6 B THE SUNDAY BF.E: OMAHA. JULY 2. 1022. Encyclopedia of Dramatic Plays Along Theater Row Story of Southern Sentiment at Moon Wally Reid at StrandMack Sennett Drama at Kialto Shirley Mason at World. An encyclopedia of hiirh class entertainment will flash ,ii the screens of Omaha's movie houses this week. Delight ful romances predominate, while Wallace Reid will be seen at the Strand In a snappy comctly-drama that promises to immortalize the "flivver." Homely southern sentiment is the theme of "My Old Kentucky Home," which will grace the screen of the Moon theater this week. Monte Blue is the star. , Mack Sennett's first film drama since he abandoned bathing beauty comedies is to be seen at the Rialto theater. "The Crossroads of New York" is the title. It is replete with drama and leavened with humor. Then there's Shirley Mason at the World theater in an episode of matrimonial experiences and Leah Baird at the Empress the first four days of this week in a drama of do mestic life, "Don't Doubt Your Wife." Sennett Dramatic at Kialto. Three of the icreen'i best known beauties fill the feminine role in "The Crossroad of New York." the Mack Sennett special showing at the Rialto theater this week. Thev are: Kathryn McGuire, Ethel Grey Terry and Mildred June. Miss McGuire will be recalled as the lead of "The Silent Call;" Ethel Grev Terry, from beinsr the unloving mother of "Shat tered Idols." is now a flroadwav mu sical star with a full supply of tem perament; while Mildred June is a waitress with keen perception and humor. There is a fourth impor tant feminine role, filled by Dot -Farley; but Miss Farlev for this oc casion has had to hide her beautv under the plastered curls of a second rate boarding house landlady. "The Crossroads of New York has drama uppermost, leavened with humor, and culminating in several unusual thrills. Even in "Mickey" and "Molly 0" Mr. Sennett has not given so entirely an unusual a pro duction as he does here. "My Old Kentucky Home." A storv of the homely southern sentiment of mother ove with all the magnificence and grandeur as only the southern snirit can be portrayed i seen in "My Old Kentucky Home," at the moon theater this week. The picture is said to abound in thrills, sparkling romance and is of the melodramtic type. A voung man, son of a proud and haughty southern widow, is finally released from Sing Sing where he has done a term, having been rail roaded. Uoon hearing the strains of "My Old Kentucky Home" he be comes homesick. His mother is overwhelmed at see ing him and while en route to the south he meets his former sweetheart on the train. The bov's mother has entered "Dixie," her prize horse, in the derby, and in one of the wildest rac ing scenes ever witnessed, and "Dixie wins and the boy and his sweetheart come into their own. "Across the Continent.'' At tact the flivver has been im mortalized! The familiar "tin lizzie" has suc cessfully charged its attackers' shafts of ridicule and thrown up a strong defense of honor and glory! Such is the achievement in the new picture, "Across the Continent," starring Wallace Reid, at the Rialto theater. It involves a cross-continent race, wherein Mr. Reid, playing the son of Theodore Roberts, the manufac turer of the poor-man's car, drives the little motor, known as the "Dent," through wind, rain, fire, and across mountains, rivers and deserts, on to victory, defeating all con testants. . Mary MacLaren, leading! woman 'ind former star, supplies the romance and shows no little pluck by sitting at the star's side as mechanician as he tears over the roads at a terrific pace. Others in the cast are Betty Francisco.-Walter Long, Lucicn Lit tlefield. Jack- Herbert, Guy Oliver and Sidney D'Albrook. Shirley Mason at World. Shirley Mason, the Fox tar. lias some verv odd matrimonial experi ences in Her latest picture, entitled "Very Truly Yours" which experi ences are set forth on the screen of the world theater this week. As a hotel stenographer in a big city. Miss Mason thinks she is in love, then believes she isn't, and, finally reaches the conviction' that she is. But meanwhile what happens in cluding three transcontinental trip supplies action, comedy and other, that should furnish entertainment of the best sort. If orediction were not such dreadfully uncertain quantity when applied to motion" pictures, we would be strongly inclined to predict an other unqualified success for Miss Mason in this production. In the company are Allan Forrest, well-known leading man; Charles Ciry. one of the most reliable of screen artists, and Otto Hoffman. Leah Baird at Empress. "Don't Doubt Your Wife." which presents Leah Baird at the Empress Celebrate the 4th Nashville, Nebraska Free Picnic Ground t ISO aeies of (hade tree. One of the best placet in Nebraska to hold a picnic. A way from the dust and heat of the city. Barbccua, Foot Races, Creased" Pig and Other Attraction A DANCE la the Events hi the Large v New HaU Nashville la New Town Fin MOoe Northwest af Florence ea the Waehingtaa Highway Train Leave Omaha for Nashville Via Webster Street Station i A.K tr.M. BsBO P. M. TrnJa Leave Fail onto for NaahviOe Via Florence Station sM A. M. 1:IS P. M. rf)S P. M. Treats Leave NashTiD far Oasaha f AO P. M. Trains Lean NaahviTI far Florae ca :50 P. M. Follow the Washington Highway If Going by Auto Music Faralehea' by Car! Leans the first four days of this week, is an original story ly Miss Isaird in which she plays the role of a wife who, to be happy, needs to play. hdward i'etl is the husband, a self made business man who loves his wife, but neglects to tell her so. t-mory Johnson is the rich young idler who never could understand why she had not chosen him for her husband. In "The Girl in His Room." which will be shown at the Empress for three days beginning Thursday, Alice Calhoun wears a priceless taupe fox which was presented to her by i friend who trapped it in Alaska. T" 1 . t i.t, . v i lie siory oi ine uiri tn ms Room'' deals with a young girl who nas never seen her lather and who i given a magnificent house to live in, but later learns that it is the property of another. An interesting taugle develops which is finally unraveled when the girl marries the owner of the house. Betty Compson at Muse. Apache underworld and society boudoir are linked in "The Green icmpiauon. a tnriiiing tale ot a dazzling little dancer who became the darling of Paris. The picture features Betty Compson at the Muse tomorrow and Tuesday. "My Old Kentcky Home," a ro mance of the south, is the feature at the Muse today. Monte Blue is the hero. Wallace Reid and Elsie Ferguson are co-starred in "Forever," which takes the screen at the Muse next Wednesday and Thursday. It is said to be the greatest story of love ever filmed. Agnes Ayrcs is the chief attraction at the Muse next Friday and Satur day in "The Lane That Had No Turning." It is a story of fame on the opera stage and the test of a young wife's love. Darling of Sweden in New Film Play II i O f --5 '- " Ti i.W ax fSaWv,i: VZiaw.) . A w y -J rfFjn , 3 i.v Harry Myers (Set$ Xaval Hole in "Captain lilackblrd" Shirley lias Own Seeret of Success '-. . t -'M -"-r i :.Ca ... sit . -sa. I Jloon ' Nf if . CiolJwyn aunouiirr that it has rn liatiril Harry Myers, (anions as the ankre in the tilm version of Mark Twain' "Cuniieriictiit Yankee in j Kiiik Arthur's t'ourt." for an im t pcirunt roinedy rule in Carey Wil ( son's rmnance of the Smith Sea ( islaniN, "C'apiain illackhiril." ' 'J hi i the sccnarm which bn been ' asstKiK-'l lu K. A. WuKh ns his first production in iioi'i.iimn with Guld J wyn. Two other manners of the cast I have hrrn selected. Grurge Siegmann anl William V. Moug. Mr, Walsh i is rxpcctf( to arrivr troni New York this wrck ami will at once bryin work : on the phtop!.iv. I Played With Ray. , Harry Myers ha had varied expe rience in all kinds of acting, on the legitimate sl.nje, in stock, in vaiule ville ami on the screen. Hi tirst motion nicture work was uiili I nlnn- 'later he was with Universal as di rector and as star. He appeared ! with Charles Kay in "45 Minutes , from Broadway," with Bessie Barris jrale in the "Notorious Mrs. Sands." ; in the "Coimccticuit Yankee," in I Ihe March JIare and others. . i His role in "Captain Blackbird" is i an important one ami is said to offer j him opportunity for hi line comedy i ability. mmmmmmmmHmm'mm'mtl00 wW , ya"V w , . .L Sigrid Holmquist, called the "Mary Pickford of Sweden," who plays one of the important roles in "My Old Kentucky Home," a human melo drama which is destined to become as famous as the baHad of the same name, has been in the United States but six months. During that time, however, she has appeared in some of the best known pictures, jiotably: "Just Around the Corner," and "Prophet's Paradise." "My Old Kentucky Home" is the chief cinema attraction at the Moon theater this week. A range of three score years and ten in a single picture. "Border land," the new Agnes Ayres picture, not only shiftes between 1850 and 1922, but there is a 70-year difference between its oldest and youngest play ers. Ruby Lafayette stands at one end with 78 years to her credit, while little Muriel McCormac is at the other, just 3 1-2. N .- .:::aV IT ra I ZV f'J -J 1 ' CJulloi.ee JPei'd Or- i Program Summaries ' Crossroads of Old Kentucky Rialto "The New York. Moon "My Home. Strand Wally Reid in "Across the Continent." World Shirley Mason in "Very Truly Yours." Empress Today until Thurs day, "Don't Doubt Your Wife;" latter half of week, "The Girl in His Room." Muse Today, "My Old Ken tucky Home;" tomorrow and Tuesday, "The Green Tempta tion;" Wednesday and Thursday "Forever;" Friday and, Saturday, "The Lane That Had No Turning." Charles Murray, Star Comedian, Quits Screen Numbered amongst the most popu lar and certainly one of the very best known actors of the screen, Charlie Murray, for six years a headliner in Mack Sennett comedies, makes his tmal appearance on the screen for an indefinite period in Mr. Sennett's comedy-melodrama, "The Crossroads of New York," at the Rialto theater this week. Charlie Murray, whose skill as an actor is by no means limited to hi larious comedy, proves this without doubt in the important part he plays in the story, the leading characters of which are portrayed by Ethel Grey Terry, Herbert Standing, Noah Beery, Robert Cain and Ben Deely, who were specially engaged for their recognized ability to give a legiti mate rendering of a legitimate plot. "The Bonded Woman," Betty Compson's forthcoming picture, will be different in at least one respect. Most movie shipwrecks happen at night, but in this picture Director Philip Rcsen says the shipwreck will be seen in full daylight. Cullen Landis May Desert Screen for Stage, Is Report Cullen Landis, attractive young screen juvenile, has received an of fer to appear on the New Y'ork stage and is considering it seriously. He appeared at the Philharmonic auditorium, Los Angeles, recently in "The Iron Judge," a dramatic playlet by Joseph A. Jackson, and registered a decided hit. He was featured in "Watch Your Step," a recent picture, and will soon be seen in Rupert Hughes' "Remembrance." Connie in Chinatown Constance Talmadgc has a China town all her own! Perhaps it isn't just such a China town as converges around Mott and Pell streets in New York, nor does it. reach out its tcnacles, octopus-like, as do the streets of San Francisco's Chinatown, yet it has a charm the others lack. For it is the exact replica of a street in Hongkong, ami was built for scenes in the picture chosen as Con stance Talmadgc's latest starrintr ve hicle. "Fast is West," which Sidney Franklin is directing for Joseph M. Schcnck to be released through As sociated First National. One of the Chinese streets runs the full length of the lot. Shop for shop, tea house for tea house, with even ihe signs lettered as in the original street, there is an atmosphere of stark reality about it. Chinese red, the un fathomable Mfng tones and riots of color are everywhere the dragon lifts its head. To cap this, Chinese labor has been employed as much as possible so up and dow n the long, narrow road they patter, shedding their borrowed civil ization tike so many garments, until they too seem an inherent part of the transplanted street. lit 'iTisV-aaC r MUSI C It is given to few young women stars of the screen to achieve within a comparatively brief period so loyal and numerically formidable a per sonal following a. is possessed by Shirley Ma-on. One reason undoubt edly is that she never is seen in a picture dealing with the so-called sex problem; that her stories are always clean and wholesome in plot and uni versally appealing in sentiment. Recall her work, for example, in "Merely Mary Ann," "Jackie," "Love Time," "The Mother Heart," "Little Miss Smiles," and, recently, "The Ragged Heiress.' Recall her work in these, plus an art as dainty as herself, and the secret of her success is out. In her latest production 'Very Truly Y'ours," she is to play at the World theater this week. Reginald Denny, who boxed his way into the limelight as the star in Universal's "Leather Pushers' " .se ries, will have the stellar role in "The Kentucky Derby," work on which wilf shortly begin at Universal City. ITSCOOtf Eromis vet a Fa.oi MBh A kp IWl Pf HI 11 1 C.st Include "1 Wv "H ' Ml THEODORE ROBERTS, k A Vf1 J 1 MARY MACLAREN, v JmT? m(r BETTY 'FRANCISCO. t? yy 9xAo atory of thrUls l&ks and heart wherest fell VT&Pr rKTY- Gasoline, Perfumer-Pretty- Faces ill) i&&:'VAxf JJ. .V.N5tt-rascontinje.Tvtal race is as fexcitm,cas V-UlW'iO TODiar AUVeek. U:O0-lOO-3-00-5:00 , 7'OQ ttidy 900 fte poor man's 'automobile at last on -the- sorecTxIi Clara Beranper, author of scenarios for William deMille's productions, will leave for Hollywood this week to work on the adaptation of "Clar ence, the play by Booth Tarking lon, which is to be Mr. DeMille's next picture. The1 cast will include Wallace Reid, Agnes Ayers, May McAvoy and Kathlyn Williams. TYPHOON COOLINf! SYSTEM EMPRESS Keeps Every Seat Delightfully COOL TODAY A Photoplay for Every Man and Wife DON'T DOUBT YOUR WIFE With Leah Baird A Vital Drama That Ii An Eye Feaat of Beauty anil Sumptuousness Written by a Woman Love's Greatest Answer Mr. Fmma Millard presented t!' following puuo pupil in ,". ! her hoint Friday evening: Uinora McFlroy. Ha rip Tliompson. Anna forak. Norma TadwalladcV Nadina Patton Marjori McFlroy, Cliar ona I'atton, Marjone McFlroy, Ihailolt McCliisky. Fdard Rainey. T.na Kllaworth lala tav today f..r fhleaao, whrra h will ir throiiah July, aiiulylnu volca m" i, i,-...... u.. nf K'nsr Ytitk. - ' Mla flrtriid Krnt. traoirer o the MaeDowell rluh. Ima aent th, total for 1911. t' Mr. Mai'l'nwlU iind would tie Ittit'l " ' m bera aoml nirmberahtp fee of II ' tha I'etrratioroue-h colony at one. Hint ho may fnl It on to ',r" liorotiMh for the Onmhn room. Tiia timniia Miirnowrll club now hna two room. MU Kathorlna Kllubfrn" HI Tr ai-nt th fnllnwlng pliino puplla I recital at hr noma Monday after noon, July S: Alice Wunflor. I.lllliin PumlPll. I'liiiutlp rtalilwln. Jennla Carlaon. Allec Miller. Howard llyp. Ila Klmv. Mnrloit lli'lurcn, Llhl'V Klewltt. MurenrH CarlMon, Hubert Wureler, KIIihIh-iIi HerKmnn, iu,i,n, Hokanaon, Kiuneea Delaware, Kvelyn Carliion. Minn Vera I'ederHcn proaonted tha followlna piiplln from hor piano cln Wedneailny nftrrnoon, June 21: Mar Kret Clara Heelan, Isabel Crahtim, Hernlee Have. Kern Hammond, Vnne B.ilnl, Halph Bulrd. Ot.-n Oelken. Annie Roaewnswn, Jnck Wnd Theodore Von FJti. who plaved Bcbe Daniel's leading man in "The Speed Girl." has been added to tha east of "Manslaughter." CeciT B. DeMille's forthcoming picture. Kathcrinc McDonald, beautiful star of "Preferred Pictures." who is making "White Shoulders." is sched uled to go on location this week with her supporting cast. $1.50 That's Our New Price for Cleaning and Pressing Any Man'a Two ' or Three-Picce Suit. DRESHER BROTHERS 2217 Farnam Street AT 034S THE Miii'i-aF 1- Bowen's MSS NKETT aeruaiw7L ADVERTISEMENT. You Cannot Hide Your Fat Overfatness Is the one misfortune you cannot hide from yourself or from those around you. If too thin, your dressmnker or tailor can supply the deficiencies, but the overfat carry a burden their can nut conceal. There is one sure way to reduco your weight furely and quickly. The harmless Marmola Proscription, which charges the fatty tissues and fat producing foods to solid flesh and encrity, helps the general health and digestion, permits you to eat substantial food, and leaves the skin clear and smooth. Thii famous prescription is now condensed into tablet form. Each tablet contains an exact dose of the same harmless ingredi ents that Tflde the original prescription capable of reducing the overfat body steadily and easily without ufce slightest ill effects. Take but one tablet after each meal and at bedtime until the normal weight is reached and the bodily health completely restored. Ask your druggist for Marmola Prescription Tablets or send one dollar to the Marmola Company. 4612 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich., the price the world over, and you will receive enough to start you well on the road to slimness and happiness. 53J v presents Ai& newest idecu tc comedy Trcelodrama life NevYorlc -Tlte Crossroads' of New York where, glamor lifts 45 erne. ir1r. onH. 1nrn aV! I -liT ITi r " Q-IT " & ix? Tiio u tixer. ottoose your ovu paba bothrushfrom laugh to thrill, from sob fxD oheer, ana then? 5 -trans continental Here's a Sure-Shot Comedy, RAPID FIRE" A Mermaid Mirthstar Silrerman's Strand Orchestra - Selection From "MARTHA" Latest Current Events by Selnick Twelve Stains in Cast See it tnd Sltouti; .aaaBBBlaBBaaaBsaaBaaaaBBM A.H.BUnK PROSTATE. GLAND, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, These three organs are re sponsible for more misery amonc men than oil othera combined. Paine in back, tired feeling, setting up at night, premature age, less ened vitality, are some of tha results of these troubles. We believe we have the best treatment known to quickly correct these disorders. Costs nothing unless it does the work. Send nesse far Wusintsd keaklet ntif 3m fSsS; BOX 293,1 If . Jjj NASHVILLE, TENN. Symphony radeyr Dip (JOHNNY HINES Johnson premier Oraniat IED On Face and Neck. Very Sore. Inbcura Healed. "My lace and neck were affected with pimples for everal yeart. Thn festered and became very tore, and itched and burned bo badly at nlrh that it was Impossible to sleep. The pimples started in small spots, but aoon spread until my face and neck were one sore eruption. They caused msnguremenb "I read an advertisement for Cutl. cura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and after usine three cakes of Cmi- cura Soap and two boxes of Cutkura uinrment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Futh Reynolds, Laclede, I1L UseCuticuraforall toilet purposes. Ssanb tek rr STttsS . A -M-"Ouster. U- rhr. Sc. c Oiatanwss die Jii saVCaticsjra Saap shavea witbtasas.