The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 05, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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"Kid" Schlaifer Hands Bud Logan Good Beating in Their 10-Round Bout
Jack Josephs
Awarded Mill
WithAl Tuttle
KiT' Win Kvcry Stanza of
1'iplit Willi (.am Little
Opponent Rolfe ami
Moss Draw.
Morrie (Kid) Schlaifer ttill reigns
lupreme among the boxer and
tighten of .Ne
braska. righting before
more than 3,000
fans and fannettr
at the City audi
torium yesterday
afternoon, Schlai
fer celebrated the
grand and glori
ous Fourth by
handing "B u d"
Logan, Omaha
welter, one of the
worst beatings of
his career in a 10-round bout which
wai advertised for the "welterweight
championship of Nebraska."
Of the ten rounds, the "Kid" won
them all, tome by wide margins and
othen by (.mall margins. Not once
fini'iiiM ...1,:- ..!. ...... c. u i : t ..
ihiiiii tut nunc "Kin n.n .iviiiami
in trouble. On the other hand, Lo-
gan was on the verge of a knockout
twice, in the eighth and tenth stanzas
when Schlaifer waded in at the gong
and rushed "Bud" from one side of
the ring to the other, landing rights
and lefts to the stomach and jaw,
said blows making Logan think he
wan in a rocking chair,
Yeiterday's battle was the second
between these two local rivals of
welterweight honors of Nebraska. In
the first meeting Logan beat Schlai-
ler with a-Ieft and by outboxir.g the
'Kid Yestirdav it wa rtifTrnit.
At times during the bout ichlalfcr
resembled the shifty and clever Dave I
Shade, dancing in and out and show
erirg blows ftom, all angles upon
the body and map of Mr. Buster
"Kid" in Condition.
Schlaifer was not the Schlaifer in
yesterday's battle that he was when
lie first met Logan. He was much
better; both in better physical condi
tion and fighting. Schlaifer weighed
in at 145 pounds at 10 o'clock in
the morning and Logan tipped the
beam at UV,i.
Logan entered the ring to outbox
Schlaifer and when he discovered
that this was impossible managed to
stay out of the "Kid's" way as much
as possible, all of which made the
latter sort of peeved and he waded
into Logan from the start, being the
aggressor in each of the ten rounds.
Time and again Logan tried to
bring his left into play, but each
time he landed with bis left mitten,
Schlaifer answered in the form of a
right or left to the jaw or body. In
the second round Logan attempted
to outbox his opponent but he didn't
get very far and in the eighth stanza
started the round by planting a
couple of left uppercuts on the "Kid's"'
'chin, With the crowd cheering wildly
for Logan to continue, Schlaifer
, soaked Bud on the jaw and brought
his right into play and Logan started
his retreat followed by the "Kid."
Beat at Own Game.
Logan was beat at his own game.
It was Schlaifer's left jab that made
a glassy stare come over Logan's
eyes in the fourth round and it was
Schlaifer's left jab that sent "Bud"'
reeling in his tracks in the eighth"
round. This same left jab landed
flush on Logan's eye in the sixth
stanza and as the purple started to
spurt, Schlaifer's followers cried loud
and long for a knockout.
Schlaifer was introduced first and,
as usual, didn't receive much of an
ovation. ' Logan was next to be in
troduced and no sooner had his name,
broil aannounced than the spectators
started applauding the game little
welter. ' For fully three minutes the
cheering continued. Logan's fol
lowers were for him at the start,
but when ' Schlaifer chased him
around the ring, from one side of
the arena to the other, these same
fans shifted to the "Kid." They
wanted a knockout, no matter who
scored it.
Starting with the first round,
Schlaifer rushed Logan, landing
rights and lefts, his dukes working
in windmill fashion. Logan tried his
left in close quarters, but he was soon
forced to break ground when
Schlaifer resumed his rushing tactics.
. Schlaifer continued this in each
succeeding round and, out of the 10
rounds, beat Logan to the punch at
the start of eight rounds.
Jack Josephs Wins.
In the semi-windup, Referee Leo
Shea awarded Jack Josephs. Minne
apolis, a victory over Al Tuttle of
Chicago in the sixth round of a
scheduled 10-round bout.
Josephs hit Tuttle with everything
but the heel of his hob-nailed ox
fords. Tuttle absorbed every blow
much like a sponge absorbs water
until the sixth round, when Referee
Shea stopped the bout and awarded
' the decision to Josephs.
Tuttle landed but few blows dur
ing the five and one-half rounds. He
failed to show any defense for Jo
sephs' blows and the referees ac
tion in stopping the bout was well
founded. .,
"Billy" Rolfe and "Sailor' Moss
battled to a six-round referee's draw
in the second preliminary. Rofe
clearly outboxed the South Omaha
fighter, winning three of the six
rounds. The first stanza was even,
while Moss won the fifth and sixth.
Ed Sledge, local amateur ball
player-boxer and Kid Kozgau
boxed to a four-round draw in the
first bout.
O'Keefe Knocks Out Welsh
in Second at South Bend
Michigan City. Ind.. July 4. Den:
nis O'Keefe, the Chicago welter
weight, knocked out Eddie Welsh of
South Bend, Ind.. in the second
round of their scheduled eight-round
O'Keefe dazed Welsh with a left
hook to the chin and then floored
him with a smashing right Welsh
was knocked down three times be
fore he took the count. They
weighed 147.
Benny Leonard
Scores Decisive
Win Over Kansas
Challenger Second Throw
Towel Into Ring in Eighth
Hound Champ
Kasy Winner.
Omaha Bee Imw4 w Ire.
Michigan City, Ind., July 4.
Benny Leonard restored himself to
Mending as lightweight champion of
the world today, when before 20,000
prions, packed into Floyd Fitzsim
inon's arena, be crashed the hope of
Kocky Kansas to the title in the
eighth round.
Leonard, winning front start to
finish, perfect master of the situation
at every stage of the battle, clipped
Kansas on the jaw in the first minute
of the dramatic eighth round. Kansas,
who had withstood a shower of lefts
and evaded a dozen rights; that were
meant to end the conflict, shook for
I n . e , i l . t .
of an eyelash and in that frac-
,,on ,oi, a" .,!",,.!",t Ir"f,JTt
1 J"1", hJs Jw- The.8turf,y 'j1'
i t c hor. retr.c.a,'d. ".
"csperatciy rcei ng wiin nis nacic w
the ropes, his face to his relentless
foe. Again and again Leonard drove
his right, then his left to head and
Kansas Reels.
Kansas reeled, tottered, staggering
around. His arms were helpless to
swine, hut he kent his taw down and
covered and reeled across one side of
the rinir. driven blow by blow by
me cnampion. u scemen impossimc
that he could keep his feet, but he
swayed and dodged. Four times
Leonard measured mm for the tin
ishinir blow, and crashed his right
but' each time it missed the vital
point. Kansas was bent half double,
staeuerinsr. blind and helpless, but as
Leonard was waiting and measuring
him for the final blow a dripping
snonce flashed into the ring
Referee Dave Miller tore the
fighters apart and lifted Leonard's
arm unconsciously as a signal to the
crowd and Kansas' seconds swarmed
into the nne
An instant later there was a flurry
in that corner, Kansas, beaten and
helpless, with the bones of one hand
broken, was fighting his own friends,
who, in their effort to save him
from being massacred, had stopped
the fight.
Beaten From Start.
Kansas was beaten from start to
finish. Leonard, who was out to
redeem the showing he made against
Jack Britton and to dispose finally of
Kansas claim to the lightweight
title, was near the best of his form.
He fought a perfect fight, a fight
whicih he figured before starting. He
had determined to put an end to
the claims of Kansas for supremacy.
If ever one fighter proved that he
was better than another, Leonard
did today. He started with the
customary feeling out and jabbing
with his left. In the eighth round
he beat Kansas to practically every
exchange of punches. He was mas
ter of the situation at every ooint.
but the stubborn, tough little Buffalo
boy, who was making his fourth ef
fort to grab the title, kept his jaw, so
well covered that Leonard could not
land the decisive punch. From the
third round on he had Kansas prac
tically at his mercy, but never once
could he hit him where it would
yield the desired result.
Slips Through Ropes.
He tried in the fifth to finish it up,
but a slip through the ropes delayed
matters. Kansas, tough and wiry as
ever, came back and showed that he
had a dangerous punch which com
manded the respect of the Bronx
beauty. Again in the sixth Leonard
seemed to have him where he wanted
him, but could not hit the vital spot
The finish started before the first
minute of the eighth round was
fought. A short left-hand swing
caught Kansas on the jaw and start
ed him. Leonard hesitated an in
stant and came through with his
right, which caught Kansas hard but
a bit hieh. After that it was a
slaughter with Leonard following up
and driving his covered up victim
half way around the ropes, striving
hard to land a knockout. Kansas
was out, but still on his feet. Leon
ard was posed panther-like for the
finishing blow when the seconds
threw the sponge into the ring.
Their explanation is sufficient. They
said it was to save him from being
Golf likcis
O. On a one-shot hole, where the carry
li over a lake or pound, if a player'a tee
Bhot drops In the water. Is he allowed
to tee up his next ball, or must he
diop it?
A. The rales provide that the ball be
dropped. However, rlubs aomelmea estab
lish local rule that. If the aecond ball
la played from the tee, tt may be teed.
Instead of dropping just Daek of the water
edge, where the tee is any considerable
distance from the water edge.
Q. Please explain just wnat Is meant
by "movim?" In the rule covering the case
where a ball moves after a player has
grounded his club in addressing the ball.
A. The ball is considered to have mov
ed, if it leaves its position ever ea slight
ly, even so much aa half a tarn. But If
It merely shake or oscillate and settles
back into position. It is Bot held to bave
u. In a recent match my bail rouea in
to a wide, shallow sand trap in which
lay a board with narrow cleats nailed
acroos at regular Intervals to provide
footing for players in walking in and out
or the trap. The ball stopped on the
board, resting against one or the cleats.
Wss I entitled to lift it off this board
and drop it in the aand?
A. Tea. within a crab-length of the
place where it originally lay.
Q. Will you tell me what the rule is
covering a aituatton like this? In a single
match, the players play blind approaches
to the putting green. On reaching the
green, the player away putta and holes
the ball. The other player makes ready
to play and discovers that hla opponent
has played his ball. What is the cor
rect tblng to do and la tbere any penalty
Involved ?
A. In that vase the mlsplayed ball Is
replaced and the twe nlay the hole out,
aa the balls lie. ne penalty betna; Incnr
red. Q IWs a player incur a penalty. If
where his ball lira in a sand trap, he
carelensly allows his club to touch the
around as he e'eps up to the bn to atudy
the shot?
A. Yea.
Okrie Pulls "Iron Man Stunt" and Beats Denver
M. Male -! tlartewtll I II
l. Louis, Jlr 4 hrd.l man him awn
gams vim ClnriMatll this ftesnaaa. iu
4. smashing nut 4 l.o Ulix snrf drums
la l.sta Iiuih Irist la ib eighth inning
atiih at. via' winning ra. Mia fr
furiosi" e gats lb locals an even break
anh the vulture, aa the lost lha morn
ing frolic II 10 llornsby clouted ut
hi 1Kb homer of iba wui In Iba third
Inning ihia afieraean wnb las wan on
h.. Ilarfiava slsmmtil aui a circuit
dnva lie ana man en.
keek, Cincinnati's. aanMtlaual recruit
pitcher prevented wlili a aaieh ty
residents at Kirkwood, a tubuik, where be
funneilr lived.
.or, ftrat lama:
AM ll a Ir'lsek. rf a I I
Rurni. i f 4 I a 0 Mann, tt JS0 I fl tiHmlib. rf til
un n. If 4 I 4 llornsoy, Ib 1 0 3
Harper, rf I
1 4 a III
1 0,HrhulU, If t S 1
r I lln.r. lb ll
I t itlark. 3b 13 1
Wllitfo, r 4
lt..hi. rh 4
flu. III. II. t
Kimmk, M S
ItU.y. p 4
Donahue, p 0
I 1 I Ltim, I
I 4) lirtrltions, c
S 0 O Vl.M, i
1 1 . k. p
Tola la
39 II 17 It North, p
wmkrr, p
Tntala 4 II 24 11
KiiiiiiiMk out hit by halted ball.
illatiM fur Walker In ninth.
Hii-1 fr Virk in nlnih
iiatinl fur Lialner In ninth.
Hi-Are by Inninaa:
I'lnrlnn.ll n; 4fl4 AOS It
ft. 000 013 Oil I
nummary Huns: Burns. Hauliert fit,
IMimsii ill. Harper til. Ilohne l J). Klsey,
Klni'k, Hmith ill. Topurcer 13), achults,
Himk, Vlck. Alnsmllh. Krrnrs: liaubert,
Klark. 8 lock. Two-basa hlta: Harper,
Klnimlck. llnhns, Duncan, Virk, 8i bulla.
Three-baae hit: Harper. Sarrltlcs hit:
lialner. Double play: Virk to Htock to
Ievan, Loft on baaia: Cincinnati, 4; Rt.
Louis, I. Ha. a on balls: Off Doak, S; off
North, 1: off Walker, 1; off Klxey, 2.
Htrurk cut: Hy North. 1; by Kliey, J; by
Wslker. . Hlta: Off Doak, 4 In 1 l-l
Innlnne; off North. '7 in I 1-1 Inninga: off
Walker, I In i Innings; off Rlxey, IS In
I Innings; off Donahue, none In 1 Inning.
Winning pitcher: Rlxey. Loilng pitcher:
Doak. Umpires: Klein and Hitman.
Time: 1:00.
Score, afternoon game:
Burns, rf 114 oiFlaok. rf . . 4 X 2 0
I iHUliert.tb 4 t
Duncan. If 4 3
Harper, rf 6 0
Hargrave.c 4 2
Holme, !b 4 1
Plnrltl.Jb 4 1
Klmmli' .1 1
Keck. p.. .3 0
Ullleaple.p 0 0
x Hreesler 1 1
x.N'folu 0
ilHmllh, cf. 4
1 n!Hornaby,2b 4
S 0 Penults, If 3
4 11 4
2 Stock. 3b. 4
0 HAInsmlth.e 4
3 lM.evtn, si. 4
0 0sherul, p. 4
0 Totals 8414:711
n 0
Totals CC 10 24 S
xlliitted for Keck In Slh.
xltaii for Dressier in 4th.
Hcore ly inninga:
Cincinnati 021 010 "10 i
St. Louis 104 000 01 X 4
Summitry Runs: Daubert. Duncan. Har
Krave, llohne. Neele. Flark, Smith C!.
HoriKliy, Schlltx, Lavon. Errors: Klnimlck,
Fournler. Two-base hits: Sherdel. Three
hasehlt: Stock. Home runs: Hargrave,
Hornby. Stolen bases: Ilohne, Fournler,
Stock, Smith 2, Burns, Plnelll. Sacrifices:
Schulli, Burns. Double plays: Bonne to
Daubert. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 11;
St. Louis. 8. Bases on balls: Off Keck, 1;
off Sherdel, 4. Struck out: By Keck, 3; by
(llllesnle. 1: bv Sherdel. 2. Hits: Off Keck,
11 In 7: off Gillespie, 3 in 1. Losing pitcher:
Gillespie. Umpires: Klem, Fllrman. Time,
Pittsburgh, 4-0; Chicago, 8-8.
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4. The, Chicago
Cubs took a double-header from Pitts
burgh today, winning the morning game,
8 to 4, and the afternoon contest, S to 0.
Heavy hitting by the top of the Chicago
batting list won the morning game, while
Aldrldge held the locals to two hits in the
latter game:
Statz, cf S 2 4 OlMa'ville, ss 4 17 4
Holl'er, ss 4 2 2 6 Carey, cf 4 12 1
Terry, 2b I 0 0 2Bigbee, If 2 0 2 0
tirtmes, lb s z 13 v Aioxan, ir l w u v
B'bare, rf 4 1 3 0 Tierney, 2b S 0 1 .1
Miller, If 6 4 4 0 Ens, 3b 0 0 3
Krug, 3b 3 10 0 Rohrer, rf 2 0 4 0
O'Far'll. c4 2 1 li Grimm, lb 3 0 9 1
Aldfge, p I 0 0 af'nnnxrd, c 3 0 2 5
morn n, p s u u 4
Totals .36 14 27 12f xuarnhart 10 0 0
I Totals . .28 2 27 19
xBatted for Morrison In ninth.
Score bv lnninara:
Chicago 100 400 012 8
Pittsburgh 000 000 000 0
Summary Run: Hollocher. ftrlmen 2I.
Barbare, Miller (2), Krug, O'Farrell. Er
rors: Crimes, Tierney. Ens, Rohwer. Two
base hits: Miller. Barbare. Three-bass hit:
O'Farrell. Stolen base: Hollocher. Sacri
fice hits: Barbare. Krug. Aldridae. Double
plays: Terry, Hollocher and Grimes; Tier
ney, Maranville and Grimm. Left on bases:
IJhlcaKO. 8: Pittsburgh. 2. Bases on balls:
Off Aldridge, 1; oft Morrison, 4. Struck
out: By Morrison, 1. Winning pitcher: Al
dridge. Losing pitcher: Morrison. Umpires:
O'Day and Hart. Time: 1:31.
Morning game:
Statz, cf 6 3 2 OlM'nville, ss 4 0 4 2
Holl'r. ss S 3 1 2Carcy. cf S 0 1 0
Terry, 2b 4 2 4 3 Bigbee, if 4 2 0 0
Grimes, lb 4 2 0 Tierney, 2b 6 3 4 4
Barbare, rf 4 2 4 0 Trayn'r, 3b 4 1 1 4
Miller, if 5 12 0 Rohwer, rf 4 0 2 0
Krug, 3b 4 0 4 2 Grimm, lb 4 1 10 1
O Far 1 c 3 0 1 2Gooch. c 3 14 3
Cheeves, p 2 0 0 llGlazner, p 2 1 0 2
xH'cote 0 0 0 0 Cooper, p 0 0 0 0
xCalla'n, 0 0 0 01 Carlson, p 1 1 0 1
Osborne, p 2 0 0 0xBarnhart 10 0 0
lioi s tn, p 0 0 0 0
Totals .38 13 27 101
f Totals ..35 10 26 17
xBatted for Cheeves In sixth.
xRan for Heathcote In sixht.
zHollocher hit out by batted ball.
xBatted for Carlson in eighth.
Score bv innlnas:
Chicago 000 015 02(1 8
Pittsburgh. 000 030 001 4
Summary Runs: Slate f2V Trniint.aP
(2), Barbaro, Miller, O'Farrell, Callaghan,
Maranville. Carey, Bigbee (2.) Errors: Ma
ranville. Tierney. Gooch. Two-base hits:
HolIOCher tf21. Terrv. Rlchix Thma.hnu
hits: Barbare, Tierney. Stolen bases: Bar
bare, Statz, Maranville. Sacrifice hits: Ter
ry, Traynor. Grimes. Double play: Maran
ville, Tierney and Grimm. Left on bases:
Chicago, 10; Pittsburgh, 10. Bases on
balls: Off Cheeves. 4; off Glaxner, 6; off
Osborne, 1. Struck out: By Osborne, 1; by
Glazner, 2; by Carlson, 1. Hits: Off
Cheeves, 6 in 5 Innings; off Osborne, 4 in
4 Innings; off Glazner, I In S 1-2 innings;
off Carlson, 2 in 2 2-3 innings: off Cooper,
3 in 0 inning, none out In sixth: off Hol
lingsworth. none in 1 inning. Wild pitch:
Carlson. Winning Ditcher: Cheeves. Los-
ng pitcher: Glaxner.
New York, S; Brooklyn. 5.
New Tork. July 4. Tn one of tha mail
spectacular games ever played at the
Polo grounds, the New York Giants and
the Brooklyn Dodgers hattieit tn c.s
tie this afternoon. Wet grounds caused a
postponement of the morning game. Raw
lings tied the score for the Giants with
a homer in the third with two on and
the New Yorkers went into the lead in the
saventh. Johnston brought in the tie In
ning run for Brooklyn In the ninth with
a triple, but was caught at the plate try
ing to stretch the hit. Each team scored
a run in the tenth and rain ended the
game after the fourteenth inning. Score.
AB.H.O.A. Ban'ct 1 10 t
High. 3b 4 11 i Rawl's 2b C 2 4 4
J'ston. 2b
Nels, rf
H'glins, c
Wheat. If
6 2 1 4 Frlsch. Jb 6 O 1 1
Z 1 I UiMeUsel, If 4 2 1
e n ol Young, rf
3 0 4 0
5 0 4 0
0 0 4 0
5 1 16 4
Kelly, lb
Smith, o
Ryan, p
J'nard, p
Toney, p
Hyers, cf
Sm th. lb
Olson, ss
Miller e
5 2 3 4
3 1
1 Oi
0 1
O 1
0 0
0 01
Vance, p
Totals 4 7 42 14
0 4
0 01
Totals 44 10 42 14
xRan for Deberry in ninth.
xBatted for Miller in sixth.
xBatted for Jonnard In tenth.
xBatted for J. Barnes in eleventh.
Brooklyn 201 one nt in no I
New York 403 000 100 ISO 00 4
Summary Runs: High. Johnston. T.
Griffith. Hungling, Janvreln, Bancroft 2.
P.awling. Young. Jonnard. Errors: Ban
croft. 8mith Two-base hits: Olson. De
berrv. Meusel. Three-base hite: Stensef.
Johnston. Home runs: T. Griffith. Raw-1
Unas, s' Wbsst. Millar, Kellr. OI.
sua. eukle plasat Rawllesa, Maarfoft
and Kelly, lift tin sues: iiiuuklya, 4,
Saw Vdi. I. Haara aa bails; tiff Ha".
I; aff Joanaid, 4, elf Urlmaa, i, aff t a
dura, I, aff Toa.y, I. irak eat; II
tlrimaa. I; by Junnard 4; by Yeata, I:
lly J, llarara. I; by I'adara, I, Una: tiff
Kvan. I la ma Inninaa iMI.bad la I mtai:
ff JuniiaiJ. In l innlim; uff J. Harnr,.
I in I innim; err Tny, I in I ii.mnaa,
uff Onm.a. I la I lntiilt, aff Vanra. I in
Inainga tnna out in IKhti eff t'adura,
I la 4 lanliiga. I'mpIrM; Maiaa and
yunltr. Tuna; t It.
rhUatMphla, li'paalaa, I.
rir.l tainai
rmt.Ab;i.PMiA. Bosrov AM.K.OA.
iiann. ib i s a tVi. tt ss
I'ark'n. tb I t I .Harbate, ) I I I I
Will a. cf 4 I I -bria r, bl I I 1
Walkar, if I t 1 ('Niton, If I I a
U., If 4 14 0'1'ruiao. rf IIS
JSnillb. sal S 4 I Holka, Ib 4
I...H., lb I I I Hopf, Ib 4
H.nllna. a 4 I I lw!r, 0 4
Hubbal, D 4 MiUr. p I
W.inarl, pa
a 0 Kill sniii. a t
.lOest-hser. n
Tulala .. JJ ijliM'bi.laoo I
1 0
iifnaon I
TrtlU It II 4 lA
i"r tinier in iivrnm.
(Halted for trst'hiir In nltilll.
Han for Uowdy in ninth.
Philadelphia too 00 803 I
""'on 004 000 00J I
Summary Huns: Parklnann, Walker
:. Lea. Henllna. Holke, Kord. Kopf. Kr
rora: Mapp, Hmith. Chriatanbury. Ford (1 )
Tao-baae bita: Henllne, Happ. Sacrifice
wane 111, j. Bmllh. Double plays:
Psrklnson to J. Smith to Leelle; Rapp to
Hmith; Itarbare lo Ford to Holke. Left
on bae.-a: Philadelphia. 4; Boston. 10.
Hases on balls: Off Fllllnilm. 1. Ml ruck
out: ny Hubbeil, I; by Miller, 6; by Flllln
anii. I. Hlta: Off Hubbeil, 10 In I in
nings, none out In ninth; off Welnert. I
In 1 inning; off Miller, 4 In 7 Innlga; off
millb. I In 1 l-J innings; off Oaechgar.
nans In 1-1 Inning. Hit by pitched ball:
Uy Hubb.ll (Ford ) Winning pitcher: Hub
bell, Losing pitcher: Miller. I'mplrse: Mc
cormick and Sentelle. Time: 2:01.
Philadelphia, 1-1; Jw Vork. 4J-I.
Philadelphia, July 4. Jones held Phila
delphia to five scattered hits In the after
noon game and gave New Tork an even
break In the Independence day contsata,
the Yankees winning. 4 to 1. The Athletics
took the morning contest, I to 1. Ward's
boms run waa the Ions New Tork tally.
Score, first game:
nitt. cr 102 01 young. Sb 2134
McNally.Jb 2 0 1
z Hauser, lb 4 1
0 Wslker, If 4 0
Kuth. If 3 0 1
Mcusel, rf 4 2X0
Perkins, o 3 1
Plpp, lb 4 0 7 2
WHrd, 2b 4 2 11
Scott, ss 3 13 1 3 ' 1
Welch, rf 4 1
M' 3 1
Dykes, 3 b 2 1
Hoffman, 0 3 0 7 0
lurray,-T 2 0 0 3 Hasty, p
3 0
xKewster 0 0 0 01 Totals
Khawkey.p I I Ml
10 127 10
Totals 30 0 24
xBatted for Murray In eighth.
xRan for Skinner in eighth.
Score by inninga:
New York 000 010 000 1
Philadelphia 100 020 OOx 3
Summary Runs: Ward, Young, Hauser,
Hasty. Two-base hits: Perkins, Hauser.
Horns run: Ward. Sacrifice hit: McNallv.
McGowan, Galloway. Double play: Young,
uanoway. ieit on Da sea: New York.
S; Philadelphia, 7. Base on balls: Off
niurray, x; on snawkey. 1; off Hasty, 2.
Base on balls: Off Murray, 2; off Shawkey,
1; off Hasty, 2. Struck out: By Murray.
3; by Shawkey, 2; by Hasty, 1. Hite: Oft
Murray, 8 In 7 innings; off Shawkey, none
In 1 Inning. - Passed ball: Perkins. Los
ng pitcher: Murray. Umpires: Hilde
brand and Dlaeen. Time: 1:34.
Score, afternoon game:
Young, 2h 4 0 6 3
Hauser, lb 4 0 7 0
walker, ir 4 0 2 1
Perkins, c 4 111 4 114
Welch, rf 3 10 0
M' 3 0 7 0
Dykes, 3b 3 10 1
Naylor, p 2 114
zSchecr 10 0 0
Hirrl, n A A A A
Totals 35 12 27 13
I Tntnla 9 KITH
ior iayior in eighth.
Score hy innings:
New York .nnn nan a, a m
Philadelphia noi 000 000 1
Summary Runs: Plpp (2). Ward (2),
Hofmann (2), Dykes. Two-base hits: Hof
mann, Jones. Ward. Pipp. Home runs:
K,c Ho'ma"- Sacrifice hits: Scott.
McNally. Double plays: Naylor to Young.
Left on bases: New York, 7; Philadelphia.
I Base on balls: Off Naylor. 2; off Har
i oft Jones. 1. Struck out; By Har-
iJ ,y KVJT- b Jon. Hits:
Off Naylor 13 in 8 Innings; off Harris,
none in 1 inning. Balk: Jones. Losing
SSi !r: ?ayr Empires: Dlneen and
Hildebrand. Time: 1:44.
Boston, 4-0; Washington, S-2.
Washington, July 4. Boston obtained an
even split with Washington on the dl?
SSi. i . eril- winning the morning
h!J?i. V? n2 r0PPing the afternoon
oattie, 2 to 0. Score:
First game:
Leibold, cf 5 3 6 0
smith, rf 6 2
Peck'gh, it! a
Rice, cf 4 1
Shanks, 3b 5 0
Brower. lb 6 3
May'rd, sa 2 0 2
J.Har's, lb 5 0 13 0;
Pratt, 2b 4 2 3 1
Dugan, 3b 4 0 0 1
Collins, rf 4 0.1
a, nar is, 2b 4
Goslln, If 1
Ooebel, If 2
Elrlcks'n, p 3
Phlll's, p o
Gharity, e 3
Milan, 1
Men'ky, If 4 3 1 01
Ruel, c 3 0 f 4
Wuinn, p 4 2 0 6
Totals 35 11 27 14
Totals 37 2 27 10
XBatted for EricltHnn In Ala.t.,1.
Boston aa, i,a 4. ,
Washington ioo 100 0013
Summarry Runs: Leibold. Maynard.
Menosky. 2; Smith, 2; s. Harris. Errors:
Maynard, 2; Dugan. Two-base hits: Har
ris, Rice. Menosky. Sacrifices: Maynard,
(2), Pratt, Ruel, Peckinpaugh. Left on
bases: Boston, 9; Washington, 12. Bases
on balls: Off Erlckson, 1; off Quinn 4
Struck out: By Erickson, 11 in sevenV:
nings, by Phillips, none in one inning.
Losing pitcher: Erickson. Umpires: Mol
arity and Nallln. Time: 2:00.
Second game:
Leibold, cf 3
Mayn'd, ss 2
Fost'r, x-ss 1
J.Har's, lb 4
Pratt, 2b 4
Dugan, 8b 3
Collins, rf 4
Men'ky, If 4
Ruel. c 4
Plercy, p 3
"isroith, rf 4 10 0
2 2
0 0
7 0
3 1
0 2
1 0
5 0
3 0
reck gh, ss 3 0 2 4
Rice, cf 4 2 10
Shanks, 3b 3 0 2 6
Brower, lb 4 1 10 1
S.Har'ls, 2b 2 0 4 0
Goebel. If 2 0 3 0
Char'ty, o 3 0 5 1
Francis, p 3 1 0 3
1 0 41
Totals 28 6 27 15
82 0 24 91
xBatted for Maynard In eighth.
Boston 000 000 000 0
Washington 100 000 Olx 2
Summary Runs: Smith, Francis. Er
rors: Pratt, S. Harris. Two-base hits:
Smith. Three-base hits: Rice, Collins.
Stolen bases: 8. Harris. Sacrifice: Peckin
paugh. Double plays: Maynard to Pratt, to
J. Harris. Left on base: Boston, 8; Wash
ington, 6. Bases on balls: Off Francis, 2;
off Piercy, 2. Struckaout: By Francis,
5; by Plercy, 2. Hit by pitcher: By
Francis (Dugan); by Plercy (S. Harris).
Umpires: Naiyn and Morlarity. Time: 1:31.
Detroit. 2-4; Cleveland, 4-11.
Detroit, July 4. Cleveland took both
ends of today's double-header from De
troit, annexing the morning contest, 4
to 2, and the afternoon game, 11 to 4.
Morton was effective in the pinches In
the first game, while In the second the
Indians solved four Detroit pitchers for
a total of 13 hits.
Score, morning game:
Blue, lb 2 0 12 0
Jones, 3b 110 0
Haney. 3b 1 0 0 1
Jam'on If 6 1 6 0
1 1
St'son. lb
Mrris, lb
Wood, rt
O'Neill, c
Morton, p
1 0
0 2
vODD, d 4 3 2
I 2
7 1
2 0
4 0
2 3
Totals 24 121 9
Totals 31 9 27 12
xBatted for Lanes in sixth.
xBatted for Cole In ninth.
.000 121 400
.000 010 0912
Summary: Runs: Wambpganss. Stephen
Wilt, cf -4100
McNally,3b 4 0 0 6
Ruth. If 3 13 0
Miller, If 10 0 0
Meusel, rf 5 0 2 0
Plpp. lb 3 1 13 1
Ward, 2b 4 2 16
Scott, ss 3 3 4 4
Hofmann.c 4 3 3 0
Jones, p 4 113
Veacb, K 4 16 0
HTm'n.rf 4 12 0
Cuts' w. 2 b 4 0 12
Rlgney.ce 1114
Bsssler.e 4 110
Dause, p 2 0 0 4
Cole, p 0 0 0 1
xciark 0 0 0 0
iManlon 10 0 4
son, Wood. Morion. Hlua, lleney. Krrert
Wsmbaseaae, Thraa.baae bit: Morion,
tolan baara. Hlu. t'nKb aerifies bit:
Veaih. Iwubla playe: ViamUagansa, Me.
ell sad Mrlnnla. Mi'lnnie, Newell and Mr.
Innia. Left v bears; Detroit, II; Cleve
land. 7. btru.k out. lly l'aua I; by
Narion. 3 lU"e en balls, off Norton,
4; uff Cole, t Hits, tiff Dauaa, In 4 in
Rinse, otf t'ule, I In I inninga. Wild
tllcn Norton. lining pitcher: I'aua..
niplres, t hill and t'onnalty. Tims: 3.10,
Scare, afternoon fame;
Alt It II. A I A II HO A.
Evans. If 4 3 I u lllue, Ib 4 114 4
Jaiin n. If 3 I 3 o'jonrs. 3b 411
Wamby, M I I 4 l obb, rf 4 2 3 0
Kt.a.kar. cf 4 2 1 O'V.a. H. If 4 0 11
HI'ii'n. b 4 11 ilH'Im'n. rf 4 3 1
JK. ll. ta 4 I t tlt'lark. ih 4 117
Mcl'is, Ib 4 3 14 4 4 3 1
Wood, rf ill I1 Has re 3 0 2 1
O'Neill, c 4 t 1 OiManlon.c I t 0 0
U' kie. l b 1 U 4 oidhani p 10 0 0
munar. d i u u
Olrson, p 0 0 0 3
Jnhnaon, p O 0 0 0
slianiy 110 0
. .to 14 :t u
Totals 17 13 37 14
slUlled for Htoner Id slsllt
Oaveland n"0 !t 017 11
Detroit 100 Out 010 4
Summary Rune: Jnmlreon. Wamby,
Speaker, Stephxiiiion. J. BVwcll, Mcmnia til.
Wood (I), O'Neill, lllue, lleilmann, Clark,
Rlinay. Krnir: lllue. Two-baae hits:
Htephenson, Wood, t'nbb (3). Stolen beaea:
U'amitv Htteaker. Kewell. Wood. Sac
rifices: Wamby 131. Wood, Jones. Double
plays: seaeii, wamny. .ni-innis, ecwen tun-
-..I-.-.. . in... ,.H,U Hit, l,mtt on
ni,tiun .,.. v i - --
baaea: Cleveland, lo: Detroit, 0. liases oa
balls: Off CoveieakIS,- I; otr moner,. i
..ii iiiiao 1. off Jnhnaon. 1. Struck out
Itv Coveleakls. 1: by Olenn. S. Hits: Off
Oldham. 7 In 1 2-JT Innings; off Htoner
In 2 1-1 Innings; off Johnson, 1 In I. Hit
bv pitched ball: Hy Oldham t Nelll).
Winning pitcher; Btoner. Paaaed ball:
Manlon. Losing Pltoher: Oldham. Um
pires: Connolly and Chill. Time: 1.
White Sog and llrowns Split.
Chlrago. July 4. Chicago and Ht. Louis
divided honors In the holiday bill today,
Chicago winning the first game, I to 3.
and St. Louie reversing the score In the
other game. Tha first gsma was won by
the White Box by bunching their hits,
while In the second geme Faber had
one bad Inning, when tha Browne touched
him for five solid hits, which resulted in
four runs. ,
Score, first game:
Johnson, ss 4 1
I 1
1 2
2 2
1 1
1 0
4 0
4 0
2 0
0 1
Shorten, rf 6 110
Mulligan, 3b 4
R.Colllns.2b 4
Hooper, rf 4
Moatll, rf 2
Falk. If 3
Hheely, lb 4
Schalk, o 4
Robertson. p 1
Gerber, sa 4
Staler, lb 2
Willlsms.lf 3
M'Man., 3b 4
Jbson-, cf 4
Bavereid, 0 4
F.llerbe. 8b 1
Pruett, p 3
Shocker, p 1
Totals 33 11 27 7
xrobln 1
xP. Collins 1
Totals 34 0 24 131
x Matted for Ellerbe In ninth.
xBatted for Shocker in ninth.
Score by innings:
St. Louis 000 ni 1 1003
Chicago 000 211 lOx 5
Summary Runs: Williams, Ellerbe,
Shocker, Mllllgan, Collins, Falk. Sheely.
Robertson. Errors: Williams, McManus,
Schalk. Two-bsse hits: Mulligan, El
lerbe, Sheely, Falk. Three-base hits:
Shocker: Stolen base: Williams. Sacrifice
hit: Slsler. Double plays: Ellerbe to Mc
Manus, Hooper to Sheely. Left on bases:
St. Louis. 7: Chicago, 11. Base "n balls:
Off Pruett. 1; off Robertson, 1. Hits: Off
Pruett, 4 in 4 2-3 innings: off Shocker, 7
In 3 1-8 innings. Hit by pitched ball:
Hooper, by Pruett. Balk: Shocker. Los
ing pitcher: Pruett. Umpires: Walsh and
Evans. Time:l:48.
Afternoon game:
Shorton.rf 4 11 0 Johnson, ss 8 0 1 4
Gerter, as, 6 11 2! Mulllgan.Sb 4 0 0 3
Slsler, lb. 6 2 f llColllns, 2b 4 2 3 4
Wllllams.lf 2 0 0 0Hooper, rf 3 1 1 0
McManus,2b 3 3 3 4!Mostll, cf 1 1 2 3 2 2 01 Falk, If.. 4 0 10
Severled.c 4 2 3 SlSheely, lb 4 1 13 0
Ellerbe. 3b 4 0 02'Schalk, c. 3 1 5 3
Danforth.p 4 10 0Faber, p., 3 2 0 2
Shocker, p 0 0 0 OliStrunk .. 1 0 0 0
Totals. .34 12 27 1lj Totals ...30 8 27 16
xBatted for Faber in Slh.
St. Louis 000 004 010 5
Chicago 000 020 010 3
Summary Runs: Gerber, Slsler. Wil
liams, McManus, Jacobson, Hooper, Schalk.
Fater. Errors: Ellerbe, Johnson. Two
base hits: Collins, Jacobson, Shorten,
Sheely. Three base hit: Hooper. Sacri
fice: Jacobson, Mostll (2), Shorten, John
son (2), Williams, McManus. Double plays:
Ellberbe to McManus to Slsler; Severied lo
Ellerbe. Left on bases: St. Louis, 7; Chi
cago. 7. Base on balls: Off Danforth, 1;
off Faber, 1; off Shocker, 1. Struck out: By
Faber, 4; by Danforth, 2; ty Shocker, 1.
Hits: Off Danforth, 6 in 8 innings; none
out in 9th; off Shocker,' nothing in one
Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Danforth
(Mostll). Balk: Danforth. Winning pitcher.
Danforth. Umpires: Evans and Walsh.
Time, 2:02.
Packers Win Twe.
Sioux City, July 4. Sioux City won both
games In the twin bill from Des Moines
here today. Williams' pitching was
decisive In the first game, wnich went
to Sioux City, S to 3, while the Packers
bunched hits In the fourth inning to win
the second, 4 to 3.
First game:
Glnln, cf 4 0 3 OIHam't'n, ss 3 1 1 4
Wag'er, 3b 4 1 0 1 Hem'y, lb 4 0 0 0
Horan, rf 4 0 1 1 Elsh, cf 4 110
Grah'm, lb 3 111 lOs'erg'd, rf 3 0 0.0
M'Lagn, If 4 0 4 01 Palmer, 2b 3 1 1 6
Tu'g'on, ss 4 1 0 llRob'son, If 3 1 0 0
Breen, 2b 4 0 0 6 Query, c 2 1 13 0
Wilson, c 3 1 4 Oi Williams, p 3 1 0 1
Cullop, p 3 1 1 1 .
' Totals 30 8 27 10
Totals 33 6 24 lOf
Des Moines .'. 011 000 10003
Sioux City 002 021 OOx 6
Summary Runs: Graham. Turgeon. Wil
son, Elsh, Palmer, Robinson, Query, Wil
liams. Errors: Hemingway. Two-base
hits: Robinson, Palmer, Metz (2), uuery.
Three-base hits: Willlama, Cullop. Home
run: Graham. Sacrifice hits: Hamilton,
Ostergard. Left on bases: Des Moines,
4; Sioux City. 3. Bases on halls: utr Wil
liams. 1. Struck out: By Williams, 12;
by ,Cullop, 4. Umpires: Donahue and
Held. Time: 1:26. Earned runs: Des
Moines, 3; Sioux City, 6.
Second game:
Ginln. cf 6 111
Ham'n, sa 3 1 1
W'gner. 2b 4 2 1 1
He' way, 3 b S
Horan, rf 6 0 0 0 Elsh, cr
Graham, lb 4 2 13 OMetz, lb
Tuna, If 3 0 2 0
O'rgard, rf 4
Palmer, 2b 4
Rob'son, If 4
Sh'gling. c 1
Davis, p 2
T'rgeon, ss 1 0 3 1
Breen, 2b 3114
Wilson, c 4 0 3 1
Mck'Un, p 3 1 0 7
Totals .32 7 24 16 Totals ..31 10 27 12
Score by Innings:
Des Moines 000 100 1023
Sioux City 000 300 lOx i
Summary Runs: Glnln. Wagner. Mc
Laughlin, Ostergard, Robinson, Shangllng
(2.) Errors: None. Two-base nits: uavis.
Robinson, Glnln. Wagner, McLaughlin.
Sacrifice hits: Davis (2.) Stolen bases:
Hemingway (2). Graham. Double plays:
Hamllton-Palmer-Metz; Davis-P aimer
mm r.ft on bases: Des Moines. 10: Sioux
City, 7. Bases on balls: Off McLaughlin. 1;
off Davis. 7. Struck out: By McLaughlin,
3: by Davis. 9. Hit by pitched oati: y
navii iRreenl: bv McLaughlin (Shang-
ling and Hemingway.) Umpirea: Donahue
and Held. Time: 1:45. Earned runs:
Siaux City, 4; Des Moines, 3.
Witches Win Double-Header.
Wichita. Kan.. July 4. Wichita defeat
ed St. Joseph in both games of today's
holiday bill before large crowds.
Score, morning game:
AR.H.O.A.l AB.H.O.A.
Olson, lb 6 3 1 2! Smith, cf 4 12 0 6
Fisher, rt 6 4
Defate. ss 4
M'Dnld.,3b 4
Stphsn.. 2b 4
Gbwski., e 4
Hovlik. p 3
Adams, p 0
xOrover 1
2 0 Butler, 2D
1 0 Berger, sa
2 Oi East, rt
4 2! Blksley. If
0 I M Dwl , lb
1 OlPurtell. 3b
14 2
2 2 0
14 0
0 10
0 11
2 6 0
0 0 1
6 0 Haley, o
0 0
Maun, p
Beebe. p
0 0
0 9
0 0 0
Totals 89 12 24 61
Totals 16 10 27 1
XBatted for Adams in ninth.
1 Bat ted for Maun in eigntn.
Score by innings:
St Joseph 501 010 noo T
Wichita 002 010 05x 4
Summary Runs: ulson. Fisher. Bono
witz . Defate 12). McDonald. Smith
(2). Butler 2. Berger (3). East. Griffin.
. r,,ft atenhenson. Grabowski.
Smith, Berger. Two-base hits: Olson.
Hanuwlla. Dtfale. McDonald (9), tephen
aon, Smith Hams runs: Kiaher, Kaat,
Mtnlen baae: M. Donald, lilts and rune'
off Hotlik. 4 and 6 In 1 Inninga; off
Adams. 3 ami 4 In I Inninga; off Maun,
II and T la iitiunsa; off Ilea be, I ami
none in I Inning. Iloulils plan llerger
to McDowell. Htrurk out : Hy llovlik. 4;
by Adams, I; by Maun. 4. Haas on halls:
off llovlik. 4; ulf Adams. I Left on
.bases: Wn-bila. I": Ni Joseph. 4. lilt
by Pitched ball: llull.r. by llovlik: Grif
fin, by A.lama. Katmnl runa: Hi Joseph,
a; Wichita, a I'mpim; Anderson and
Mdllooin. Time: I lib.
Afternoon gallic;
Olaon. lb 4 ii I; Hiiilth, rf 4 110
I'or d-n, If 3 n
Flaher, rf 3 I
Hon'ts, rf .1 0
Delate, aa 4 I
M'lio'd, Ih 4 a
Hiep'on, Ib 1 I
Handler, c 1 0
Mct'iHI, pin
lHmlih I o
I OiHuiler. 2b 4 111
1 1 Harger .a 311
2 0 Kaal, rf 4 0 I 0
4 . Illak lev, If 4 4 0 0
.' I M D'w'l. Ill 3 0 0 0
3 Hil'urtell, Ib 10 0 1
t litiriffin. 3b 0 0 0 I
0 Holey, r 4 110
0 THoltnrs. p 4 10
Totals 30 3 14 1I Tolnte for Mcfnll in nimh
Score Itv inninaa:
30 10 27 11
SI. Joaculi
!0ii noo 000 I
. . noo lul olx 4
Munimnry Ituna: Olaon, t'nrrlilen. Smith,
llerger. Kaal, McDow.ll. Haley. Errors:
Ilonotvlts, Derate, Ktephcnaon, Hcrer. Har.
rifles hlta: Honowiii, Hmith, (lilffin. Two.
baae hit: Illakesley. Three-bass hit: Hinllh
Double plays: MiColl to Delate to Olaon:
Stephenson to 1 1, fate to Olson. Struck out:
lly SI. foil. 1; by Kellers, 7. Haaes on halls:
off Mi'l'nll, 6: off Scars. 7. Left on haaes:
Wichita, 4; Ht. Joseph, 7. Wld pitch: Mr
Coll. Earned runs: Wichita, i: Hi. Josxph.
1. 1'mplree: McOluoin and Anderson. Time:
Indiana anil Idlers Split.
Oklahoma fliy. July 4 Oklahoma City
anu -luisa oroae even in today s nouhle
header, the vlaiinrs winning the first, 6 to
t, and Oklahoma t'lty tha second, 7 to 4.
Seven Indian errors played havoc In the
first. Pitt singled hla lsst two times up
In th first game end then hit safely his
first four times In the second. Score:
Score, first geme:
Bennett. If 6
3 2
01 Pitt, rf 4
2 I
0 1
Tho'n, 3b 4
0 0
1 1
2 1
0 1
0 1
0 4
3 11
0 0
0 0
2IGIng'dl, If 4
Davis, rf
0Krueg., 3b I
llFelber, 2 b 4
lM'Dan.,- lb 4
1 1
0 1
1 11
0 6
1 2
0 2
0 0
1 0
0 0
Stuart, ss
lamD, cr
Bau'n, 2b
01 Long, e 4
OlWIndle, ss 4
01 Moore, cf 4
1 1 Payne, p ' 2
OlsFlsher 1
I xTate 4
Lell'lt, lb
Crosby, e
Black, p
Boehler, p 1
36 9 27 SfzRob'ts, p 0
0 0 1
I Totsls 34 7 27 14
zllatled for Payne In seventh.
rRan for Flsner in seventh.
Tulsa 001 020 0205
Oklahoma City 000 000 2002
Summary Runs: Bennett,, 3; Lcllvelt,
Crosby, McDanlrl, Wlndle. Errors: Stu
art. Glngiardl. 2; Krueger. 2; Felber, 2;
Wlndle, Two-bnse hits: Bennett, Lellvelt,
.McDanlel. Sacrifices: Thompson, Black,
Lamb. Stolen haaes: Thompson, Pitt.
Hases on balls: Off Payne. 2; off Black,
1. Struck out: By Payne, 4; by Iilack,
6; by Boehler, 6. Runs and hits: Payne.
3 and 6 in 7: Roberts, 2 and 4 In two
ir.nlngs; Black, 2 and 7 In 6 2-3 innings;
liochler. 0 and 0 In 2 2-3 Innings. Left on
bnses: Oklahoma City, 7: Tulsa. 9. Um
pires: Ormbsy and Holmes. Time, not
Score, second game;
Bennett, If 6 4 2 1
Pitt, i f
Thomp..3b 6 4 14
DaviB, rf 5 2 2 0!
(ling.. If
Krueger, 3b
2 0
1 1
2 0
Stunrt, ss 4 2 2
ITate, 3b
Lamb, cf
3 2 0 Felber. 2b
Baumn..2b 4
0 2 5 M'Danl . lb
l.ellvt.. lb 3 0 11 OlFlsher, c
Crosby, c :i 0 2 2lWmdle. ss
Black, p 10 0 ljMoore.rf
Hoagld., p 2 0 0 UPayne, p.
Glazier, p 0 0 0 01 Young, p
Roberts, p
Totals 37 15 24 161
Totals 33 14 27 20
Score by Innings:
Tulsa 200 030 0106
Oklahoma City 220 (111 Olx 7
Summary Runs: Bennett (.1). Thomp
son, Davis (2), Pitt. Ginglardi (2). Wlndle
(2), Moore (2). Error: Lellvelt. Two-base
hits: Stuart, Lamb, Wlndle. Three-base
hit: Moore. Home run: Ginglardi. Sacri
fice hits: Felber. Stuart. Stolen base:
Bauman. Base on balls: Off Young, 3:
off Roberts. 1; off Hoagland. 2. Struck
out: By Payne. 3; bv Young, 1; by Hoag
land, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Bauman, by
Young. Runs and hits: Off Payne, 6 and
9 in 4 innings (one on. rone out in fifth;
off Young, 1 and 6 in-2 2-3 Innings; off
Roberts, none and none in 1 1-3 Innings;
off Rlack, 4 and 6 in 1 1-3 innings; off
Hoagland, 2 and 8 in 6 innings; off
Glazier, none and none in 2-3 inning.
Double plays: Wlndle to Felber to Mc
Danlel, Felher to Wlndle to McDanlel,
Thompson to Lellvelt. Bauman to Stuart
to Lellvelt. Left on bases: Tulsa, 10:
Oklahoma. 12. Umpires: Ormsby and
Holmes. Time: 2:00.
Lincoln, July 4. Norfolk and Lincoln
divided a double-header today, the Elk
Horns taking the first, which went for
18 Innings, 7 to 6, and Lincoln won the
second game. 7 to 0. The morning game
started listlessly, but both teams began
playing ball as they started into the sec
ond nine innings, and it settled down to
a pitchers' duel between Maxwell and
Hilton. Both got better as the game woro
on. Score, morning game:
Ath' 6 2 3 5
Orr. ss 6 12 9
Carrig, cf 7 4 7 u
McCoy, lb 8 1 21 3
Gibson, rf 6 1 2 1
Wlsser.2b 10
7 3
Rouse, if
Clark, c
Hilton, p
2 13 1! Dye. 2b 8 17 8
1 6 01 Bool, if 5 2 5 0
2 16 1 Zinker.3b . 8 0 2 .3
4 4 OlConkey, c 8 2 8 2
1 1 3 Maxw'l.p 6 10 6
Totals 73 15 53 161 Totals 61 13 64 31
Maxwell called out when hit by batted
Norfolk 202 010 001 000 000 0017
Lincoln .'.140 001 000 000 000 000 6
Summary Runs: Athcrton, Rouse (2),
Clark, Hegarty (2), Graves. Orr (2), Car
rig, McCoy. Bool. Errors: Clark, Orr (4),
Dye. Zinker. Conkey (2). Two-base hits:
Clark. Marr, Hegarty, Carrig, Bool (2),
Maxwell. Double plays: Marr to Wlsser
to Hegarty, Atherton to Wisser to He
garty, Conkey to McCoy to Conkey.
Stolen bases: Atherton. Wisser. Rouse,
Graves. Orr. Carrig, McCoy, Dye. Bool.
Sacrifice hits: Hilton, Carrig. McCoy.
Struck out: By Hilton, 7; by Maxwell. 4.
Bases on balls: Off Hilton, 13; off Max
well 6. Hit by pitched ball: By Maxwell
(Heirarity, Atherton and Rouse). Left On
bases: Norfolk, 19; Lincoln, 16. Earned
runs: Norfolk, 2; Lincoln, 6. Time: 4:05.
Umpire: Jtthnson.
Score, arternoon game.
AB.H.O.A. 4 0 11
Wisser. 2b 4 1 4 1
6 2 11
6 0 10
4 17 0
6 110
4 116
4 110
4 110
2 0 14 0
2 10 0
35 8 27 6
Orr, ss
Carrig. cf
McCoy, lb
Marr. 3b 3 13
Rouse, if 4 0 0
Spellman.c. 3 1'' 4
Stucker, rf 3 0 1
Hegrty.,lb 4 1 10
Graves, cf 3 1 1
Didler, p 111
xClark 10 0
HGIbson. rf
Dye, 2b
Bool, 11
Zinker, 3b
Conkey, c
Bailey, p
Totals 32 6 24 12V
xBatted for Didler in ninth.
Score by Innings: .
xT,A,i, .non 000 uuu "
Lincoln 000 400 12x 7
Summary Runs: Orr Carrig. McCoy.
Dye. Bool. Conkey. Errors: Atherton (2).
Marr. Hesarty (3). Three-base hftsZ
Zinker. Two-base hits: Marr, Spellman.
Struck out: By D!dier. 2; by Bailey. 14.
Base on balls- Off Didier, 6; off Bailey,
2. Wild pitch: Didler. Earned runs: Lin
coln, 5. Left on bases: Norfolk. 7; Lin
coln. 8. Stolen bases: Orr. McCoy. Gib
son. Dye, Bool. Umpire: Johnson. Time:
Hastings ti'ins.
Grand Island. Net.. July 4 Three Grand
Island pitchers were unsteady and wild,
and Hastings had little trouble wlnntne
here today 2 o 4. Wlglngton who relieved
beck In the first Inning, had things his
own way after allowing four scores in the
Initial frame. The score:
AB-H.OAi AI.H.o.A.
Pizer. 2b 3 2 4 4 Roben, lb 1 1 10 0
Gaughan. ss 4
113: ,...un, ab 4 o v 1
1 1 l Sbeaker. cf 4 1 0 0
2 1 0 Palmatlere.lfJ 0 10
0 12 OlMetz. ss.. 4 0 12
4 1 2:Prltchsrd.
Amen, cf. 4
Tomes. It 4
Willets. e i
Serb. 3b.. 4
Knapp, lb 6
Oann. rf 5
Beck. p..
Wlglngton. pi
1 4 01 rf-p. 4 1
1 1 0 Kevensw.c 4 2
on Serlo. 2b . . 1 1
0 SlHrowa. p. 1 0
' Schaffner.p.l 0
41 14 27 H Foulk, rf. . 2 0
I Totals... 33 9 27 11
Hastings 310 110 tta-11
Grind Island u. 400 ' 00 040 4
Summary Runs: Piser (2). Gaughan.
Tomes (3), Willets. Serb (2). Knapp,
M KTr.R I r.At.i r.
W. 1. Pet W I. P. t
HI Joseph 44 it . mom City 41 14 .447
Tulsa 4a 31 .oui t ikla City al as .J
Wichita 44 34 .470 I finer :4 41 lit
Omaha 41 84 .till D'Moines la 44 .334
lewUrda's Results.
Omaha, -10 1 Denier. 14,
Hlous CUT. 4-4. Des Mmura, I I.
Wichita, 9-4; Ht. Joseph, J.J.
Tula, 1-1; Oklahoma i lly, 17.
Today's (lames.
Hrnrer al Omaha.
Tulaa at Oklahoma City.
Ht. Joseph at Wichita,
lea Monies at Hlous City.
NKfiKiMK l HTATK I. !..(( I K.
W. I.. I'. t I V.
Kalrliuiy ii u .164 Norfolk 24 2
Lincoln ill .(i hratrlie ;t :
llsatlnga 27 21 .440,1;. Uii. la :
Vraterdny's Hraulls.
ncalrue. 1-4: K.Hrliuiy. 3-14, 10; f.lii.oln. s-T.
Ilaatliiu,, l.'-l. tiranil Island, 4 0,
Today's tinnies.
Ilaatrlie al r'alrlmry.
Norfolk at Lincoln.
Grand Islam! at Heatings.
W. I.. Pel. i W.
N York 44 24 .647! rhlciign :
Ht. Louis 41 12 .Ml IMtlib'gh "I
Itr'klyn 40 3.1 .64; i'hily 26
Cincy 34 37 .493 lloalnn 26
Ycaterclsy'a Keaulla.
Chlrago. 4-8; Pittsburgh, 0-4.
Philadelphia, 6; Boston, 3 (eacond game,
Cincinnati. 11-5: St. Louis. 1-4.
New York, i: Brooklyn, 6 (14 Innings.
Today's Oames.
Philadelphia at Boston.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
No others scheduled.
W. 7.. Pet. W.
St Louis 46 30 .600 Wash'tnn 16
N. York 44 S3 .671 Clevel d 4
Chlrago 39 35 .677 Boston 32
Detioit 17 17 .600 Phlly 24
Yesterday's Results.
Philadelphia. 3-1; New York. 1-.
Chicago, 5-3; St. I.oule. 3-5.
Cleveland. 4-4: Detroit, 2-4.
Boston, 4-0; Washington. S-3.
Today's ianies.
New York at Philadelphia,
Cleveland at Detroit.
No other games scheduled.
L. Pet.
37 .434
40 ,45
41 .434
41 .401
American Association.
W. L. Pet. 1 w. l. r. t.
lniii'plls 44 29 .6l3Loulavllie 34 41 .4f,g
St. Paul 43 20 .589! Columbus 33 45 .423
Mln'p'lla 42 92 .5661 K. City 36 44 .433
Mllw'kce 44 37 .54 II Toledo 28 47 .373
Yesterday's Results.
Kansas City, 12-7; Milwaukee. .-S.
Indianapolis, 4-6; Louisville, 3-4.
Toledo. 3-7; Columbus. 2-3.
Minneapolis. 6-2; St. Paul, 4-4.
Today's Games.
ColumbuB at Toledo.
Indfanapolla at Louisville.
Kansas City at Milwaukee.
St. Paul at Minneapolis.
Crann, Roben. Kranila. Speaker, Prltchard.
Krrors: Roten, Brown. Home runs: Hero
(2), Wlglngton. Three-base hits: Speaker.
Two-base hits: Tomes (2), Serb, Kevenaw.
Sacrifices: Falmatlere. Bases on balia:
Off Heck. 2; oft Wlglngton. 2; off Brown,
3; off Schaffner, 2; oft Prltchard, 2.
Stolen bases: Plzer, Amen. Double plays:
Gaughan to Plzer to Knapp. Runs and
hits, off Wlglngton 4 and I In I: off
Brown, i and 6 in 3 2-3; off Prltchard, 3
and 5 in 3. Struck out: By Wlglngton.
11; by Brown,. 3; by Prltchard, 3. Left on
bases: Hastings, 11; Grand Island, 7. Hit
by pitched ball: Tomes and Gaughan by
Schaffner. Wild pitch: Schaffner. Passed
bsiis: Wllleta (2). Kevenaw. Earned runs:
Hastings, 6: Brand Island, 1. Winning
pitcher: Beck. Losing pitcher: Brown.
Umpire: Murphy. No time shown.
Falrhury and Blues Spilt.
Beatrice, Neb., July 4. Falrbury took
the second game here this afternoon by a
score of 16 to 6. Norton weakened In the
seventh and eighth allowing nine hits and
eight runs in these Innings. McKee re
placed Norton in the ninth and with three
hits and six errors allowed eight runs.
Score afternoon game.
Rooney, as 6 3 2 3 D. G'ra, 2b 3 0 11
CI'v'nd, 3b 6
M'D'mt. cf 6
R'chle, if 6
W'mb'h, b 5
Good'n, 2b 6
O'Con'r, c 6
Miller, rf 3
Lovich, rf 2
Jenney, p 4
1 2 3lK'ch'er, lb
2 16
3 2
0 0
1 2
1 1
2 0
1 1
2 2
0 10
1 2
1 7
1 0
1 0
8 1
3 Wlg'ns, rf
Bow'an, cf
Mooney. if
Quinn, ss
Parker, 3b
linger, c
Norton, 9
McKee. p
0 5
0 0
10 0 0
33 9 27 18
Totals 48 14 27 14
Fairbury 000 000 44814
Beatrice 000 002 130 6
Summary Runs: Rooney, Cleveland,
McDermott (3), Reichle (2), Wlmbush.
Goodwin (3), (yconnor. Miller (2), Dela
Garra, Klrchner (2), Bowman. Quinn,
Norton. Errors: Cleveland (3), McDermott,
Reichle, Ooodwln. Dela Garra (2), Wig
gins, Bowman. Mooney. Quinn (2), Par
ker (3). Home rum Jenney. Three-base
hits: Klrchner, Reichle, O'Connor. Two
base hits: Klrchner, Wiley, Reichle. Stolen
hases: Wiggins, Parker, Rooney. Mooney,
uoortwm. BtrucK out: ay. corion. a; uy
McKee. 1: by Jennsy, 6. Bases on balls:
Off Norton, 1: off McKee, 0; off Jenney. 3.
Wild pitch: McKee. 1. DouDle plays: jen
ney to Roonay; Cleveland to Rooney ts
Wlmbush. Hit by pitched ball: By McKee
(Wimbusb). Winning pitcher:: Jenney.
Losing pitcher: Norton. Umpire: Smith.
Time: Not given.
DelaG. 2b 4 1 3 101 Rooney, ss 6 1 4 3
Kirc'r, lb 6 2 13
Clevei'd, 3b 2 0 0 2
M'D't, rf-cf 4 2 2 0
Reichle, If 6 10 1
Jenney, rt 3 10 0
Bliss, cf 10 2 0
Wlg'ns, rf 4 0 3
Bow'n, cf 6 1 0
Mooney, If 6 3 0
Quinn, ss 6 1 2
Parker, 3b 4 0 '8
Unger, c 4 2 3
Bltt'orf, p 3 0 0
G'dwln. 2b 4 0 1 3
Wi'bush. lb 3 2 9 0
O'Connor, c 4 2 9 1
W'lfolk, p 1 0 0 1
Totals .39 10 27 17
Bram n, p 2 0 9 1
Totals ..34 9 27 12
Score by Innings:
Beatrice 103 230 0009
Fairbury 000 101 0002
Summary Runs: De la Guerra, Klrch
ner (2), Bowman, Mooney (2). Quinn,
Parker, Bliss, Wlmbush. Errors: Cleve
land, Woolfolk (2)., Three-base hit:
Unger. Two-base hit: Quinn. Sacraflrs
hit: Cleveland. Rases on balls: Off
Woolfolk, 2: off Bramson, 1; off
Blttendorf, 6. Stolen bases: Wlm
bush, Woolfolk. Mooney. Runs and hits:
Oft Woolfolk. 9 and 8 In 4 innings; off
Bramson, 0 and 2 in 5 innings. e Struck
out: By Woolfolk, 4; by Bramson. 3; by
iBttendorf. 3. Left on bases: Fairbury,
13; Beatrice, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By
Blttendorf (Bliss.) Earned runs: Fairbury,
2; eBatrlce. 2. Umpire: Smith. Time: 2:16.
Baseball Records
Made This Date
July 5.
July S. 1883 Three home runs, one club
In one Inning Providence (N. L.) first in
ning.) Farrell. 8tart, Richmond.)
July 6. 1912 Players who have scored,
three men. on one base hit N. Lajole.
Cleveland (A. L.) Record also held by 14
other players.
Today in Ring History
1SS Years Age
Daniel Menzoda bom, Oldgate, London,
Twenty-Two Tears Age.
Young Corbett knocked out Ray Streator,
Cripple Creek, Colo., 2 rounds.
Fourteen Tears Ago.
Joe Wolcott s gainst Jack Robinson, Be
decision. New York. 4 rounds.
Thirteen Tears Age.
Stanley Ketchel won from Billy Fapke,
Colma. Calif.. 20 rounds.
Nine Years Ago.
Young Herman against Johnny Daly, bo
decialon. New York. 10 rounds.
Seven Yearn Ago.
Joe 4revedo against Joe W'clling, draw,
Memphis, Tenn.. 4 rounds.
Fear Year Age.
Joe Rivers lost to Tilly Herman, San
Francisco, 4 rounds.
i. p. t.
Locals String
of Wins Jiiiiif
to 14 Straight
Hilling of "HalV" Herman
1 'cut lire of Filt (ailllrrt
KMra-llane Hits
Onlcr of Day.
I'unk Okrif. RiifTalo iorliilcr, t )
yolrnlay ' in tiiif form anil uc-
4 .tail '
.4:0 .
4 .4J ei??
I'rWtillv p u 1 1 r tl
llie "irrm man"
Minit uaaiii-t the
I) t nvcr Hears
IniiiKiiiK tlir lo
cal's Htrinj; of con
secutive victories
to 14, a IcaKUr
record for t Ii c
present flan cam
paign. The acorc
were 6 lo J ami
10 to 2.
The southpaw
throughout the matinee, the home
boys collcctino; four homers, a triple
and three doubles, while the visitors'
hits, which were few and far between,
generally were good for two or more
Herman's Hitting Feature.
The Buffaloes' offensive was fca- v
tured by the hitting of '"Babe" Her-1 J
man, who made victory possible in
the first game by parking the ball
outside of the lot with the base
loaded in the first inning- and gar
nered three doubles and a single ki
live trips to the plate in the second
Griffin also did his bit bv lifting
the ball over the fence in left center
for a homer in the opener and con
necting safely twice in the aftermath.
In the third inning of the second
game. Grantham and Manush suc
ceeded in putting the game in the
refrigerator by lifting the ball over
the garden wall. The former hit the
first ball dished up to him and scored
two runners ahead of hiin. Manush's
drive sailed over the fence in left
center and was one of the longest
blows ever made at the parkf
After his mates bad given him a
fonr-run lead in the first of the open
ing contest Okr!e never was in dan
ger. He turned back six of the
visitors on 'strikes and didn't issue a
base on balls, an unusual feat for a
left-handed pitcher. He yielded seven
hits, but kept them well scattered,
allowing no more than one hit an
inning on only one occasion, fh
game was snappily played, requirn!
only 1 hour and 14 minutes, which
also is believed to be a record for the
Play Fast Game.
The first game apparently was only
a warming up workout for the Omaha
moundsman, as his twirling in the
second half of the twin bill outshone
his performance in the opener. Al
though he passed two batters and
struck out only four, he allowed but
four hits in the first eight innings cf
the second contest, fie turned the
side back in order in the fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth innings, and
yielded base hits in only three of the
nine frames.
Gomes and Patterson of the Bears
accounted for two of the visitors'
three runs in the opener with four
ply swats. Ray O'Brien made a finei
running catch of Gislason's fly in.
the fifth inning (Of the second game.
First game:
Name AB K H TB SH SB PO A rt
(.isliiM.n. 2b ,... 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 1
Apperson, cf. -.2 1 1 1 O 1 1 Al
(.mntham. 3b. 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 1
Mnmixh, If. ...2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Of
Herman, rf, lb 4 1 1 4 4 9 0 4
Wilcox, ss . 301100144)
Rnnlwir, lb. .200060001
(rifrin, rf 1 1 1.4 0 O O 0 ii
Wilder, c 2t0 0 01ol4,
Okire, p S 0.0 O 1 0 0 1 4,
Tclu Is 27 0 8 12 2 8 27 13
Name Art R H TB SH SB PO A J
Kerr, ss 4 0 1 2 0 OS 21
Rotlgers, 2b ... 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 01
Wright, 2b S 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1
(.omen. If 41 14 O010I
Long, rf 40 1 1 0 0201
O'Brien, cf. ...401 2 O02OI
Shnnley. lb ... 4 1 1 1OO102I
Patterson, 3b..412BOO120i
Parker, e S00O0021I
Gross, p g 0 0 0 O ft 0 2 4
0 0 2
Totals .14 3 7 10
Score by Innings.
Denver 100 010 100-1
Buffaloes 400 110 OOx;
Summary Homerung : Herman, Griffiai
Comes. Patterson. Two-base hits: O'Brien
Kerr, Patterson. Double plays: Bhanley ii
Kerr. Struck out by Okrie, : by dross, Si
Rases on halls: Off Oross, S. Left on bases,
Omaha. 7: fiMvie. 4. Karned runil
Omaha, 6; Denver. 3. .Vmpirra: Davis
nizpacrirK. Time or game: int.
Second game:
Oislason. Eh
Apperson, cf
Grantham. 3b
Manush, If . .
Herman, lb ..
SO 11OO104)
. 3
. 6
. 6
. 4
. O
. 4
. 2
1 4
1 4
4 7
1 1
2 2
0 O
2 4
1 1
0 1
0 10
0 2
0 2
O 4
O 1
W llcox, aa . .
OrifOn, rf ..
Wilder, rf
Spencer, c
Okrie. p
Totals .
33 10 13 24
2 0 27 11 I
Kerr, se
I Wright. 2b . .
j (iomee. If .
4 0 1
O 3
O 2
4 0 0
3 12
2 10
.3 0 2
2 0 1
3 0 0
10 0
10 4)
Iing, rT
O'Hrlen. cf ..
Stanley, lb .
Patterson, lb
Parker, e ...
Connell. p ...
Ponaeily. p .
O 3
o o
1 1
.30 t 9 24 11
Score by Innings)
Denver 010 JOO 000 2 0 3
Buffaloes 004 111 10010 1 3
Summary Home runa: Graathanu
Manush. Three-bees hit: Spencer. Twe3
baae hits: Pattersloa, Lena-, Stanley, Here
man (3). Hit basemen: tiishaeoD, Wtteoxi
okrie. Double plays: Grantham to
Herman 2: (ilslasoa to Wlleox te Her
man. Bav hits: off Connell, tn I In'
Rings. Htrurk out: By Connell. 1: by Okrie,
4. Rases en halls: Off Connell. 1: eff Posa.
nelley 2; off Okrie. 2. losing plteheTT
Lonnellry. I -eft ea base: Omaha, 7: Dea
'er. 3. learned ram: Omaha. 3; Dearer.
If g.m'er7::i5"",,t"rk " rZi
1 r v
v X