Omnia Wart" Ads Brad Office Help ha 9 salesmen, chauffeurs, cooks, housekeepers, laundresses in fact, any kind of help which you are in need of. In addition, these workers are reliable and efficient' and come well recommended. Get your help promptly through a Bee Want Ad. Bee BEE WANT AD RATES S per Una rb day, I at t day. I to per line each day, I la I dart lor par Una each day, f 1a or longer. Thaaa ralaa apply la Tha Sunday flaa aa wall aa la Tha Morning and fcvenin He. Alt weekday advertteemanta appear In bath marmni and avanini adilluna al lha ana cost. Tha aHov ralaa apply esrluelvetr la Want Ada which ara commonly termed "pul'lla wanta," and do not inrluda ad or atpluilinf ihlr bueitte.a TUB fiKK Teeervee lha right la desig nate what ronatltuie a public want. want Ada accapiad al Ilia following offices; MAIN OFFICE . .lTlh and Farnam Hit. South BUa 4tll South Ith St. I'ouiwlt llluffa It Stott Ml, Telephone AT-lanlle 1000. Tall fnr Want Ad IieDartment. An financed Want Ad taked will recelv ynur ad and a bill will be mallad later. Tha inla quoted above apply la tlthar chant or raah order. noins ron want Ana. livening :dltln 11:44 a. m. Morning K.llllon !' '" Sunday Edition V Saturday. THK MOHNINtl HICK. TMH KVKNIN'I HICK. THIS Hl'NPAY 1IKK DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES iiAKKKK Rdward B, passed on at tha heme, xa 17 N. Itth HI., Friday, Juna 21, 11.2. ax It year. Mr. Marker la aur vlvad by hi wlta and Infant daughter. (Iraee, hla father and mother, Mr. and Mr. J. M. Barker; 1 brother, rrank, of Omaha and four alatari. Mra. C. W. Taylor, Mra. H. H. Bock. Mra. Otla Mat. ralf and Mra. Ernest Bpetnhower, all of Omaha. . Kunaral service Monday, Juna II, llll, from Craaby-Moora Kunaral Homa, lllh and Wirt strset, al 1 p. m. Amer ican Legion In charia of eervlc. lntar mant Foreat Lawn eamatary. ili'l.NTTBE Lena, ag II yaara, died Fri day p. m. at har homa, 4111 M. 14th St., aflar a abort lllneaa 8he leave to mourn har Ions har huaband, John; three anna, I.a, Charles ami William, Kaufhold: two daughters. Koa and Taullna Knulhnld, all of Omaha; two slatrra, Mra. Herman Uriel and Mra. Johanna Rohloff of Omaha. Bit waa a fialdrnt of Omaha for tha paat 41 yaara. Funeral Monday, 1:10 a. m., from tha family raaldanca, 4111 8. 14th St, to Bt. Bridget church at I a. m. interment Bt. Marr Magdalen cemetery. WOODS Mra. Mary A., aed 7 yaara, mother of Mra. Anna B. McNIchola of Salt Lake City; Mr. Andrew H. Dauble of Plttabunn. Penn.; Mra. Jamea Lld dell. Elliabelh B. Wagner and J. C. Daubla of Oman a. Funeral from Cote-McKay Co. parlora, till Farnam St.. Monday at 2:10 p. m. Frlenda welcome, LAMBERT Mra. Amanda, at realdence, 110 So. 10th Ave., age 14 yeara. She la eurvlved by i aona, Clark ot Omaha and William of Shtlton. Waahington. ; ona daughter, Mra. WllUam Carmen. Funeral aarvlcea Monday, 10 a. m. In terment Nebraeka City, Nab. Nebraaka City papera pleaaa copy. BURIAL VAULTS CEME- TERIES AUTOMATIC aeallng concrete burial vaulta. Itecommendtd and for aale by all leading undertakers. Water proof, no ateal to ruat. no wood to de cay. Inalat upan tha AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. M10 N. 10th. Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. Visit Forest Lawn There ara 120 acrea In Foraat Lawn cemetery, tha moat beautiful apot In this vicinity; aufflclent to accommodate the people ot Douglaa county for hundrede of yeara. There are only a few larger ccmeterlee In the country none In thle vicinity. Officea at the cemetery 'north of city llmlla). and 720 Brandela Theater num. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., . Succeeeor to Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. AMBULANCEhOT Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and TSmbatmere. Phone HA 01. Office 2411 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 2224 Cuming. PDHQPV MnnPP ! 24th A Wirt WE. 0047. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, aide, knife.- box pleating, - covered buttons, all atylea; hemstitch ing, buttonholea. Write Ideal Button A Pleating; Co., 301 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 19S6. v NEB. PLEATING "52: ed Buttons. 1104 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. S670. - W. H. HATTEROTH. Lawyer, notary, confidential advice, settlements. 625 Peters rust Bldg., Omaha CHIROPRACTORS. Povlann DR. A. N., Chiropractor. 108 Sanson paXton block, at. 1747. WE. 2. Office hrs.. 11 a. ra.-:IO p. m. Dr. Frances U. Turner, 321 Urandela Theater Bldg.. Atlantlo 111! CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any style and alze, $100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber A Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 555S. DANCING ACADEMIES. LEARN to dance; summer claasea; 10 1 te nons. f4. Keep's. 1818 Farnam. DO. S440. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS, (0 each, 11 a full aat lit 8ecurltiea Bldg., llth and Farnam. Dr. R. R. Page, Dentist, 442 World-Herald Blilr. Of. AT. 0641. Eve. KE. 0771. DETECTIVES. JtELIABLE Detective Bureau. -Railway El. Bldg.. J A. 2056; night. KB. 3818. aidependent Detective .Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6501; night, WA. 4045; KE. 0461 JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 1136. DRESSMAKING. Kmhrolderlng. dreaamaklng. AT. 1717. FURRIERS. Furs" remodeled, rellned. cleaned. Kntetcr Alaska Fur" Co., 201 So ISth St DO. 7281. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Ensign Co.. 1407 Howard St. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PLASTERING, cement work, also paint ing and paperhanglng. A. Carlson, WE. 541. I.UPTON Painter; Inside work a daily; cheap fer cash. AT. 1717. ape- l'AINTINO and paperhanglng. 7lS. - J. A. Rrsa Call AT faSTEOPATHS. DR. MABEL WESSON, Osteopath. 641 .j . . ... uij. a. aen T - a?9s M ISl'KLT.ANEOUS ANNOUNCKMENTS. GAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All ara gentle. ' My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMY. , Ak-Sar-Btn Field. Phone WA. 6051. DIAMONDS XSS to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha. Neb. 402 N. 14th St.- Telephone DO. 04. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Plllowa renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed tlrkl washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. TO protect your trees from damage done by worms and other Insects, have them prayed by the Homo Landscape Ser Tlco Co.. til N. 14th. DO. $111. WK buy. sell safes, make desks, show case, etc.. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa. J A. M14. DR. Loola M. Smernoff. disease of women and children. Ill N. list St. AT. 1764. PRESCRIPTION'S carefully compounded at the I Sherman A McConnell Drug stores. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS MATTHOHKS CITT MATTHEW! CO. Mallraaaaa mada ever. New ticks. Hu spring It .paired. till Cuming Ml, AT. 4(7$ I'KINTINi) CDPT Printing Ca 111 I. II St. Do. 1441 Ws.llINO NTATIONKHV. i. W. Martin, Paiant Attorney, Itll Podge, room :. Alaa Washington, U, C. I help Inventor ethlr patanta. WKf'IMNil luvltaMona and announrein.nls printed or engraved: sample sent upna rauueet. nrandvis Printing dapartmant, FLORISTS T.VV. TAP MOM 4 Dougla. Phon DO. (144 AT IT WITH FI.OWKHH KKOM HKBS A WnilUUA, Mil FA UN Am BTRKKT. U HKNDKHHON. f0T Varnam. J A. llVf JOHN BATH. 1IA4 Farnam. 71 1101. PERSONALS TUB HALVATION Army lnduatrlal homa sollrit your old clothing-, furniture, macaalne. Wa collect. Wa dlatrlbute. Pbon DO. 4111 and our waaon will rail Call and Impact our oa home, Ills- lli:-UI4 Dodge St. PRIVATE real home for ailed and invalid! Trained nuraa In charge. Terma rt'saun aide. Webeter alii. MATERNITY; HO.MK, eleclrlo bath for nervouenraa. 111! Kminrl. WK. 1111, MAGNETIC bathe; Violet Kay trralmant witn maaaaaaa. 114 B. lllh. AT. Hal THEATRICAL nlatorical maaque coetumra, forplayeand partite, at Lleben'a, Omaha, SULPHUR bathe, Hwedlab maaeat, chl. ropody. Evenlnge to I. 101 & loth HI, EI.KCTHIC liATHS for nervouanaaa. till. WE. "JIM" Write me. Bulb F. 264 Iloewcll, I.ona lleach. Cat. MATKRNIT7 HO UK. till Kmm-tt. FISHER bathe, maaaaat. 110 Arthur Uld(. EXPERT MASSAOlT ATLANTIC llVlT RENT vacuum cleancre. 76c. HaV. 1071. MASHAOE Emma Brott, 1717 Webeter. EXPERT MASSAOK. 110 N. 17TH. LOST AND FOUND LOST Open-face, gold, 16-jewel Elgin watch with gold hands and aluminum fob. Reward If returned to Douglas Ptg. Co., 18th nnd Dodge. LOST Dark, brlndle Boston bull. Re ward for return or information. Hsa heavy collar and Is good alied dog. HA. 2252. LOST An Irlah setter dog. Answers to name Patsy. Finder will receive re ward by calling T. P. Redmond. HA. 17T. LOST Gold fountain pen. Initials L. B. O. Phono AT. 1840. LOST Green gold watch chain; reward. C. E. Wray, DO. 0061. liberal ATTRACTIONS 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS. Supplied with dolls, rubber balls, bal loons, lamp dolls, banketa and novelties of all kinds. GLOBE NOVELTY CO.. ' 1206 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. CONCESSIONS wanted at biggest July 4th celebration In southwestern Iowa. Fees reasonable. Only few taken get In touch with us at once. P. H. Gar den, Macedonia. la. WANTED Merry-go-round, concessions, shows, games of all kinds for July 4th, Write or wire Ralph Potter or G. L. Potter, Jefferson, la. FOURTH of July will be celebrat.d In Exeter, Neb., with fast ball game, sports, races, fireworks, etc Commit tee. WANTED Shows and concessions f or f July Fourth celebration. Greenfield, la. L. E. Foster, Sec. EXETER, Neb., will have a big celebra tion July 4th. Concessions wanted. J. B. Klotz. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Addresa - Boyles College Boy lea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 503 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. MALE HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS, me chanics In big demand. Each mail brings Inqurles for our graduates. We place our men in the best-paying posi tions. Prepare for thla great oppor tunity. Write, , free booklet. Johnson Automotive Trades School, Electrical Mechanical, 729 Broadway, Dept. J, Denver. Colo. ADVERTISING SALESMAN Our new men net from $t0 per week up. Commis mlssion basis. Excellent opportunity in your home territory. Old established business. Mr. Ralston, 830 Wade St., Cincinnati, O. BRICKLAYERS wanted at once. Six brlcklayera at Woodward, la., 110 a day. Carl Schlachter, Woodward, la. BE a detective. 150 to 1100 wweekly; travel over world; experience unnecessary. American Detective Agency, 799 Lucas St., St. Louis. COUNTY managers wanted to sell to farmers, feeders, breeders and dairymen ACME MINERALS for swine. It grows the bone and supplies the mineral ele ments. ACME MINERALS are made ac cording to the formula of nine different ingredients aa worked out by Prof. Ev vard of the Iowa Experiment Station. We make a special mixture for cat tlemen and dairymen. We make honest goods at honest prices. We ship ACME MINERALS mixed or sacked separately at the same price per hundred. Acme Mineral Company, Wheaton, III. CIVIL service examinations July. Vacan cies, $120 monthly. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free list positions now open, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner). 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. CLOTHING OR DRYGOODS SALESMEN, carry sideline popular brand Gabardines and Whipcords; suitable all-year wear. J. D. Shakow, 8 West 13th St., New York. DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS. SALESMEN Some territory still open for unique money-making proposition on Double Mileage MID-CASINGS. Guaranteed to prevent blowouta and punctures In pneumatic tires; proven and logical .merits. Wo start you In thia big busi ness without Investment. Write for coun ty rights proposition. The Mid-Casing Co., :ist and Harrison Sts., Kansas City. Mo. EARN $110 to $260 monthly, expenses paid, as Railway Traffic Inspector. Position guaranteed after 2 months' spare time study or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, E-271. stand. Business Training Inst. Buffalo. N. Y. Employers' Free Employment Service Cmn furnish you a position In any line of work you are experienced. - Teamstera, Tradesmen, Office. - Apply 1911 Harney Street. FIREMEN , brakemen. betrinnera, J 150. later $250 monthly. Write Railway, Box T-15I5. Omaha Bee. Laborers, Attention! Steady and short lsbor work of all kinds. Our Jobs do not cost you a cent ' EMPLOYERS FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 111 Harney Street. MECHANIC Automobile. 1st class, none other need apply. Apply at 2S1C Leaven worth St. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 11 S. 14th. Write for catalog. MALE HELP WANTED ill'N Ae 17 to i, etparianoe unntata uiy Tia'ti make imhi layatnaaiiana (porta, falertee, riptne. American yam an nve Aamry, 471, Hi. Louie, I'llKHMMAN wanted. Have open poaillon fur firai-riaaa cylinder and platan preae man. Mual be A-l man, gomcum's net- aaaary to ia. Hiae age, eiparlenee and salary d-atr. in first latter. Da nut ai'l'ly unlr.a you can do.good work and get production, I'srnieneut poeilian. "manum rnnung Co., Muogee. Okl, rillNTIMl preaamaq aanted. t'ylindtr i!iir lemar preumen. rar manrnt poalliona for competent man. i).n shop. 41-hour weak, tlenrge D. ...rn.r.i mauonary ro, nt. Louie, Mo, It K I H KH K N T A T 1 V E WANTK1I l,uwt live raprraeniatlve In your locality; wall paying proposition, with repeat ordara. Marrli-d ladles preferred. P. O. Bui ijft, t'invir, coio. HAI.KHMKN ADVEHTlHINit slI tillKM Do you believe yourself In the 1 10.000 a year ca.a? Are you satisfied wllh your preaent Income t If not, have you avr taken a menial Inventory to find what you are worth In ability, hon.aly of purpose, willingness to eland up under punishment and hard work? Very tew men enjoy large Incomes aa a reeult of salaried positions, but the man who can a rasp an opportunity created by othere, the man who can make an imnortant place fnr hlmaalf on the productive ataff uf an old established organisation thla type of man can secure a permanent buaineaa home In our organisation. We are a auccraafu educational Institution In ne out.loor advertising field. Do you know any raaaon why you ahould not ba one of three men? Territory open In the states ot Nebraaka, Iowa and north ern Kansaa. Commission baala. If you believe that thla offers the oDoortunliv you have been waiting for, phone or wrue o. w. Hoiiingsworth. Fontenelle noiei, ror appointment. Give phone No. when writing. SUPERINTENDENT OF CLAIMS CLAIM SUPERINTENDENT WANT ED. CAPABLE OF ASSUMING DU TIES AS MANAGER OF LOCAL CLAIM DEPARTMENT OF AN OLD AND FINANCIALLY STRONG IN SURANCE COMPANY. LEOAL TRAIN ING PREFERRED. WHILE SALARY MUST BR MODERATE TO START, QUICK PROMOTION WILL FOLLOW RAPID GROWTH OF AN ACTIVE OR GANIZATION, IF YOU CAN QUALI FY FOR THE POSITION WE HAVE TO OFFER, A FUTURE WITH OUR COMPANY AND THE PERMANENCY OF OUR ORGANIZATION WILL BE ATTRACTIVE TO YOU. REPLY, GIV ING AGE AND EXPERIENCE. BOX T-1933, OMAHA BEE. SALESMEN UNUSUAL SALES OPPORTUNITY WITH NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LINE. Wo are reorganizing the territory handled by our Chicago mill-agents for the paat two years, and we are looking for a high-grade man to handle our line of Jantzen knit-wear and swimming suits. See our half-page ad in Satur day Evening Post, Issue June 24. Straight commission basia with an ad vance of 76 on all ordera received monthly. If Interested state territory preferred and send to the Sales Manager, Jantzen Knitting Mills, Station A, Port land, Ore., for an application blank. SALESMEN One of the largest manufac turers or cmnaware in the state of umo wishes to secure the services of a good, live representative in the atates of Nebraska and Kansas. One familiar with chinaware and who will give same entire attention preferred. Permanent and profitable position to right party. In reply etate age and also, give refer ences. Address Y-1K32, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN MUST FURNISH REFERENCE. To carry aide line our Mission Bunga low Luncheon sets; 5 per cent com mission; prefer one who works In and around city; dry goodj man only. Write at once sending references. BRIEN MANUFACTURING CO., 4109 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. SALESMAN WANTED With conveyance. knowledge of livestock and acquainted with farmers. Reputable salesmen build ing wonderful repeat business on mineral' feeds and other specialties formulated by well known authority, well adver tised. McCarty made 1500 first two weeks. Conn. Products Company, Water loo, la. SALESMEN By a large publishing house. a man, 28 to 28, with selling ability, to travel In central and western states, calling on schools; preferably one who has had high school teaching experience; good salary, permanent position. Write, giv ing particulars, E. M. Moore, P. O. Box 102, Madison Sq., New York City, N. Y. SALESMEN We have openings for two salesmen of experience and ability. We want men accustomed to making $5,000 per year or more and who can demon strate ability to handle other men. Giv ing telephone number, address Box H 179, Omaha Bee for interview SALESMEN Make 110 to $50 daily, sell ing new electric Fresh P-NUT machine. 60 lbs. Butterkis P-Nuts free with each machine. Ask about our other fast sellers. Write or wire quick for terri tory. United Specialty Co., Dept. 102, P. O. Box 312, ColumbUB, O. SALESMEN Big money maker, new in vention. Hot air furnace cleaner. Thoroughly cleans all pipes used in hot air furnaces. Cost $3,800. Terms given. Standard Mfg. Co., Box 656, Uhrlchs ville, O. SALESMEN Reliable parties furnished new line auto samples for business any where free. No competition. Only hustlers need apply. St. Louis Aluminum Co., St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN Solicit accounts for large collection agency, 1100, weekly easily -earned. Apply immediately for valuable territory. Illinois Adjusting Corpora tion. 22 E. Van Buren St., Chicago. PORTRAIT AGENTS Why deal with slow firms? Write for new polychrome cata log; prints and finished work shipped in 24 hours. E. H. Roberts Co., Kan sas City, Mo. SALESMAN wanted with car. Cord tires at prlcea below competitors; $100 and expenses. .Hydro-Vulcan Tire Co., 1104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable, permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh. 1814 St. Marys. TIRE and service men wanted, experi enced, at the Sprague Mill Service Dept. Apply In person to Mr. Stlerheim. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. WANTED Good white man or woman cook, without children; must under stand pastry. State age. Box 422, Val entine, Neb. WEAVERS and spinners, experienced, steady attractive work, good wages. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland, Ore. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS We offer you $8 a day selling new, concentrated soft drinks; great summer hit; 30c-bottle makea 32 glasses; all flavors: just add water; lightning seller: small packages, carry In pocket; outfit furnished free; send postal today. American Products Co., American Products Co., 6200 American Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. AUTOS KILLING THOUSANDS . New Invention prevents accidents; costs agent $2.50, retails $7; state man considered. Carl Brown, 46, Colum bus. O. AGENTS $3 an hour. Newest kitchen tool; every woman uses 20 times dally, Easv seller. Big profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 414 Camp, Day ton. O. AGENTS Wonderful seller. 6c profit ev. ery dollar sales. Deliver on spot. Li cense unnecessary. Sample free. Mission Factory 2, 2421 8mith Ave.. Detroit, Mich. AGENTS $60 to $200 week. Free sam ples. Gold sign letters. Anyone can put on store windows; big demand; liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 435 N Clark. Chicago. AGENTS. Get wise to the latest best seller; $10 to $25 daily profit. Factory prices. Write quick. Pelletler Mfg. Co.. 115 South Dearborn. Chicago. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We ohow you how. Free booK. exrlsins everything. N. 8. Laboratori-.a, 125 Main, Richmond, Va. AGENTS WANTED MKT THIS FOR yl llK mo MONEY. Every farmer will see Ma advantage I glanre. Millions ran bo euld in una territory nnd nut over la have been Installed. Article sella fur II. You keep $1, Volume of thoae dollars per week or month la only limited by your own efforte. The more farmers you see the mure you sail. An Omaha product put out lr Omaha men. Cal for particular of room $17, Patera Truat ni.lg. WHY not start a buaineaa of your own? Man and women for every county In Nebraaka and Iowa to aell the Johnson line vt producla. Including the only mopa and ouatera wnn removable heads. We have no lninelllio Kehmive ler. rliory. Bontwlis-Dlihop Co.. Distributor, 4"J2 Noll II )4lh Ml , I Milium. .NrK AGENTS CHEAPER OAS New Improv ed Invention; reduras gaa bills 10; fits any gaa stove, every homo wants It; big money f.u" agents, crew managers and dlatrlbutora; write ua quick. Allied I'rodueta Co.. Box IIU-C, Waterloo, la. AGENTS $100 weekly. Auto owner rep reaenlatlve wanted to demonstrate the only fully guaranteed, low-priced puncture-proof Inner tube on the market. Advance Puncture-Proof Tube Co., 12$ N. La Salle. Chicago. AOE.NTS Newly Invented aluminum combinations. Remarkable faat aalea. New credit plan. Repeat ordera, full line. Ail credited. Unlimited business with no capital required. Wilson Utensil Co.. 0 'Third. Dayton. O. AGENTS Crew men, novelty men. Gloo Pen, 60e mucilage fountain pen; every body buya on demonstration; aamplo 21c: big profit, plan free. Oloo-Pen Co., 4-T, Pine St., New York. AGENTS $100 per month. Steady pay. New style, written guaranteed hosiery. Must wear, or replaced free. Experi ence unnecessary. Spare time eatlafac tory. Sample free. Jennings Mfg. Co., Line 144, Dayton, O. , AGENTS Msn or woman wanted, $40 weekly, full time, $1 an hour apar time, gelling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Inter national Knitting Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. AGENTS CHEWING OUNJt Sell to stores; profitable gj business built up quickly with our navel packagea; Spear mint and popular flavors; write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER wants agents to sell complete line or sniris ai red to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big values. Free samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broadway, New York. AOENTS A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Make sparkling glass nsme plates, num bers, ' checkerboards, medallions, sgns. Big illustrated book mailed free. E. Palmer. 110, Wooster, o. AGENTS W want 50 more representa tives ID aell Our mules aiiu li.ou....- gingham dresses direct. New, exclusive tyles. Loretta Frock Co., Dept. 25, Day- ion, u. AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell a new patented ruior uusi vap ior iniii t tires. Absolutely new and a quick sell er. Territory for side line. Superior Products Co., Sheldon, lowa FEMALE HELP WANTED AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon strate and sell dealers. $40 to so per week. Railway faro paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept 103 A, Omaha. Neb. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines, experience unnecessary: details free. Press Syndi cate, 211, St. Louis, Mo. GIRL Good, white, to' assist with gener al housework. HA. uhhu avie Lin coln Blvd. j ' LADY REPRESENTATIVES for lo cal district. Sell new meritorious product to every woman from 15 to 50 yeara old. Enormous profits. Write for full particulars. Brand Rubber Co., 716 W. Madison St., Chicago. LADIES! EVERYWHERE! Full or spar time; make 60 weeaiy selling water proof kitchen aprons, sanitary aprons, belts. Sample free. Write Miller Mfg". Co., Cleveland, O. NURSE Experienced; to care for child 2ttyears old; references requirea. -aii WA. 0278. NURSES Student nurse wanted. Wayn Hospital, wayne. xeo. REFINED hkpr., wihout children, for strictly mod. home; can nave run cog.; ref. required. Box H 184, Omaha Bee. Stenographers, Waitresses Without cost to you we can iurnisn you a position In the work which you are best qualified to fill. EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 1911 Harney St. Atlantic 6362. U. S. government positions for women. commence $92 montn. oampie exam ination questions free. Apply today sure. Box Y-1921. Bee. WEAVERS and spinners wanted, experi enced. Steady, attractive worn, good wage. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland, Ore. SITUATIONS WANTED FIRST-CLASS male servant wants posl- . . ...... ... irk...,..l.l. ,.ln. lion aoout juiy ibi. ,,iuiuu6ij ....... ed In domestic science and a finished servant. Can cook, butler, care for lawn, garden and cars. Will take apartment and give service as Janitor for living quarter in apartment. Do all kinds of repairs. Wife, no children. First-class references. Rev. Burkehart, 5233 S. 26th St.. Omaha. Phone Market 3475. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE VINTON GARAGE Bargains In all kinds of used cars. 1630 Vinton. AT. 2587. LIGHT six, 6-passenger touring, like new In every way, $575. one-tnira casn. balance monthly or can - use a Ford or Overland aa part payment. Mr. Whlty 2562 Farna St. THREE-PASSENGETT coupe with Red Seal Continental motor, $376. One-third cash, balance monthly. This car Is like new In every way. Mr. Morris, 2562 Farnam St STUTZ BEARCAT sport roadster, late 16- valve model. Terms or trade. Mr. Locke, 1329 S 36th St. Phone HArney (921, or DOuglas 1712. - 1920 MAXWELL TOURING; In splendid running order; good tires; repainted. Top and upholstering like new. Call Mr. Walker. HA. 7291. OVERLAND baby 4 touring, 1920 model; looka like new. A real buy In a light late model touring. $275, cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. 8987. BUICK light alx touring car, reftnished. new top; motor overhauled. A bargain at $450, cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. 8987. EXCEPTIONAL bargain. Ford touri.ig. $145. Fifty dollars win handle tnis car. Mr. Hollcroft, 2562 Farnam St. PRACTICALLY new Ford touring for $375. Easy payment and a real bar gain. Mr. Bailey, 2562 Farnam St. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A 8afe Investment. 21th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 170. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2066 Farnam St. AT. 7835. rVRD roadster, 1920 model; starter, new tires, perfect motor. Chesp; cash or terms. 2062 Farnam St. DQ. 8987. USED Ford parts at half price. Parte for all stsndard mske cara. Neb. Auto Paris, 1016 Harney St. s'REE Inapectlon and water for all makea battery. Battery and Part Co.. 2411 Farnam St.. AT. 3I4. USED car, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobll Co.. 18th aud Howard St. AT. 177. 11? FORD SEDAN; good running order; tires nearly nCw. A aacrlfice. HA. 721. USED radiators, all makes for sal. Green ough Radiator Repair. 201 Farnam. ASK about our 6-dav Auto Repaint Serv ice. PFEIFFER'S. 252$ Leavenworth. BRISCOE touting, fine condition. WA. (41. $150. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, all 8. 24th. 1921 Ford coupe for sale. Wa. 0902, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Fords! " Fords! New and Used. Cash or Terms. W have them all price all models. , He sure and se us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Servlre Station." A ui horned Ford and Lincoln Dealers. lllh and Jackaon St. DO. Ituo, Open Sunday from I till 11 a, m. OMAHA'S largeat sale of Used Car. The arrival of over 100 new car forces us to ell out all used care at an enormous sacrifice, regardless of our loss. Fords, Dodges, Chevrolets, Overland. Ask about our easy terms during this sale. Car worth up to 500 will be sold for 1150. Some sedans and coupe like new at exceptional bargain price. Tak advan tage of thla opportunity at ome, Sal last oil week, positively ending Satur day, July 1. Willys-Overland, Inc. 25(2 Farnam St. Factory Branch. Open evening and Sun, REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Bell. Ford, from $60 and up. ' Dodge, Buick and other, 1100 and up Ford bodies winter top. GOLDSTROM AJJTO SALES CO.. 131$ Harney St. Central Garage. PAIGE TOURING CAR In excellent con dition, at a bargain. 10 Ford coupea and sedan at a bar gain. Cash or time. GOLDSTRUM AUTO SALES CO. JA. 2468. Hi' Harney. 80ME bargain In used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAfrFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson 'Sts. DO. $500 HUDSON 4-pass. Super-Six speedster; nlckle radiator, cord tires; looks like a new car. Will sell cheap. See today. Cash or terma. 2052 Farnam St. DO. I 89S7. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle with aide car. Bargain to buyer. 42ui bo. mn. "CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For ale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suit, cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. 16tc ano narney pis. FULL DRESS ault and Tuxedo for rent. JA. 3128. 10 N. 16th St. L Feldman. ARMY hoea. $2.90. 70$ No. 16th. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. EXCELLENT cherries. 74th and Military. Picker wanted, 2Sc per oasaet. n. 6on. CHERRIES and currants for aala WALSTROM'S, 50th and sprague. HOUSEHOLD GOODS . Auction! Auction! Complete furnishings of a Dundee home, will be sold at the residence, 4920 Capitol Ave. TUESDAY. JUNE 27 STARTS AT 1 P. M. This Is some of the best furniture I have ever sold and consists of one Baby Grand piano; several expensive electric lamp, one Chinese rug, 9x12, and several otht..' good rugs; one genuine imported teakwood dining room set, one teak wood stand; several other pieces of teakwood. One very expensive overstuffed daven port and chairs, expensive statues, Anglo Persian rugs, mahogany sewing table, several pieces of mahogany furniture, high oven gas range, 3-door enamel ice box, expensive hand carved cellarett, mantle clock, beautiful drapes, one very expensive solid mahogany coaster twin bed bedroom suite complete. One very expensive .clrcassio'n walnut bedroom set complete, both bedroom suites, have made to order, box springs and mattresses; laundry and garden tools, fancy and staple dishes, rooking utensils, and hundreds, of articles too numerous to menton. ' Remember this sale fs at the residence, 4920 CapUol Ave,, at 1 p. m. Tuesday. M. G. Sonin, Owner JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. Auction ! Auction ! Six-room home of furniture will be sold at the residence, 5413 North Twenty-fourth Street. MONDAY, JUNE 26 STARTS 1 P. M. The owner having sold his home will scH the complete home of furniture as follows: One nearly new Steiger & Son Piano, 3 good 9x12 rugs and several small rugs, several pieces of parlor fur niture and rocking chairs; one golden oak dning room set. One nearly new sewing machine, one nearly new Simmons bed wth springs and mattresses; two good vernis martin beds, springs and mattresses; two extra good oak dressers, one white enamel high oven gas stove, one extra good Ice box, one electric washing machine and other laundry utenslle. 75-foot garden hose and other garden tools, pictures, clock, drapes. Linens, dishes, cooking utensils and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. In fact everything in this good home must and Svill be sold to the highest bidder. Monday at X p. m., at 6413 North Twenty-fourth St. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer A. ANDERSON, Owner. Auction ! Auction ! Six-room home of furniture, at 1634 Willis Ave. will be sold at auction at the residence, Wednesday -at 1 p. m. H. E. Gay, Owner. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer FOR SALE. PORCH AND LAWN CHAIRSV Painted white or green; made of heavy lumber. $3 each, delivered. Acme Box Co.. 39th and Pacific. LIBRARY-DINE table, $43; $ Jacobean dining chairs. $66; 1 9x12 Axmlnster rug, $54; 2 3x5 Wilton rugs. $16. All al most new and best quality. Terms can be arranged on part. AT. 8934. COMPLETELY furnished "-room ' upper flat, $350. Fine location for roomers. Must be seen to be appreciated. 1107 Pacific. DO. 5257. FURNITURE for sale In 7-room flat; close-In; strictly modern; rent reason able. Owner leaving city. mut sell. Call Atlantic 7267. , WILL sacrifice new four-pleco Ivory bed room suite. HA. 5514. ELBCTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prlcea. $75 buy the best. Phone Douglas 4423. FOR SALE Rooming house by owner, part housekeeping, walkipg distance. Call from 1 to 4. 2324 Harney. LEAVING city, selling Pease piano, din ing table, 4 chairs, dresser, gas stove, etc. Walnut 1867. ELECTRIC washer, unused, cheap. S. ISth St. HA. 7K53. Fl'R.NlTURE for sale. 420 Lincoln Blvd. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. .MICK ELS. 15th and Harney. DO. 171. BOTTLES New and used. Nathaa Steinberg. 1011 Harney. Do. $!$. RADIOS made and repaired: work guar' I anteed. 2227 Dodra. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE H h. p steam Harrison angina and aaaar separator, used two year. D. A. McMullen Highland. Kan. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos Tuned, Stored ajl 1IOVKI) at raaaoaabl price. All worn guaranteed. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Utl-K-ll Dodg St. Telephone Pougla 1421. TltAIJti your uaeii piano on a' new player piano, lialame as low as $1 per month. a. nunrtt tail iiougias. XCKlTIONAL value In used phono graphs. All mak and model. Or chard A WHhelm. t'OK SALE! Iteclatered female Airedale. 1$ months old, also pup 4 months oU, allgl. nie tor registration. 416 Hurt. ONK portable Vlctrola and IS records. Ilk new $37. A bargain. AT. 1114. WILL store piano for us. AT. 1D42. No children. POULTRY AND PET STOCK ARB you Interested In dogs, hunting, fishing? Mend for free copy Illustrated outdoor magazine. Sportsman's Digest, lit. Cincinnati, O. Wheat screening. $1.(0 per 100 lbs., A. W. Wagner. 0 N. lth. J A. 1141. STORE ft OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and v-epalreL 8olo a genu for the CORONA. Get our price befor you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 411 lhl Farnam. NEW Corona, $30; new Remington, port able, 150; new No. I Oliver, $27.(0; other typewriters at $10 and up. Mid land Office and Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 4144. Call WE. 6441 first W pay mora for furniture, rug, stoves, clothes. BUSINESS CHANCES OENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR SALE. $30,000 stock of general merchandise In county seat town In Nebraaka. Best location and most modern store. Will lease or sell building, 49x132 ft. Ex-, ceptlonally good patronage and clean stock Same location and management for thirty years. Selling on account of sickness. Address Y-1931, Omaha Bee. ABSOLUTELY the best paying garage busineaa In city of Denver. Downtown location with capacity of 100 cara. Price, $12,000. Reasonable rent with lease run ning about four years. For sale by owner direct, who is leaving state to look after other urgent business. Call In peraon or write for appointment. M, C. CLARK, Care of Hall Hotel. Denver, Colo, FOR SALE On Wednesday, June 28, at 2 p. m., I will at adjourned aale, sell to tne nlgnest bidder complete Jewelry stack and excellent set of fixture well located, good town, to the highest bid der. This is the Martin D. Crossett bankrupt Jewelry stock and sale will be subject to confirmation of the court. T, M. Soott, Trustee, Aurora, Neb. DISTRIBUTOR $100,000 corporation wants exclusive distributor. New pa tended article, aold to all merchants. Demonstration mean sale. Your price, $6, retails for $16. Possibilities up to $10,000 yearly; requires $400 to $1,200 capital. Manager, 106 North Clark, Chicago. SALES MANAGERS Responsible corpora tion wants general Bates managers to open branch office, manage salesmen; $500 to $5,000 necesary; expenses to Baltimore allowed. If you qualify. Ad dress Manager, 603, N, Eutaw St., Bal timore, Md. RESPONSIBLE DEALERS WANTED Big profits. Keeton Heavy-Duty Bat tery. . Plate won't buckle. Withstand every test; long-lived. Two-year un conditional guarantee. Write, tele graph Keeton Battery Co., Kansas City, Mo. RESACRANT FOR SALE The best res taurant In the olty. The capacity Is 25; well located;, everything new: would take good aecured papers and give terms, or would like to have a good cook as partner. Address Depot Cafe, Sterling. Colo MONEY in. grain. $12.50 buys guarantees ... AAA . 1 . ' I I." t " ) T IJ IT II On 1V.UUU DUN WUCai. iV J: uv RISK. Movement of 5e opportunity to moke $300; 4c, $400, etc. Particulars, market letter free. Investors' Dally Guide, 825 Dwlght Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. FOR SALE Store fixtures slutable for an exclusive milljnery and laaies- reaay 10 wear store, vfiplendld location In good, town. To be sold at auction on Wednes day, June 28, 2 p. m. T. M. Scott, True- tee, Aurora, rweD PROFITABLE CASH BUSINESS Learn stock privilege trading. Acquire inde pendence. Large profit on capital of $125 to $1,000. Write for free book B No 14. Paul Kaye. 149 Broadway, New York. RADIO and Electrical Supply business for sale or will take partner capable of handling business wrue win-.,,-. MY Vonfectionery, Ice cream and fountain business. Best paying place here. Its a dandy and priced to sell. Come arad you will Terms given, H. O. Har vey. Creston. Iowa. REPAIR EQUIPMENT. TOOLS, REPAIR MATERIAL. EVERYTHING FOR THE VULCANIZER. VULCANIZER SUPPLY CO.. 1912 FARNAM ST. FOR SALE Whole or part Interest in gift, novelty and Infant' furnishing shop. In live western town. If Interest ed write Y-1929, Omaha Bee. CANDY STORE, Including flxturea and stock, for sale at bargain, with leaae. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO..' 1320 Farnam St. J A. 0644. FOR SALE OR TRADE One new 15-30 G. M. c. Samson euro grip tractor. B. F. Mills, Boelus. Neb. ROOMS FOR RENT TWENTY-FOURTH St., 211 N., Apt. 6 One large, cool room for one or two. Will give meals; walking distance. AT. 1835. MASON STREET, 1508 Nice, cool room In private home, 1 or 2 ladles. HA. 116$. Tel. WA. 3721 Leavenworth Heights, cool southeast rom with private family, young lady preferred. Close to car line. FIVE nice rooms, very cool, married couple, would like retain one room. Ref erences. HA. 6852. HOWARD ST., 2706 Exceptionally clean I room, adjoining Bath, private home. FARNAM 361S Large, unusually attrac tive room, well furnished and ventilated. LINCOLN Blvd.. 1(25 Large fur. front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. BURT ST.. 1(17 3 lovely furnished, nle cool rooms, cloae-in. reas. AT. 2618. HARNEY ST.. 2583 Cool, nicely furnished rooms ior i or 2 gentlemen, nose in. 4 ROOM9 for refined working girl; pri vate home. WE. 3507. (05 No. 41st Ave. Large, cool room, hot water; gentlemen. WA. 118. PACIFIC ST.. 101. Nicely furnished, cool room: on car line. LOVELY unfurnished room, 124 S. list Ave. HA. 1711. WEST FARN. ney 21(2. exclusive rm. furn. Har- DOUOLAS ST. 2124 A nice sleeping room. ROOMS FOR RENT WELLINGTON INN. II AS A KKW DKHIKAMI.R RoouS, MCKI.r rTltNIll v.l, WITH OR WITHOUT HATH, riK PKftMANKST lll'KKTS AT ATRAI'TIVB WKPKLV HATM. MR. KAMKf. THK MANAlIKH, WILL ULADLY SHOW TIIKU TO TOIL OKT VOl'R H4IOM through The lies furniehe4 room di rectory. Call at of fir for list ef chair dealrabla rooina In all parte of lha my. A service that benefits both (dvertlter and room ekr. WOOLWoHTH AVK 2104. Iirat.le lo. ration; beautiful home; private family; large, cool, well furmehed roont: two window; large elnaet, AJ'rlvllee; laundry antl elei trie grill. ITA.H.10. -Tl'I'oHTl'NI TY"fur business or pTuir. alinal man to share eitraciltely fur niahed bachelor quarter,. Weal Farnam dial net. 1'hon Harney 441 after $ p. m CALIFORNIA ST., J0:l llraullful front rin., except, cool; Ideal home; nu other roomer. Gentlemen preferred. HA. 7131. HO TEL SANKOIt frl T M AN i F A II N AM HOTEL HKNSIIAW. 16TH AND FARNAM Special rstea to permanent gueats NICELY turn. rm. (028.2.d St.'; also 1 and I rooma for bouetkeeplng at 103-1 South 17th (treat. Phone AT. 1431. FURN. rm. with prtv. bath: warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. UNFURNISHED room for light houee keeping, cloa In. strictly modern, tea. aonakle rent. Call AT. 11(0. TWENTY-FOURTH St., 2111 8. 34lh St. Pleasant, cool room for 1 or 1 gentlemen. AT. 641. VERY, ATTRACTIVE front room for cou ple employed, private home, breakfasL KB. 1501. SHERMAN Ave., J10 Large front room, modern, private home; gentlemen pre ferred. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancle In all part of the city. TWENTY-THIRD ST.. 1632 So. Two nlro large rooma, three-room convenience, modern home. Nice location. MA. 472. TWO large rooms with kitchenette, mod ern, Hanscom park district. 2611 Pierce street. FARNAM ST.. 11(72 furnished light housekeeping rooms. Phone HA. 1904. California St., 3119V. 2 nicely furn. hskg. rooms, modern, cool, light. 1111 CAPITOL AVE. Clean, cool house keeping end bleeping rooms. BOARD AND ROOM Tel. HA. 4885 A real, home where you can enjoy aouthern cooking, offers board to three or four persons living In the vicinity of 29th and Hickory, one block from Hanscom park. PRIVATB family, close to car line; mod ern and homelike, $7 per week. Call WA. 6178. PRIVATE home, large room with excellent meals for 1 or 2, walking distance. AT. 6666. EVANS -St.. 2592 Cool front double room, good board; private home. Web. 5717. CAPITOL AVE., 2883 Very nice room, best home cooking, walking distance. HOUSES FOR RENT New Home, $75 Park District Five large rooma and bath, Kellastone. Strictly up-to-the-minute. Two block West Side Park car. Jackson 2282. WEST DODGE STRE4ST. Good six-room brick, strictly modem; will lease for one year to good party, $60.00 per month. S. P. BOSTWICK. Office, AT. 1506. Res.. WA. 2608. FIVE-ROOM bungalow with bath: gsrsge, chicken house and other outbulldinga. Plenty of grapes and raspberries. In quire 3341 Polk St. FOR sale or for rent, about the first of July, house in Dundee near car line. Now being decorated. Modern. Call WA. 0349. FOR RENT Six-room hoMse, redecorated, garage. 2023 Pierre. Now vacant; $31 per month. Call AT. 2826. FOR RENT 4103 Davenport street. 10 rooms and garage. Mr. Allen, AT. 4260. FINE 7-rm. house, unfurnished, all mod.; shady yard. 6134 N. 23d. KE. 1826. FURNISHED HOUSES $37.50 and $40 Newly furnished apartment In- walk ing distance. Modern, fireproof build ing. CALL US AND WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. JACKSON 2805. ATLANTIC 708. Drake Rental Agency Fireproof Apartments. 17th and Howard Sis. Delightfully Furnished 3322 Sherman Ave., five rooma and den, screened porch, garage, good dis trict. Can lease for one year at $65.00. Payne & Carnabv Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men" J A. 1016. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. One room, with kitchenette and bath. Two rooms, with kitchenette and bath. All completely furnished Including gas A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. WELL furnished 8 -room house, strictly moaern, wnn grana piano, etc.. near Blackatone hotel, during July and Au- guest. Address 8. S. Oskford, $531 Harney St. Phone HA. 6679. FURNISHED eight-room house with ga rage. West Farnam district. For rent July and August, $90.00 per month. S. P. BOSTWICK. , Office. AT. 1506. Res.. WA. 160$. SEVEN rooms, furnished, sleeping porches notn up and down. web. 7111 FIVE rm. bung.; newly furn. 1620 Victor. " . " i " . wr cox xi. isd, umsu Dev. APARTMENTS FOR RENT" NEW APARTMENTS, Six airy new apartments, ready July 1. Strictly modern; hot wster, gaa rangea, refrigerator, Murphy beds;! no children. 2214 D St. UNUSUALLY attractive 3-room apt. with 6-room accommodation; sightly location, opposite Turner park. O. M. HA USER. Mgr. 3102 Dodge. HA. 7140 GRACE ST.. 1810 4 clean, cool, modern rooms ior aauits: private entrance, pri vate bath; walking distance. Reasonable. THIRTEENTH ST.. 1232 S 4 nice large room in DrlcK flat, mo mo. References. Inquire J. J. Novak. 1256 S. 13th St. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 11" Q room modern apartments. THE 1 " ""DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2805. TWO five-room flats. 20th and Pierce St. F. D. WEAD AND D. H. BOWMAN. AT. 0161. 310 So. 18th St. Wead Bldg. ( ROOMS, all modern, brick flat. 1101 No. J3d- St. Inquire of D. Minkose. 2tl( Q St. MA. 3434. TELEPHONE WA. (185. 4-room apart ment in Dundee. Will sublease for (7$. Vacant July 15. THREE two-room apartments; well fur nished: nice piece: rent cheap. Phon J A. 45. 2019 California St. ST. MARYS AVE., 2(15: entire 2d fir. of home. 4 rooms, private bath. Adutta, MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close In. O. P. Stebblns. 1(10 Chicago. MAPLE St.. 1II4H Vacant July 1st; six light, cool, clean, modern room. APARTMENTS FOR RENT The Austin Apartments 38th and Davenport Just Ilk moving Into a new home of yuur nan, In Untaha'a ati'luatve real deniial district. All outaide eapoaureSL luautlfuliy parked, plea-lug view. vur spsiiment now, $$ mn$ $. The Alhambra 41th nd Capitol Ave. W have three bedroom apartments left at $?, In Dundee neaeat apart menl building. $10 to $97, if. Terrace Court Park Av at Mason. Did you sea new Terrar Court. W have on apartment left at 1(7.10. The Palmer 24tfl and St. Marys Av. A pullman dining room apartment al fl(, south exposure. The Hanscom 101$ Park Av. A south front sipoaur In tha Hsn com at 15$. ' At !T ( and $10. A cabinet kitchen apartment. Houae keeplng I a ple-aur In one of the, close-In modern apartment. A few furnlahed at ISO and 152 (0. Call Us and We Will Take You Out JACKSON 180$. ATLANTIC 170$. Drake Rental Agency Fireproof Apartments Corner 17th and Howard St. Modern Apartments t room No. Zt Lafayette. 17th and Jack. son 8ta cloae-ln, tilo.bath. $47.(4. 4 rooms No. II Lafayette, 17th and Jack son Sts., largo rooms, first floor, $60.00. 4 room No. II, Ekard Court, (IT So. -31st St., 1st floor, south exposure, beautiful court, $62.(0. 4 room No. 4 Harold Apts . 27th and Jackson, east and south exposure, excellent condition, very large rooma and large cloaats. $70.00. 6 rooms No. 2 Urbana Apts., 1317 Park Ave., pick your own decorations, three exposures, front and rear porches, newly painted, $75.00. Payne & Carnaby Co., "Omaha's Rental Men" (16 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 101$. Apartments 5 Rooms No. $, Georgia, 1040 South 29th atreet $6.ft 4 Room No. 2. Troy, 100 Harney (7.(0 4 Rooms No. 17, Flo-Lea, 20th and Capitol Ave 41(0 3 Room No. 16. Kingsborough, .2(3$. Dodg street (S.OO 3 Rooms No. 2, Kingsborough, 261$ Dodg street 51. 0t Peters 'Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. A7th and Farnam St. SIX-ROOM BRICK FLAT. -ff you looking for a flat In good re pair, where you can easily make your rent cy renting 2 or 3 rooma? If so, this duplex brick located near 35th and Harney Is Just the thing. Newly deco rated. Rental $70. J. L. HfATT COMPANY. 1338 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 990$. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. Fine sub-basement apartment with 4 rooma and bath, rood condition and very doHfrable, at a reasonable rental. APARTMENTS In Undine. 3 rooma and bath with 5 -room accommodations. Just newly decorated. Call Traver Bros. Atlantic 6886. 81 First Nat. Ilk. Bldg. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of ' living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental includes heat, light, gas. Phone and maid service. Either weekly or permanent guests. Phone AT. 3110. Delightful Apartment Four rooma, nicely furnished, splendid condition, south exposure, cool. No. 1. Harold, 27th and Jackson Sts. Vary reasonable rent. Payne & Carnaby Co. JA. 1016. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave his wife in comfort and safety. 2401 Dodge St. TWO AND THREE-ROOM apartment. Brown apartment. 508 North list St. AT. 7449. CALL AT. 3160 for a furnished apartment In walking distance at a resonabla rental. ALL modern apartment, private family. WB. 6766. MOVING AND STORAGE Moving! Packing I We assemble and forward ear loads of both household goods and automobiles. If you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to towns ad jacent to our shipping points, se us, aa w can save you money. This week we ar accepting shipments to the following cities: Lo Angele. " San Francisco. Chicago, III. Denver, Colo. " Kansaa City. Mo. ' . Gordon Fireproof : f Warehouse & Van Co.,;- 31 North Eleventh Street; Thone DO. 0394. Omaha. Neb. ' Storage! Shipping! FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms tor hohld gooda and plaaoa. moving, packing a4 shipping. BEK1NS OMAHA VAJ4 AND 8TORAOB. av sown lata. no, 411$. ESTIMATES furaiehed oa Moraa mad raavinc Coo tracts take ea jot) ar hi. Oloba Va. g. storm g Co, J A. 411$. AT. 11. (1-14 North 14th (K. TO SAVE MONET ON H ACUNO -CAXJt aauouv iwnrH, sTVVta. $$