T'fB SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. JULY 2. 1022. T B No Matter What You Want . to'; Biiy, You Can purchase it quickly and cheaply through an advertisement in the "Want to Buy" column of The Omaha Bee. You'd be surprised to know how many people read that classification each day to find out what other people are in need of. BEE WANT AD RATES 1 per lln Mf-h 1y. I or S dot. I to per in. h tlay, I M data. 1'tr per ,ne 4Ch Oj, 1 il or lTi.r. Tho.a laua apply In The Hun.lay He aa wall aa la Tha Morning and Evening lie. AH warkiliy ai1rrllnn( appear la both morning anil vetting fllllm at the un t-titff. The a'ava raid apply inluevlr la Uani Ad whiia ara umnmnly termd pul.tie watiis," ami do not inrlud ad rrtl.lng eaptol'lng Ihclr buallleaa. HKIi r-erve I ha rlal.t to daslg na'a what nnmitutra a public) want. Want A'la accepted at tha following offlree; MAIM OKKIfB ..17th and Farnam St. South Kid 494$ South :ih Ht. C4.un.1l luuffa 1 Scott bt. Telephone A't'-lantM 1169. fall for Want Ad Department. An M ptrirmvil Waul Ad takrd, will rw'l yur a. I ami a bill will l. mailed lul-r. Tha talis quoted abut apply lo .11 her ihtiig or rash order. CLOSING IlulRB FOR WANT AOS. Evening iMIlinn II.1 m- Morning Kdltlon ' !' '" bundny F.lilln I' ' batucday. TIIK M'lltXINO HKK. TIIH l.'VI.NK.O HKK, THE MtNDAY HEK DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES ITkKNAN A l sender M. r "" He la survived by hl H'. " Robert; Ma mother. Mr. II. Kraitlo. Wan.; four brothers, V, . I . f Mohan. N. I'.: Frank. H ; r"i Minn: H. K.. Kl Kull. S. '. n, Charles, of omaha: tlin-a slater.. Mo ther Ht Anthony, of Lauretta AbUy, Ontario, fan.; Mr- E. U Fort. King ..on ont. and lira. K. VY. Franklin, Seattle, Wa.h. . .k. Funeral Tueedev morning from trie reaid.nc, I3 S. Jth Ave, at :!. to Ht Pete. church at 9 a. in. Inti.rm.nt Holy Srpulrhr cemetery. Gentlemen mortuary in ennra-. MoKIN Mrs. OIk. beloved wllo of hd ward C ana !J year., June 29. Sh la urvived. beside her husband, by an Infnnt .on. Edward. Jr.! her parent., Mr. and Mr.. John Jacobson;- una ai.ter, Mia Cora Marie. , Vunoral from th. residence of Mr. ( harle. li. Morln. 2:34 N. lxth St., Won d.y, at p. m to Saorad Heart rhurch at I p. m. Interment Holy Si-puli her rometary. Oantlemen a mor tuary in rnarae OKlilUNiiH llunh. iiko J yeura. He la anrvlved by hla wlf.-. threa aona. Burt, MUlmel and Lao; two daughter., Ar line awl ther. Kunerul Monday mornlnK tram re.l d,n" . :Al Wirt St.. at 8:30, to Sacred Heart ihur.li at a. m. Inl""? lioiy Snulrhre cemetery. Gentlemen a mortvmry in rnarae. ITOR1K Kilwln H.. pai-aed on at Chl cubo. 111.. Juna 8. ase 60. Mr. Storlo la aurvlvcd by hi. wlfa and one daughtar, Edna, o( Omaha; ona brother, 1. Q. Htorlo, Charlton, la. tu iinriil .ervira from Crosby-Moore Fu neral Home. !4th and Wirt, Monday, July S, 192 i, at 2 p. m. Interment lor ei Iawii cemetery. CARD OF THANKS WK wish to thank our many kind rela tive., friend., nelchbors nd lodge, for their kindness and sympathy shown ua during the alckne.a and death of our be loved wife und mother, also fnr, the many beautiful floral offerings. Signed, Mr. E. Ho., Maria He.., Helen He.s, Oeorge ries, VB WISH to thank our many 'r','n,d? and neighbors, the Woman's Relief Corps., the Veteran, of l'hil Kearney po.t and W. C. O. F. for their kind ness, sympathy and floral offerings during tha Illness and death of our be loved wife and mother. John Mclntire end Family. . BURIAL VAULTS CEME . TERIES ALTO M A TIC aeallng concrete burial vaults hecommended and for sale by alt leading undertakers. Water proof, no steel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. S210 N. SOth. Otnah.i. Tel. Kenwood 1077! Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section has recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It is but wis dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compels one to do so. Send for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION. . 720 Brandcis Theater Bldg. FLORISTS LEE LARMON fgT? SAY IT WITH FLOWERS .FROM HKS3 ft SWOBODA, Ultt f L. HEN'DKKSON. 1507 Karnam. JA. 1268. JOHN BATH. 1S84 Farnam. JA. 10. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CU., fiiiKpAMnr to Stack & Falconer OMAHA 9 B1W1. AMBULANCE9h1rVo OMAHA'S EJSST. Thlrty-thlra ana r arnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY 'Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 026E. Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. S2Z Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE LOST AND FOUND LOST a brown suitcase at corner of 16th and Douglas 8ts. Initials A. B. C. J. on each er.d of case. Finder please return. No questions asked. Reward. Box H- 129, Omaha Bee. LOST Probably near Athletic club, Sat urday night, black onyx bar pin, 'with pearls. Sentimental value only; Liberal reward. WA. 6207. PARTY known -who picked up yellow fox terrier. 2S24 Farnam. License No. GS4. Avoid trouble by returning. Har ney S017, DOG LOST Toy Boston brimlle, white feet and nose; also white half circle on top of neck. Tag No. 43. E. A. Knapp, B119 Webster. Reward. IoST Brown bull terrior, seal brown, white spot on chest, bobbed tail. Phone HA. 1178. newaru PARTIES desiring concessions at the big 4th of July celebration at Nashville, Neb., call mil Arianu, nr.. t.n j- i LOST Scotch collie pup about t months old. Notify Alice M. Anderson, 6130 Florence Boulevard. Kenwood 0651. ATTRACTIONS Celebrate the Fourth At Nashville. Neb. Free picnic , .an na .vail, trees. One grounus. low stir, of the best places In Nebraska to hold a picnic. Away irom ia '"' ' heat of the city. Follow the Wash ington highway if coins; by auto. 4TH OF JTJLY CELEBRATIONS. Supplied with dolla. rubber balls, bal loons, lamp dolls, banket and novelties ot all kinds. GLOBE NOVELTY CO., 1!0 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. PERSONALS Celebrate the Fourth At Nashville. Neb. Free plcnle grounds. ISO acres of shade trees. One of the best places In Nebraska to hold a picnic. Away from tha dust and heat of tha city. Follow the Wash ington highway if going by auto. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home - solicit, your old clothing, furniture, maga.ine. W collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4135 knd oar wagon will call. . Call and inspect oar sew home. 111s-1112-1114 Dodge 8t. MAGNETIC hatha; Violet Ray treatment w'ffr massages. (14 S. 19th. AT. fill. M. HO )LERAN. manage, 101 N.vllla Blk. PERSONALS TJIKATKICAI. historical inaauue eostum.a. ror ri.ys ami bariK.. at i.ioaan a, titnana. ULI'IIL'H bath., Hwrali.n in. chl- ropoox, r-v.iiing. 10 .. svv .ym '. tul Kt'TIUO UATIIa for nsrtou.iia.c WK. :sn. KIMHKK b.'ha, m. ...., l;o Arthur Hid. EXPERT M ASIAOR. ATlJkNTIO Hi. "hKNT" vaeuuni" cl.anara.1 JcH A. 07 Osteology treatment; Aptmt. AT. H 1. 11 MAHNAOK. Kmma Hrtt. KIT W'.titr. MATrilNITr H"IK. Ull Emmett. KX"lf:itT milMK, 110 So. 17lh. EDUCATIONAL 1AY HtTlOi)I MUIIT Sv'HooL fvmpleta course. In accountancy, ma chine boolika'plng, eomptometry, short h,ind and type writing; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all l.nallth and commercial bran.hea. Write, rail or phune Jackaon fur lar ' IHuatr.tKd catalog. Address Boyles College Boyle llldg., Omaha, Net Mi:. Age 17 to U. Kxpcricnco unn.es ary. Travel, make .arret inve.tlga tluiia, reports Halarlea; aspen.. American Forilgn Detectlv Ag.n.y, 47i Ht. I.ouls. t"IVII service position.. accountants. clerks, stenograpnera, railway man, etc., esamlnatlons soon; stai position desir ed and write for fre booklet, lloi alt. Washington, D. t. UK A UKTKCTIVE liO to $100 weekly; travel over, world: experience unneces aary. American Detectlv Agoncy, 79 Lura. St. Louis. WANTED Men, ladle, and boys to learn barrxaa trade; big demand; wagea wniie learning; atrlctly modern. Call or writ H0J Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Van Sant School ot Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 690. DO you want to Incrsas your Income t write the National Auto Bcnoou ins N. loth 8t.. Omaha, for catalog. MOLEH BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Writ for catalog. ANNIE E. OLA SCOW, vole and piano. U3 Karbach Hlk. J A. 1081. MALE HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS, me chanics In big demand, feach mall brluga Inquiries for our graduate.. We place our men In th best-paying posi tions. Prepare for this great oppor tunity. Write, free booklet. Johnson Automotlvo Trades School, Electrical Mechanical, 729 Broadway, Dept. J, Denver. Colo. Bricklayers Wanted At once, S9 per day, g hours' work. Apply Wells Bros., Construction Co., at John Morrell Plant. Ottumwa, la. BOYS Uo In business. Ws start you. Make good money during vacation. Only few hours weekly required. Every re-H publican a customer. Desk 1. national Republican, Washington. 1. C. DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, SALESMEN Some territory still open fur unique money-making proposition on Double Mileage MID-CASINGS. Guaranteed to prevent blowouts and punctures in pneumatic tires; proven and logical merits. We start you In this big busi ness without Investment. Write for 'coun ty rights proposition. The Mid-Casing Co., 21st and Harrison Sts., Kansas City. Mo. EARN $110 to 1250 monthly, expenses paid, as Railway Traffic Inspector. Position guaranteed after 3 months' spars time study or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, E-271, Stand. Business Training Inst. Buffalo. N. Y. EX-RERVICE men wanted to sell an ex service men's magazine. H. J. Loescta, 726 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. Male Stenographer EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICB ; 1911 Harney Stfeet. MEN 190 weekly. Travel by auto and Install new stove convertor. In every home. Wonderful Invention. Cook and , bako all year without coal or wood. No gas or electricity needed. We furnish auto. Thomag Mfg. Co., Convertor 8531, Dayton. O. , OMAHA labor work in various lines. Ap-, ply Employers' Free Employment Service 1911 Harney Street. AT. 6362 PRESSMAN WANTED Competent press man for Mlchle and Gordon plant; per manent. , Oliver F. Brown Co., Kear ney, Neb. REPRESENTATIVE We want a man with automobile, a representative, ambi tious, energetic and one having a clean and successful past record, for terri tory' in western Nebraska. It's a won derful opportunity for the man who can qualify. Write, giving full informa tion. Great Western Accident Insur ance Company, Dea Moines, la. Successful Representative A connection is open for a very competent salesman as manager for the sales 'department covering a oredlt service In the stat ef Nebraska. The position will require, a gentleman who has been successful in making more than 15.000 per year. The plana are for building a permanent business and want someone capable of directing other salesmen later on. AMERICAN SECURITY CREDIT CO., 117 North Broadway, St. Louts, Mq. SALESMAN Large manufacturer desires the services of high-grade specialty salesman to call on the store and garage trade. Old established house. Large income for a "Go-Getter.'' Sales man with automobile preferred. A W. Dorsch, Manager, 1300-1310 E. Creigh ton Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. SALESMAN WANTED To handle high grftde motor oil manufactured by old established institution. Territory to "Be in Nebraska with headquarters in Oma ha. Give reference and experience in first letter. J. D. Streett & Co., Inc., 4055 Park Ave., St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN Traveling this state to sell electrlo Xmas tree lighting outfits to ' Jobbers and dealers. Liberal commis sion; excellent territory, write run par ticulars and furnish references. National, 1S34 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN $50 to$100 a week. Live wires in each community to sell radio sets. Write immediately for full in formation. Gopher Radio Corp., 223 East Fourth street, Dept. "G," St. Paul Minn. SALESMEN making $1,000 monthly. Yon can, too. Selling $200 value outdoor electric sign for $60. Write for proof, particulars. Flashtrlo, 2124 Hudson Ave.. Chicago, SALESMEN, advertising. Our men net from $6.0 per week up; commission bssis; excellent opportunity in your home territory; old established business. Mr Ralston, H30 Wade St., Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN Be a chewing gum aales man. Build up your own business. Sell Spearmint and novel packages to store keepers. Write today. Helmet Gum Co., Cincinnati. SALEMEN WANTED Experienced glove salesman for hifh-grade lin for Ne braska. Berlin oiove ft Whip Co., Ber lin, wis. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh, 1814 8t. Marya. TINNER, plumber and radiator repair man wanted. Steady position for first class mechanic. State wagea and ex perience. Denkman Hardware, Oeddes, South Dakota. Tinners EMPLOYERS' FREB EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Hit Harney Street. Work In all llns has opened up and we carry listings of every kind. S that your . application is in our current files for early placement. Employers' Free Employment Service 1911 Harney Street. AT. titt. WANTED Flrst-rlas planer and atlcker man for position in city. Would prefer . man experienced la running large band resaw. Steady employment to satisfactory man, H-11I. Be MALE HELP WANTED t WANT bula un rttailng baaain.ut at Jfih and L.avMiworih Hla s plan. at our ulfi.e., V. t. Wrad and 1' II. Bowman. 1 10 S Hlh Ht. W d lildg AT 0161. WAT.!' Kn.l rlaa aaarlnblr for trurtural slal work; fi ana, cspen. -" .nd jf r.res.-'ra. Y-19J4, Or.iaha He. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS $J lo $1$ daily ca.y; .wura nor; your nay In advance; introduce new atyi noaiery; must wear or replaced free; no capital or speneni- required; just show ..ntplca; writ or ders; deliver an a. I collect : outfit furnl.hed eunlsln. all colors, gt.de, In cluding .Ilka; ap.ro tlm aatiafactory. Mac.o.rh-a Mill. Co, Dept. Cin cinnati, Ohio. AUKN'T.H Will you risk , postal lo learn how to start profitable buam.aa with out capital or oxprrlanra? other, maks $;o wetkly silvering mlrrots, rflmh tng tableware, reflectors, br. plat ting. i'omil"t working outfit and Inaiructlnna furnished. International I aboiatorict, I !!. 12$, 101 Fifth Ave., Now York, AO K NTH J. II. blmp.on. $:.61 virgin wool tallor.il to order aults. overcoat, ara $20 cheaper than .tore price.. You keep depn.lt: protected territory; beau- tiful assortment of fabric; .watches fr". Hustler, writ J. M. Hlmpsun, ":il W. Adams 'St., lcpt, Chicago. Ill, AGI'JNTS $300 per month: steady pay; new stylo written guaranteed hosiery; mu.t wear or replai:d free; experience tinnecssary; aninplo fre; trial will rrovo. Jennings Mfg. Co., Trial D 14, mvton, Ohio. AGENTS, AUTOS KILLING THOl'SA.NPS. New Invention prevent aocldenta; cost agent $2.50: retails. $7; state men considered. Carl Brown, 49, Colum bus, O. AGENT8 Crow men, novelty men, Gloo Pen, a SOo mucilage fountain pen: every body buy on demonstration. Writ for big profit plan. Gloo-Pen Co., ii-T, Pino St., New York. AGENTS Fastest $0o-eller In S year. Wonderful new invention, just out. Nothing else like It.. 60 to 100 sale , day easy. Write quirk. Rales man ager, Box 71$, Springfield, III AOKNTS Wonderful Her, 6o profit every dollar sales. Deliver on spot. Li cense unnecessary. Sample free. Mis sion Factory 21. 2421 Smith Av. ! trolt. Mich. AGENTS 90 cents in hour to advertls and distribute samples to consumer; write quick for territory and partlru Jars. Albert Mills, Gen. Mgr., 6218 American nidg., Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS Ladles. Do your own hem stitching and plcotlng. Attachment fit any machine. $2.50: kononhole, $8. Hand embroiderer, $2.50. Agonta want ed. E. Stephenson. 22 Quntey, Chicago. AGENTS Big opportunity as organizer: $50 weekly easy with our credentials if you are active; all republican Inter ested. Desk 2, National Republican, W ashlngton, D. f. AGENTS Man or woman wanted, $40 weekly, full time; $1 an hour, par time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wear er. Experience unnecessary. Interna tional Knitting Mills. Norrlstown, Pa. AGENTS $CO-$200 week. Free samples. Gold sign letters. Anyone ran put on tor windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metalllo Let ter Co.. 435 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS A business of your own. Make sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checker boards, medallions, lgns. Big Illustrated book mailed free. E. Palm er, 180 Wooster, O. PORTRAIT AGENTS Why deal with slow firms? Write for new polychrome cata log: prints and finished work ahipped In 24 hours. E, II. Boberts Co., Kan sas City, Mo. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We show you how. Free book, explains everything. N. S. Laboratories, 625 Main, Richmond, Va. AOENCY Manager Wanted For Omaha district, for an old line life insuranc company. Call at Suite 81S, Fontenell hotel, Monday, July 3 only. FEMALE HELP WANTED AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon strate and sell dealers. $40 to $76 per week. Railway far paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept 103 A, Omaha, Neb. Experienced Stenographer by manufacturing concern ; at at 9 age experience and salary expected. Box 11-126, Omaha Bee. LADIES 1 5 to $15 dally; -worn proof; guaranteed hose, selling every home. 6 pairs, $1.40; guaranteed 6 moths. No capital or experience needed; just show samples; write orders; de deliver and collect; your pay daily; outfit furnished contains all colors, grades, Including silks. Spare time satisfactory. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co., Dept, 6731, Cincin nati, Ohio. Stenographers Permanent ana temporary work. All lines of work for female help. Our services are free. File your application at once. Employers' Free ' Employment Service l!il Harney Street. AT. 63C2. WANTED COMPTOMETER OPERATORS We have calls for 10 experienced Comptometer operators that we are un able to fill. We need 20 students to get through a six weeks' course to fit them for just such positions. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get the most for your time. Let us tell you about it. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 402-3 MICKEL BUILDING. JA. 1493. "THE SCHOOL THAT GRADUATES EXPERTS." SITUATIONS WANTED FIRST-CLASS male servant want posi tion about July 1st. Thoroughly train ed in domestlo science and a finished servant Can cook, butler, care for lawn, garden and cars. Will take apartment and give service as janitor for living; quarter in apartment. Do all kinds of repairs. Wife, no children. First-class references. Kev. Burkehart, 5233 S. 25th St. Omaha. Phono MA. 3476. AN EXPERIENCED Gregg shorthand and typewriting teacher for six or seven weeks. This work need not Interfere with plans for September. H-138, Omaha Bee. TWO neal appearing young men can vassing Nebraska and Colorado with re liable side line. M. G. Sears, Lincoln, Neb., General Delivery. WANTED By experienced dressmaker, sewing by day. Phone WE. 48G5. DAY work for white woman. AT. 8438. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE YOU can buy tires at the mill price right where they are made. Come out and see. Ford SUes, $5.95 and up. Sprague Tire and Rubber Company ISth and Cuming. AT. $03!. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Forda. from $60 and. up. Xtodge. Bulck and other. $100 111 op Ford bodies winter top. GOLD8TR0M aftZQ SALES CO., Kit Barney St. Central rjaragta APARTMENTS FOR RENT New and Used Cars at Your Price Thinl ti ra'kard, 4-pss.epg.r J I.uae. 1 lurd SB J'a, kard touring Herund IS t' kenl touring 1U3 Hunk louring l:l Marmon Inuring. 1; I Kaaes louring. l;o k.aae( touting, 120 Ker roadalT. l:o Cleveland louring. . 1920 Pods sedan, Itn Nnh. .'nir, ItrS Oakland sedan. I 'M Kur.l coupe. !?0 lludaon ei"'deter. ll.iynca louring l;o gluts, 4 passenger. Oakland "(," 4 paaaenger. Hnynea, 2-pasarnger, It.'l Auburn, 6-paMenger, 1911 Hudann rabrlolei. 1914 Ktuts. 4-paaaenger. 1919 Kn.T 1 2-ryllndcr touring, 1919 Hluis, liasaqnger. Hla Hi'rippa.llooth rnadslar, 1919 Kmnklln, t paasenger. 1919 Oakland "4," I'paasenger. 1919 Oldamobll "4," fi.paaeengrr. 1919 lliipmobtle, t-paeaeuger. 1919 Oldainobll "I." touring. 19U Lexington sport model. I9IH Oakland roadster. Hudson Kuper-eix. 1914 OMamohil I 191) Cole "I." 1914 liulck "K-44" 19m Bulck "i:-4a" (Reg ton) 1914 Mitchell roup. 191 4 Hlenrns-Kmght "" louring 1914 Hsxon 4" delivery. 191$ Ilayne touring. 1914 Nash "4- louring. 1914 Maxwell, l-paangr. 1914 Mitchell, i-pasaenger. 191$ llaynea sedsn. 191T Bulck n.45" touring. Model 51 Cadlllao sedan. Model $7 Hayne touring. Meeks Auto Co., 1047-4$ Farnam 8t Fhon J A. 4101. Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Term. W hav tbem-rgll prices all models. Re sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 15th and Jackson St. DO. J500. Open Sundays from 9 till lit n. All Makes, All Models Renewed csr to be sold on the ROOF of our building at real bargain prices. Sale will continue until every car in our possession is sold. Some exceptional offer In Ford se dans and tourlnga and also some very fine fours and sixes In coupes and tour ings. The arrival of almost two tram loads of new cars forces us to use the roof of our building and the elevator will bo In operation at all tlmea. Ask about our very easy payment plan during this enormous sale. Every car must be sold at once. Willys-Overland, Inc. Factory Branch. 2562 Farnam St. Open Evenings. Celebrate the Fourth At Nashville, Neb. Free picnic grounds. 160 acres of shade trees. One ot the best places in Nebraska to hold a picnic. Away from the ilust and heat of the city. Follow the Washing ton highway if going by auto. CELEBRATE THE FOURTH BY DRIVING YOUR OWN CAR. COME OVER TOMORROW AND MAKE A SELECTION FROM OUR STOCK OF USED CARS. Vinton Garage lO.IO Vinton. AT. 3587. THE DUNN-IT AUTO REPAIR. 2211-13 Izard St. Phone AT. 4992. Does all kinds of auto repairing and overhauling with all makes of cars. Charges reasonable and work first clasa. Also have a service car Give me a call, K. T. Dunn, Prop. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. $500 HUPMOBILE) late 1920 model, must be sold on or before July 3, by army of ficer, on account change, of station. Cash offers only considered. Apply Headquarters, Fort Omaha. CHANDLER 1920, 7-passenger touring; perfect condition; original finish; good tires, top, upholstering; a bargain, cash or terms. 2062 Farnam. DO. 8987. THREE-PASSENGER COUPE, like new, $376. Will accept small payment and a personal note. Mr. Hollcroft, 2562 Farnam St. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2056 Farnam St. AT. 7835. FORD parts. Front axle, $4; spindle, $1; front radius rod. $1. Neb. Auto and Parts Co., 1016 Harney St. FORD cars made to start first turn of crank, $3.00. While you wait. L7sed Ford Car Co., 1814 Cuming St. WILL take a few good automobiles to sell on commission. Reasonable rates. HA 0800. Biackstone garage. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 1016 Harney St. r'KEE inspection and water for all make battery. Battery and Parts Co., 2416 Fa'nam St.. AT. 9314. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 197. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldamoblle Co.. 18tb aud Howard Sts. AT. 1770. BUICK touring, refinished, new top. A real bargain, cash or terms. 2052 Far nam. DO. 8987. EXCEPTIONAL bargain, light 6 touring, like new in every way. Very easy pay ments. Mr. Bailey, 2562 Farnam St. MAXWELL sedan in A-l condition; will make someone a real buy. No dealers. WA 2437. ELGIN touring, In excellent condition; private party; no dealers. HA 2954. LIKE new. Ford touring car, $376. Terms. Mr.. White. 2562 Farnam St. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. PFEIFFER'S, 2525 Leavenworth. NASH Six Touring, like; new, $550. Term. Mr. Glnas. 2562 Farnam St. ESSEX coach, 1921-2, cash. DO. 4592. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suit, cheap, alteration fre. Northwest Cor, litn and Harney St. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 112$. 109 N. lth St. L Feldman. ARMY ahoea $2.90. 706 No. 14th. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CURRANTS for sale at Ihm'a Farm. Slat and Military Ave. Telephone WA. 1985. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 8. aV V. PIANO; food a new, mahogany . Utte. jKanick uia VA, till. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Beautiful Baby Grand and Upright Pianos for Rent Lowest rat's Pianos tuned, moved, stored gnd rrfinlahed, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. in i 11 Hu,ii si, pa, ie:i TKAtih! your uad piano on a new player piano. Helen. sa low aa $10 per month. A. HuRI'M CO. 1411 Douglas. HOUSEHOLD GOODS KLKCTItlC VA8ITn'U MACIIIVKM retalkd at wholnanla price. $ii buys In beat Phone liouilua 44?$. OAK dining robin suit rhrap. WA. Hot. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE l.XPKHT sewing machine repairing. MICKE1.S. 1 6thjn d Harney. DO. 1 4 7 BOTTLER New and used. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney. Do. $144. HOT air furna' for sale. J A. 1042. INVALID'S wheel chair cheap. DO. $492 POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT PCHKKNINOfl. $1.50 per 10O lbs, A. W. Wagner, $01 N. 16th. J A. 1141. STORK ft OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agent for th CORONA. Get our price befor you buy. Uvery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 411. 1913 Farnam. UOOD store. 19th and Farnam Sts.; store on 20th, near Farnam 81. F. D. Wead and D. II. Bowman, 310 6. 18th St. Wead Bldg. AT 0151. SPLENDID offices In tha Commerce Bldg, 1912 Farnam St., 2nd floor. F. T. Wead and D. H. Bowman, $10 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. AT 0151. V K buy, sell ssfes. make deaks, show rases, etc, Omsha Fixture & Supply .Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. BUSINESS CHANCES Women's Wear Specialty Store For Sale For sale, a ladles' wear specialty store in one of the best county seat towns In Iowa. Located within 60 miles of Omaha. A prosperous and well estab- llshed buslne.il. Obliged to sell on ac count other business requiring undivided attention. For particulars address Box H-128, Omaha Be. LUMBER YARD, grain elevator and stock of general merchandise for sale, all located In good Nebraska town, with no competition, doing fine business; crops are very good. Would consider some cash and part In exchange for good property, land preferred, but must be free of incumbrance as no mort gages will be considered; also priced on cash basis aa no inflated values will be entertained. Fine opening for anyone wanting to get Into business. Address Y-1939, Omaha Bee. AUTO business; town property for sal consisting of good house, modern garage, two lots; fine location on G. K. High way. Complete stock of tires, tubes and accessories. Light plant, 110 volt lights the town. $1,800 stock and fixtures. $1,500 cash down, balance subject to long mortgage. Chance for someone to pay as you go. We do an enromous business. Ellis Auto Garage, Ellis, Neb. FOB, SALE Medium-sized stock of hard ware, furniture and undertaking, in northeastern Nebraska town. Clean stock. Can soil either Hue separately. Have other Interests. For further par ticulars address Y-1937, Omaha Bee. SALES Managers Responsible corporation wants general sales managers to open branch office, manage salesmen; $500 to $5,000 necessary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if j-ou qualify. Address Mana ger, 603 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. MONEY IN GRAIN $12.60 buys guaran- tee on 10,000 bushels wheat; no further risk; movement of 6c opportunity take $500; 4c, $400. etc.; particulars, market letter free. Investors' Daily Guide, 825 DwiRht Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. PROFITABLE Cash Business Learn Stock Privilege Trading. Acquire in dependence. Large profits possible on capital ot $125 to $1,000. Writs for free took, B. 14. Taul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. IS ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Brick bldg., steam heat, len,se, $76 rent, filled with men roomers, money maker. $2,800. No phone calls answered, deal with owner. 724 North 18th. MEAT market for sale In town of 500 population First class market; good farming locality; doing a fine business. For further information address Y-1935, Omaha Bee. REPAIR EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, REPAIR MATERIAL. EVERYTHING FOR THE VULCANIZER. VULCAN1ZER SUPPLY CO., 1912 FARNAM ST. CANDY STORE, Including fixtures and stock, for sale at bargain, with lease. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0564. For Sale Beauty parlor, equipment new and very reasonable; will give frea beauty course to buyer. Box 181, Genoa, Neb. HERE IT IS A going multlgraph busi ness. Ona of the best buys la Omaha today. Call AT. 6804. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Celebrate the Fourth At Nashville, Neb. Free picnic grounds. 160 acres of shade trees. One of the best places in Nebraska to hold a picnic. Away from the dust and heat of the city. Follow the Wash ington highway If going by auto. ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button 4 Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING r: ed Button. 1806 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. $670. CHIROPRACTORS. . iHa-rlcfYn DR. A. K, Chiropractor. S0J JtXL 1BUIJ pxton block, AT. 1747. WD. $92. Office hra . 11 a. m.-:$ p. m. CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any atyle and alze, $10 up. concrete work. illckiin Lumber k Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. $55$. DANCING ACADEMIES. LEARN to dance; summer claue; 1 lea eons. $4. Keep's, 181$ Farnam. DO. (44. PRINTING. DOT pTlntlac Co. Ill ft, II SU 04lJL BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS iK.NTIT. PFNTAL X-KAVS. $ . 1$ a full t il Net-urine mag, lein ana rarnam. 0 r?K ItTTaae. il''. 4J VW7ld tier" old III. I of. AT. 9-41. Kv KB I71. I'KTWTiVr:. KrM.IAIU.K - Hldg pelrv'lv Bureau, Hallway J A. !o4i niht, KK. nil. Independent Detectlv Bureau. 204 Nevlll lllk. AT. HOII nl lit. W A. 404$ i K K- 4j JAMFS a! i7AN7l Nevlll ItlkTLvldenc "urel in all c. AT, III. DltKNKMAKINO. Fnihrolderlng. dreaemnkltig. "rU'RuTER"" AT. ITlt. TTTDG remodeled. rlln-'d. cleaned, r UrVO Knreter Alaska ur Co. 101 Kn IMh Si. DO, 14. , KKl'AK FINISHING. FILMS DEVKLOPEH FKEB. Th Ensign Co.. S Howard St. PATKNT ATTOHNKV8. J. W. Marrln. Patent Attorney. 1711 Do.lue. room 209. Also Washington, V. C. I help invantora; ell their patent. T oSTKol'ATHH. Dlt. MAIIKI. WESSON. Oaleopath. 41 World-Herald Hldg. At, 146". Ja. 729. PAINT ANI PAPEK HANGING. I". TIIIKSHKN. painting and pelwrharg In, li to $9 per room. Including pa per. Best work. AT. 1199. f I'liTHV I'Mlnta., Inatde work spa- dally; rhrnp for cash. AT. 971T. WKDMNO STATIONERY. WKPDINU Invitation and announcements printed or angravod; samples sent upon -request. Brandel Printing department. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOtiNt -KMK.-a I DIAMONDS &W,hiSS to buy back at mall profit. OR5? JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 401 14. 16th St. Telephone DO. $041. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Maltreasea mad ovr In nw tick at nan pric u. new beds. Pillow renovated and mad up In new feather proof ticking. Ola bed . L M AA rele e T A f 187. 11CK WHPnrn. a-uiiiniw. ; Dlt. Louln N. 8rornoff, .. 0!J"J?? a. a ar ft . e. 3 a A ST ft H . and cnnaren. i n. 111 o- PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at th 6 pnerman ob aicopnen ' WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used deki bought, gold and traded-. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. $14. WILL BUY 20 GOOD USED CARS. AIRDOME AUTO CO. 19TH AND DODGE STS. Call WK. 6441 first W pay mor for furniture, rugs, tove. clothe. WANTED TO RENT. A 6. 7 or $-roum house with large lot at .outskirts of city, west preferred. Some time In August. Box H-140. Omaha Bee. ROOMS FOR RENT WELLINGTON INN. TIAfl A FEW DESIRABLtt ROOM NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH. FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATRACT1VE WEEKLY RATES. MR. BAMEY. THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at offic for list of choice desirable room In all parts ot the .city. A service that benefit both advertler and room seeker. MEN only; Running hot and cold water; walking distance. Brown Bachelor Apts. 508 North 21st St. AT. 7449. CLAREMONT HOTEL, on 17th, near Jackson, DO. 2735. Booms and kitchen ette apartments. Comfortable and rea sonable. Inquire for rates HANSCOM Park District Pleisant south east room, 3 windows, all the comfort of a home; private family. Har. 1086, HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. FURN. rms. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. DESIRABLE rooms for two or three young men. Phone Harney 4643 after 6 p. m., Saturday afternoons or bunday UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 3250. LARGE airy cool rooms, newly furnished, large rooms, very reasonable. Call at 2114 California St. FARNAM ST., 2501 Desirable summar room, suitable for two. Choice location, close to business district. AT. 8996. CUMING ST., 35192 sleeping rooms, bath floor, opposite Bemia park. Very rea sonable; men preferred. HA. 1758. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT; large mod ern room. HA. 5907. PLEASANT room for one or two gentle men. In private family. WA. 0059. NINETEENTH ST., 1537 N- Nice sleep ing rooms, $2 and $3. WE 0802. 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms 1 the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts ot Ce city. TWENTY-THIRD ST, 3632 8. Two nice large rooms, three-room convenience, modern home; nice location. MA. 4792. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Fine furniture cheap. Fine rooms. Close-in. JA. 0C52. 2019 California St. SIXTEENTH ST., 606 N. 3-room apt., for light housekeplng; also two sleeping rooms. AT. 4101. TEL. DO. 6349 Modern, clean and cool rooms; walking distance. Reasonable. TEL. AT. 9168 2 modern connecting clean rooms, very desirable, close in. CASS ST., 2123, large, cool, well furnished rooms; electricity; large yard; garage. TWO light housekeeping rooms. Phone HA 190j. FARNAM St., 2063 Choke Apt., close-in. BOARD AND ROOM TEL, HA. 4604 Hanscom Park diet., beau tiful S. E. rooms, modern, private home, on car line, with or without board. CAPITOL AVE., 2887 Private family, good room and board for two; walking distance. . ; PARK AVE., 810 Attractive room, fur nished for 2. Excellent table. HA. 0755. 2417 DODGE Cool room with good board for man and wife employed. 'AT. 2689. TENTH ST., 1102 South, room and board, very reasonable. AT. 9323. HOUSES FOR RENT Houses 1 rooms, 6120 Izard street, $125. 6 rooms, 610 South SSth Ave., $65. 6 rooms, 1715 North 24th street. $65. 7 rooms. 1233 South 16th street. $22.50 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT 10 rooms, hot water heat; 103 Davenport St. AT. 4240. FINE 7-rm. house, unfurnished, all mod.; shady yard. 6134 N. 13d. KE. 1826. FURNISHED HOUSES COMPLETE FURNISHED HOME. In West Farnam district to rent fur nished for July and August, with, good garage, act quick If you want a fine horn to spend the summer in. & P. BOSTWICK. AT. 1506. 129 Peter Trust Bldg. TWO rooms, either vacant or nlcslj fur nished; good Inside and out. I71T Nortk 44th. Call Eagl bo Bepair. 1314 Far nam. TEL. HA. $16 Furnished boua for th ammer, T room, sleeping poroa and FURNISHED HOUSES I'MIMANKNT luuil lo share widow home la Dundee; evervthlu furolahtd, tall afler 4 o rlotk. WA. 44D. APARTMENTS FOR RENT The Austin Apartments 3Sth and Davenport .fuat lite moving Into a new home of your un. In Omaha i. luaive reel, d-iulal district, All noaure Beauti fully trked, pleaalng views, fhooa your apartment nuw. $111 to 111, The Alhambra 49th and Capitol Ave. W hav thr bedroom prlmeni left at $10 in Dundee newest apart. ' 111. at building. $!0 1 $97 60. Terrace Court Park Ave. at Mason Pld you s new Terrac Court? Wa hav on ai'ttrlmrnt left St $$T 1. The Palmer 26th St. and St. Marys Ave. A Pullman dining roam apartment at $5$, suuih eapoaur. , The Hanscom 1029 Park Ave. A front south xpoar In th Hah com, at $$. At $37.50 and $40 A cabinet kitchen apartment. House keeping I a pleasure In on ot these clue In modern apartmsnta. A few at $60 and $61 1 CALL US AND WB WILL TAKE TOU OUT. Drake Rental Agency Fireproof Apartments v Corner 17th and Howard SI rest. JA. 205 AT. 9701. Delightful Apartments Hot and cold water and Janitor erv- lco Included. 1 rooms, No. 14 Lafayette, 17th and Jackson streets, larg airy rooms, close in, tile bath, $47.60 4 rooms, No. 11 I.afayetU, 17th and Jackson streets, bedroom, aecond floor, east exposure, $60. 4 rooms, No. 11 ITkard Court, 617 South 31st street. South exposure; first floor; beautiful cf., IC2.60. 4 rooms, No. 6 Harold apartments. 27th and Jackson streets. East exposure; finished in oak; largo rooms, fin deco rations; reasonable rent. 5 rooms. No. 2 Urban a apartment, 1317 Park Av. Larg room. Will dec orate to suit. Large porch. $76. Immediate possession on abov apart ments. Payne & Carnaby Co. "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." 616 Omaha Nut. Bldg. JA. 1016. Desirable Apartments at Reasonable Rents $ rooms, No. 6 Potter, 33rd and Farnam streets. $100. S rooms, No 9 Georgia. 1040 South 19th street, 65. a 4 rooms, No. 17 Flo Lea, 20th anl Cap- ltol avenue, $62.50. 4 rooms, No. 2 Troy, 1009 Harney afreet, $57.60. 1 rooms, No. 16 Klngsborough, 1511 Dodge street, $55. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St. Low Rent Apartments In the Burdette Apts., 21st and Bur dette Sts, Three and four rooms for $30 per mo. Heat furnished In winter. Janitor service. Janitor will show apartments, or call W. J. Palmer Co. AT. 8980. Kecllne Bldg. APARTMENT, 6-room accommodations, newly decorated, facing court with beau tiful flower beds, eagt front. Just va cated, ran give possession at once. Call ror inrormatlon, Traver Bros. AT. 6886. 819 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Very Choice Apartments 5 rooms In Mercer Apts.. 3920 Cuming St., surrounded by a regular park with lots of nice shade trees and away from the noise of tha streets. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. .1A. 0564. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. Two rooms. Rent $40. Close In. How ard Apts., 21st and Howard Sts. Jani tor will show you or call W. J. Palmer Co. AT. 8980. Keeline Bldg. TURNER COURT. Very desirable and cool 3-room apt. with 6-room accommodations. Oppo site boulevard and Turner park; 1 block to main garage and car line. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 3101 Dodge St. HA 7140. 6-ROOM DUPLEX. 4354 Dodge St., 6-room all modern, In fine shape, nowly papered. Want tenant with small family on year' lease. Rent $60. S. P. BOSTWICK. AT. 1506. 729 Peters Trust Bldg. HAMILTONHOTEL" Farnam at 24th. Flna sub-basement apartment with 4 rooms and bath; arood condition and very desirable at a reasonable rental. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnarfi at 24th. Fine sub-basement apartment with 4 rooms and bath; good condition and very desirable at a reasonable rental. FIVE-ROOM APT., Ben Bolt, 44th and Dodge, about July 1. South and west exposure; rent $100 per month. WA. 0352. TWO 6-room flats at 20th and Pierre Sts.; S-room. 118 S. 27th St. F. D. Wead and D. H. Bowman, 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. AT 0161. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. IO O room modern apartments. THE f ""DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT, 1708. JA. 2806. COMFORT all seasons; screened sleeping porcnes; 3 or 4-room apts. zzo, N. Z3d, MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close In. O. P. 8tebbln. 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. CALL AT. 3250 for a furnished apart ment In walking distance, at a reasonable rental. $50.00 Newly furnished apartment In walking distance. Modern fireproof building. CALL US AND WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. Drake Rental Agency Fireproof Apartments 17th and Howard Streets. JA. 2805 AT. 9708. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 14th. On room, with kitchenette and bath. Two room, with kltchenett and bath. All completely furnished. Including gaa and light. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LTVB. OOOLEST -rom apt. In lb ctty, com pletely furnished. Fi.ld Club dtotrict. Adult only. For July, August and part X etpuD4V4WU LaW.HI 011047 FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartmsnta fttnrM of llvtnr rrm, iltroiMg rtKiin, kiit'tiftiHtti $! btu W'mrkly rnit ln lu$la ht. t , aa, t'lKillit llltt lull'. mrw Kl'lirr workly ur iinautnt au-i rb-.n AT Kit HAMILTON HQTEL Farnam at 24th. On room, wllh henatt aci ha lb 1 wo rooma, Willi i.li'heneii and haih. All completely lumlahvil, Ini'ludirg f.a and llghl. A SATIttKAi'TOttY M..4CK TO 1,1 VF NEW, unfuriilalie.l. rool, airy, limn i, 4 and l-riioiii Apis, aiilcllv mmi-m; one honk Croaetov.it rar, t blo.'k patk and belhlnit ponj, 2JIM I s'reet, MA JM ON'K l-rootu wiih 6-ioom . r,imituitiohe, furnlahrd apt . for 3 month. II M. IIAlHKIl, 110! Iiod!! Si. 11.4. IK. COMFORTABLE 4 loom, furnlah'd apart meat; aouihcnat eaposut. Dund. rnnnt ainui vicp. TWO AND THKKK-IOHiM aparimnie. Brown apartments, lill North slat St. AT.74I4. UKAl'TIFI'l. t-runm unf urniabrd apart ment, chula Vista, lotlt and Poppletoa; HO. HA. 45. MODERN, 3-room. unfurnished apart ment for rtnt, reasonable. 1018 raclfla St. at ;r.i. MOVING AND STORAGE Moving! Packing! We asaenibl and forward car loads of both household good and automobiles. If you ar shipping to any of th cities represented or to town ad jacent to our shipping points. r us, w can save you money. This week we sre accepting Shipments to th following elites: Lo Angeles, ban Francisco. Chicago, III. Denver. Colo. Kansas Clly, Ho. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co., Ill North Eleventh Street, Phon DO. 0394, Omaha, Neb. Storage ! Shipping! i?Trii7T TfV STORAGE x x JLTXJXJX x x & VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGESHIPPING, t Household Goods and Piano. Reduced Rates This Week to ' LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0218. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods end pianos, moving, packing and ahipplng. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished I on atoraga and moving. Contracts taken on Job or nr. Glob Van Storage Co.. JA. 4331. AT. 0230. $20-24 North 16th St. TO SAVE- MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 6881. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT Arthur Building 210 S. 18th St.- . Three verv desirable office In thli bulldlm: would divide; rates reduced. Thos. W. Hazen 104 Arthur Bldg, DO 8SS Arthur Auditorium 210 S. 18th St. . MAIN FLOOR. Two very desirable lodge rooma with highly poll.thed floors for dancing. .Now ready tor da Une:. Thos. W. Hazen 304 Arthur Bldg. DO 1110 A Wonderful Opportunity The only store lullding for rent In a good live town In one of the tst sugar beet districts Jn Colorado. Good brick building, 25x65 feet, situated on the main street of Hiff, Colorado, on, the Union Pacific; rental, $40, Address B. Pchnltzer, 1565 Race St., Denver, Colo. Two Good Business Locations Northwest corner 19th and Harney Sts., 20x65, and 322 So. I9th St., 20x66. Both with full basements and heated. First Trust Co. 400 First Nat. Bank. AT. 0729. OFFICES FOR RENT. Tel. JA. 4120 Excellent stor room, ground floor; also desk and window display apace on Farnam St. Good lo cation. NICE light office, low rent, located on Farnam; telephone and stenographic service ir aesirea. can at. 7774. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 .A a I.JI.IM...I .In.... TO,C ... MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE- TlniTOn e-H- nal. a . nvvun v., inn Him Jones ftt. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay men tP, QUICK. QITTKT AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. $06 Karbach Block. Tel. J A. 129S. Southeast corner l.r,th and Douglas 8ts. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638 Kcelin Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10180m. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 171$. , $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 110 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At 0151, Farm Lnana No delay on western X til III IMdlla Neb. farm, ranches. Rlok Investment Co.. 14$ Om. Nat'l Bk. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly on umana real estate, snopen a .:o., Realtore. JA. 422$. 134 Keeline Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 64S OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBEBTY bunuh. ,21 city Nat l Bank Bldg. COLORADO LANDS. 480 Acres, $10 Per Acre i Only $800 Needed ' Team, wagon, harness, poultry, growa Ing crops, tools, Included, only 4 mile to railroad, high school town. 16 acres fin farming land, mor caa b cultivated, fin cre.k watered pastor. $0 aorta fin cedar timber, comfortable -room dwelling, cellar, 4-feot barn, garage, etc List fr.i Robert B. Dn- leison. noon. Colo. COLORADO Und. 28$ acre. Lincoln- Co, Cheap tor quick aale, A'ldree Jobs X. Hill, Charokee, I,