THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Orrisha, June 27. After an rly dip grain price turned up and continued itrong dur. ing the entire tettion, Ralne were reported in many localities m the north fit, ett and southwest, but the eastern portion of the train belt it complaining of dry weather. Tern peraturet are riling everywhere. Disappointing threshing returni arc toming in from the southwest ami Indiana. Secretary Mohler of Kan ai iy that the Ion to wheat by the recent hot weather ha been nominal. Country offerings of grain were Usht and very little wat said of export hutinfis. The run of re eeiptt at Omaha were small, con aiiting of five cars of wheat. 40 ears of corn. 12 cars of oats and 1 car of barley, totaling 50 cars, as compared with 102 cars last year. Total chipments were 119 cars, as againtt 116 cars a year ago. Ordinary wheat was in better de mand in the local market and sold 2 a 4 cent higher than yesterday, while the dark went at about un changed prices. Corn was strong and in excellent demand at 1 1-2 to tl3-c higher. Oats sold readily at Of cent higher. Rye was nominally (Jc up, and barley unchanged. WHEAT. W. 1 hard wlnier: ) ear. Il l Vs. S hard winter: 1 rar. I1.IH. Na. s hard winttr; I car (smutty). an e; 1 ear. lies. , No. 4 hard wlntar: 1 rar. 11 II. ' No. S yellow hard- 1 car, I.S". Na. 4 yellow hard: 1 car (,heat dam- CORN. ; !. 1 white: 1 car. II 'r. i Na. S whit: 1 can, ll',r. m Na. S whit.: 1 car, H',c; 1 ear. I(c. )Ka. 1 yellow: I car, Mo. Na. 1 yellow: I can. Sic. Na. S mixed: 1 can, II e (near white). OATS. Na. t white: 1 car, llte; 1 car, tie. o. i wrmo: i ear, ihc No, I mliad: 1 car, lie, BARLET. Ni. I; l ear, 14c Ma. 4: 1 ear, lie. CHICAGO RECEIPTS. t Week Tear Carlota Today. A to. Ago. Wheat 17 It 41 rnrn 47 414 MS Oat ....141 113 112 KANSAS CITT RECEIPTS. Wk Taar Carlote Today. Ao. Ao. Wheat 101 14.1 171 Corn II 4 17 Oata 10 10 II ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Taar Carleta Todtv, Aio. Ago. Whaat II :i 31 Corn 44 40 II Oata 44 61 - S3 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. , . Week Tear Carlota Todav. Ako. Am mnneapoil 13 Ttuluth 104 Winnipeg Ill Chicago Grain Receipt TV... Wheat Corn . Oata Rye Barley Shipment.. Wheat Corn . ...... Oata Rye Barley (Carlote.) Today I 40 IS . .. 1 Today .. II ... 71 v. .. :s a l 1J 1S1 III 103 iSO alj SHIPMENTS. Ago Ago Week Tear 4 44 14 IS 5.1 25 1 0 1 Week Tear Aio Ago 12 40 II II 6 0 t t PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. ( Bushel. Week Recelptei Today Wheat , 8!3,00 Corn 11I.00 Oata ....... 613,000 Aco 707,00 117,000 180.000 Week Shipment Today Afo Wheat .....1,068,000 1,114,000 Corn ....... IH.OOO 717,004 Oat 111.00 141.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Buehel Today Wheat and flour 146.000 Corn 111,000 Oat ... 115.000 CANADIAN VISIBLE. Week Buahelt Today Ago Wheat ....S1.S70.000 SI.I4I.000 Oata Tear Ago 734,000 1,140,000 710.000 Tear Ago 11,000 444.000 240,000 Tear Agn 1,341,000 Nona None Tear Ago 1.114,000 6.117.000 1,211,000 10,443,000 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Oraln Co. DO. 1457. June 27. 'Art. Open, j High. Low. Close. Tee. Vllt. July 1.11 1,14 1.11 1.14 U 1 11 H Mm 114H 1.11 Bap, 1.11 1.1IS 1.12 1.16 1.12 1.11H 1.16H 1.13 Dee. 1.16H 1.13 1.16 1.11 1.11 1.16 1-1 l.K Rye July .14 .17 .14 .17 .16 Sep. VI4 .17 .14 .17 .16 Ts. .17 .11 .87 .31 .17 Cam July .11 .65 .11 .621 .61 .61 .42 Hep. ! .15 .11 .16 .66 .61 .66 .66 XXO.' .66 .61 .65',, .66 .65 .41 Suly .611 .62 .61 .62 .41 Sep. ..311 .40 .11 .40 .31 .SS .40 Ihw. .41 I .43 .43 .43 .42 j .42 tard I 5uly 11.36 U. 40 1J.16 11.37 11.22 Bep. 11.61 111.67 11.66 11.66 11.62 Stlba II. July 11.S6 111.! 11.16 Jll.SS 11.90 Bep. 111,11 11.16 11.81 11.62 11.30 ' Kansas City Grain.. -; Kansas City, Mo., June 27. Cash wheat: No. 1 hard. fl.08O1.33; No. 2 red, 11.06 , 107. Corn:No. white, 61c; No. 3 yellow, lc Hay: Beat prairie, II higher; No. 1, - tu.ooeii.o. Kansas City, Mo., June 27. Wheat July, 11.03; September, 11.08; Decern tier, 11.11. 1 Corn July. 67c; Septmbert 61e; Icember, 6! "4c. ' Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. June 27. Wheat caeh: No. .3 northern, 11.3101.42; July. 11.32; September. 11.23; December, 11.23. Corn Ko, 1 yellow, leOHc. Oata, No. S white, 26e36Sc; Barley, 474)67c. Bye, No. 2. I3et6c. Flax, No. 1, Sl.6401.67. St. Leal Grala. St. Louie. June 37. Wheat July, By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha Be Lea Wire. Chicago, June .7. Diiappointing threshing returni on winter wheat and keeiveamiand (or old crop grain from milli and xporter led to free buying by local traders. There on i higher range, the close being at net gain of 2t & J'sc. Coane grains were active and higher with corn gaining i 4i "ic and oats fi (til He while rye was un Us fa) -c. Early sentiment was bearuh on the favorable weather conditions in the northwest and a decline of 1 & P. id in Liverpool. It waa not until after pn.e had ad vanced over le (ram th early low that the trad'ra found out thet the demand for raah wheal had hroartn.i and arramble by hen to caver foilewMl. Ttetd DlaappatallBf. Atmoat without eieepllon Ihr.ehing r. turn, on winter wheat ahow decidedly die- appointing yield. Warn rut In part, or Minn. .tola win connrm.d by govern. official, but yet no damage ha been done Country efferlni to aim were not larae with ourthases nere estl- mated at 3:1.000 K:p.'t demand t in ..aboard wa fairly good witn bng. Hah bid ud lite o.r bushel at the lasl. I.ocel .pot .air were 400.000 bu.hel In cluding 404.00 buahel to eiporl.ra loan grain while frantically lower earlv. iha.Ml a atretic undertone Willi tommlMlon hou.e and local tradere gonil huver.. Crao reoorte on oat from the t.ntral weat continue poor and dry weather talk on earn came from parte or iinnoie and lowa that failed to receive rain. Lan houae bought July corn and oata and 'id Heptember. Eiport rait for corn ahod Improvement. Receipts of corn aggio aatMl tl& car and oat II car. A better Inquiry for rye at th board and th atrength In wheat more man nn et northwetrn hedging pr..ur and th price were made at th opening ana tn nil neat at in cioe. Pit Nate. The raah wheat aituatlon here i clean Ing up. There were 100.000 buahele or more hard winter and red winter picked up here today. Jullu Barn wired that there were only 1,000.000 bu.hel left her uniold. Thl wa confirmed by caeh peo ple here. A local miller, who old hi uh. plu caeh latt month at high price. ha been taking It back of late at a big decline getting loooe.o ouenei io. a No. I red In tor at July price to e ovr th latter for special location. The No. 1 red and hard winter eold ut. a de livery discount ot 6c. On houe with cellared holding of cash whaat In a half dosen elevatore aold 200,000 buahel for June during the day at 11.11 to 11.11 and will deliver th whet tomorrow. Thl will clean up the odd lot and leave Utile of the 6,000,000 buehel. her at th end of May, to be dlposed or. Th Canadian weather crop report given out after the cloee ehows grain have been bettered by heavy rain In th laat few day. They came at a critical time and have created a feeling of enthusiasm among the Canadian ferment. The bear view of all grain after tne close wa that it will require increaaed buying power to keep the ad va area above thl level. . , , Owing to th heavy demand for cars for other purpoe rallroada have been able to accumulate only a mod'jratj num. ber of box car for the early movement of new wheat in the eouthwest, and ma age from Kama anticipated a ahortage would develop quickly. Live Stock Reeeiaie were: Official Monday. Cellmate v..., l ie Twe daye lb week. II. Ill lama 4.) Ia week. 14.711 game I we.Ua aga,, .14 714 eme I ago.,, 14.114 Seme day year s. l,:07 Omaha, Jue ST. Caille. Mage. Sheep. . 1.114 11.141 S.ill 14 1 1.14 26.I44 1..IIT 111 I1.I4 1111 17,11 14.714 17.214 2I.UI 34.71 and diapoeitloa of litetiork t th I man iotkaroj, Omaha, Neb, ",: 4 hour, ending it S p, m, June 27, RECEIPTS CAR LOTS. Ckttle. Hog Shap. naat.h n R it.. Ml.teuri Pai.fir Rv ( 4 I'nio Pacific R. It It 71 2 I', M N. W, Ry., east,.,. 14,. I. 4r N. W. Ry., weat,.,. 41 41 I '., m, r , l. o, Jty.,.. la II (.', II. A 4. Ry., east.... 14 4 I'., H Ik Q. Ry., wet;,,. II Si f. R. I. tc P., east II 1'. II I. V P . weet 4 lllinni feniral Ry IS 4 c, u. w, r.y ; t 1 financial I New York Bonds Omaha Produce Furnished by th tat of Nebraak. partment of agriculture, bureau of mar. kt and tngrketlng: i.1 V j ruubiiti. W holers I Buying Price: Broiler ' .36 Leghorn broiler. ,264 Hen, light HO Hen, heavy 189 ock .iuv luck leff .27 .20 .20 Broiler Hen . . Cocks .. DRESSED POULTRT. Wholesal Selling Price: .370 .40 .27 0 .36 .220 .24 .210 .24 .12 6 .15 .200 .23 .429 .169 .239 .209 .119 .24 110; September, 11.13. Corn, July, il941c: September, 66 Sc. Oata, July, Me; September. 8c. MianevpeU Flour. " 1 Minneapoila, Minn., June 27. Flour TJnchanged to 10c lower; family patent. ' tT.Ir.76. -: V Bran S14.600 17.10. 1 ew York Ceffee. "4ANw Tork. June 1". A little covering by near-menth shorts gave the market for affee) future a generally ateady tone ' today, but trading remained very quiet. 'Tfc apenine: wee 4 points lower to 1 point higher, but July eoen sold up to 114.11 and waa later bid up to 110.21 , without (lading sellers. Other months stiffened on the firmer ruling of th near position, eelllng about 6 to II pointa net higher with March advancing to SI 16, Closing price were at about the beat, allowing net advances of 1 to 1 point. Sale were eatlmated at about u ... W - 'i..1.. nnnt.ll..l, Itllv i leTie.i. w.tmKr tia.01-. October. 11.17: J December, Si ll; January, 11.16; March, 5VpotKeeDll: R' T. le: Sa- t toa 4s, 14 e to 14 c VI I - Men Wt , i Sioux City. Ia.. June 17. Cattle Re- 1 aslpta. 3,01 head; market strong. scUv.; ; .ir. ud vearllnaa. S, .7691.1.; iajraaa etra and. yearlings M'AwT.60; arraaai cow and Mirers, ii em and heifers, 15.4497.76; canner. iSt-MOl : "ale. 5.I091 IO; reeaere. a.DM; calves, I4.I0O7.M; fdlnf nn and heifers. It.ll 9 6-2! ; teekers, S ''hoI Receipta, 1S.S04: market lie to illo higher; hatcher. SI.S691-1; :ST.II97.64; light. S1S.24; " I heavy packers, 11.2191.10; i Jrulk of aalea. II.7I91I.4. Sheop and Lamb Receipt, 1M heat; ' aaackat atna. Mel TVoit. . w,w Tor. June ST. Evaporated Apples : Sy-rirm. , Prtajtasv Tim. ' Asalceta . Nomlaal. 1 Teeiehea Oulet. BOOS. No. 1 169 .21 No. 2 169 .11 Cracks 149 .16 BUTTER. Country, common .229 .25- uutter tat, atation price. z,c. HAT. Prairie No. 1 upland. I13.00O14.00; Ko. 3 upland, 111.00912.00; No. 3 upland, 17.00 91-00; No. 1 midland, 112.00 911.00: No. 3 midland, 310.00 9 11.00; No. 3 midland. S7.009l.00: No. 1 lowland. 31.00010.00: No. 1 lowland, 37.0096.00. Alfalfa No. 1, 316.00917.00: standard. 312.0013.0O; No. 2, 310.00911.00; No. 3, 3i.OO9i.OO. . straw Oat, 3l.009l.00r1 wheat straw, 37.0091.00. Wholesale rjrlre nf hf i.utm follows: No. 1 ribs, 21c; No. 2 ribs. 20c: No. 8 ribs, 16c: No. 1 loin, 27c: No. 2 loin, 26c: No. S loins. 20c: No. 1 rounds, lc; No. 2 rounds, 19c; No. 1 rounds. 16c; No. 1 ohucks, 12c; No. 2 chuck, lie; No. 3 chucks, 8e; No. 1 plates. ic: No 3 ni.t R t plate, e. HIDES AND WOOU Bf hide: Green salted No. 1. per lb.. Itjic; green salted No. 3, per 10., 6 6c; green hldea No. 1, per lb.,4JTr,c; green bide No 1. ner Ih ia. old tock, per lb., 293c; green aalted buli hldea No. 1, per lb., 4c; green aalted bull niaee ko. 2, -per lb.. Sc. Horse hides: Lane, urh ts a. aeh, 13.60; mn, each, 13.00; pony and Sheep pelta: Oreen aalted, as to size and wool. each. 76c93ll.00. .,WSol! Cb0ic n -blood, per lb., 27912c; medium and -blood, per lb., 21 930e; low and -blood, per lb.. 18922c: lurry wool, per lb.. 12917c FRTJITgj. - Bananas: Per lb., 7c. . O0: Sie 216 and larger. 31.009 9.60; size 260, S.0O8.25; size III, 37.00: is 324, 36.0096.60. ..h.V!Lm': Recording t'e ize, per box, I6.6O91.OO. .ea,r.ilS?iu Acordinr to 1ie, per crate, 6a.so97.6O. Apples: Wlnesap, according to size and grade. 33.7694.00; Ben Davis, according to alse and grade. 13.00; Newton Pippins, according to sit and grade, 33.60. strawberries: Missouri, per crate 24 qt, box, 13.6094.00. ,VF1, 53 Pk. 3-OI., 33.2S ; bulk, per lb., 16916c. Pineapples: Cuban, according to size, 33.2e96.26. Cherries: California, I -lb. box, 14.00 94.60. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: New, No. 1, per lb, 4c. Old stock, Idaho Whites, No. 1, per cwt., 12.70; Red River Ohio, No. 1, per cwt., 33.00; Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt.. 33.00. Sweet Potatoes: Per bu., 31.5092.00. Lettuce: Head, per crate, 33.6094.00; head, per doz., 31.0091.60. Leaf, per doz., 26c Egg Plant: Per doz., 11.6092.00. Cteions: Crystal Wax, 45-ib. crate, 32.25 92.60; yellow, 45-lb. crate, I2.264J3.00; home-grown, per doz., 36c Cucumbers: Hot house, per doz., 12.609 S.ooy southern, bu. basket, 4 to S doz., 32.26. Toung Onion: Horn grown, per dot., 16920c. Cabbage: New, per lb., 496c. Tomatoes: Crate. 4 baskets. 11.0091.76. Radishes: Per doz.. 16 9 20c. Carrots and Turnips: New, per doz., 31.0091.25. Beets and Turnipa: Per hamper, 31.61 92.60. Spinach: Home grown, per doz., 60c. Oreen Pepper: Market hatket, 31.210 1.61. Green nd Wax Bean: Pr hampr. .OV0.VV. Parsley: per doz. bunch, market basket, 76c. Watermelon: Per lb, 293c. Cantaloupe: Per crate, 12.16. Aeparagus: Per doz., 76c9tl.O0. New Peaa: Baaket. about S lb., 31.31 ei.:s. PLANTS. Tomato: Far box. 31.00. Panay Plants: Per doz., 33.7a. i 10c; par hex. New York t at tea. New Tork, June 27. Prices turned up ward again with renewed buying in the couon marxet today. Ita early come back amounted to a rally of 44 to 41 pointa from yesterday's closing level on scattered profit taking from shorts, trade buying and Liverpool eupport. It waa evident from th list's action that yesterday's decline had pretty well liquidated the market f weakly held long cotton and that ths technical position waa much im proved. The atrong undertone waa main tained Into th afternoon, although the list sold off IS to 20 BOinta from lta too oa professional realizing. In the laat hour new local selling was encountered and price sipped back almoat on a par with Monday'a cloee, but s final rally left the mariTt 10 i nee nigner. Southern spot market were: Galveston, 21.14c, unchanged: New Orleans. 21.60c, unchanged; Savannah. 21.26, 14 points ad vance; Augusta, zi.iic, 12 pointa aa vane: Memphis. 22.6. unchanged; Hous ton. S3.S4C, 1. points advance ;Lsttl Bock. iUte, eucaaagea. Tola I rectipia !l :;o 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Itcga. Sheep. .1.112 Silt 701 . in . i:i .1.411 Armour a Co t.uilahv Packing Co, l-old Picking Co. .. Morrl Puking to. Hwlft to J. V. Murphy .... Swart t'o Lincoln Hacking Co. . SI Wilaon Packing Co.. 1 Bo'lft. Kan. City 76 Illume Packing Co. .. 17 Hoffman Bros SI Mayerowlrh 4V Vail .. 16 Midwest Packing Co. .. it P. O'Daa 16 Omaha Packing Co. .. I John Roth none .. 13 8. Omaha Packing Co.. 12 Mlnrlalr 64 J. II. Bulla II Dennl A Francis I John Harvey Ill T. J. Inghram I . O. Kellogg 7 K. P. Lewie 41 Mo.. Kan. C. 4V C. Co.. 14 Roeenetork Bros I Wertheimer 4b Degen.. lil Other buyers 117 Smiley Bros 1 Total 3.73 1. 101 1.704 3.1:1 I SIA 1 104 1.701 161 1,301 2,471 ..7,111 11.143 7,010 Cattle Receipt. 4,600 head. Receipt ware pretty moderate at all pointa, and as there v. a aood demand from both ahlppera and local pack.ra for well tin- Isned dry lot Deeve or an weignta me kind aold actively at atrong to In apote I Oo higher price. Top reacned 31.60. Plain and medium grad were about teady. She dock alio sold steady to atrong, while alockera and feedere were quotably ateady on a very light aupply. Quotation on cattle: Choice to prime beevee. II. 0091.10; good to choice beeves, 37.1691.40; fair to good beevea. 31.269 1.66: common to fair beevea, 17.7691.16: choice to prime yearling. I.609S.86; good to choice yearlings,; lair lo good yearling, 17.6091.00; common to fair yearlings. 11.6097.36; choice to prime holfrrs, 37.7693.60; good to choice heif ers, 17.0097.76; fair to good heifers, 36.76 96.76; choice to prime cows. 16.26 9 6.76; good to choice cowe, 16.2696.26; common tn good cows, 32. 0095.00; good to choice feeders, 17.2597.76; fair to good feeders, SC.6597.25; common to fair feeders, 16 00 96.60; good to cnoice stocKer. ii.2sw 7.83; fair to good stockrrs, I6.607.:5; common to fair Blockers. 15.6091.60: stock heifers. 34.0096.75: stock cow. 33.609 4.60; stock calves, 33.5097.60; veal calves, 14.5098.00; stock bulls,. SI. 5096.00; bulls, tag, etc., 33.5097.00. BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. 168 It 25 30 91.. 45.. 73.. ...1225 ...1017 ...1231 ...1340 ...1240 ...1404 1 60 1 70 3 80 15 25 S 60 6. 21. IL'6. 35. 18. Av. .. 812 . .1141 . .1207 ..1182 . . 82 ..1484 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 761 722 823 80S . S58 7 25 8 00 1 35 I 00 s 10 17.. 1.. 20.. 25.. 22.. 640 707 838 974 ...1449 Pr. IS 40 8 60 3 75 8 85 26 S 40 7 76 8 25 8 65 I 05 9 60 2..., 1..., 1..., 8.... 1.. ..1160 ..1040 ..1360 .. 387 340 SOS 900 .1400 . 680 4 00 6 76 4 00 6 50 COWS. S 988 2 10. 4... 6.. M18 4 75 8... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 646 6 75 BULLS. 8 76 1 4 25 1 6 75 CALVES. 4 60 2 40S S 50 7 50 Hum RecelDt. 14.700 head. Shippers were active today, making liberal pur chases of best Quality light and medium butcher, which moved readily 10915c higher. The market wa aiow on omer claasea, but was mostly at the same ad vance, with trading active on all classes. Light hogs sold at 110.10910.20, with a top price of 110.25. Good quality medium weight butchera sold largely at 39.009 10.10 and strong weight butchers at 31.60 fti Hi and llrht mixed loads at as. euro 9.60. Bulk ot good hogs sold at 9.659 10.16. Packing grades and heavy mixed sold largely at 19.0093-40. HUliB. No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av 49. .312 ... 3 8 65 o..2SU 65. .352 210 9 00 62. .273 64. .268 5C..297 24. .190 Sh. Pr. 40 I 8 90 300 9 15 150 25 62. .265 70 ' 35 9 60 63. .198 ... 10 00 40 10 15 86. .201 ... 10 25 Sheen Recelrjts. 6.500 head. Trading was active on all classes at prices rul ing 26950c higher. Spring lambs sold mostly at 313.00913.25, with best quality Idaho quoted nt 313.50. Clip spring lambs sold nt 112.65 and feeding year linrs at 19.40. Receipts in the eheep division were light, small lota of ewes selling at 14.0096.60, with some quality at 16.00. One lot of wethera were quoted as fully 60c higher, selling at 37.60. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, west erns, 312.50913.60; fat lambs, natives. 111.00913.25; feeder lamps, .voiyii..u; cull lambs, 34.00910.00; fat yearlings, 19.00910.76; fat wethers, 35.5098.60; fat ewes, light, 34.0096.00; fat ewes, heavy. 62.5094.00. srjUNti iiAsiua. No. . Av. 47 natives .63 CLIP WBTnBBB, 433 natives 95 Pr. 113 25 7 50 Chicago Livestock. Chicago. Juno 27. Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head; active: practically all grades beef steers and yearlings strong to lie higher; yearlings mostly 15e up; top beef steers, 110.00; weight, l,4t to pounder long yearlings, 11.76; bulk steers, I8.2599.3&; canner.s cutters ana biockb, steady to atrong; bulls, 10 to Is cents higher; veal calves, zs to ow cenie mniei. bulk fat she-stock, 6.00sj)7.3o; duik bologna bulls around 34.60; bulk vealers to packers, 31.0098.76. Hogs Receipts, ze.uvu neau; wpeuew mostly 10 to 16 cents higher on better mi. annta un more: others 10 to 25 cents higher; closing with part of advance lost on mixed ana par King graues, uses, huitr TOfiiis'16: ni atrong, mostly S9.76910.50; packing sow, l.00 9.50; shippers' stock about 4,500 head: holdover, fairly liberal. ..... . Sheep" and Lambs Receipts. S.000 head: fully 25c higher; top, native lambs. 113.60 to city butchers; 113.25 to packera; culls, 17.0098.00; best fat light native ewes. 17.00; heavy, 33.2596.00; medium dry-fed western yearlings, 310.50; native breed ing ewes. motly 36.6097.60; few year lings, up to 11.50. Kansas City Livestock. tr...... ph. .Tun. 57 (V. 8. Bureau of Marketa.) Hegs Receipts 16.000 head; market opened aiow, laier iiu,.. -v-tlve to both packers and shippers t to 10 cents nigner; spots, up n, 110 40: shinnera took about 3,000 head; built good and choice 210 to 275-pound veaiers to jwcaers, iv.vv -top, 110.25; closing strong: bulk of sales, 19. 9091. 30; pigs ana panning ateady to strong. Cattle Receipt 9,000 head; msrket. cannera and fat cow, strong to 16c high er; few better grade cows. 14.00 to 16.25. most other. 14.00 to 15.50; bulk cannere, 12.15 to 13.60: caives, iii "lT practical top on vealers. 31.00. Small lot 11.60; all other classes steady to atrong; bulls generally 33.75 to 35.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 7,000 head; market. aU classes generally atrong to cent higher; some lambs up more; f.w wethera. 37.00: light ewes. 36.60; top natlv lambs, 113.00; bulk batter grade, 111.60 to 12.; CIOing easier; mo.i breeding we. 36.60 to 37.76. r St. Jeeeph Livestock. St. Joseph. June 27. Hog Receipt 6 600 head: market alow; shipper buy ing few 21 to 210-pound butcher at iiiMsii. looks about steady with easy shipper market yesterday: packer going glow; packing sow, steady; aver age coat yeaterday, 19.64 tor 131 pounder. Cattle Receipt 1.14 head; market, beef steers, yearlings and ahe stock mostly leo higher; calve. 2 to oe nigner; io beef steers. I9.7S for average 1.421 pound are: top yearlings. 11.15; bulk desiratle beef cattle. 31.293.40; beet cowe mostly I4.764fl.00; emnners and cutter. 33.5 ts 14.14; calf top. 37.10: bulk. 37.0097.51. ihMft anH Receiota 3.404 head; market, killing classes generally 36 high er: four doubles et idano lamos, i...v; with a 1 per cent aort: top natives, 311.71: bulk. S1Z.H913''; US- wei most ly St.ll... Br ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Oiaaha He Leaaed Wire. New York, June 27. The mock market broke atvay today irom the union influence! which lor a week and a half had been dominating it. That the turn taken by prices should have been downward need cause no Brest surprise; all Wall street tradi tion points to the insecurity of a market put up by professional specu lators on the basis of an attempted corner and at a time when legitimate outside interests were withdrawing. In today's market, after having been hid up S points at the opening. Mexi can Tetroleum stock broke with vio lence, and before the floe it had fallen 22 points from the day's ini tial price and 2$l'i from the highest figure reached in the whole perform ance. Such thing at entirely spl to happen on occasions of the kind. The corner ing of atock, partial or complete, tan be effected only through actual and very Urge purvhaae by the conductor of the operation, of th eher.a which "ahort sell ers" must bav to msk naltv.ry. But uni.aa the manipulator of the corner mean lo keip th stork indefinitely, he mmt at aonia nolnt. himself, become a aell.r. He will either dispose of hi stock on th market for the beet that he can get, or elae make a private set tlement with th aborts." and lean hi followers to gst out as best they can. The day' decline In other storks of th "oil group" ranged irom i 10 point.. Thes atock again made up mora than AH..rAnrth nf the rfav'a total traneactiona. but th downward reaction apread beyond them, affecting both the active indus trial anaree ana me railway. Foreign exchange continued Monday recovery; today' advance wa general and. tn th ca of French and Italian rate, emphatic. In the abeence of any new turn in the field of event by which European exchange rate are affected. It Is poeelble that the apeculatlv movement for tne laii na lor me yrwaanv u. ... courae. New York Stocks n f nrieea of the leading stock furnlehed by Logan IV Bryn, 248 Peter Trust building! RAILKUAVS. Monday High. Low. Close. Close. A., T. c S. F 99V 9 s" n o 60 41 48 60S iCanadlan Pacific. .131 ; 131 138i 138 tor. Y. Central 961i 93K 93 95 Che ft Ohio . sou Gieat Northern.... 81U 80i 80H 81 Illinois Central. ...104U 104U 104i 106U K. C. Southern.... 24H 24H 24's 24 Lehlah Va ley 644 ej eo Missouri Pacific... 21 N. T. A N. H 29H Northern Pacific. . J6?. C. N. W fii Penn. R. R 42s Reading 76, C, R. I. & P 424 Southern Pacific. 8s Southern Railway. 23 n xt a, nt p. . . . 2Si Union' Pacific 140 138 139 138 STEELS, Am. Car Fdry Aliis-Chalmera Am. Loco Baldwin Loco. Bethlehem Steel.,. 75 Colo. F. & I z Crucible 72 Am. Steel Fdry.... 37 Lackawanna Steel. 72 Mldvsle Steel 33 Rep. S. A 1 71 Sloss-Scheffield .. 43 U. 8. Steel 99 Vanadium 45 COPPERS. Anaconda 62 61 Am. S. R. Co... 60 Cerro De Pasco... 33 Chili 20 Chino 29 Oreen Cananea, Inspiration -. . 20 27 "i 75 74 41 73 41 88 23 25 13S 30 27 75 74 41 73 41 88 23 25 21 30 7S 76 42 76 42 90 24 26 ... 163 . 49 49 49 49 .112 112 112 11 .113 111 112 113 74 29 71 37 71 32 70 43 97 -43 69 35 20 21 74 21 71 37 VI 32 70 43 97 43 61 69 36 20 21 6 29 72 37 73 33 71 99 45 Kennecott Miami Nevada Con Ray Con . . . Seneca .. 40 40 .. 34 '33 ..28 29 General Asphalt Calif Pet Isfand Invincible Oil . . Mexican Pet ... Middle Statea . Pacific OH .... Pan-American . Phillips Pierce Oil ., Pure OH .., Royal Dutch Sinclair Oil . Standard Oil N J..183 16 16 13 OILS. . 66 . 63 .... 16 ....199 .... 13 .... 68 .... 85 .... 61 .... 8 a... 10 .... 60 32 16 16 13 64 61 16 171 13 56 79 50 8 30 58 31 40 33 28 16' 16 13 65 41 1 16 180 13 6S 79 60 8 30 68 31 62 69 35 21 29 29 40 34 16 16 13 65 64 1 IS 195 13 68 85 51 8. 30 69 32 1M 182 184 Texas Co Union Oil White Oil Chandler Gen. Motors Willys-Overland Fierce-Arrow ... White Motor Studebaker 47 47 47 47 21 21 21 21 ... 8 1 MOTORS. . 70 6 . 14 13 ,. 8 S . 19 19 as 4 .129 126 125 128 RUBBER AND TIRES. Flak Goodrich Kelly-Springfield Keystone Tire... Ajax U. 6. Rubber . INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar A., O. 4V W. 1 40 38',; Am. Int. Corp.... 42 41 Am. Sumatra 41 40 Am. Telephone. ...120 120 American can.... Central Leather.. Cuba Cane ...... Cuban-Am. Sugar. Corn Products 103 103 103 104 Famoua Players... 80 79 79 80, General Electric .166 164 166 167 Ot. NOrth. Ore. .. 36 38 38 38 Inter. Harvester 100 100 100 100 A. H. A L pfd. 67 67 67 68 U. S. ind. Al. 61 63 t on Inter. Paper .... 46 45 45 Inter. M. M., pfd. 73 Amer. Sub. Ref. 79 Seara- Roebuck ..77 Tobacco Prod. .. 84 Worth. Pump 49 Stromsbera ...... 47 Wilson CO 39 39 39 3 West. Electric ... 59 59 69 60 American Wool. ..89 81 88 89 39 49 16 15 63 46 37 16 24 39 47 16 14 61 46 87 IS 24 68 13 8 19 48 39 47 16 15 61 S.8 41 40 120 48 37 IS 24 45 71 78 76 82 48 47 39 69 MISCELLANEOUS. 71 78 75 82 48 47 39 69 88 70 14 8 19 48 14 39 48 16 14 63 46 40 42 41 120 46 38 16 24 46 73 80 76 83 49 41 26 77 86 40 25 77 85 40 25 77 85 26 4 76 47 47 41 45 137 137 13f 139 102 102 Amer. Cotton Oil 26 26 26 Am. Ag. Chem. ..39 39 39 39 American Linseed 33 33 33 ii't Union Bag, pfd. 62 Bosch Magneto . Brook. Rap. Tran, Calif. Packing.... Col. O. As E Columbia Graph.. United Drug National Enamel. United Fruit .... Lorillard Tobacco. 162 163 National Lead Philadelphia Co... 36 38 38 38 Pullman 120 111 119 120 Punta Ale. Sugar.. 48 46 44 49 Retail Store 67 46 66 67 Superior Steel 32 32 12 33 St. L. at S. F 27 26 26 .28 Total sales. 800,900. Money Close, 4 per cent; Monday close, 6 per cent. Marka Close, .0029 c; Monday close, .0029 e. Francs Close, ,0835e. Sterling Close, 14.41; Monday close, 14.38. . Foreign Exchange. New Tork, June 27. Foreign Exchange Eaay. Great Britain, demand. 34.41: cables, 14.41; 10-day bills on banks. 4.38. France, demand. .0838: cables. .0819. Italy, demand, .0473: cables. .0474. Belgium, demand, .0799: rabies, .0791. Germany. demand, .0021; cables, .0021. Holland, demand, .3130; cables, .3836. Norway, demand, .1612. Sweden, demand, .2680. Denmark, demand, .2130. Switzerland, demand. .1196. Spain, demand. 1655. Greece, demand, .0320. Poland, demand, .4002. Cxecho-Slovakla, demand. .0113. Argentine, demand, .3617. Brastl. demand, .1375. Montreal, .! New Tork Metals. New Tork. June 37. Copper Steady; electrolytic, epot and later. Ut)llc Tin Steady; spot and futures, 11.12c Iron- Steady and unchanged. Lead Steady; spot, l.7Et6 I.e. Zinc Quiet ; East St. Louis, spot and nearby delivery, 1.27 91.350. Antimony Spot. t.04S)S.2le. linden Money. London. June 37. Silver Bar. 34 per ounce. Money 3 per cent. Slecount Rate Short tad Lhxeo mon'.as' hills. 2tTl Pr cent. ; (Th Be la Hit only Omaha niwtpapcr which pubUahM ttao of ficial cIom of thf New York Stock ichango bondaj New Ydrk, June 27. Condition la the band market today shewed n malarial al. (ration from recent irregular and heal lent tentlenriee, Dullnees wa Ih ouKlanding feature, Ih turnover being unuauslly light, For Ih firal time in s.tsrel week, the entire Liberty sraup, th S cipled, iloeed at receaalon. Of foreign loans, th Msilcsn 4 and I alon gav a good account of themselves, although Japanese governments and eeveral of the French munlcipala tended upward with Republic of ("hll nd Cuba Can taauea. Among Ih lea prominent rail, a 3 point riss wa mad In Des Moines 4V Fort Dodge 4s and more moderat atrength waa shown by Nouthern Paclfio and collateral Is. Chicago a Kaetern Illinois, 1,'nion I'a. Clfle 4s and Wheeling A Lak En 4a, flectlonry features embraced Seaboard la and adjustment le, Pennsylvania general Is. Norfolk 4 Wealern convertible le, 1in. neapolie 4a. Chicago Northwestern la of 1967, Atlantlo Fruit 7s, and Consolidated ties "s. Total7 salt (par vslus) aggr. Ssted S1I.04S.000. New corporate offerings war lacking lodsy, but aeveral underwriiinge by munic. Ipslille and rallroada are in proepart, the former Including city ot Cleveland l:. 600, 000 bond offering. New Tork. June 27. Following are lo day's high, low snd doting pries of homl on th New Tork atock sichsnss end Ih toii tale or each bond; Called State Boade. Salt (in 31.000) High Low Clot 111 Liberty 3 ....100.11 100.04 100 01 .... Liberty let 4. ...100.01 100.01 100.01 4 Liberty 2nd 4e.... 100.04 100.04 100.04 174 Liberty let 4s.. 100.20 100.13 100.2 603 Liberty 2nd 4 .. 100.04 100.00 100.00 630 Liberty 3rd 4. .100.13 100.04 100.04 1116 Liberty 4th 4.. 100.13 100.14 100.14 591 Vlotory 4 100.14 100.10 100.10 Foreign Government, Stale) and Municipal. IS Argentine 7a 100 99 99 I Chinee Ry I 14 64 64 17 Bergen I 14 ioi 109 43 Barn I Ill 3 Bordeaux I 14 I Chriatlania 1 109 17 Copenhagen Ss .. 91 b i,yone es ... I Mareelllea 1 17 Rio Jan I . I ban Paulo Is 21 I n Pa rl 14 4 S4 I Da Pae rf 4 1 ' S tn Tank t ar 1 .. ,",' 3 lid I'ru Is 110 Ill's ll II U H Heelty ae I V Hub T',a ! I' 1 II S Rub la II U Ki.el sf I 14 1 fish l L It II Va.i'r I'hm 7 . .11 vs-i r t urn 1st . .tee I Vir II v I 95 I lvabasn 1st t si 16 Wsst Kl s . I West 114 1st Is. Ml t t. Ml Ml a Ml' Ml' i' 10 96 a 91 11 .100 M Mi's St .!- a.-t I 99 II Wral I'.c I. ;' 17 'a ' 1 Westlnghou. 7s ,..M MIS M I Whselng I. K 4 '' ! SI I Wick-Open 7 14 3 Wilson af 7 In:' I Wilson sf cv ta . . . II 1 Wis l ent grn la ,. ' I fs.cho.ilo I lfs.. II lit Iom l'n I II l. Il'e 14 Kmp Osa Ta 91 a. mi iui eta. Total esles of bonne today. lll.4IS.000 compared with lll.7jl.000 prauoue day and II 1. 277. 100 a year ars M2'i m: si II 41 41'. II I II l 9 91 91 IS N. Y. Curb Bonds 34 14 I Toklo S I Zurich 1 ...... S Dan Mun la A.. 44 Dept Seme 7a ... 11 Dom Can 6a 31 11 Dom Can Sa 31.. 4 Dtch E Ind 4e 47 63 Dtch E Ind 6 63 66 French 3 60 French 7 20 Japan lit 4 .. 3 Japan 4 12 Belgium 7 . I Belgium 6a .. 20 Denmark 6 . 34 Netherlanda Is 13 Norway 8s 21 Paria-Ly-Med 4s 1 Chile 8a 46 11 Uruguay 8s 6 Queensland 7s .. 8 Queensland 6s . . 2 Rio Or Sul 8s... 16 Swiss 3s 64 O B & I 14 O B A I 61 O B & I 73 Brazil Sa .16 Mexican 6s 60 Mexican 4a 111 111 13 14 Ml 108 91 II 13 14 31 14 01 lot 101 ..102 101 103 .. 70 70 70 ..111 111 111 ..110 110 110 . 11 90 90 .100 100 100 97 97 97 . 94 94 94 . 94 1 94 .103 103 103 ..100 100 100 .. 91 91 91 .. 771. 77 77 101 107 107 102 102 102 ..... 98 98 98 .... 97 97 97 110 100 110 . 80 80 80 .104 104 104' .105 106 105 .109 108 109 .101 100 100 .101 101 101 119 118 119 5s 22. .107 107 107 5s 29. .107 107 107 6s 37. .103 103 103 .104 104 104 61 49 SO 481 Railway and Miscellaneous, 1 Adams Ex 4s . 10 Am Ag Chm 7s 6 Am Cot Oil 6s .., 7 Am Smelt 6s .... 93 16 Am Sug 6s 101 6 A T A T cv 6s. .114 . 79 79 .103 103 88 88 92 60 48 79 103 88 93 11 A T A T col tr 6s 1 Am Writ Pa 7s 7 Armour 4s 75 Atchison gen 4s 5 Atchison 4s 6 A C L 1st con 4s.. 89 S3 At ner 6S 40 B O S 97 96 98 90 82 100 101 113 113 97 85 98 90 82 89 .103 103 103 .100 99 100 86 98 90 82 14 B A O cv 4s .... 12 82 82 14 Bell Tel Penn 7s.. 107 107 107 5 Beth St ref 6s 95 S Braden Cop 6a .... 98 1 xiKin jsa gen ?s D..100 94 98 106 76 78 9 97 88 ..116 118 .. 91 92 88 87 60 60 .. 68 .. 62 61 ..101 101 101 94 98 106 76 78 99 97 88 118 93 87 100 79 60 68 62 82 81 61 68 1 B R T 7s ctf st .. 78 1A 23 Can Pac d 4a 78 6 Cent of Ga 6s 49 1 Cent Leather 6a .. 97 68 Cent Pac gtd 4s .. 88 is i;erro -aco sa 41 C A O cv 6a 4 C A O cv 4s 60 C B A 4) ref 6s A. .100 100 31 C A B I 6 80 79 IV J li W 48 23 C M St P 4s 46 C M St P 4s. 4 C A N W 7s . 9 Chi Rys 6 1ICRL4P gen 4s.. 8 24 C R I A P ret 4s.. 81 1 C C C St L gen 4s.. 81 ot cnue cop 7 32 Chile Cod 6 91 12 C A B ref 4 87 4 Col O A E 6s 94 26 Con Coal Mrylnd 6a 88 65 Con Oas 7s 116 28 Cub Cn Sg d 8s.. 87 a cud cn g as vs.. is 2 Cuba R R 7s A. .103 s u A K o is 4 D M A Ft D 4s. 8 Det Ed ref 6s . M Det Un Rys 4s .. 82 82 82 5 Dimnd Mtch 7s ..108 108 108 9 Dlst Sec 6s ..... 44 44 44 IS Dupnt Nem 7s ..107 107 107 18 Dup Light 6s 103 102 103 4 Erie gen 4s 54 63 64 8 Erie gen pr lien 4s. 64 63 63 13 Flsk Rub 8 106 105 105 .... 97 97 97 ....101 101 101 ....115 114 114 ....113 113 113 .102 102 102 .109 109 109 .100 100 100 84 83 83 62 63 101 101 99 100 12 12 12 67 96 86 44 78 87 108 100 81 83 81 81 81 81 .104 104 104 90 90 86 86 94 94 87 88 114 lbi 87 87 85 86 102 102 81 81 58 58 .101 101 101 14 Fram I D 7s 32 Goodyear 8s 11 31 Goodyear 8s 41 Gnd Tnk 7s .... 3 Gnd Tnk 6s . . . 16 O N 7s A 48 G N Ss 8 Hud A M ref 6s A 20 AdJ tno 6s 1 111 Cent 5s 17 Ind Steel 5 13 Int Met 4s .... 28 Int Met 4s ctfs.. 12 3 i k T rer 6s 67 10 Int Mer Mar af 6s.. 97 19 Int Pa ref 6s B.. 85 7 Iowa Cent ref 6s.... 44 2 K C Ft S AM 4s. 78 12 K C South 5s .. 87 1 K C Term Is 108 28 Kell-Spring 8s ....100 . 62 .101 -100 12 89 88 94 94 92 -92 103 103 96 96 4 94 106 106 91 91 88 104 107 82 55 79 71 96 71 19 Lacka St 5s 23.... 7 L S A M 8 d 4s 28. IS L 8 A M S d4s31. 9 Lehigh Val 6s ... 4 Llg A My 6 1 Lorillard 6s 6 And N 5 10 And N unified 4s . 4 Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 88 4 Mariand 8s 104 18 Mex Pet 80 108 2 Mid cv 6s 88 8 M St P A SSM 6s.l02 102 30 Al K A T n P I Is A 83 130 M K A T new ad 6s 56 13 M K A T 1st 4s.. 79 24 Mo Pac gen 4s .... 63 5 Mont Pow 5s A.... 96 1 N T A M lnc 5s , 4 N T C col 7s .. II N T C deb 6s.... 22 N T C con 4s ... 8 N T C A St L d 4s 13 N T Edi ref 6s..l09 109 8 NT NH A H e 6s 48 79 79 13 N T W A B 4s.. 63 63 21 N A W CV 6s 108 108 UNA W con 4 S3 91 21 N P pr lien 4s 87 87 IMP gen 3s 62 62 98 N P-O N jt 4s ..106 105 21 Nor Stats P r 6s.. 92 91 2 N W Bell Tel 7s. .104 106 1 Or RAN 1st 4s.. 87 87 31 O S L gtd 6s Ctf.. 104 103 IT O 8 L ref 4s ,. 11 91 12 Or-Wsh RR&N 4. 81 81 2 Otis St Is As 101 101 S Pac O A B la It 90 1 Pac TAT 6s 97 97 30 Packard Mot Is ....107 107 5 Fan Am PAT 7s. 102 101 .105 106 .104 103 . 13 83 86 84 16 Penn ls 30 Penn gen Ss ... Fenn gen 4 ..108 108 .100 100 91 91 11 Peoria A E Inc. 4.... 36 36 30 Pierce Oil d 1 99 99 9 Pro A Ref I 102 102 3 Rep I A S Co 6s.... 15 95 10 R O A W 1st 4 .. 71 71 14 Iron Mt ref 4 17 17 47 St L A 8 F di 4. 71 78 30 St L A S F lnc Is.. 61 ID St L A 8 F p 1 4 A 71 I St 9 W lt 4 71 15 Bt P A K C S L 4 31 16 S A A A P 1st 4 71 I seaboard con I.. 19 14 Seaboard adl Is. 24 Seaboard ref 4 I Sharon B H ta II Sinclair cv 7 41 Sinclair col Ta... 1 80 Bell Tel Se... 14 Sou Pas cv 4a... 11 So Pao ref 4 ... 41 80 Pao eol tr 4i 14 So Ry gen 24 So Ry con 6s.... 30 80 By gen 4a. .. 14 So P R ug 7a. 27 So Cat d 7a 10 41 Third Av adl Is.. 40 4 Third Ave ref 4s.. J T06 Prod la 11 19 Va Fa Ut 4g x... 94 J. 47 71 71 SI 75 S 24 41 SS 26 41 A.. SS ..101 104 .. 11 as .. 34 .. 31 .. 31 .. 37 .. Sl .. ! .. 6 ss 4!4 IS 9 64 7 14 69 4 11 94 il 12 67 96 85 H 78 87 108 100 88 94 92 103 96 94 105 91 88 104 108 88 102 82 56 79 63 96 71 105 108 83 14 109 79 63 108 91 87 62 105 91 106 87 104 91 81 101 90 97 107 102 108 100 ,91 36 99 102 95 78 87 78 67 71 71 81 76 69 25 41 99 104 48 94 SI l 7 95 11 91 Ml 19 13 Ml 91 New Tork. .lun 37 Tinaction en th New Tork tuib bond market loday were a follow a: . Imetlle Bond. Allied Pack la .. 12 M Al Pack ss, ctfs. l 4 4 I Allied Perk Is .. 94 J4 M 7 Alum 7a, '11 10Mb MJS M5S 15 Am Cot OH 4t.... 41 91 1 Am LA T Is M4 M4 Ml 14 Am T T 4S, '31. .MS MJ MJ II Am T A T s. ':4..I01 101 MIS 1 Am Too 7a. Slv..M2 MSS H. 4 Ana l op 4s 100 00 00 1 Ana Cop 7a. '29 ..101 103 Ml li ArAour A Co 7a. .104 M4 104 13 Beth Stl 7e, '31. .14 104 M4' 4 Beth Stl 7e. Mi.. 103 102 Ml', 70 Brook Un O 7. ..M MJ M4 31 Can Nat By Is .. 41 9J 9J 24 Can Pac la MIS MIS MM, I Csnt Htl M6 M6 M6'i 1 Cities Serv 7s Bus. Ml Ml Ml 25 Con Oas of B 6s. 11 99 99 5 Cuban Tel 7s . M6V J06 106 I Deer A Co V ..100 100 100 71 Empire OAF 6s.. Ml Mt 101 10 Fsd Ld Bk 4 ..Ml Ml Ml 17 Freep Tex 7 2 Uen Apn ss .. II Goodrich T 7s .. 1 Grand Tr 4a .. It Hood Rub 7s .. 4 Humble Oil 7s . 1 Inter R T 7s, '21 ' 23 Inter R T 8. '22 1 Klnaa Co Lt 6 14 Kenne Cop 7 .1..M5 Laclede Oas 7s ..M0 11 Llbby A L 7s . Llg Winch 7s . 3 Magma Cop 7s 2 Manitoba 7s ... m. A V fir. 4 Nat.' Acm 7s lit 1,0 143 104 M4 104 101 Ml 101 M4 104 91 98 100 100 99 99 19 90 98 96 104 104 99 91 98 98 100i 101 108 101 101 .. 96 96 94 7 99 99 99 im 96k e, .10 . 44 .101 . 49 . 90 98 .. 91 .101 5 N T N H A H 4s 100 100 100 gVTNHAH .. 95 96 9 l! ?hll El 6. 99 99 99 1 Phillip. P 79 WI10S M0 MO 14 Penn. A. L.. 7 105 M4 104 5 Proc. A O. 7s '23 101 101 101 10 Pu Ser C. N J 7 101 i"" 1 Rnh !lr 7a 5 Sake A Co 98 98 98 . 98 98 99 .100 100 100 .103 103 103 102 M2 102 106 106 .106 M6 106 7s 1 Sear R. 7 '22 2 Shawsheen 7s 4 South Bell T. 1 So. N. T. 7s : j c XT V ' " B 1 So N. T. '29 107 1U7 luit 2 So. N. T. 6s ..107 107 107 7 Sun Oil 7s 100 100 100 8 Swift & Co. 7s. ...101 11 101 4 Texas Co. 7S .,...101 101 101 S.TIdal Osage 7s, ..101 Ml 101 11 Un Oil C. 6S .A. .Ml M0 Ml 14 Un Oil P. 8s ..105 104 104 3 Unl Rys Ha. 7s 104 104 104 3 Vacuum Oil 7s ...106 106 106 2 Western El" 7s ..108 108 108 44 Winchester 7s .102 101 103 FOREIGN BONDS, -re A I.,. In ii 100 99 100 18 Canadian S. S. 7s 96 96 41 K. Serb s 96 95 60 N. T. K. H. Fr. 7s 73 73 400 N. T. N. H. 4s .. 87 86 O T....l.n "1 f Utl HU 16 Swiss 6s 102 102 102 31 U. S. Bras. 7s . 87 86 87 40 U. S. Mex. 4s ... 42 41 42 96 95 73 87 18 WrtaFstOwmEEIOOMOi MUNN 81. CO. Tnanr Rulldln. CHICAGO. ILL. Scientific American Bid... WASHINGTON. D. C. Woolworth Buildini, NEW TORK Robert Bldg.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. E.F.Leland&Co. (Succsssors War A Leland) Stocks Bonds Grain Provisions Small lots given aam attention as large lota. PRIVATE WIRES. We invite inquiries. ' f N. Y. Stock Exchange . J Chicago Stock Exchange Member S BoIr(j of Trade I Omaha Gram Exchange 727.30 OMAHA GRAIN EXCHANGE T. N. Rutter. Manager KEEP POSTED Important developments contained in this week's market review regarding the following securities: Bait. aV Ohio Texaa Company Anaconda Marine "Pfd." Pan American Mariand Oil Studebaker Durant Motors Baldwin Loco. Moth. Lode Coal't'n SUhma Petrol. Gt. Northern Ore Write for free copy P. G. STAMF.1 & CO. Member of Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York 35 S. William St.. New York VUffiHMI. CITT IA1BJ Government of tne Dominion of Canada 5 Gold Bond Due May 1. 1962 Opt. May 1, 1342 Principal and interest payable in New York City in U. S. Gold. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange; Price at aaarkst to yield about , 5J0 Circular en request. The National City Company Otaaka First Nal. Bank Bldg. Telephone MIS Jacsaoa El I. Iele Llveelark. , Kaal ai. Muis. lil, Jun 7 eille Rw.ipl. 4 11 hd: b.'f le. gen. rally etrsn. epel. U higher, III pe.d for I e.o-paund avarag.e, hulk natives, II II III, light yearling res gnd rsnn.r, .lastly; lulb heel erUs. II. levies; bulk res, 14 :!; isnnere. ! ! lie, hull, strong, bulk bologna, 14 4 60 luni l call. i-jl4 higher; i,.u. ft IA; hulk. Mlltjiof; tovr leer, atrong; bulk, Sl.SleJ S I. Ilst lM-ipis. Uone hesel, few early ssl.s. ' to lee higher; liter market neatly with close about 6u lower; "l. eerly, III II; tleing lep, 11010. hulk, tt; ll0tl 0; packer tow. M l0 ' a'heep and Lamhe Re. eipte. I 0 h.1; market a.llve. SI' to 10 higher; mclly 10c higher; lop, 111 21; bulk, gftd and "el". n.;...P' 12.M0 13.!.; '',! wet, laOOeM; hesvl', 12 0073.1. goed and c hoit yearling lo 4 ) ear Ola bleeding w, 7.00100. rhleege sHeek. Ram of price ot th llng Chlcl tork furnlehed by Logan Bryan. 241 Pstsr Truit building; Armour A Co.. Did Edison com Continental Motor . Rarl Motor Libby Montgomery-Wrrt . Nat. Leather, ne . yuaker Oat Hiwart.Wrnr ... Swift Co. ' Hwlft Int Union iirbid a... Wahl W 1 H ley 87 1.0 7 1 2 71 43 100 19 51 67'. 101 Nw York General. New Tork, Jun 27. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 1 rial. 121; No. 2 hard, 11.30: No. I Manitoba, 81.41: No. 2 mixed durum, 11.11 c. i. f. track New Tork to arrive. Corn Spot, firm; No. I yellow and No. S white, I0c; No. S mixed, I0c c. I. f. New Tork, all rail. Oata Spot, firm: No. I white. 47r l.ard Steady; middleweat, f 11.0901:. 00. Oibtr article unchanged. Dry Good. Nw York, Jun 27. Cotton good wer quiet today with price generally firm, except In wide print clothe, where eome lie for Inventory purposes wer mad at 0 oft. Sheeting wer quiet nd ateady. Tarn hav been marked higher In spin ning centere. Silk moved bettor with rrepea, foulard and lining fabrlca in the lead. Hurlapa were quiet with domestic prices flr.n and foreign prices lower. turpentine end Iteeia, Savannah, Oa., Jun 27. Turpentine Firm; 11 bbl. ; es, 1,031; receipta, 111; ehlpmente, 112: atock, 4,4St. Roain Firm; sales. 1,323 casks; re ceipts, 2,712; shipment, 217; stock, 71,- !2Quote: B. 14.15; D. 14.65; K, 14.10; F. 14.1004.70; O, 14.7004.75; H. 1410; I. 14.15; K, 15.1501.25; M, 16.40; .V, 15.70; WO, IS. IV; WW, 11.70. New York Produce. New York, Juno 27. Butter Market steadv: creamery higher than extras, 39 040c. Cheese Firm, state whole milk, flats, fresh, specials, 2O021c; do average run. 2O02OHc; state whole milk twins, fresh specials, 2O02Oc; do averago run, 19 20c. r York Rtatar. New Tare June JT. Th rew tulsr vr! aa. aaat.r and nearby CuUa.aei rem loa.r at 1 t.tit rui and fi.ighl, eijual le 4 II for centrifugal Trading wa light, th onlr !. reported being 1 1o hit. ef Cub. in sort and afloat at quitted price. Th raw auiar luiurea market was , easy under a. stirred 11'iuidatlon and trede selling prompted by lite lower ruling of Ih .pel matkei. 1 lo.lng prire wer S In le p.nnt net looer snd Ih velum of Suetne. wee smaller July, S.OIc: Sep. temher, 1 !0r; Itecember, J it; Mrrh, J.i:e. v Tb ntarft,! for refined was unchanged at : 10 lt fin rnul.te1 with demand I at'live, although mtlhdrael" on old order mnilnua of fair proportion. R. fined future., noinlnsl. Closing: July. I I or; heptemhrr, I lir, te-ember, S lie. ( hire Hullrr. I'hlcsgn. Jun SI Th hutir market yisld today lo th preaure of accumu lating r.r.ipt 4Mih ptariiialty tin trade. There wae enme Inqulrry fnr It.fcl cor. but thl kind of butter a not plenti ful. Ninely tier tare tnt rallied sold gen etslly si 37 cents. Niwer ore held too high to intareat buyers, and the tone of the msrket wa nesk. "Spend Four Days at Clear Lake" LEAVE FRIDAY NIGHT ON NEW THROUGH CLEAR LAKE SLEEPER Leave Omaha. 7:40 P. M. Arrive Clear Lake. .7:00 A. M. Passengers May Occupy Sleeper Until 8:00 A. M., "THEN A DIP IN THE SURF" RETURNING SLEEPER will Leave Clear Lake Tueidey, July 4th at 10:20 P. M arrive Omaha, 7:44 A. M. For all information, sleeping car reservations, ticket deliveries, etc., call, phone or write MARSHALL B. CRAIG, GEN. AGT. PASS. DEPT. H. T. Minkler, Diit. Pan. Agt. 1419 First National Bank Building, Telephone Jackson 0260 Consolidated Ticket Office, 1416 Dodg Strt, Telephone: Dougla 16S4 . IT I r veryLUKk Excursion Hfe'1- Fares to the Great Tourist and Fishing District nf Northern Wisconsin . J.jr w wa. Plan vmir vacation in this crreat outinz region $ where you can camp, canoe, fish, hike over pine I scented trails or just loaf. !! Following greatly reduced fares in effect tickets on sale daily return limit October 31st. nV.W" SX at ft. "a? WMtiW ' II Ml I tl I' ' sWWll'l K2Zv6 1 Villi fijAj?- 'Mil - From Omaha From Omaha R to Fare to Far Cable, Wis. $26.75 Uke Owen, Wis. $27.00 Cumberland, Wis. 23.20 Shell Lake, Wit. 24.15 Gordon, Wis. 26.20 Solon Spring, WU. 26.60 Grand View JWis. 27.75 Spooner.Wii. 24.50 HaTward,Wi. 25.85 Turtle Uke, Wis. 22.50 0 f. IS 4J a Av in iMk TO HF.J S"al 1 ,lsVA .VasT asslI' a mm ap saaassi 1 1 VV V v v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V C4 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V" V V V V III 9 if Virgin forests, winding, woodsy trails, cool, restful days await you f 4, . . , i -ii ..t j i i tf gamy osn wiu test your suu wim roa ana reei. fVw fewer "Out-of-Doon in Upptr Wueon$m tAV ttUt about a Our representatives wfll take pleasure in giving further info.- mation, advising you ot our excellent train service ana assuuns arranging travel details ot your tap. Chicago & North Western Ry. 120M203 Faraam St Telephone Ooufla 2740 'I CONSOLIDATED TICIET OFFICES 1416 Dodge St. T)t.aDi(Uil6S4 V V V if v v v v v V V V v Let Us Handle Your Grain Shipments to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan sas City, Sioux City or any other markets. WE SPECIALIZE in the careful handling of all orders for train and provisions for future delivery. WE OPERATE offices at Omaha, Neb.; Lincoln, Neb.; Hastings, Neb.; Chicago, 111.; Sioux City, Is.; Holdrege. Neb.; Geneva, Neb.; Des Moines, !a.; Milwaukee. Wis.; Hamburg, la., and Kansas City, Mo. WE HAVE an up-to-date Terminal Elevator in the Omaha ,f. Market with the latest facilities for handling your Jf shipments. Updike Grain' Co. "The Reliable Consignment Home" OMAHA. NEBRASKA e"1