7 A eU Solution of Coal Problem Up to Buyer Director of Geological Survey Sayi Coniumer Mutt Create Steadier Market and Not at 11th Hour. Kuy By ARTHUR SEARS HENNINO. Orntthi lie lr4 Wire, Wathinirton lulv 1 In hit effort! (o brsnx about the ret unipiion of mil t.i.iHnriinn Vm'iAmt Harriins it aiming not only to cttle the strike in the coal news uut 10 lay tne ioun elation (or a permanent tolution of ill furl kininlv emblem. Secretary ol Comiherce Hoover hat been conducting an extended in diiirv into conditions in the. coal in- (iuktry with a view to u'.ruittiii recommendations of measure! to stabilise production, distribution and employment. George Otis Smith, director of the geological aurvey, haa submitted an analysii of the problem in which he assert! that stabilization niut begin with the consumer through the crea tion of a steadier market. The consumer must order and store his coal vn the slack season instead of waiting till the 11th hour before snow flies. Too Many Mines. "With market demands more reg ular," says Mr. Smith, "it will be come even more obvious that the over-developed industry must suf fer deflation; fewer mines and fewer miners can and should furnish the needed coal. Mr. Pcabody as a representative operator admits that one-third of the operating mines are at present a burden on the Satur day and suggests their elimination through bankruptcy. Ellis Searles, u. A,nr n( th United Mine Work ers' Journal,- admits that 150,000 miners, like one-third of the mines, should be eliminated and he sug x.i. tUit hv leave the mine for the farm. Mr. Pcabody estimates that the idle days of our bituminous Invnlu, an annual loss to the capital afid labor employed of not less than $400,000,000 and I suspect that most of this loss is paid by the consumer. "A Inncrp'r urnrlcino' vear for a re duced force is the only possible method of bringing about the lower ..,. onH ibf lamer annual ..f,n Kmh nf which are eenerallv needed. It is largcl yby reason of the high unit rate of wages that coal costs too much, and on broad eco nomic grounds it may well be ques- tAnri urns ihr the oroducer should be paid a wage out o! all proportion unih fh win m ins consumer, van tt A urnrbman affor dtO bUV coal mined hy a $iu a aay miner. Basic Problems Involved. Mr. Smith holds that serious as Um Ant aituation is. there are iundamental problems more insistent for solution than even the pending differences between employer and T Tka.A Kaaftl nmhlpnll at CUipiujrc. f feet the whole coal industry 'to some learee. but especially tne ouuminous K..n.i. , Hnr nn tho economics Of the business and a lasting settlement of labor controversy wouia oecome a o.lkii;,,. lav these nuestioni un- .,.,.A ind inrfuctrial neace can not be expected to survive the usual two-year armistice. What rnal nroducera and coal .nnamr alike need." savs Mr Smith. "is reform of the business hr han rnmnromise between par , a k innitMrarcv and in this re Ilea IV m- w.v....wj . . . form it is absolutely essential that h rrtino wftrlcfra should CO-OOerate with the mine operators. Too long ih mine nwriera treated the COS business as private privilege and too long have the laoor icaacr. wmi uu less monopolistic attitude obstructed every move for underground efficien cy and economy. The people's coal costs too much because of the mis taken idea that mine owner and mine worker can continue to fight over contracts and rules. Cheaper coal and larger earnings will come when engineering is emphasized more and bargaining less. " Miners' Time Broken. "In terms of engineering, the coal industry has a bad load factor; trans lated into human relations, poorly functioning mines mean poorly em ployed -miners. , A longer working year would seem at first glance de sirable to mine owner, mine wumci, and consumer alike. Why not get it? . ' "The trouble with our SOtt coal mine ift nnt so much the broken year as the broken month, the broken week and even the broken day. The running time is broken into small pieces, for mine operation is ' not simply seasonal, it is inter- minent. In the averti mint of tht country t find November a longer month man June, oy a per cem. and June longer than April by, 10 per cent, anj yei ine warning unit n a normal November if only 19 to 21 dtys. "Tht average year in tht southern Appalachian region it fourth longer tnan tne average year in tnt central competitive district. With 21 S days is tne average year for the whole country we find 27J dajr average ytar in .New Mexico, 27 days in Alabama, and 22J days in West Vir ginla, as against 202 days In Mis touri, 197 days in Illinois, and IV.' diyi in Oklahoma. For the soft eoal miner this ia n alnlv not a land of equal opportunity. Leake in Industry. "MarVeta mialitv nf enat. mint cost! (including wage scales), and car supply are an tartori conitioui iug to these differences in mine em ployment. Unfortunately wc can aiime reautta hatltr than determine causes; we know the industry to be M,a.tfl ktlft wuhepe in In leaVa? Tin lack of efficiency and the losses itiia tt Irreomtap Aneratinn are not universal, for many individual mines uinrk II XI Aa a in the vear. Indeed in 1913 when the bituminous mines averaged lil working days, one fiMirtk rf Um CiVWwtfl men in the in dustry were employed in mines that worked tov a ays or more ana neariv $0,000 of them in mines that worked trtfl jtwa ma.a An ftmhlem in industrial betterment then is simply to bring tne average mine up io me h.t- ,r. An ! unfavnrahle ronrfi. tions must be replaced by tavoraoie SjVllMlltVHVI "rirst among methods of mending ine prourn y', ' i"."vi remedy of stabilizing the coal mar ket. Many reforms can begin at home and mv first nractical auSKCS liAn tnm Keterin eAnititinna of CDl' ployment at the coal mine will be addressed tp the coat consumer, r mnre reffiifmp marVet for the mines output is the first essential, and here is the consumers opportunity io co- operate, xou ana i neea w ouy cui at times when we need the coal least. Off season delivery of coal, even to the smalt consumer, wnose name ill heln materially to make the mine worker's June more like hi November. Also, eacn oi us snoum buy of one dealer, not 'shop' for coal. If you or I should speculate tn our 10-ton purchases of coal, how can we deplore the speculation of our coal tinier and the chain of business haz ards thus initiated? Is it not plain that the retail dealer who can depend on his regular trade can himself be a better customer ot tne wnoiesaier or the selling agent of the miner Long Time Contracts Needed. The larcre ennaumer can HO even more to smooth out the irregularities nf mine nneratinn hv makin? ions - - " ,. term entrarts even five-vear con tracts, and providing for delivery to suit the mine as wen as nimseii. oucn rftntrarta could he made at lowest prices for with long term contracts r . . . . ..... . .u in nana me mine operaiur cum if ... . 11,;. f. duce his costs to a minimum, wun iirh a atearlv market, full vear ODCra- tion and steady employment would become possiDie tne mine woricer would earn a year's wages, and the nuKli wmiM not nav for idleness. That reform, however, must begin at home, not at the distant mine ine consumer must start it. Franco-Rumanian Aerial Service to Be Extended Washington, July 1. The Franco-Roumanian Air Navigation pAmnanv wn irh has been running an air service from Paris to Prague and Warsaw, shortly win inaugurate an extension of its service from Prague to Vienna to Budapest, the War department has been advised. The new service is to run three times a week. The time required will be two hours from Prague to Vienna and two hours from Vien.na to Bud apest. Chemistry Bureau Working on New Plant for Beverage Wactiinerfnn Tnltf 1 The hlireSU of chemistry has begun exptrimental work on casstna, or yaupon, a new beverage producing plant. Utticiais ot tne Dureau aeciare ine plant offers great possibilities in pro- rliieirity a HrinV rivallino tea and cof fee in bouquet, palatabitity and stim ulating quality. W. J. Mansfield "Th Devoe Paint Store" Glass, Picture Framing, and Frames. We Deliver. 1322 Farnam AT. 4833 (Opposite W. O. W. Bldg.) Bowen's SALE THE DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY SANATORIUM Lincoln, Neb, This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own grounds, yet entirely distinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fit ted for and devoted to the treat ment of noncontagious and nonmen tal diseases, no others being admit ted; the other Rest Cottage being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and special nursing. . CORPORATIONS: Do Yu Ntd MONEY? Are you having any difficulty ta maintain production undtr the preaant abnormal credit condition! ? Are you duiroua of having available fund ia your handa to meet pratant and future buiineaa needt? Wa can help you raiie those funds. Our thoroughly equipped and highly developed ortani aation ia at your disposal. Your strictest investigation is invited and all correspondence from you held in confidence. Box Y-IS3S. Omaha Bee Announcement DR. GEO. A. HAGEMAN " l ' ; Announce The Opening of His Dental Office 1021 FinlNai'lBk.Blig. SATURDAY, JULY 1 " T.L JAcksoa 1152 - - ; ' 1 towst RE immssi Wf wMfimm ft S 413-15-17 South 16th St. Sellers Kitchen Cabinets June Brides Should Not Fail to Inreitigtts Hsrtmaa'i OompleU OutflU. AND A HALF ibPAY Highest Quality At Lowest Price. Positively Cruaranteed When Duyinj rlt Hartman'j. World's Largest Home Furnishers sO SS lOf0 Combination Upholstery f XwN r ai.nXM vain., in M,h.ffrii nvuraf nf fii anltes of the large, roomy and comfy type aiaat CXl I ftl XVZU ,.t.. barka ,nd arma: loose cushions and snrinu edge. Choice of figured brown mohair t TTfaa I Cane Parlor Suites Sperlnl cienranee ot fint aultca in various coverings thin wk; values 1. 1 I3iA.hu. at $137.50 Gas Range Splendid values In high-grade overstuffed suites of the large, roomy and comfy type shown here in the picture. Tassel trimmed If you like; finest aprlng construction in seats, backs and arms; loose cushions and spring edge. Choice of figured hrown mohair or combination velour with mohair cushions, which makes an artistic contrast, l osi tlve $375 values. Choice of three attractive patterns nt Everything on. can want In the way of baking qualities. A high-grade make, and with tomorrow's special price it Should .ell quickly. Con venient sue oven and four -burner J top. See this gas stove bargain at. Clearance SALE Starts August 1st To move out the remaining pieces of broken suites; to quickly sell floor samples that have been here some time; to "even up" our stocks these are the reasons for our Big August Sale, which will feature hun dreds of real bargains. i; Wilt Mean Money Saved If Yon Boy Then: Summer Furniture At Surprisingly Low Prices! P Apartment Style, in Galvanized Refrigerator Has 3 doors; 60-lb ice capacity. Solid j ash case, finished golden; atphon drip, lue8at A '45' l j ! White' Enamel K i Is , Furniture a m p High-Grade Couch Hammock A M'hlte Enamel Kitrhen Table Han full size! I.nrcellron top; utensil drawer. 14:7 IJM A 12.(10 value at P White Bnamrf Olioirs Bow bock Btylc, saddle shaped scats. Strong- 0O QK !y built, each ipil.EJeJ Display of the Famous Lloyd Carriages An Attractive Corduroy Lined Carriage Not to bo confused with til ordinary typ of fiber rcctt ' carrlnae; Has thi, large wooden artillery wbools. le versible er und Jai'ge roomy body. Chnlno 01 Bray i-r ivory enfi" -1 finUh. 7.50 Value Mi ( 1 1 BB Practical High Chair A sturdily constructed high chair of solid oak. finished a rich golden color. Has the- new style wooden tray and com fortable panel back. You will like this bargain. $7.5 Value Many Styles in High Chairs And you ought to have one right now. Enjoy the evening, on your lawn or porch with a comfortabla nJ- mOCK 01 mis Kirn, uur ipKiw viic. . ZVajU out adjustabl. head rest, but has the added value at i$22.i Unusual Rug Values Lawn Mower , Easy running mower with 14 inch blades. A S10.00 value for quick selling, only $6.95 Attractive Dresser Has fine mahogany finish; large mirror supported by artistic standards; .4 drawers. At 4-Passenger Lawn Swing Here ia a well built, strongly braced 4-passenger swing that will give you service for years. Room for 4 grown ups. Only No Canopy to Fit. 9x12 Seamless Axminsters $19.95 $6.95 Soft, silky pile in new and choice designs. Rugs that will give satisfactory service whbrever used. $55 values. Offered very special for this week at, each 9x12 Seamless Velvets Woven heavy and solid, of pure wool yarns. Sev eral new and pleasing designs from which to select. Positive f 42.59 values. Very specially priced? at 11 v ib'-l- :! a g in ms 26x42 Inch Library Table 50- Piece Dinner Set $12.75 Full Service for Firmly of Six A fine ouAlity. neatly decorated dlnnerwere. Similar decorations to kind shown. Tou realize a saving of J6.00 if you nurchase a set on Monday or Wednesday An unuiual Ttlue, Indeed. Ton choose wisely should you pur chase a library table of this type, being featured for thia week', special Mlling. similar io iuuiraLiuu, whu annop m. it ttlrpthem and convenient drawer. Qj 35 Rich mahogany finish. jJ t cpeciai ab Sale of Good-Looking HERZ Double Da-Beds Special Values Now ia Davenport Tables Just the thing for the "unexpected gue.t." Frames are of steel, finished mahogany, and we feature two styles for this, our Introductory "Week of "Hers" Da-Beds. Complete with comfortable pad, with, cretonne ruffled flounce. Opens up to full-aixed double bed In an Instant. Very specially priced at ........ . ... is-. . .ju-v.av,s.M- 'it $42.1 1 -1