THE OMAHA BKK: FRIDAY. JUNE 23, 1922 9 MALE HELP WANTED Auto Mechanic Wanted OTrM-rlta aula me. kerne, capable at ensealing nis auai. la laka ur . u4 oaltian if en ran sh ua you knuw your easiness, Aadie M III. Omaha FHr.aaMAN i4. lla wan aoeillua for firei-cttae crllaaer and platea ma. Muai ba Al ma. etemellreea M scesrr reed. an, espsrttnee an) sslarr dmr4 In fire! leuer. l apply vaiaaa you can da tsod work a4 gal produciloa. Permanent peaidao, t'klahema Printing fa, Muskegee, Okl. HHIiKL VtHk wanted at one, ail krlekiayere at Woodward, la, II a day 'art Sehlaekter, Waodwatd, la I0 you want ta laer your taeam? Writ lha National Aula IVheol. Ilt4 N. t"lh St.. Omaha, for catalog. X KOI A NIC Aillornnhlle, l.t i-s, nous sinar naaa apply. Apply at III Leaven aorih Mi. UOI.kH HAHHKH COLLtOt. 110 H. Illh. Wrua for catalog. rBINTKR l.lnolypa nparaior who can rara far Mo4H 14 and rapahla of setting lo ooa or hatlar In houra. Courlar Publishing Co., Mlnilen. Nab. MAI.KMMKN WAMTKD Amfclllous yauiig .aalaaman who ara not eetl.tird with preeent position will find tt firofliabla lo Interview Mr. Mi'Daniels at alid-YVeattra Appllanr to, Hi do. 16th St. Belsry and enminlsalnn, BALKtiPEuHLK wantad for vary profitable, permanent and pieassnt work Training tree, W. A. Hlnanhaugh. Hit 8t, Marys. AKK MAKER wanlad; raperlenoen'; else wanted firet.rlese rablnt maker for w4 mlllaork hop: good f'l; steady work: rhaap rant; fra fara. In anewer. . Ing alata etperleiire and If marrlad. Pa kola aaB and Poor company, Aber daa. S. P. TELEPHONE awitrhboard wlraman and Inatallara (esperlanced) wanted, for man ual aad automatlo equipment. In raply aiata references. Monarch Talaphon Mfg. To. Fort Dodge, la. jo fnl.ORKL) man wantad a aaphalt ahovalaro at Harlan, la. WANTED Compatant man for grocary and meat Dapt. Alao truck driver for grocary. Apply tit Park Ave., batweaa I and T p. m. WANTED Men, ladlea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or write 10 Dodga 8t Trl-Clty Barber Collage. FEMALE HELP WANTED OIRL, Good, white, to aaalat with gener al houaework. HA. Mil. 1011 Lin coin Blvd. NURSES Student nurees wanted. Wayaa Hoeplal. Wayne, Neb. Nurse wtd. 327 Securities Bldg. AT. WA. 4JM. SHORTHAND teacher. Lady to teach Oregg ahorthand; big future; prefer aomeone wishing permanent poaltlon and dealroua of becoming Identified with - work. Teaching experience not neoea eary. 8tate age, education and prevl oua employment. For Interview write Box H-11T. Omaha Bee. 1 SALESWOMEN wanted. Thoroughly ex perienced aaleawomen for ladlea' ready-to-wear department. Permanent poal tlon. State experience, age, reference, aalary. In flrat letter. BARON BROTH ERS. Mitchell, 8. D. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERIENCED office man. Railroad office work, bookkeeping, accounting, aplendld references. Desires ateady work. Box H-1K4, Omaha Beo. DAT work, houae cleaning. Ref. WE. 6004. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THURSDAY Street Car FRIDAY Motor Car of Your Own That la, tt you look over our stock of BETTER USED CARS, for we feel assured that no one would pass up auch bargain after, seeing them. We have on hand a larg assortment of used cars ranging in price from 200 up that have been taken In trade ' on new Oldsmoblta Fours. - These car Are m good running con " "dltlon, are ready for lots of hard serv ice, hnd will be displayed all this week on our sales floor. Free State License With Every Car Purchased. Cash Terms Trade WALK IN AND RIDE OUT. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE COMPANY USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED. 18th at Howard. AT. 1770 A CADILLAC TOURINO IN FINE CON DITION FOR SALE CHEAP, OR EX CHANGE FOR GOOD TRUCK. WHAT HAVE TOUT HALSEY, AT. 4111, or HA. B7 EVENINGS. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3601 .a 4A TC"Ik1 1 vofl AM will t -" v.uoAr,nv. v w. , ..... coneider Ford touring or ton-truok In iraae. t.aa dc pen v wicbv. Blvd. JVfti. liev, w. A. jxanean BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A a. TmrtSTmanr Jth at) 4 Farnam 8t. Phone DO. 1W. . . . . tvm i . ii nA4l runs better tnan new; a bargain, caah or terms. 105a Farnam St. DO. 87. LOOK over our list of ueed cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. !066 Farnam 8t. AT. 7I3S. BUICK touring car. Good as new. Cord liree. rerieci cunamun. i an vi wiu 20S3 Farnam St. DO. 8987. DODGE touring car; all new Ires; perfect condition: cheap; caan or terms, zuoa Farnam St. Douglas 87. USED Ford rarts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts. 1016 Harney St. KKE Inspection and water for all makes oauery. xsattery ana rarw u.. . Farnam St, AT. 1114. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co.. llth aad Howard Sts. AT. 1770. FORD roadater with atarter at a bargain. Cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. DO. 8987. USED radiator, all make for sale. Green- push Radiator Repair. 203 Farnam. PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto at Pfeiffer'a, 1B25 Leavenworth. tfOLLY. expert nto trimmer, ill B. 14th. THE GUMPS ISM SOU Pf4l tZfc00& XO I F r OUT Of PfrAtoH- NOo VlHiVT. SO NOV WPeCT Mf TO t0 V.VXW tT WO WOAl T "TO THWAT 0 fcO YOU NKmT Me TO SIT M WlkNfc OUT AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE HEAL CUCn CAR BAROAINa, t'eah ar Time. Buy or aeli. rarde, freea II aad up. Pause, Mmce a4 at here, III! til up Ford bodice wlster lap. UULDaTHOM AUTO SALE! CO, III Marnay HI. Central derate. CLOTHINO AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Far bale, a (aw uaeialraad. all-wool "Dundee" sails, rkeep, allerailoaa free. Nortbwaat Cor. Ilia aad Heraey Sis. Ft'LL UKEaUJ it aad Tuaadoalor real. JA. III. Id N. Ilk Bt. I reldraea. ARMT ekaaa. III. 14 No. Illh. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Annual Auction of Unredeemed Household Goods WE HAVB ALL KINDS OF HOt'MEIIOLD OOuUH: Liraaaara, table, bade, buflala, theirs. Ilnrne. dish, kitchen utensils, ale. If you need any' household affect ba euro and come. Frank B. Stephenson, Auctioneer ' Saturday. June 24, 10 A. M. and 1:30 P.M. Bekins Omaha Van & Storage 1ST BOUTH 1TTH STREET. Auction Sale Friday, June 23, at 7:30 p. m. Sharp. I have aeveral eonalgnmenta of good, cleon furniture which I have got to aell at auction. Including on whit enaml gaa rang and oth.r pleree of high grade fur niture. To ba sold to the hlfhoat bidder regardless af poet. UIMOCK FURNITURE AND auction rrv D. C. Dimock, Auctioneer Take South Omaha car to till S. llth Bt. To ralaa eaah quickly an furniture, Fhon DO. 4KI. Auction Auction At Dowd's Auction House, 18th and Webster Sts. Every day at 1 p. m, Tuesday and Friday eve nlnga at 7:11 p. m. Furniture sold on com mission. If ' von have anything to sell, call AT. . James L. Dowd, Auctioneer. 'Stephenson Auction Calendar FRIDAY, JUNE IS 1 P. M. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 11.-7:30 P. M. Auctlona every Friday and Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Right down town. No auction Saturday, we will hold an auction at Bekins Van Company Satur day. 1601 CAPITOL AVE. AT. E25. Frank B. Stephenson, AUCTIONEER. FOR SALE. PORCH AND LAWN CHAIRS, Painted white or green; made of heavy lumber, 13 each, delivered. Acme Box Co..' Ilth and Pacific. EXCELLENT piano, 1155; combination gas and coal range, kitchen table, two up holstered mahogany chairs, IS each; tfrult Jars, 10c, doz. 3401 Center. Har ney lilt. COMPLETELY furnished 7-roora upper flat, 1150. Fin location for roomers. Must ba seen to be appreciated. HOT Pacific. DO. IT. ELECTRIC WA8HING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. 175 buy the beat. Phone Douglas 4421. FOR SALE Rooming house by owner, part housekeeping, walking distance. Call from 1 to 4. 2314 Harney. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. JvllvHE.lja. 15th and -Harney. ' DO. 1171. BOTTLES New and used.- Nathan Steinberg, 1011 Harney. Do. Il. RADIOS made and repaired; work guar anteed. 2227 Dodge. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a "new player piano. Balance as low as no per montn. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglas. EXCEPTIONAL values in used phono graphs. All makes and models, or chard & Wilhelm. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Wheat screenings, 11.80 per 100 lbs., A. W. Wagner, 801 N. llth. JA. 1143. BABY chicks. JA. 2186. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agent for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc J A. 41J. lilt Farnam. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 137 Farnam. AT. 1141. Call WE. 6441 flrat Wa pay mora for furniture, ruga, stoves, clothes. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CHERRIES FOR SALE Come Thursday to the Finch farm 1 mile eaat of Cal houn. Pick cherries yourself at 4 cents a pound. Aa many as you want. Home Landscape Service, 111 No. Vth st' DO. 6116 EXCELLENT cherries, 74th and Military. Pickers wanted, 15o per basket. WA. 600. BUSINESS CHANCES RADIO and Electrical Supply business for sale or will take partner capable of handling buslnesa. Writs Y-193S umana Be. CANDY STORE; including fixtures and stock, for sale at bargain, with leaae. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 112 Farnam St. J A. 0664. MODERN first claas hotel for sale at a reasonable price. Good location. Excel lent transient trade. Address Box 16a, Red Oak, la. SEE IT IN COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE T THf KNOVJ VikBD 0 Te A I JlflW COOVX OF NIGHTS OUT Of J STHLE- THE. ONLX PtOfV.t OVO SF inr. reiv Tbte. uicf i v rx clothe are tuc heceeuu i i i P gUUI T1 m r" MT gf m Jaar aaaa m m . (T BUSINESS CHANCES Oa.NfcKAL"ltKCIUitalj"llTixll IMB MLkL stock af geaetal merrhaiuliee la eounty t tn la Nebraska. Hi taxation n4 moat aurora eio.e. Wilt la r sail building, esalll ft. K. r.fllonally good pairanag and cleat otoca. Kama loratiea and snaaagemeal far thirty is galling on annual af sirknaa. AddraM f-lill. Oaaah Ha. kUAI.L printing aullit. Including Pearl Praaa Cheap, ar a III earhsnse for car. Call AT. let. ROOMS FOR RENT URT TOUH ROOM tkraugh TUe Be furnieked room di rectory. Call at office tor liet of cbale destrabl rooms la alt pan af lha any. A aervica that beaeflla both advertiser aad room seeker, orPoltTUNITT (or biuineM or prof.a. atonal man la ahare atiraeiivaly fur aiahed bachelor Quarlera. West Faraam dial net. rboae lUracy 4111 after I p. m CALIFORNIA ST, lull U.utl(ul fruiil rm., eicept. root; Ideal home; no aihef rootners. Oantlemen preferred, MA. 7UI. KM MET ST., Koutits riare. on block to park, naer Iwa car liaee. keautiful rooms, in modern horn. WK, 1114. IIOTRL SANmRD, IITIf AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENMHAW, I4TH AND FARNAM Hpeclal rates to permanent gueiie. NlTrEI.Y furn. rm. t . lid St': slao 1 and t rooms for housekeeping at 73-4 South llth street. Phone AT. 7431. FURN. rm. with prlv. batbt warm, com fortable, cheerful; prlcee raaanaabla, day ar wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. UNFURNISHED room tor light house keeping, aloe In. strictly modern, ra soaabla rent. Call Af. Ill, TWENTY-FOURTH St.. till . 24th St. PleaaanL cool room for 1 or I fentlemea, AT. ll. LINCOLN Blvd., KJILerge fur. front roam, eultable for I or 1 gentlemen. BURT ST., 11171 lovely furnished, nice cool rooms, cloee.ln, reas. AT. 1411. HOTEL CASTLE, 8. llth, at Jonea St.; at- tractive ratea for permanent guests. HARNEY ST., 1H1 Cool, nicely furnlebed ,.n.,,, . ... . u i Q m . i i' iii v,i , riun in LOVELY unfurnished room, 114 S. list ATS. tlA. SJ1B. DOUGLAS BT. 1134 A nice sleeping room. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertleer- and room hunter. Call at Be offle for fre copy containing dealrabia vacancies In all parts of the city. TWENTY-THIRD ST.. 3433 So. Two nice large rooms, three-room convenience, modern home. Nice location, MA. 4711. llth St., 1711 So. Lovely cool rooms, private family on carllne. HA. 147. California St., HUH 1 nicely furn. bekg. rooms, modern, cool, light. BOARD AND ROOM PRIVATE family, close to car line; mod ern and homelike, 17 par week. Call WA. 6178. . EVANS 8t., 2513 Cool front double room, good board; private home. Web. 1717. CAPITOL AVE., 2881 Very nice. room, beat home cooking, walking dlatance. HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT Six-room bouae, redecorated, garage. 2021 Pierce, Now vacant; 111 per month. Call AT. 2t2. FINE 7-rm. houee, all modern: large shady yard. 6134 N. 13d. KE. 1771. FURNISHED HOUSES WELL furnished 8-roora house, strictly modern, with grand piano, etc., near Blackstone hotel, during July and Au gust. Address S. S, Oakford, car Oak ford Musio Co. . SEE J. J. MULVIHILL display ad, this page, on Dunde furnished home, or Phone JA. 3753. APARTMENTS FOR RENT HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. Fine sub-basement apartment with 4 rooms and bath, good condition and-very desirable, at a reasonable rental. UNUSUALLY attractive 3-room Apt. -with C-room accommodation; alghtly location, oppoalta Turner park. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. .. 3102 Dodge. HA. 7140. THIRTEENTH ST., 1232 8.-4 nice Jarge rooms In brick flat, 120 mo. References. Inquire J. J. Novak, 1256 S. 13th St. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. IO O room modern apartments. THE , , O- DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard St. AT. 1708. JA. 2805. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low" rent,' close In. a. P. Stebblns, 1810 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. One room, with kitchenette and bath. Two rooms, with kitchenette and bath. All completely furnished including gas aad light. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO .LIVE. TWO AND THREE-ROOM apartments. Brown apartments, 608 North 2lBt St. AT. 7449. HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave his wife in comfort and safety. 2401 Dodge St. CHOICE apts. at 2063 Farnam. MOVING AND STORAGE "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-STORING-SHIPPING, Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY 8TOvraanobcaond 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 801 South 16th. DO. 4163. i ESTIMATES furnished on storage and I moving, contracts taken on joo or nr. uiod van Btoraga co ja, eua. . 0210. 630-24 North 16th St. TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL - BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 6181. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT OFFICES FOR RENT. Tel. JA. 4130 Excellent stor room, ground floor; also desk and window display space on Farnam St. Good lo cation. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Store and living rooms and stock. Fine location. Forty-fifth and Ames avenue. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.'. llth and Jones St. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to 6 individual floors. WE. 3483. SOCIETY LEADERS, TAKE NOTE XT VA To r tfrvu AT iVTlCE. '. $OMt 14V6HT T THE ArpEN aMT IVT TVIC U6HT tnwe ON IT- MOW) T TO Tt WOftCfc - NOO fcivN'T AAVc AT EVCO'StS HOU THAT VOO CAM'T .TFOT VT- -VMfc 600THS TrttCT tOU yON T WORK SO TkT YOU CMTJ CTMte COOVX Of; NIGHTS OUT Of THE MWC LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WK have eaah aa hand I lea Oaaak . laaidaac, K, H. I.OL'dCIt - INC. Ill Kaeliae Bldg. Farm IxansllWrS:-,: Klok lavaaimwt Ca.. Ill Oaa. Nat t Ha. riRarr Mnag lea as snad promptly Oaa a real asiaia, ea , Realtor. J A. 41.1 II Itaejla Bldg. OMAHA HOMES 'KAirr NEB. FARMS. O etEfcriC KKAL MTITICO, 111 Or. Nat ba. Bldg. Jaekaoa 171. I TO II. so I oaa snad arompilv. T. P. WKAP aad u. u. govMi, in tth iwJiALA2: ON IMP I'HOPKKTV. XO DKLAT. OARVIN BROS.. 141 OMABA HAT. BLD. BONDS. STOCKS, MORTQAGES Liberty Bonds ZW it ii n n Bought aad Soil. MOUSB. 1111 lat Nat. At. I4e. UKRMAN bonds taken la as payment fer dividend paying ell slock. St Paul Bond, 1 1 II NlmsSt . t. Paul. Mtna. J. H. m'itHE.M paya moot fa LIBKRTT BONDS. Ill City Nati Bask Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS MONEY to loan e furniture. Fords and salerle R. laa Co., 71 W. O. W. Illdg. AT. lilt. MINNESOTA LANDS FOR SALE On account of age, ascellent slack farm. He or writ owaer. "Wood law." R. , Mankato, Mlna. N agent. NEBRASKA LANDS Do You Want to Buy Land? Tell the number of acrea desired, whether improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, ate, and I will assist rots In lo cating such a farm or ranch aa yon ara seeking. I have no land of my own to sell, nor do I represent any land eell Ing company. My aaststanca In local Ing a farm or ranch for yon Is fre. Writ Homefindsr, Bog T-1IJI. Omaha Boa. V A PMQ Wit M A- Larson, Central r XliYlUO city, Nsb, your want far acreage traota, farms. WISCONSIN LANDS. I ACRES good. ' heavy, level, hardwood, rrull land, eix miles west oi nay field. Wis.. Ill per acre. Inquire of Win. Bushey, Spooner, Wis. WAWELTREAL" ESTATE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSE. Want t houses. I or 7 rooms. Will pay cash it priced right. W. T. ORAHAM, JA. 1131. 74 Peters Trust BTdg. HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keellna Bldg AT. III. List your bom Buy your bom. BINDER & OTIS, RmI Cstat. Loana, Rtntali. J A. B Ta buv or nlt Omaha Real Estate FOWLER & M'DONALD 111 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. JA. 1411. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 11 City Nat. Bk. AT. 111. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6141. 35 YEARS' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKEY SON, 30 First Nat. Bank Bldg; J A. 4221. PPTT'lVWTr' Realty Co. List with UXVUIJIMVY us for quick results. 1411 Firs Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1141. T3TT5 VVW REAL ESTATE XjIIVXVXj X 1 Sells, Rents, Insure. 360 Peters Trust BIOS.. J. LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US. AT. 2401. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, H par eaat. 201 8 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 111. NEW homes, completely finanoed. Pay iia renu uor, 'T'.iYf ' 10 l-eier I rust omi. v - AT-Lantio 1111 means HOME REALTY ana sen urnim numv. WANT I or 7-J-oom. well located. In Dun- . . . . -i . . .k Ba. 191. Omaha Bee. . - 4JEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 101 South th. AT. III. LIST your homes for sale with us. We nave tne customsrs, ratna o . w . -MENT CO.. - QROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern houses. 63 By. Excng. mag. AT. 46t LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co., securities jdiu LIST your property with W. Farnam omitn t;o.; law rsrnsm ot Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 246. W astern Real Estate Co. J A. 1117. "WFOF TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE One of the most desirable cottages on Lake Okobojl. Just west of Inn. Most exclusive surroundings. Pos session for this season. Also one for rent for season on Dixon's beaeb. M. E. D Wolf, Spencer, la. "VACANT PROPERTY Lakeside Lots, $125 $5 down, $5 Monthly All lots near beautiful Carter Lake, where fishing and boating are good. Close to car line and only 25 minute ride downtown. Buy one and build a summer cottage. The Byron Reed Company Doug. 0217. 1113 Farnam St. IS00 AND MINNE LUSA LOT For exchange on a close-in property priced right. Call Mr. Tollver at RASP BROS., 211 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. DUNDEE lot, 60x125, on 64th St.. near Farnam; choice lot; will consider reas. offer. C. A. Grimmel. Phone JA. 1616. Bnonr, T fo20t up Small pay. AvaiObui AJWOment down; eesy payments. Phone Stewart, Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot. n. e. corner 67th and Bar. ney. 10x100. Beautiful location. Priced 10 SOU. I3.UUO. K.l!i. uu. 66TH and Jones Choice building lot. 1760. Owner, 6401 Leavenworth, wa. 6839. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terms. Atiantlo 364. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 3336 CAMDEN Ave., I rooms, modern with . half acre of fruit. 11,000 cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0300 6318 Florence Blvd., 6-rm., 2-sty.. gar. 16.600. 1760 cash. AT. 6150. D. E. BUCK A CO: buy and aell home. f tmv Thing of piumfr Yoowtxr TOW. OY OOV 4Nt OOlAlal 64 ;THE COUCH AW SlttPVNfe TILL '(CLOCK o.t OOT TO STO? - Uia.MTCT TU VT KlMb Ac tese viovc& Hftut MMrtfti.T Soke otp u&T l Got iv vot o? new curwts vor 1VMCLE niU'K vucttisikir. auh t'a Aaima IO WJ-K. VMtcrt ovTOvr. -thi oM4.f, a&ti' iwi- n.nx iBrvivi e BYlUn -w - ' ' vwi t. T" MX CUTtHVS ARE T XetMMr&. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Home Bargains Car ar I4tlt and Klltaea. A fin kuaga, lew af roe an , all oa an floor. Beat f k finish. NIc ehsd trees, Uarai. 11,1 oesa, any reaaeaabl offer con sidered. , Career list and Sprsiu. A fin torn af all rm sad sleeping parch. Oak fllak a first floor. Pin and niapl an Means. Screens and storsa sash and daora taroughott. Full basement, gas beat, A fin ceratr. Paving paid, kaat fraat, I.7I. 11,111 cssh. Owner Issuing lty. Must b (old. In Mlna Lusa. Oa Van St. , a splendid kungalew of I roams. 1o bedroom, larg living room with fir. pise gad baokea, Paneled dining room. Dandy kltcksa on first floor. On larg bedroom as second floor. Osk floors throughout, Osk and whit enamel finish. Ian II foot lot, IS.7I0. 11.11 cssh. In Minn Lusa. A splendid bungalow of fiv room. Best of construction. Beautiful oak finish and floor. All lha latest built-in feature. Fireplace, bookcases, buffet, esblnet work In kitchen. Owner leaving city. A real buy at 11.161 Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. T17 Omaha Nat l Bk. bldg. AT. 1117. Six-Room House Double Garage Her la a chanc to buy a fin home at 11,10 under Its cost. Hee vestibule with coat closet, living room across front, Isrge dining room, kitchen with wall cabinets, rear entry and enclosed berk porch. Second floor hss three nice bedrooms (one across front having two cloaete), bath with bese tub, laundry chut, linen cloeet. Full ce ment basement with laundry traya. floor drain and toilet. Houea finished In oak throughout, beautifully decorated. If you ara looking for a good bouse, se this ons. Will sell far I7,6t. Terms. Located at 1761 N, 14th St. Evenings call KE. 0419. Norris & Norris 1601 Dodge St. Phone JA. 437. TWO KOUNTZB PLACE BARGAINS. flood six-room house, well arranged, oak finish, larg sleeping porch, lot 10x124. An up-to-date five-room bungalow, In best of erdsr, with highly polished oak floors, vacant and reedy to move right Into, lot lOxlzl, near Sherman Ave nue car Una, . Ssa ownsr at' 111 Lothrop Street, Webster Sill or Jackson 1214. Owner Wants Offer Well constructed bungalow type home. Located on an raet front lot. One block to car line. Home consisting of 6 rooms and bath flrat floor; two rooms finished on second floor; furnace heat; front and rear porches screened; garage for ona car. Dandy chicken house and yard. In excellent repair and newly painted. 1112 N. 17th St. George & Co., Realtors ATLANTIC 1024. Five-Room Bungalow 25th and Crown Point Pric 17,100, reduced to 16.800; with largo living room, fireplace, bookcases, beamed celling, stairs to large attic, brick foundation; lot 60x136; 1-car garaga and drive; paving paid. Rea sonabla terms. Evenings call WE. 6250. Fike& Price JA. 241. Ill City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miller Park Beauty Most beautiful bungalow in Millar park district, on block from park, tor sal at a saerlflc, account owner leav ing city, large rooms, beautiful ar rangement, apecial features, priced for quick sale. For full details, evenings call Mr. Shaver, KB. 3761. Equitable Trust Co. 1813 Douglas St. AT. 2941. Ideal Bungalow, $750 Will ba accepted as first payment; has fiv lovely rooms; will be ready for occupancy about 3 weeks; close to Miller park. Gallagher & Nelson, 162 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 1382. HOUSE BARGAIN. Modern, I rooms in fin condition. Full lot, near 14th and Miami St. Price 16.110. Easy terms. W. T. GRAHAM, J A. 1533. 706 Peters Trust Bldg. 6-RM. MODERN. 1750 cash, 13.100. Well located. Eve., Mr. Wilson, WE. 4221 or AT. 1111. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY" SMALL FARM BARGAIN. Between South' Omaha and Bellsvue. Thirty-three acres, well Improved, close to car line. Fine for feed yards, dairy or poultry. Can take Omaha property for about half. W. T. GRAHAM, J A. 1633. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. I60A CASH 13.160. . Sfx-roora Partly modern. Has full basement, full south front lot, 2 blocks to Park car. it s certainly a gooa nome. Only 4 yrs. old. HOME REALTY CO., AT. 1111. 3053 S. I4TH ST. Six-room bungalow, 17,250. C. G. Carlberg. Realtor. 113 Brandels Theater Bldg. JA. 0686. AN ACRE of ground for only 1175. Fronts sooth on the Blvd. at 34th Bt, Easy terms. AT. 8428. ' WEST SIDE PROPERTY Business Man "Means Business" Owner winding up affairs here. His beautiful 7-room Montclalr home priced way under reproduction costs. Spacious full length living room, large fireplace, cosy breakfast nook, 1 corner bedrooms and lleeplng porch up. Finest or inte rior. -Want reasonable offer. For full Information call Schroeder Investment Co, REALTORS. Eve., Booth. WA. 6008; Mead. AT. 6160. 1200 CASH. Four-room house nesr the Deaf Insti tute, on a lot 60x1(13 feet, price 11.300, 116 monthly payments. Call Mr. Chude, HA. 6306 or office open to I p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtors, AT. 1380. 310 80. 18th. Ground Floor. Drawn for TT7 tOCV.T NOT:- V SHE VCCTfc. TO S?Ti Tt UMmV AT THE A.bAE yv-Kce- MRV SuiaV.AmO SON Wti W.jr4 AT TV 6 TfcJ4 IF OU MR. 60M GaVVt k VaANH A.lT TO rV ACCT OF y t-n WIST SIDE PROPERTY Combined Home and Laundry Business 104 a. 4Kb at 4 room modern house, gar and poultry houa. Tint J4 ft. lot; fruit and shrubtxry; with this goaa a Una laundry bust. na including building, equip ment and Ford UU'H Present laundry Income lis monthly. An established business aud hem for M.eeo. laveetigaia tlu our op. ponunlty. American Security Co. I" 111. II Podg ! Near Country Club Well constructed 1-rnom flam houee, large bnli 00m 1st floor, ' bedrooms, bath and aiorage room 2nt, full cement ed basatnen connected with brick alarm rave, dandy rhuken houae, I large Iota, I"t30 ft., beanos fruit of all kinds, fine tiedgg around premie; maple ehade trrre, hish and sightly location. Price only IV6A0; reasonable terms. Evenings isll Wslnut 1744 or KE. 4161. Fowler & McDonald, Realtors Jscksnn tl.'l 1120 Cl'y Nat. Bank Bldg. OWNER I.KAVINd t'lTY. Owner will sacrifice his eiulty In or der to make a quick sale. Fiv rooms, strictly modern, nesr Kminti Place. All lurgo rooms. Two bedroom could ea.lly be finished upstairs at a very small espense. Fifty-foot front lot with nice shrubbery and trees. New cement gsrsgo. House Is In dsndy condition, Just nswly pslnted. This Is a genuine bargain at 14.600, with about 11.80 rash. If you don't have that much caah call us or your own realtor and we will arrange terms to suit. R. F. CLARV, Realtors. 74th and Ames Ave. KK. 0171. Cathedral District Brick Residence On crest of 3th St. hill. 10. room modern house, extra well built: beauti fully arranged) fireplace, sunrnam, sleeping porch: lot ItVjxlll. Prte l?5.000: reasonable tertna 0'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTOR", till Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 2711. 7.EAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW. Living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooma. tile bath. Built-in fea tures. Fireplace. Full basement. Hot air furnace. Concrete porch. Small cash payment. HANSEN INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1114-11 Douglas. Atiantlo 0011. $6,750 Terms Elght-rom all modern homo offered for the first time. Osk floors and fin Ish. On good east front lot. Close to car and school. All large rooms and well decorated. Full basement. Everything you would want In your home. Call now for appointment to ses this. Glover & Morell 702-704 Keellne Bldg. AT. 1823. Clairmont Bargain Leaving th city this week. Am offer ing this five-room, a 11 modern, oak and white enamel finish, birch mahogany doors in bedrooma This Is a real home. Must be en to be appreciated. Price only 15,850 for quick sale. 11.860 cash, balance 155 a month. Call Walnut 2813. $4,200 Five rooms, strictly modern, all on one floor, screened back porch, garage, large lot, 1760 cash will handle. WA. 649L H. W. Volland 710 Peters Trust Bldg. AT. I58S. ainoiMP. nnnp mTNflAI.OW. A wonderful home. Paved street, 1U, blocks to Harney car; strictly In new Tech High school district and near Bemls park. Five dandy rooma, regular bungalow plan. Built-in features. Oak finish. Full cement basement. Tou must see this. SHOPEN & CO., Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. DUN-DEE DISTRICT ' TWO FINE NEW BUNGALOWS. Large and roomy, best possible con-, structlon, with every convenience; kitch en nook, buffet, tiled bath, in all oak and enamel finish, choice east front Iota. 50x128 each, paved street. Immediate possession. About 11,600 caah will han dle either Cine. - . RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. West Seml-bungalow; oak floors and finish, white enamel In bedrooms, lot MxlSO; fine shrubbery; block to fuming car line In Cathedral district. Call AT. 349!. 6-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN. A real good buy on No. 59th St. About 2 years old. Oak floors, oak and pine fin., full cemented basement; lot 40x146. A real home. Call evenings. AT. 6947. BENSON PROPERTY FIVE rooma, strictly modern, large lot, I years old, paved street. Good neigh borhood. HA. 8656 evenings. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT sell and trades. KB. 141. DUNDEE PROPERTY Good Values in Dundee $6,950 New Bungalow This is a 6-room. strictly all modern, nicely finished bungalow: Immediate possession. 11,000 cash will handle. $7,5005018 Nicholas. Neat l-room modern home, top of th hill. Good bouse In good location. $7,5004811 Dodge St. A six-room modern home, in a very convenient location; large screened -in porch; quarter-sawed oak finish first floor. 12.000 cash will handle. $8,000 Brand New A very - neat 6-room, two-story, house, extra well built; large living room arrangement, with fireplace; tile bath-room with best of plumbing. Easy terms can be artanged. 6 Rooms, 2 Lots $8,000 An attractive stucco home, full two- story; sleeping porch. North end of Dundee. Owner keen to sell and will consider terms. Glover & Spain, Realtors Jackson 2860. 118-20 City National. 5011 Izard Street Drive Out and Look at It 7 rooms, large and well arranged; I big bedrooms; all osk floors; aelect oak finish. Extra well built; well located. Very attracttv house. Fin lawn. Terms. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor JA. 0685. 312 Brandels Th. Bldg. The Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyright i 1922) THE WFE OF TH VVtALTHV VHSHlNCi "TMURUOhM DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Home Beautiful bungalow of I rooms, all built-in tenures, big living room, fir piste, beamed leilinsa, t'reneh doors, sun renin, eieeplug porch, nicely sr. rented; larg lo on !' I SI . nor Hih Pric I1I.66U; j,oii esh will handle. ttUt'K 4! Omsha National Hank fill. III. FIVK ROOMS) ANU HUNItOOM. A lovely ketlaatone h"me ifperlele paid; garage; eplt-ndid locality; heavy osk finish end enamel bedrooms: rhoic rransmnl. Has all built-in featurea. Kull basement I'rue only lu,70. Teims, 1 1, so caah MIIOI'K.M A 1 ii neatlora. JA. ::. 334 Keellna Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY Four Apartment House $1,000 Cash. Price $6,000 Moving to Oklahoma This Kounisa Place horn le divided Into four apartiiieuta with kichenelt. Owner lives In one end rente other tine fur 111 per month. His monthly payment Is 150, Locatsd near ::d nd Wirt His. Will consider lord aa pall payment. W. riHViM SMITH A cW. JA. l4 li:o Fstnam St HKiRB IT 1H! 170 Bl'TS REAL Bl'.VOALOW BARGAIN Mtrlctly modern, nice large renrno, spsce to finish off two good rooms In attic If desired. Cement haaement with floor drain. Large porch, good Int. paved alreet. handy to car, overlooking Clairmont addition; price reduced to 14,160; terms. 140 a month; owner leaving city at once, has vscated this horns; you can have Immediate pos session. I'hon DO. 8110; evening. KK 2)34, or se l. B. BUCK A CO. 742 Omaha National Bant:. Exceptional Value $4,850 Brand near bungalow; well built and finely finished;-fiv extra fin rooms on ons floor; attic and full cemented bassment; paved street, close to car and school. Easy terms. Evening call Grant Benaon. Walnut 1580. Benson & . Carmichael 142 Paiton Block. Atiantlo 1149. $ 5 HERE WE ARE THE RENT BEATER BIG LOT SALE DOWN WAVECREST Adjoining, Omaha's only bod of wavtar, Carter Lak. SALE STARTS SATURDAY and continues until all lots are sold. Lot priced low a $390 with a few higher. Enjoy the pleasures of Bathing, Boating and Fishing, as well as comforts of a home. Wavecrest is on car line, within 20 minutes' ride of retail district; cindered boulevards; new, modern school to be built in this district at once. Start Your Home Select Your Lot Saturday We Will Build for You on Terms Like Rent Call at our office and learn how easily you can become your own landlord. Many home owners started on the $5 Down, $5 a Month Plan. J. L. HI Jess First Nat. Bank 5 DOWN V West Pacific District; Development Under Way! PAVING Contractor have their gang working getting ready to pave west Pacific and Ninetieth street. . GRAVELING Platte river gravel being laid on important treeta ' and roads. ,.; ' CITY WATER Petitions filed for water main on wait Pacific and in Loveland. - LIGHTS Electric light lines extend ix blocks beyond Love land. " : LOVELAND Second Unit of This New District SALE OPENS TODAY 'Continues Saturday and Sunday Country Home Sites on That High and Broad Plateau, in the New Development District Loveland comprise 92 acre of the beautiful A. i. Love farm, located on the louth side of Pacific street from Eightieth t Eighty-fourth. City Conveniences Prices Low- Easy Term - Buy by the Acre HOW TO GET TO LOVELAND: Drive out West on Leavenworth Street, through Elmwood Park and West on Pacific Street to Eightieth Street. Or Drive West on Dodge Street through Dundee and Fair acres, turn south after crossing bridge (just before reach- ing Peony Farm) on Beverly Hill's Drive, three blocks south. The property lies on the south side of Pacific Street Our Branch Office and salesmen on the ground. Shuler & Cary REALTOR?. Douglas 5074. A NEW HOME $6,250 $1,500 CASH 4337 Chicago 8t 6 room trlctly modern. Full two-glory; livinc room acroM th front, oak floors throughout! oak and whlto enamel finish. Thla la a well-built home. Lot 60x124 It; corner; ahade. , Halting & Heyden 1614 Hans SU AT 0050 ' I I' I I 'll I l'l' l"l'lu'll"n""' 4 s DUNDEE FURNISHED HOME J 4 " Beautiful living roam with flrsplaca ( sun room, music toon, dialog bedroom, kitchen, and til katb a flrat J floor. Two larg bed rooms 14 til bath on second floor. Inch k floors throughout) two. car garag; south front, paving si- .1 Furnishings in this house sr mag. niflelent. Knab grand player; wan ' ful living room pise; elaborate drop j ', throughout. If you ar looking for a "horn complete," do not fall t la. spsct this property. , i ' Shown by appointment. Evenings call 'Mr-. Burhtel, AT 1121, ar Mr. Hoe, ;WA 1117. 4 I J. J. MULVIHILL I 200 Brendele Theater Bldg . JA SMS ft 'j''l!ri'll'll!lMMltlHlllullllll.llllSllj Why Not TrTaTl Bee Want Ad J MONTH ' ATT CO. L. Hiatt ATlantie 9900 MONTH No City Taxes $700 an acre and up, arer age, $1,275 an acre. L0,,.rm.h.,,ow,, 1 - Sell by the Foot 2d Floor Keeline Building. 5 5