The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 25, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Elks From Iowa
and Nebraska to
Visit Omaha Fete
Frolic of Lodge No. 39 Will
Draw targe Delegations of
Outside Lodges, It la
Large delegations of Elks from
lodges in Nebraska and Iowa have
announced their intention of being in
Omaha next week to Join in the car.
nival and fun frolic to be staged at
Krug park by Omaha lodge, N'o. 39,
B. P. O. E. The viiiton are planning
many novel atunti to make their
pretence in Omaha known and will
aid in keeping the fun at fever heat
during the week.
All arrangements for the week of
amusement were completed Friday
and the final scenes are set for the
big opening Monday noon. It is ex
pected that the park will be jammed
to capacity with fun lovers who
know the ability of the Omaha Elks
to entertain.
pedal Acts Booked.
Special acta have been booked by
the Omaha lodge In addition to the
large variety of amoiement devices
provided by the park management
The Peter Pan pony show was
provided especially for the entertain
ment of the children, but the ability
of these equine actors is certain to
attract many grownups. The Elks
Review is a big song and dance num
ber of exceptional cleverness.
Pre Band Concert
The Teddy Brothers will stage
their popular "rube" wreiling match.
Sarah Janoff of Omaha will appear in
a Spanish song and dance number.
Alvmi, the iron-Jawed man, will give
an exhibition of bending iron bars in
his teeth and other (cats of strength.
Free band conceits will b given
every evening, and on Friday an
elaborate display of fireworks Is on
the program.
The Elks promise over two and a
half hours of free entertainment each
evening. This, coupled with many
big acts on the program, is expected
to keep the committees working
overtime to give their guests a
crowded evening's performance.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Bee "Know Omaha" Series Branded
as Epitome of Advertising Ideas
A. Hoipe of the A. tiotpe company
and H. U. Rogers, president of the
Milton Rogers k Sons company,
have branded 1 be Bee series of eight
full psge advertisements on "Know
Omaha'' as the epitome of advertising
"This, to my notion, is the best ad
vertising I have seen in the 41 years
of my business record in Omaha."
writes Mr. Hospe. "I remember well
the scenes in the ancient pictures, for
the old court house used to stand in
the rear of my present business lo
cation. I believe I am at present the
oldest personally conducted business
house who has used The Bee ad
vertising columns since 1874. I think
well enough, of these advertisements
to hsng them up In my office."
"You are undertaking - a public
spirited work," wrote Mr. Rogers,
"and this firm tenders its thanks and
congratulate you upon your enter
prise in calling people's attention to
this city's wonderful growth in such
an effective manner.
"Our business was started with the
very beginning of Omaha, and in
your first page is shown our place
of business, for many years at Four
teenth and Farnam streets."
' i
Minister Realitei Profit
of $300 on Sale of Residence
The Rev. Carl Brunn last week,
through the Fayoe'& Carnaby com
pany, sold his house at 3329 South
Twenty-fourth street for $4,300 cash,
or SJ00 more than he paid for it in
the higi price period two years ago.
He sold it two days after he listed it
with his realtors.
Other ules by the Payne & Carna
by company for the last 10 days,
making a total of $21,950, are: iJ2
Weber to John Mullen, $4,500; 3186
Ames avenue, a store building, to V.
A. Berry. $5,250; 4629 Ames avenue
to E. E. Akerstrom, $2,650: 4016
North Thirty-fourth avenue to Frank
Sullivan, $3,500; seven tots along
Fontenelle boulevard and Ames ave
nue to Carl Frank, $1,550.
Solemn Services
Will Consecrate
Catholic Church
Occasion Ii 20th Anniversary
of Sacred Heart Dedication
All Debta on Edifice
With grandeur and impresslveness
rivaling the consecration of old Cath
olic cathedrals in Europe, Sacred
Heart church, Twenty-second and
Biuney streets, in Omaha, will be
consecrated by archbishop J. J.
The church will be given a clear
title to God, as it is understood in
the Catholic faith, all debts on the
edifice and property having been paid.
The occasion is the 20th anniver
sary of the dedication of the church.
Dignitaries to Attend.
Dignitaries and clergy from all
parts of the country are In the city
to attend the services. The conse
cration of Sacred Heart church is an
achievement that its pastor. Rev. P.
J. Judge, has looked forward to for
several years.
Arcbbiihop J. J. Clennon of St.
Louis, who preached at the laying
of the cornerstone, and at the dedi
catory services 20 years ago, will de
liver the consecration sermon during
solemn, high mass at 10:30 today.
The consecration ceremony will
begin at S with a procession of
acolytes, clergy, fourth degree
Knights of Columbus and prelates
in their church robes front the pss
torate around the edifice three times.
Two-Hour Services.
The services will last two hours.
Knights of Columbus, Omaha
council, will tender the visiting dig
nitaries and clergy a banquet in
Hotel Fontenelle at 1:30 today. The
toattmaster will be John Ruth.
Speakers wilt be Archbishop J. J.
Glennon, Archbishop J. J. Harty,
Rev. Hugh Gateley, Paul L. Martin,
John Hopkins and George H. Mer
ten. Bishop T. W. Drum of Des Moines
will officiate at solemn vespers this
evening in Sacred Heart church.
Bishop Edmond Heetan of Sioux
City will preach the vespers sermon.
A "Situations Wanted" advertise
ment in The Bee will work all day
for you for only a few dimes.
Honeymoon Saved by Trial Delay,
Witness in Liberty Bond-Diamond Ring Case to
Take Bride on Colorado Wedding Trip on Per
mission of Prosecutor.
All the world loves lovers. Even
the blind Goddess of Justice sniilrs
on them.
At least H. W. Woodis, clerk in
the Reese Jewelry store, and Miss
Lorene Wallace are so convinced.
They are to be married June 30
In Kountse Memorial church and for
the past year have indulged in rote
ste dreams of a wonderful honey
moon they would spend in Colorado.
But Woodis is a witness in federal
court in the case of Alva Smith,
who gave a forged Liberty bond in
payment for a diamond ring at the
Edholm shop when Woodis was em
ployed there. His trial was recently
set for July 5.
Prosecutor Is Adamant
The young couple were distracted
at this unfortren cloud on their
honeymoon horizon. They wept
and pleaded with federal officials to
postpone the trial at least.
"Don't spoil our honeymoon,"
they cried. "It's our first."
But J. C Kinslrr. United States
attorney, was adainaut. So the un
happy couple had to plan their
honeymoon in two sections. They
were" going to his parents' home in
Central City, Neb., tor a few days,
return to Omaha for the trial, then
go on to Colorado,
Not So Strong Hearted.
Saturday attorneys for Alva Smith
became "good angels" for the be
trothed pair. They argued a mo
tion to postpone the trial till the
September term of court because
thr? could not obtain detente wit-
-es before then. The judge
grsnted their plea.
Then Kinsley proved he was not
so stony-hearted after all. His tint
act waa to telephone young Woodis
that he might go on his honeymoon
and God-speed.
An official notification by mail will
Bring your Sunday Snap Shots hero Monday be
fore 10 a. m. and they will be t iniahed at 4 p. m.
with each order of prints.
Main Floor North
Domestic Specials
These high grade materials come in the
newest patterns and designs. All are to be sold
at worthwhile price reductions.
Zephyr Dress Gingham
150 pieces; genuine Red Seal, Bates, York,
and other standard makes rr
grouped in one lot, Monday,
per yard,
Tissue Gingham 36 inches wide, in a pretty
assortment of checks and plaids, in AO
all the wanted colors, per yard, tOL
Punjab Percale 36 in. wide; recognized as the
superior of all others; all light grounds with
beautiful printings; 3Gr
per yard, OeDL
Black Sateen
36 inches wide; a heavy twilled quality; high
ly yarn mercerized ; Monday, OH
while 2,000 yards last, DsC
per yard,
Unbleached Sheeting 36 inches wide, a heavy
round thread quality, for sheets 1 Cp
and pillow cases; per yard, 1 JL
Peter Pan Checked Gingham In all the want
: ed colors and checks; 32 inches H C
wide, per yard, JL
Japanese Cotton Crepe The material best suit
ed for children's dresses or the cool house
. dress or kimono ; in all the wanted O Q
plain shades; per yard,
Basement North.
.v J
Monday-Sale of Diamond Rings t
LadiW Diamond Rings Green gold,
pierced basket mounting; white gold
setting; beautiful blue wnite diamond.
perfect cut; regularly
25.00; in this sale.
Ladies' Diamond Ring
White gold, 18-K.;
hand-engraved mounting, cwt.;
' blue white diamond; perfect cut; bas
ket top; regularly AO CA
85.00: in this sale. HL.UV
Ladies' Diamond Ring Basket setting,
18-K.; pierced mounting; weight,
light third; perfect cut, blue white
diamond; regularly Q AA
125.00 ; in this sale,
Ladies' Diamond
Ring 18-K. white
gold; square or
round basket top;
newest style mount
ing; blue white
diamond; perfect
cut; regularly
Ladies' Diamond Ring White gold
mounting; 18-K. basket setting; en
graved shank; blue white diamond,'
perfect cut; regularly 10 7C
37.50: in this sale, IV Jd
Men's Diamond RingsSolid
14-K. mountings; Six-tooth
setting; English finish; a very handsome
ring; blue white diamond; perfect cut;
regularly 75.00; OO C A
in this sale, JO.DU
Men's Diamond Rings Solid 14-K. mount
ing; square and octagon top; white gold
head; heavy engraved green gold shank;
blue white diamond, perfect cut; AH CA
regularly 90.00; in this sale,
67.50; m OA CA
this sale, eJt.dV
Many Other Diamond Rings of Superb Value, Reasonably Priced.
Main Floor East
Pearl White Soap Large .bar ,
of pure white laundry soap.
Special, 10 bars fjjjg i 1
Fifth FloorWest VdtessdS
ll ii
Sale of 1000 New
Tub Rompers
For Little Girls and Boys
Si,.. 2 to 1 AQ
Monday, each, X JJ D.Tan.hir. Cloth
Of Devonshire cloth, gingham and
chambray. in two-tone combinations.
In cunning styles and
materials. The finish
of these garments is
unusually substan
tial. In a wide vari
ety of styles and color
combinations. At the
low nrice these well-
made little garments i
are offered it is pos
sible for every
mother to have a
large supply.
Third Floor East
Readi-Sew Packages
of Children's Clothing
As depicted in the Rotogravure Section of this paper.
Shown only at Brandeis in Omaha
Readi-Hew nackasres are a helnful
novelty containing children's garments,
cut, hand-embroidered, taped and piped
where necessary in short, all ready to
sew up into attractive little garments. In
every envelope are simple directions that
any woman can follow with perfect suc
cess and save half the cost of the chil
dren's clothes
Peggy cloth, linen soisette are the
materials used.
Garments or boys and girls from 6
months to 10 years.
Priced 1.00 to 1.50
Third Floor West
Breaking Clouds
In a former article we suggested
that this is a good time for men to
quit "Painting It Blue," adding that
just as beauty is in the eye of the
artist, so the "blue" is in the thought
of the painter.
Make careful investigation and
see if we are not justified in this appeal.
Agricultural price conditions are improving and
with every step toward world peace they will con
tinue to improve. Soil conditions have never been
better than they now are. Men and women are
thinking, politically, more and more on independent
lines and independent voting among the masses will
be more and more general. For that reason we may
expect representatives of political parties to become
more alert for the general welfare, playing more, as
they must'do, to the independent rather than to the
partisan vote. In that way conditions as they are
affected by statutes will be improved.
It is impossible at this time to make thoughtful
study of business and social conditions and yield to
the temptation to "Paint It Blue." Those who do
"Paint It Blue" are influenced by superficial dis
couragements and by their own bad worry habit.
Behind the clouds in the commercial sky the sun
has ever been shining. But today the clouds are
breaking and students of commercial conditions,
particularly merchants whose business takes them
into all the markets of the world, are feeling the
comforting, warming influence of the light that is
steadily breaking through.
If you belong to the "Paint It Blue" class do not
imagine that these encouraging words amount to a
case of "Whistling through a graveyard." They re
flect the real situation as we see it and feel it.
New Arrivals in Genuine
Wilton Rugs
Wilton Velvet Carpets for Stair
and Hall 27 inches wide ; a
good selection of patterns and
colorings. Per - O 7C
running yard, LtO
Wilton Velvet Rugs Size 22 x
36; regularly 4.50; O OC
, sale price, 0Lu
Tapestry Brussels Rugs Size
.8-8x10-6; regularly 1 i AC
20.00; sale price, It.ieJ
Velvet Rugs Size 6-0x9-0; regu
larly 20.00; 14 nrr
sale m-ice. It.iVtJ
New arrivals in high-grade
rugs, in the newest designs
and colorings, will be on sale
Monday at special prices.
Size 9-0x12-0; regularly 95.00;
sale price, 69.75
Size 9-0x12-0; regularly 115.00;
sale price, 89.50
Size 9-0x12-0; regularly 125.00;
sale price, 112.50
Size 8-3x10-6; regularly 87.50; .
sale price, 68.75
Size 8-3x10-6; regularly 120.00;
sale price, 107.00
Wilton Velvet Rugs Fringed,
seamless; slightly imperfect;
size 9-0x12-0. Regularly
Xs"8 57.50
Oriental Mossoul Rugs Average
. size 3-6x6-0; regularly J Q CA
85.00; sale price, ii7eJv
Oriental Mats For tables, -piano
stools, throw rugs; regularly
15.00; sale . 7 QC
price, 7J
Printed Linoleum 12 feet wide;
heavy quality; several patterns
to cnoose from ; regularly;
sale price, per , QQ '
square yard,
Inlaid linoleum Six feet wide; pattern goes clear to back; many
patterns and colorings to select from; suitable for kitchen, pantry,
. bath or storeroom; regularly 1.75; 1 OC
sale price, per square yard, - l.JJ
Sixth Floor West
Bohemian Amber Colored Glassware
A beautiful pattern of solid .amber-colored glassware with black
lines. Truly wonderful in effect.' In many quaint Bohemian shapes.
A few of the many items are listed below:
Priced from 75c to 3.75 each
Candy Jars,
Candle Sticks,
Cologne Bottle,
, Fruit Bowls, ,
1.50 to 2.50
1.50 to 2.50
1.25 and 2.00
1.75 to 3.75
Fifth Floor East
Guest Sets, 2.00
Jugs, 3.00
Ice Teas, per dozen, 5.00
Goblets and Sherbets, dozen, 12.00
-Compotes, 1.50 to 2.50
A Scientific Achievement
Nemo Maternity Corset
Style Number 601, Priced at 6.00
The underlying principle of this entirely new device
is the sling support, which effectively carries the increas
ing weight of the abdomen without the slightest pressure.
After the period of confinement, when the figure needs ,.,
to be readjusted, this corset can be worn with very bene
ficial results. The
adjustment o f t h e
lacing device will
gradually bring back
the abdomen to its
natural proportions,
in a natural and nor
mal way.
J Too much care cannot be taken in the se
lection f o your corset. 1 Our expert corsetieres
are at your service.
ine model described above comes in
white coutil. Sizes 24 to 36.
Third Floor North
Specialsin Curtains and Draperies
Moth Defying - ,
Cedar Chests
15.00 Values
Genuine Tennessee red cedar, with
fine cabinet finish.
Sizes 36x17x7,
l. 8.98
Drapery Cretonnes 3,500 yards of at
tractive summer patterns, in light,
medium and dark color combinations.
60c values. OQf
Per yard, !C
Colored Figured Madras The ideal
light weight overdrape material, in
green, blue, rose, and gold.
Worth 1.B0: per yard.
Quaker Craft Nets Beautiful allover
designs m white, ivory and
beige; 50c values; per yd.,
I allover
Porch Shades Of fine selected
, wood, closely woven with cable
cord and metal pulleys.
Size 4x7:6, each... 3.75.
Size 5x7:6, each... 5.45
Size 6x7:6, each; . .6.25
Size 7x7:6, each... 7.60
Size 8x7:6, each... 8.50 '
Fine voiles and mer
cerized marqui
settes,, some trim
med with lace edg
ings, others with
filet and cluny pat
tern lace insertions
and edgings; 2.50
and 3.00 values;
per pair
Novelty Curtains
Sheer quality scrim, some trimmed
with lace edgings, some with full
narrow ruffles and ruffled tie-
backs to natch;
1.60 value
Curtain Materials Fine voiles and mer
cerized marquisettes with drawnwork
borders in white, ivory and Q
beige. 39c values, per yard, 1JC
Curtain Rodi "Kirsch" and "Never Sag
Peerless" flat extension rods.' iq
40c value, each, lJC
Couch Hammock Popular styles in gray
and tan duck with adjustable head, wind
shield and mattress. 11 QQ
17.00 values, each, 1 1 eeO
Mosquito Bar Teats A new shipment of
these hot weather specials.
Priced, each,
Sixth Floor East