THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JUNE 25. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Omihi, Junt 24, SctttcrH rains Ml in sections of the northwttt and cooler weather wai reported in the southwtst and wen, earning an eaiier feeling in all marketi, especially in corn. Al though very good export talea of torn were made at the seaboard, that gram uss particularly heavy. The department of agriculture will iue a warning on chinch bugs. Thit pest lui appeared in South Dakota, where thry ore expected to do great dam age. They are alio intrenched in Ohio. Indiana, Illinois. Iowa. Mis souri and some northern counties of Texas. Tlowing is said to be the only remedy. Receipt! at Omaha somewhat heavier today, aggregating 129 cars as compared with 67 cars lait year. Total shipments, 109 cars of all kinds of grain, as against 116 cars a year ago. Cah wheat in the local market was in fair demand with samples changing hands at unchanged to 1 rent lower. Corn sold readily at un changed to 1 -4c lower prices. Oats were unchanged to Mc higher, Rye was quoted about 1 cent lower and barley nominally unchanged. WHEAT I I N. 1 hard winter: 4 tars, II. St; Si ears, II I. No. J hard wlntrr: S rers (shippers' weihts. II AT: I rar, 11.01. No. hard wlntar: I rar, 11.07; 1 ear, II. US; 1 car (sm'ilty, SS per cant dark), II 1". No. S hard Inter: 1 car, 11.01; 1 car, l r. Hampls hart wlntar! 1 car (wtayll), t o. No. 1 yellow hard: 1 rar (shippers' weights). II "7. 1 rara, It. 01; 1 car, 11.07. No. 1 yellow hard: 1 rar (ahlppera' weifhts), 11.00; I rar. 11.01. CORN. No. 1 white: S cara, bc; 1 ear, l lie. No, t whit: 7 rara, Il1c; I car (ahlp pera' weights), (tfl. No. 4 while: 1 car, 6l4e. No. 1 yellow: 1 rar (ahlppera weights), 17 t; I cara. 17 He. No. 2 yellow: 1 rara, S7Kc; 4 cara, (7ie; t car (ahlppera' weights), S7Vc. No. 1 mixed: 4 cara, 6 lie; 1 car (near yellow), S7o. OATS No. I white: 1 rara. J5'4c; 1 ear, He. No. 4 white: 1 ear, 14 c; I car, lie. RTa No. S: 1 car. Til Wo OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota.) Week Week Tterelpta Today Ao Ago Wheat ! 40 18 Corn ' SO 37 Oata :o IS 73 Barky 1 ,1 0 n i s ' Week Week Shipments Today Afo Ago Wheat 13 & 4 Corn 7t S H Oata I ! Rye J 1 Barley X 1 4 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushel..! Ttecalpta Today Year ago Wheal.. 613.000 99,000 (, , 1,039.000 993,000 Oata SSI. 000 718.000 fihlpmenta Today Year ago Wheat w" S5S.00Q 86O.00O Corn .1.159,000 470,000 0,ti -715.000 148,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Buahels Today Yorago Wheat and flour 555.000 3S2.000 Corn, 40:000 119,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlota Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 1 -0 23 CtrS .. ...-!3 1" 408 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat US Corn ? " Oata 1 12 11 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat ' v ?X Corn -8 " " Oata -8 41 4J NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Week ear Carlota- Today. Ago. Ago Minneapolis 10J Winnipeg- 130 113 139 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By T-pdlke Grain Co. DO. S6-'7- June 34. Art, I Open. High. Low. Close. Yea. Wht. I July 1.13 1.13 H Dec. 1.1 4 i 1.14i Dec. 1.17 4 1.17 U Kye July .IS Sept. .S7ai Dec. .89 i Corn July .63',i .62 U Sept. .67 Dec. .67 .66V Oata July .S7i Sept. .33- Dec. .4:n .4S'.al Lard I I .lulv .11.43 Sept. IU.7S I 11 lbs I I July 112.15 Sept. K. 00 I I 1.13 i 1.15 i l.lSTi 1.17 14 .87 14 .87'., .894 .63 ',i .66 1.4 .654 1.134 1.14 1.134 1.13T 1.144 LIS 1.144 l.K 1.18 1.18 1.17 1.18V4 .ST'-i .884 .87'4 .88 .894 .9014 .6314 -S l .664 .674 .66 .664 .67 H .674 .37 '4 "4 .40'4 .30!, .40 -t .424 .42'i .438 .4314 1.144 l.lT'.i .88 .87 .894 .63 U .67 .67 .37 .40 ,i .41. .36 .394 11.47 11.77 Kansas City Grain. , Kansas City, Jlo.. June 24. Eggs Un changed, 20c. . Butter Inchanged: creamery, ..9c. .. i. i.m ,n iir: nena. t'OUliry uncnmifceu , 19c 1 c; roosters, lie. t,.iv ' Kansas City, June 54. Wheat Jul, $1.06 September, si.i'i-; uecemuei, "corn July. oS'ic; September, 61 He; December, Si'lc j Mlnneiinnlia Grain. ) 'nnsapoli.', Minn., June ii. iiei Julv. S1.33'01.33'.; September. Il...?. December. II. 51. .,.,.. f0rn No. 3 yellow, SS 055 hc. dats No. 3 white, 35036c. Barley 46057c. Rye No. 2. 84U?8,ic. Flaxseed No. 1. 12.654 05.67 St. IauIs (.rain. St. Louis. June 24. Wheat July,'i: t-ertember, 1.KHl.Su Corn July, 62Sc; September. 66e. Oata July, 8Sc; September, 5mc. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis. June 24. Flour Un changed to 50c higher: family patents, ;.0S7,7!. Bran 114.50017.00. New York Metala. New Tork. June 24 There continues to be a good demsnd for steel platea while the building activity has resulted in a scarcity ot pipe and other structural re quirements. The scarcity of fuel is noted in the Industry but many mills are start ing up and the tone of the market is ftrin. The trend of the pig iron market la steadily upward and charcoal iron was advanced 11 thVs week. The entire mar ket ts broadening, all melters reporting an Increase of business, although It is checked somennat oy in. iu "- - Copper has remained quiet. Except In the case of a few wire drawers buyera for domestic consumption have snojrn little or no Interest and exporters hive also been holding off. partly owing to the uncertainty of exchange rates. Some of the smaller producers and second-hsnds have teen shading prices and electrolytic Is reported available In amall lots around the IJHo lovel. Larger producers, how ever, are making no effort to book or der at the decline. - ..... Tin has been sensitive, to fluctuations In exchange and easier. Consumers nave shown little Intereat. Lead ts steady to firm with more buy ing Interest ahown. especially o the part of the cable Interests. Zlno has ruled quiet with prices s hade easier. A better Inquiry la noted for anti mony, leading to a pener unowivsr, , without change In price. Btrtter Markets Steady. Chicago. Juno 24. Supplies short of the demsnd resulted In very firm butter market today and advances on all scorea. Trading waa not exremely lively, but offer ings were firmly held. Thirty-seven cents was the Inside priceo en SJ scores. Csrs M scoro centralised were In active demand tor delivery nn June contreet. The week closed with prlco tendencies upward. 11.45 111.37 11.37 .11.72 11.65 11.65 I150 12.07 115.07 15.56 l3.00 11.95 Ill.SS 113-15 Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Wrnaha Ho Usaee Wire. Chicago, June 24, Better weather conditions over the grain belt and general week end evening up brought about a lower range of prices. Wheat (iniahed with a net loss ot l-H(aJ-Sc Corn was off l-2Cn5-c, and rye 7-8c, Oats finished l-8til-2c higher. Unfavorable crop reports, with ap- prrheiuion that heavy damage to winter wheat would be revealed in the government July returns, led to a more active market last week. hue the best figures were not maintain ed, the finish was at net gains of 1 3-8 &2 l-4c. Coarse crams attracted in creased attention. They got out of the rut for the first time tn many weeks. Corn gained 1 3-8(JV2c, and oats 2 7-wvi 3-4c. Dry weather and damage talk were factors in both grains. Rye was up 1 3-8l l-2c. t'roviMons held within narrow lim its, but closed weak, with lard off 5(a7 l-2c and ribs 27 l-2(fj,30c lower. While rain hardly will have murh ef. fort on winter wheat, except where the grain la very late, there wee rather gen eral early telling on the raporla of ralna In parte of Nebreska and Iowa. While the ralna turned out mainly to ha local ahnwera, there waa a pronounced dispo sition on the part of the trader! to even up for over Sunday. Support waa larking early. Hedging aaiea had ronslderatle ef fect In the July. That option went to about IV," under September at on time. Threshing DiMtppolntlng. Country offeringa of new grain from seme eectlnne ahowed Improvement, Threshing returna from the aouthwrat ron tlnue lo be rather dleappolntlng. The Mlaaourl reports auggeated a loaa 8.000,. 000 buahela from the June government eatlmate, due to heat damage. Corn ahowed more weakneaa than other gralna the result of the rain reporta. Oata were the atronger. After being low er early they rallied aharply to above the prevloua days ftnlah. Oata rerelved good aupport on the weak apota. In the corn market preaaure wn In evldenre on all the upturna. Rather general evening up nn the part of locai tradera waa ahown. No general breaking of the drouth waa Indicated by the weekly forecast, although aome local thunder ahowera are expected. Temperatures will be anmewhat above normal. A good export business waa put through In corn at tt seaboard. Rye reflected the action of wheat and declined. Black rust has been found on rye at a North Dakota point, but It had little effect. Tit Note. Temperatures above normal, with thun der ahowera, are the predlctlona for thla week In the grain regions. Minneapolis reported teinperaturea of 100 on Friday and very hot Saturday. It waa Bald that Friday was the hottest day alnce the weather hureiu waa established there. Seven points lu Nebraska reported temper aturea of 100 tn 102, with plenty of polnte showing 95 to 99. Wheat and oata In the milk wtll be shriveled by such temperatures. Warning againat chinch tuge has been pent out by the Department of Agriculture. The pest has made Us appearance in Suuth Dakota for the first time. Its ravages are expeoted to be great. Al ready it haa entrenched ttaelf tn Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa and in aome of the northern counties of Texas. The plowing under the grain fields Is the enly thing poasihle to prevent epread of the peat, the department says. There Were dellverlea of it,.uv0 bushels of oats on June contract the other day that cost only lc a bushel, the oats having been in atore alnce October, 1920. Indications are that wheat stocks in Chicago will show a. decrease of more than 1.250,000 bushels for the last week, as shipments were 1.655.000 bushels and re ceipts only 521,000 buahela. A reduction In oat stocks Is to be expected, aa ahlp ments were 508,000 bushels and receipts 1,209,000 buahela. Omaha Produce Furnished by the state of Nebraaka. de partment of agriculture, bureau of mar keta and marketing: LIVE POULTRY, Wholesale Wholesale Ruying Selling Price: Price: Broilers 53 .35 .370 -40 Leghorn broilers. .25 .57 .27 .30 Hens, light 15 .20 ,22 .24 Hens, heavy 18 .20 .25 .54 Cocks J0 ... .12 .15 Ducks 15 .18 .:0 .25 DRESSED POULTRY. Broilers 45 .45 Hens 25 .27 Cocks ISO .18 EGGS. Xo. 1 18 .21 .58 .55 No. 2 16 .18 .20 .23 Cracks 14 .16 .IS .20 BUTTER, Country, common .22 .25 .24 .57 Butter fat, station price, 2Tc. HAT. Prairie No. 1 upland. S13.00Jil4.00; No 2 upland. Ill.0012.00; No. 3 upland, 7.00 9.00; No. 1 midland. 812.0013.00; No. 2 midland, I0.0011.00; No. 3 midland, 87.008.OO; No. 1 lowland. 8.0010.00; iiu. luwiana. si.uuapB.uu. Alfalfa No. 1. s1K.nniffll7 nn. 112.00013.00; No. 2, 110.00011.00: No. 3, 18.0009.00. Straw Oat, 18.0009.00; wheat straw, IT.0008.00. HIDES AND WOOL. Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. per lb.. 607c; green salted No. 5, per lb., 606c; green hides No. 1, per lb.,4r.c; green hides No , per lb.. 30tc; green salted, old stock, per lb., 203c; green suited bull hides No. 1, per !b.. 4c; green salted bull hides No. 5. per lb., 3c. Horss hides: Large, each, 13.00; medium, each, 12.60; small, each, 15.00; pony and glues, each, 11.0001.26. Sheep pelts: Oreen salted, as to size and wool, esch, 75cU1.00. Wool: Choree fine and ti-blood. per lb., 27035c; medium and -blood, per lb., 21 30c: low and 14-blood, per lb.. 1842Sc; turry wool, per lb 15017c. Wholeaale prices of beef cues are as follows: No. 1 ribs, 20ic; No. 2 ribs, 19(ic: No. 3 ribs, 15c; No. 1 loins, 57c; No. 2 loins. 26c; No." 3 loins, 20c; No. 1 rounds, !c: No. S rounds, 18'4c; No 3 rounds, 15'4c; o. 1 chucks, 15c: No. 2 chucks, 11c; No. 3 chucks, 8'ic: No 1 plates, 5'ic; No. 2 plates, 6c; No. 3 plates, ,4 c. FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb.. 714c. Oranges: - Size -I1B and larger. .00 !.50; eize 550. 18.0008.25; size 588. 17.00; size o-, st.n'ip.' Lemons: According to else, per box, 36.5009.00. Grapefruit: According to site, per crate, 15,5007.50. Apples: Wlneesp, according to size snd grade, 33.7:4.00; Ben Davis, according to si; and grade, 13.00; Newton Pipplna, according to size snd grade, 13.60. Strawberries: Missouri, per crate 24 q,t. boxes. J3. 6004.0". Figs: 53 pkgs. S-os., 12.55; bulk, per lb.. 15016c. -Pineapples: Cubsn, according to size, 13.2505.35. Cherries: California, S-lb. boxes. 14.00 04.60. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: New. No. 1, per lb. 414c. Old stork, Idaho Whites, No. 1, per cel., 12.70; Red River Ohio, No. 1, per cut., 13.00; Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt.. 13.00. Sweet Potatoes: Per bu., 11.5002.00. Lettuce: Head, per crate, 13.5004.00;, per doz.. 31.0001.50. Leaf, per dot, 35e. Egg Plant: Per doz., 11.5002.00. O-.inns: Crystal Wax, 45-lb. crate. 12.25 ej.SO; yellow, 45-lb. crate, 12.2503.00: home-grown, per doz., 36c, Cucumbers: Hot house, per dos.. 15.50 3 00: southern, bu. basket, 4 to 6 doz., 15.25. Toung Ontona: Home grown, per doz., 1 5 e :ic. Cabbage: New. per lb., 405c. Tomatoes: Crates. 4 basketa, 11.0001.75. P.adishes: Per doi.. 16 0 20c. Carrots and Turnlpa: Newf per dos., 31.0001.25. Beets and Turnips: Per hamper, 31.10 05.5". Spinach: Home grown, per doz., 50c. Green Peppers: Market baaket, 11.25 1.50. Green and Wax Beana: Per hamper, 32.503.0O. Parsley: Per doz. bunches, market basket. 7ic. Watermelon: Per lb, 3 0 3 He Cantaloupe: Per crate, 32.25. Asparagus: Per doz.. 76c Oil 00. New Peas: Basket, about S I be.. 81 00 61. 55. PLANTS. Tomato: Far box, 31.00. Pansy TianU: Per doz., 10c; per box. IJ.7S. London Money. London. June 24 Bar Silver SS'id per ounce; money. 3 per rent: discount rates, short and three months' bills. 3W02H per cent. ' V Flaxseed. Ttuluth. Winn.. June 54. r"lsx July. 117 54; September. 3:H!; October, 82.49 I bid. Live Stock Omaha. June II Receipts were: Official Monday ... Official Tueeday .. Official Wednesday, official Thursday.. i if final Friday Ksllmete Haturday. Mix dare thla eek, Cattle. Hogs, Cheep. .114 Il.t'T t.4 1.047 Till 7.4SI I. Ml IKS 14.811 II. IU 14.444 U.Jil II.4ST ll.oeo Tt.eae 74. Ml SI. IIS J.St 1 tm: T.S14 S.0S7 4. SIS 1,447 ii.Tts 14.449 14.4H SI.OIS 4i.H4 Name daya laat week,. a: 7 Kama days S w e a a. Name daya I w'a a 0 Mam daa year age. I0.I44 IT.IM Receipts and disposition of livestock at the L'nton etwkyarda, Omaha. Neb., for It houra, ending at S p. m., June 84, RECEIPTS CARLOT. Cattle. Hoga. e. M At P. By a Mo. Tac. Re I Union Pacific Ky 4i C. A N. W, Ry., eest S ('. N. W. Ry.. west 1 S4 I'., St. P., M. O. Ky S C., B. Q. Ry. east 3 I'.. II U. Ry., weat 51 l, H. P., eaat 4 C K. I A P.. weat I Illinois Central R 1 Total receipts DISPOSITION HEAD. 145 Armour aV Co 15) Cudahy Packing Co 8897 Dold Packing Co 690 Morris Parking Co 1K47 Swirt A Co 1535 J. M. Murphy 717 Swarts Co lost Armour, Sioux Falls 610 Total receipts 11471 111 Cattle Receipts. 10i need. Not enough rattle were here to make a market today. the all classes were nomlnslly steady. The week's run la smong the Isrgest of the season. 34.300 head, and while the beat ateera tilth weight are strong to lots 15a higher than a week ago, medium and plain beeves have declined log 15c under a slow demand and yearllnga and she stock are mostly 25C0c, gnd In apots 76o lower for the week aa a result of excea- alve supplies. The week's top of IS. SO on nesvy steers is tne nign mark or tne aeason. In aymathv with the alump on killers, stockers and feeders have declined 2jtoe. Uuotatlons on cattle: Cho re to or me beevea, 18.86, 19.0069.50; good to choice beeves, H.t0fr.u0; fair to good beevre, S8.0fitjr8.50; common to fair beevea. 17.50 08.00; choice to prime yearllnga. I8.60M 9.16; good to choice yearllnga. 18.108. SO. fair to good yearllnga, 5.6n8.00; com mon to fair yearllnga. 16. 60427.60; choice to prime holfera. I7.76tji8.60; good to choice heifers. 17. 00 7.76; fair to good helfera. I6.76QIS 76; choice to prime cowa, 16.156)1.75, good to choice cows, 15.004 6.00; common to good cowa. 83.606.00. cuttera, 15.7693.60; cannera. I2.00t, 2.75: nutcner duiis, so.micT.ou: peer bulla, 84.10 hnlnrna hull L1&AA1AA. I ralvea. 14.00 r 7.50; good to choice eedere. 17.1507.75: fair to good feedera. IS. 66 7.16; common to fair feedera. I6.006.60; good to choice stockers. I7.8607.8S: fair to good stockers. 16.5007. 26; common to fair Blockers, I5.6O0S.5O; stock heifers, 14.0006 75; stock cows, 13.5004.60: stock calves. 16.5007.60; stock bulls, 14.600 1.00. HOSS RecefDta. 1 1 000 heart. ln demand both from shippers and packers light hogs Were fairlv active at decline of 6010c. .Mixed loads and psklng gradea were alow and moatly 10015c lower. Light hogs sold at 110.10010.15, with a mp price or iu.;o. uood quality butcher were mostly within a range of I9 60 10.00, and light mixed loads at 19.5009.75, with heavy mixed and packing gradea at 18.7509.40. Built of good hoga was 19.65 010.10. For the week prices are 80085c lower, heavy hogs showing the most de cline. HOGS No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 33.. 406 2S0 8 25 68.. 380 520 I 8 60 54. .348 180 8 85 50. .320 70 8 90 42. .314 70 9 00 65. .298 140 9 10 27. .557 ... 9 20 66. .558 250 9 26 66. .572 ... 9 36 65. .266 510 9 40 70. .271 ... 9 45 71. .256 40 S 69 61 . .237 40 9 60 63. .511 . 190 8 65 6b. .236 70 9 75 71. .249 70 9 85 83. .210 70 9 90 75. .519 40 9 95 81. .515 140 10 00 89. .230 ... 10 05 63. .208 ... 10 10 .90. .180 ... 10 15 76. .219 ... 10 50 Sheep end Lambs Receipts, none. Tne feature of this week's lamb market has been the Improved tone of the trade in marked contrast to the dull undertone a week ago. Notwithstanding liberal sup plies for the closiQg session Friday, the market ruled steady on the opening to 15c higher at the close, with values 25 60c higher than week ago. Western lambs moved readily ot 112.60012.65, as againat 112.00012.25 week ago. Native lamba sold mostly at 118.00012.25, with 112.60 high mark for week. Feeders and aheep have held about steady, best feeders selling at 111.00011.25, and light ewes at 15.000 6.25. Quotatlotia on sheep and lambs: Fat lamba, westerns. U. 60012.65; native fat lambs. I11.00!12.25; feeding lambs. 19.00 011.00: cull lambs, 16.00010.00; fat year lings, 19.00 0 10.76: fat ivethers, 15.50 8.50; fat ewes, light, 14.0005.26; fat ewes, heavy, 12,6004.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, June 24. Cattle Receipts, 600 head compared week ago. strictly s:ood to (Prime ccrn fedi steers. 16 0 26c higher: umer graaes. grassers and all except strictly choice yearlings, 1526c lower; extreme top beef steers, 810.00; best long yearlings, 19.75; tn between grades, butch er cows and heifers, weak to 15c lower; others and canners and cutters, largely steady; bulls, 35o to 60c lower; veal calves, 75e to II lower; stockers and feeders, 25c to 60c off; lower grades de clining most: week's bulk prices beef steers, 18.2509.26; stockers, 16.0007.25; butcher she-stock. 14.8507.25: canners and cutters. 13.0004.00; veal calves, 38.00 08.50. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady to strong with Friday's average; top, 110.80; bulk, 39.80010.76; pigs, strong to 25c higher; mostly 39.76010.60; holdover light; heavyweight; 310.360 10.60; medium, 310.60010.75: light. 310.70 10.80; light light, 310.40010.75: pack ing sows, smooth. 39.5009.70; packing sows, rough, 38.6009.25; killing plus. 19.50010.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; practically all direct; compared week ago, killing classes mostly 55 to 50c higher; lambs and heavy sheep, gaining most; week's top western lambs, 113.25; natives, 313.00; week's bulk prices, best lambs, 112.00013.00: yearlings, $9.60010.15; wethers. IS.O.i.dO: ewes, 13.0006.60: top feeder lambs. 312.00; top westerns, year ling breeding ewes, 311.10. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia June 24. Cattle Re ceipts, 700 head: market steady. Com pared to week ago: Choice beevea. steady to strong; warmed up steers and year lings, 25c to 60c lower; glass cows and heifers, 25c to 60c lower; fat cows and heifers, steady: canners. 55c lower; veala top, 310.00; feeders, steady; calves., weak; bulls, weak, 33c lower: feeding cows and heifers, 25c lower; stockers, steady. Hogs Receipts, 7.000 head; market, good butchers. 15c lower! butchers, 39.6" 10.15: packers, 25c lower; lights, ,310.25; heavy mixed. 38.7509.50; heavy packers, 88.5008.75; bulk of sales. .nf0io.l6. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none; not quoted. Ksns City Live Stork. Kansaa City, Mo., .Tune 54. Cattle Receipts, 650 head; market for week, bet ter grade beef steers weak to 55o lower; she stock and yearlings, 55075c lower; canners and cutters 5ic lower: bulls stesdy; stock cows and heifers and stock calves. 55050c lower. Hogs Receipts, 1.500 head: market fairly active to packers: steady to 10c lower: bulk choice 173 to S30-lb. weights. 110.25010.35: top, 110.35; bulk of salee. 110.00010.36; throwout sows, 33.5008.75. Sheep No receipts: market for week, sheep generally 35c higher: lambs 60075c higher; top natives, 312.60. St. Joseph Live Stork. St. Joseph, Mo., June 54. Cattle Re ceipts. 300 head compared with week ago. best ateers steady, others weak to 50o lower; best she stock, 110 55c lower: others. 60075c off; bulls uneven, steady to 50c lower; cslves. 31. 0001.55 lower: week's bulk prices, beef cattle. 37. 7609.20c; beef cows.; canners ana cutters, 35 2504.00; calves. 37 0007.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 500 hesd; today'a receipts selling about steady: com pared with week ego. fat lambs. 2605SO higher: rulls. WcSl 11.00 higher: sheep, steady: week's bulk prices, lambs. I11.S4I 015.55; yearlings, 18.0008.75; ewes. I3.SS 04.00. Chiracs Potatoes. Chicago. June 24. Potatoes Steady; receipts. 84 cars: total United States ship ments. 90O cars; southern sacked Bliss Triumphs. No. 1. 32 7693.00 cwt.; Louis iana sacked Bliss Triumphs, field ron, 11.7602.00 cwt.; Alabama sacked Spauld Ing Rose. 13.5005.30 cwt.; North Carolina Norfolk section, stave barrels. Irian Cob blers. 34 2J 04 45. Cotton Fotsres. New Tork. June 54. Cotton futures opened eesier: July, 51.60c; October, 21.61c: December. 31.30c; January. 21.15c; March. 21.06c Cotton futures closed easy; July. 11 40c: October. J1.40c: December. 21.2Je; Jan uary. II. 08c; March. 31 81 Suot quiet; middling, 21.19c. Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES flat aha Km Lessee Kirs. New York, June 24 In today's Keneraliy narrow and desultory mar ket the advance in railway shares at traded such intereat as existed. Tins Has natural enough in view of the (act that July 1 has been designated as the date (or calling a railway strike if it it to be called at all. At the moment the prevalent consensus of opinion undoubtedly is that the union will not venture to take the step, for the reason, first, that the operating forces were not arTccted by the last wage reduction and ate not disponed to a purely sympathetic strike: next that the shop and main tenance forces, which were affected, would not tie up frame, even bv a complete walkout, and finally, that the federal (overnmeiit is known to stand explicitly behind the railway labor board. If this view is cor rectly taken, the intimations that the total vote of the union membership was small on acceptance or rejection of the wapc award may point out the ground of acquiescence. Afler the heart to heart talk by the rhalrman of Mexican Petroleum In tne morning papers, from which Wall street learned that the slock la worth about three times the highest price st which it sold Issl week, the course of the shsres In today's msrket was observed with moder. ate rurlosily. They advanced seven points, mostly an over night gain, then settled bark into Inactivity. For the present, even the stock's speculative promoters would nrohahlv he glad to have the stork with drawn from the lime light. Other Indue trial atorks showed signs of at leaat tem porary lassitude. The week as a whole has brought to the stock msrket changes of great uh evenneaa, moatly advances ranging from a fraction tn aaverul bolnts in varlnua In dustrial sharea and 3681 In Mexican Pe troleum. Comparison or today s closing prices for bonds with those of the pre ceding week (Ives us a rather striking array of net advances. Thla trend of valuea has been the most noticeable In Liberty bonds and the leaat so in foreign government loans, Decllnea In the Oerman mark to the loweat price yet reached was the outstsnd Ing movement In foreign exchange. Measured la hundredths of a cent, the rate of 58 touched today compares with a prevloua tow level of 29H. reached In March. The market probably had no op portunity to reflect the Oerman view or Walter Rathenau's death. This Is a calamity of the first importance In Ger many'a present financial predicament. Not Irsa so In that It leaves the Stlnnes group, and Its purely selfish and speculative poli cies without a strong and powerful op ponent. New York Stocks Ranee of prices ef the leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: KAlLHuaus, Friday ftigh. Low. Close, close A.. T. A 8. F 99 98 99 98 Daltl. & Ohio 50 49'i 60 49 Cansdian Pac 139 137 139 138 N. T. Central .. 9514 93 94 93 Chesa. Ohio ... 66 66 66 66 Great North. ... 80 71 8" " Illinois Cent 104 104 104'i 104 K. C. Southern .. 25 23 25 24 Lehigh Valley ... 64 64 64 64 Missouri Paclflo ..21 51 51 20 N, Y. & N. H. ... 30 59 30 59 Northern Pacific ..77 76 76 76 Chicago & N. W. . 75 74 74 , 74 Penn. R. R 42 42 55 . 32 Reading 74 74 74 13 C. R. I. & P. 43 41 43 42 Southern Pacific 90 89 89 89 Southern Railway 24 23 24 23 C. M. ft St. P. ... 56 26 25 55 Union Pacific ...138 137 138 137 STEELS. Am. Car. Fdry....l63 163 13 183 Allls-Chalmers ... 49 49'i 49 49 Baldwin Loco 113 115 113 113 Bethlehem Steel .. 76 7o io iai Colo. F. & 1 30 Crucible 72 75 75 72 Am. Steel Fdry 37 Lackawanna Steel. 73 72 73 73 Midvale Steel 33 82 Pressed Steel Car.. 75 75 75 .... Rep. S. & 1 70 70 .0-4 ,x V. S, Steel 99 98 98 99 Vanadium 45 45 43 45 COPPERS. Anaconda 63 61 61 61 Am. S. & R. Co... 60, 69 69 69 Cerro De Pasco. .. 36 36 lib .... Chill 21 21 21 21 I'alumet A Aria... 61 si 61 61 Inspiration 40'4 4U- Kennocott 33 33 3 . 3j Miami -sv? Nevada Con.' 16 16 16 16 Ray Consolidated . 16 lb in.u Seneca 14 13 '' Utah 64 63 6iv em OI IjS. Ben. Asphalt 66 66 68 6o Cosden 47 47 47 47', California Teterol 66 64 1 bp ei Island Oil 1 1 IK 1 Invincible Oil 16 15 16 16 Mcxi. Petrolemu 183 isn jsiii Ji Middle States 14 13 14 13 Pacific Oil 68 67 68 58 Pan-American ... 82 80 80 ,9 Phillips 63 51 65 62 Pierce Oil 8 8 8 8 Pure Oil 30 30 30 31 Royal Dutch 60 59 69 60 Sinclair Oil 33 32 33 33 Texas Co 47 47 47 47 jUnion Oil 21 31 31'. si White Oil 8 MOTORS. Chandler 69 68 69 69 Gen. Motors 14 13 13 14 Willys-Overland .. 8? 8',i 8 ' Plerce-Arrow 18 18 18 19 White Motor 48 48 48 .. Studebaker 129 128 138 159 RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 15 15 15 15 Goodrich 39 39 39 'i 38', Kell-Springfield .. 48 47 48 46-4 Keystone Tire 15 14 15 15 Ajax 15 14 14 14 U S Rubber 62 61 62 61 INDUSTRIALS. Am Rcet Sus 5' At G & W 1 38 38 38 38 Am Int Corp Am Sumatra 41 li 39 41 39 Am Telephone ..,.120 150 130 150 Am Can 47 47 47. 47 Central Leather .. 37 3. 3, .. Cuba Cane 16 16 16 16 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 24 "4 4 24 Corn Products 104 IOP. 103 104 We Have Ready for Distribution Our ess a arr 1 V My li m InDtfsiment List i: ft Peters Trust Bldf. PeteRTnisl Company PetersNatiotialBank Famous r layers.,, tl II 1 lit Geaerel Kteccrie 144 Ort. Ore. t$ lit 11 84x4 Inter lUrteeier,, ,,,, .... lS Am H U pf.l ST V. . I !', II SI SI Inter VI 1,. .fd., 1S " "w Ant. sugar Ref... US HersHMtUrk ... II 141, IT tS4 r..ncco I'redurll. 11 IIS 41 II W.iMh. I'utnp 49 V. Ileus fs S WM. SCtertrie.... 80 63 SS 19 American Woolen. 44 44 14 11 Mlst'tU.ANCiU. Am. Cotton ml.,, 14 14 14 51 Am. A(r. t'h.m . ' 11 11 IS American Linseed 84 I'nian hag ptd SI ta.-h Slagneln SI llrooklrn llapid Tr IS 11 I JJ'i t'nntinenlal 'an , IT I'ol, li A) Klst'lri., S Cel. Ursps 4 4 4 4 I'nlle.l lirug , 14 Inited Fru l.orlll.r.l Tub 111 111 1I Ul National Lead S) 11 11 S3 Philadelphia Co Pullman IIS I5S 110 1:4 Punta Alegre Sugar 48 44 43 49 H. P. R. Kuser SI Retail Htor 44 S6 Sl 44 Wuperlor ht.el 3J ; .... St. L. , r 17 37 17 IT Total eales. 110 loo. Money Friday's rlose, 4 per cent. Marks Close, .0034; Friday's class, .0iilu, Franca Friday's eloae, .Silt. Sterling Close. 14.19; Friday's eless, 1141. New York Bonds (The Be It the only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of ficial close of the New York Stock exchange bondO New Turk, June 34 So fss aa It showed any definite trend, today's dull snd nar row bond market registered mors gains than losses, although week-end realising occurred In the Liberty group. Mexican government 4s and Is made up s small part of their recent reaction, but Euro pean loans were affected by still another break In foreign exchanges. United King doms sold off moderately snd Krrnch mu nicipals were fractlnnalll lower. Ralls were suslained by the further rlas of atorka, junior Insure of the western and southwestern systems being most favored. There were a few exception. Pennsyl vania general 4a and Seaboard adjust ment 6a falling bark slightly. Total sales (par value) aggregated I7.SIS.000. New York, June 34. Following srs to day'a high, low and rloslng prlrea of bonds on the New Tork stock exchange and the total sales ot eacn bond: V. 8. Bonds. SaJes (in 11.000) High Low Close 280 Liberty 3s ....100.10 100.01 100.10 .... Liberty lat 4s ..ino.10 100.10 100.10 .... Liberty 2nd 4s ..100.10 100.10 100 10 131 Liberty 1st 4s.. 100.21 100.20 100 24 694 Liberty 2nd 4s.. 100.10 100.00 100.03 179 Liberty 3rd 4s.. 100.14 100.03 100.14 646 Liberty 4th 4 Us. . 100.53 100.14 100.50 373 Victory 4s ....100.68 100.62 100.64 1 Chinese lly 6s .... tm atvk 2 Berne 8s ,111 111 111 4 Bordeaux 6s .. 1 Chrlstianla Is , 2 Copen 6s .... 4 Lyons Ss 6 Marseilles ts .. 5 Rio Janeiro Is 3 Zurich 8s 6 Dan Mun Is A 14 84 84 ,...108 108 108 .... Sl 91 91 .... 84 84 84 ... 84 84 84 ,...101 101 . 101 ,...111 111 111 ...110 110 110 10 Dept Seine 91 91 91 9 Dora Can 6s 21. .100 100 100 S Dom Can 5a 31 97 97' 97 6 Dtch E Ind 6a 47.. 94 53 Dtch IS Ind 62.. 94 94 94 94 14 14 French 8a . 103 103 103 4i French 7s 3 Japan lat 4a. 10 Japan 4s 3 Belgium 7s ... 1 Belgium 6s 53 Denmark 6s 7 Netherlands 6s., 1 Norway 8s 1 Sweden 6s 26 Paris-Ly-Med Ss, 1 Chile 8s 48 1 Uruguay 8s 2 Queensland 7s. ., 3 Queensland 6s 2 Rio Gr Sul 8s... .,100 100', J00t .. 91 91 91 .. 77 77 77 ..108 107 107 ..102 105 102 ,. 98 98 98 .. 97 97 97 ..109 109 109 ..103 102 102 .. 80 80 80 ..105 106 106 ..104 104 104 ..109 109 109 ..100 100 100 ,.101 100 100 4 Swiss Con 8s .119 118 lit 69 K G B & I 5s 52.. 106 106 106 31 KOBSI 6s 29. .107 107 107 6 K G B & I 5s 37. .104 103 103 8 Braxil 8a 104 104 104 13 Mexican 6a 60 60 60 19 Mexican 4s 48 47 47 Railway and Miscellaneous, 7 Adams Ex 4s 78 76 76 103 2 Am Ag Chm 7s..l03 8 Am Smlt 5s 92 38 Am Sug 6s 101 103 92 92 100 101 114 114 1 Am T & T cv 6S....I14 17 Am T & T col tr 6s 2 Am Writ Pa 7s..., 97 86 89 90 97 85 89 90 89 i 86 89 90 6 Armour 4s 1 Atchison gen 4s . 12 At CI 1st con 4s. 8 At ret 6s 11 n A o 6s 89 89 .103 103 103 .100 99 vs 38 Beil Tel Penn 7s. .108 108 108 1(1 Rrarien CoD IS.... 95 S 5 3 0 Can' Nor 6s ,111? Ill's IIIH 27 Can Tac deb 4s.... 78 77 77 2 Cent Ga 6s.. 99 99 3 5 Cent Leath 6s.... 97 97 97 8s. ...117 117 117 6 Cerro Pasco 8 C & O cv 6s. ? 93 93 93 C & O cv 4s 88 88 88 21 C B & Q ref 6s A. .100 100 100 1 C ft B I El 79 79 79 8 C G W 4s 60 60 60 8 C M & St P cv 4s. 68 68 68 64 C M & St P ref 4s 62 61 61 6 C & N W 7s 107 107 107 1 C & N W 6s ....110 110 110 1 Chicago Rys 6s 81 81 81 26 C R I & P ref 4s.. 81 81 81 2 C C C St L gen 4s.. 81 81 81 9 Chile Cop 7s 105 104 104 6 Chile Cop 6s 91 01 5 Col G & B 6s 94 94 94 87 87 56 Con Coal Miylnd Ss 81 69 Con Gas Ts. .. . 116 114 116 45 Cub Cn Sg d 8s. ...87 86 87 85 85 96 96 2 Cub Cn Sug d 7s.. 85 1 D & If cv 6a.. 96 3 Det Ed ref 4s... 9 Dpnt Nem 7s.. 15 Erie gen 4s 2 Erie lien 4s .101 101 101 107 106V4 lOSii 64 54 64 63 63 63 1 Fisk Rub 8s.. .105 105 105 3 liVemer I D 5'Aa.. 97'i 97 97V 7 Goodvear 8s 31 101 101 101 6 Goodyear 8s 41 114 114 114 2 Gnd Tnk 7s 113 113 113 7 Gnd Tnk 6s 103 102 102 13 Gt Nor 7s A 109 109 109 60 Gt Nor 6s B 100 100 100 25 Hud & M ref 6s 83 82 82 1 111 Cent 6s 101 101 101 33 111 St d 4s 91 90 91 6 Indiana St 5s 99 99 99 12 Int Met 4s clfa.. 15 15 15 96 Int R T ref 6s 68 67 68 41 Int St M St 6s 97 97 97 3 Int Psper ref 6s.. 85 86 85 2 la Cent ref 4s 44 44 44 ! K C Ft 8 t II 4s.. 78 78 78 S K C Sou 6s 86 86 86 12 Kell-Spring 8s 108 108 108 I Lack Steel 's 23. .100 99 100 II4VWVIIIM vww Describing in detail Seven Municipal Issues Six Corporation and Foreign Government Issues Thirty-three Farm Mortgages and Farm Mortgage Bonds Interest yields from 4ia to 7.30 ; f ; Ask for o Copp I I I M II II II.. S4 S4 14 I L M I 4 II It.. 91 11 91 f Lehigh Vol Ss Il 11 11 S LAM ler SS ...1S 14 14 14 L 4 N UHlfled 4s., 41 10 91 II Wat St Hr ton Ss.. ts II I Ui.h Hi Tel 1st Ss.. Si I Mid St rv Is 11 14 IIV I SI SI L Is S 44 41 I U M r i I Ss..ef ll ej I U K T n p I 4 A 11 ! 41 It M K T n id Is A 44 SS SS IMP en 4s....,.,. 11 4J 41 II Nst Tube Is... 101 11 l" II N T I' rol Ts IU oS 106 II H T det) Ss ! 18 101 INT t-dnsan r Ss..S lS 101 II NV Ml H e Is 41. 19 11 11 II N V Tel r.f Ss 4I..IH 104 l4' II X Y W 4 Hi 4e.. 14 S3 II IIN4W roa 4a .... SI SI SI 7 N P pr Man 41 17 11 11 TNI' ges 3s S3 11 13 III N Pllrls 101 104 e I K Sis Tow ref 't A.. SI 81 Sl le N W Ull Tel 7s. I4 04 II II I L ref 4s 91 SI SI S Par T T Ss ST ST ST 15 Packard Ss ....... .loT 107 I0T IT Penn 3s ! ll l"l IIT Penn gn 4s.... S3 91 SI S Pearia it V. 4s.... 31 14 II I Pierce OH 4 Is..., SS SS IS 11 Pro A Kef 4 103 101 101 II Heading gn 4s .... 14 13 14 IS Rep I A HI ro la.. 14 Sl S6 I H I A L 4i ... a IS o IS ad Ss 71 74 71 II r'riwo sd Ine Ss.... Si SS 41 31 Pnaro pr lien la., 71 11 71 10 St P A K C sj Ll 11 11 11 I Seaboard con la .. 61 41 61 1 Seaboard ad) la It 36 26 I Sharon St Hp Is.. 11 SS 91 tl Mo He-II Te Is 91 94 94 I So Pse rv 4a 91 91 91 14 So Tao ref 4s 11 Sl 11 31 So Ry g-n ls .... 98 S9 19 S So Ry con 5a S6 SI Si S So Ry gen 4s 14 14 11 S Mian Oil Cat d 7a.. 104 0k 104 33 Third Ave ad) Is.. SO 0 I Third Ave ref 4s.... 14 4 14 4 To Prod T 1M 101 11 5 L'n Pan lat 4 S4 S3 S3 S3 C 4 94 S3 S! 1 C 4S 111 111 111 I V I Realty Is 46 96 S8 t It B Rub 7I.10I 101 101 104 IIV 8 Hub Ss 89 IS 15 V 8 St sf Is 103 103 103 I Utah Pow A I.t 6a.. SI 91 St 4 Va-Cr Chm 7s....I06 tot'.l 106 I V Rys 6s 96 SS S6 3 West Mrylnd 1st 4s. Sl 13 83 4 West Pso 6s 97 87 87 5 West L'n Ss 110 109 110 3 Westing Elec 7s. .104 ir.6 106 14 wick-Spen St 7s.... 99 SS 99 T Wilson A C sf 7s.. 103 103 103 17 Csecho-Slo Is 96 96 91 11 I'om Can 6s II wl. 98 S3 Sl 34 Emp OAF 7s.. S 98 Sl S3 Sinclair Crd Oil 6s 88 48 91 Total eales of bonds todsy were 17.944,- 000 compared with I13.ISI.00S previous day and 14.786.000 a year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds New Tork, June 54. Transactions on the New Tork curb bond market today were aa follows: Bonds. Sales (in 11.000) High Low Close 3 Allied Pscker Se .. 13 S3 S3 1 Allied Packer Ss .. 95 96 96 1 Aluminum 7s 36. ...103 103 103 66 A T A T Ss 54 101 101 101 13 Beth St 7s S3 104 104 104 3 Beth St 7s 36 103 103 103 1 tan Nat Ry 5s .... 98 98 98 10 Cent St Sa 106 106 106 3 Con Gas 7a 101 101 lot 3 Cuban Tel 7s....l06 108 106 4 Deere A Co 7s ..100 100 100 5 Emp OAF 6s. ...101 101 101 1 Gen Asphslt 8s 104 104 104 73 Goodrich T 7s ....102 1014 101 1 Lib Mc A Lib 7s.. 91 98 98 3 Manitoba 7s 96 95 96 6 Phil El 6s 103 103 103 3 Pub Srv C N J 7s.l01'3 101 101 1 Robert Galr 7s ..98 98 98 2 Saks & Co 7s 98 98 98 9 Solvsy fc Cle 8a ..105 106 106 2 8 W Bell Tel 7s 102 102 103 10 Stan O N T 7a 26. .105 106 106 2 Stan ONTll 56. .105 105 105 3 Stan O N T 6a ...107 107 107 10 Swift A Co 7a 25. .101 101 101 10 Texas Co 7a 101 101 101 24 Un Oil Prod 8s 106 105 105 13 West Elec 7 108 108 108 27 Swiss 5s 102 102 102 23 U S Mexico 4s .... 42 42 42 3 Con Gas Bait 6s.. 99 99 99 17 Phil Li 5 99 99 99 5 Punta Aleg A 7s.. 106 105 106 Foreign Bonds. 1 Can 7s 96 SS 94 78 C G 7s 92 92 92 6 King S C 8s 95 95 95 10 Mex Govt 6s IS 18 18 10 Mex Govt Ss .... 13 13 13 56 U VS Brazil 7a.... 86 86 86 New York Produce. New Tork. June 24. Butter Strong; creamery, higher than extras, 38 39c; extras, 37C3c; (irsts, 34VsQ3c. Eggs Steady. Cheese Firm. New Yofk Poultry. New Tork. June 54.Poultry Live steady; broilers by express, 3048c; fowls, 263c. Dressed steady; western cnicu- ens, 2b$P26c. I. How WHEN a well-known business man died recently, it was found that his will left everything to his wife. However, her inheritance did not free the widow from annoyance and trouble. In fact it created them. Relatives and friends came forward with numerous investment proposals. Various personal needs, all requiring the expenditure of money, were pressed upon the widow. The protection of her inheritance and insurance money now became a serious problem for this woman. She remembered that her husband had had a personal friend who was an officer in a trust company, and she called upon him. He recommended that she con sult a lawyer regarding the establish ment of a trust fund for her own bene fit. This the widow did and an arrange ment was entered into under which a !612Tanum 17 Gae4, Near Terk. June 14 t'elten goods mar. ksts wars sulst snd (lint. Adtesess were made In many of (he blended hros snd unblended blea.hed roiiena Varna were firm aim the trade lagging bersues ef price leeistsnrs by usete silks shooed miMiersia snd stesdy improvenianl. Wnl end snreted gmide were firm Uh a let ter trade ! eloping in eteplea. furlapi held a ll It s leademy upoard le raua of delats In ahinnenta at I'elruiie, l inens ners unsettled, eolng lo the dif ficulty sellers found in gelling ihe higher prices Mked by the nulls Jobbers have dne a belter business sn seasonable I Hilda ' New Terk 4tos. Ksw Tork, June Jl The list broke un. der heavy long liquidation In tmlay s col ln market, easing off early about e s pound from Ihs Issl previous final bid! Dulls had lo contend with another favor able weather map, probably the beat of the week and s fitting finish lo s week ef progreasive development for Ihs crop, and were unable lo aland the pace. The selling wss by local and southern wire hiuee lenga. Demand aa far too scat tered and light lo rauae much of a rally, although more active profit taking by Wall ureal eborla brought aome recovery in the second hour. Final prices were !T to II points net looer. I nk-ago Storks. Range of vl''a of the Isadlng Chlrag" atorka furnished by Logan A Kryan, 341 Peters Trust building: Armour A Co. pfd 17 Armour Leather coin '; K.dlaon roit 130 font. Motor " Krl Motor 3 t.ibby 3 Nat. leather, new Quaker Oata 94 Stearart-Warner 41 Swift A o 19 t'ninn Carbide S6 Wahl IS New York General. New Tork, June 24 Flour I'nsettled, herd winter strsights, l4.6oeyT.Oo. Wheat Spot, essy; No. 3 red. It SI; No. I hard, SI 38: No. I Manitoba, 11.46 and No. 3 mixed durum, 11,35 c. I. f. track New York lu arrive. Corn Spot easy. No. I yellow and No. t white. Slc and No. 3 mixed, I0r, e. I. f.. New York all rail, Oats Spot barely ateady; No. 1 white, 47tT47c. Jjird Easy: middle weat, 112.00013 10. Other artlrlea unchanged. Select July Investments Now! The mid-year demand for desirable investments usu ally causes higher prices and leaves a less broad se lection than is now avail able. To those who anticipate a surplus for investment within a few weeks our, list of offerings should prove a valuable guide. It contains: 6 and 6V2 First Mortgage Land Bonds Nebraska Tax-Free. 4.50 to 6 Nebraska Municipals Income and Nebraska Tax Free. 5.50 to 7.70 Corporation and Foreign Government Bonds Safe and readily marketable investments. Call or writ for this list.- We will reierrs securities to be taken up with your July fundi. QmahaTrust Company OfMfta National BtaJi BuiMtnf a Widow Protected Her Inheritance trust company now cares for the fun! and pays the income to her in regular. . instalments. She has no financial cares nor responsibilities. She finds personal interest in her business prob lems whenever she needs it, and what is most important her inheritance is Safeguarded. The strength, responsibility, and in "tegrity of the trust company are he protection. 7'Cftfanfl.nfierr irbMrfHTiilyi mm Ittitib tat? (Uruat (Eompam) AffiliatUwiik tlbr KaiteH Stairs Rational Ban Street Omaha. tWslflti Wuhaag. NisTers, June 14. rerelgs Bieksa) Ureal' Drltals Demaad. II III ssklsst III4 40-dar kills sn baaas. 1411. Fieac I'trsand, ,4444 e; cekies. Siiir. I'.l) -Demand. .343e; eekles. 1441s. Heigium I 'emend, ,l1STsi rsslss, tllr. (lerminy Persons, .llllei seiles, l4e. Holland Demand, .IlllSj sskles, lllle. Nuroey Demand, .lllle, Sweden Deniend. 8l4le. Iienmark Iwmend, lllle. swlisetlend Demand, ,1111s, Spain Demand. .I4lle. Ilreerfr Den. and, SII4e. Poland Demand. .Sllla. 1'iecho.Hlovekie Demand. .1138s. Argentine Demand, lllle, Srasll IMmand, .lllle, Montreal .MAc. Teoentlns and Roots. Ravannsh, Da. June 14. Turpesllss Steed? , III berrels, sales, 1.401 barrels! receipts, III barrels; shipments, l4 bar relt; ainik, 1176 berrale. Hosln Steady; aaiea. I. IIS risks; raw rsipis, M raaks, shipments S rssks ainik, 71, HI rasks. Quots: II. II li); !, 14 40; K, II SS; t, 14.70; O, 1171; II. 14 41; I, 14 SO, st, I, 10; M, 15 60; N, S 10, W, O. 14 IS, W, W, 14.70. Dried Fruits. New Terk, June It. Kvsporsled Apples Quiet. Prunes Firm. Aprleots Dull. I'eaehre Quiet. Italains Esay. Chicago Produce, Chlrago, June 14 Duller Higher! creamery eslrea. He, fusts. 11014c; see on di. lotllln: stsndsrda, I1r. ' Egga Unchanged: receipts, 36,171 cues. Clearing Houeo Stalesseol. New York. June 54 The sctusl condi tion of clearing house banka and trust companies for the week shoos s deficit In reserve of H.4IS.100. Star silver. New York. June 34 Silver Foreign bar. 70r. Mexican Dollars le. Chlrago Fsaltry. ChtrMo, Juns 34 Poultry Alive, low er; fowls, 33c; broilers, 31011c; roosters, 14c. k i Trust Conpiiy for Hit Booklet The subject of trust funds, created either b will or during life. Is dis cussed In Safeiraardlng lour Family's Future. Ask for a copy, and con sult our officers as ta Low It can serve you or yo.r family under a tru3t fund. Nebraaka.