THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 1922. Candidate for Coi!res Favors Wines and Beer Aspirant for Nomination From Firot District Hai Kv pfrifiicc in Govern ment Murrain. Lincoln, June 28. (Special.) A litflit winr ami lrcr plank i in rrtfj iu ihe platform oi 1'aul Man l art, attorney, Auburn, Neb., candi lute (or the republican nomination ior Cfvigressnian in the First di ti iif. Manhait i a graduate of Boyle !iusinc college in Onulia and tieorpetown university in Wakliins ton, I). C. lie ha had experience in the War department. War Kisk Insurance department. Department of the Interior and the Commerce department in Washington. In answer to the questionnaire sent out by I.ela G. Dyar of the Women's Christian 'Temperance union and, F.-A. Ilifih of the A.'iti Saloon league of Nebraska, he an nounced: "I am unequivocally for the sane amendment of the Volstead law and will, if elected, vote and work for such amendment. In my use of the (nalifying word 'sane' in this con nection, I wish to be understood to mean amendment that seems over whelmingly justified by the actual experience which the people in every ttatiou in life have gained from the ' working of the Volstead law since I us enactment. "I would oppose a,iy amendment looking toward the rr-f Ublilinirnt of the American saloon in any guise or under any possible subter fuge. This one fact made certain. 1 would support amendment to the VoUtead law giving to all people the right to have lawfully in their, homes a beverage of low alcoholic content and which is generally described in the current phrae 'light wines and beer ' " Adopted Son Given Big. Share in Estate Falls City, Neb.. June 2S.-(Spe-rial.) Thirty years ago, Frank l'aul. then a boy of II, was taken into the home of John A. Weaver of Verdon. for several years a member of the Richardson county board of super visor, and was adopted without the regular IrRal procedure. Years passed and l'aul grew into manhood, marrying eventually, but still he stayed near his benefactor when the latter pleaded that he was lonely. He remained with Mr. Weaver until the latter's death two months ago. Tuesday the will of Mr. Weaver was admitted to probate and a large group of relatives gathered to learn of the bequests. Most of them re ceived sums ganging from $100 to $700. Paul's share was $10,000. Bee Want Ads produce results. Presbyterians Can Build Church High Court Rules Zoning Ordinance Is Unreasonable-, Finding in Case of Westminister Con gregation. Lincoln. June 28. (Special.) One tection of the Omaha zoning ordinance was pronounced invalid by the Nebraska supreme court in an opinion handed down here. Justice Dean wrote the majority opinion of the court while Justice Rose, in a dissenting opinion, held that the particular restriction in the section was not an unreasonable one. The question arose in the ca of the Westminster l'rebyterian church agaimt R. E. F.dgecomb. chief engineer in charge of the ctiy's building department. The section which was attacked in the suit pro vides that in Zone F, relating to the residence section, no building shall be constructed which covers more than 25 per cent of the lot or parcel of ground. The high court, affirming the judgment of the Douglas county district court, ruled that the re striction imposed by this section was unreasonable and invalid be cause it did not fall within the police powers of the municipality as necessary for the protection of the health and welfare ot the com munity, t'nder the ruling the church is given permission ti construct its new building at Thirty-tilth ftreet and Woolworih avenue at eti mated cost of $74,0iH. "It clearly appears." the court said in passing on the cae, "that the ordinance goes beyond Ihe authority conferred by the legislature, Tint part of the ordinance which re stricts the building to 25 per cent of the tot is unrearonable and for that reason invalid." In its opinion, the court likeuise calls attention to a provision of the section permitting the city commis sion to grant a special permit in the event that a petition properly signed by the property owners of the affected district is preented. It is impossible to delegate authority in this manner, the court rules. I Aged Man May Survive Attempt on Own Life Featrice. June 28. (Special.) I.adimer I'enkava, aged resident of Crab Orchard, who slashed bis throat with a razor last week with suicidal intent is improving. At tending physicians believe he will recover. Nora Reedy Wins Divorce Beatrice. June 28. (Special.). Nora Reedy was granted a divorce in district court yesterday from George Reedy on she grounds of cruelty and nonsupport. The couple formerly lived at Blue Springs. Saline County Jail Delivery Is Frustrated Sheriff tlreer Take Two Prisoner to Penitentiary for Safe Keeping Ke Made From Spoon. Lincoln, June .'8 (Special ) Sheriff Henry A. lireer of Saline ! county brought D. S. Varges and I harles Sweeney to the penitentiary today for safekeeping. Yarges and Sweeney are believed by (jreer to be plotters for a wholesale delivery from the Saline county jail. Sheriff (ireer frustrated the plans of the men by waiting all Satur day night while the men discussed their plans for breaking jail. Improvised keys, made of spoons, were found by the sheriff in the cells of the prisoners. The sheriffs suspicions were first aroused when lie discovered that one of the inside door of the jail, which is kept unlocked during the daytime, was locked. Helieveing the lock had been tampered with, Sheriff Greer made an investigation. Yarges was awaiting trial on charges of obtaining money under false pretenses, while Sweeney is to be tried at the November term of court on jyirglary charge. Girl's Jaw Is Broken as Torpedo Explodes . Nebraska City, Neb., June 28 I (Special.) Marcella Sharp, 4, daugh Iter of Tom Sharp, was serioiuly in I j tired when a torpedo which she had 1 placed in her mouth exploded, break ing tier rignt jaw ami loosening an the teeth, The child had found the explosive in a drawer at the lamily home where it had hern placed by an older bro ther. The attending physical! be lieves she will recover without per- manent injury. Dual Romance Culminates in i win UTemonv Sister Become Hride of Cousin and Quartet to Make Honeymoon Nest Together iu Bluff. Crop Near Scrihuer Ruined by Hail Storm Herman Stalling came in from Scrihuer yesterday with a shipment of Mi head of yearling cattle with which he set the high mark of the year for yearlings bv receiving $JJ5 a hundred. The cattle averaged Y53 pounds and were bought on the local marker hist October as feeder dive at $0.25 a hundred. According to Mr. Stalling for an area of two miles wide and about seven uiile long northeast of Scrib ner Monday evening hail destroyed all crops that were up. He said the hailstones averaged iu size from a walnut to as big as a hen's egg and the storm was the worst seen around Scribncr in 40 years. Packard Twin Six $4250 Delivered and Equipped. Ad vrt lumen t A dual romance between ta Council lihills sisters and two cous ins from Homer. Xrh., which had its inception a year auo at a party In the lllufls, culminated yesterday in a double wedding ceremony. The principals in the four cornered love affair ate Ralph Smith. 21, son of Oliver Smith, and Rachel IKmrr, 23; and Raymond Suiith,22. son oi Nelson Smith, and Norma Doner, 21. Fathers of the two boys are brother and both are fanners living near Homer. Neb,, The Doner girls ate the daughters of C. K. Doner, 24.16 Sixth avenue, hut have been making thrir home with their brother. 1.. V. Doner. 24.1S Fight!) avenue. Norma has been employed by the telephone company in Omaha, while her sister has been with a Bluffs drygoods store. About a ear ago the two cousins came from their homes in Nebraska to seek employment in Council Bluffs. They have made their home since with Ralph's aunt, Mrs. Rob ert A. Ledbetter, P27 Eighth ave uue. Kalph has been employed it ihe Grutrn Wheel plant, while Ksv inond worked ir the Northteiicin railroad. The interesting romance between the si.tris and cousins began one night in June. I'J.'I, at a jaity held near the ledhrtter home. Atliar turn between thrut was mutual, ac cording lo the aunt, and association oi the couples brought about early plans for a double marriage. The two couples have etabishrd a joint honeymoon nesi at Thirls scriitli street and I'.roaduay and all will contribute toward its suppoit ami maintenance, according to pies rut plans. No honeymoon trip will be made until later, ihe young couples annouced following their double wrddmg. Brus Band Tout July t Celebration at Beatrice Beatrice. June 28. (Special.) The commiitri s h.iMiig m charge tH Fourth oi July celebration beic made a booster f ip over the county today to advrrlir the aflatr. Tlry took with them a IVpirce luass band. A J. W eaver ol Falls City will gie the address here on ihr Fourth. Muddy Creek Bridge I Headv for Traffir Today Falls City" Neb.. June '.-- Sp rial.) The new bridge across Muddv creek, constructed by the Allud I 'ob struction company of Omaha at a cost of .X..?IH. has been complete and is ready ior traffic Monday. I is a 10)-i'jot span and has 20 feel of roadway. Watch Friday Papers for announcement of .Omaha's greatest sale of refrigerators. An Omaha Business Man Says: "I take my lunch at The Brandeis Cafeteria and notice many of the tame faces day after day. There must be a reason." There is. An Extraordinary Purchase of 500 Pure Thread Silk Sweaters Lovely, luxurious looking sweaters, all new and fresh from their original wrap pings, this is one of the choicest offerings from our Sweater Department this season. First, the tuxedos, for their style is such a universal favorite-all are fancy weaves either checked, blocked or striped designs with collars that lay beautifully snug around the back of the neck. Some have braided belts finished with tassels. Then the slipovers dashing novelties of the sort the younger generation are favoring with their approval just riow. These also are in fancy weaves, some in a diamond pattern with a contrasting, color in the design and loelt. All sizes from 34 to 46 and all colors, including: Jade Buff Brown Jockey Red Flame . Periwinkle Overseas Blue Black White Gray Navy Second Floor Center. A White Shoe Special for the Fourth! Women's "Regent" Keds A Dress Shoe Regent Keds are the best product of the United States Rubber Company. Of the finest, grade of white duck, with rubber soles, they are made over regular shoe lasts and therefore fit perfectly. Their appearance, in every way, is that of a dress shoe. They will outwear two or three pairs of any ordinary leather-soled shoes, yet are light in weight. Ihey come in two styles, as illustrated pumps and lace oxfords with covered Louis heels and some Cuban heels. Sizes 2h to 8. B, C and D widths. U. S. Rubber Company's Catalog Price Today Is 2,60 2.65 2.85 Our Price 1 29 Per Pair Basement Arcade. I 0 f A New Shipment of Cool Summer Frocks ForWomen and Misses 10 00 Colors: Nile Scarlet ' Brown Navy Maize Copen That at any time you may find a large and complete selection of smart summer frocks here, new shipments are constantly arriving. On Thursday 500 new dresses showing the very latest style features go on sale for the first time. There are all colors includ ing the high sport shades as well as the more conservative colors in favored summer fabrics: Imported Organdies Imported Ginghams Tub Silks Linens Dotted Swisses Ratines Especially effective in this group are the dotted Swisses, for this crisp material adapts itself with particular success to the picturesque bouffant styles. Ratines and the sturdier materials favor straight line sport models, while the tub silks make a de lightfully cool general purpose costume. Second Floor West. Thursday's Specials in the Infants' Department Saleof 1200Nainsook Bloomers For One Day Only, 39c Each Made of soft flesh or white nainsook, they all have elastic at the "waist and knee. Few good economists will fail to buy less than several pair at this low price. Sizes 2 to 14 years. White Pique Carriage Robes For One Day Only, 49c Each In fine and heavy ribbed pique-with narrow scalloped edges nicely embroidered. Can always be clean and fresh for Baby's carriage because they launder so well. Third Floor East Hand -Made Lace Collars In a Special Selling 1 50 Each Hand-made filet and Irish crochet collars in tuxedo styles or shaped collars. A bit of real lace h always a good investment and at this special price it is an exceedingly good one. Main Floor East. Thursday a Sale of 900 Tom Sawyer Wash Suits For Boys $1.69 a Suit Samples and Overstock From the Maker At About Half Price Clever little wash suits in all white, gray, tan, blue, and other good looking pat terns, made with long or short sleeves and belts of self material, in Middy and Oliver Twist styles. You'll realize how much better Tom Sawyer Wash Suits are the very moment you see them. Repeated washings do not affect the shape nor colorings. The cloth is strong and lasting. Garments fit well, are roomy, with reinforcements where strains come. The good looking buttons are extra strong and sewn on to stav. bizes 6 to iu years. Main Floor