10 THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. JUNK 23. 1922. Touching Dramas Enacted in Real Life in Omaha tSSaBaaBWBBWBBiaa? Plight of Mother Struggling for Baby Life Rivals Any Stuge Some You Can Help. The light ot mother. struggling )n iome wretched hovel for the life ef her tick baby, either in the movies or on the legitimate stage, brings many a tear and many a heart pang. In real life, right here in Omaha, such touching dramai are being en acted by the (core during the hot, parched summrr months. There are no reserved irati for uch scenei and. if there were, no one would (it quietly by and watch them. One would lend assistance, and get the thrill of being in the role of hero or heroine. Contributor to The Bee'e Free Milk and Ice fund play the hero role, for each contribution is directly re spout ible for the arrival of cool, tweet milk and ice at the home of some poor family. Among the latest contributor are the "Sunshine Cids." These girls now have the pleasure of knowing they have brought sunshine into the hearts of some distraught mothers. Pmhm.lr aefcaoarlMlsed .... (3M.M A. P. KIHn. Ktelaaurr, b I.M . V. KUtxauch a ( t rled S.M 9. W. Juhmtoa Saaahla lilria S.S rthr M. Gilbert. Smith Omaha.. t.M w. a. rM (.ee TaUI. . sss7.ee Omaha Lawyer Prepares for Fred Brown's Defense ; Fred Brown, Omaha "chainman" now in the Lincoln penitentiary, yesterday began making his plans to fight the charges against him. .J. R. Lones, attorney, who had twice defended Brown on criminal charges, went to Lincoln last night to confer with nis client. ' "We will be able to show that Brown was in his shack the night of the Siefken murders," Lones said, "and it is my opinion that the au thorities will be unable to prove much of a serious nature against him." Pedestrian Hit by Auto. ", Harry Selby, 16, Thirty-first and Webster streets, was knocked down by a motor ear driven by Mrs. Mil dred Sisener, 3935 North Twenty second street, at Eighteenth and Farnam streets at 8:50 Wednesday night.' He was picked up by City Prosecutor Frank Dineen and found to be suffering merely from bruises, of meetings. 20 Days for Motorist. " E. E. Rohrbaugh, 3326 Florence boulevard, was sentenced in Central police court yesterday to serve 20 days in jail as a result of a motor collision. A car owned by G. W. Collins of Lewiston, Mont., was struck by Rohrbaugh's machine at Fortieth and Hamilton streets. , Physician Arrested. Dr. George A. Angus, McCague . building, was arrested by C O. Brad ehaw, federal narcotic agent, yester day, charged with the, sale of cocaine to Dave Masters, government in former. " - NOW SHOWING MARSHALL NEILAN'S "Fools first" With an All-Star Cast .' BUSTER KEATON in "MY WIFE'S RELATIONS" ALL NEXT WEEK NAZIMOVA la "A DsllY House" TODAY Last Tina Joe Thomas Sax-o-tette And Otbar Banaar Vaadavilla ' Act ''.- TOMORROW Saperior 6-Aet Bill Headad by Dernivici Brothers Musical Act Extraordinary BRINGING UP FATHER- aa D, . rasaae Offaw SCK HGO AND MACCIC IN fUU. race or coumu in thc sundav ace Drawn for The Bee by McManua iCaatrisMi t(J I ( OVf.TWO- fll CAMVrvt say-, I j I TiN ? xooV II I'LL. CO ANO I U-Xj lpJ IS ferH-wJ t SfJ . ir (jd mi v tart, fcyuac fwvct. inc. IB Man Shoots Down Wife, Kills Self Sued for Divorce Wednesday Meets Mate on Street and Opens Fire. After probably fatally wounding his wife, Josephine, Anson Knight, nearo laborer, turned his revolver on himself and sent a bullet crashing through his heart in the presence of a score of spectators at Twenty seventh avenue and Lake street yes terday afternoon. Knight, who .was 24, was sued Wednesday for divorce on cruelty grounds. At 3:30 yesterday after noon, the man met his wife and her mother, Mrs. Lulu Lee, both living at 2402 North Twenty-seventh ave nue,, at Twenty-seventh avenue and Lake street "What are you doing about the divorce?" he asked. When the wife replied that she intended to go through with the proceedings, Knight started to pull a revolver. The two women ran toward their home, Knight follow ing. At the home of Mrs. Wade Fierro, 2404 North Twenty-seventh avenue, Mrs. Knight ran' up on the porch. She than was shot down by the hus band, who did not utter a word. Knight then ran to Twenty- sev enth avenue and Lake street, where, in view of a score of persons, he shot himself through the heart, dy ing instantly. The wounded woman was rushed to Lister hospital where she is re ported to be in a critical condi tion. . "i."'. Sheriff Clark Endorsed ' Sheriff ' Mike . Clark was unani mously endorsed for re-election, at the regular - meeting of the' Omaha street car men's union Wednesday night ' ' ..' :i i ttn n Ud)0D 1 it! Jrnsr ne FLAVoir f FOR BAKING rORPOSES" rfpgjKl Store XvibbVTOSb' I THtJCRPC aWPaTH CM''0" yr 9 'at mm" V......v. . v -v. -wf 1-f mi ine STARTING TOMORROW n ft Mil r4m . c era lttigto Daily Matinees 15c Including Tax Eye's, Sun. Mats. 20c . Including Tax SAME SHOWS Children 10c Start Your Vacation Today ! BEAUTIFUL Manawa Park invites you. Best bathing beseh, largest lake of clear, pure water within hundreds of miles. DANCING in mammoth lakeside pavilion; . bath- . 'ine: largo free, picnic, park;, rides and park games; won- r derful-: free r movies every evening; rapid street car service; good auto roads and good parking arrangements. START your vacation todayl Have a good time at little cost! Bring the whole family ?for a picnic,, outing, iboating, good time, back to nature! Todayl (Admission Free) Pioneer Pastor of Nebraska Dies Rev. Joseph Parker Served 35 Years as Congrega tional Minister. Rer. Joseph J; Parker, 81. and for 35 years a minister of the Congrega tional church in - Nebraska, died Tuesday at the home of a son, Charles Parker, at Orange, Cal. Rev. Mr. Parker had been in California aince last November and his death came after an illness of several months. Funeral services will be held Mon day at Norfolk, Neb., where he had his first pastorate in this state in 1885. He spent 18 years there and was widely known in the northwest ern part tf the date, as he after wards held pastorates at Kearney, Plainficld and Genoa. Rev. Mr. Parker was a native of Cheshire, England, and had the reputation of being one of the fore most Browning scholars in Ne braska. He was the founder of the Browning club in Norfolk,' an or ganization which is still in ex istence. Syice 1912 he had not been in the active ministry and had made his home in Omaha with his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Pugsley. He is sur vived by 10 children, tw besides Mrs. Pugsley being residents of Omaha. They are Dr. Joseph Park er and Fred Parker. The Omaha Bee Want Ads bring the best results. Mike Clark Sends llyers Reward for Brown Capture As a personal reward for the cap ture of Fred Brown, Sheriff Mike Clark mailed a letter containing $100 to Slate Sheriff Gus Hyers at Lincoln Thursday. Sheriff Clark, in his letter,, stated he was tendering the reward because of Hver's never tiring efforts in running down the fugitive. Should any other member of the posse which captured Brown in the hills of Wyoming ask a reward for their work, they must present their claims' to the state sheriff, Sheriff Clark stated. Nominations for Concord Election Made Thursday The Concord club at its reg ular meeting Thursday noon at Hotel Fontenelle made the nomina tions for the annual election, to be held next Thursday: Wm. Mickcl aad If. L. Mossman for president, A. F. Rasp -and H. A. Jacobberger for first vice president. P. E. Dauh erty and James Corr for second vice president, and F. H. Grossman and E. Droste for treasurer. Two directors will be chosen front the following four nominees: Charles Docherty. Dr. J. E. Simp son, Don Amsdcn and W. S. Stryker. Dr. Crummer to Wed Local Court Reporter Wedding bells are about to ring for Dr. LeRoy Crummer, "Omaha's most eligible bachelor." Tha blush, ing bride to be is Mrs. Myrtle Kel ley, who his resigned as court re porter for District Judge A. C Wakeley. The coupte plan to go to Europe liter the wedding, scheduled for the middle of July. A mutual love of rare books is said by friends to have started the romance. Dr. Crummer is one of the city's leading special!. t. prominent in so ciety and reported to be wealthy. Mrs. Kellcy is one of Omaha's well known business women, a suffrsgt worker and a member of the pro fessional women's clubs. Miss Flor ence Chamberlin w appointed to fill her place in Judge Wakeley'l court. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Special WmW af Junt I 10 tS tntlu.lv t OLD FASHIONED (CHURNED) BUTTERMILK ALL YOU CAN DRINK FREE WITH ANY ORDER ALL SIX RESTAURANTS WE PAY RETURN CHARGES ON ALL OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS DRESHER BROTHERS Dytri, Claaaan, Hatters, . Furriara, Tailors X217 Faraaai St. AT OMS Maa'a S ar 3-piaca auita, clwaaS aa4 rW $140 TIRES Fresh New Ford Size, $5.95, from Sprague Mill to You. Last Times Teaight "The Branding Iron" Saturday and Sunday i (Last Two Days ef Present Season) "The Old Hest" The photoplay that broke all attendance records in Omaha. onptiEur.i Farewell Week ' of The Orpheum Players "St Walked ; ia Her Sleep" ALL WEEK ANITA STEWART "Tke 7ca Ee torrid" - Mack Seaaett Comedy, DUCK HUNTERS" StraW Orckaatra -Lacia Di I .ii.r LAST TIMES TONIGHT "Yellow Men and Gold" 'The Leather Pushers' Alto Lilt Round STARTS TOMORROW Four Days Only C0M7AY TEARLE Referee" tandinivian-Antricii Rtonion CARNIVAL AND MIDSUMMER. CELEBRATION Friday and Saturday, ' June 23 and 24 CehbratiaB and Rnafca Start at Nean PICNIC -LUNCH. RACES. POLE CLIMBING, DANCING, IMPORTED FREE MOVING PICTURES, Maay Prhaa Win Ba Avaraol Durtal tha Day aad Evaniaf . 1 Ok f COOLED BY TYPHOONS TODAY VIOLA DAHA " IN "Thc 14th Lover" Painter and Paper hanger White Overalls Union made, good drill, well made, full cut,, all sizes. Special, tli A A I tJTSSf JOSS WSB Just' the kind for hot Ll -STV lV weather. These were - - made fop the government. T ' " - Good denim, full cut and 9 "s VDetial8"'" IH fit CD M 7 'fl aUftafx IWAiv Rt . mC. II H K W a n m A Friday at I ' ! AJlwwJ I -if .Kr- I I Sensational Selling Eventsi Sul Your Dollars Will Pay Big Interest Annex I Sales ' Infants' Short Dresses, 69c Soft finish batiste dresses. 6V months to 2-year , sizes, dainty embroidered, Swiss yokes, lace trim on neck and sleeres; also neat hemstitched yokes, dainty lacs trim, - Regular $1.00 Quali ties.' In the Annex Q TMAvw .f ' - Infants'. Crib Blankets, 19c Another shipment of crib blank ets, white with pink or blue bor ders, bound edges. Limit of 2 to a customer. In the Annex Infants' Section, "I Q at each , Xi7C A Dress $ale Extraordinary In the Annex $10.00 Tissue Gingham Dresses These are. not the flimsy imitations that are in the market but are the higliest grade tissues woven, crispy hard twisted threads that give it that sheer, cool look so much desired these warm summer days. They come in all the newest col orings" and sizes, 36 to 46, plenty of large sizes. These are regular $10 values. The greatest dress value shown in Omaha this season. Our sale in the Annex $4.99 Annex Sales Stout Dresses, $5.98 The popular dark voile dresses in large sizes, in black, navy and brown. Neat patterns; sizes mi, 50 and 52. Regu lar $7.50 qualities. flr QQ Annex Friday pOVO $1.00 Special Friday in the Annex $1.50 children's bloomer suits, 2 to 6 years, at $1.00 $1.69 misses' and children's white or red middies ..$1.00 12.95 children's organdie dresses, 7 to 14 years, U $1.00 $1.00 infants' soft sole shoes, 2 pair for .-$1.00 $1.98 children's gingham dresses in sizes 2 to 6 years ..$1.00 75c slip-fvor play suits, ascs 2 to 4 years, 2 for $1.00 A Great Dollar Sale of Silk Pongee Genuine imported Pongee. First quality, government stamped. Natural color for dresses, men's (M ; AA shirts,' draperies, etc $1.50 value, yard,.. Vie U" Mate Floar Children's Banded Hats $100 About 200 Hats Formerly Priced to $6.50 Large - and small rolling brims, adjustable styles and off-the-face models of milan, split braids and novelty straws In black, brown, red and combinations. . Fashtoi Has Tarsed Quickly to White A Gala Zrest , Tomorrow ' , Wonderful New WhiteHats That Bhosli leD (er taVW to $10 Maay of Them Displayed for the First Time Temerrow at $1 $2.95 $3.95 $4.69 $5 Crm is CMm Taffeta Legherai Bair Cloth Geomtte Felt Mflae Frexallae aad Hair Cloth Xaay Ctatbinatioas Hats for sports wear, for dress wear, afternoons, street and evening wear. Flowers, ribbons, feathers and every other de sired trimming. Sizes and shapes for women, misses and matroni. . , ; Dollar Day in the Annex Corsets, $1.00 Corsets in summer mesh, brocades and other lightweight materials. Sizes 21 to 3. Regular S1.69 values. Aaaex Step-ins and Teddies, 2 Pr., $1 One lot of Step-ins, teddies and crep bloomers, all regular sizes. Values to 98c . Asnear Silk Hose, 2 Pair, $1.00 Women's fine silk host In black and assorted colors. Regular 89c val ues. Aaaex Children's Sox, 6 Fair $1.00 Children's socks in fancy tops or plain colors. Regular 23c values. t Aaaex Women's Hose, 8 Pair $1.00 Women's fine gauze weight hose in black or cordovan. Regular 25c yalues. Aaaex Marquisette, 6 Tarda $1.00 Fine marquisette In white or natur al. Fancy border and plain edge. Regular 25e values. Aaaex White Organdie, 3 Tarda $1.00 Fine sheer white organdie, 40 Inches wide. Regular 49c value. - .. Aaaex Children's Hose, 6 Pair $1.00 Children's' medium or heavy rib hose. In black, white or cordovan. Regular 29c value. Amaex Ginghams, 6 Tarda $1.00 Fine gingham In checks and plaids and stripes. Regular Sic. quality. Aaaex Fine Percales, 6 Tarda $1.00 Fin. Quality percales, It Inches wide, fast colors In lights, grays and solid color. Regalar 25e kind. .Annex Scrim, 8 Tarda $1.00 Fine scrim with printed or fancy border; St Inches wide. Regular 19c value. Aaaex A Great Dollar Sale of Men's Underwear Entire floor stock from St. Louis manufacturer of union suits at less than price. 500 dozen knit union suits, all styles, all sizes, in white and ecru ; fine combed yarn. Values in a regular way to $3.00. Friday, per suit Aaaex $1.00 A Great Summer Sale on Toilet Goods- Thursday, Friday and Saturday A big cash purchase! of standard toilet goods enables us to make the following cut prices subject to stocks on- band. We buy for cash we sell for cash. Our customers realize what a big saving this means. 25c Melbaline Face Powder at ....17t 75c Melba. Love Me Face Powder 69a4 $1.00 Melba Love Me Toilet Water ,.79t 60c Melba Skin Cleanser and Creams at $1.25 Pivera Azure Face Powder .69t $1.25 Piver's Flor ay me Face Pow der at 69c $1.25 Piver's Le Trefle Face Powder t 89 0c Fond s Cold 60c Dame Nature's Face Powder . .39$ 60c Dame Nature's Improver Cream, special at ....39t 35c Dame Nature's Face Powder .25a pclbnd's Vanishing cream at 39 c 50c Woodbury's Facial Cream .39 $1.35 Coty's L'Origan race Powder .73 50c La Blach Face Powder at ....39 vac nam Toilet Wafr at, ...29a (Thif4s a big close- on Durcnase.1 3or$l-20 Hays' Hair llT 1V ACL neaiw si .... .JJOv, 600 Hays' Hair Health at 47 $1.20 Henna D'Oreal, nature's hair restor er at 98 $1.50 Goldman's 1 Gray Hair Restorer, 20c Hydrogen Perox ide for 13 25c .Witch Hazel, special at ....17t $1.00 Neet ....79t 50c Creme Elcaya. special at ....29 85c Daggett ft Rams- dell's Cold Cream, special at ....69 60c Amami Bath Powder at ....47c $1.00 Hudnut's Mar velous Cold Cream, special at . ...79t 50c Hudnut's Marve lous Cold Cream. special at ...-39 50c Hudnut's Creme Sachet 39a 25c Johnson Baby Talcum at ..16a 25o Golden Glint Shampoo at ...184 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste for .....31 0c Mulsifled Cocoa- nut Oil Shampoo. special at ..81.20 special at ....37c w lantnrox Hair, sue Koivnoa Tooth Cream at 39c Shampoo, at ..39clPate at ...... 18