V ; Tiirc omaiia r.nn? v:ednesdav. juxe 2s. 1022. Mow to Keep Well It PR. W. A. IVANS QusttUas ssaesoilai it. Mails. Iim aa rnitoa ml 4is.sm, sus mll4 la Dr. Evaas ay rsaaars af Ik Dm, will a. a(4 atrsaaalls sukisct la prmpf Iihuuiim, af. Slaapaa). aaaass4 ! I clsssil. Pr. Imi w 1 II aal ! 4i(bmI av prascrth. tar Individual 4imt. Aoaisst Isllara la tara al 7k Km. fo.rifhtl IJJ1 Noontims Is Playtime. "I ou!d I.ke t'i Wimw what mUe nte ilroy after I have tny lunch," T. D. K. write. "I do nut cat heavilv. ami tin meat what rwr, ititnpl v ItijIu lunch, crnUiui of a sandwich, liake. a'il,". tie. .Still J can liarillv krrii itiy tyes open when I i;ct bark from lunch," NKI'I.Y. A lunch c"iiiiuiK of "a nam! with, a liaknl apple, etc.," may not be a lirilit lunch. Fur the average worker a sand wirh ami a baked apple, without the "'." in riKiiiKh for a lunch. The came of mental heaviness after lunch i lack of pep when v;U are runiiinR without much steam in your boilers your brain slows up a the needs of dietion switches an extra supply of blood to your ab- Ili'ltU'll. Abraham Lincoln often told a story about a S.mvamnn river steam boat that had a lU-horse power boiler mid a IS-iioisi- power whistle. When it whistled, it bad to stop paddlintt. Now, yim are more interested in the cure than you arc in the cause, csp'H-i'llv since the cure is easy. At lunch time spend a little time in eaiuiK. and uc the remainder of the period in getting oil strain. Play ball. Knock flics. Pitch. Do mm owl. Corns? Csasim just say Bluejay to your druggist Slops Pain Instantly The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms a Colorless, clear liquid (one drop does it!) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, plasters or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. Frti Writ Bautr A Black, Chicago, Dipt, jii for valuable book, " Correct Can of tin FicL" anything u( tht tort. Any kind of a pep inducer that U convenient and that bit your anatomic,! pattern, home are huilt to throw, some to run, tome to kick. Pick whatever suits you and is convenient. Ai I write, couple of fattiei are playing what thry rail deck tennis jut brlow. In one street tome men are pitch ing ball; on the street at the other end a group are playing tome kind of rounder with an indoor baseball. A block down the street still u other group it pitching horseshoe. It you happen to be a woman, you can rind tome form of face reddening play, t hmi k h the tak i more dilficult. I do not know why prnprictort have don so little to encourage noonday play near the plant on va cant lot or in the ttreet. Such play i the antidote for after- noon !rowsincs. It meant fewer mistakes in arithmetic and fewer er ror in spelling. It means more speed as well as greater accuracy. 1 wonder still more that floor bosses and chief clerks have not taken it up with the front office. Of course the front office people could easily overlook the point, but the chief clerk and the floor boss is bound to see evidence of the added help. Good Results Likely. Mrs. B. W. writes: "Will a child of 22 months, who had a slight at tack of infantile paralysis when 3 months old. with no wasting of the limb, but abdominal muscles on the right side affected some, ever walk naturally? Ihrec reputable phvsirians have told me that she has all the muscle reflexes in the right limb, which seems weaker than the left, but there appears to be quite a bulire on the right side, otherwise her body is ab solutely symmetrical. "She is just beginning to stand, and takes steps very well, but is very wabbly and docs not seem to have the proper support at the waist. "Will this adjust itself in time, and will it seriously affect her walking? "Is there any special ercatment to be given and should I encourage her standing and walking? Would like to have your opinion." REPLY. On your statement of the case, I think you can expect a good out come. Keep her under the direction of the physician. Be very careful not to crowd her. That is the usual mistake in recent years. Get one of the little books on after care of infantile paralysis to help you carry out directions. "Your Grocer Has It Z. P. Q. X. writes: "1. What kind of bran is eaten for consump tion? , "2. What is best to eat it with? "3. Is it especially put up for this purpose: 4. rrom whom may it be ob tained?" REPLY. 1. Anykind. Cow kind is good. 2. Eat with sugar and cream on fruit or cook into muffins or bread. 3. Yes, in admirable shape. 4. Any grocer. Water Cress for Goiter. Mrs. C. Y. B. advises people with WW See ttfesssa oJi tor the price of a return ticket to Yellowstone alone SAlTl YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ' 2ff . t MOUNTAIN I fW- . MAT. MK ' to a ..... &r... " KaD V A "Big Three" in vacation trips! - It takes in, as the map shows, the glorious sum mer playgrounds and scenic masterpieces in the heart of the west Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, Great Salt Lake and all of scenic Colorado. You can now see them all at the same price you would pay for a ticket to Yellowstone alone, an exclusive advan tage of the Union Pacific's Wiesf Yeifowsfohe gateway. A visit to any one of the three is more than worth while but to see them all is to ritore up pleasure for years to come. You can not make a better choice for your vacation. Fares Greatly Reduced and War Tax Gone Bona trip easts only a Uttle i Write Let us tell you how reasonably you can gor free make the trip and send you our beautiful Booklets booklets,"Yellowstone National Park," "Rocky Mountain National Park," "Colorado's Mount ain Playgrounds," "Utah-Idaho Outings." Through sleeping cars, Omaha to Yellowstone, Salt Lake City and Colorado. Vet information uk A. K. Carta, City Pim. Agent. U. P. SjiUn, 141S Dodg St, Omaha, Phont Douglas 4000 Consolidated Ticket Office Union Station, 1416 Dodge Su Phone Donglea 16M loth and Merer Streets 144 ! itvidrucy to eoiit-r 10 raie water I Ur. llld to ?4t II III iJiUlllltlf i, 1 Outdoor for That Boy I Aniou. writt: "1. 1 have a lit tie I ov J yrr old. who iweaii to I 11 1 mil ilut he take one cold on top of another. This let him in the huue to much and mukrt him very pale, "U there anything you would ad vie me to givejiim to Iniild him un lie eati nd sleep well. "Would ruhltitiff the rhctt with al rohol be of any benefit ? "2. How much ehould a boy of 14 weigh?" REl'LY. 1. fiet Tim out of doors. I ex. ( t that will he all he needs. .'. w.'itvtu on ni iu'ikiii. 11 iic is 5 fu-t, he oliuulil wriyli 107 pound. If In ft 6 lift 5, lie klioiiul wiigh 177 iound Thomas Seeks to End Injunction Prays Federal Court to Dis solve Order in Lion Bond ing Receivership. Amo Thomas, ex-receiver for the Lion Bowling and Surety company, and the Department of Trade and Commerce of Nebraska filed a mo tion in federal court yesterday to dis solve an injunction granted June 1. The injunction restrained Thomas from doing anything with the books and records of the concern. The federal court had no jurisdic tion to grant the order, the petition ers set forth, because the records are in the hands of the department of trade by a prior order of the district court and because the department is exercising a governmental power in administering the affairs of the de funct company. Suit against it. instituted by A. J. Hertz and John I. Levin, present re ceivers', in Minneapolis, is in reality a suit against the state of Nebraska, the petition points out. Hearing is set for July 7. Blair Bank Receiver Sues Mrs. Castetter Suit to recover $36,000 w'orth of stock of the Banking House of Cas tetter of Blair, Neb., from Mrs. Anna C. Castetter was filed in district court yesterday by James E. Hart, receiver for the bank. In his petition Hart states that he I has liquidated the assets ot the Dank and that they are insufficient to pay deposits and claims. Hart seeks to recover this stock under the state law governing lia bility of stockholders. Mrs. Castet ter, Hart charges, has refused to turn over the stock. The stock, he says, was willed to her by her husband, Francis Castetter. IsleepyEtame tales THE TALE .OF; kreddy (1 'WOODPECKER MTMR SCOn BAUET CHAPTER XVI. A Sly Trick. Tint was the truth of the matter: Old Mr. Crow W4 jealous because he couldn't join Reddy Woodpecker's new club, The Redcaps. Eor day the old gentleman could spruk of nothing eUe. He went grumbling 16. aid, "you'd like another member, lj drfre say. -Certainly !" Reddy replied. "Tlu more the merrier provided they wear red caps." "1 think," said Mr. Crow, "when you see the gentleman I have in mind you'll say he lu it red cap." "Bring huti up," Reddy Wood pecker ordered. "I can't, lie is shy," Mr. Crow ex plained. "Ilut il you'll come with me you can take n look at him." So Reddy Woodpecker followed Mr. Crow down to the place where the reeds grew, near the swamp. And there Mr. t row pointed out a gmtle matt who did indeed appear to be wearing a red cap. "liood!" exclaimed Reddy Wood pecker. And to the stranger he called, "I don't know you. Rut 1 invite you. sir, to join the Redcaps." The stranger answered in a 1 unf iled voice, "1 accept." Then Reddy took another and closer look at him. Kedtly couldn't help feeling there was something queer about the fellow. Half hidden : as he was among the reeds the ; stranger was not easy to see. buddenly Keuily woodpecker turned upon Mr. Crow and called him a fraud. "This person hasn't a red cap," Reddy declared. "I won't have him in my club. I know him. He's hid ing his head under his wing. That patch of scarlet isn't his head. It's "Then 1 resign!" cried the Rcd- winjed Blackbird, and sneering up and down Fleasant valley, stopping to talk with any body he happened to sec. It must be confessed that the neighbors found his ill humor very tiresome. Meanwhile Reddy Woodpecker's club grew in number daily. It made Mr. Crow snort when anybody told him that The Redcaps had another new member. Then all at once Mr. Crow's man ner changed. He became quite sprightly and even winked an eye and cracked a joke now and then. His neighbors wondered what had happened to him. They soon found out. For Mr. Crow announced that he had discov ered a new member for Reddy Woodpecker's club. Strange to say. the old gentleman seemed to take great pride in helping The Redcaps. "I'm going to take my friend to the meeting of the club this after noon," Mr. Crow told everybody. "But you're not a member. You can't go to a meeting," his friends ob jected. "Can't I?" said Mr. Crow wisely. "The air is free. I can go anywhere I please." So that afternoon Mr. Crow flew down to the lower end of the meadow, where The. Redcaps were gathering. He took a friend with him, whom he left hidden in some reeds at the edge of the swamp. To Reddy Woodpecker Mr. Crow MIT M1.KF.I.Y TIIIKvr-tJlKMIIINa Hnrafnrd'e Arid Phosphat riut a treat nrv snnlc. appetiser and bulld.T-up of Impaired vitality. Druggists. Advert moment. Dresses at $10and$15 Wednesday we offer 150 new Canton Crepe Dresses in plain colors, Printed Crepe Dresses and Sport Combination Dresses in various materials, actually worth up to $25.00, in two gToups for Wednes day's selling at $10 .,, $15 Julius Orkin 1512 Douglas Streat TWIN SIX $4250.00 Delivered and Equipped 011 bis shoulder, He's one of that Red-winged HUckbird family that lives in the swamp. And his head is a black as your own, Mr. Crow," My this time Mr. Crow was danc ing up and down and cawing at the top of his lungs. "He's a member of the Redcap!" he cried with great glee. "Von In vited hint, And he accepted the in vitation." "Very well!" said RedJv Wood pecker. "Hut if he belong to my club he'll have to keep his head un der hi wing." "Then I resign!" cried the Red winged Blackbird. "Oh, don't do that!" Mr. Crow begged him. it's too late." Reddy told the old gentleman, "Your friend i a mem ber of the Redcaps no longer." Now is the best time lor you t take advantage of the opportunities which are offered in the Want Ads See The Greatest Fordson Industrial Demonstration ever presented west of New York Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 28, 29, 30 From 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Learn what you can do with a Foipdsomi The Universal Tractor Demonstration gging on continually. Manufacturers, ' Contractors, Operators, Municipalities, Lumber Yards, Warehouses See how you can do your work in less time and at lower cost. Hoisting, Loading, Power Shoveling, Train Operating, Dump Body Operating, Road Construction and many other practical methods in actual demonstration. Twenty-first and Leavenworth Sts. . Important Dress' Sale Wednesday A special purchase of 300 fine Gingham and Voile Dresses will go on sale Wednesday at $4.95 .nd $5.95 Actually worth up to $10.00. Don't Mia This Sala JULIUS ORKIN 1512 Douglas Straat D.YimKinuo)w? Here's Proof of Oakland Dependability The performance of the New Oakland engine is guaranteed in .writing for 15,000 miles. Since last December, thousands of New Oakland's all bearing this unusual guarantee have gone forth to enthusiastic owners everywhere. In only two instances, out of all these thousands, has this guarantee had to operate! A broken piston ring no fault of the precise workmanship lavished upon all New Oaklands was responsible for the only ad justments Oakland has been called upon to make. What better proof could anyone demand of the sterling goodness of the New six-cylinder, overhead valve, Oakland-built engine? What confidence this splendid record must inspire in those who want a light six of known dependability! Oakland Motor Car Company, Pontiac, Michigan 1 Dhision of Gentral Motort Corporation 1 Oakland Motor Car Co. Oakland Bids;., 20th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Nab, Telephone ATlantie 2929 TheNe Oakland Six V asssssjsssjsaajsssaMBM HI I 1 Quality Goes Clear.ThrougJi I I ! You who drive the Dort Yale Sedan travel HI comfortably in all seasons. Your initial III HI investment is on a par with the cost of III HI a moderately priced open car, your up- III HI keep is uncommonly low, and the solidly III, HI ! constructed Dort chassis assures you fll HI years of dependable service. The Dort III HI YaleSedan,$1115;theYaleCoupe,$1065. I III Six models from $885 to $1445; Light delivery car, $825 at Hint i Dort Sales Company I HI 1916 Harney Street ATlantie 6082 I Lsssss " I