The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 23, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Grain
Omaha, Junt 22.
Tempffaturei in the louthweit
were rt oorted riiinc and Wattling.
' Jon tayt anoihrr hot wave in ptoi-
i pect. I-ive rpooi cidici pricti lor
! carceli in the United Kingdom are
higher and the tone of the situation
much firmer and that the continent
wit especially active.
Some icattcred ihoner were re
ported in Saikstclicwai. Omaha
receipts of all kind totaled 78 cart
as compared wim J cart laii year.
Total iliimiienti were IIS cart a
againit 82 cart a year ago. Or an
price generally had a ttrong tone
the greater part of the etion, the
best pricei, however, were not
tnaintained ajid a reaction followed.
The demand for caih wheat in the
local market was limited, with pricei
about 2c higher. There wi a good
demand for corn and oati. Corn
idling iiiyc. tip and oati were
quoted KfiUic higher. Rye wi 1
(52c higher than yetcrday' nominal
quotation! and barley was un
changed. WHEAT.
No. 1 hard wlnlrr: t car. 11.11; 1 csre,
fl. 7; 1 rar. II. l.
No. I hard wlnlrr: t car It par cant
dark). It. : J-l car Himothyl. II. 17.
No. 3 hard winlar: 1 car, H AS.
.' No. I hard wlnlrr: I rar. II 01.
No. 4 mlaad: 2-1 rar lemutly), lie.
No. t white 1 car lahlppera' weights),
. Ml.).
No. t whlla: 1 ran, lie; I can (ship
pers' welshte), Mc.
No, whlla: 1 car (musty), He.
No. 1 yellow: 1 rar, 17c.
No. I yellow: f cara, Itc; 1 car, 17 U.
No. I yellow: 3 cara, 16 44 c.
No. 1 mlad: 4 cara, I64e.
No. I mliad: 1 car. tiVtC.
No. I whlla: I cara, I4i.
. . No. 4 whlla: I cara, 11 c; 1 car (apt
' clal billing), JIUc.
No. I: t-l car, lie.
No. I: 1-1 car. 77c.
i No. 4: 1 car, toe.
j . (Carlota.)
9 Week Thf
j Receipt
t Corn
I Data
1 Jty.
Todax. Aito. Ago.
.18 30 It
. 47 II 30
. II 22 13
::-i :y .!
. 10 44
.6 (4 34
. 34 17 I
. 1 1 1
Receipts Today. Wk. Ago,
Tr. Ago.
Wheat 7ai.ono
Corn 664,ooo
Oata 412.000
Wheat 183,000
Ccrn 614.000
Oata 131,000
717.000 1.167.000
834,000 t:8,000
612,000 ilo.OOO
Bushels Today. Tear A no.
Wheat and flour 9,000 663,000
Corn 121,000 43,000
Oata 137,000
Carlota Today. Ago.
Wheat 10 13
Corn 237 !1T
Oata 64 103
Wheat Ill 161
Corn 27 43
Oata I 7
Wheat 35 32 45
Corn ..1 38 31 28
Oata 31 24 38
Minneapolis 182 197 344
buluth 10t 118 74
Winnipeg 176 204 246
; By Updike Grain Co. DO, "C27. June 22.
,1 Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yea.
t Wht.
j July
i Sept.
1 Dae.
; July
j Sept. '
; Oata
; July
: Sapt.
: Dac.
, l ard
2 July
'' Elba
1.16 K
.67 14
.38 44
11 50
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City, Mo., June 22. Wheat
. No. 2 hard, 1.09j1.26; No. 2 red, 11.06
' to 11.08.
I Corn No. 1 white, 69c; No. 2 yellow,
. 60461c.
Hay Alfalfa. 60c to 61c higher: price
Irregular: othera unchanged; choice al
: falfa. 116.00; No. 1 prairie, lll.00tM2.01.
Kanaaa City. Mo., June 32. Wheat
" Close. July, 11.07; September, 11.07;
' December. 11.11.
Corrj July, 68c: September, 61c,
4 -
: . MlnneanolU Oraln.
' Minneapolis. June 22. Wheat Cash,
5 No, 1 northern, 1.S71.40; July,
: 31.31; September, 11.22; December,
Corn No. t yellow, 6466e.
; Oata No. I white. 3334c.
' Barley 46066c.
Rye No. 3, 834?86e.
- Flax No. 1. 3.492.51.
St. Itnla tiraln.
: St. Loula. June 22. Wheat July,
',. 11.14: September, 1.12.
i Corn July. 68c: September. 66-.
j Oata July. 87c; September. 37 e.
Mlnneapolla Flour.
Mlnneapolla. Minn.. June 22. Flour
Unchanged; shipments, 39.477 bbls
Bran 114.60 17.00.
Now Tork Cotton.
New Tork, June 22. The tendency was
lower In quiet, rather featureless trading
: In today'a cotton market. There was
enough absorption to meet pressure from
; local longa and the south, which were
again present as a result of the continued
t favorable weather in the belt. First
t prlcea were 5 to 12 points net lower and.
j after Its call tha market met Increased
J offerings which quickly broke It to a
level off about 20 to 30 points net from
Wadnesday'a final bids. There was fair
; demand from Wall atreet shorts and the
trade in tha afternoon. Final prlcea were
unchanged to ! points net lower.
Spot quiet. 10 points decline; 22.90c for
, middling upland.
Southern marketa were: Galveston
' 23.16c. unchanged; New Orleans 22.63c, 12
pointa decline; Savannah 32.44c, 4 points
decline; Augusta 22.38c. unchanged; Mem-
phis 22.60c, unchanged; Houston 22.95c,
V Unchanged; Little Rock 22.26c, unchanged.
. New York Coffee.
i Now Tork. June 22. The market for
; couee xuiures waa irregular today with
; near months relatively eaav under int.
terlng liquidation In advance of possible
J notices next week. July eased off 10.10c
: or 4 pointa net lower, and September de-
dined to 10.01, or 7 pointa net lower, but
there waa aome buying of later deliveries
J by near month sellers and March aold
; up to 1.16c, or I pointa net higher.' The
; market closed net 2 points to 7 points
" higher. Sale including exchanges were
eaumaiea at si.veo Bags. ju:y. 10.16c
September. 14.10c: October. I6.06c: De
: cember. 9.45c: January, l.!2c; March,
i 1.86c: May. 1.82c
Spot coffee was reported In fair de
; mand with Rio 7s quoted at 10c. and
, oaaios aa, is to Itlec
hires BiiUer.
Chiean. 111.. June 22. Dua, nrlnrlnil
ly to heavy buying for expirt orders, the
butter market today was much firmer,
especially on the medium to nnderarades.
Kverything scoring 17-81 score waa well
cleaaed up. Top arores showed no ' ac
cumulation, but the demand for those was
not active. Alt scores showed advances
and at ths close the market was In sell
ers favor. Eighty-eight and 81 score
cars ftrm and well cleaned up. Seme
cars of 9 score were offered at 34 cents.
but most dealers were holding for a qsar-
Market, Financial and Industrial News of. the Day
j Chicago Grain
OaMto Ha Iw4 Mir.
Chkago, June 22. An iiicreaae iu
ipecutatite activity in the grain
market! wat rrnVitrd in a higher
range of provisions. Newt wa more
favorable for the bulla. With
tliort covering an advance easily
wai attained. I'rolit taking made
a reaction from the heit hgure. bu
wheat gained ti ni Die, corn M (i
lit. t i 4 ("i.1 lie and rye li (i Ic,
While the activity in coarse grains
detracted omewhat trout wheat, the
prospect of another hut wave over
the central wett, west and outh
weal, with limited offerings for a
time were iulhcient to result in ittu
eral thort covering. They alio
uriug in kome uctn speculative up
port. Pro lit taking and hedging
kalct were respomiblc fur the reac
tion from the top, but the under
lone generally wa! itrong,
I'srrkaae larM4 lot.
Ilia bulg t lor July permitted
II per bwanel lo d paid ai uiauy load
me alalluna for now rurctiaaa
v. ire ratlinated at la. ova bushels, ill.
lateral ao lr. r.ipoil demand waa aluw.
Ihraehlng relurna Irani lha euuthwrst
r apullad with furlhrr cumplainla ut
Utiterluiauon Irum V blank and i'lara
I'lly, Minn., reported black rual in apruig
wheat there. J ha taller had litilo ll.i
Uli prlcra.
Corn aud oala allowed Independent
atranglh. Comiuiaalun huuwa and lual
iradia wrr gutiu uuyvra wn in ary
weathar lalk and luretaat fur another
hut wave, and a Una number ol poor
trop raporta war received un oala. out
alua iniartat Invrraard and whlla Ihrra
waa Irea aelllne lor prolila on me bulla
lha undertone al tba laal waa atrung,
penally on torn.
July nought freely.
The country aold around 100.600 buih-
ela ol torn lo arrive on the bulge. Ilia
hedging ol whlrh had aomo elfrvl un the
July. Tbo latter went to around l
ili.Lount under September, al which du
ftrenco caah houara bought July freely
and aold September, changing over
hedgca. Keceipla only fair wlih 321 cara
corn and 14 cara oala. Shipping demand
geuerally alow. The country aold eonta
new No. I wnue oaia ior auimi'orp.
lumber ahlpmeiu al lo under Septem
ber, track Chicago. , .
Ry rrllacted tu atrength In wheat and
with aoma buvlnx by the aeaboard avet
aged higher. Hedging preaaura gradually
Increasing wllh purchaaia of 30,000 buah
ela new grain to arrive, whlla expuilure
took Zi.vvv buaheia.
Fit Note.
Rmtlment among the apeculatora waa
bullish on all grains at tha clone today,
wheat futures have advanced 6o to
6 He, corn 3c to 4o and oata 3o to
3o from tha low point of last Friday,
in tha last two dava tha wheat trad-
era have abaorbed hedgea put out agalnat
more than 700, ooo ouaneia wneai ana
around 3,000,000 bushels corn bought to
axriva from tha country. ....
It would be highly beneficial to pro
ducers, without affecting consumers to
have a good advance In all graina well
held for the next 60 daya. Unlesa rain
cornea aoon corn prlcea are expected to
advance Irregularly.
Selling of 600,000 ousneia wneai anu
i nnn nnu htthia to hedaa agalnat coun
try purchases of eash.graln attracted more
attention than tha buying of around
double that quantity by two apeculatora.
This waa due to me neugtu im
maining on tha market.
Omaha Produce
p.aiah.rf h tha atata of Nebraaka. de
partment of agriculture, bureau of mar
keta and marketing:
LlvEi ruuiiini.
Wholesale Wholeaafc
Buying Selling
Price: Price:
Broilers 33 .35 .37 .40
Leghorn broilers. .26 .27 .27 .30
Hens, light 16 .20 .22 .24
Hens, heavy 18 .20 .22 .24
Cocks 10 ... .12 .15
Ducks - 16 .11 -20 .25
Broilers 42 .45
Hens ! 26 .27
Cocks 16 .18
No. 1 18 .21 .23 .25
No. 2 16 .18 .20 .23
Cracka 14 . .16 .16 .20
Country, common .22 .25 .24 .37
nutter fat, atation price, 27c.
Prairie No. 1 upland. Ili.00ffll4.0fl: No. 2
upland, 11.0013.00; No. 3 upland, 7.00
n.ui; no. i niiuiana, iiz.ougpu.oo; No.
3 midland, 110.00011.00; No. 3 midland,
17. 00O8.00: No.' 1 lowland. 38.0010.00:
No. 3 lowlqnd. 7.008.00.
Alfalfa No. 1, 16.0017.00; standard,
12.0018.00; No. 2, I10.00ll.00; No. 3,
Straw Oat, 8.00ffl.00; wheat straw,
17.00 8.00.
Beef hides: ftraen aalrait Wn 1 IK
607c; green salted No. 2, per lb., t6c;
green hides No. 1, per b.,4lic; green
bldea No 2. ner lb.. Into' ar..n ..k.i
old atock, per lb.t 23o; green aalted bull
ii ues o. i, per in., 4e; green salted bull
hides No. 3, per lb., 3e.
Horse hldea: Large, each, 13.06; medium,
each. 12.60: small, each, xs on. nnnu
glues, each, H. 0001.35.
oneep pelts: ureen salted, as to alls
and wool, each, 76cltl.00.
Wool: Choice fine and -blood, per lb.,
2732c; medium and -blood. per lb. 26
30c; low aAd -blood. ner lb... 18 ait..
turry wool, per lb., 1217c
wnoiesaie prices of beef cuts are as
follows: No. 1 ribs, 20c; No. 2 rlba,
19c; No. 3 ribs, 15c; No. 1 loins, 27c;
No. 2 loins. 26c: No. 3 loins. 20c ! No. i
rounds, 19c: No. 2 rounds, 18c; No 3
rounds, 16 c; o. 1 chucks, 12c; No 2
chucks, 11c; No. 3 chucks, 8c: No 1
Piaies. Dc; mo. t plates, 6c; No, 3 plates,
4c. .
Bananas: Per lb., 7c.
Oranges: Size 216 and larnr la aaai
9.50; size 256, $8.008.25; alia 288, 17.00;
Slav 449, eQ.I'U IQVD.OU,
Lemons: According; to size, per box,
Grapefruit: According to size, per crate,
86.607.5O. ,
Apples: Wlnesap, according to size and
grade. 32.754.00; Ben Davis, according
to size and grade, 13.00; Newton Pippins,
according to size and grade, 83.50.
Strawberries: Missouri, npr nrnta 9.A t
boxes, 3.604.00.
rigs: 33 pKgs. i-oz., 13.26; bulk, per
lb.. 1516c. (
Pineapples: Cuban, ar.cnrillne' tn ai
Cherries: California, (-lb. hoxea. 14 no
Potatoes: New, No. 1. per lb. 4 tic. Old
atock, Idaho Whites. No. 1, per cwt., 12.70;
nea xtiver unio, o. 1, per cwt., 33.0V;
Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt., 13.00.
oweei potatoes: rer bu., 1.502.00.
Lettuce: Head, per crate. J3.50B4 no-
head, per doz.. I1.001.50. Leaf, per doi..
3 of.
Egg Plant: Per doz.. 81.K0f2 3.0A.
Onions: Crvstal Wax. 4i-1h. crt t? en
2.60: yellow. 45-lb. crate.;
home-grown, per doz.,- 35c.
tjucumDers: Hot nouse, per doz., 33.50
3.00; southern, bu. basket, 4 .to 6 doz.,
i oung Onions: Home grown, per doz.,
Cabbage: New, per lb., 45e.
Tomatoes: Crates, 4 basketa, 11.00411.75.
Radishes: Per doz., 1620c.
Carrota and Turnips: New, per doz.,
Beeta and Turnipa: Per hamper, 11.60
- 8pinach: Home grown, per doz., 60c.
j Oreen Peppers: Market basket, 11.26
Green and Wax Beans: Per hamper,
12.50 3.00.
Parsley: Per doz. bunches, market
basket, 75c.
Watermelon: Per lb., 33c
Cantaloupe: Per crate, 12.26.
. Asparagus: Per doz., 75cll.00.
New, Peaa: Basket, about I lbs 11.00
Tomato: Fir box. 11.00.
,.I2;n,lr P1MU: Per dox., 10c; per box.
Rioajx City Live Stock.
Sioux City, la.. June 33. Cattle Re
ceipta. 3.000 head; market slow, weak
to unevenly lower; ted ateers and year
lings, 17.7599.30; grass ateers and year
l'S i'O.S0: grass cows and heifers.
I4.0ltj6.35; fat cows and heifers. 15.00
7.60; cannera, I3.50O3.50; veals, 15.0041
10.00; feeders. I6.00O7.00; calves, 15.00
7.26; bulls. I3.i097.l0; feeding; cows and
heifers, IS.7S96.75; etockers. 15.6007.26.
Hogs Receipts. head; market,
heavies 2536c lower; lights 10c lower;
butchers, tl.76011.26; stags, I7.6O08.OS;
lights. 111.16; heavy mixed. 19.000175;
heavy packers. 81.60 010; native pigs,
lia.25Oll.60; western pigs, 111.60913 00:
bulk of ssles. 11.36 10.26.
Cheep Receipts, 30! head; market
Live Stock
Iteeelpie were! Csttls. ttaga Sheas.
Affinal Mendey .... a.114 11.441 .!
Ulieial Turad.y ... e. 14.146 1114
'final Uadneaday., T 111 1144 I all
r:.iMnie Thursday 7. ll.l 4,see
r-euidoaihlaWMk II HI Ss.UI
avsme dais laal week 2S.13S 64.134 S 44
ante da I wa a a 11.141 41. Ill 31. est
Kama 1I.11 I w a a a- .6;e 41:4 14.414
ants dia tear aga. li.4ia 44,19! 40.01 1
Nreitua and diaiuwilinn of lltraiuik al
tha I'moa aiurktania, uniaha, N'h.. far
24 haute, rn.llin al 1 ni , June II, lJJ.
h KCtai'Ta ' A K UJTn.
t'alil", Hugs Nhsap.
r. m a at r, it i
44 aba.h II H 3 . . I
Mi. I'arifie My 14 3
I ninn I'eriftr R. K ' II I
I', a) N, W, Rv,, rati.,., I I
C, N. W. I(r . whi.,,, 31 41 ,,
(', Ml. IV, M. ai t. 111... 33 II
I', H. y l, 63 7 I
1', II. al W, Hy, wrat.,.. 71 31 I
!., M. I. P., raal 16 4 I
I'.. K I. I'. w,t 3 I
imams Oniral Ity t .. .. 1
C. U. W, Ry J i 11
Total r"ipia I" I" I!
Cat 1 1", lima Sherp.
Armour Co 1.371 S ill l.l7
Cudahy I'arking Co. .. Ill I.J3 !
tMild racking Co. .... J.'l 71 ....
Morils Perking CO l oll J J" JJJ
Hwlfl 4 Co. ,1.411 I.8J4 1.323
J. V. Murphy
Nwarts Co. 17 ....
Lincoln Packing Co. .. 6
Wilson Parking Co. .. 4! .... ....
Armour Co., S. Falla.... II"! ....
Iliillman Mroa 13
Mid oral Packing Co.. ...
Omaha racking Co... 24
Hinrlair '
J. II. Bulla IJ
Iirnnia Francis .... J
John Harvey U
T. J. Inghrain
F. P Lewis
Mo-Kan. t!. C. Co.. 2i
J. II. Root Co U?
Kulllvan Bros I
Werlhelmer 4egn .
tnher buyers -
Klrkpslrlik Hroa
McAdams "
Total .
I.II4 11,214 4,i74
.-..1. du.ii. a,.ra 7 000 head. Not-
., .. mntinueit liberal re
ceipts, there waa further Improvement In
k. .ebal fnr a nod to choice welgnly
beeves, and the new high mark of 19.60
... - ... -An waa reaiatered. On tna
other hand, yearllnga and half fat cattlo
were alow and unevenly lower anu ...
same waa true aa to cows and helfera.
Beat heavy cattle were too higher tdar
and around 26o higher for the week, while . ,, and nlain yearllnga have
aold off 2660c, and there haa been tha
same decline on cows snd hellers. .Stock-
era were very dull today ana tuny svo
lower, for the week
tlKKr sir.crio.
No. Av. If. No. Av. i-r.
1 667 7 26 4 866 8 00
31 1181 I !5 21 1127 I 40
60 1331 8 60 23 1087 I 0
18 1359 I 66 16 1271 I 70
7 1160 8 75 27 1080 I 80
37 1416 8 85 23 1143 8 10
61 1313 I 00 24 161 I 10
65 12H8 I 25 21 1156 I 30
3J 1231 35 36 1496 I 10
X ' 660 7 10 8 894 7 66
25 705 7 76 17 863 I 00
8 945 8 4n in SIS s is
16 163 8 80 25 791 I 16
32 6CS 7 SO
1 880 3 60 3 1200 I 00
3 793 7 00 6 79S T 25
8 632 6 26 4 600 6 60
6 646 6 25 11 767 6 SO
30 693 7 60
61 Nat. 72 12 35
750 101 6 50
1 1010 3 50 1 1640 4 25
1 1680 4 50 1 1540 4 76
1 130 6 25 1 940 6 60
3 1046 6 00 4 646 6 26
1 .1220 7 00 1 1330 7 60
1 80 6 00 8 225 5 60
4 237 25 1 100 6 60
5 206 7 00 1 180 7 60
1 180 8 25
Hogs Receipts were 11,600 hesd. A
few loads of choice light hogs sold early
at about steady prices, with one load at
$10.40, the top price for the day. Buyers
generally made a stand for lower prices
with prices -uneven and 10(26c lower.
Light hogs were mostly 1016o lower.
and packing grades and heavy mixed
mitsBC lower. Light hogs sold mostly at
110.20 10,30. and medium weight butch
ers at I10.1010.25. and strong weight
outcners at 9.90io.l5. Light mixed
loads sold at 19 7610.15. and packing
grades and heavy mixed at I9.003.65.
Bulk of sales, 19.26 10.26.
1..540 70 7 40 14. .361 ... 8 75
22. .358 70 00 47. .340 ... I 10
it. .252 ... 9 25 20. .299 70 40
63. .304 70 9 E0 63. .269 70 I 60
40. .382 70 9 65 66. .282 110 9 70
68..2S3 140 9 75 77. .228 40 9 80
61. .283 80 9 85 24. .239 ... .10 00
67. .215 ... 10 15 66. .212 ... 10 20
72. .239 ... 10 26 65. .231 ... 10 30
Sheep and Lambs Receipts were 4.000
head. Receipts were comparatively light
today and trading was fairly active on
good demand with all classes movine-
about steady. Best native lambs sold at
12.0012.26 with one lot at 112.35. Idaho
spring lambs were quoted fully stesdy
"'"i " uesi quality prlcea at 312.60
12.60. Fed yearling lambs moved fully
steady, mostly at tl0.60. Sheep were In
light upply, good quality light ewes selling
at 56.00, with heavies quoted down to
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago, June 22. Cattle Receipts,
10,000; beef steers, strong to 10c higher
top, matured steers, 110.00; prime year
lings, $9.76; bulk, beef steers, I8.369.36;
she stock, steady to 15c higher: butcher
grades showing the upturn; bulls, steady
to weak; calves, 25 to 60c lower; etock
ers, dull; bulk, beef cows and heifers,
5.007.25; canners and cutters, 3.00
4.00; bologna bulls, largely 14.15 4.25.
Hogs Receipts, 38,000; opened steady
to 6c lower; closed weak, 10 to 16c lower
on light and medium weight butchers;
mixed packing grades, 15 to 25c lower;
top, 110.85 early: bulk. 39.80(310.80: nix's.
steady, mostly 39.75 10.26; packing sows,
uiusiiy; snippers took about
2,600; holdover liberal.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13.000;
steady to 15c higher; few spots 26c high
er; top. native lambs, 112.76: culls, most
ly 17.00'; medium to good Idahos, 112.25
12.65; best Idaho feeders, 112.00;-choice,
handy dry fed yearlings, 111.26; sheep,
very scarce; load, 82-pound fed western
yearling ewes, 311.10, to breeders.
St. Louis Livestock.
East St. Louis, 111., June 22. Cattle
Receipts. 3,000 head; no good ateers here;
othera steady to 16c lower, medium and
good grades quotable at 7.509.00; bid
ding, 15 to 25c lower on light yearlings;
beef cows, steady to 16c lower; bulk, 14.00
5.25; canners and bulls, steady; bulk,
canners, 32.6002.75; bulls. 3.764.50;
veal calves, uneven; top, 18.50; bulk, 17.50
8.00; stockers. ateers, 15 to 25c lower;
bulk. 4.606.25.
Hags Receipts, 10.000 head; active,
steady to 5c lower than Wednesday's close,
or 10c lower than average; extreme top,
310.85; practical top. 110.80; bulk, 160 to
! 330-pound averages, 310.70 1 0.80 : light
lights, 310.5010.65; pigs, I10.00S10.60;
packer sows, mostly I&00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,600 head;
strong to 25o higher; top, lambs, 112.25;
bulk, tll.7512.00; culls, 5.005.50; fat
light ewes, 65.005.50 heavies, U-"V
2.50; yearlings to 4-year-old breeding
ewes, 7.00S.OO.
Kansas City IJve Stock.
Kansas City. Mo.. June 22. U. S.
Bureau of Markets). Cattle Receipts,
2,600 head: beef steers, steady to strong;
stockers, higher: top heavies, 19. 26; calves,
steady to weak; better grade vealers,
17.0008.00; all other classes slow and un
even but mostly steady; many cows, 13.75
05.00; few better grades, 5.606.00;
good heifers, 67.00fMO.0O; canners, 12.60;
better grades, cutters, 13. 00 4.00; bulla,
13.75 5.0O.
Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; active and
steady to shippers on lighter weights;
othera; others slow to packers around 10c
lower; top, 310.55; shippers took about
1.500; bulk good and ziu to 240.
pound weights. 810.25010.35; heavy pigs,
39.90910.10: bulk or sales. 110.006)10.80:
throwout sows around 18.75; stocker pigs,
10c to 15a lower; desirable kinds, . 110.35
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 6.000 head
all classes, steady; top nstlve lamba,
112.50: better grades. 112.25 9 12.50; othera.
611.00O12.00; most culls around 16.00.
New Tork On-raj.
New York. June 22. Wheat Soot firm
No. 2 red. I1.284; No. 2 hard, 11.2144:
No. 1 Manitoba, 11.47. and No. 1 mixed
durum. 11.33, c t. f track New York,
to arrive.
Corn Spot firmer; No. 3 yellow and
No. 3 white, 814c. and No. 3 mixed,
10 e. c. I. f. New York, all rail.
Oata Spot firmer: No. 3 white, 47c.
Hay Barely steady: No. 1. 128. ISO
3000; No. 2. I2I.IO02I.OO; No. 3. 123.10
0 25.00: shipping. I2l.e0 23.l0.
Lard Easy; mtddlewest,
Other articles unchanged.
tlBMb liao tsaiaal Mir.
New York, June 22. The effect of
the lorr reserve bunk rate, at an
nounced after the close of buiineai
Wednesday wai visible in today1!
market for money and for inveit
nicnt bond. It caused no very im
portant change in cither, but the
street rate buth.for commercial pa
tter and for short-term loam on
collateral declined H of 1 per cent,
and four of the Liberty loam went
above their prcvioui high record
Harm plk la lafluears.
The fai l thai all of these 44 par cant
I'mletl aliatea war loans should now be
srlling a ronaldarahle traction over par la.
un tha whole, a logical recognition ol lha
rondiilnna whlrh make a 4 Pr cant re.
aerve hank rdiacount rate possible. Tha
temptlon from lasatloa naturally empha.
lira auth Influence aa it dora lu lha still
larger premium on Nsw rork ciiy !
par nut. Hrhind even lha considera
tions, an Influrnr which Is likely lo be
come inure positive aa time gura on, la
the rslraiiiely skillful policy tit Secretary
union in his refunding program.
Nrwa No! Factor.
It would orobably be superfluous Is aa
algn Ihe lowering of tha rrarrv bank rata
as a i-ause of today'a renewed advance tn
a number of tnduainal alorka. A atock
market moving under sui-h auspices as
hat governed It Ihia week paya no aeri-
oua attention In lha really Important
nrwa. The trapping of an overextended
"short Interest'1 would be a far mora
powerful ntotiv to atir the market than
a fall In lha coat of nionry, Just aa dis
covery of salt water in a few oil wells
would be more disturbing In the market's
present mood than the railing of a rail
way strike. Mexican Petroleum stork It
self rose .11 "pointa further to Its highest
of the day; nothing else appeared to In
terest tn atpc-k etcnange. Tnere were,
however, a few rather emphatlo advances
even In the railway shsres.
New York Stocks
Rsnge of prices of the leadlne iturii
furnished by Logan Bryan, 341 raters
Trust building:
Illah T.owr PlAaa f'lnaa
A T A S T I4 Mt 84 184,
Rait A Ohio 4 46V 4114 4fi'i
an Pao 138V! 138' lis V! 1374,
N Y Cent 12 i 10 I2V4 ' 10
Ohrg & Ohio 6V 64 64'4j
Ort Northern .... 8044 7144 80 7U
Hi Cent 103V! 103V! 103V, 104
K C South 2444 2344 24Vi 234,
Lehigh Volley .... 63' 62 63 624,
Missouri Pao .... 21 204. 31 3044
N Y N H 30 21 30 28 V4.
Nor Pao 76Vi 764 76Vi 76V4
Ch A N W 74 H 734, 73 78V,
Penn R R 414! 4144 414! 414,
Reading 73 72 734k 72
C R I & P 424, 31'! 42 404,
South Pao 894, 86 9'i 88
South Ry 23 23 22
V, M & fit P 25 26 2644 25
Union Pao 137 136 137 136
Am. Car Foundry 1HSV4
Allls-Chalmrrs .... 60 49 49 41
Am. Locomotive ..113 112 112 112
Baldwin Loco 114 112 113 113
Beth. Steel 76 75 76 761
Colo. Fuel. & Iron.. 30 30 30 ....
Crucible 73 71 72 71
Am. Steel Foundry 37 36 87 37
Larkaw'a 8teel.... 74 73 74 74
.niovaie nteel 33 33 33 32
Rep. Steel 4V Iron.. 72 70 70 70
Ry. Steel 8orlnaa..l02 lot 103
Slosa-Schef field ... 44 44 44 44
U. 8. Steel 9 s 39 9914
Vanadium .... 46 44 46 44
Anaconda 61 '6044 6144 61 u
Am. 8. & Ref. Co.. nl 111 eau. ca
Cerro De Pa arfi 9fi leu. itii oat
J-h!'' 21 fh "1 20
Chlno 28 28"4 2it sa
Green Cananea,... 30 30 so ....
inspiration 39 39 39 39
Kennecott .14 situ, am
Miami 28 28 28 28
Ray Consol 164; isi itn uu
Seneca 12 12 !2 12
Od b'A 6.3U
General Asphalt... 64 63 63 62
Coeden 48 47 48 47
Cal. Peterol 66 63 63 63
Island Oil I l l i
Invincible Oil ... 16 .15 16 16
Mexican Peterol. ..186 171 183 175
Middle States 14 13 14 14
Pacific Oil 69 67 68 68
Pan-American .... 77 73 76 73
rhlll'ps 62 61 52 62
Pierce Oil 8 8 8 8
Pure Oil 31 30 31 3144
Royal .Diiteh 60 58 69 6914
SlnclaiV Oil 34 32 33 33
8td. Oil. N. J 185 185 185 186
Texas Co 48 47 48 47
Union Oil 21 20 20 21
White Oil ... , , 8
Chandler 72 68 69 72
Oen Motors 14 13 13 14
Willys-Overland .. 8 8 8 8
Plerce-Arrow 19 19 19 19
White Motor .... 48 48 48 ..
Studebaker 130 127 128 127
Flsk 16 15 16 14
Goodrich 38 38 38 40
Kell-Spring 46 45 46 47
Keystone Tire :.. 15 14 15 16
Ajax 14 14 14 16
U S Rubber 62 60 61 61
Am Beet Sug 45 45 45 45
At O & W I.... S7 35 86 37
Am Int Corp .... 43 42 43 42
American Sum ... 39 38 39 39
American Tel 120 120 120 120
American Can .... 46 46 46 46
Central Leather ..37 37 87 38
Cuba Cane 17 16 16 16
Cub-Am Sugar ... 24 23 24 24
Corn Prod 106 104 104 103
Famous Players.... 80 79 80 79
General Electric. . .165 165 165 166
Ot. N. Ore 39 38 . 38 38
Int. Harvester 105
Am. H. fie L.. pfd.. 69 67 67 69
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 67 64 66 56
Int. Paper 47 46 46 47
int. M. M., pfd 75 72 75 72
Am. Sugar Ref.... 78 78 78 78
Sears-Roebuck .... 75 74 74 76
Stromsberg 48 '47 48 47
Tobacco Products. . 82 81 81 81
Worthlngton Pump 49
Wilson Co 39 38 39 39
Westlngh'e Electric 69 69 69 69
., VUIGU U. o-wi evi 5
Am. Cotton Oil 25 26 25 26'
Am. Agrl. Chemical 39 3844 39 3u
Am. Linseed 34 34 34 34
Union Bag. pfd 63
Brklyn. Rapid Tr. 24 24 24 24
Continental- Can.. '. 67 67 67 67
Cal. Packing 7(
Col. G. & E 88 85 88 85
Columbia Graph... 4 4 4 4
National Enamel.. 46 45 46 49
United Fruit 137 136 136 137
Lorillard Tobacco. .. 162
National Lead.... 92 12 92 13
i-iiuaaeipma to..; as 3s
Pullman 120 119 120 120
Punta Ale. Sugar.. 50 48 49 49
South P. R. Sugar 61
Retail Stores 68 66 66 66
St. L. & a. F 26 26 26 26
Va. Car Chem.... 30 30 30 31
Total sales, 886,700.
Money Close, 3 per cent; Wednesday
close, 3 per cent,
Marks Close, .0030c; Wednesday
close, ,0030e.
Francs Close, ,0861c; Wednesday cloee,
Sterling Close, II.42T4; Wednesday
cloae, 4.43.
St. Joseph Uve Stock.'
St. . Joseph, Mo., June 22. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,600 head: market alow, little
dene early; best kinds steady; others weak
to lower In spots; 1,100-lb. steers, early,
18.95; yearllnga, 18.75; cows mostly 16.60
down; calves steady; top, 17.60.
Hoga Receipts. 7,600 head: few early
sales to shippers; market steady to 5c
lower than yesterday's average; good 170
to 230-lb. hogs selling I10.3510.46; pack
ing sows steaVly to slow; average coat
yesterday. 110.08, weight 231.
Sheep Receipts, 2.000 head; market
generally steady; native lambs, top, early,
111.75, sorted: bulk, early, 111.26911.75!
culls mostly 16.00; ewes, 13.6094.00.
New York Pry goods.
Nsw York. June 22. Cotton roods con
tinued moderately active today with
pricei on bleached and gray clothe firmer.
The market for fine combed yarn goods
waa atronger. Yarns were firm but in
active. Raw ailk waa firmer with a higher
tendency. Burlaps also were firmer. Wool
gooda were in moderate demand at higher
New York Fruit.
New York. June 22. Kvanorated Ao
pleaFirm; stste prims to fancy, 11 to
is c.
Prunes Firm.
Apricot Quiet.
Peachee Steady.
Ratalns Dull.
I New York Bonds
(Tb4) Bit la dM only Omaha
twipapcr which twbUana tha of
ficial cJom of tha New Yoik Stock
Mchangt bcmdO
Nsw York, Jun 13 Tb lr re
diareunt rale lisad after lh cl"s of
kaaiarday's business hy lh local Federal
Hasaiva bank waa Ihe reason tnoal gsa.
eially advanced lor lh distinctly belter
Ion of today's bond market.
Among lha most noteworthy develop,
mania war lh new high rworda Utah.
Ilahad fur lour of lh 1. 1 hart y Isauea, Tha
lirsl four rose to lis :, lha third
lis to, lh fourth 4a lo Ilia.!,
and lha first second 4 W lo 111.1.
keverel foreign loan a war slightly
higher, nolsbly San I'aulo a; French
municipals snd Tokis Is, bat llrillsh la-
sues seemed to be adversely influenced by
another drop In starling srhang.
Toisi sales (par value) aggregated III.'
New financing of lh day was con
fined lo several underwriting of minor
pioporuona, tiwaa nowever, eamg gen
erally ovsrtulHH'ribed.
New York. Jun 33. Following an I.
day a high, low and closing prlcea ot bonds
on lh Nsw York stock exchange and lh
luial sale of ea'h bond:
(ioteramenl. Foreign, Slat aad Municipal.
21 Argenlln 7 101 11 loo
! Chinva Ity Is 64 14 11
3 i'lly Uergvn a..,.lot lost, lot
II lluijoaus a ....... ! 14 II
II Copenhagen !s ,, III, 11 11
13 Lyons s 14 II II
llaraclllrs Is I! SI II
I! hio Janeiro la I0H4 101
I Mas I'aulo la lu:Va 102 101
1 Toklo, la 7 7U 70
I Zurich la 111 111 111
I lpi hVine 7a 12 11 11
7 Hum Cat. !a 21. .10 lvo luos,
21 IHch U Ind aa 47.. 14 14 14
42 inch E Ind aa II.. 14 14 11
It French Hep la 103 1113 lv
44 French lup '4s luo 100
t Jap lat 4a 11 11 11
14 Jap 4a 77 77 77
31 Hrig 7a 101 lot los
I Bclg la 1U3 12 luj
31 Denmark 6a 14
I! Netherlands is .... 17 17 17k
I Norway a 110 lui 1 lu
7 Sweden Is 103 101 303
II I'arla-l.y-aled Is .. It 10 10
3 Hep Chile la 2! 101 10! 10!
1 Kep Cuba la 04.. 11 96 95
7 Kep Uruguay la. .101 104 lu4n
1 Uuevnaland is ....lull. lu lol
7 Queensland la ....101 101 101
31 Stat Hio O SI Is. 100 100 100
II Swiss Con 1 111 111 111
41 K t B ft I ia 33. .107 107 101
11 K U H 4 I is 21. .101 107 107
46 K O B It I !s 37. .104 104 104
31 Brasll la 101 104 104
21 Mexico la 13 10 II
34 Mexico 4s 41 41 41
I'. S. Bonds.
321 Liberty 3s 100.11 100.13 100.13
1 Liberty 1st 4s. ...100.80 100.30 100.20
12 Liberty 2d 4a 100.04 100.00 100.00
160 Liberty lat 4a ..100.30 100.20 100,20
107 Liberty 2nd 4a ..100.00 100.00 101.02
111 Liberty 3rd 4a ..100.11 100.01 100.01
1422 Liberty 4th 4a ..100.20 100.10 100.11
III Victory 4 100.70 100.13 100.14
Railway and Miscellaneous.
17 Am Ag Chm 7a..l03 103. 103
1 Am Smelt 6s 13 12 12
33 Am bug Is 100 100 100
6 Am Tlilcv 6s. .114 114 114
14 Am T 4k T col tr Is 13 17 17
2 Am Writ Pa 7s.... 86 86 16
7 Armour & Co 6s 81 11 88
12 A T 8 F gen 4s.. 10 11 89
10 At Ref ls ....103 103 103
22 Bait & Ohio 6a.... 100' 11 100
16 Bait & Ohio O 4S 12 82 82
2 Boll Tel 7s 108 107 108
1 Beth St ref 6s.... 14 14 14
2 Beth 8t p m 6a.. 19 89 89
21 Bruden Cop 6s.... 91 II 98
7 Bkln Ed gen 7s p.. 107 106 106
3 Cal O & E 15 95 95
3 Can Nor Pac 6s..lll 111 111
8 Can Pao d 4s.... 77 77 77
19 Cent Ga 6a. . 19 19 19
6 Cent Leath 6a 17 17 17
4 Cent New Eng 4a.. 66 66 16
30 Cent Pac Otd 4s.. 87 87 87
4 Cerro Pasco 8s ..118 188 118
7 Ches & O cv 6s.. 14 12 92
28 Ches O cv 4s.. 88 87 87
23 C B & Q ref 6s A.. 99 99 99
32 Chi k K III 6s.. 79 79 79
21 C CJ W 4s 60 60 60
48 C M & St P cv 4s 68 68 68
70 C M & St P rt 4s 61 61 61
12 C & N W 7s 106 106 106
10 C & N W 6S 110 110 100
23 Chi Rys 6s 81 81 81
21 C R I Z P gen 4s.. 83 82 83
38 C R I 6 P ref 4s.. 81 80' 81
2 Chi & W Ind 4s.. 73 73 73
10 Chile Cop 7s 104 104 104
22 Chile Cop 6s II 90 91
1 Colo Ind 5s 76 75 75
2 Colo & So ref 4s 87 87 87
11 Col G & K 5s.. 15 95 16
9 Con Cost Mrylnd 6s 88 87 87
80 Con Gas 7s 115 114 116
10 Cub Cn Sg d 8s.. 85 84 85
5 Cub Cn Sg d 7s.. 84 84 84
3 CV B RR 7S A. 103 102 102
2 Cub Am Sug 8s.. 105 105 106
3 Del & Hud cv 6s.. 96 95 95
62 D & R G Imp la.. 82 83 82
20 Det Ed 6s 102 101 101
1 Det TJtd Rys 4s.. 82 82 82
1 Dla Mtch 7s ..108 108 108
16 Dist Sev 6s 46 46 45
13 Dpnt Nem 7a ..107 107 107
3 Duquesne Lt 6a ..103 102 102
86 Erie gen 4s 64 63 53
14 Erie pr lien 4s.... 63 63 63
4 Flsk Rub 8s 106 105 106
10 Framer Ind 7i .. 17 97 97
2 Gen Ele d 6s 101 100 100
36 Goodyear T 8s 31.. 101 101 101
3 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. .113 112 112
6 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s.. 102 102 102
10 Gt Nor 7s A 109 109 109
61 Grt Nor 6s B..100 100 100
31 Hud & M ref 6s.. 82 82 82
43 Hud & M ad in 6a.. 62 62 62
4 III Cent ref 4a .. 87 87 87
3 III St d 4s 91 91 91
20 Ind St. 6s 99 99 99
6 Int Ag 8 ,. 80 78 78
2 Int Met 4s 12 12 12
1 Int M 4s ctfs 12 12 12
68 Int R T ref 6 7 67 67
7 Int M M sf 17 96 96
4 Int Pa ref 5s B.. 85 85 85
30 In Oil la 98 98 98
11 Iowa Cent 4s .... 44 44 . 44
5 K C Ft S & M 4s.. 78 78 Vi 78
7 K C South 6s 86 86 86
1 KelT-SpHng 8s 108 108 108
2 L 8 & M S d 4s 31.. 92 92 92
14 Lehigh Val 6s 102 102 103
2 Lig & My 6s 97 97 97
I Lorillard 6s 94 14 94
7 L & N ref 6a ..105 104 104
4 I, & N unified Is.. 91 90 90
68 M K & T St Ry 6s. 88 88 88
1 Marland Oil 8s.... 106 105 105
8 Mex Pet 8s 107 107 107
2 Mich St Tel 1st 5s.. 98 98 98
4 Mid St cv 6s 88 88 88
88 M St P & SSM 6S.101 101 101
10 M K & T n p 1 6s A 82V4 82 82
192 M K'& T n ad 6s.. 66 65 56
8 M K & T 1st 4s.. 79 79 79
10 M P ref 6s 23 100 100 100
88 M P gen 4s 63 62 62
7 Morris & C 1st 4s 85 85 86
2 CC St I, con 6s... 100 100 100
1 Nat Tube 6s 99 99 99
83 N T & M Inc 6s.. 70 70 70
28 N Y Cent col 7s.. 105 106 105
67 N Yta d 6s 103 102 102
1 N Y Cent con 4s.. 83 83 83
9NYC&StLd4s 84 84 84
6 N Y Ed ref 6s..l0l 108 109
3 NY NH 7 H CV 6s 48 79 78 79
1 N Y Rys ref 4a ctfs 38 38 38
5 N Y Tel d 6a 49. .104 104 104
38 N Y Tel d 6s 41. .104 104 104
4 N Y W & Bos 4S.. 63 53 63
UN & W Con 4s.. 89 89 89
27 Nor P p 1 4s 88 87 87
6 Nor Pac gen 4s.... 61 61 61
162 N P-G N Jt 6S..106 105 105
6 N Sts Pow ref 6s A 91 90 90
7 N W Bell Tel 7S. .106 106 106
1 Or Cal 1st 6s.... 19 99 99
1 Ore R & N lat 4a.. 87 87 87
1 O 8 L ref 4s 91 J4
0 S L ref 4S.-. 91 91 91
7 Pao G El 6 II 90 90
4 Pac TAT 5s.... 97 96 97
15 Pack Motor C 8s. .107 107 107
13 Penn R R 6s..l09 108 108
38 Penn R R gen 6a.. 19 99 99
22 Do Gen 4s....... 11 Jl4 H
1 Pere Marq Ref Is.. 96 Jl
13 Peoria & E Inc 4s. 36 36 36
6 P C C St L 6s A 16 86 86
3 Prod & Ref 8S 102 102 102
I Reading Gen 4s.... 83 83 83
5 Rep I Ac S Col 6s.. 5 95 95
71 R O W 1st 4s.. 68 68 68
6St I M A S Hef 4s.. 86 85 86
43 S & S F AdJ 6s... 78 77 77
61 Do Ino 6s 68 67 68
45 Do Pr lien 4s 72 71 71
6 St L S W 1st 4s 78 78 78
4 S P & K C 8 L 4S 81 81 81
180 SAL con 6s 60 61 61
6 Sharon Stl H Is A 18 98 98
, 13 Sin Oil cv 7S....104 104 104
39 Do Col 7s 98 17 18
67 S Pac cv 4s 11 11 life
14 Do ref 4s 88 88 88
4 Do Col Tr 4s 86 86 86
66 S Ry gen !e 19 91 99
19 Do Con Is 95 14 96
7 Do gen 4s 6 66 66
I S Porto R Sug 7s.. II 17 18
10 Stand O Cal Deb 7s 10C 106 104
34 Third Av AdJ I.. 59 69
13 Do ref 4s 44 63 63
3 Tidwtr Oil la ctf.102 103 102
18 Un Pac let 4a 13 12 12
I Un Pao cv 4a 94 14 14
I I n Pac rer 4a 87 86 86
I Un Tank Car fa.. ..103 13'103
10 Utd Drug la 110 110 110
I U S Realty I a 16 15 16
IVI Rub Is 108 108 10
42 U S Steel sf Is 12 102 12
1 Utah P A Lt 1 10 10 10
l Vs t'r chm 11 VI Ii'
I V ir Chm li !.,l 11 "
I la Ry a V !
I Waal Fl ! ! fit! I"
II Heel Mrylnd 11 Is SI II
II Weal Fa 4 11 11 11
II Weal Union lias ..II ll4 II
! Wasting fclee ! .,11 14 l "4
It W L F. 4 11 al
I Wlieea ft -' f Tit. 11 13 l3
I Hiiaan ev ....,, 11 14 11
I Wis fa sen 4a .. ! W
lit lom laa I II t'
II ('serh'NIO rtf 11 11 16
Total as I re today. 111.846.004 rempared
wlih t,l3, previous dsy aud 111.113,
101 year ago.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New York, Jun 13 Transactions on tha
New Yoik curb Pane market today r
sa fallows;
ssnsalt) Honda.
I Allied Fark la clt II II
I Allied Park ... 16 i
I Am I. 4 T la 107 1 14', 1 04V,
13 Am T T la '33 100 100 so
I Am T T (a '34 ll 101 S ll
3 Am Tab Is '31 ...12 101 12
II Ana I'np la flo 10 1
I Ana Cop 7s '21 ..103 103 102
I An Am Oil 7a ..103 103 03
il Armour A Co. Ta..l044 IU ln
30 llruk In Oil ...107 107 107
I Math Nil 7 '23 ..14 104 104
04 llalh Stl 7 '3! ..103 101 13
CI Ian Nail Hy ! .. 14
S Cent Stl la 106 10414 oi
I t'lllo Herv 7 "C 11 91 '
I Cal Uraph 12 t 13
I 4'iile Herv 7 "11" 131 M4 136
II i on 1 11 19 l'i
17 t o O of 14 I .... 11 19 11
I Con Tea I ....ino 100 1"
I Cop Kx A n s '24 102 102 102
I Cop Ex A'n I '2! 104 104 104
II Cudahy 7 101 101 101
I F.m OAF Is ....101 101 101
7 Freeport Texas ...III 13! Ill
I F I. II 4s 100 101 100
14 Ual Rig Oil 7 ....104 101 101
17 Uoodrirh T 7s ...101 100 100
11 Oulf Oil 7a 104 103 104
3 Harsh 7 co 7 104 104 104
II Hood Ruh 7 .... 18 11
I Inter Ft T Is '22 .. 11 81
I Ksn (Is A El s. II II II
3 Ken Cop 7s 104 104 14
I Kings Co. It 4s.. II 19 91
4 Laredo Oaa 7s ...100 100 100
I Lib McN A L 7s.. 11
II Msgma C 7s 101 109 101
1 Manitoba 7a 15 15 11
I Mor A Co. 7a ..101 101 106
Nat Acm 1 s .. 11 II
I Nat elk A St It.. 103 103 103
3 N Y N H A H 4s. 11 11 11
10 N Y H H A H 7a.. 84 84 16
1 Phil El ! .... 11 19 49
11 Pupnta Allgre 7.. 106 105 105
11 Pu 8r C of N J 7s 101 101 101
I Robert Clair 7a ..18 II 11
10 Rem Arms Is 16 46 16
1 Ksara-Ro 7. '22. .100 100 100
I Sears-Ro. 7a. '21.. 101 101 101
4 Shawaheen 7s ....103 103 103
I Solvay A CI Is. .106 105 106
7 8 W Bell Tal 7s ..102 102 102
16 8 O N Y 7s, '26 ..10! 106 10!
1 S O NY 7s. '27 ..106 106 101
1 8 O N Y 7s. '21 ..106 106 106
1 8 O N Y 7s. '30 ..108 108 101
1 Sun Oil 7s 100 100 100
10 Swift A Co 7s. '26.102 101 101
I Swift A Co 7s. '31.102 102 102
21 Texas Co 7s 101 101 101
1 Tidal Osag 7s 101 101 101
I Un Oil Cal 6s ...101 100 100
11 Un Oil Prod s..l06106 106
1 Valvarin 7s 19 99 99
1 Vacuum Oil 7s ..107 '107 107
I West El 7s 108 108 108
Foreign Bonds.
I Can Ship 7s 98-94
34 Argentine 7s. '23 ..100 09 99
30 C Ppragu 7s .. 92 92 92
21 King Serb Is .... 15 95 95
15 Mex Gov 5s 20 20 20
425 N Y N H Fr.7s.. 73 72 73
24 N Y N H Fr 4s . . 83 83 83
21 Swiss 6s 102 102 102
101 U 8 Mex 4s .... 44 42 42
I II S Brasll 7s .. 86 86 86
1 1
Foreign Knhaars Rates.
New York, June 22. Foreign Exchange
Oreat Britain uemana, 34.42; caoie.
14.42; 10-day bills on banks, 4.40.
France Demand, .0867; cables. .0857.
Italy Demand. .0482: cables, .0482.
Belgium Demand, .0812; cables, .0813.
Germany Demand, .0030; cables,
Holland Demand, .3860; cables, .3855.
Norway Demand, .1663.
Sweden Demand. .2560.
Denmark Demand, .2138.
Switzerland Demand, .1897.
Spain Demand. .1558.
Greece Demand, .0385.
Poland Demand. .0002.
Cexcho-Slovakla Demand, .0193.
Argentine Demand. .3575.
Brasll Demand, .1376.
Montreal .90.
Chirac Stocks.
Range of prices of the leading Chicago
stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248
Peters Trust building:
Armour A Co. pfd..... 97
Edison com 130
Continental Motor 7
Earl Motor 3
Llbby 2
Nat. Leather (new) 8
Stewart-Warner 22
Swift A Co 101
Swift Int 19
Union Carbide 56
Wahl f 0
Wrlgley 103
Chlcaco Potatoes. .
Chicago. June 22. Potatoes Firm on
sacks, weak on barrels; receipts, 101 cars;
total United States shipments. 320 cars;
southern sacked Bliss Triumphs, I2.75
3.00 cwt.; Arkansa sacked Bliss Triumphs
No. 1, t2.763.10 cwt.; Alabama Spauldlng
Roe sacked No. 1, 32.2502.4(1 cwt.; North
Carolina Norfolk section stave barrels
Irish Cobblers No. 1, 14.25 (5,4.65; eastern
shore Virginia stave barrels Irish Cob
bles, I5.255.35.
New York Money,
New York, Jun 22. Call Money
Firmer: high, 3 per cent; low, 2 per
cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid,
3c; offered at 3 per cent; last loan,
3 per cent; call loans against accept
ances, 2 per cent.
Time Loans Easier; 60 days, 34
per cent; 10 days, 34 per cent; 6
months, 44 per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper 404 per
New York Metals. N
New York, June 22. Copper Easier;
electrolytic spot and futures, 1313.
Tin Easy; spot and nearby, 31.25c; fu
ture's, 31.12c.
Iron Steady; prices unchanged.
Lead Steady; spot, 6.765.87c.
Zinc Quiet; East St. Louis spot and
nearby dellverery, 6.355.40.
Antimoney Spot, 6.065.25.
Chlcaco Produce.
Chicago, June 22. Butter Hlgjier;
creamery extras, 36c; firsts, 31 34c; sec
onds, 2830c; standards, 35c.
Eggs Unchanged: receipts, 17.645 cases.
Poultry Live higher; fowls, 23c;
broilers, 3242c; roosters, 14c.
Kansas Cltr Produce.
Kansas City, Mo., June 22. Eggs Un
changed, 20c.
-nutter Unchanged: creamery, S9c.
Poultry Unchanged; broilers, 37c;
hens, 10c; rooster. 11c.
London Money.
London, Jun 22. Bar Silver 35d per
Meney 2 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills and three
months' bills. 2 per cent.
v New York Produce.
New York, Juno 32. Butter Firm:
creamery higher than extras, 37Q38c;
extras. 37c; firsts, 3336c.
Eggs Irregular.
Cheese Firm.
Duluth, Minn.. June 22. Flaxseed July,
12.48; September. 12.48; October,
12.46 bid.
New York Poultry.
New York. Juno 22. Poultry Llv and
dressed steady; prices unchanged.
Marriage Licenses
The following couples have been Issued
licenses to wed:
Alfred C Wennlnghoff, 23. Omane. and
Ruth Craft, 23, Omaha.
. Floyd A. Wallace, 12. Des Moines, la.,
and Nellls E. Below. 32. De Moines, la.
Guy Frederick Col, over 31. Emmett.
Neb., and Ethel Utley Harding, over 31.
Emmet, Neb.
Theo. Fulsass. over 21, Omaha, and
Anna Kooratad, over 31, Omaha.
Earl MrtOnna. 32. Ornaba. and Mildred
Hansen. 22. Omaha.
John Ang. over '21,' Valparaiso. Neb.,
and Iren Sporer. over 21. Valparaiso, Neb.
Rsymond R. Paulson. 23. Omaha, and
Adella L. Becker. 21, Omaha.
John L. McfJIII. 21. Wiener, Neb., and
Margaret Miller. 22. Omaha.
Arthur fntnar. 21. PlattsmOUth. Keb..
and Mary Bennett. 21. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Luclll Harmon. 18. Omaha.
Ernest C. Brown, 33, Derstur, III., and
Els! Rother. 23, TValbacb, Neb.'
Nebraskans Want
Platte Impounded
Committee Confrri With Rec
lamation Service on Ir
rigalion Project Survey,
Washington, June 22, (Sp'cUl
Tclrgr!!!!.) A committee of promi
nent Nebriikaiik arrived litre today
to urge upon the reclamation lervire
preliminary survey to determine
the feasibility of a plan to lnivound
the Wateri of the I'laile for the ir
rigatiou of the belt through which
it rum.
The committee cnniiiti of George
F.. Johnson, Hale eiiKineer, Lincoln;
Mayor McConamthy, lloltlrege;
I'reiidtnt rigg. Ilyttingt I'hamlirr
of Commerce; George 1. Kingsdey,
banker, Mindrn.
The committee rcpresenti the
Central Supplementary Water ai
ociation, organizer) for the purpose
of letting the 1'latte to work to
furnish water for the Tlatte region.
It is propoied to dig open diichrt
into which the flood watrri of the
river will be run during, high water
The delegation culled upon Repre
sentative Andrews and other mem
bers of the Nebraska delegation and
later had a conference with Secretary
of the Interior Albert B. Fall. They
will later confer with the engineers
of the reclamation service.
Osborne Will Aid in
Hospital Valuation
Lincoln. June 22. (Special Tele
gram.) VV. H. Osborne, state tax
commissioner, announced he had ac
cepted the invitation of Douglas
county commissioners to aid in fix
ing the value of privately-owned hos
pitals in Omaha for taxation pur
poses. Other announcements made
by Osborne today in connection with
taxation matters follow:
Court action will be taken to com
pel Swift & Co. to give the state de
partment a list of Nebraska stock
holders for taxation purposes.
Representatives of the Wester
Union and American Telephone and
Telegraph companies will appear be
fore the 'state board of equalization
next week to protest the board's ac
tion in taxing their franchises.
George Barnett, Dakota county as
sessor, reported that after checking
books of Burlington and Missouri
Pacific agents, discovery was made
that 50 carloads of cattle shipped
from that county between April 1
and Ju;ie 1 had not been listed by
owners for taxation purposes.
South Dakota Merchant
Found Drowned in Cistern
Dell Rapids, S. D., June 22. H. O.
Rime, 62, pioneer merchant of this
town, was found drowned in four
feet of water in an abandoned cis
tern near his home here today. Mr.
Rime, while reputed to be wealthy,
has had considerable financial diffi
culty of late, and Sunday called his
family together and explained his
circumstances to them. Yesterday he
had the cistern, which was empty,
filled with water.' He was was well
known in this section of the state.
ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating,
covered buttons, all styles; hrmstltch
Ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button &
Pleating; Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha,
leiepnone ja. 1936.
ed Buttons.
1806 Farnam, 2d Floor.
DO. 6670.
Hovlcnn DR. A. N., Chiropractor. SOi
Jdl IbVll Paxton block. AT. 1747.
WE. 6929. Office hrs.. 11 a. m.-6:IO p. ra.
LEARN to dance; aummer classes; 10 les
sons, 14. Keep's, 1818 Farnam. DO. 8440.
DENTAL X-RATS. II) each. 13 a full set
111 Securities Bids;., 18th and Farnam.
Dr. R. R. Pane, Dentist, 642 World-Her-oid
Bids'. Of. AT, 0561. Eve. KE. 0772.
GARAGES built, any style and size, 1100 up.
Concrete work. .Mlcklln Lumber A
Wrecking- Co. Tel. WE. 55SI.
RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway
Ex. Bids;., JA, 2056; night, KE. 3812.
Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville
Blk. AT. 5601; night, WA. 4045; KE. 0461
JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence
secured In all cases. AT. 1136.
The Ensnn Co.. 1607 Howard St.
17ITTTIQ remodeled, rellned, cleaned.
r U IVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., 203
So ISth St. DO. 7213.
Embroidering, dressmaking-. AT. 3717.
Mattresses made over. New ticks.
Box Springs Repaired.
2115 Cuming St AT. 4471.
DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopath, 643
World-Herald BlHg. At. 2960, Ja. 0721.
P. THIESSEN, painting and paperhang
ing, 5 to 8 per room. Including paper;
best work. AT. 2799.
PLASTERING, cement svork, also paint
ing and paperhanglng. A. Carlson, WE.
PAINTINO and paperhanging; best work;
best prices. Conn Bros. AT. 3397.
LUPTON Painter; inside work a spe
cialty; cheap for cash. AT. 9717.
PAINTING and paperhanging. Call AT
7295. J. A. Ross.
SDDT Printing Co. Ill 8. II St Do. HIT.
J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1712
Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D.
C. I help Inventors sell their patents.
WEDDING Invitations snd announcements
printed or engraved; aamplea sent upon
request. Brandels Printing department
miscf.m!aneoi:s announcements
OAITED saddle horses for rent by hour
or day. All are gentle. My personal
attention given to beginners. Smith
Crane, proprietor.
Ak-Sar-Ben Field. Phone WA. 5061.
lo buy back at small 'profit. GROSS
JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Heb,. 401 N.
16th St. Telephone DO. 04l.
VACUETTES as sdvertiaed In Saturday
Evening Post, pag 47, Jun 17, on x-
hlbitlon snd ssle.
1114 Harney St. Phone AT. 1061.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made
over In new ticks at half price of new
beds. Pillows renovated and made up In
new feather proof ticking. Old bed
ticks washed. 197 Cuming. JA. 2467.
TO protect your treea from damage done
worms ana ainer inmu. ui hit-,,
sprayed bv ihe Home Landerap Ser
vice Co., Ill N. 24th. IK). 1114.
WK buy, sell safe, make deska, ahow
eases. etc.. Omaha Fixture 4 Supply Co .
& W. Cor. 11th and Doaglaa. JA. 1724.
DR. Louis N. Bmernoft, dlaeases of women
and children. Ill N. list St AT. I7l.
PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at
lb I Sherman A McConneU Drugstore.
Girl Awarded Verdict
tor $8,000 Heart Balm
Mncolii. June 22. (Special.
Uaae A. Siine, wealiliy Lincoln mer
chant, wai ordr-red today l pay
Min Gertrude Henoch of HroifVUn.
N. Y., $fl,tl tor breach of promise.
The trial in litrut court hai been
under way for 4 werk,
Stiue ii a tripplr and, according lo
testimony, obtained a promiie ol
marriage thrfmiih correspondence
with Min 1 1 mm h following inter
tion of an advertisement in a matri
monial pprr. It v.i charged tie
paid Mii Henoch'! railroad fare
here from Itfimklyn, tm.k her to
hit mother' home, tnirrhaied
troimran and let l lie wedding date,
hut tnrnrd her down hrfoie the min
iiter arrived.
Don't allow granitcware lo dry '
over a hot tire, a the hrat in rxpatid
ing may cauae the outside to icale
I la per Una eai h day, t or 3 days.
1?e par line ah day, 9 tn 4 days
I Or par line ea'h day, 7 daya ur Inngtr
These rslea anply tn Ilia Humtav flM
aa well aa to Tba Morning and Kvenina
Ha. All workday advarllaamniie apieat
In both morning and vnlng ediuare
lh on rol.
Tha shove rale apply rsrluslvalf a
Want Ada which r commonly termed
"public svanls." and d not Imlud ad
vertising or esploitinc their buaineas.
THE IIRK reserves the right desig
nate what ronstitutes a public want.
Want Ads aiieplrd at th following
MAI OKFICE . .I7lt and Ksrnsm Si.
Hi.uth Shi 4111 South J4lh St.
Council Uluffs 14 Scott St,
AT-lantlo 1000.
Call for Want Ad Department. An i
pirianred Want Ad taked will rrrelva your
ad and a hill will b mallrd Isler. Th
ratea quoted aho apply lo either charge
or rash orders. '
Evening Edition 11:41 . m.
Morning Edition I P- rn.
Sunday Edition I p. ni. Saturday.
BUTLER Krank G.. 1002 Burt St., Jun
SI. age 44 year I month 24 daya. at a
local hospital. Survived by one daugh
ter, Mra. L. J. Oreer, S alster, Mrs. C.
B. Ruehl. Centralla, 111. : Mra. O. P.
McOraw, Plerson, la., and one brother.
J. H. Butler, Clel Elm. Mont., and two
Funeral aervlres at Hoffman Funeral
home Thursday evening. I p. m. Re
mains will lie shipped lo Odebolt, la..
for Interment Friday at 1:30 a. m.
ROEPDE Martin, age 70 years, died
Wednesday at his home. 1040 So. 23d
Funersl Frldsy. 4 p. tn.. from Brewer's
chapel. 24th and K Sta.. Rev. A. K. Wal
born officiating. Remains will be sent to
St. Joseph, Mo., for burlsl.
VAN AL8T Ida M., age II year, on
month, 20 days.
Funeral will b held from th resl-
' denre at Elkhorn Saturday at 2. Inter
ment Elk City cemetery. Frlende ar
JOHNSON Edward, aged 17, died Jun
Funeral Friday, 3 p. m., from Bur
kett Funeral rhapel. survived by wife,
son. Harold, snd daughter, Miss Doris
TERIES AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial
vaults Recommended and for sal
by all leading undertakers. Water
proof, no ateel to ruat, no wood to de
cay. Insist upon th AUTOMATIC SEAL
ING VAl.'LT manufactured by Omaha
Concrets Burial Vault Co.. 6210 N. 10th,
Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077.
Visit Forest Lawn
There ar 320 acres In Forest Lawn
cemetery, the most beautiful spot In this
vicinity; sufficient to accommodate th
people of Douglas county for hundreds
of years. There are only a few larger
cemeteries In th country none In this
vicinity. Offices at tha cemetery (north
of city limits), and 720 Brandela Theater
F. J. STACK & CO.,
Successor to
Stack A. Falconer
Thirty-third and Farnam.
Undertakers and Embalmera.
Phone HA. 0261. Office 2611 Farnam.
Hulse & Riepen,
Funeral Directors. 2224 Cuming.
rpnsRV-MnnRF. 24th win.
WE. 0047.
a-iuu uLAIiUUll pho
Phone DO. 1244
L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. JA. 1251.
JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. JA. 1101.
THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn
solicits your old clothing, furniture,
magazine. W collect. We distribute.
Phone DO. 4135 and our wagon will call.
Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114
Dodge St.
PRIVATE rest home for aged and Invallda.
Trained nurse in charge. Terms reason
able. Websler 6554.
MATERNITY HOME, electric baths for
nervousness. 1912 Emmet. WE. 2111.
MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment
with massagea. 514 S. 19th. AT. 9381.
THEATRICAL historical masque costumes,
for playa and parties, at Lleben's, Omaha,
SULPHUR baths, Swedish massage, chl
ropody. Evenings to 8. 209 a 30th Si.
FISHER baths, massage. 320 Arthur Bldg.
RENT vacuum cleaners. 75c. HA. 1071.
Osteology trentment. O. Jacobs. AT. 5366.
MASSAGE Emma Brott. 1717 Webster.
LOST Plumber's tin tool repair kit Mon
day evening; reward. A. E. F. Plumbing
Company. 3224 North 24th St. WE. 0449.
Lost Black pig. neighborhood 66th and
Cedar. Reward. Call WA. 3387.
ATTRACTIONS wanted for big 4th 4f
JUly celebration at Ansley. Neb. Ad
dress, Concession Commission, Box 66.
Supplied with dolls, rubber balls, bal
loons, lamp dolls, bankets and novelties
of sll kinds.
1204 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Complete courses In accountancy, ma
chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short
hand and typewriting: railroad snd
wireless telegraphy, civil service and all
English and commercial branches.
Write, call or phone Jackson 1561 for
larg Illustrated catalog. Address
Boyles College
Boyles Bldg., Omshs, Neb,
Van Sent School ot Business.
Day and Evening Schools
110 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Douglas 1810.
ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice snd piano.
503 Karbach Blk. JA. 1091.
District Representative
ReprMontmdveii wanted , throughout
(he states of Iowa and .NVriraffk..; men
who want to go out and rljn up soma
ral money In above territories can
make a connection at this time on a
propnaitlon that la new and juet betna;
Introduced In thee mat?. Th flHd
Is Junt aa lara- aa ynu ar. Mr.
Kemp. Room IQth. Hotel Conant, Fri
day. Saturday aad Sunday. II U U
and I to 4,
. 1 '
a. K