ao far. In faet. that he mual tecure mething to whlrh to rlinu. "The Tragedy at the Heath Club." hy William Johnston (Utile. Urown Co.). la a murder myetery etory that make light eummer reading. It hna a fairly original plot and la well written. 1 Omaha Bee - timely hints for the person who BEE WANT AD RATES! Ilo Pr Mb. .aeh day, I or t day. llo pr Una .meli day, I to t day. too pr lino eaaa day, t days or longor. Ttitae rates apply to Tb. tunday Ba wan aa le Tito Mornmt ana cvoninc lie. All workday advarllMmants appaar In both morning aad waning editions at ina ona coal. The abov. rataa apply exclualvely to wane Adi wmta are commonly tarmca "puDlis want," end do not Include ad willing or exploiting thtlr buaiueao. THB HER roaarvta the riant to dealt nata what conatltutea a iiubllo want. Want Ada accented at tha following orricea: MAIN OrriCK ..17th and Farnam Sta. South Blda 4lli South lth BL Council Bluffs It Boott St. Telephone AT-lantlo lOOt. Call for Want Ad Department. An ex pcrienred Want Ad taked will raoolva your ad and a bill will ba mailed later. Tha ratea quoted above apply to either charta or eaaa oraera. CLOSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS. arenlna Edition 11:4 a. m. Morning Edition p. ra. Sunday Edition p. m. Saturday. THE MORN'INO BEK. . . THE EVENING BEli THB SUNDAY BKB. . DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES XEARY Mrs. Wllhelmlnla, agd ft years Sunday p. m. There are left to mourn her loas ona daughter Mario; ono ale ter. Mra. Dorothy Duniurt of Mlnne apolla Minn. Deceaaed waa a roaldent ox Omaha. 33 yeara. Funeral Wednesday. 8:39 a. m., from family residence, 6026 south Hth atraet, to St. Aanea church, a. m. inter ment family lot, fit, Harya cemetery. rietee omit xiowers. BKCKMAN Joaesh. July 4. aared 72 yeara, I montha and 23 daya, at bie residence, (14 South Ninth atraet. . . . Survived hy ona aon, A. A. Beck man of Omaha, and three daughters, Mra. John Naven of New York city and th Mlaaea Annette and Edith Beckman of Omaha., funeral services Thuraday from the realdence at :0 a. m. to Bt. Mary Magdalene church at a. m. Interment St. Mary Magdalene cemetery. WHITE Fred C. aged 67 years, died Tuesday at local hoapltal. H la survived bv hia wife. Daisy son, Charles, and daughter, Mra. O. F. Lawyer. Funeral services Thursday at 3 p. m. from the realdence, 2423 North Forty-nrth avenue. BURIAL VAULTS CEME TERIES AUTOMATIC sealing concret burial vaults Recommended and (or sals by all leading undertakers, water proof, no steel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL. INO VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., tilt N. 10th, Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section has recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It Is but wis dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compela ona to do so. Send for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION. 720 Brandeis Theater Blda. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J, STACK & CO., Successor to Stack ft Falconer OMAHA'S BE8T. ARRocwAMBULANCESaf 5? Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY ' Undertakers and Embalmars. Phono HA. 026. Office 3U Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors, 3334 Cumins. CR0SBY-M00RE nkRf? FLORISTS LEE LARM0N fS?; SSJiS! SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA, 1416 FARNAM BTKSjEl'. L HENDERSON, 1607 Farnam. J A. 136. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. J A. 104. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black and tan house dog, clipped. except shoulders and tip or tall, can George Bradley, lit S. 36th Ave. Har ney 630. Reward. ATTRACTIONS CONCESSIONS and amusements for our annual picnic August 10, 11 and 12: free acta wanted; no excusive. Writs R. V. Sweet. Secretary. Newcastle. Neb. PARTIES desiring concesaiona at the big tn or July celebration at jvasnvme, nod., can Bin Ariana, kg. aziz i. PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, rurnlture, magasine. We collect We distribute. Phone DO. 4116 and our wagon will ealL Call and inspect our new home. 1110- 1112-1114 Dodge St NOTICE I will not be responsible for any aeots contractea bv niy wife. Gladys. (Signed) ED. E. BRINKMAN. . MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment wun massages. si a. lato. AT. 1J81. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. ror piays ano parties, at Lichen's. Oman, SULPHUR baths, Swedish massage, ehi- ropoay. evenings to . 20 s. 20th Bt. ELECTRIC BATHS tor nervousness. WE. 211. FISHER baths, massage. 330 Arthur Bldg. EXPERT MAMAOH ATLANTIC I4. BSNT vacuum cleaners fee HA. 1071. MASSAGE. Emma Brott. 1717 Webeter. MATERNITT HOME. 1913 Emmett EXPERT massage. 310 No. 17th. M. HOLERAN. massage. 301 Neville Blk. EDUCATIONAL MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 11 S. 14th. Write fsr catalog. ANNIE IS. GLASGOW, voice aad plaao. t3 Karbach Blk. JA. 108L THE GUMPS ON WIKAY WW UMV ?TftKt HI. xe cot TW. MONfX FROM UMUt MM KMX HE MlM to mv IT- TM WIW 1EIL ,WVaVie w EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL NIOHT SCHOOL Complst. courses Is aooonntanoy. ma chin, bookkeeping, eomptometry. short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlcs and all Kngllab . and commercial branches. Writs, call or phono Jaokaoa ltt lor largs illustrated catalog. Aaarssa Boyles College Boyle. Bldf., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to leara barber trade; big demand; wages whlla Iteming ; strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber college. Van Bant School ot Business. Day and Evening Schools. 130 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Dosslaa tilt, DO you want to Increase your Income T Writs the National Auto School. 3114 N. loth St., Omaha, for oataloa. MALE HELP WANTED Bricklayers Wanted At once, t per day, I houra' work. Apply Wells Bros . Construction Co.,' at John Morrell Plant, Ottumwa, la. EX-SERVICE men wanted to sell an ex service men's magazine. H. J, Loeach, 736 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn, SALESMAN WANTED 1100 and' com mission to sell guaranteed cord tlrea direct from factory at loweat prices. Qoodstock Tire Co., 1101 8. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable. wrmanent ana pleasant work. Training ree. W. A. Hlxenhaugh, 114 St. Marys. TELEPHONE switchboard wlremen and Installers wanted; experienced for man ual and automatic equipment; In reply state references. Monarch Telephone xurg. co-. rort ioage, la. TINNER, plumber and radiator repair man wanted. Steaay position lor first cisss mecnanic. state wagea and ex perience. Denkman Hardware, Ueddes, south Dakota. Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and machinists' help era. Boiler . makers and helpers. Blacksmiths and helpers. Electricians and helpers. Shet metal workers and helpers. Car repairers and car Inspectors, For St. Louis, Kansas City, 8e dalla, Omaha, Osawatomle, Cof feyville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McOhee, Al exandria and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pa , clflo railroad. Standard Wages and Working Conditions Apply to M. Loftus, Agent. 1 4th and Webster Sts., Omaha, Neb WANTED 1,000 men to eat big 16-cent meals and whole pie and pot of coffee ivc. cones jonns nace, izth and Dodge. FEMALE HELP WANTED AN EXPERIENCED Gregg shorthand and typewriting teacher for six or seven weeks. This work need not In terfere with plans for September. H-138, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. SPALD- ING'S. 191 FARNAM. MAID for general housework; small fam ily. Call walnut 013. 6112 Capitol Ave., Mrs. J. G. Cloud. MAID for general housework; required. HA 0680. references WANTED Caramel man to take charge of carmel department in modern well known factory of neighboring town; factories previously employed. Addreaa Box T-1941, Omaha Bee. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. Marx 610 Capitol Ave. WA. 1816. SITUATIONS WANTED TWO neat appearing young men can vassing Nebraska and Colorado wish re liable aide line. M. G. Sears, Lincoln, Neb., General Delivery. , STENOGRAPHER with seven years expedi ence desires position for mornings only. Would substitute. Phone AT. 2736. RELIABLE lady with son of 1 wants po sition as housekeeper on farm. Address Box Y-1940. Omaha Bee. DAY work for white woman. AT. 438. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint 8erv. ice. rrElFFERB, 262 Leavenworth. BRISCOE touring, fine condition. 116. WA 641. HOLLY, expert onto trimmer. 113 S. 34th.- WANTED Essex coach. 1921-32. DO. 4692. ;SED Fords, all models. Used Ford Car Co.. 114 Cuming. C8ED radiator, all makes for sale). Green- eusa naouator jsesair. 203 Farnam. THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. JULY 5. 1022. Kj. IN COLOR IN THC SUNDAY ME fcwvr t Mt. 6UtA - 6CN TO ttAPftM 0 ?OMLTHtNO woiomoH of 1OUjH not; r'j: r "Want" Ad Columns Abound in wants to get ahead investment opportunities bigger jobs gainful transactions of many kinds. Read them use them every day. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GET READY FOR THE FOURTH 1 OET BaTHIND THB WHEEL OF ON K OF THESE. OLDSMORILE 4 ROADSTER. 1123 MOVKL. PRACTICALLY NEW. ' IN UUARANTKKD CONDITION. FIVE CORD TKEH. OLP8MOBILE "I" SPORT, IN GOOD CONDITION AND REPAINTED A RARE BARGAIN. COME IN AND SEE 11 UHlUttK YOU BUY. BABY ORAND CHEVROLET SEDAN. A VERY POWERFUL CAR. RE PAINTED. GOOD TIRES AND LOTS OF POWER. OLDSMOBILB EIGHT ROADSTER A SPLENDID CAR. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT FOR THB PRICE. SEVERAL SMALLER CARS AT VERY LOW PRICES. CAN BE BOUOHT WITH A VERT LOW DOWN PAYMENT. A LICENSE FREE ONE OF THESE. WITH BACH OPEN SUNDAT EVENING AND ALL DAY THB FOURTH. Neb. Oldsmobile Co. Uaed Cars That Can Be Used. AT. 1770. Howard at Uth. (Dependable Rebuilt Motor Trucks We have carefully and thoroughly overhauled 10 of our best used trucks, which we offer this week only at un heard of prices. 3100 to 1600. All Trucks Rebuilt and Guaranteed. CASH TERMS TRADE (Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc. 14th and Jackson Streets. REGARDLESS of our loss we will aell a light six-cylinder tourini car and flve pnssonger sedan at prices below any yet maae. jsotn care UKe new ana late models. Ask about our easy payment plan. Willys-Overland, Inc., 2662 Far nam St. . REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Caah or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from 360 and up. Dodge. Bulcka and others, 1100 and up Ford bodies winter tops. GOLD8TROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St Central Garage. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt aenvery or. new Fords. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. Uth and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600 LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 206 Farnam St AT. 713. FORD cars made to start first turn of crank. 33.00. While you wait. Used. Ford Car Co., 1814 Cuming St. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for ail standard make care. Neb. Auto Parts, 1016 Harney St. WILL take a few good automobiles to sell on commission. Reasonable rates. HA 0800. Blackstone garage. BUICK touring, refinished, new top. A real Dargam, cash or terms. 2062 Far nam. DO. 887. s'REE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Farts Co.. 241 Farnam St, AT. 314. BUY A GUT L. SMITH USED CAB, A Safe Investment 2th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 170, USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska oiasmoolle 00.. Uth aud Howard Sts. AT. 177. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2664 Farnam. ONE good Maxwell touring for sale, cheap. AT. 3687. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free Northwest Cor. IStb and Harney Sta. FULL DRESS suits snd Tuxedos for rent JA. 8138. 10 N. 16th St t Feldman. ARMY shoes. 13.10. 70 No. MthJ GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CHERRIES and raspberries for sale at Walstrom'g, 60th and Sprague Sts. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your uaed piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 310 per month. A HOSPB CO, 1513 Douglas. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOUR PAIRS new drapes, new Hooaier kitchen cabinet, latest model white enameled bed. brass trimming, made to vruer tapestry lounge, all cheap, ac count moving. HA 2667. FOUR pairs new drapes, new Hoosler kitchen cabinet latest model white enameiea oea. press trimming, made to order tapestry, lounge; all cheap; ac- count or moving. MA. Z667. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. ITS buys the best Phone Douglas 4423. BEDROOM suite for aale. St 342 Webster A FEW pieces of furniture,-including bed, rockers, tables, etc. AT. 4141. TEN. T-PIECE dininr room t Walnut asei Call before p. m. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. Uth and Harney. DO. 173. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan - Steinberg. 101 Harney. Do. II. HOT air furnace for aale, JA. 1041. NOT it; 004PANYt MkK If 50M OF Tt lkt IN TMt .-A POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT SCREENINGS, 11.(0 per 100 lbs. a. w. wsgner, sei n. lftn. JA, 1142, STORE it OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, ranted snd repairsa sol. agents tor IB. CORONA. Get our Prices before you buy. Every macnio. guarantees. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. tig. 111 rarnam. WE buy, aell aafea, make desks, show eases, etc, Omaha Fixture Supply Co., a W. Cor. 11th and Douzlaa. J A. 3724. BUSINESS CHANCES GARAGE, well equipped with machinery 10 ao auto repair ana machine work. Stock of tlrea and aoceasorlea. Agency for popular selling car. Six-room house. Must leave on account of health. P. O. box 487, Gregory, 8. D. J. R. Burrell. A GOOD paying automobile accessory businesa fur aale. 3006 Cuming atreet. 18 ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Brick bldg., ateam heat, leaae, 376 rent, filled with men roomers, money maker. 32,300. No phone calls answered, deal with owner. 734 North Uth. MEAT market for sale in town of 600 population. First class market; good farming locality; doing a fine business. For further Information address Y-1935, Omaha Bee. HERE IT IS A going multlgraph busi ness, una or tne nest ouya In Omaha today. Call AT. (104. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS A Wonderful Opportunity j no oniy store ouiiaing lor rent in a good live town in one of the test sugar beet districts in Colorado. Good brick building, 26x66 feet, situated on the main street of Illff, Colorado, on the Union Pacific; rental. 140. Address B. Schnltaer, 1666 Race St., Denver, Colo. ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttona, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING g$: ed Buttons. 180 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 6670. CHIROPRACTORS. Parlann DR. A, N., Chiropractor, 208 JO,l laVll Paxton block. AT. 747. WE. 62. Office hrs.. 11 a, ra.-6:30 p. m. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built any style and sise, 1100 up. concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber & Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6665. DANCING- ACADEMIES. LEARN to dance; summer classes: 10 les sons, 34. Keep's, 1818 Fsrnam. DO. 8440. DENTIST9. DENTAL X-RAYS, 6 each. a full set. ei? aecnnties Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Dr. R. R. Page, Dentist, 642 World-Her- old Bldg. Of. AT, 0661. Eve. KE. 0772. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA. 2066; night, KE. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville ciK. at. 6501; night, WA. 4046; KE. 046S JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence securea in an cases. AT. 1136. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 313 8. 11 Bt Dp. 8447 FURRIERS. hMTRS remodeled, rellned, cleaned, Kneeter Alaska Fu Kneeter Alaska Fur Co.. 203 So lth St. DO. 7783. HAULING. EXTRA! LET'S GO! WHY PAY HIGH PRICES FOR HAULING? Trunks, 60c. Handbags, 2Se. Any Place In City. DAY EXPRESS. PHONE AT. 4360. SUNDAY SERVICE. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 10- Howard St PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. 1 help inventors sell their patenta. OSTEOPATHS. DR MABEL WESSON. Osteopath. 643 World-Herald Bldg. At. 360. Ja7 72. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAUL 7HIESSEN, painting and paper nauglng. I, tc ? per room, including Dt-ai worn, Al. LUPTON Painter; inside work clalty; cheap for cash. AT. 717. spe. WEDDING STATIONERY. WEDDING Invitations and announcements printed or engraved; samples sent upoa -'--v "'lllur" rnming Department. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS w pajr tn" bMl . . Prtc ib privilege X?Jmr bck" at small profit GRO88 JEWELRY CO- Omaha, Neb, 403 N. 16th St Telephone DO. 64. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made ii., ucu at nair price or new beds. Pillow, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed waaneq. ht Cuming. JA. 3467. DR. Louie N. Smemoff. diseases of women and children. 115 N. 31st St AT. 76. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at we Buermau at Mcionnell Drug tores. FOR ANDY HUC- TMart COl - Y6U OviT IM OH" .1 JutT WaHT NTttVST ON VIVtAt t0VO 60T- TWAVS IU tON'T HKVt NO VtU MAKL TMA'W A 600 V)AN- WANT TO BUY . DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used deke bought, sold and irausa. j, c. neea, 12117 rarnam. AT. (14. WILL llliy 20 GOOD L'SKD CARS. A1RDOMB AUTO CO. 1TH AND DODGE STS. Call WB. 6441 first We pay more for lunmure, ruga, atovea, clothes. ROOMS FOR RENT OKT YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for ilat of choice desirable rooms In all parta of the city. A aarvlce that benefits both advertiser and room aeker. ROOMS for men only; running hot and coin water; wnlkinr distance. Brown Bachelor Apts. B0 North 2)nt St. ' AT. 7443. CLAREMONT HOTEL, on 17th, near Jackson, DO. 2736. Rooms and kitchen ette apartments. Comfortable and res ronable. Inquire for rates. HOTEL 8ANDFORIJ, Uth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, ltith and Farnam. pprciai rates to permanent guests. 'URN. rma. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prlcea reasonable, day orwk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. DESIRABLE rooms for two or three young , x-none narney etna alter p. m.. truay anernoons or ttunu&y. UNFURNISHED room for light house Keeping, close in, strictly modern, rea onaDie rent, can Ar. slop. FOUR furnished, front rooms: adloinln pmn; pri. lamny; 47 a week. WE. 3507. NINETEENTH ST.. 1637 N. Nvice sleep mar roumi, sz ana 6. wis usug. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE OlflDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for tree copy containing desirable vacancies in an parta of le city. FARNAM St.. 2063 Choice Apts.. close In SIXTEENTH ST., 606 N. 3-room apt, for light housekeeping; also two sleeping XKi,. do. 6349-rModern, clean and cool rooms; warning distance. Reasonable. TEL. AT. 9168 2 modern connecting clean 'win., very aesiraoie, close in. BOARD AND ROOM Ideal Home rnvate family. Close to oar line. x-ieasant, modern and home like. S7 1"' ween. .1.111 w. BUin St. WA. 6178. 2417 DODGE Cool room with good board mm miq wire employed. AT. 2689. TENTH ST., 1102 South, room and board. w icneuimuitl. A 1. 9oi. HOUSES FOR RENT Houses 8 rooms, 5120 Izard street, $126. 6 rooms, 610 South 38th Ave., 365. 6 rooms. 1715 North ?4th ntr..f tne Peters Trust Company, "wnere Umaha Kents" AT' 0M. 17th and Farnam Sts, FINE 6 rooms, south, with garage. 2023 r-ierce street. Atlantic 2826 nd At- FURNISHED HOUSES WALNUT 6603 In West Farnam district, 6-room, clean, ready to occupy; well fur- nisnea, nice shade, screened sleeping i,imu, viciroia; an ideal summer home, to adults only. Applicant must furnish good reference for date to see MUST rent desirable 6-room flat, com pletely furnished, baby grand piano. Leaving city. References exchanged. Call Harney 6004. FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur- manea; good Inside and out. 3727 North 44th.- Call Eagle Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Desirable Apartments at Keasonable Rents 6 rooms, No. 6 Potter, 33d and Farnam streets. 3100. 6 rooms, No. 9 Georgia, 1040 South 29th Bireei, ot. 4 rooms. No. 17 Flo Les, 20th and Cap itol avenue. 162.50 4 rooms, No. 2 Troy, 3009 Harney street, 367.50. 8 rooms, No. 16 Kingstorough, 2638 Dodge street. 355. Peters Trust Company, "wnere umaha Kents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS'. 1 O O room modern apartments. THE A DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2805. MODERN, 3-room, unfurnished aDart- ment for rent, reasonable. 1016 Pacific St. AT 6761. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close i-. oteoDins. 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. TWO AND THREE-ROOM aDartmenta. Brown apartments, 508 North 21st St. AT. 744. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY Ho. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGB. 80 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storsge and moving. Contracts taken en Job or hr. Glob Van at Storage Co J A. 433. AT. 330. I3-I4 North 14th 8t TO SAVE MONET ON HAULING' CALL ww iiuuiurtn, uuuu. fcSBZ. Drawn TCVtl NOlt N TOS tvNO CAvliMX t 0f 5 or? TVt HOOK w SVKl TO 00 taCK OH GM VHW TME N0U ClTCH rm rviH ACarN H't OOiHCi TO tl TH k tT 600 lt Wit O 0'VL lITTlt WAnm CU BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT AUTO business; town property for sale consisting of good bouse, modern garage, two iota; una location on u. 1. Hum way. Complete stork of llres. tubes and as-easories, Light plant, 110 volt lights the town. II. sot slock and tut urea. II, tOO cash down, balanre subject to ions; mortgage, c nance for someone to pay as you go. We do an vnromoua Business. Ellis Auto Garage, Fills, Neb, OFFICES FOR RENT. TeL JA. 4110 Excellent store room. ground floor; also desk and window aispiay space on rarnam BU Good lo cation. NICE light office, low rent, located on Farnam; telephone and stenograpblo service If desired. Call AT. 7774. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE. HOUHB CO., 11th and Jonea St. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WB have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEE. INC. ftS9 Keellne Bldg. 1100 TO 310.000 loana made promptly. F. D. WRAD and D. H. BOWMAN , 310 8. ltth St Weed Bldg. At 0161. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 2711. Farm T,nnrta No y " waetern 17 aim LAJdUS net. rarma. ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 34 Om. Nat l Bk. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. enopen co Realtora. JA 4321. 134 Keellne Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 646 OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. COLORADO LANDS. COLORADO land, 282 acres, Lincoln Co. Cheap for quick aale. Address John M'. Hill, Cherokee, la. NEBRASKA LANDS Douglas County Farm Buy From Owner 160 acres ONLY 3 miles west of Omaha. ONE AND HALF MILES from paved street On main road which Is slated for paving next year, 30 acres now in alfalfa, 10 acres wild nay, 10 acres pasture. Balance In corn, im provements NEW and of the very best material and construction, all In fine snape. EIGHT-ROOM 8QUARE HOUSE WITH LARGE SOUTH AND EAST PORCH and SQREENED-IN SLEEP ING fokch. N ee blue grass lawn, Fine shrubbery and shade trees. Nice garden with plenty of grapes, cherries, currants and plums. Over 100 feet of concrete walk and a 300-barrel cistern with pump In kitchen. Fine solid brick fruit cellar. COW BARN WITH 26 STANCHIONS, HOLDS 60 TONS HAY; HORSE BARN for 20 horses or 10 head horses, balance cattle. Holds 30 tons hay. Large machine barn and laYge hog house with cement floor. Large dou ble corn crib and granary for 6.000 bushels. Cement block garage with carpenter shop above. Chicken house for 1,000 chickens, cement floor. Sum mer house with chimney, smoke house. Wood and coal house and barn, 4 wells and wind mill. FARMER OWNER TURNED DOWN 1275 AN ACRE FOR THIS FARM IN 1914. I am moving to the const and have sold my home and will sell this farm for 8100 an acre less than it is worth toduy. , 34,000 cash now. 38.000 cash next March Balanre terms. I will sell thla in 80-acre tracts If desired, terms accordingly. This is fine dairy and hog farm. S. S. Montgomery 678 Brandeis Thenter Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Do You Want to Buy Land Tell the number of acres desired, whether Improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc., and I will asxist you in lo cating such a farm Or ranch as you are aeeking. I have no land of my own to yell, nor do I represent any land sell ng company. My assistance in locat wg..tt 'arm Pr ranch for you Is free. Write Homeflnder, Box Y-1925, Onaha CASH FOR YOUR LAND . "ale made in 60 counties of Ne Sr . i r,,Addr.es Co1- Mark Carraher. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. WIT,!, SFT.T. np rvr-u a tv tt of South Dakota land for modern home zVV0"-8- , wra.fliureau. KE. 2128, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE SALE OR EXCHANGE 120-a. Wayne county, la.; good soil; good Improve ments; want alfalfa land, small en cumbrance; near town: Eastern Ne- or x. r.. Missouri, v. . Nolan Chariton, la. WANTED REAL ESTATE STRAIGHT 6-year loans per cent AMOS GRANT CO., 201 3 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 3380. OEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 106 South 18th. AT. 23(1. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay like rent C T. SPIER 4V CO.. Realtora. 30 Petera Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. AT-Lantlc 1111 means HOME REALTY CO.. 1011-20 W. O. W. Bldg. We buy and sell Omaha home. WANT or J-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first: have cash. Box 131. Omaha Bee. LIST your homes for sale with ua. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern bouses. AT. 436. TO BELL quick and buy light see Fike Price, 81 City Nat Bank. JA. 341. LIST your property with, R. D. Clark Co Securities Bldg. TO SELL see Glover Morrel. AT. 383. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 24. Western Real Eatate C., J A. IHT. for The Bee by Sidney Smith tCevrneM iJl 0O 6ft t0MCftOt HZ t TO OAMllt ON IXt OtOOMb- I'Vt BIT AT TOOC M0S Olf n 0OT TO PUMr IMg OV)A OP TVt ICG WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for salt, APTS. for lent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keellne Bldg AT. (tit, List your home Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Ratals. Loans. Rentals, JA. IMI. To buy or sell Umaha Real Estate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD Member Multiple Mating Ex. JA 142.' Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance, . City Nat. Bk. AT. . Reed & Co., ..?.' E', Insurance. 157 Farnam St Phone AT. 4141. GRUENIG ff:, 141 Firs Nat l Bk. Bldg. JA. 111. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Bells. Ranta. Inauraa. 35 Peters Trust Bldg., JA. 0633. LIST your property with W. Farnam smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. ACREAGE FOR SALE 2Vi Acres, $1,450 $50 Cash, $15 Monthly Located only five blocks south of Cen ter St., which la paved on 46th Bt. A dandy place to raise chickens; fine gar den aoll and a real bargain at the above 4, tTl m T I m'l '' i ne v yron Keed Company DO- ' 112 Farnam St. "I"'""' ACRRAnF, ,ract. lare and email. Ings A Heyd-n, 1614 Harney St. AT. 0060. AN ACRE oi ground for only 1175. r rants soura on the nivd. at 34th Bt Easy terms. AT. 141. VACANT PROPERTY 125 DOWN 35 MONTH Fine corner lot, facing south and east, sewer and water In street; near car, 1469. H. S. MANvrr.r.R t..k.. ' AT. 2403 615 Petera Trust Bide. . Ralston Lots JLt payments. 1 hone Stewart, Ralston 10-WJ DUNDEE lot, 60x125, on 64th St, near Farnam; choice lot; will consider reae. offer, c. A. Grlmmel. Phone JA. lilt. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edge wood; very .say terms. Atlantlo 8640. CENTRAL PROPERTY- Close in Bargain $1,000 Cash Seven rooms and bath, strictly mod ern; paving and all specials In and paid; walking distance. Have home and In come. Osborne Realty Co. 630 Petera Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. NORTH SIDE PROTRTY" Kountze Park Home 8-room modern house and a S-room modern, but heat, in rear. Cornea lot. Priced to sell, will give terms" Gallagher & Nelson . 653 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 8282. 3HS ,9AMDEN Av-. rooms, modern with ii acre or iruit l.ooo cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0200. GOOD six-room house, oak finish, double BiBe una anve, good lot, fine loca tlon. KE. 0460. VERY NICE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. AT 1474 LOTHROP STREET. D. E. BUCK e CO. buy and sell homes. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Field Club District Choice south front, six rooms, bath and sleeping porch; oak finish: strictly modern home: garage; splendid shrub bery and trees; one block to ear, two blocks to school. A real buy for 11,760. Terms. " Osborne Realty Co. 530 Petera Trust Bldg. Jackson 3282. FIVK-ROOM Cotloge. 6614 S. 18th street'. AT 76 aSh; oalance u tnonth. WANTED Best house 16.000 will bur. Hanscom park district H-141, Omaha Bee. WEST SIDE PROPERTY West Leavenworth Home A nice 4-room house with eleetrio lights and good well water; car for equity or small cash payment and easy terms. Call us for an appointment. Payne & Carnaby Co., 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA 101. DUNDEE PROPERTY Brand New The home you have been looking for.' Six rooma, very attractive -arrangement, excellent finish. Very easy terms Glover & Spain REALTORS. JA. 2830. 18-20 City National. Dundee Lots, Houses GEORGE CO.. Realtors Atlantlo 3024. Members Multiple Liatlng Exchange. FLORENCE PROPERTY NET HA WAY sella and trades. KB. lit. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY t?T. GOVERNMENT LANDS Our - official book. "The Homeseeker," lists and describes every acre In every coun ty In United States, gives location. Place to apply, bow secured, ltti plats, diagrams, new laws, etc.. tree Infer matlon. Address Homeseeter. 1334 Dl vlelon atreet Portland. Ore. C E. BELMAJt. real estate. Ins. AT. 3nC Mortfage) MB Omaha Natl Bank BUg. !'! , 'l !' t j-,il . .trr i.n. vs.: i.-i I i fW.'n .v.-.H- 4t0i"K' C.r. . !!,-. vni.i Jffi .Uii- w t5rf t "iJaf.ri lf i": h.i i ,i-.:tf.: if u