The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 01, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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Convicts Resent
Girl in Liquor Car
Runaway Bride
Quartet ArnMeil ly State
Sheriff Will Have Hear
ins at Pldttmmilh.
Hani!- I ou t riple eterd4y,
m lie it rirrrttrd with two men and an
other Kir I it l4 county by Sute
Sheriff tiu llyer., it a rinun4y
bride of si week, according to a
telegram received by Hyer trout
thp chief of police of Joplin. Mo.
The giil firt i4id le lived at the
Millard hotel in Ouulu and then
told the officer her home W in Jop
ln. I Iyer wired Joplin and receiv
ed a reply from the police chief. Hy
ing the girl hil married Albert
iug in an automobile, which was aid!
to contain liquor, with Ktvu Mc-
I rod, Millard hotel, in Ouulu, and
another couple, II. I', Kutrll of the
Millard hotel and Velnu Kelly, l.M'M
Maudcton street. Omaha,
1 be quartet w ill he taken to
J'Uttsniouth t face liquor charges, I
according to Ilycr. I
Pawnee City "Myatery Man"
Sentenced to Leavenworth
Lincoln, June JO (Special Tele
giant) William A. Contain, my,
tr i matt of I'auuee I'ity. was sen
teuceil to three e.u in federal
prison at l.eaeenwonli tor using the
mail t defraud A Federal Judge
T. Illake Kennedy passed sentence,
l ontant's sou, standing on one side
of hint, and hi wile on the other,
wept loudly that the judge'
word could barely he heard. The
trial consumed a week and witnesses
rame here from all frlf ' ,n
Tinted States,
Ever Notice This?
Order Halting
Work on Roads
Firt (!aee? County Wheat
Will Average l.'i Hiislid
Heatrice, Neb., June Jii.-tSpeciat
Telegram .4r0u Mat and Klmer
Wrightstiun, lising -at ILlmevillr,
air the tir.t faruiri 111 the eountv
to start threshing wheat, While tarn
stopped the work, they ay they will
secure a vield of between 15 and I
bushel to the acie. The gram Is of
fair quality.
(Pruonrri who wolatfel Pa
A Frenchman ha written on an or
dinary postcard JJ.IM word US,
(KHI litters. The writing is said tit he
legible to the naked eye Scientific
roles Blamed Rather Thau
Lincoln, June Jit, (Special) The
boblird haurd girl who nt her
lUuting there jut ix week ago. j
She na ttahhrd when caught rid-'
Stale Board Public
Opinion Reason Given.
Lincoln, June M (Special.) Dis
continuance of the maintenance of
convict road cnip in the nimmcr
by the ute 'ipon the order of Gov
ernor S. K. McKelvie. rhiimn of
the hoard of prole, lmittel!y !ia
csuocd more roenttnrnt among con
vict at the ute penitentiary than
anthin in yearn.
Prison official declared that the
resentment and muttfriiiK are di
rected more at Fred lirowii and
Other convict in the penitentiary,
who have failed to make pood after
bciti(c paroled, tin arousing puhhc
opinion againM the parole ytrm, at number of the board whose
duty in to be dictated by public opin
ion, which, on the surface, demands
a tightening in the parole yytem.
Public Opinion Ii Reaion.
Governor McKelvie admitted to
day the board' cction is the result
of adverse public opinion and hys
teria eoncerniiiR convict aroused by
the Fred Drown episode.
"With public opinion it is to
day there would be a terrible 'blow
up," if one ot the men on the road
camp would no astray." the Rovrrnn.
said. "Then, too, we had difficulty in
finding any county that wished to
harbor a road camp tins year ne
cause of the turmoil aroused by the
Fred Brown case.
However, we did persuade the Ne
maha county commissioners to per
mit us to put a camp there. Hut
when I read the list of men picked
by Warden W;.T. Fcnton and N. T.
Harmon, state parole of ticcr, I de
cided to call off the road camp.
Lifers on Test.
"There were numerous lifers and
men convicted of statutory crimes in
the list, and I felt that when that 1st
was published the? state would go
wild. I do. not wish to criticise those
officers for selecting these nun, be
cause they must in order to main
tan dscipline in the institution giv:
the men, who behave themselves,
privileges. It is a well known fact
that usually the men with the worst
records on the outside have the best
records on the inside.
"I sincerely regret that we had to
put a stop to the road camp as .in
my opinion the fact that the state
had' convicts available to throw out
on the road in the event contractors
demanded too much for road build
ing has forced down prices and saved
Nebraska many thousands of dol
lars." The opening of a'jhirt and overall
factory at the state penitentiary dur
Ijig the winter and the revival oi
fcrmal business conditions, . which
4 rpade it possible to reopen the
nihire factory, has been the means
it viahsm
of solving much of Warden Fcnton's
unemployment problems, although
he had men to spare to put on the
roads and was anxious that the state
put convicts on road work.
200 Northwestern Shopmen
in Norfolk Ordered to Quit
Norfolk, Neb., June 30. (Special
Telegram.) About 200 shop work
ers will walk out from the Norfolk
shops of the Chicago & Northwest
ern railroad at 10 Saturday morning,
according to information received
from local union men, who say they
have received orders to quit work at
that time. About 750 shop workers
on the company's eastern division are
expected to walk out Saturday morn
ing. Northwestern Valuation
Lincoln, June 30. (Special.) The
state board of equalization today
fixed the taxable valuation of the
Northwestern railroad at $38,714,373.
Valuation of other roads was an
nounced two weeks ago.
Find Boy's Body
Lincoln, June 30. (Special.) Bur
lington trainmen found the uniden
tified body of a boy about 18 years
old on the tracks near here today.
His skull was crushed. He was
poorly dressed.
Somebody wants what you have to
sell and will pay you every cent it
is worth. Reach your buyer through
an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad.
Aid From Milk,
Ice Fund Lifts
Mother's Grief
Saving of Baby's Life But One
Case Typical of Many
Here in City.
The happiness that shone through
a young mother's face Thursday
could not be expressed in terms of
dollars and cents.
Unemployment, illness and summer
heat made a difficult problem for the
mother. A visiting nurse called to
Fresh milk and ice were the essen
sec the baby, whose life was in danger,
tials needed to conserve th: :iny life.
The nurse drew on The Bee Free
Milk and Ice fund and within a few
hours the mother's grief began to
disappear. The baby is sleeping as a
baby should and is appearing much
Previously ncknowlnlgfd S45H.0S
K. J. Dinning ff.OO
A Friend, Mead, Neb 2.00
Mae 101)
' Total 46.0a
Harry L. Mallo sent $1 worth of
milk tickets.
Bee Want Ads Froduce Results.
White Cloud Cloth Shirts
kv s- iSs
Corded Madras Shirts
Attractive showing of new
corded madras shirts. Neck
band style and collar
patterns In
Athletic Union
Suits $Joo
Fine Btripett Madras.
. and Crossbar Nainsook
Athletic Union Suits.
Union Suits
Vassar sheer hand
kerchief cloth union
suits, all sizes up
to 50.
Aero Athletic
Specially woven for
coolness and service.
Made by Vassar; all
The comfort shirt of the season,
made of Eagle Cool Cloud Cloth,
come In white only, collars at
tached and neckband negligee
styles and they're great for
Radiant Pussy
Same as above In tan and gray,
separate collars to match,s$8
Soisette Cool Shirts
Popular Broadway 2-button cuffs, small
collar attached; tan and $050
white soisette; sheer
and cool
-Bathing Suits
Men's Bradley all
wool bathing suits in
heather mixtures,
body stripes and
fancy trimmeeV
? A 50
Men's Bradley von
sted bathing suits, in
solid ' colors with
fancy borders, at
Other Good Bathing
Softs, $1.00 and
New Polka Dot Neckwear
They're ever right the breezy, smart looking
polka dot in navy, brown and Palm Beach.
Four-in- - ff
Hands atPAU
Bat Wings, HKn
pointed ends, I U L
Thread Silk Hosiery
Men's 'pure thread silk hosiery;
full fashioned ; silk 'top ; double
silk heel and toe ; $1.25 values ;
(run of the mill), at, pair
"Ttll tb popU le compare
quality workmanship I
clothe. Too many people
look at tho fabric at tbougk '
the cloth reg ittereo! value. '
Clothes ere like watchoa, It'a '
not the 9e but the vorkt
iniide that make real in.
sVM. L. HOLZMAN, Trea.:
Your Clothes for "The -Fourth"
Is at Your Door
THAT'S Greater Nebraska's idea of service, to bring "the
Clothing World to your door;" to offer you ALL the new
developments in style; utmost in quality and workmanship; values supremely
in a class by themselves; dollar for dollar lowest-in-the-city prices here.
Cool, Featherweight or Year 'Hound Weight;
The Suit You Want is Here
There's a vast differ
ence in Palm Beach
suits. Buy the best
and Campus
Finest hand -tailored
Genuine Palm Beach
Suits at
Many specially designed
Young Men's models with ex
tra pants at $4.50.
Superbly styled and
beautifully finished
models in
Kuppenheimer '&&ctrl
Tropical Suits
Undoubtedly the most pleas
ing and distinctive appear
ing summer clothes in
IM;.I. -!!" '.'.'.SL'Hi.i
' ft"
Featuring the fine, me
diuhi weight clothes
from foremost
Society Brand,
Fashion Park
Suits made to sell at $45.00 and
$50.00. Men's and Young
Men's Models at
Sport models, Bi-Swing, exclu
sive styles, semi-conservative
models. Vast size range.
Customized highest
quality clothes. Many
imported fabrics
Quality Master
Tailored Suits
They're made to sell at $60 to $75.
We feature them at the lowest price
they're sold at anywhere.
Nebraska Special Values
Mohair Suits
and Tropical
Worsted Suits
.Nebraska Special Value,
Palm Beach Suits
Extra Pants to match, $4.00
Men's and Young Men's
Worsted Suits
For year 'round wear.
Emphatically $35.00 Values
Panama Cloth Suits for men, all sizes, special value at $10.00.
Worth $5.00
Worth $5.00
to $12.50
$3.50 $5.00 $7.50
Thousands of pairs of extra trousers bought from a leading maker at a price that enables us to save you 33 Vz
C7 Cfl Linen GoIf Knickrs $7 CA Palm Beach Qi aa
, P 1 ,0J Knit Grip Knee PI .DU Trousers p4UU
White Flannel
Men', Younf Men' and Boy' Clothing Entir Second Floor Main Building and Annex )
UhUh 111 t -i Jl I Jl-u JixiL
'1 i 1 1 hi 1 1