The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 30, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Montana Senator
. Itcncws Fight for
) Film Censorship
Say Hrcciit Scandal Hrvral
(;!itionn u Shut-king
'1 hat PuMic Will Soon
)cmanil Kotrictioin.
Rail Shopmen Strike
Ordered for July I
Omaha IU ImH Mla.
Wj-'i "Ktun, June JV- rhrnu lit.
I)' dr " uiirmu immorality in itir mo.
linn 1 tiirr tnlulry, .Senator Myere,
Muii'.iu. in 4 'iuie kimh tudiy
rruM'l liii movement lor a alntl
iitpf..l t'ciirirhij of movie Mm.
Srn tt'T Myrr lu brrn endeavor-
jt I nig ir miine tune to iinnic aoui en
Jl i u inn til of a ( film iniM)rlup
4' 'la mc' Wl1'' ''"'e "ccc.
fj He ilrrlarrd tmy that ome of the
il urrnt, involvmit itromiiirut
. tir. rrvrulril a condition hock
iiK t lut pulilu' rntiiiicnt would ion
ili'in.init restriction.
"Those who own anil coulrol the
indit-try," Senator Myrr id, "erin
to liae licni nt fbr opinion that tlif
ten,,,) tli., a.i,r,l,jl tin r,irtMt ih
r iitiaic if fast lifr, the way of r
f trv:iti-iinf , the nwtlc, I lie ath of
lie niont
rv have
i, in.Kiy inc. lrev tnr j;rcMte-t
) nice and coined for thrill lit
, J nnney. and apparently thrj
r,", I i n Mit to (jrt the coin, no
Mul tne eiiict on lite puonc youni
I old. When thought Mil people havi
siKgeMcil official ceiiorhi ill thi
licit on the public young
itl' of uood citizenship anil
i oleonie morals, the owners of the
ill-try have resented it.
1 lie motion picture industry lias
a great powc:', hut I think I speak
conservatively when I say it has been
frightfully abused and misused, so
much so that there has arisen a de
termined and powerful movement in
favor of official censorship."
Proprietor of Hotel Fined
. for Harboring Bedbugs
" Vermillion, S. D June 29. (Spe
cial.) A complaint filed against the
proprietor of the West hotel in
Watertown because of bedbugs be
ing found in large numbers, resulted
in a fine of ?15 in police court.
Like certain
ou know
Heinz Vinegars have
that knack of making
every food they touch
taste good This fa
mous member of the
"57" is more than "just
sour." It's a flavor. A
tangy, zestful, yet mel
low flavor. Four kinds.
In sealed bottles.
MHIa4 fun lM Oa I
fmmite ef M fnrr chairmen
today were on the way to their home
district o take acme ii.eru of the
ririke. A tulHoiiuiullie rrliuinrd
at headquarters to direct operation,
j The mitndini; walkinit iuakr Sat
i mday inmiirntmu day in the rail-
roan worm. in iiwi , -,-ft'O.tiot)
cut in freight rates ordered
by the interstate coniinerre ronnnit
ion becomes effective simultaneous
ly with a xlash of f I J5,W,tloii from the
wages of railway woikrrs by the
railroad labor board, The pay t.f the
shopmen was cut frVi.ixm.DiK).
Railroad officials anticipated news
of further strike orders to mainten
ance of way employes upon coin
pletion of the canvass of their strike
vole at Detroit.
In spite of the impending; walkout
front the shops and the tracks, rail
officials declared transportation
would continue to move because train
service employes who constitute the
"big four" brotherhoods, switchmen
and telegraphers are not parties lo
controversies over wages and work
in i? rules.
The shop men's strike is in protest
against the wage reductions, the
abolishment of rules by the railroad
labor board and the farming; out of
shop work to contractors. Mainten
ance of way men balloted solely on
the wage reduction.
It wa a coincidence that the Asso
ciation of Railway Executives called
a meetiiif? here today, accordniK o
rail officials. The meeting, it was
said, was called two weeks in ad
vance of the ultimatum by H. Nf.
Jewell, head of the shop unions, for
a conference, principally on contracts
with the American Railway Express
Meeting Important.
The strike situation, however,
made the meeting all the more im
portant. Rejection of Jewell's ulti
matum that the roads ignore the la
bor board's wage cut decisions and
restore abolished rules governing
working conditions, was certain, it
was said, rail officials declaring that
Jewell's conditions for averting a
strike were "impossible."
On the other hand a conference
between railroad executives and
union leaders was declared possible,
not so much in any hope oi reaching
an agreement, but as a vehicle for
carrying the disputes immediately
to the labor board, which saved the
nation from the throes of a rail strike
last October. By the formality of an
announcement that the roads and
unions could reach no agreement, the
labor board, it was pointed out,
could take jurisdiction as it did in
the threatened strike of the big four
brotherhoods last fall.
Another possibility was that the
board could similarly assume juris
diction over situations growing out
of an actual strike on the grounds
that the strike would interrupt com-ii-Tce.
Farmer on Sickbed Victim
of Auto Accessory Thieves
Friend. Neb.. June 29. (Special. )
Thieves ' entered the garage or
Julius Peterson, on his farm north
west of this city, last night, and
stole tiie tires off the wheels of his
car, the curtains and all the tools.
Mr. Peterson has been confined to
his bed for some time.
Omaha Chorus Girl
Jailed by Hycrs
in Booze Seizure
,ois (!uilfi Tlirre Com
panion Nabbed Near Lin
coin in (iur Laden
Uncoil!. June . I i Caples,
liohbed haired chorus girl, and three
companion, all from Omaha, are
idrepiug tonight in the Lincoln city
jail brcaiise State Sheriff dus I Iyer
did not like their looks.
Fifteen jug of whisky in their pos
session lailed to reach their destina
tion and are in the hands of Dyers
liver and Mr. If vers were driv
ing home from Lincoln thi attcrnoou
when a car in front of them broke
Ilyer passed them and then decid
ed to go back. He got out and asked
if he could help any and at the same
time jumped on the running board
and threw a blanket covering whisky
in the rear of the ear to one side.
Hyer loaded the chorus girl and
her companions in his car, deputized
an automobilist who was driving to
Lincoln to load the liquor, and took
them all to hi office.
The booze car later was taken into
The driver and owner of the car
gave the name of L. K. Russell. Mil
lard hotel. The other two. excepting
the chorus girl, told Hyers their
names were Kent Mcl.eod, Millard
hotel, and Vera Kelly, 1619 Mandcr
son street.
Mcl.eod said he had not worked
for four tr-onths.
Russell, who asserted none of his
companion knew the honor was m
the car, and the blame was all his,
said he was a salesman, but rctused
to g've the name of his employer.
The chorus girl said she lived at
the Mil'll hotel and wa last em
ployed at the Rex theater. Omaha.
Packer Fined for Using
Spoiled Meat in Boloena
Vermillion. S. D., June 29. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Caupht by an in
spector of the state food and drug
department in the act of making
over spoiled veal loaf and other
spoiled meat into bologna sausage,
the operator of an independent pack
ing plant iust outside the city limitt
at Mitchell was taken before the
municipal judge and fined $25 for
violating the pure food laws. Parts
of the veal loaf taken from the tub of
boloena stock were badly moulded.
The ooerator was using spices to
hide the evidences of spoilage in the
finished product.
2,200 Irrigated Acres
Oasis-in Drouth Region
Grand Island, June 29. (Special.)
With drouths all about, the 2,200
acres under irrigation by the Kraft
Edgerton firm of Aurora, on what
was hitherto some of the poorest
land in Hall county, will be one of
the biggest production spots this
year. Sugar beets, potatoes, corn,
beans and alfalfa form the principal
crops, but cattle and hogs are kept j
to consume all forage and bypro
Youngsters of Congested Sections
Treated to Day of Joy at Elmwood
Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo
There is one remedy that seldom
flito stop itching torture and re
lieve skin Irritation, and that makes
the skin soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
Zemo. which generally overcomes
skin diseases. Eczema, Itch, Pimples,
Rashes, Blackheads in most cases
give way to Zemo. Frequently,
minor blemishes disappear over
night. Itching usually stops in
stantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic
liquid, clean, easy to use and de
pendable. It costs only 35c; an
svlra IflrffA hftttlp 1 (Ml It i nnct.
F lively safe for tender, sensitive skins.
Tbl ootuaf. ba&lLsf. vnMntlat
rated? ukN til of tk uuftinc pai
cot of tarn, mMs, mu, prmlu. Ma..
KM qatekly Man am Injur?. u.t
W or nckatttostdrngtMf today.
uemtuHQ oil
The 5 .shrrmaa A McConnell Drug Etorea.
Billy O'Grady is 11 years old. He
lives in the vicinity of Seventeenth
avenue and Leavenworth streets.
Yesterday Billy was the guest of the
Volunteers of America at Elmwood
Visits to parks arc rare occasions
in Billy's life. The freckles on his
hofc had grown pale, so long had
it been since he played out in the
open for a whole afternoon. Billy
took his most prized possession, a
faded baseball cap, with him to the
park. He was able to play ball
without dodging trucks for the first
time in many months. Somehow he
began to get hungrier than usual, and
at last the Volunteers of America
workers announced that luncheon
was ready.
Ice Cream Galore.
There was ice cream as much as
any fellow could eat. And there were
sandwiches and lemonade with
plenty of sugar in it, and candy.
When Billy wearily boarded a car
for home late yesterday afternoon
the freckles were much plainer on his
nose. But so were his eyes much
brighter and his laugh much cherrier.
"I'll look forward to next year
and another picnic," said Billy.
So will some 500 other kiddies, lit
tle girls and boys from the congested
quarters of the city, who also were
guests of the Volunteers. There
were more than 600 entertained at
the picnic, which is an annual affair.
Some of them were tired mothers,
and here and there was an adult who
was blind or crippled.
Autos Were Lent.
The Volunteers were able to take
them to the park because automo
biles were lent by auto dealers of
the city. There was a total of 27
gallons of ice cream consumed, not
to mention large boxes of sandwiches
and pails of lemonade. Mayor
Dahlman made a patriotic address
and the band played. It was a very
happy occasion. Oh, yes, and there
were races, with prizes, such as
shoes and dollar bills, for the win-
w , ,
Prices Reduced
Men's two or three-piece suite cleaned
and preesed
Dresner Brothers
2217 Farnam Street
AT. 0345
We have a Fleet
and the rates have just been
Summer time is the touring car season. Eve
ning or Sunday riding with the family cr
guests from out of town is a most enjoyable
Our FLEET of seven-passenger touring cars
has been maintained for just such occasions.
And NOW, with our new low rates in effect,
your enjoyment will be enhanced by its
These are handsome cars. All are in perfect
order and look like new. Phone DOuglas
9000. The rates are THREE DOLLARS per
hour, and our service and drivers are always
dependable and safe.
ellow Cab & Baggage Co,
Phone DOuglas 9000
nuji iiin iiiifii imiuu uuiujMMiui rum in miirJiuumiuimiia
(lonijibint Filed Aguimt
Solicitor for Mapiuin
A till, florid blmd iun. Uo ers
frosted glasses, it soliciting funds
in Omaha for the C'liriatian Hciald
of folleM View, Neb., faUcly, c
cording to George H. Jey. buiue
manager ti the Christian Herald
I'uhluhing company of College View,
who came to Oniahl yesterday to tile
a rnniLUint a. Lin,. Hi jrrr.l .if ..t,w t.A.t .'r..m . t'Kllllhe! ty Mur
X. Muck, former empUoe of the I . , ..,,., ttr ,",Udi ami Hull a .tolen in Omaha
company. Jey. allege. Mmk. rep. Omaha II. W III N..U I ItV
reienting himstlf ndicitor for! Of uhniiohiU held by Sinn j Huiik stolen from Mis, Frank
the lliriktian Herald, tecured ?S ;lv ,,tlur ;,,) wyc, , uxt been i t'ooper ol'Red Oak. la. .September
Iroiu a Mr. I. row and ued it Mr j !, ,,r,f (lllkY ,e,. , lltir,t ,.!.., Q.M, at Fourteenth md Farnam
Ins own personal uc, nudum-, .mien li.mi the .iieet. oil sued a.
"W'e would wani hii.nie. men ofjOuulu. according t. Detective A Ford, atoleit from If, T. Wil
Omaha," .iid Je, "that we do not j Imirs Muihy and JM Huh, former , b.iint, April lit, at Siteenth and
.eetire our fundi in Ibit nntn- j detevtive, now coitneited uith the Harney ureelt.
nrr," ! Omaha Anl.t Adjustment huieaii I , Ford tolri from G. II. S'aih-
bum. 4U4 IWge ttrert. April I,
Iioiii M.teciilll and Farnam ttiteU,
Dresher Brothers
MIT raraaaa Street AT. 0S4I
t a S elete aulle cleaae4 ae4
reaeea, IM
The Best
Window Demonstration
Thuraday Evening 7:30 to 9
Friday 10 A. M. to 3 s 30
Sixteenth and Harney
Hosiery Guarantee Ever Given
Om Iniroductonj
and Demonstration of the Nationally Advertised
K Silk Stockings
.11... ....I
ASpeciol latroducfo
1 Noiaseme Ho 147
Pure thread silk lisle ribbed top, beautiful
hand embroidered clox. Colors White,
Black, Brown and Ruasian Calf with self
and contrasting clox. Introductory price
Cut in
and Leg
The Hose With the Unlimited
Will be demonstrated in our
center window with
Notaseme Stockings
Will be displayed in our
center window on
Living Models
Thursday Evening from 7:30 to 9 and again
Friday from 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m.
Notaseme Stockings
Are made over an exclusive process . . . seamless
in the toe and foot for comfort . . . fashioned
and seamed in leg and ankle for fit and style . . .
ankles are actually cut to give that snug desired
appearance . . . Notaseme stockings will hold
tneir snape until worn out . . . every pair is
triple inspected, making it possible for Notaseme
to authorize us to give a new pair in exchange
for every pair that does not give satisfaction.
High Wear Test
Full Fashioned
Pure Thread Silk
With the same unlimited
guarantee. Colors White,
Black Polo Qr
Grey, Nude M H J J
ana crown.
S p ecially
priced at
6-- Heavy Pure
-1 $1 tbe-
i StffiwS pairs for
i ' rJri 82,85
k - r
a i ' a . a i all
Double Lisle
Very Elastic Top
Natural Leg SHape
Garter Ravel Barrier
Silk Lisle Knee Protection j
Fashioned to Fit
Mail Orders '
Promptly Filled
Art Silk Hose
This lustrous fabric has the ap
pearance and wear of pure silk.
We know of no other stocking
at this price with an unlimited
guarantee. Garter ravel barrier
find fashioned seams.
Reinforced High
Spliced Heel
Seamless Toe
and Foot
Lisle Sole
Reinforced Mercerized Yarn Toe Tfr!?
Pure Silk
12 strands of pure
thread silk, lisle garter
top, fashioned seams,
very snug fitting an
kle. Colors White,
Black, Grey, Nude,
Brown and Russian Calf.
3 pain for
Sec the Beautiful
Liuing Model
Demonstration in Our
35 Notaseme Ribbed Top
3 pir Very, elastic around the top where most
for stockings bind. Pure thread silk boot. Ke-
$3.75 inforced mercerized lisle heel and toe.
4 ' in aaeM -