HIE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 2. 1921 Favorable Report Returned on Dyer Anti-Lyncliing Bill Comparatively Few Amend menu Over Howe Dill Adopted by Senate Judi ciary Committee. Washington, July !. The Dytr snti-lynching bill, providing (or im position of penalties by the federal government ior molt action, was re ported favorably with amendment by the senate judiciary committee by a vote of 8 to 6. Eight republicans Chairman Tact ion, Minnesota; Dillingham, Ver mont; Brandcgee, Connecticut; Cum mint, Iowa; Colt, Rhode Island; Sterling, South Dakota; Ernst, Ken tucky and Shortridge, California. oed in favor of the bill. One re publican, Senator Horah of Idaho and five democrats, Culbercon, Texas; Overman, North Carolina; Keed. Missouri; Shields, Tennessee and Walsh, Montana were recorded in opposition. Senators Ashurst, democrat, Ari zona and Norris, republican, Ne braska, did not vote. Comparatively few change were jv.ade m the original house bill and these were said to be designed to inert the constitutional objections. A subcommittee of the icnate com mittee recently recommended defeat of the bill on the ground that it vio lated the constitution. Some sen ators voting today for a favorable report, were said to hold doubts1 re garding its constitutionality but thought the bill should be enacted and put up to the supreme court. The bill declares that if states fail, neglect, or refuse to maintain pro tection of life they shall be deemed to have denied the constitutional guarantees and the federal authori ties will have power to act by in dictment of rtate officials or mem bers of a mob. and trial in the fed eral courts. The measure requires "reasonable" efforts by state officers to maintain order and protect prisoners and their failure would subject them to imprisonment for five years and a fine of $5,000. Mem bers of mobs in which a prisoner is put to death would be subject to conviction for conspiracy with im prisonment for five years to life provided. Counties in which fatal niol disorders occur would be liable to the familv of the victim under a forfeit of $100,000. Amendments adopted by the sen ate committee require failure of state officers to protect mob victims must be charged in the federal indictment and proven to the satisfaction of the federal trial court. Trio, Accused of Stock Sale Without Permit, Paroled Dr. G. F. Bartholomew, J. F. Naylor and F. M. Armstrong pleaded guilty to charges of selling securities without a permit in connection with the Cere Blend company, before Judge Leslie Saturday, . and -were paroled at the suggestion of County Attorney Shotwell. J. H. O'Keefe, 80, father-in-law of Dr. Bartholomew, of Merriam, Neb., and C. F. Pollack, facing similar charges, did not appear. The three were paroled on condi tion that they refund to all investors in the Cere Blend company all money they received, pay the costs of the prosecution, and sell no more securi ties without a permit. The Cere Blend company was or ganized as a common law trust cor poration to manufacture a new cereal. Sleuths Motor to Lincoln, But Not to Bring Back Brown City Detectives Frank Aughe, Fred Franks and William Gurnett motored out of Omaha, bound for Lincoln, early Saturday morning. Rumors at Central police head quarters that they were going to bring back Fred Brown with them, were stoutly denied by Chief of De tectives Van Deusen. "They are making the trip," he said, "in connection with their work on the Siefken slayings. Brown will not be brought to Omaha until after the Fourth of July." Powder and Paint Really Save Your Complexion, Expert Now Declares Coimetlei Are Better Than Dirt in Porri of Skin, Dr. Le Roy Stod dard Sayi. By JULIA M CARTJfY. latorMtlonaf Iprriml f rM1Mlrlll. New VorV, July I. To grow old gracefully seems to be the hop of mny forward-looking young women today. No gentle collaoie after 40 for them. No lavender and old lace either. That shade is suitable only I for lingerie, they will tell you pa l troniiingly, and old lace will gather mold wailing for wearers, j Kvery self-respecting girl, we hear, is laying away a private stock of lip sticks, face lotions, false eyelashes and assorted powders and rouges against the day when such things shall he prohibited. And just let the Iriy Einstein of that period try to make a raid on the precious stuff! Telling of Dreadful Things. Oh, now these many moons, my sister, they have been telling us of the dreadful things that will happen to our faces if we do not mend our wayst Our poor pores will be right down in the gutter, in a manner of speaking, if we keep up our addic tion to the fearful habit-forming cos metics. But "tomorrow we dye" these are the stirring words hurled at the censor on the eve of battle, and let gather what dark skies will, we care not while there is a waxed floor un der our feet. Not so very long ago a reputable pyhsician and authority on derma tology, Dr. William Lathrop Love, scared us to death by getting right up at the convention of the Homeo pathic Medical sosiety to say: "We practising physicians cannot fail to view with alarm the increas ing use of cosmetics by our young girls, not only of the genus flapper, but others of supposedly good taste. Many a girl has already ruined her complexion by these things, and we tremble to think of what many of the growing generation will look like when they reach the stage of femi ninity called fair, fat and 40. Un less they adopt the veils of their FRANK'S - MEDITERRANEAN Cruise da Luxe, February S by Specially Chartered New (mRDSS'CiTHlA' Turbine Oil-Burner, 11.500 ton months, S600 and uo includes shore excunioni and all txptsata Efypl, Holy Land, Con.tanrinopl. GrM. Italy. Spain. Etc. FRANK TOURIST CO. S . , 48$ Fifth Avenue, New York Or Our Local Agent POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT E. Ruth Pyrtle LINCOLN, NEB. . Vf-tOUeti aanBdata far Rut mrt tartm of PafcUa Iajcraettaa. Ow a yoara Mekrat txptrtweo rural. Hilar u4 city cftoola I Krtnak. Too oatiii fraa tko Catnrttty of Krbraaka. Bcoat it imta to oosart tms at Can Dodf aid Do . aaoMaaSr Sattnetaav viStao, aaoajaaaey, Stawla, IHia. a. ami ow woraot. Militant Attitude Ends in Jail Term and $10 Fine Frank Bursick. 2416 Polk street, watchman at the Union Pacific shops, drew a 30-day jail term and a $10 fine for contempt of court when he assumed a militant attitude in South Omaha police court this morning. Bursick was arrested Friday night at Thirtieth and A streets after his wife had called police to report he was driving an automobile there while intoxicated. Officers allege they found a .38 caliber revolver and a pop bottle half filled with liquor in his car. The wife said he had been threat ening and abusing her and that she left him three weeks ago. She works at the Swift. & Co. packing plant. Bursick got his jail term for driv ing an automobile while drunk and the fine for using bad language in court. Lenine to Devote Time to Running Community Farm Riga, July 1. (By A. P.) Premier Lenine of Soviet Russia has started farming and in the next few months will devote his efforts ex clusively to reorganizing a com munity farm of 200 acres near Mos cow. Lenine had agreed to abandon his office cares and lead an outdoor life after the German and Russian spe cialists insisted that this was abso lutely necessary. One German pro fessor will remain at the farm to see that the premier obeys orders. Asiatic sisters they are liabe to be designated as frightful, fat and 401" Frightful at 40. Frightful at 40 a nice fate fot the flapper and her older sister. Yet something tells us that the much criticized damsel of today will be so hardy at 40 that it would take a wrecking company to bring ona breakdown, much less injure her weatherproof complexion. ' ! ; The reticule is dej.d with its smelling salts and camphor. Long live the vanity easel Our bold sentiment is echoed or perhaps it was inspired by Dr. Le Roy Stoddard, who has rallied to the defense of the girl with the powder filled pores. Dr.' Stoddard has be come widely known both here and abroad for his work in plastic sur gery, first applying his knowledge to restore soldiers' mutilated faces and later to the practical uses of lifting age right out of the old faces by a simple operation There is little about a face that could es cape him. vv ."Powder was very bad 25 years ago," he began, "but is it all right today." "I mean," he . explained, "that as a matter of morals not hygiene. The woman who used powder long ago was talked about, and the one who painted her face was ostracized. Who Foresaw Vanity Box? "Who could have foreseen the van ity box of today?" he asked. "The idea that powder clogs the pores is an old one that persists. "Surely it is better to have fine powder in one's pores than dirt. Cold creams, powders and rouges in mod eration, of course, do more to pre serve the skin than to injure it. "There is only one way to close the pores in a dangerous way. That is to varnish the body so as to in clude at least two-thirds of it to pre vent the pores from carrying out their throwing-off processes. That brings 'toxaemia' death from poi soning. "But it would be impossible to kill or even seriously injure one's self by varnishing one's face! "It's all a question of ethics. Times change. In hotel rooms now there is talcum powder for men's use and -rosewood sticks for their fingernails, ard 25 years ago- any man caught using either of those articles would be slapped on- the wrist and called a 'sissy I' "Good skin is often a heritage You oe .;4Th' with woiv f dcrful comolcxions. bovs and . eirls I both." We asked- Dr. Stoddard what he thought of the "great outdoors" as a cosmetic, apropos f ' Dr. Love's statement that the "color of the camper's cheek is proof that no cos metic can camouflage nature. "I am inclined to believe that, too. is a fallacy," he replied thoughtfully. "In England they have terrible com plexions contrary to popular belief. I know, for I was over there not long ago and observed that the prevalent outdoor life has not proved to be such a great cosmetic. "In the United States the farmer's wife has the worst complexion. "The best skin is found on the faces of the "glass-case' women who live sheltered lives, mostly indoors. "Look at our laborers here do vou see wonderful skins on them? Of course you don't. "I am a firm believer in the power of good looks and in justitiable means to secure them. Looks give poise. And, on the other hand, noth ing is quite as unpleasant to a wom an as the feeling that her hands and face are not well cared for if she is to meet a crowd of well-turned-out women, for she knows her faults will be noticed. Unattractiveness tends to bring on melancholy and a wom an is usually birghtest when she looks her best. Brit Just the Thing for Tenting On Your Lawn or the Old Camp Grounds U. S. Army Pup Tents 149 Every, : man is his own tent crew with one of tfiese handy little tents that only weighs about 6 pounds and is easy to put upoThey; are water Used by Campers Boy Scouts Auto Tourists 'Hunters Fishermen Used for Lawn Play Tents Sleeping Tents Made to Sell 3.50,'Monday J proof with collapsible poles all ready to set up, and thus provide a satis factory shelter with little trouble. Height, 4 feet, 5 inches; length, 5 feet, 9 inches. A: For Independence Day Outings Our Apparel Sections suggest these items that may be selected on Monday, still in time to provide the proper costuming for the holiday festivities . Middies For the Girls 89c each They like them better than anything else for real outdoor stuff. These are all white or with braid trimmed col lars in blue or red. Sizes 6 to 14, 14 to 20 and 34 to 44. Sport Skirts of Silk and Wool 9.50 each A beautiful collection of silk skirts fashioned of Koshanara, Striped Baronet, Ruff-a-Muss and Figured Canton. Lovely models of wool en materials are devel oped in Eponge, Tweed, Velour and Prunella. These may be had in white and colors. Regu lar and extra sizes. Tub Frocks . . of Voile and Ginghara " 5.00 each J Cleverly styled little street frocks in all the season's smart colors, fashioned of cool sum mer fabrics. Self trimmed or airy with sheer organdy collars and cuffs, vests and sashes, there is an ex cellent selection of these frocks in sizes for women and misses. Second Floor Women's Bathing Suits 2.95 and 4.95 There is a big assortment of pure wool Jersey suits in all sizes up to 46 at these two prices. Smart models, some are belted and some with out. The color range is very complete in both solid colors and attractive combinations. Among them are" " Emerald Purple Jockey Red Blue 'Gray Tan -Navy Black OUTING.TOGS Are Worn by the Experienced JDutcloof Woman" You will find a big selection here in .alMrinds of outing garments, made of khaki colored ma terials in cotton gaberdine and khaki cloth:. Knickers Riding Breeches Hiking Skirts Riding Skirts Blouses Middies Hats Norfolk Jackets PRICED 1.25 TO 7.50 (NO 403 The Corset for Every Occa sion. Nemo Kop Service No. 303 It Is designed for the woman of slender to me dium figure, who desires anatomically correct support and control, but does not need a heavy corset. High Grade Material, Scientific Designing, Expert Workmanship make this new model entirely up to the Nemo standard of quality and service. It has a low top with Lastikops gores in front and a medium skirt. Let us give you a fitting and then you will un derstand the magic in their designing. Pretty pink coutil; sizes 22 to 30; most reason ably priced at 3.00 Third Floor North Tub Blouses 1.00 each It takes a lot of them to keep spic and span these hot days. But a plentiful selection in voile, batiste or dirnitv; is offered at this trif ling cost Long and short sleeves, round, square and V necks with all sorts of clever collar and cuff varia tions give variety to these. Fibier Silk Sweaters 7.95 No more engaging sum mer sport costume can be found than a smart silk sweater with a white skirt and other white costume acces sories. There is a choice of all the popular colors in both plain and fancy weaves in this group. Among the colors are Golf Green, Scarlet, Beige, Orchid, Harding Blue, Navy, Black and White. c White Sateen Petticoats 95c The double panel kind ' with hemstitched hem N or scalloping at the bot tom. The sort that gives - the proper sil houette under thin sum mer drf sseikx Regular and "extra ,,sLse8?-'$i Second Tloot v : Sport Hats For Holiday Outings are Priced 1.95 to 3.95 Why not match' your outing costume for the Fourth tnth' one of these smart new sport hatst Inexpensive, clever styles are shown in t - Organdy Gingham Felt Ribbon . and Combinations of Felt and Ribbon x i The colors include white and all the lovely summertUh tints. One of thesS jaunty little shapes will brighten up your whole costume and costs next to nothing as hats. go(y, Second Floor East -vMSs&S i THINGS MEN NEED FOR THE FOURTH Summer Shirts A New Straw for 1.39 Not much" use in trying to "get by" the Fourth with out a straw hat And no need to try when you can get a brand new one at this low price. There's a good selection for you here In S-ply straws and fine weaves. Others at 2.65 and 3.65 Offer selection from fine straws with straight edge or flexible brims in na tural or sunburned straws. Fourth Floor Summer Suits Of Mohair Gaberdine Tropical Weave In mixtures, solid colors and striped patterns. All are well made and nicely tailored inside and out. Light Weight Worsted Suits 16.75 Smart looking suits of cool fabrics, In mixtures and solid colors. Men's and young men's styles. . . Fourth Floor ;V: 22 Men's and Young Men's Palm Beach Suits 10H It's no longer a question of whether you will buy a Palm Beach suit, but it's how many you will need to get through the summer comfortably. Maybe you'd like a dark one as well as a light color. These are made of the genuine Palm Beach in the fol lowing colors: Tan, Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Green, , Stripes and Solid Colore. Tj,t Fourth Floor .. That Look Cool and Are Mercerlied Pongee Shirts Collar attached style, In tan, white or gnj; sizes "I " K 14 to 17, each l.XO Tan Mercerised Pongee Shirts Also some nice striped madras cloths; In 1 AC collar attached style; each JL.fzt) Fine Mercerized Pongee Shirts Button down or stub collar attached style; In tan,' gray and white, or sport shirts " OP in tan and white; each X.OtJ Tan Canton Silk Shirts Cool and comfort able; with detached collar Q Ati to match; special O.frt) Tan Silk Pongee Shirts Made of full 12 mommle pongee; In either stylish stub col lar attached or button down style O QpT collar attached; each, Ou0 Continuing our sale of Sex ton Athletic union Suits, 1.00 Main Floor Sooth Palm Beach Pants, 3.95 Extra Trousers of Palm Beach are cool and comfortable and besides, they wash well and wear well. These are made of genuine ?alm Beach. In light and dark colors. Fourth Floor Vote for Her July 18