The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 28, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Morning Bee
XgLSON ft. I'HUKK, rublMkn. . Hkkttta. Ceaj. kUuier,
ft Nit, TM ,. It (wlMIHll
oiliiM m u- in.fciu.iKa f til ihi euiusj ereaiiat mum
a Mhtmtm m4iu4 la U riar. su il im toil mo ewMUfcMj same.
U rui u rtvktua f ww Mi4l tfUMbMj v urn nani
Ne aversae fixuUliee el Tee Oaullt M, Mar. iU
Daily 72,038 Sunday 78,642
B BIWE. Canaral Manatee
HXt S. ROOU, CtfcuUtie Meatier
Svara ta aa4 eueMiiaeo' before MX Ikls M day af Juna, tU.
I Seal) W. H, QUIVf V. Nalary uells
Th 0sha ha l i Bimkor at 1H Awill Riinae af (liaulMloai. tat
tmMiii i rm,uii aitna. an Tin IMt't clrmlaiiua U m
toiif aitoiu at law f i4ciMiiua.
Private Brta'a Etrhanae. Aik for the D.pirtm-ei
ar Per.a Waale. Vr Ntet falls A'ltr la . K l
r.4itonl ATlantie 10J1 ar 1042.
AT Unlit
Uaia Offlte I7ik ana Piraaai
Ce. Bluff 14 rrolt St. tioulk Sid' 4035 S. 24lb St.
N-r York- it Ktfib Aveaue
Waihingtaa ill Star Utile, fhictg . . I7f SUatr Did.
1'srtt, trance i Hut HI. Honor
r to prepared that th actual court procedure, re
quired comparatively little time."
It mum be recognised that certain changes of
procedure and tho elimination of rod tap ia neces
sary In American courta. Too many caaaa art dragged
alone until one of the partial caaaea from exhaus
tion. If Mr. Taft brings back aomt concrete sug
gestions, they will bt given mot favorable hearing.
Quick Justice, will do much to enhance the retpect
for law in America.
President Ilurdmir is necking tho means to end
th; strike of the miners In the bituminous coal fields,
lie has patiently waited until tho operators and the
men have ;imtli' opportunity to move of their
own accord to bring :;n cud to a situation that is op
jit.djivc and dangerous. For weeks no effort, so far
as the public in advised, hits been made to adjust the
ili.Tcrcnu . between the purties at interest.
With ihu inning of July 1 the public i.-e warned
ihat a i!ioitu;,'j of fuel supply and an advance in
I riio.i impends; tho operators assure the consumers
I hat all prcspects of cheaper coal have disappeared.
Cn this bus's the buying public will have to make its
calculations for the coming season.
RegardU'es o! who is to bli'.me for the strike, and
for th: stuaticn that has developed, the time has
tome for the federal government to interpose its
j:rc;it power to the protection of tho common rights
of r.ll. In general terms, tho masses are in sympathy
with the demands cf the men that they be well paid
for dangerous work; also, tlis public is not in a mood
ti iiuppd-.t the onerous exactions kid against the
operators by the miners. Wrong on either side will
moit disrpprovr.!.
Yet tlicra must be a basis of approach. Each side
thouid expect to t&ke a little less than its extreme
!cmunJ. accepting a reasonable compromise, th'at
the menace to induptry may "do removed. Compul
sory arbitration is not desirable, nor is federal opera
tion of the mines, yet when men stand obdurate and
unyielding, insisting on having their own way, the
government is justified in compelling them to move
for the benefit of everybody.
The president has not indicated what he may do,
should he fail to compose the differences in the way
of a settlement of the strike, but he has made it
plain that he proposes to secure an early resumption
of work in the coal mines. Coal is necessary to the
happiness and prosperity of the country, for the
miners as well as for others, and so the strike must
be ended soon.
One of the incidental features of the movement
to revive monarchial government in Germany is that
opponents of the republic appear to lie stronger in
Bavaria and Saxony than in Prussia. Several rea
sons may be ascribed for this, none of them govern
ing, but any of them good.
The Bavarians and Saxons at no time especially
relished the domination of Prussia, under a constitu
tion which made the king of Prussia ex-officio em
peror of Germany. Should the empire be restored
under the present conditions, it is quite within the
range of probabilities that the king of Bavaria will
become emperor of Germany. However, the Ger
man people have evinced a capacity for managing
their own affairs that promises well for, the per
petuity of the republic.
The assassination of Rathenau removed a strong
man, but he might have been taken from office by
a vote of the people or the Reichstag. His successor
will come from the people, and the republic will go
on. Monarchists will surely trouble Germany for a
long time. From 1789 to 1870 France underwent
the travail of changing governmental forms many
times, but the republic finally was definitely set up,
and has endured through political stress that has
served to weld its elements closer together. . ,
Germans have a fair example there of what a
strong people may do, and if they sacrifice the right
of self-government at this time it will not be for
want of precedent or of sympathetic support.
Within five or six blocks of the summit of Mount
Everest the British expedition which for many
months has been striving to climb this highest point
on the earth's surface has had toturn back. With
the conquest of the poles the possibilities of horizon
tal exploration have been almost exhausted, and the
goal of explorers is now in the perpendicular. '
The thinness of the atmosphere, heavy winds,
snowstorms, cold and exhaustion defeated Capt.
Geoffrey Bruce and the scientist George Finch, who
with a Gurkha porter carrying oxygen tanks reached
an altitude of 27,300 feet. The summit of the
world's highest mountain yet has to bear the weight
of the human foot.
Higher altitudes than this have been reached by
man, but not by climbing. Lieut. John A. Mac
Ready rode in an airplane 40,800 feet above Dayton.
His electrically heated suit of fur is hardly adaptable
to mountain climbing. Thus far the elements have
baffled not only the endurance but the ingenuity of
man. The first party to reach the peak of Mount
Everest will become as famous as the discoverers of
the north and south poles.
Whilo tax reduction continue! to bt the principal
plank in th platform of practically every candldata
for every public office, the Nonpartisan league and
others are actively supporting movement to wipe
the party circle off tho state ballot. Thty would
apply to all state offices th system now in effect
for judges: Two men would b nominated and ont
elected to each office, all without mention of or re
gard for party affiliation.
In behalf of this plan, it is argued that it would
divorce itat from national politics, that it would
remove the menace of th party machine. This is
leased upon the assumption that coherence of princi
pie between national and state governments is un
necessary, also upon tht theory that a party machine
ia an evil even when directly responsive to the peo
ple through a direct primary system of nominating
not only nartv officials but nartv directors.
TTe subject ii not as simple as appears on its
face. Without party lines on state offices, few will
have the temerity to assert that any party organize
tion could be maintained; wiping out of state parties
'mean wiping out of national parties as well. Party
interest can not be maintained on the election of six
congressmen every two years, two senators in six
years and presidential electors once in four years.
Th question becomes the elimination of all po
litical parties. What will result? Men and women
will group themselves together. They do it today
in the primary; they will do it in the election. If
parties be eliminated from the ballot as official enti
ties, we will have a series of groups in their places.
Only instead of two major parties to which the po
litical organization always tends there will be sev
eral groups based on economic or other particular in
terests. There might be, in Nebraska for instance, a
farmers' group, a labor group, a woman's group, a
merchants' group, a west Nebraska group, an Omaha
T it.- 1 ! 1 i 1 - I ; . .V
fciuujj. in me legwiuiure, msieuu oi naving iwo
proups in some degree responsible for the carrying
out of a program outlined by conventions of dele
gates named by the people at their party primaries,
we will have perhaps half a doten groups fighting
for particular interests which they represent.
Whether this group system is to be preferred to a
party group plan is the question.
An order has been issued banning the sale of
fireworks prior to July 1 and the explosion of fire
crackers on any day except the Glorious Fourth. '
Independence Day is yet a week away, but In
the residential districts of Omaha the noises of the
battle front are heard as giant crackers, blank car
tridges and torpedoes are discharged.
"Who's going to arrest a kid for shooting fire
works just a few days before the Fourth?" asked a
police captain when several citizens complained.
But this winking at violations of the law is one
of the causes for the crowding of our prisons today.
A study of the boys who persist in shooting fire
crackers this early in the season will reveal many
are youngsters unruly in school, on the streets late
at night, loafing at the corner. The child of the
regulated family is not permitted to violate this fire
works ruling.
Youngsters should be taught to respect the law.
Grizzled students and authorities in criminology pro
fess the younger criminals are the most dangerous
These youngsters who are told it is wrong to
shoot firecrackers before the Fourth and then are
permitted to keep on doing it anyway, merely are
being shown the open door to lawlessness.
A luncheon scheduled for Arbor Lodge today is
said to contain the possibility that a tender will be
made the state of Nebraska of the homestead tract
of the late J. Sterling Morton, to be dedicated as a
state park. In the absence of knowledge of terms,
definite discussion of the proposal must be held off,
but it is permissible to suggest that the people of
Nebraska might gracefully assume to responsibility
for the care and management of the famous Arbor
Lodge property.
Such a charge would serve to perpetuate a
memorial to the man whose name is so intimately
connected with the history of the state, whose exam
ple and precept were of such value in developing the
tree planting spirit among the citizens of a treeless
state, and whose labor in this direction was of such
rich result. However, the final disposition of the
matter will depend entirely on the consideration
sought by the Mofton heirs. Generosity on their
part will surely be met by a similar spirit on part of
the state. When it is known what is expected from
the public, the subject may be dealt with in concrete
terms. As a rumor, however, it has attraction.
French novels are supposed to be startling, but
for sheer daring Paul Rebaux take the prise with his
novel which advocates the alliance of Germany and
France, denies the story of German atrocities and
pictures the German as the embodiment of the most
manly virtures. It is said that the French are read
ing the book as eagerly as they took to that one of
Barbusse, "Under Fire," during the war.
In view of the talk about protecting American
labor by a tariff, Senator Watson's estimate of the
value of European and American labor measured by
the labor purchasing power of one ounce of gold is
interesting: United States, 17 hours; England, 50
hours; France, 117 hours, and Germany,- 200 hours.
Most of the news that reaches America concern
ing Chief Justice Taft's visit to England concerns
his social movements, most of them taking place after
nightfall, but for all that the daylight hours witness
his more important activities. Mr. Taft is to report
in August to the American Bar association on meth
ods by which unnecessary delays in litigation can be
obviated. To this end he is studying the British
court system.
The greater freedom and power of British judges '
he finds results in elimination of technicalities and
thus in more speed.. A cablegram to the Philadelphia
Public Ledger reports that he has first interested
himself in the functions of an official known as "the
master of the court." This officer has power to re
quirt the prospective litigant to make affidavit that
ht honestly believes he could prove the charges, and
sifts thet cases, in many instances arranging com
promises, thus keeping the court dockets clear.
"One situation which I investigated, Mr. Taft
said, "showed that out of 7,000 cases presented less
than 600 ever reached the judge or. a jury, and they
The Toroito Globe declares that the fight for the
St. Lawrence waterway must go on till victory is
achieved. It can not be claimed that Canada is
unanimous in its opposition to the project.
' We take it, Mr. C. W. Bryan proposes to reform
everything that is out of kelter, and continue every
thing that is working well Well, he scarcely could
promise less.
A fifteen days' term in jail will slow up some of
these reckless drivers for two weeks and a day, anyway.
Mexican brigands are not helping their country
get into the good graces of th world outside.
That double-header in the First district promises
occupation for the voters down there.
Sun Yat Sen, may be a sinking, but he is not a
standing sun.
Yoight is making congress go through motions.
What Editors Elsewhere Are Saying
It lb Bar Doomed 7
E4la Oram Canklla la Tala Mavi.
If aoclaty na4 d'llbarataly sat
about the propagation f th unfit
it could hardly hv devlaed more
ffertlv manna than many of thoan
which ar now In vogu. Friunt
wars hav taken th boat blood of
th nation: and, while ranualile In
modern battla ar more or lami in.
dlacrtminut, aoldlera ropretant a
"elect ad (roup. Those who go to
war an unually th young, the
atrong, the capabla, whlla th wank,
incompetent and ileganeritta nra left
oemmi as unfit for mllltiiry aervlra,
Furthermore, thena caaualtlei mutt
ha doubled when Ihalr Influence on
th rnra la eonalderad. for In genera
very man killed leave on woman
unnmted for lit. A a result of the
Inat war mllllonti of women ran never
marry or hav children among them
woman of th beat humnji atork the
world vomieaiie und thu th nice
I mil du poorer for nTtinjr generations
to come. Knrorced celibacy In many
religion order and Koelntla of
scholar ha led to the extinction of
some of the world' moat gifted line.
Th preaent custom of mat elec
tion condemn any of the finest wo
man In the world to Hplnaterhood
whll th fnthr-brnlned and sexu
ally-daring "flappers" readily find
On the other hand, personal am
bition and aeiriahneea, the preva
lenc of prostitution and illicit sex
ual ralntlonn, the fear of misalli
ance, dlvofce and alimony ar po
tent causes of bachelorhood. In
both cases the result" are that, many
of th beat human lines are wiped
out. Finally, luxury, sort living and
selflahnesa have mnde children un
welcome among many married peo
ple who have shown qualities of sue
cm in life and whose hereditary
trait are above the average. Under
such conditions the general average
of intelligence and social fitness in
th race as a whole must Inevitably
Xo "Strike" Hew.
From Cleveland Plain-Denier.
Do you ns a farmer's wife want
your daughter to marry a farmer?
If you are a typical or average
Ife of a farmer you do. If you
prefer thnt she marry one in some
other kind of work you belong to the
minority among farmers' wives.
The question was asked of the
readers of a western magazine de
voted to the interests of farm wo
men and prizes were offered to stim
ulate thoughtfulness In the replies.
Seven thousand wives, of farmers
submitted their views, 94 per cent of
whom said that most assuredly they
would advise their daughters to be
come wives of farmers.
It is an Instructive symposium. If
any one may be supposed to under
stand thoroughly the trials and sat
isfaction, inseparable from the ca
reer of a farmer'B wife it ought to
be a farmer's wife herself. There
is nothing artificial or academic
about her sentiments on that sub
ject. The collective opinion of these
000 women who discuss in relation
to each other two questions very near
to every woman's heart, the welfare
of their daughters and the condition
of their own lives, ought to throw
light on a subject vital to America's
Here are some of the typical rea
sons urged by the 94 per cent majority:
Baby thrives in the country: grow
ing children need out-of-doors life
and play.
Out-of-door work develops Doay,
mind and tones; nerves.
Farmer and wife are automatically
home and business partners.
Tremendous Joy of working wnn
nature's creative forces.
Children learn laws or reproduc
tion naturally and cleanly.
Children early learn the deep vame
of honest labor.
Real neighbors found In country
and true neighboring develops best
sort of character. '
Farm hred men make better nus-
bands than city bred men, as a rule.
If these thousands or American
farm, women fairly represent views
that prevail throughout tne rural
portions of this country and there
is no reason to suppose tney ao noi
one source of uneasiness ior me
country's future may be eliminated
at once. The pumisners oi me r aim
er's Wife of St. Paul, wno mviiea
and now print the symposium, give
convincing evidence that no "strike
of farm women is impending.
Hamlin Garland's Border Books.
Zona Gale in Tale Review.
To us of the middle border tne
Hamlin Garland books are epic.
Their unashamed provincialism is
their glory. Here is the prefectlon
of the willingly provincial not on
he defensive, not In any cnauenge,
never by a breatn apologetic, dm
erTnnletlv articulate. This Is not
Gorki, from some vantage place, tell-
nr nf his voutn. xnis la noi hid
phlstlcatea wora concerning name
ly day. It Is the homeliness itseir
articulate. This is the story or a
man who ha never ceasea 10 do
identified with himself! inererore
not only to one who knows the land
and the people, but to any one who
finds inestimably worth while an
honest record of any section of na
tional life of world life these
hnnira are almost intolerably
nMnit9 Thev are the record of
that rarest of creatures, the provin
cial who goes into the world and
makes it his own without seeking to
change front" and tnen lens mo
whole progress with power. A being
universal in a fundamental simplicity
and rare in a consent to utter it.
How We Acquired the Philippines.
Wlllla Fletcher Johnion In North Ameri
can Revle.
Whenever It is discussed, more
over. It should and doubtless will be
borne in mind that the cutting off
of the islands from our national do
main would be a performance ai
once unique, gratuitous and poten
tially embarrassing. Since our ac-
uisition of the Louisiana xermory
we have made several additions to
our domain, but never have we in
any way alienated so much as a
single acre of land. Where the flag
ha once been raised In token of
sovereignty it ha never been hauled
down. It would be a gratuitous act,
because we placed ourselves under
no obligation whatever to perform
: but on the contrary proclaimed
the world our purpose not to do
but to hold fhe Philippines in
perpetuity. It will not do to cite the
case of Cuba as analogous. The two
case are not only unlike, but are
aggressively different from and op
posed to each other. In the making
of the peace treaty in 1898 Spain
trove hard to get us to annex Cuba
outright, but we refused. It strove
even harder and longer to get us
not to annex th Philippines, but we
refused. So it was written in the
treaty and proclaimed to the world
that "Spain relinquishes all claim
sovereignty over ana title to
Cuba," and that "Spain cedes to tha
nlted States th archipelago Known
as th Philippine island." Precisely
as in the latter case it had long be
fore been written and agreed that
the first consul of the French re
public doth hereby cede to the
United State th said territory" (of
Louisiana), that "his catholic ma
ted v redes to the United States all
tha territories known by th nam
uf Kt and Wt Tlorlda." and that
"nla ittajoaty tha vmparur of all th
Kuiulita uKmea to red to th United
Ktate all th territory and dominion
now noaaesMd by hi roajeaty on
lha rontient of America," That I to
ay. w acquired lha Philippine
Jut a abaolutely, unconditionally
and permanently a wa did Louisi
ana. Florida or A lank. Th world
so iinderatood It, a did our own
cltlxena, and acted upon that up
poaedly aanured haul. If now or
at any tlma wa should rvvar the
police of our entire career there
would aria an Interring question of
our moral reaponalblllty to all who
might be Injuriously affected hv
such arbitrary repudiation of a for
mal treaty which they had taken aa
the bnsl of their denting and en
terprises. a A Voice for lU'gulation.
From'lfie Nebraaka City Preaa.
Th auprem eourt of Nebraaka
passed an Important milestone th
other day when th standard loaf
taw wa dec lii red to be constitu
tional. When th legislation wa
nailed baker fought It, probably
for tha aume reason that newipaper
men lougnt ine law requiring pub
lisher to print certain affidavit re
garding their ownership, Indebted
ness, etc., twice a year hacaus
they didn't understand It and
couldn't at th time appreciate th
beauties of a form of regulation that
Is undoubtedly of value to very
body concerned. Unscrupulous
dealer alwaya fight th rules which
will "line them up."
The honest man. proud of hi In
tegrity and reputation, may growl
aoout what he think I an infringe
The Bee's
Another Candidate Heard IVom.
Omaha. Nab., June I). To th
Editor of Th Had: An open letter
io Mr, jiyrum, republican candidate
for governor: Nut havln received
an Invitation to your conference of
republican candidate for governor
10 outline ihalr reipactlv poaltlona.
I take thl mean to Inform you (If
you already are not) that I too, am
a republican randldnt for governor,
and to my knowledge and belief am
in nrat candidate for ald ornca,
who ha during thl campaign
openly com outtvalnat th cod bill
and budget law, In fact long befor
soiii of my opponent huv even
filed for the nomination.
1 write this, not becaua you did
not Invite in to your party, but to
Inform the public that you nr not
th only republican randldnt for
governor who oppoaes th cod bill
ami budget law. and furthermore I
would uggeat that every candidate
com out openly and uboveboard
with a full platform ahowlng th
people where they iand, Just a I
nav oone.
Ulunics federal Rcw-rve Hoard.
York, Neb.. June !4. To th Ed
itor or Th nee: Recently I read a
newspaper articl containing a quo
tation from th New York Fnt ad
vocatlng the reappointment of Gov
rnor Harding of the federal reaerve
Now. be for that should b sane
tloned by the people they should take
into consideration a number of very
Important fact.
First of all. under the present sys
tern of finance, th government I
responsible for th banking system
mcnt of personal liberty, but a soon 1 ana " been ever ince tne federal
sa he sees what good 1 to come ! "fy bank law becam effective,
from it he fail In line and becomes; " ,u I,J
a booster. Nebraska bankers can
well remember when It wa pre
dicted In all Rerlousnes that the
bank guaranty law would ruin every
financier in the state. What would
have happened In the pat two year
without it reputable bankers now
shudder to think.
Tho Country Boy' Better Chance.
From tha New Tork World.
Judge Gary, visiting Wheaton. 111..
his old home town, said that while
he could give no general rule for
success he would advise every
young man to get his start in the
country. It will make him healthy.
physically, intellectually and mor
ally," he aid, "and" it gives him a
better chance."
That in, if you would shine on
Broadway begin on Main street. This
is a main traveled road to prosper
ity, and rqany city celebrities, if not
the greater number of them, have
followed it. But is not the better
chance to be found less In the moral
or intellectual conditions of the
small town than In its opportunities
for all-round development?
The boy in a large city sees only
a part of its life. The scale Is too
large for his complete comprehen
sion, and he is only too likely to be
come adapted at an early period to
a groove from which it Is difficult
to escape. The boy in the small
town, on the other hand, takes a
greater part in community activities.
He know of everything that goes
on, has a hand in milch of it, gets
a wider outlook and a better sense
of proportion. He acquires a more
diversified experience which benefits
him When he comes to the city by
enabling him to recognize in the
broader field of city life the condi
tion with which he became familiar
in the town.
Is not thia the secret of the coun
try boy's chance? It is not so
much a matter of health and morals
as of adaptability gained by closer
contact with life. ,
f For a number of year the old
! system of banking In the United
States waa regarded as haphazard.
No one waa really the responsible
neaa or our finances. The comp
troller of the currency and the sec
retary of the treasury tried to man
age a best they could In times of
financial atrlngency. Some of our
best statesmen and financiers work
ed for many years to. devise a system
of banking that would overcome the
power of Wall street to bring about
stringent times at its will.
As I recall, there was a committee
appointed by congress, of which Sen
ator Aldrlch was chairman, to bring
some relief for an Intolerable condi
tion. They originated what was
known a the Aldrlch bill during the
latter part of the Taft administra
tion. It was defeated by a small vote.
A great many democrats aa well as
republicans voted for the bill. When
Mr. Wilson was elected president he
advocated. I think in his inaugural
address, the idea of a federal reserve
bank, the purpose being to transfer
the control of our circulating me
dium from Wall street to the govern
ment. This was the Aldlch plan,
resurrected and clothed with presi
dential authority. I think In the
congress President Wilson delivered
a special message on the subject.
It was advocated by a great many
people that there should be estab
lished a central bank, but a majority
opposed to It, A a counter
plan they advocated th tabliah
ment of a number of financial cen
ter, and this wa don. That
brought about tli creation of tha
federal reaerve banking ayatem.
which eaiahliehcd II federal reaerve
bank. The Idea clearly In mind waa
that this plan would divide th coun
try Into It commercial financing
yatania, with tha nere.iry director
for each of the regional bank r the
am lima alablUhlng a hoard of
director to control th ayatem, or,
In other worda, an executive board.
Little did they renllsa that the
board they had created wa to con
snlldut tha management Into one
body, Just th an ma aa on bank. It
wna mad eaay picking for Wall
etreet, aa wa truly nld by John
Rkelton William In hi eech and
afterward In hi testimony before
th sepal committee on finance.
John Hkeltort William waa comp
troller of th currency anil wa a
member of th federal reaerv board
for lght yenr under th Wilson ad
mlnlatratlon. lie had been In posi
tion to know what he wa talking
about. He mnde a tatement In hl
peach, and alao under oath, that
"tlv banka In Wall atreet had bor
rowed mor money from th differ
ent federal renerve banka than all
th agricultural and live atork Inter
eat together." The agricultural and
live toc.k Interest represent 8! per
cent of th ast of the United
Htntea. Mr. William oppoed theo
loam, but h wa In th hopeless
minority. Harding nnd hi colleagues
carried thing hlgh-hndedly. The
result was that the money that should
hava been used In the west wa cg
regated in Wall atreet, a It wa In
1107. and th federal reaerve board
I responsible for forcing liquidation.
They must not try to put that re
sponsibility on the regional or the
local bank.
Early In 1920 an edict wa Issued
by th federal reserve board that
liquidation tak place, and I know
of several caae where the regional
bank abaolutely refused to renew
paper of borrowing bank and de
manded that a large element of thelf
borrowing must be liquidated. In
several caae th bank were unable
to meet their liabilities and the
Federal Reserve bank charged them
to the account of the borrowing bank,
making an overdraft and compelling
them to liquidate. So there was
nothing left for the local banks to
do but to compel their borrowrs to
put their stock an the market im
matured. At the saine time the men
who usually buy cattle for feeding
purpose were unable to get money
to buy the stock. The result was the
stock In many cases went to the
slaughter far In advance of maturity.
Over 65 per cent of the cattlemen
and about 75 per cent of the tenant
farmers of the country are insolvent.
Senator Glass, at one time a mem
ber of the federal reserve board, and
who resigned to become senator from
Virginia, It the only man I know of
ho has 4 th nrv to defend th
federal rrv board. Hefora th
enale, in January, lt!l, he ! quoteil
to hava an Id that "tha federal reatrvn
ujrd functioned with great aklll ami
waa targets raeponaihle fur the auc
eeas ef th world war." That wa
true an far It goea, but aome wi .e
man yeara ago aald that "the trmli
only half spoken la wore than a
falaehood," and that remark la ap
pllrabla In thl i-kc. loiter In bla
peach h furnlahd,m itatement
from th federal rearrve board how
lug that during th period of de
flation they Im ieaaeil the federal re
serve notea n circulation about
t7UU,00o,O0u. and thi. paper held un
der dlaiounl about 1 4 tio.oou, tioit. II
leaves hla audience in th dark, how
ever, to who got th benefit of
this. The real facta ar that Wall
treet got the benefit unother ra
of the truth half apoken.
Ther never waa n more pernlclou
crime committed agnlnat the Ameri
can peoplo than the action of th
federal reaerve hoard dining tha
ynire 1920 and 19!M. It ha muard
many uicldea and broiikht ithmit a
deprevHlon that will tske many year
of ound financial experience to re
cover. Now, my remedy for this financial
trouble would be the eli'dlon of a
federal reaerve board by district,
and. If thnt cannot be brought about,
repeal the luw tftid try somethltig
else, for the country cannot stand,
another financial disaster like the one
we have Juat pawied through. Ixiok
Ing at It from a political itandpolnt.
It behoove our congressmen to 1
silil all partisanship and aaalat tha
farm btoo In trying to get thing
right aid up.
I was glad to see that Senator
Heflln of Alabnma. realising tho
danger In the situation from tho
standpoint of the agricultural Inter
ests of the country, ha taken th
matter up before the sennte.
I want to ay to enaior and rep
resentative from Nebraska that I
am voicing the sentiments of 95 per
nt nf their constituents when I say
they should offer all the support they
can to Senator Heflln and the farm
bloc, not only to defeat the reap
pointment of Governor Harding, but
to enact the program of the farm
bloc. Congress should not adjourn
until It enacts a law making monop
oly In remralnt of trade a felony
punishable by a term In prison. The
Sherman law ia not workable. Mo
nopoly Is the Inciting germ of 95 per
cent of all profiteering. Legislation
stopping all monopolies, the merger
of railroads and that proposed by the
steel corporaton recently Is desired.
Farmors State Hank.
Different Now.
She waa Innocent once, unalloyed;
But she took up the writings of
So now when you meet her
And playfully greet her.
No subject you need to avoid. Life.
What Bait Are
You Using?
'An angler with the wrong bait
seldom catches any fish.
In angling for that wily old fish,
Success, bait your hook with a
steadily growing interest ac
count here, and get your landing
net ready.
The Omaha National Bank
Farnam at 17th Street
Capital and Surplus $2flOOJ0O0
Good Gasolenes
BLITZEN (Export Test)
The highest test gasolene sold
for motor cars in Nebraska. It
makes driving an absolute
pleasure and every drop oper
ates the motor.
VULCAN Dry Test)
The next best gasolene
the market.
Nicholas Oil Corporation
"Business Is Good, Thank You'
it BtwagM
en 4231, ar Maekat 00.
at M
mt ah
iSytars in Omaha.
AU Work Cuaraateed
1S13 Dauflae. TaL Doug.
When in Omaha Stop at
Hotel Rome
The "Interlocking
Credit Record"
How the Credit System Works
For some weeks the forty-three Coal Dealer Members of
the Associated Retail Credit Bureau have been conducting a co
operative advertising campaign on the payment of accounts.
There are some skeptical customers who try to assure them
selves that any person of means may take 90 days or more to
pay his coal bill, if he chooses.
This is not ao. Let us show by an individual case how the
"interlocking credit record" works. Those who owe coal bills
should read and ponder.
Mr. Slow is requested by Coal Dealer A to clear up an
over-due account. He resents the credit man's efforts to make
him do what is right and decides he will "get even" by patron
izing (?) another coal firm.
He betakes himself to Coal Dealer B. The credit man in
terviews him. "Mr. Slow," says the Credit Man, "we can't
open an account with you here. You take too long to pay your
bills." "Nobody ever lost any money on me that I know of,"
replied Mr. Slow. '
"That's just where you are mistaken," the Credit Man re
turns. "The firm that carries your account overtime loses the
use of its money, and the use of money is as valuable to them
as it is to you." "But how do you know that I do not pay
promptly?" Mr. Slow wants to know.
"By our system of exchanging information, or 'interlock
ing reports.' We credit men keep tab on all customers; those
who pay promptly are rated high, and we do everything we can
to show them our appreciation. But those who impose upon one
of us are known to all of us."
"My advice is for you to go back to your old friend, Coal
Dealer A, and through him re-establij. your credit record."
If You Owe a Coal Bill
Better Pay It NOW
Associated Retail Credit Bureau
204 Leflang Building.