The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Clearance 1000 Women's
Wool Sweaters
At Three
Low Prices
at 95c
Slipovers in solid col
ors in plain and fancy
weaves. These formerly
sold at 1.95.
at 1.95
Slipovers in plain col
ors and striped designs
formerly priced at 2.95
and 3.95.
at 2.95
. Slipovers and Tuxedo models in all the high
shades. These were secured in a special pur
chase at a most advantageous price.
Second Floor Center
Special Selling of Printed
Crepe de Chine
3.75 perYard
Not only are these silks much re
duced in price, but they are much in
fashionable demand. The scroll designs
are particularly good for frocks and
blouses; the plaided patterns, with then;
brilliant contrasting colors, for sport
costumes. . - ,
Woven of hard twisted silk yarn with
dull luster finish, this Crepe de Chine has
the fine crinkled surface of the. best
crepes. Full 40 inches wide, it may be
had in these colorings: White plaided
with all bright shades, tan with lavender
stripe, gray with blue stripe, ' red with
black checks and barred effects and
black, navy or browns with white scroll
designs. : .
Main Floor Center
Coty's Toilet Water
Assorted Odors, 2.49
Main Floor West
During the Summer Season .
The Brandeis Restaurants
Will Close at Nine P. M.
Unusual Novelties in the
Gift Section
A stroll through the Gift Section of our Art
Department and your gift problems can be
quickly solved. For weddings, birthdays or card
prizes, here's where tasteful articles may be
found very moderately priced.
French Candle Shades In champagne, rose, blue or
gold at reduced prices. PA 1 PA
Formerly 75c to 2.00, now Out to l.JU
Taffeta Pillows Exquisite, colorful affairs in two
tone or plain shades, shirred, pleated and adorned
with braid. In rose, blue, black, gold and
mulberry. O AC ICAA
Priced, LVO to lj.UU
Oriental Fruit and Sandwich Baskets, and Domestic
Scrap Baskets Substantial and good 7CA
looking. To close out, each, I OC
Wrought Iron Bridge Lamps With adjustable arm,
complete with decorated parchment J AT
shade. Each, 4J
Third Floor West
to Large
Wednesday Sale of
500 Summer Frocks
of Imported Ginghams and Dotted Voile
for Women and Misses
Priced at $5
The same price but
a new shipment of
dresses. Over 30 clever
styles, particularly
adapted to show the
charming effect of this
imported gingham.
The trimmings are of
organdie, rickrack,
embroidery or linen.
Many models for large
women and many
youthful styles strictly
for misses. Four of
them are pictured.
t Second Floor West
Many in
for Misses'
Sale of Summer Pantie Dresses
600 of the "Prettiest Little Frocks" in Omaha
Made of figured and checked percales, plain pink
and blue chambray and small cnecked ginghams
Sizes 2 to 6 years. Priced each
Many Pretty Styles for the Tiny Miss
One model is finished at neck, sleeves, pockets and panties with
crisp white- organdy. Another with narrow piping in contrasting
color, and a third with nursery designs in hand embroidery. Some
plain .backs,
others with sash
to tie. Every
little style is
just suited to
the kind of
games little
girls of 2 to 6
love to play.
Third Floor East
Wonderful Sale of Snowy White Embroideries
Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries
From 10 to 14 inches wide; all beautifully embroidered
flouncings well made with fast edges. Nearly all. imported
and all are of unusually fine quality; suitable for women's
and children's dresses, lingerie purposes, etc. Wednesday,
a yard
Main Floor Center
Sale of Wilton Velvet Rugs
These Wilton Velvet Rugs, secured in a special purchase, are a distinctly good
buy. They are fringed, seamless rugs, closely woven in desirable patterns for living
rooms, dining rooms, or bedrooms. While they are termed imperfects, in most in
stances the variation in pattern or color is so slight it can scarcely be detected even
when you look for it. This, however, enables us to sell them at a much lower price
than would be otherwise possible.
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rug., 37.85
57.50 Value
8:3x10:6 Wilton Velvet Rugs,
85.00 Valu
76x9 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 39.85
M-so ruin
9x12 Wilton Velvet Ruga, 57.50
75.00 Value
8:3x10:6 Wilton Velvet Rug,
T2.SO Valu
Bargains in Axminster Rugs
9x12 Axminster Rugs, 28.50 8:3x10:6 Axminster Rugs, 29 75
45.00 47.50 V.lo. '
9x12 Axminster Rugs, 39.50 6x9 Axminster Rugs, 21 75 35.00 Valu.
1 1 :3xl2 Axminster Rugs, 42.75
75.00 Valu.
Inlaid Linoleum The good kind,
where the colors in the pattern
go through to the back. A great
selection of patterns and color
ings in blue, tan, green and red.
Six feet wide ; regular 2.50 1 TP
quality; per square yard, 1.00 Stair Carpet Plain colors with
line borders; 22 inches wide, '7Q
running yard, 7C
27 inches wide, 89J
Wool and Fiber Stair Carpet ' EE '
22 H-in. width; running yard, OOC
27-inch width, 65
Sixth Floor West
Clearance of 75 Women's
Sport Suits
Of Homespun Tweed
and Wool Jersey
Priced at 10.00
Formerly told at 20.00
and 25.00
A wide range of colors in
clever belted and straightline
models, all silk lined.
Second Floor West
White Tub Blouses
Priced at 1.29
A dozen or more clev
erly tailored and lace
trimmed models in batiste,
organdy or voile regularly
priced at 1.95. In summer,
the feminine fancy fre
quently turns to thoughts
'of wash blouses. The sud-
ply simply must be generousand why not at
so trifling a cost as these? Sizes 36 to 46.
Second Floor South
Linen Specials
Irish Linen Pattern Table Cloth Dou
ble damask square cloths, 72x72
inches, with round designs. A manu
facturer's close out oi discontinued
designs and rejects for slight imper
fections such as dark colored threads.
Just 100 of these;
a 10.00 value for
Linen Toweling
2,000 Yards Brown Irish Linen Toweling With nar
row blue striped border. The good Oft-
absorbent, long wearing kind. Yard, zLVJC
Not over 20 yards to a customer.
Main Floor West
Wednesday Is
Ice-Cream Day
This means that you can come to our soda fountain
and buy a full quart brick of delicious vanilla ice
cream at considerably less than it ordinarily sells
for. For Wednesday only, O0
per quart, C
Main Floor West
Sale of Men's Socks
Thousands of Pairs of
Silk and Fibre Silk
Irregulars of 1.00
ft, 45c
This is an unusually fins
lot of men s fancy and plain ,
colored socks in a big assortment of the new heather shades,
either ribbed effects or plain weaves. All sizes, some irregulars
but the defects are scarcely noticeable and all are durable
stylish socks.
Main Floor South
Women's Vests
of Lisle and Cotton
at Exactly Vfc Price
Cotton and Lisle Vests Well-known
Kayser make; bodice and regulation
top; flesh and white; regular and ex
tra sizes. 50cquality for Wed
nesday only, eacli,
Third Floor Center