THE OMAHA r.F.E : WKDNKHIAY. Jli.Y r,. v.i--. S Humors of Kctl Uprising Causing Aliirni in Prussia I.etalili'lmHiit of Monarchy I)ii'iHMil in Havaria (iuv rnmfiit TuLrii St li Maintain OnltT. ti.rlM, lJ, r.ritm, July , A .null rowfjny ' 'if fli rli i l.i.l, lirlilli li'H nun lie.l iI.iuh I'niir l.imli'n ' this iihiiii.iiw. It was ""I an in -i iiik Hi r, I II ! ill tru n( (irr- num's i " ' u 1 1 1 1 hi July i-rlrliMUmt. j it u:i a ii.'t.o- tin Kiivrrnnirul i t.i'.niK riv pti i iiiniiin to main- j t.i n m 'li r rvrrlln lt in. i miiiR tr-pntts ,irr brum i u v ;il.iU il. In I'm! in in v su ik (.1 .1 ml onslaught, while in tin ruinor fuifrrns the c-t.tlili-Hii fit it a monarchy. t irnrully thi''oiiil nervous iji .i is itiiiram. Qu'et in Munich. 'I'liC Trihutir' Miillirll i'iiirrpoil ihiit tih-il.iiir( tmlay that rvrry tlniiK is normal, with atlnitiou rn trtiiij? on the kih rrniiicnt' fiaml iiKaiiot airrit.iiii'c of the proposal inr national xir.ion'in.iry law (or the tirotcttiim il I In republican form of Kovernnn nt. and in the trial of I'aron I eo 1'rtclitiiiK, charged with for conspiriiiR with I'tench diilomaii for Bavarian M-paratinn Irnm (ierntany. In view of the numerous events and alienations coupling Oencral I-udendortf's name with the accom plice of the assis;ination of For riKii Minister Kathciiau, the Tribune telegraphed the general, mentioning the police ('harm' that Lieutenant (iuenther, alleged to have been Gen eral I.ndendortf's private secretary and one of the suspects in the Rathenatt murder, carried letters from General Ludendorff and also had a monarchist flag with the in scription "The Monarchy Must Endure, Ludendorff." Says Reports "Lie." The Tribune prepaid a longer answer, but General Ludendorff s reply today read: "Everything is a lie, Ludendorff." Politically the situation is straight ening with satisfactory party com promises. It i? evident that inde pendent socialists will enter the cabinet. The reconstruction port folio' has been offered to Herr Hil ferding, former editor of the Frcheit. The independent socialists are now insisting that Herr Breitcheid get the foreign ministry. The amal gamation of the independent social ists and the social democrats also is progressing. Candy Store Owner Drives Off Robbers Tom Gates, proprietor of the Broadway Confectionery store. Sixth street and ,Broadway, foiled two armed holdup men Sunday flight as , he was on his way home just after locking up his store. Gates walked toward his car, which was parked at the curb at the side of his store, v-hen the men stepped toward him and demanded that he throw up his hands. Gates pulled his own weapon from his pocket, leaped behind his car and began shooting. The robbers fled. Woman Has Too Many Dogs, Declares Humane Officer Blanche Scott Lee, head of the humane society in Council 'Bluffs, -.csterday filed information at the i-ourthuse against Anna Nelson, Tenth street and Fourteenth avenue, because she has 17 dogs at her home, with city or county taxes paid for none of the animals. "Mrs. Nelson evidently feeds and waters her pets regularly," said Mrs Lee yesterday, "but they are all penned in a very small enclosure and I do not consider it humane to keep so many that they are "prevent ed from living the normal life of such an animal!" According to the humane officer, the woman may keep all of the dogs, however, if she cares to pay individ ual taxes for them. Weather Bureau Will Get Reports in U. S. From Abroad Washington, July 4. Arrange ments have been completed whereby the weather bureau will receive daily reports from Midway Island, Guam, Manila and eight cities in China and Japan, including Hong kong, Shanghai and Tokio. These re ports will he transmitted from Manila to San Francisco by naval radio stations. POMTICAT. AnVTRTISEMENT f &WJF r Av--N E. Ruth Pyrtle LINCOLN. NEB. KoB-peUUcal cudlrlate for Slits Suptrin Undmt of Public Inauortloo. Orw 20 ror tMililn rarwrinice la nirml. tlllM Mil citj rhoolt cf Nrtmnks. Tiro dfr fn.m th TDlTmlw Nrbruk. 8rent 14 nnnthi In r wvlfar work at Camp Dodga and Da Minnas. Iiltufa tn4Twtr. wHw. nonjrsM1r traiajfr. torturer, club wrou. and ciric worker. Vote for Her July 18 WottaLife! Play Game Fair and 'Shoot Square.' Al Jennings' Advice to Young Men If there is a young man who is planning to stray from the straight and narrow path and who thinks that because a rail strike is in progress the time is opportune for a train robbery, he is wrong, at least, that is the opinion of AI Jennings, out law, lawyer, politician, evangelist, author and actor, who is a visitor in Omaha this week. Jennings' advice to the younger generation is to play the game fair and "shoot square" with everyone. He is in a position to know, because of the fact that he has looked at life from all angles. He has been on this earth 58 years, the last 2.1 of which he has lived straight, and for that reason he has not feared anyone in those 23 years, he says. Before he was 18 Jennings was ad mitted to the bar and practiced law in Oklahoma. At 18 he turned out law in an effort to avenge the death Shuman Takes Rap at Standpatters Candidate for Congress Nom ination Would Repeal Esch-Cummins Act. Chadron, Neb., July 4. (Special Telegram.) William E. Shuman, candidate for the republican nomina tion for congress in the Sixth dis trict, delivered two addresses in this county today. In the morning he was requested to appear before 200 striking railroad men of Shadron to address them on issues of day. He declared that the results of railroad legislation of the past 10 years pointed backwards, as far as employes and public were concern ed, and that railroad rates should been very substantially reduced be fore employes were asked to accept further reductions in wages; that the Cummings' law was so unsatisfac tory as a whole that it should be re pealed; that the old standpat and conservative element in congress should no longer be entrusted with law making, but that new blood should be sent to Washington, to join with progressives already there and on the way, to work out a com plete and comprehensive solution of railroad situation. At the close of his address a unanimous vote of thanks was extended to him for his address. In the afternoon Shuman addressed a farmers' meeting at Dunlap. He said one of the causes of unrest was too many laws, many of which should be repealed; that congress has had for many years, incluences and blocs representing many interests though not bearing name of bloc, but that as soon as farmers got repre sentatives to attempt to protect their interests, the term bloc was in vented. Edward L. Burke, jr., who has been visiting school friends in Cleve land since he graduated at the Taft school, arrived Tuesday morning from the east. WottaLife! of one of his brothers, who was killed by two men. In the years that fol lowed he made a specialty of rob bing express cars. He finally was captured and convicted of robbing a mail car, for which he received a life sentence. President McKinley commuted the sentence and Presi dent Roosevelt restored his citizen ship by granting him a full pardon. After leaving prison, Jennings en tered politics and was elected county attorney. He sought the nomination for governor of Oklahoma on the re publican ticket and was defeated by a narrow margin. After his defeat he gave up politics and became an evangelist. He later entered the movies and went from the movies to the legitimate stage. Jennings is appearing in a vaude ville sketch at the World theater and will end his engagement here on Friday. Dry Chief Cains Repute as Long-Distance Talker Washington, July 4. They now have added the name of Roy A. Haynes, prohibition commissioner, to the world's list of long-distance talkers. Haynes has interspersed a whirl wind program for drying up the country with about 20,000 miles of travel and more than 100 speeches since he took office less than a year ago. The "Ohio oracle" as his middle western neighbors call him, speaks usually without manuscript, and whizzes along, after a swift start, at the rate of ISO words a minute. He is noted for jamming big ideas into long sentences. A two-hour speech is just one of the passing incidents of the day for the prohibition chief. He boasts it matters not whether the audience is with him or against him in his views once he gets a full head of words. Fourth of July Com But One Year Why tako chance with your Kodak films when you can have them finished by expert? FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when print are ordered. SAME DAY SERVICE We print your film in the glossy finish with no extra charge. Merritt Drug Store 311 South 16th Economy In purchase price. In mala, tenance, in time, la peace of mind and physical effort is the economy of the Willi Sainte Claire. WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO. Farnam at the Boulevard Phone Harney 08S8 WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE Japanese Privy Council Approves Nine-Power Pact American AmIasa!or at ToLio Notifies Government of Artion on Wahiii;. ton (ionferetiff Treaty. OiatitlM ! t4 Wtr. Washington, July 4. Otlicul no. lifuation has been recmcd at the Suie department that the J-ipjurnf privy iiiiinril lia approved the nine' power treaty concerning China and the l hiurtc iutom tariff treaty, llntll thre conventions were liii;.ti ated at the Wathinginn conference on limitation ol armament. The State department's notifica tion came in a t able' front ( harle It, Warren, the American amhaalur at Tokio. He aid that the aent (if the privy council had been given on July I. All the other treaties negotiated at the Washington conference have been approved by the privy council, no that it work in now complete with reference to the agreements entered into by Japan with the I'nitcd State and cither nations in accordance with the effort of this government to re duce and limit naval armaments and preserve the peace of the far east and the Pacific. The Washington treaties previously confirmed by the Japanese privy council are the four power treaty concerning the Pacific islands, the treaty supplementary to the four-power treaty, the naval arm ament treaty and the submarine-poison gas treaty. The privy council had also recom mended ratification of the Yap treaty between the United States and Japan and the agreement between Japan and China concerning the restora tion of Shantung. Sliced cold potatoes can be warm ed over in milk. Nash Ltads the World In AS HI YOU will find the Nash ruggedly impervious to the common mechanical ailments that befall less finely built cars. Fours ni Sixes Pricu rtuge frm $p6j t $2joo,f. t. b. fcttry NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. Distributor Nash Passenger Car Retail SERVICE Wholesale Tenth and Howard Sts. o and ai Northern Wisconsin Plan your vacation in this great outing region where you can camp, canoe, fish, hike over pine $ scented trails or just loaf. Pi Following greatly reduced fares in effect 8 tickets on sale dailyreturn limit October 31st. From Omaha From Omaha R"- , Jto , Trip Fare) Fare Cable, Wis. $26.75 Lake Owen, Wis. $27.00 Cunberland.Wit. 23.20 Shell Lake, Wu. 24.1 S Gordon, WU. 26.20 Solon Springs, Wis. 26.60 Grand ViewJWU. 27.75 Spooner, WU. 24.50 Hayward.Wis. 25.85 Turtle Lahe.Wm 22.50 Correspondingly low (are to Virgin forests, windino, woodsy iyN gamy fish will test your skill with rod and reel. jy,"w FoWr "Out-of-Door in Upptr Wucontin" els 6onf it P Our representatives will take pleasure in giving further infor mation, advising you of our excellent train service ancj assisting Iff VMfiS m arranging travel details Chicago & 120M203 Farnam St Telephone Douglas 2740 il CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICES . MIS IVJ.. Ca i King George, Short of j Cash. Closes Laundry i 1 OMihill, July .-kilK lieiliuc'i bet hint will git to a llimete laundry ami yiieeu .Mar) I liberie t.i a I rench laundress henceforth. An edict baa been i iu j ch'sine duMii the royal family's laumli y-lhe roal uasluiiKhouse, it is ollicially rail ed at Rich lli. .ml. The ilcsiie for still further econ omic!) in the man agement of the king's household !iuught about the decision. (Jlieen : King bcorge V. Mary is believed t, ti lil'.lll:irl! u ...tlutllciM fi-ip it Nut since Ouccii Victoria, liat-ti-lied wtli the way valuable linen dirappcarcd when the roysl wash was sent to a public laundress, has the weekly wash front Kuckiugham palace gone elsewhere than the royal washhiiuse. More than 24 women and men were employed there. Iliisliam! Too Hamloino, Wife (.runted Divorce Detroit. I til v 4 Delegates repre att in 25,000 didn't want Charles W. Kane for a husband. Mrs. (icnevieve Kane told Judge Wayne in asking fcr a divorce. "He told tne he was so handsome that 25,000 women wanted to wed him," Mrs. Kane declared. The decree was granted. in Motor Car Value m 1 Telephone ATlantic 2916 Pleas paste this phone number in your phone book. It was omitted. Very Low Excursion Fares to a Guaranteed IBrifegBg the Great Tourist Fishing District other adjacent tourist destination!. trails, cool restful days await vou V V t V V V ot your trip. North Western Ry. Armed Tramps Hold ; Up Railroad Brakcmen luo lailriiail hrAeiiliu weie held, tip and robbed on a Height tunr near Honey Creek, la, Monday hv; two aimed tramps, according word telephoned lo Council HhinV police. I The tramps boarded the train ami! were told by the brakemen lo gel oil, Instead ol complying, one ot j them whipped out a icvoltrr did. No Hair is our We have a new method of treating the scalp. It grows hair. It stops fall ing hair. Under actual clinical tests it grew hair on 91 heads in each hundred treated. This is to offer it to you. Results arc guaranteed. If we fail, you pay noth ing. Your own druggist signs the guarantee. Hence you assume no risk in testing it. The name is the Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage. We make so broad a guarantee for this simple reason: For years the public has been de ceived with countless "hair growers" and with treatments. Now most peo ple believe hair cannot be grown they are skeptical. And with good reason. Ignorant men have claimed success where men of science failed. It is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. We don't ask you to try. We guaran tee results. You get your money back if we don't succeed. We are men of science. We think in terms of science. We have effected a new method a scientific method that our own test charts prove 95 effec tive. We have traced (he source of most hair troubles to a simple infection in fected Sebum. We remove that infec tion hair then grows. Hair Roots Seldom Die Dermatologists used to believe that a bald head meant dead hair roots. We have proved this incorrect. The roots seldom die. Four men in 7 are bald or partially bald at 40. Yet only S men in 100 need ever be bald. We have seen new hair on heads once bald. So-called hopeless cases of Y Scalp Massage ESSEX lone. I the bukeini it la put up then hands. he iiiiaiiiinl one sr4ii hri the two ti.iuuiii'ii and look their watches and nul aumuilla nt liit'iie) Then the our who did tlir scaii lung I'lunhed down lioin the car mid "pulled the air," Warning the biakemeii not to fol low . they set olt oil t.vot in the di lution of the Hhif). After all, yon can't blame Km h for desiring to at spectators. He ay peats to have lust the knack of swat ting anything else. Haliunoie Sun. MOW 1 No Money proposition semi-baldness, of hair fast falling, we have checked in 2 weeks. We have proved our point to world authorities. Now great dermatologists employ this new method. High medical au thorities approve it. Baldness, they say, soon will be a rarity. Infected Sebum 95 of all hair troubles are traced to infected Sebum. Sebum is an oil. It forms at the roots of hair. Its natural function is to supply the hair with oil. But frequently it becomes infected. It cakes on the scalp. It plugs the follicles and chokes them. It forms a breeding place for bacteria germs by the millions feed upon the hair and destroy it. It invites semi-baldness. Soon total baldness follows.- But it does not kill the hair root. Remove the infected Sebum normal hair growth is re sumed. This is scientific fact. We guar antee results in writing. Now Science Overcomes It In the Van Ess Treatment we have embodied new scientific principles. You apply it a new way. (Note illus tration at right.) It combats the in fected Sebum and removes it. It pene trates to the follicles of the hair. It revives dormant hair roots and grows new hair. We urge you to try it. The.n note results in two weeks. Note the healthy condition of the scalp the freedom of dandruff, how falling hair is stopped. Obtain it at your druggist's. Your money returned if results are not ob tained. We assume all the risk. Hence it is folly not to make the test. VAN ESS LABORATORIES 5007 Lake Park At. Chicago, I1L Now on Sale at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 5 Stores 16th and Dodge 24th and Farnam 19th and Farnam 16th and Harney 49th and Dodge and Other Leading Drug and Department Stores COACH Satisfied Owners Its Greatest Proof Just ask owners of the Essex Coach how delightfully it rides and drives. How quiet and free from rattles the body stays. How reliably and smoothly the Coach performs every task, day after day, with little need for attention. We think their enthusiasm will win you too. Lssex Touritif, S1O0S Cabriolet. $!!S F.o.b. Detroit, Mich. GUY L.SMITH l ivfstmk lusurantr Men ' of I ir Hate. Meet Hero I be Viu-tiiau I in toi k liLiiiams ciiinp.Miy held an cntliiisuiic meet. Ilia! ol iliatlltl u a-1 III hat III it J V 11 their ollui, t S 17 Douglas, inert About .') ilotrict men lioin the lit state in uhuh the company opfi ales, attended the meeting. The meet ing was held in rrlrbiatuig a per rent increase d business lor the fust six month of I1'.'.' oyer I ''.'I, hnw inn that bog insurance is being accept rd in larger volume. A Written Guarantee to Grow Hair Pay Nothing Unless we (trow hair. The Van Kss trrat inrnt is absolutely Riiarantred. You are the sole judge. The warrant is ttgncd by your own druggist. You assume no risk making this test. Note this New Way Matsatto the Treatment Directly into the Follicles ot the Hair This patent applicator msks hair treatment, at home, poaal hlo for the first time. Blood alona revives Treatment must rarh the Infected area under the surface. We accomplish It. nt. the illustration above shows, with hollow nipples of a sclan tlllcally perfect rubber mas-suse-cup which comes with every bottle of Van Ess Hair lirower. The lotion la fed di rectly Into the follicles ot the hslr. At the same time the flow of blood la stimulated by massage to the hair root. hair. iVJI:.v.. fc- mumth IMT cf hair Imft fotliei JM1 Hatrraat iPr I Uli ItVM KUtaaaamsaBaBatJ I These two pictures how ft cross section of th hair root or bulb and the case which en closes each hair from the root to surface of acalp (greatly magnified). Gerrq infected Se bum causes 95 of baldness and falling hair. Remove it and hair will grow. Illustration A. shows Sebum Infected hair and B healthy hair. $1295 Coach. $1295 rsiavicc FIRST Or1sOr1A,.U.&Ao TdeakesM Doirtu 16S4 (4S3) 2563-5-7 Farnam St. DO uglas 1970 as ST ill I