The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 23, 1922, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 23. 1922. "
i it i i rt v nn TP 1 I If rn m 1
2c&i Special
MO eJlUJLiUli ailU lYill JLiCVIllMd IVICCL lUUdV 111 V1UI1 1 IIUIIICV I llldld
ml im !
all vov ca ti.c rail
1921 Champ !
Loses Out in
Mr. H. L Arnold Defeated b J
Mr. Lrt inr, 7 and! 6
ostcrs Held
BffieBaDRffUttS Four Fighters Slated to
by Dailey and 1 6c&l Standbies Make Ring Debut in Omaha
Buffaloes Win
btU 1X461 c
W V f i w t m
a ,.V4 4ikik 0 -:
XT m .-,J In. IbM M 41 J-t
laaUMtaf'a B num.
on All-Star Fistic Card
Mid Prtm on Small
End of Coast.
Mr. Mark M. Lerinp. of the
Crmaha field cioh. and km C. X.
; lofcrtfcofi, rjrfrttnc tht Fremont
Country club of Fremont. Neb- will
c:mpe it, tht ima!s todar of tht
f r.b aiinc! Nebraska
ru'k rrH tournament berr. nlaved 1
: 0 er the Happy Hollo course.
The Omihi vgrntc poller woo
the rifht to nliy in the final bv
eliminating Mr. H. L. Arnold.
champion, in the scmi-tuial yenter-
( car Tnomttig, ana o. wnue Jrs.
. Johnson earned her way into the
ttnal ty trimming Mm
Daj.hint I'etm of the Omaha Coun- tranches in the var
ious other flights and consolations
will he reeled off this monutis, the
cnampionbMp consolation contes
tants vending their way around the
course first
Play in Afternoon.
Starting at 1 n. to., Mr. Johnson
and Mr. Levings will tee off on
their craitt around the course to
drtertnine the champion woman
golier f CornhntJcer land. Each
match in the final it scheduled ior
IE botes.
Plarmg the same hraDd of golf
that has charactenred her fame thus
iar in the tournament, Mrs. Lerinps
eliminated Mrs. H. L. Arnold, the
champion, 7 up and h to go in what
was expected to be the feature
match of the semi-finals.
Mn Levings was superior to the
champion in every department of the
tame. Her driving, approaching
and putting being the feature ot
the day's play. Seldom the chal
lenger hooked her drive, while the
distance of her approach shots were
well ganged. ,
The champion, on the other hand,
was completely off her came. Mrs.
Arnold faOed to show the brand of
golf that marked her victory over
JJrs. Karl Lininger in the 1921 clas
sic. She was nervous from tee to
tee, and coupled with this handicap,
ell after making a drive from Ho.
7 tee and injured her ankle.
OS Her Game.
so completely-was Airs. Arnoio on
her game that she succeeded in gam
ing cmry one hole-, from the chal
lenger. The champion made No. 6
in three, by making a good drive
and a pair of dandy putts.
Mrs. Levings covered the first
nine holes in 47, making one birdie,
that being chalked up on No. 1. Par
for this cup is lifted at three and
the challenger safk a putt ior a
three. Mrs. Levings also shot No.
9 hole in three, which is par for
this tin.
Mrs. Arnold started out "by mak
ing the initial hole in par, which is
four, but frora then on, with the ex
ception of No. 6, was wav off her
game. The champion went the first
nine in 33 and was six down on her
opponent when they turned ior home.
The match ended on the 12th hole
v hen both contestants got fives. The
previous cup went to Mts. Levings.
hrn she sunk a three-foot putt for
a six. while Mrs. Arnold took a sev
en. The halfing of the 12th decided
the match in favor of the challenger.
Fremont Golfer Wins.
The second semifinal match might
veO be termed the feature of the
tlay. Mrs. C. X. Johnson of the
Fremont Country club of Fremont
Ncb won the match from Miss
Daphine Peters of the Omaha Coun
try club, 3 and 1, and after staging
a brilliant comeback after the first
nine holes had been played.
The Fremont entry in the state
tournament is not a newcomer to
local golf circles. Mrs. Johnson has
competed in several tournaments,
hut not until this season has she
tucceeded in breaking into the final
bracket Last year Mrs. Johnson
won the consolation prize. She has
also won many tournaments staged
at the Fremont club.
Mrs. Johnson excelled in driving
and approach, shots. Like Mrs.
Levings with whom she is paired in
'he finals today. Mrs. Johnson ont-
ove and out-approached her op
ponent The Fremont golfer smackes
the little while peBet a la "Babe"
Ruth and is sure to give the Field
cinb representative a tongh match
for the championship this afternoon.
Start Out WeH
The match started oat with -both t
contestants halving the first and sec
ond holes. Miss Peters took both
the third and fourth holes. The
next cup was made on a 50-5D basis,
while Mrs. Johnson tsok the third,
after making a good approach shot
and holing a four-foot putt ior a
four. Miss Peters took a five and
then won the seventh, eighth and
ninth holes, being three op on the
Fremont goiter at the turn.
CharHe Johnson's Country club
protege traveled the first nine holes
ra 5L 14 above par. wmie Mrs. jonn- .
on made the first time m Sj-
Not trctu the coestarrts took ttx ,
Ttapte JOT name OKI jars, jnusun cur- ,
bbr the hrand of rolf which IS sure :
to frtvt Mrs. Levings pVetity of j
trouble. !
Starting -ith the '10th hole, the'
Fremont goHer won five boles in j
succession. "Added to this. Mrs
Johnson got a birdie three on No. 14,
which is no small trick, even ior a
. ,- r , , .
w uue uuuc;...
.Mrs. Jotntsons best note oi ine
vmcrmmg was the 14bt. She drove
onto the green irom the tee, making
otic of the best drives witnessed this
scasciB era xne irappy noucw coor.
Vrv Johnson drove the little white
baH -within a few iret cf the green j
and easirr holed out rn two ptrtts.
arrr-nrw her a brrrfie th-re irrr the
rp. 1
Wtof cs f'iftpf irt3L ' .
Rrrf b. cnliera lefrd fjfT ?C- 13 1
Johsaati woa the a 3th ben she j
the bole ia aUZ matpaiett to!
) ,-jS ;KSV.: ;::::::
V j j ( mlta. a
1 I Mrlglill 1
n. c -
Mrs. H. L. Arnold, Field club, winner of the 1921 Nebraska State Wom
en's golf championship, was dethroned yesterday in the semi-finals of the
1922 tournament being staged at the Happy Hollow course, when Mrs. M.
M. Levings, also of the Field deb, won an eay match, 7 and 6.
Mrs. Arnold was off her game from the first tee. She appeared nervous
throughout the match and hir drives and putts were far from being up to
her average.
the 10 strokes required by Miss
Peters. The 14th also went to the
out-state golfer, while the 15th was
halved. Mrs. Johnson was 2 upon
the loth and ended the match on the
15th when a long drive, coupled with
two good approach shots and a
three-foot putt won the hole and
match, $ and 1.
Miss Peters played weTJ going out.
htit rnmmrr in hrr rirfrfH; larked the :
etram and her anoroach and tratt
shots fell short. j national association, MacCauley de-
In the consolation fEght, Mrs. K. j clares, is the only organization etn
A. Lininger will plav Mrs. May El- powered to oust champions for re
Iiott for the title. Mrs. Lininger ves- fusir. matches. MacCauley sec-
terdav won over Mrs. lohn Caldwell.
n( 1 and VIrc Flliott rVtMWfl
Mrs. E. V. Arnold. 5 and 4.
The card for the Levings-Arnold
match follows:
lvin- Out HHHtl T7
In S S i
Arnold Out UlTtllt 4 L3
In S 7 S
The card for the Johnson-Peters
match follows:
Johnson Dot ( I I M I t 4 E7
la 4 7 S S 3 S 4 4
Petera Out I Ittilli 4 61
In illlHiii
Vest Selects Net Stars
to Play Easterners ;
San Francisco, June 22. Three
Pacific coast tennis stars. William
M. Johnston, Miss Helen-Wills and
Willis E. Davis, will represent the
west in eastern singles tennis cham-
pionships this summer. Dr. Sumner
Hardy, San Francisco, president of
the Camornia Lawn Tennis associa-
tion, has announced.
Tourney Results
ChampMmthip Fticbc
Mm. M. M. lviwni (F. C.) defeated
Mn. H. 1. Arnold il". CI 7 and 8.
Mrs. C. K. Jnbneon (Fremont 1 defeated
Mma Ijaphine Fetera (C. C.J 2 and 1.
lira. K A. liinineer defeated Mta. John
Caldwell t and 1.
Mr. Ray Elliott defeated lira. E. V.
Arnold a and 4.
fwwri Fllrht.
Mra. E. Goodrich defeated Mn. B. O.
Brutnrton 3 up.
Mra. G. M. Hoemer defeated Hra. fiam
Caldwell 7 and S.
6tnii41 FUatt CaBaakatiaa.
Mrs. G. Kountae defeated Mra. C. X
Ueyer 3 and 2.
Mm. A. .Dudley defeated Mra. A. Palmer
1 up.
Third Flirnt.
Mra. O. S. Goodrich defeated Mra. M.
Turner 2 and 1.
Mrs. H. Luebrrer defeated Mra. G.
Btoux t and 4.
Third Tlichl CtowilatKiB.
Mra. G. M. Stewart defeated Mra. C.
Tbieaaen '2 and 1.
Mra. W. EdmiktOB defeated Mra. F. C.
Beetor i and 4.
Fourth Flijrbt,
Mies Dnrmhy Ban defeated Mra. E.
Crawford 1 up. 2k holes.
Mra. R. A. Ncmor defeated Mra. A. L.
Schwartx 1 up. : I holea.
Mra. 1 J. EDUtrh defeated Mn. J.
Farratt 1 up.
Mna Irene Walker defeated Mra. J.
Srharf r up.
PAlRinga fur TOday 1 col hex hd
Mra. M. 31. Lev-hike F. C.) agnlnst Mra
C -N. Johns un Fremontl.
HI-. W A I.inmaer airainBt Mra Ra
Nw end Zlit-fe-t.
Mra. H.
Goodrich uilnt Mra. G. K-
tnmrji- "-
Mra. G. Eomms aaaJoet Mra. A Dud-
ndrd nss-tat.
Mra O B. Goodrich aa-ainst Mra. H.
Ura i. n Stewart aentnst im w
Fsanrtk FUfM.
: Mlas Trorothv Ball akainat Mra. R.
urm. L. j. Bouts acai
Maw Iran
T odag in Ring History
Tanrty-Tw Venn Aara.
Bob Frtxaliiimotia knocked out Arthur
tphmm. yew orssaua. a Tsuida.
Tonaij-rw Tean
Udx Con natty acmtnart Jack Robinson.
draw, ate Joan. 13 rounds.
Tanc Caiksu azarnax imz. Dempaaa.
draw, asgreti. 2k roan da.
Caarper Lava ara mar Ciarenea Furbaa.
draw. Bt, Lcnua, 12 rounda.
Ben Jarrdma knoctea ana McTadoem.
Tmm a. l
x .m .w i ttmrtm. !
w. iiii.A.ta,a a tta.
vhauy Crraioa.
14) iwnda.
Jartl rtark aammm 2mm Jeanelle. aa da- 1
1-1. Paraaw rtn kaaM m a
Saw lark, a zaoada
mm r
Says Commission
Can't Forfeit Title
Lansing, Mich.. June 22. The New
York boxing commission is over
stepping its powers in refusing to
recognize as champions titleholders
who have tailed to accept challenges
within a reasonable time, in the
opinion of E. A. MacCanley, chair
man of the rules committee of the
National Boxing association. The
rary of the Michigan boxing con
I miSSlOU.
Tigers Win in 11 Innings
Detroit. Mich, June 22. Cut
shaw's triple followed by Rigney's
single, ended an 11-inning pitching
duel between Ehmke and Pmett
here today, and allowed Detroit to
beat St Louis. 3 to 2, in the opening
game of a series of four games. The
leaders held a two-run advantage
until the sixth inning, when Prneti
weakened momentarily, allowing the
Tigers to tie tbe-score. Both pitch
ers received effective backing, Pruett
particularly getting airtight support
in the pinches.
liOTTB t
j "j"-
j flT.ieTi
I wninimi. ir
1 5,cSJJn,'t?'
k 2 1 0 Blua. lb .
4 8 2 S .1(XK. 3b
I 1 14 1'Oir. ef
1 1
4 2
4 2 2 0 Vck. rr
4 14 4 Hdllminn. rf
4 11 SKinabaa. 2b
2 13 n airner. at
4 1 Hauler, e
5 k g 3 ISmja. a
i jnin.
rm. p
Tntata 38 I 30 181 Mala
M 12 IS S
None out -when winning run acored.
Spore by innlncra:
at Louik mn ion o 5
Detroit "00 002 000 01 1
Summary Hune : McManua, Colltna.
Blue. Jnnea. Cutahaw. Errors: Jaeob
pnn. Jonea. Two-baae hit: Sieier, Tohtn,
CutBhaw, WUliama Three-baee hlta:
Cobb. Cutichaw. Bacrlflcea: Jacottaon. EI
lerbe. Cobb, Baaaler. Gerber Double playa:
EIlerle to Mraanm to Sialer t. Mr
Manua to Gerber to Bialer, Gerber to El
lerbe. Left on basea: Bt. Loun. 11; De
troit. 3 0. Baaea on balla: CfT Bhmke.
4; off Pmett. S. Btmck out: By Ehmke.
J: bv pmett. 3. Tmpirea: Chill and Con
nolly. Time; 2:30.
Keernit Wina tar Sm.
Chicafi. June 22. Gorham Jjeverette.
the bik rookie pitcher obtained from the
Fort Bmith Ark ) ciab. held Cleveland to
atx hlta and shut them out tor the aec
ond time thia season. Chicaro winning.
3 to 0. Xb victory put Chicafo in fourth
place. The local won the aame by hunch
inr their hita off Coveleskie in two ln Score:
AB.R.O.A !
4 0 14
.lamiemm. cf
2 fllbnfm m
wmlw. !b
Wiled. If
Gardner 3b
1 keweli. as
Mrlnnia. lb
ftramw. If
Cmlakta. p
Lmdsey. p
1 2 2'atnlluan. 3b
0 0 OtOoUiM. Sh
1 0 4'nniiiiei , rf
0 2 O Mraul ef
1 13 A F-alk.Tf
0 1 0 Sbeeh-. Ik
0 4 B Prtalk e
1 0 2'ltaietie. p
0 W
0 3
0 3
1 2
1 1
2 10
0 2
1 S
0 0 o: Totals
S3 r 31
30 k 24 14!
Batted for Coveleskie in eighth.
Score by innrngv:
fWcland 0"0 000 ooo 0
Chicago 900 010 2" I
Summary Run Hooper. Falk. Bbeely.
Errora: Wood, Sewell. Two-base hit:
C..I.. C . r- f . 1. W-nnM
i,." , t r . t'
c-.'n ajb-inoi. TinW... to J ew-
ell to Mclnnia. Johnson to Cotlina ' Left
on naeea: leveiana. : unicaao. a Baaea
' b b-11 : ff Ooveleekie. l. Struck out:
B" Leverette. 2: by Coi-eleekte. 2 Bits:
1" . . . ' """""i i""u
ear. in 1 timinc. Losma pitcher: Cajre-
leaicie. l uiMlrea: w alah. Jtvans attu
Owens. Time: 1:31.
Bsc Trim Tanka.
t Boston. June 22. Boston defeated New
: Tork, t to 2. today In a team interrupted
three timea by heavy showers, hail and
lutnxnina:. John vjuinn acais ; beat his
former xnates. hold ma the leatfue cfaam
P'ons to five hlta. Boyt was hit hard n
the early rnnmra For aix rrmtnes taw
vwitors made only one hit off Qulnn. John
Collms piayed wall.
IOW -JTIsta: 7 BOfTrTrT
as n n a.i
wm. c
alcianT. 3b
Miller. If
Mouatl Tf
Ptrai lb
43 1 kmrHi rf
a i i !
a i I
3 3 0 4 Miaalr.BT
4 13 1 Bursa. Ik
4 1 t 0 tsb 2b
1 13 l'nussn. 2k
3 0 12 1 inUma of
3 2iiel . e
J k 4 3 i-liiiuasl. 4
1 7 k k Qenra. a
a t o Toiale
4 1 10 1
X 2 4
a i o i
4 3 2 0
4 2 1 S '
Bon. v
sro-rer. 9
4 114
s i :
1 k s s
1 J
21 5 34 15
flatted Tor Boyt rs sixth
Batted for Marrray la uchth.
Oiiib wc rn-nrnxv:
t-w Tart aoi i sb t
Boston 13 lx f
Milrer. Hoffman. Me-
Banas. Pratt Dmraa (I). J. Cs-
lraa. Emm: Frrra. Pratt
hit: Troaran. Sarmltcea: McNally. Ward.
! Daanrn. fitabea bas-a: J. CnlUos 2.
DnMe -nuaysi: Pitteuissl te pratz te
ksi alwimai a 4a Pratt e aba-nai Tl
rra basea. Ke To-k. S : Bewrrca. 4. Baaea
oa bwiia: or? Pert. X; srff Qutnn. 3-
Struck wart: By Bert. 1; by Wnrray. 1
1: bv Oram. X. But: Off
Bert. I Ir I tinrhaga: nS Murray, 0 rs 2
hremga; arTT Tassa. 3 rs 1 mums. Loairat
rirL . : !lu" cxnpt-fli
Xiasa; im
Omana Tallopi Cullop't 0f
fet-icc and Cop 7 to 2 Wr
dirt Wildrr, Gifclat-on
aod Dailer Double.
De M nines, !a. June 22. Omaha
hit Cnllep hard, vbiit Eajley kept
the Det Moines hits scattered, the
visitors taking the f:rt game of the
teries. to i
an. a to a
J i
ab. a. . n.
u s it n
tar (mUmp tm aiata.
. . .am ani t
Ti lina hMn WUdar. Wk
Mkry. lam. taortfkro Mt: it-
mp: ' Lett
IS; turn MrtMa.
Br !. S; kr UklSr. t.
am kmUa: Oft CnlkaB. S: art Dmtr. -nit
tknh: Caliaau tara.i rmmm: Otwtkm,
1: lfcm Mm, 1. IMokW ar: U r
wpufklm: . WUaW.
iptir: Mrt tui mm Brawa.
RnetLer Beats Giants
New York, 'June 22. Ruether
Brnoklrn'c star left hander. won his
, r ,
i-io il tu: y vi Lire bchuu iici c iv
uiv, ucicatiiig cw x ut a iu k iam
hard-fought game. 3 to 2. While
New York outhit Brooklyn. Ruether
always had the game m hand. Ryan
was knocked out in the fourth in
ning, bits bv Mitchell, Brooklyn-s
substitute first baseman, being j
largely responsible for the two runs
scored on Ryan. A diving catch by
Outfielder M3-exs featured the game.
Score: j
! Fob 3ti 403 Rancrnft.
I Jeonstim. All! 3 Rawlina. 3k
; T GTIfllth. If S 1 3 H frier. 3b
a n n t
1 S
1 2
a fi
l s
Wheat, a 3 1 ! 0 Hmnl. It
Xm. ef I ! Touua. rf
Mltrbell. 4 !W 1 Rhjnn
ONnir- m
3 14 3 S!tr lb
2 14 lTun iham. ef
2 k (J 3'kmtUi. e
'Bran. p
31 f 37 U.I Harrm. p
1 15
Th.lem . e
Buetnet. p
1 1
2 1
k II
lOaueer. p
I Tntak
S4 i :
Batted for Trnmr re urnth
Batted for J. Barnep rn ninth.
Ran for Evan in ninth.
Brora by innii.p:
Brooklyn .... KJ 1"1 Oik 5
Sew Tork 000 mo inn :
nummary Rone: Wheat (2). CM won
Frlach. Cutminfrham. Errors: Bancroft
;i Two-baae hlta: MltoheU, Bmtth.
Stolen baee: Oikon. Bacrlfioee: TVberry,
Myera. Ruether. Double play: Rawllnea
to BaTirroft to Ketly. lft on baaee: N"w
Tork. 6: Bnmk'yn. B. Basep on balla: Off
Ryan. 3: off Ba-nee. 2: off Ruather, 1.
Btmrk not: By Ruether. 3; by Cauaev, 1.
Hlta: Off Ryan. 3 tn 1 3-3 innlnim: off J
Barnea. 3 in 2 2-3 Inninire: off Cauaey, 0
In " rnninka. Loeine prtuher: Ryen.
Tmpirea: Moran and Quitriey. Time 1:JS.
Pinvtea, I; Cuba, .
PittaburKh. June 22. Frttebura-b and
Chicatto played off a postponed trame here
today, the Pirates winning. II to s. Barn
hart atarted the locate' ecorinir with a
homer jn the rirht field bleachers in the
aecond innine, and Alexander rave way
to Oabome tn the fifth, after the locel
had secured four runa. Oeborne was hit
hard, and hrs wild pttch let in two runa
The T-ia:tnra utaked a rally on Cooper In
the ninth, acoruuj fnur runa.
AB H n A
ktati. eT 4 0 2 I MaranTllle. 2b
2 2 R
Tiniineiier. s 6 4 3 aHarev. cf
Knar 3b 4 2 0 l Burbea. If
(Crimea lb 4 0 32 O'Barnhart. 3b
rrlbeni. Tf-2b 5 0 3 4 Trannt. as
Miller. IT 4 2 2 0 Bohwer. it
Terrr. 2b 110 .liRnnmi. lb
Kelleher 3 0 0 OiOoech. c
Hesthnite. If 1 1 I Oirooiw. p
Wrrth, r 4 2 4 1 'Cai-lnrm. p
Alexander, p 1 0 0 il
flwbnme. j, 1 0 0 0' Totals
"OTarrell 3 1 6 Oj
Totals 36 13 24 13!
Batted fnr Terry In sixth
Batted for Osborne tn ninth
13 0
1 2 0
3 0 1
3 4 4
0 10
0 10 0
1 5 0
10 1
0 0
' K
Score by innrnrs:
Chicaao ...ono mo 014 6
Pittsbur-gh 011 210 3"x 8
Summary Runs: Ptatx. Kmc. Terry,
Beathcote. Wtrth. O'Farrell. lilarar!vl!le,
Biroee, Barnhart (21. Tramor f2). Cooper.
Kitot: Km-. Two-base hits: Miller.
Beathcota Three-baee hits: Biebee,
Barnha-t. OTarrell. Home rune: Barn-
hart. Krua Stolen base: Traynor. Sac-
ts i .
mi".. OKiiinai k, wnmni, iuur. iinuiiir
Maranvitle to Grmrro. Maranvllle to Tray
nor to Grimm. Friberr to Grimes. Left
on bases: Onicairo. S; Ptttshurrh S Bases
on nana: m Alexander. 15 otr Oehorne, j b.,. k, lonrnes-
2; Cooper. 4. Struck out: By Oeborne. rvatrTrl lnna,s' B,n Me4
2: by Cooper. 4; by Carlson. 1. Hits: Off GrBll0 lBlBTIi ' ' '.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'. .300 150 Olrx 7
Alexander. C in4 hmines; off Osborne, i pumrnarv Rant : Warnstaff (II. Ed
, Co.npr-,1; m ;-s'n- i wards (-l.'Roben (21. Sarafini C2): Palma
hmee: off Carlson, 0 m 1-3 innink Kit Krrt shook Errors: Krrschner.
bv prtchefl hall: By Alexander 'Traynorl.
Wild pttch: Osborne. WinninF pitcher:
Cooper. Losina; pitcher: Alexander 'em
pires: Kiero and Wilaon, Time: 1:4".
Phillies Wis. I a (.
Philadelphia. June 22. Walker's double,
sconnar Parkinson and Williams to the
seventh tali, ave Philadelphia a S to 4
. . .X. 'JZT ! tW "Tenlnc
fm' kr . Aside frora the first
" Km Ptcnea eriectively.
BOttii.' 1 3HTLADEI.rTn
AB.H. O.A.' AB. H.O.A
Towen c
BarbsTe, 2b
Bouthw'th, cf
'rnieE. If
Brwnael. 3b
Unlkt. lb
Srmi as
Otredv. S
3 2 0 Harm 3b
4 0 4 0
4 2 14
X 2 4 0
2 1 II 0
2 0 0 0
3 3 14
110 0
i 0 3 0
3 0 0 1
s ;rl
3 2 2'On-kiowm.Ih
3 3 Willmma. a
t 3 0 aralker. rf
3 2 3LR. If
0 7 O'rtercher as
2 3 4'Ualre. 3b
1 3 0'7fBilhK. e
3 0 3 Bins, p
3 0 0'
' Totala
Mllr-r n
Ornswrnhury 1
Totals 27 32 24 II
Batted for Miller tn ninth.
Beoesi by taming:
Boston ..300 0P3 son 4
Philadelphia 2O0 003 jox 4 i
Summary Runs: PrrweTl. Barbae,
Cruise. Ford. Parkinson 2. Williams 3).
!! ' oi : SoB-thwnrth. WUliama. Two-base
hlta: Ford. WUliama. Waiter. Bnrna
-un: ParklnsmTL Bacrtf ipsa: Boeckel
Lee. Prrwen. Double plays- Fletcher t
Leslie. Barbarr to Ford to Hnlke Left
en Mare: Beaton. : Philadelphia. .
nmwm ma. in jeiiier. a rtrruca
out: By Rise I- bv Miller. 3 Hrf bv
l4traaiwt Vaaa Tt Ivc.-tl - -kf' - - -vt
rr. rA. Va iLiw.
r.ii in wi if i K' I
Trrrie- l-4 e
. 1
Bnildm to Hay Cops
The Home Builder? and the Oma
ha Police baseball clubs win ctoss
bats at Mirier park Sunday Trjorcmp.
The "cors" are out to get revenpe
for the trotmring" handed thcrn last
a.-ui cur
tHMtt. tl tW MMIiO. t.
0 a Im Miw
kikall C' t i Iwa.
Ht i Biniu Cnt.
tt&ak,A Marc iXAcra.
! rwnw
L M1
it 14 .M Kartell
M M Jtu V t tmmmt
Si i ia twin
14 I"
m a
1 ' lny
Kortala t: Uaat lie
C,rti ldua 7; lMatrin. 4.
Lincvia. ". rirtur . 1
ortula at u:mn
ATio aTTxAfct a.
W L t
at m
9 S
7'" tnft ST sr jirx'iaeiaMa
ki Uub Si .i.T
' tmm S3 9 .5-:r kn
1 Maraa'a Ai alf.
Tinok'rft I: r Tork. !.
lBiiaaiihik. I; Hostint. 4.
T"'!lwi. i; Clliratra i.
otkar lutt pikjatf).
Tad-r'l tmmm.
Diaiimi at rtiilxtklnhui.
Bronnlvn at Kw Turk
Cincinnati kt Fitutuirck.
ChickCP kt 8l Loaia.
W 1. rot.l
3? 3k ,M T aaniturnk
.-M 9 .M nil la
31 U .C13 Boauk
w t
v Zi
m x;.
s x:
M tint
Bnmnk. S : N Tork, 2.
Chicago, t. Owaland. (.
X;rott. 2: St. Louia.
(No other (km plyfll.
Cleveland at Cblcacu.
Pt. Uoum at retTntt.
Fhiladeiptaia at WaHhmartoa.
ew Tork at Boatoa.
fiuurftasa. "
w. v rw. w i tci
UitmaiwilK M .s:a ImiuwUI : 3.'. .mi
lidiiiaiwi : 3 .mieici
nlumDU 9 SB .4"
1 Hi rmul X! 34 .(HIT KanaM CUT 3k 41
suiinukai 35 33 3'ToMfki 21 41
Columbia, fe: Kanaaa City, 2.
Toledo. (: Ki!w&uke. 4.
Minneapolis.. S; Indianapolw.
Louiewlle. 4: S-.. I'aui. 1.
Tedav'a T mn
Bt Paul at Louie-tll.
Minneapolik at lndianapolia.
Snie-aufce at Toiedo.
Kaniaa City at Columbua
At 5!t take City P. H E.
IjOB Ankelaa fi 13 t
bait Lke t 13 2
Batteriee: Lyona and Baldwin; Gouid.
Reirer and Byler.
At Oakland. Cal. R H. E.
Seattle . 4 10 2
Oakland S 14 3
Batteriee: Bureer and J. Alum; Arlett
and Eoehier.
At Sacramento R. H. E.
Pan Franclaco 12 17 3
Sacramento IS 7 S
Battertea: See and Agnew; Fittery and
Licks Defeat Fairbury
Lincoln, June 22. Fred Fussel of
Exeter had everything his own way,
and Lincoln won the second game of
the series here this afternoon from
Farrbury, 7 to 1. It was Fussel's
debut in a Links unriorm. He
turned back 12 men at the plate and
kept the hits well scattered. He had
rough going in but one inning.
Score :
Bnoner at 4 10 2Carrui. If
OlnTeUnd. 3b 3 8 2 IKh. as
aflterait. e-lf 4 1 11 0 Weed of
Beichta. rf 4 0 1 0 McCoy, lb
HIik. cf 3 0 0 O ttlbami. rf
Gnodwni. Sb 3 0 2 3 farr 2b
wmbush. lb 3 I "Zinker. 3b
Jenney. If 5 0 Ifrmker. r
O'Craraot. c 113 0 PiMeal, p
Lntnh. T 3 0 0 1
Coanrm. p 2 10 0 Total!
s 2 : o
3 112
4 12 0
4 10 0
2 10 0
4 111
4 0 13
4 2 12 2
3 0 0 1
s: io :
Ttak 3S 7 24 Si
Score by innmes: .
Fairhurv n n" 1
Lincoln' 101 06 OOx 7
Rumrnary Runs: Coahow. CatTtr 'fl.
i Dve (21. Zlnker, Cnnkey. Fuseel. i.rrors.
Roonev, Lovich. Three-base htt: Wood.
Two-base hits: Roonev. O'Connor. Wood,
i McCoy. Carr, Conkey. Sacrifice hits: Cleve
i land. Dye. Struck out: By Lovich. in
mniuaE( i'.v v.iiii'w, iii ii'iiiv.i
bv Fnaeel. 12. Banes on balla: Off Lovic-h.
4; off Coahow. 2: off Fuaael. 2. Stolen
bases: Dye. Earned runs: Fairtmry. 3:
Lincoln. 6 Hits and runs; Off Lovir.h. i
and 7: off Coshow. 1 and 3 Left on beaes:
Falconry, 7: Lincoln, ft. Time: 2:0a. Um
pire; Blattery.
Ifilandeea. 7; Beatrice. 4.
Grand Island. June 22. Shook kept
Beatrice htts weFf scattered except for the
Birth trmlr.R. and Grand Island took the
sefiond Rame of the series. 7 tn 4. McKee.
visitme pitcher, was forced to retire when
he was hit on his clove arm by a pitched
AB H. O.A.i
r-tzer. 2b
3 SBtihen.TT
1 0
j Krtt:hiier. lb
I Warmtaft H
' Bnwmaa, ef
Sdwardi. 3b
1 iS,"?' "
riiaer. c
0 31 1 Harwood. !b
2 1 O ftarafmi. of
0 3 I'Pmlnmtien. If
2 1 a Metx. as
2 13 Rvsalret. r
0 2 O Kranna. 3b
0 4 'edrlt. lb
0 0 3 Shook, p
2 0 4 5
3 12 0
4 10 0
4 2 2 12
4 0 4 0
4 0 2 2
2 0 12 0
4 10 1
j . .-
' Oirlrlinn. p
: GlisDb
0 0' Totals
34 7 24 321
i .iA,n.n 3 Tnlm.tir. metx
(21. Kranrta. Federle. Borne runs: F.d-
warts and Sarafini. Three-baee hits:
Palmatiere. Two-base hits: Johnson. Ed
wards. Sacrifices: Harwood. Federle.
Bases on baf'ta: Off 2: off Gid
dtntrs. 1: off Shook. 2 Stolen bases:
Shook, Sarafini. Palmatiere, Kranda.
! ,.,1
nlavs: Eda-ards to Fiaer
Kirschner : Kranda to Federle: Metx
j Harwood to Federle (SI. Runs and hits:
otr McKee. 7 and B hi S inninirs: off Gld-
,. Non, nfl : in 2 Innlnira Ptruck
on:- Bv Mrf 3: br Shook. 2. Left on
I bases: Beatrrce. 0: Grand Island, i. Htt
I by pitcher: By Shook (McKee). Earned
runs: Beatrice. 3: Grand Inland. 2. Lo
ina pitcher: McKee. Cmpire: Murphy.
Verfolk (snra frwat statahed.
Hastirnts. Keb., June 21 By hlttink
Beck fnr seven hits and seven runs ic
the seventh rrmins: here todsy. Norfolk
evercame a five-run lead and defeated
Hastmrs. 9 to a. Manafrer aMrr of Nor
folk wa sbenched tor protestinc a decision.
il I O i AB. B D l
4 2 0 liGaucban. p 2 2 2 4
! wer lb
4 12 3 Srmui. 2b
4 1 2 l'Aroen. ef
4 0 3 n'Tresi. If
5 2 2 0 U liteta a
3 12 0 Sera. 3k
4 1k 0'a.naiib. rk
3 2 3 0.(Tana. rf
4 2 0 1 Bank, a
1 0 S
1 Tenus
30 12 r r;
3 2 1
,i a.
4 0 2 0
5 12 0
4 2 0 0
4 2 2 2
i Bouse, cf
I I'lsrk. c
1 Stnrier If
I Baaaero. Ib
! "ree-. IT-Ib
4 110 1
3 0 0 3:
3d 27 13 i
i Bamett. V
alnon. XT
ans a3 Tio
Score by mnisura:
Hastimrs 210 OTl
nummary Sons' Athe-trm.
Boner Cie-fc. -uck . Haggere. Speera.
Banett, (Wughan Smith 2I, Tissa,
Crann. Beck. Errors: Athertoa (21.
; Speece. Gauchan. ilnapp 2. Craun. Two
base Bits: Brprth. Willeta. Tomes, fltucker.
Clark. 6acrifirs: Amen. Sp-ece. Smith,
Wnue-r. Baaea on balls: Cff Beck. 2:
off Barnert. 1. StrHen bases: Gauchau.
Bamett- Double plava. Bmith t &augbaa
re Anapp. Struck out: By Beck. . by
Bamett, A Left an baa a: Baartmara. :
Norfolk. C. Famed rflis: iorfntk. 3: fiatl-
rcaa A Luxptrea. iiawthoma. Tuna: S
OI K -i(irrs of tht ktus'ud g.untlrt J n.akt thrir Lstic
urtuf in Oniatia ttntiorrcw right iirn tht curtkio g ti
ur at VrWTi Ltkgur park lor (.n.a!.a'i f;r outdoor bo
i.g tktd vi the kcasoi., i
Tht it'tir krurkie whi'lrri who W rr.akt thrir initial
bo to Oniktian are -Kid" Xortntk. ont ft the grektrnt
colored fghttr ot tod ; Oeongt Shkdr. rether of tht
iamous Lsvt; Jimmy Lriti . S:. I'aul nuttdieweight, and
Rortr .rrith. the wt.fcational r!f-r from Mtchican.
"Kid" Xortofk is
. .ight-hravyweight with a rwr fi:ic future. St-.adt and Irlanrr will weet j
another" bout, and Rocky Smith will ts rite -ints" behind tht j
:areer ot Morr Schlaiier. '
I Trained Detnpkey. , markablt f.ghirr knd or.!- ,ieed an i
Norfolk should prove a hig box
. wA .
former to the ftstit'bugi ior there
it onlv ont nerro in tht game to-
' day who stands a his suwrtor and
j he is Harry Wills, long boomed as
i Dempsey's " lopcal optonctit.
I""Nono!k was Dempsey's fav-
j iT.. -v r
tier, the -battle of the rentu-v.- '-" the are apt tn bt turned
Why Dempsev rhoe Norfolk as on tht hghtirg Shade tartnly. ior De
Hs sparring partner is no mystery j i.ry -vervth:tig that to
-....v,,, ,k. ,r thmirh a , mkkf a great middle weight. .
boxmt skit with the fast and clever
Panama Joe Gans, .negro welter
Speed of a Licrbrwekht.
Norfolk has the speed of a licht-
eight, the kick of a mule in cither
hand and the cleverness of leff
Dark and Joe Jeanette. negro ring
masters of by-gone days.
Taylor, his opponent is a re-
Divide Double-Header
St. Joseph. Mo June 22. St
Joseph and Wichrta divided honors
in a doubleheader here today. St
Joseph took the first game 10 to 9
and Wichita the second 11 to &. A presei-.t heavyweight champion, ac
total of 14 bases on balls was al- j ccirduig to his" statement here yester
lowed tn the first and the second i &.dy He cmt that he will not be
game was a free ior all hitting reaHy to enter the ring for four
contest months.
Score. -j haven't heard anything from
wihit j n. JOBWJH FlnvH Fitzsimmons reiardinc the
aAiVJiA AK rl II A
1, Rmhfa. ef .".
w auhmini.. Sb 5
TrsirsBi. Vb 4
m rf r
ITlalmieT. F S
Moltnaen lb r
'iriffm. 3b "
Hnirn r 4
r MriioB'd. r I
feliera V 1
fl'dlffnr. lb
l n l
1 1
4.''ntTiilfn. If 2
1 Flatier. rt 3
0 Rownwtts. Cf S
0 !fBM a r.
0 M MclMi d 3b '.'
e 4tTnMin. 2b 2
3 Bmllh. 2b 1
0 Katidler. r 3
1 Lllirlnen. a -
. 3 a
s I o
i I (i
a s
5 I I
i o o e
Maun, p
1 mm i
40 IS 34 11 """ "
1 Tula a
- 7,
21 11 -1
Snre by inmntrs:
St. ,loaph
RumTnar Rune : I.
...nnii oo4 -;o
.. .ooc bus on in
Rml'h '21, Waeb-
h- R..r BlR-keeler. Grrffm
Kllr Maun Olaon. Corrldetl. FIfher '21.
Bonowltl D Fate (SI. Blerenaon. Kandier I
Errora: Blakealey. Do Fate. Eiim ana
irrora: Blakealey. Do Fate F.uni ana
it; Off Mrrm.i. 4 and ; off liind-
r. 4 and 4; of Sella-B. 3 and 1: of
Bird' S anA : off Maun. 3 and 4: nff
Grover, 2 and 3 Earned runt: Wich'ta i
II : W Jneeph. 1 Baaee on halla- Off I
McDonald. 2; off Rellara l: or LinnrT.
4; off Bird. 2. orf Maun. 1: orr orover.
2. Struck out: By Beliara. 1; by Lindner
L27 aV 17 aZJnk" I'
Tjeft on baaee: Wichita, : St. Joaeph. t.
Two-haaa hrte: Defate. Thr-e-haae hlta-
Bonoww :i. oieon. Dtmiie niave: Steven-
ann-Defate to rleon: Waahhum-Berrer-
Mcriwri. 6crrfioe hi-e: m. nirrHmaid
2. Corrtden. Hit bv pittier: rileon by Sel-
u" 'lUXbcS "snrSS;
anri Fmpatrick. Time: 2:12.
Second eeme Score:
AB.ft.O A '
I.. Smith, r f
wBtihnm. 2h K
fl'OUrm lb 4 1
3 lirornden V 4 1
3 s "'ruber, rf S3
Heraer. a 3
Tm If 4
Htufceale. rr 4
Mcnjninn. lb 4
I onffni. 3b "
: Haler. c 4
3 0 0 Bnnrreiti, cf 3 1
S 2 0 Trefine. s 4 1
3 4 0Ilt:lNmaid 3b 3 3
S 0j
2 3 0 l'Srerernwrfl. 2b 4 2
4 2 0 l'Kundler. c 4 1
0 0 0 0 Artams. p 1 0
Ritl. I' 0 0
35 17 21 )tt- 1 1
l Smith 1 0
rl.indberc. p 0 0
Bameer. V 0
! Trnain
xBerted for Alame in th.
S2 12 21 12
ax Batted fnr Bird in oth-
rVore by inntnirs:
Wichita ...403 ""I (I 13
St. Joseph 500 ono 1
Scmmarv Rune: Washburn. Be-per (2i,
Tlest. Blakeeley (3). McDowell (31. Grif
fin. Corriden. Fieher (2) TefBte. McDon
ald. Runs and hitF: Ofr RamBev, i and
S: off Adams. 0 and 13: Bird. 2 and 3;
Berbe, 11 and 7: LlntThert. 0 and 1.
Fjirned runs: Wichita. 10: St. Joseph. ,
Bases on balls: Off Ramsey. 1: off Bird.
2. Strnckout: By Ramsey 3: Beebe. 3;
Bird. 1. Left on bases: Wichita. 6: Bt.
Joseph, S. Two-base hits' B'.ekeple".
MrDcwell, Crriffm (21. Fisher. Handler.
Sacrtfice hits: Bnnowttx Beebe. E. B.
Washburn. Tmprree-d' Fltzpatrlck and
Burnside. Time: l:o0.
Tulsa Beatf Indians
Tulsa. June 22. Boehler held Oklahoma
City to five scattered hits todny and
Tulsa easily made it two straiptit from
the Indians, s to 1. Dbvis hit three home
runa. accounting; for six tallies. Jt wrs
Boehler's 34th . straijiin victory of the
rra. rf 4 11 0 0 nermett. If s 1 2 0
Jllmi. at 3 1 11 k'Tumnraoii. 3b 4 1 0 2
GlnBlairll. 3b 2 1 3 4: natis. rf 4 3 2 0
Middletnii. If 4 0 0 O'Rtusrt. at 3 2 3
FlBbet. c 4 18 0 Lamb, cf 4 2 3 1
Ixiitc. cf 4 3 2 0 Bauman, 3b 4 112
Knwser 2b 4 0 2 0 lolnelt. lb 4 10 0
McDanisl. lb S 1 12 llfim c 4 1 S 0
Brail, r 2 0 1 Bfieiito, p 4 0 12
TrriaK 30 i SI 13! Totals 36 12 27 S
Score by Inninfrs:
Oklehoma City OH oon onr, 3
Tulsa 200 130 2lx S
Summary Rune: WcDanicI. Bennett.
Thompson, Davis (31. Stuart (2). Boehler.
ErroTi: Mann. Earned runs: TuiRa, 7.;
Oklahoma City. 1. Left on bases: Tulsa.
0: Oklahoma 4"Mty, ti. Two-base hits:
Thompson. Stuart, Lelrveit. Lamb. Home
runs ; Davis ( S i. Sacrifice hji - Thomp
son. Bases on balls: Off Boehler, 4.
Struck out: By Boehier, 0: bv Brady. 3.
Hit by pitched ball: By B-sdy (Smart ).
Double play: Boehler to Stuart lo Lell
velt. Umpires: Hoimes and Ormsby.
Time: 1:26,
Packera, S: Bears. 7.
Sioux City. la.. June 22. Sioux C'ty
rallied m the ninth, acored five runs and
took the opening; earns of the series from
Ienver by the acot. of 0 to 7. Palmer s
circuit smash over the left field fence In
the ninth iimtna; was the deciding factor.
Palmers battme knd funding featured-
Brrrartaer m 1 e 2 nemlncwav ai 6 2 2 4
Wrlcat. 2b 3 2 2 JWillieim. tf i 3 0
long. B S 1 2 8 EUli, c! 4 0 11
l'BriB. cf 4 2 10 Mi lb S I 13 1
3 12 0 EUli. el
4 2 10 Mm lb
4 10 3'(latenrard 3b
IS 1 0 0 Carmer 3b
Bbanler. Tf 4 10 Zittsteraard 3b 5 0 0 1
!snrTii. 3b S 1 0 0 Carmer 3b 4 3 3 4
ATrwrigm. lb 5 0 10 2 Bobmioa. If
4 10 0
4 17 1
0 0 1 ' 1
3 0 0 4 1
110 0 1
Fsrser. c 3 13 0 Quer i c
Owes, r 4 2 0 S Bieetaer. p
Mclrren. p 0 o 0 1 Wileno. n
Balisliurr. p 0 0 0 0'Sbanglmg
Tauls 32 10 30 17i Totals
40 IS r If
Twn out when winning run scored.
Score by iunmgs:
Denver .' 002 010 lis 7
Sioux City 010 100 Hi
i Summary Itune Sp-anrer (21. Wright
, (2). Patterson. Pa-ker. &ruaa. Bemmgway.
Williams. Ersn. M-tx Cl Pa(m-r (2).
Shangling Two-base bits: wrflisnra.
Parmer. Wright. Hemlngwne Home run :
Palmer. Sacrifice htts: W-ight. Parker.
Stolen haam: ShanVy. Earned rune:
Denver. 4; Sioux C:ty. 7. I'oubis plays:
Bemingway-Palmer-Metx: rainw-Hrnv
mgwaj-Metx: Elnb-KeminrvaJr Hits and
runs' Off Roe rigor, 3 and 2 tv 2 2-3 in
ning : G-naa. 1 and 3 m X innings (none
out in Th; Mcllree J and 2 la 1-3 tr.
nlnc Left on bases: IenvaT. : Stoux
Crty. X. Ian sea on balls: Koet'ger. : Wi
son. J; Crroaa. 2 Stm-k wut: Roenarer X.
Wiraon 3: G usa. 1. Wtrming pitcher: WII-
IIHi. Imtm mtrliar. blMhim T' i n 1 1 i
j DtruaJiu and AJjoeraoa. Tims: 2 houra
klaied t o;itt'e lack Tsjlor. a local ;
i c-pporrun: y to know . ne w
, 00. Tit KM!!: krvrr, l;ii.r iu
' rient to ot'jiowtitd
j Tayior a ni.g general and doe j
not know thr rrirawt c nf frar.
Delaney Looks Good. I
Shadrs have invaded Omaha and '
earned off fistic honors ith ease
- but hrn Greece Shade mef.s Pe-
j The t.ghters complete their training
' today and vul cign tomoirow
Willard Wants
Four Months to
Get Into Shape
Los Argeics, CaU Jane 22. Jes
Willard, former champion heavy
weight pugilist, is not interested in a
Labor day bout with Jack Detnpsey,
' - " ' 1
bout and 1 would not be interested in
:. : v l. . Z . ...A
; any propusru-'n lie ousnt uuu, wiu
the big fellow.
' -Jack Kearns is in New York to-
i day arid he can see Tex Rickard He
i should not have any trouble coming
; to terms with Tex.
I "1 will ie readv for Dempsey in
' October," Willard concluded. j
, ."I,," .1
w ii ara win ieinn trainme m mr
j American Legion stadium when
i equipment which he is having made.
j . Tkit rrr.K,KU. -u-i"?! , TieTt
I - ' ; " - "
-. . , .
: Jonmaaer JVDCK'kS Uut
I , . ,
ofc,ac id enm
O'Neill, Neb.. June 22- (Soecial
TeW-arr, Uf.r, xhrrirlr T.r,n
; -.-e-r"' " , -
i t-.Iie. Nep., knocked Out JCtTV okaC
: fi Verdigre. Keh- in the "seventh
jx tjj j t
I round 01 a Scheduled tTO-rOUnd bout
, here last nirht The botrf v a adver-
1 . , . , . , ,
tired tor the heavyweight champion-
i hin of the State.
I Schamed floored h opponent in
the l:rst round, but okac came bact
; acrj battled Schrr.adcr until he ab-
, CK. tk cWrr,,-r,r!,..r i tKe
i j seventh.
Americsui AasociatioA.
At Indianaiiolis P. ff. E
Minneapolis . fill o
Inrlianupolis . 4 2
BBrtris: Scliauer and Mayer, Bliea.
Seib and Kmefer.
At Louiin-ills R. H fe.
Ft Pbu! 2 7 0
Louisville 4 70 2
Batteries: F.oe-nrs and Allen, Gorxzaies;
Estell and Meyer.
At Columbus P. BT E.
Kansas City 2 ti s
Cofumbus fi 30 0
Batteries: Wilkinson and McCarty;
Jiorthrop and Hartley,
At Toledo, O. R. H. E.
Milwaukee 4 1
Toledo . 5 3
Batteries: Birbe. Ruse and Goaaett;
Wnpht and Eucher.
S3 fKSSf&J
.1 -1 n
Hot S0C Softs tc
Weather Order
Reduced from $40.00
Perfect fit guaranteed. Cool
and comfortable for srnnmer
wear. 'Woo crashes, home
spuns, tweeds, mohairs and
palm beaches.
Southeast Corner 15 th a oa Harwey
2237 Fsrnam St- AT 0345
Mera Z car 3-pierc auha,
cteaxtetl ana pnasalL SI 30
Here is a Vay
Unusual Opportunity
for a summer home at Lake
Okohoji. See my ad m thrs
paper under cianaif ted column:
Fummhed Homes.
AB War Ciaaiaalaad
a. hospe ca
laA Dawg. SSaA
The bm y store keeping
derm expenses, nak
irg it possible fcr Bow
en to sell &t &t value
givltS prices.
T.p ,c, Rrfr,B,r... ?1LO0
rs .
Side Icing Kefrlger. f)TJ
Thuradiy, June 2S,
at 6 p. m.
will fjrvk away
an eight-piece Italian
Walnut Dining Room Set
and 35 other useful house
hold articles. No purchase
Ask About It
Brown Fiber Rocker 5j
Without Cushion .OJ
4-Pataenger Child's (JH QiT
Swing ....4 .'..tWewNl
Orange and Black 4-ft Porch
Swing with chain CJ9 JJT
and hooks We1!!
Outing Swingi with hardwood
eat and S-fort
chains JC
me vAxot ovimg SToet
Hswara St, Betssski tStk ataaj Itrdl
i 1