12 THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21. 1922. si f a f ss . ,ii 11 i; Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day I l ias PAL Is .. l ! ie IU i It '. Omaha Grain Omahi, June 20. TtKtt in the rm market took in upward slant today, stronger tb!t ciused an early ttuine. An important Pari agricultural japrr estimated the Freneh wheat irop at bushels let than U t year. The northwest lent buy ing order probably based on report of dry weather in, ome west ern district of Canada. Winnipeg reported an excellent demand for tash wheat. Small lot of wheat were reported sold to the reaboard for export . Numerous report of damage ti the winter wheat crop by the recent hot weather are coming in. Receipt at Omaha were very much smaller thi morning, only 4 cars of wheat, 14 cart of corn and 2J car of oat being reported in. and thii run compared with a total !jt year of 16 car. Total chir ment were 76 car a against 79 car a year ago. Cah market at Omaha was quiet and demand only fair. Wheat sold 2c higher. Corn was He up. Oat were unchanged to He lower. Rye wa quoted 2c up, and barley nominally unchanged. WHEAT, No. J hard winter: 1 car. II OS. No. 3 hard winter: I car per cent dork), II 07 ; 4 cars, It. of No. 1 yellow hard: 1 car. It 12. TORN. No. 1 while cars. 54e. ' No. 4 whin-: J rsr, . No. t yellow: 3 earn. 654c: 1 rr (ship per's weight), 65r; 1 rar, I5c. No. I mlsed: 4 isrs. M4c. No. 1 mlsed: 1 rar. f4 OATS. No. 1 while: 1 car. 33e. No. I white: 1 rar (shipper's weights) J.'.c: ? car.. 13c: t rara. :I3C. No. 4 white: rara. 32 "c. No. S mlsed: 1 car. 3Sc. RVE. No. 1: I ear. 77c. BARLEY. OMAHA "RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (cariota.) Week Year Ao. Ago. 4 91 2 47 3 II I 1 48 59 : : i Receipts-. Today. Wheat Corn 14 O.ts Rye 1 Barley Shipments Wheat U Corn Oata Barley 3 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. week Carlota Today. Ago. Wheat 19 'J Corn 1 JJJ Oala 1" 169 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Tear Ago. 61 tit 16 193 17 10 69 39 Wheat Corn 143 114 42 48 14 10 RECEIPTS. 26 67 40 SO Cata . Wheat Corn . ST. LOUIS Oata 62 3 33 ..Aoru'ii'isTrj v WHEAT RECEIPTS. Minneapolis 13 . lj J Duluth 1" " Winnipeg 360 358 81t CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. Juno 20. Art. Open. I High: Low. 1 Close. Sat. .1 .1 I I July Sep. Dec. Rye July Sep. Ijec. Corn July Sep. Dec. Oata t.10 1.1 2 1.1054 1.12 1.10 Mil, 1.101. 1.11 1.14 1.14 .854 I 16 .St .61 .61 .65 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.14 .85 .86 .87 .61 1.13 V.i6 M0H 1.141.16 1.16 .87 .87 .89 .62 ".65 ' '.65 .85 .85 88 .61 .86 .86 .89 .62 .62 .65 .64 .65 .64 .66 .65 .65 .66 .35 '".37 .40 11.60 11.77 .64", i64 .34 "'.30 .89 11.66 11.80 .64 .35 .34U ".36 .39 11.43 11.75 .34 .34 .36 .39 11.50 11.77 Sep. Dec. I.ard July Sep. Ribs July Sep. .37 .40 11.55 11.80 l'.J7 112.87 112.22 112.37 112.22 12.37 12.57 12.20 12 22 12.23 Kansas City Groin. Kanaaa City. Mo., June 20. Wheat- No. i bard, 11.05 1.20 1.07. Corn No. 2 white, yellow. 68c. No. 2 red, 11.039 5657c; No. 2 Hay Unchanged. ' Kansaa City. June 20. Wheat July, 11.06; September, 81.06: December, 11.09. Corn July. 67 He; September, 60 c; December, 61 c. ' Sf. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo., June 20. Wheat July, 81.09; September. $1.11. Corn July, 61c; September, 6465c.J Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., June 20. Flour .Unchanged to 20c lower; tamily patents, I7.3097.T5. Bran 14.5017.00. Mew York Cotton, Nw York, Juno 20. An early bulge In today's cotton market met a good deal of profit-taking and a net gain of 14 to 35 points In the first hour was wiped out. The, list before midday sold off 10 to 15 points from last night's close., but an afternoon recovery enabled the market to close at a net advance of T to 17 points on the day. At the outset there was further short covering, Liverpool buying and support from the trade based on the strong ca bles and the unsettled weather In the south. But heavy realizing was encoun tered on the way up the usual profes sional taking of profits after a sharp upward movement. There was considera ble absorbing power displayed and the early afternoon trend was upward. The later market's tone was quiet and steady. Local market for spot cotton was steady, 5 points advance. 23.80c, for mid dling upland. Southern markets were: Galveston, 23.40c, unchansed; New Orleans, 22.75c, unchanged; Savannah. 22.87c, 11 points advance; Augusta. 22.75c, 25 points de cline; Memphis, 22.60c, unchanged; Hous ton. 23.35c. 10 points advance; Littia Rock, 22 25c, unchanged. New York Copper. New York, June 20. There was more or less Irregularity In the market for . coffe'e futures today, with near months relatively easy under scattering liquida tion of switching Into later deliveries. The general market opened at' a decline of I points to an advance of 2 points. After selling at 10.65c early, July eased off to 9.99c. but December advanced from .T?e to .78c on covering or buying by near-month sellers. The close was net 18 points lower to 11 points higher. Sales. Including switches, were estimated at about 71.000 bags. July. 9.98c; Septem ber. .93c: October, 88c; December, 7-: January, .75c; March, 9.71c; May. .7c. o( vt coff. dull; Rio 7s. 10c; Santos 4s. 14c to 14c Cost and freight offers Included Santoa 3s and 5s at 13.95c to 14.10c for prompt and at 13.30c to 13.60c for shipments ranging from August to October. Rto 7a were offered at 10.40c. American credits. ' Private cables said the ' Santos market was firm on unfavorable harvesting report, which Indicated small lightweight berries. New York Sugar. New Tork, June 20. The raw sugsr market was firmer and while spot prices were nominally unchanged at 3c cost and freight for Cubes, equal to 4.61c for cen trifugal. July shipment was He higher at lltt cost and freight, equal to 4.73c. There were sales of 100.00 begs of Cubes to a local refiner for jnly shipment. The raw augar futures market was firmer and prices closed at net advanoea of to points on covering t and scat terea ty tree interests ana nooses, prompted by the spot market. July. 2.95c; September, l.lsc: December, 3.28c; March. 3.23c The market for refined was firm and prices were unchanged to 30 points high er, granulated now being quoted at t.e Ol.lfc. T-'O was n good demand and several refiners were out of the market Refined futures nominal, closing: Jnly, 30c; September, .3Sc; December, f.SOc. ' Tew Tork Prod nee. New Tork. Jen to. Butter Steady; reemery. firsts, Slgltftc - Chicago Grain Br CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha) He I .eased Wire. Chicago, Jfttie 20. Dry and hot weather report came from the Can adian northwest There were onie rumor of black ru.t in aprnig wheat in trie Ked river valley in the Amer Iran northwest. In an overtold mar Krt lhee report, led to an advance 01 over yesterday hmh. The dote wa practically at the top. Corn gained ii Oi l.'i, oat ', (g )i and ry ($ Hi. House with northwestern and eastern connection were persistent Duyeri ot wheat. Winnipeg showed more strength than Chicaso. The deferred deliveries there were up lyic. The southwest alto wa firmer on the distant future. Offering were not large, while the local ele ment showed a disposition to fight the advance at time, they were forced to cover later. Foreign crop reports wer regarded aa rather bullish. Liverpool surprised the trade by closing d higher, Hiemng ex change sdvanc.d sharply. A fair einorl business was put through at the bo.rd. A better undertone and demand prevailed In the southwest. Their prices for rash wheat were higher. Farmers are not din. posed to sell freely to arrive at under ll per bushel, although purchases en the bulge were reported aa the largest so far this season. Harvesting Is making rapid progress. Traders Turn Bullish. Exproled rain failed to materialise over the corn and oat territory. Local traders turned bullish on corn after having been bearish during the previous day. Offer ings were not large. It look little buy ing to advance coarse grains with De cember corn and July oats lesdlng the upturn. Crop reports on osta remain poor and a general aouklna rain la needed for both grains. Cash demand better with corn c higher as compurded with the July. Exporters took 200,000 bushels corn here, with 10,000 bushels sold to go to store. July and September rye sold st the unit price today. , One csah house sold July whest and bought July rye while another bought September rye and sold September vheat. The northwest was u fair seller on the advance. Export trade was not large. Pit Notes. While messages from Minneapolis were Inclined to mske light of the black rust, rumors from the Red river valley the trade In general have been expecting a rust scsre to start around the last of the month. The fact that the govern ment confirmed rust on winter wheat at Kensal, N. D., a week ago, la atlll fresh in their minds. It Is the general im pression that It la too early for a rust scare at the moment. C. E. Lewis & Co. and a'crop expert at Bradley, U. D., wired that there wua no rust. Offers ot new red oats for shipment with in 20 days were made to a St. Louis mill tiom Wichita, Kan., today. Threshing returns from Chlckashs, Okl., to Clement, Curtis & Co. showed a yield of wheat of 'it to 30 bushels per acre, where only 20 bushels had been expected. General run of reporta from Nebraska and other states claim that the extreme heat of the last week bad cut down the proa pec t. A world's carryover of 80,000.000 to 120,. 000,000 bushels of wheat on August 1, the end of the European crop years, la esti mated by Broomhall. While reserves are inadequate to replace any serious dam age that may occure between now and harveat. It is not likely that any Im portant damage will visit the American winter wheat crop. Spring wheat, how ever. Is in a critical position in Ameri ca and Canada and the situation there must be closely watched. Importing coun tries are not buying freely. The September-December spread In oats is now 3c. A few weeks ago It was 2c. Northwestern houaes were sellers of De cember and buyers of September to close aprcada. Thero was selling of wheat and buying of rye on a fair scale. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, June 20. Cattle Receipts. 9, 000; market talrly active; better grades beet steera, strong to 15c higher; quality considered; others and plain yearlings, weak to 16o lower; top matured steers, 19.75; best yearlings, 89.35; bulk beef steers, S8.259.16; she stock, steady to strong; spots higher; bulls and stockera, steady; veal calves, atrong to 25c higher; bulk desirable stockers, 7.007.50; plain kinds downward to 15.25; bulk desirable vealers to packers, around J8.60. Hogs Receipts, 29,000: lights and good butchers, mostly 10c higher; others very uneven to steady tb lower; top, 110.90; bulk. 89.8010.85: bulk good butchers, 810.4510.86; packing sows mostly, $9.00 9.65; pigs, steady to 10c higher, mostly $9.5010.25; holdover liberal. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000; ateady to 25c higher; Idaho lambs, 812.85 13.25; feeder ewes. 812.00; top natives, 813.00 to city butchers, $12.75 to packers; fed Texas wethers, 17.50; top dry fed yearlings, $11.25 ;e best fat light ewes, $6.50. St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louis. III., June 20. Cattle Receipts, 5,000 head; best weight steers, strons, others steady; $9.50 paid for 1,035 and 1.035-pound averagts; bulk. $8.009.26; light yearling beef cows and stockers, steady; canners, steady to 15c higher; bulls, steady to strong; light veal calves, strong; bulk yearlings, $7. 75(g) 8.50; bulk cows. $4.255.25; bulls, $3.75 4.25: top and bulk calves, $3.50. Hogs Receipts. 16,000 head; market ac tive, mostly 6c higher; top, $10.90; bulk, 160 to 240-pound averages, $10.8010.85 light lights, $10.6010.80; pigs, $10.00 10.50; packer sows, mostly $8.809.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; fat lambs, fully 25c higher; aged sheep steady; top lambs, 112.25; bulk, good and chaice lambs, $11.7612.00; culls, $5.00 6.50; fat light ewes, $5.005.60; heavies. $2.00 2.60; yearlings, to 4-year-old breed ing, ewes, 87.00i8i8.00. Dry goods. New York. June 20. Cotton goods were firmer in the gray goods division today and liberal sales of print clothes were made at an advance of Vc a yard. The sheeetlnga markets also were firmer, with an .upward tendency. Colored goods sold below cost but tended upward. Tarns were unchanged In trading markets, al though spinners are advancing their prices because of the rise In cotton. Spring wool goods probably will not be snown ; until late In July. Burlaps showed little 1 change for the day. fi a i . .mi. 11 1 Dome 01 mo siik iin?s lor iau nave been sold out. the offerings being light, because of price and uncertainty of con suming demand. Jobbers reported a steady trade in small lots. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. June 20. Potatoes Slightly stronger In sacks, steady on barrels; re ceipts, 109 cars; total TJ. S. shipments, 668 cars: Arkansas, Alabama. Oklahoma and Louisiana sacked Bliss Triumphs No. 1, $2.75g'3.00 cwt.; Alabama Spaulding Rose sacked No. 1, $2.2602.50 cwt.; Louisiana sacked long whites, poorly graded. $1.70 2.00 cwt.: North Carolina and Norfolk. Va.. stave barrels Irish Cobblers No. 1, $4.5005.00: eastern shore Virginia stave barrels Irish Cobblers No. 1. $5.75. Old stock, steady; Wisconsin-Michigan sacked round whites, $1.7502.00 cwt. Chicago Butter. Chicago. June 20. Trading on the but ter market was quiet today, but the tone on top grades and fine centralized con tinued ateady. Dealers did not care to sell 82 and 93 scores under the regular prices snd any fine lots not finding ready sale were moved into stnrafA. MAinm and underzrades sold naraiiv r,i,,.0 ' o yi-ic. cigniy-nine scores were offered at 33c: ninety score cars, because salable on future contracts, were not ob tainable under 35c to 36 l-2c T flertlne and Rosin, Savannah. June 20. Turpentine Firm. S1.09H: sales. 203 bbls.; receipts. 40S libla.; shipments, 94 bbls.; stock, 2,522 bbls. Rosin Firm: 5les. 732 casks; receipts, 3.391 casks; shipments. 122 cssks: stock. 68.404 casks. Quote: B. 34.350 45: D. 14.6504 70; K, $4.90; F, $5.00; G, $5.00; H. $5 05; I $5.10; K, $5.40; M. $5.55; N, $5.7005.75; WO. $6.40; WW. 6.850.O. ! Chicago Produce. Chicago, June 20. Butter Lower: creamery extras, 84 H 9 35c; firsts. 304 0 33Hc: seconds. 28 0 2Hc: stsndsrds. 35c. E Unsettled; receipts, ls.890 cases; firsts, 32022 44c: ordinary firsts, 200 Dried Fralts. New Tork. June 1 Evaporated Ap ples DuU but steady. Prunes Firm ; Callfornlas. tttSSHc; Oregons, 014Hc Aprtcots Quiet. , Peaches Steady. Raisins Dull. . Kansaa City Prod we. Kansas City, June 20. Eggs changed; first Ic , live Stock Omaha. Juaa I. Mseeleis wre Cartl. Hogs ahesn. offinal Mmi4v ,,,, i. us l..l . n.tog . S4.417 1.td is. is n.sei l7lt 11.114 14 318 ( 447 3S.I 11.177 aetimsie lue.dsr ... t.eeii Te dtn i h,e ek.lH4 tm dans lael !. 14. 7 J Name dars I w's s a.14 Maine 3 ws aa.ll.l7T tfame das er ago U. It! H.i-.inta and disixialtian nf lvuk I he ln.,n iwk)itili, Omaha, New., far IShours, ending at I p. m, June 0, R ECK I PTS O A n LOT . u. a a,, p. K,...SV.'r,0,Y,,r. Wb..h II. R ( Mu. I'ecifie tty 7 I t men l'''lfle R. R II 14 ft C, 4i N. W. Hy. east .... I I' N, W. Ry., we Is 14 C. Si. P, M i. My.... 17 II C B. a Q. tty., test 14 I .. C. H. A d. Ky west.... I : f . H. I. P, seat ! S 1 R I a T. west Ik,, Illinois Central Ry ,, I I C. 0. W, Ry I I Total receipts ..310 101 11 DJaTOSltlON HEAD Cattle, iluga Sheen. Armour a C l.ls ruilahy Packing Co... 1.1"! Hold Tacking Co. .. 467 Morris fscking Co. ..1.094 Swift Co 1.167 1.444 1.17 1.170 i.: l.7 J,T S.MI HI "ii "75 1.441 4 1.441 J. W. Murphy Stwsrts Co Lincoln racking Co. .. (1 Hurdle k W'llnon Packing Co. .. 141 Swift. K C Nigging racking Co. . I St. Clair 31 Slsyerowlrh a Vail .. 21 Midwest Packing Co. 10 P. o nes I Omiha. I'arklng Co. .. IS Horrman 1 7 8. Omaha Packing Co. 25 J. H Hull:i 40 Dennis Krancls .... 44 John Harvey , ,,,,,, 4i0 T. J. Inghrani S F. P. Lewis , 40 Mo.-Ksn. C. A C. Co.. 17 J. B. Root a Co S3 Sullivan Bros 1 Werthelmer ft Degen.. 164 Other buyers 1,147 Armour, St. J 606 s Total .1.238 14,141 (.737 Cattle Recelota were 7.600 head. Al though receipts were of healthy propor tions sgaln today, the market was more active and best of the beef cattle aold about 10c higher. Cholcg) heavy steers went to both shippers snd packers st 11.00 and yearling at is.i6CPS.it. Medium and common cattle, as well as the bulk of the rows and heifers sold st steady to easier prices and the trade In stockers and feeders was slow to a shads lower all around. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prim beeves. $8.866 9.30, good to choice beeves, I8.40&S.86: fair to good, beeves, $8.09 8.85; common to fair beeves, 17.6001. 00; choice to prime heifers, 88.00fii8.76; good to choice heifers, 87.25JJS.00: fair to good heifers. $6.6097.26: choice to prime cows, $6.S04j7.10; good to choice cows, 16.000 6.60; fair to good cows. $5. 001516. 00; com mon to fair cowa, $3.254.76; good to rhoice feders, $7.6008.00; fair to good feedera, $7.007.50; common to fair feed ers. $X. 2607. 00; good to choice stockers, 17.6008.25; fair to good stockers, $7,000 7.60; common to fair stockers, $6,000 6.75: stock heifers, 14.5006.00; stork cows 13.5005.26; stock calves. $.5O0.OO; veal calves. 85.005j-8.50; stock bulla. 15.000 8.60; bulls, stags, etc., $3.7507.00; choice to prime yearlings, $8.6509.16, good to choice yearllnga. $8.1008 0; fair to good yearllnga, $7.60 8.00; common to fair yearlinga, $7.0007.60. BEEF STEERS. Pr. No. No. 10... 8... 31... 10... 35... 21... 1C... 44... ;!::: 21... Av. Av. . 934 . 769 . 800 .1101 .1J20 .1148 .1077 .1093 .1112 .1275 Pr. $7 50 .. 653 .. 981 .. 751 .. 991 ..1041 ..1063 ..1473 ...1301 ..1212 ..1264 ..1365 $6 50 3 7 60 7 76 7 85 8 no 8 35 8 45 8 70 8 65 9 00 6. 25. 8. 36. 30. 29. 20. 16. 20 9 30 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 682 749 888 7 25 12 690 8 00 ' 12 853 8 55 16 873 HEIFERS. 6 00 8 830 7 00 10 847 7 78 8S7 833 8.85 7 25 672 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 638 6 65 6 680 BULLS. 7 25 3 85 6 00 6 00 7 00 . . 840 ..1650 ..1180 . . 970 ..1020 .. 205 3 75 1 1220 4 35 1...... 540 5 25 1 1040 6 75 1 630 7 75 CALVE3. 7 25 SPRING LAMBS. 10. 60 12 25 COWS. 6 888 3 00 3 1046 6 00 3 118 5 75 5 1142 6 25 Hogs Receipts were 13,000 head. Sup plies were liberal again today and the market opened about steady with the general market yesterday. On fair de mand from shippers light hogs and good quality butchers showed some strength. Light hogs sold at 810.20010.25, with a top price of $10.30. Mixed loads and butcher weights, $9.60010.25 and packing grades. $9.2609.75, with extreme heavies at $8.75 9.00. Bulk of sales. $9.66010.25. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. 10. .353 ... $ 9 60 65. .288 40 I 9 60 6. .21' 190 85 "66. .261 ... 9 80 55. .314 ... 9 95 '65. .283 ... 10 00 74. .248 ... 10 05 65. .246 70 10 10 66..2S2'... 10 15 70. .213 ... 10 20 60. .211 ... 10 25 86..204 80 10 30 Sheep Receipts. 6,500 head. Receipts today were largely Idaho spring lambs, with a fair offering of native springers. Natives sold 26060c higher, best quality moving at $12.00012.60. Idaho spring lambs were fully a quarter higher, with best quality quoted at $13.00. Sheep were strong to In spots 6o higher on very light receipts. Light ewes averaging 115 pounds sold at $5.25. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, $10.75011.60; fat lambg, fair to good, $9.00010.60; spring lambs, 110.000 13.00; feeder lambs, $9.00011.25: cull lambs, $7.00010.00; fat yearlings, $7.50 10.00; fat wethers, $6.0007.00; fat ewes, light, $4.0005.25; fat ewes, heavy, $3.00 04.00. - Kansas City Mve Stock. ' Kansas City. Mo., June 20. Cattle Re ceipts. 12,000 head; beef steers, stesdy to 25c lower; mostly 10c to 15c lower; early top, $9.00 for Colorados; beat natives held above 89.25: she-stock dull and mostly weak tp 25c lower; bulk cows, $4.0006.00; rw nnnvfl n.an: nuu uriino iui 90. OU IgjJ i ' . ' -mii ters. 15c to 25c lower; bulk canners under $2.50; most cutters. $3.0003.76; bulls, steady; most bolognas, $3.764.00; calves ! active and steady; best, $7.5008.00. j Hogs Receipts. 14.000 head; opened I steady; later trading active to both pack- ers and shippers, strong to 15o higher: bulk. 175 to 240-pound weight, $10.25 :0.40; top, $10.45; shippers took about. 4.000; bulk of sales, $10.00010.40; throw out sows, $8.7509.00: stock . pigs about steady; good kinds, $10.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5.000 head; pheep and breeding ewes, steady; lambs, . 25c to 50c higher; natives. $12.60; , Arizonag, $11.50; Arizona feeding lambs. .o. kuuu iiruciB, si-w t - $10.00. Sioux ity Live Stock. Sioux City, la., June 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.200 head; market slow, steady; fed steers and yearlings, $7.7509.25; warmed up steers and yearlings, $7,000 7.50; grass cows and heifers. $4,0006.25: fat cows and heifers, $5.2507.75; canners, $2.5003.50; veals, $5.00010.00; feeders, $6.0007.00; cslves, $5.0007.26; feeding 1 loA cows and heifers, $3.5008.76; stocKers, 00(87.25. Hogs-Receipts, 8,000 hesd: market 100 15c lower: stags, $7.5008.00; butchers, $9.85010.25; lights, $10.30; heavy mixed. $9.0009.75; heavy packers, 18.7609.00; bulk of sales. $9.75010.36. Sheep Receipts, 300 head; markst strong. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo.. June 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.600 head; beef steers and year lings, steady; others weak to a shade lower; top steera. $9,151 choice Colorado pulpers average 1.400 pounds, $9.00; top light yearlings, $9.00; bulk beef cattle, $7.0007.50. Hogs Receipts, 8.50 hesd; msrket alow; packing sows steady; bulk. $8,750 .00; average coat yeaterday. $9.90; weight, 3Si Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.50 head; fat iambs, 15075 higher; sheep, steady; top native lambs. 112.26; bulk. 113.009 12.25; best drtve-lns. 111.75; culls. $6,000 50; yearlings, ewes, 13.60. New Tork General. New Tork. June 29 Flour Quiet: spring patents. 17.2507.71: soft winter straight. t5.5O06.O; hard winter strslghts. 16.7607.25. , Cornmeat Steady; fine white and yel low granulated. 11.8001. IS. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red. 11.27 M: No. 2 hard. I1.2IH; No. 1 Manitoba, 11.35. and No. 2 mixed durum, 1.12,c. L f. track New Tork. to arrive. Corn Spot firm: No. 2 yellow. 7Hc, and No. 2 mixed, 71 He. c. L f. New Tork, all rail. Oats Spot firm: No. 2 white, 16c Other articles unchanged. -. Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, Omaha Leswed Hire. New York, June Jl). The proce 01 'suueexing the short in Mexican petroleum stock was again the out Handing event ot the stock ex change today. At one time the price marked a rise of lljj point (or the day, on top of the preceding rite of ioy, point iuce Thursday, J hat the share of thi company avail aj)ie tor deiiverly were to all intent cornered and that speculator who had been unlucky and reckless eough to sell such a stock and bor row it for delivery had to ray what ever the leniency of the controlling powers allowed, wa at evident a it had been the day before. That thi sort of thing, whatever it actual ground or occasion, i in the lone run a demoralizing influence, experi ence does not leave any doubt. To day, its effort on the general market seemed to be to create great nervous nest amdng sellers of other stocks w ho had not covered. A long series of 1 to 3 points sdvanee wsa in consequence, me upwarn move, ment being mo.t rapid, as wss naturar un der the circumstances. In the highly kpeculatlve industrial shares The mar ket had no relation whstevir to the news of the day or to the genersl sit uation, except lnsofsr ss speculation for the rise wss facilitated by 1 and 3 per cent call money with no immediate pros pect tor a cnange. Kven the railway shares Joined In today's movement, a number of them rising 1 to 3 points on generally light transactions. In the bond msrket, there occurred as usual, of late, a number of fractional declines; but they ware scattered and were offset by at t-aet sn eousl number of advances, the prevalent tendency being toward stesdy prices, mis part 01 tne investment msr, ket Is Just now guverned hy seversl In, fluences more or less conflicting, but In genersl msklng for reasonable main tenance of values. The very considerable amount or new bonds in process or 01s trlhutlon by underwriting bsnkers is off' set by the recent decrease In the volume of weekly offerings by the progressive cheapen ng of money and by tne ap proacb of the traditional "July reinvest, ment period." New York Stocks Rsnge of prices ot the leading stocks furnished by Logan as Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: JtAILKUADS. Monday High. Low. Close. Close. A. , T. & S. r 8 97H Ti 98 B. & 0 47. 46 471i 5 Canadian Pacific. 137V4 187 137?, 136 N. Y. Central 90 SS 90 H 89 Chess. Ohio.... 63Vs 6214 63U 62 Great Northern.... 80 76H 80 75H Illinois Central 103 10374 1037, 103 O. C. Southern.. 24 Z3 24 Lehigh Valley.., Missouri Pacific. N. Y. & N. H... Northern Pacific 63V. 21 28 61 S3tt 31 28 76 73 41 73 40 89 22 62 19 27 74 72 40 72 39 87 21 24 19 27 73 72 41 72 31 76 C. A N. W 73 Penn. R. R 411 Reading 73 14 C. R. I. P 40 Southern Pacific. 89V Southern Railway. 22 4 C. M. & St. P 25 87 22 24 25 Union Pacific. ..136 134 136 134 STEELS. Am Car Fdry ....162 161 162 160 Allis-Chalmers .... 49 47 49 47 Am Loco 112 111 113 nu Baldwin Loco ....115 111 115 111 Bethlehem St .... 76 74 76 74 Colo F & 1 30 Crucible T4 30 69 38 72 33 30 74 36 75 34 75 72 99 43 69 35 71 33 75 69 99 42 98 45 60 69 19 28 61 31 39 33 28 Am Steel Fdry.... 36 Lackawanna St .. 76 Midvale St 34 Pressed St Car.... 75 Ren St Ik I 72 75 70 Ry St Sprgs 99 99 Slqss-Schef 43 ' 42 U S St 100 Vanadium 46 98 100 44 46 COPPER. Anaconda 61 60 Am S & Ref Co.. 60 69 61 60 3G 20 29 61 32 40 34 28 17 16 Cerro Pas:o 36 3b Chill 20 Chlr.o 29 Cal & Ariz 61 Green Cananea.... 32 Inspiration 40 Kennecott 34 Miami 28 Nev. Consolidated 17 Ray Consolidated.. 16- Seneca Utah 64 OILS. General Asphalt .. 64 Cosden 48 Cal. Peterol 1 Island Oil .... 1 19 28 61 32 39 33 28 Vi 16 16 12 62 69 47 59 1 62 64 59 47 59 1 64 48 61 1 Invincible Oil 1 15 16 15 Mexican Peterol Middle States . .171 158. 169 160 14 13 14 13 Pacific Oil 6S Pan-American .... 73 Phillips 53 66 71 52 8 30 58 32 68 S8 72 70 1 31 60 5: Pierce Oil 8 Pure Oil 31 Royal Dutch 60 Sinclair Oil 33 7 31 68 33 Stand. Oil, N. J. . .186 184 186 183 Texas Co...; 47 47 47 47 Union Oil 21 21 21 21 White Oil 8 8 8 8 MOTORS. Chandler 74 71 74 72 Gen. Motors .... 14 13 14 14 Willys-Overland . . 8 8 , 8 8 Fierce-Arrow 20 19 20 19 White Motor 49 48 49 Studebaker 129 124 129 123 RUBBER AND TIRES. Flsk 16 15 Goodrich 39 38 Kell-Spring 46 44 Keystone Tire 16 14 AJsx 15 14 U S Rubber 62 68 16 15 39 44 14 15 68 89 46 16 14 63 INDUSTRIALS. Am Beet Sug 44 43 44" 37 43 37 42 36 4! 37 122 45 37 16 At Gulf & W I.... 87 Am Int Corp .... 43 Am Sumatra .... 37 Am Tel .....120 Am Can 48 Cent Leath ...... 38 Cuba Cane 16 Cub-Am Sugar .... 24 36 41 1 37 119 120 45 47 36 38 16 16 23 23 24 Corn Products. ...106 104 104 103 famous flayers... 81 General Electric. . .165 Grt. Northern Ore. 38 Inter. Harvester. . .103 U. S. I. Alcohol... 54 Ir.tef. Paper 48 Inter. M. M. pfd.. 73 Amer. Sugar Ref.. 77 Sears-Roebuck ... 76 Stromsberff 48 Tobacco Products. 82 Worth. Pump..,.. 48 Wilson Co. West. Electric 60 American Woolen. 90 MISCELLAN Am. Cotton Oil... 27 Am. Agri. Chem.. 40 American Linseed. 34 Bosch Mairneto 43 Brooklyn Rap. Ta. 24 Cont. Can 68 Cal. Packing 75 Col. G. & Electric 85 Col. Graph 4 United Drug 75 Nat. Enamel 48 United Fruit 137 National Lead .... 92 Philadelphia Co... 37 79 80 78 164 165 164 38 38 38 102 103 51 54 51 46 48 46 71 73 . 72 77 77 77 74 15 73 47 48 47 80 81 80 48 48 48 41 58 59 58 88 90 88 EOUS.- 25 37 25 39. 39 38 33 . 34 34 43 42 42 24 24 24 67 68 65 75 75 85 85 83 4 4 4 74 75 74 48 48 48 137 137 138 92 92 93 37. 37 117 117 117 47 47 47 49" 64 66 64 S3 25 26 25 31 31 31 Punta Alegre Sug. 47 S. Porto Rico Sugar . . Retail Stores 66 Superior Steel St. L. & S. Fran.. 26 Vs. Car Chemical.. 31 Total sales. 1,027.800. Money Close. 2 per close. 2 per cent. cent: Monday's Marks Close. .0031 Mondsy'g close. .00K1. Francs Close, .0858; Mondsy'g close, .0857. Sterling Close. 34.43; Monday's close, 14.41. Chicago Stocks. Range of prices of the leading Chicago stocks furnished by Logan a Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building. Am. Radiator Armour & Co. pfd.... Armour Leather com.. Cont. Motor Llbby Monrgomery-Ward Nat. Leather Stewart-Warner Swift at Co Swift Int Union Carbide Wahl Wrlgley 97 12 7 2 21 .. 43 ..100 .. 20 .. 66 .. 60 ..102 New Tork Money. New Tork, June 20. Money Celt, stesdy: high, 3 per cent: low,, 3 per cent; ruling rate; closing bid, 2 per cenU offered at 3 per cent: last loan. 2 per cent; call loans, higher, acceptances. : per cent) time loans, easier: CO days. 8 4 per sent; 0 day, 4 pr cent; alx months, 4 per cent; prim wercsntiie paoer. 481 per cent- . 1 1 New York Bonds (Tha Bea la tb only Omaha newspaper which publish the of ficial close ot the New Yotk Stock exchange bondO New Tork, J wis 10 The trend of ptn-ea In today's bond market wss main ly up aid, tout dealings were small snd Irregular, compared with ih breadth nd strength msnlfrsted ty the stock list. Liberties were steady during the first half of the session, but moderate losses predominated at the and. Aald from Menu. as, espeelslly the , which roe I points, foreign loans wer Inclined 10 ea.e. Dutch Kast Indies snd Cuba Hallway Ss, however, showing firmness, Ht Paul convertible s. St. Louis A Kan Francisco adjustment la, Oregon Short Llns refunding ss snd Haabosrd 4s snd S strengthened. Klrst mortsvigs of the leading system Improved later on (he rise of stocks of Ihst cUss, which fol lowed announcement of the Payment of the regular Oreat Northern dividend. Marland oil Issues, anions th strong est features of recent days, reacted on the news thst the common slock hsd been placed on a dividend at a I annual rate. Total sales (par value) aggregated 114. 181,000. New underwriting aggregating about 118.100,001) wer offered end readily mar keted. Of these, th most prominent wss th H.OOO.OOi) Mat of North Carolina 1 per rent highway bonds, sold at a price yielding between 4 36 and 4 40 per cent. New Tork, June so. Following srs to day s high, low and closing prices of bonds on ths New York stock exchange and the total sales of each bonds: foreign Government, Stole and Municipal. ralra (In 11,000) High L,ow Cloae 61 Argentine Is 100 99 15 Chinese Gov Ry Sa. 55 64 66 3 City Berne 1 113 111 111 I City Bordeaux 6s.. S5 M IS 3 City Chrlstlanla Is. 108 10 101 13 city Copnhgn 6s. 91 91 11 13 City Lyons 6a S6 4 85 1 City Marseilles 6s.. 85 86 86 10 City Rio Jan 8s. .101 101 0t 1 City San Fsulo 8s. .103 101 101 3 Dsn Mun 8s A 110 101 110 33 Dept Seine 7s 8.' 91 91 4 Dom Csn s 21. .100 100 100 3 Dom Can 6s 31.... 7 97 17 29 Inch K Ind Is 47.. 94 94 94 87 Dtch E Ind 6s 33.. 94 93 93 164 French Rep 8s 104 103 103 tl French Rep 7s ..100 100 100 40 Jap 1st 4 61 Jap 4s 1 King Belg 7s. 13 King Bel Is ... 23 King Pen (s ... 3 King Itsly s 91 91 91 77 77 77 .108 108 108 .103 -103 102 . 98 98 98 . 95 95 95 . 97 97 97 103 King Nthrlnds 6s 15 King Norway 8s ..110 109 109 24 King Sweden 6s.. 102 101 101 40 Paris Ly-Med 6s.... 81 80 81 20 Rep Chile 8s 105 104 106 14 Rep Cuba 6s 01 95 95 95 ,10 Rep Urugusy 8s. ...106 105 106 ' 3 State Qunslnd 7s. ..109 109 109 11 State Qunslnd 6s ..100 100 100 14 State Rio Gr Sul 8s. 101 101 101 34 Swiss con 8 118 117 117 K Q B & I 5s 22. .107 107 107 66 K G B A I 6s 29. .108 107 108 147 K O B A I 6s 37. .104 103 104 New York Central Jjines Equipment Trust of 1922 v. Five Per Cent Equipment Trust Gold Certificates The certificates are for 75 per cent of the cost of standard n jvy equipment, the remainder of the cost to be paid by the railroad companies. We are advised by A. H. Smith, Esq., President of the New York Central Railroad Company, that the equipment will cost approximately $36,860,000 and will consist of ap proximately 18,500 freight-train cars and 75 locomotives. The title to the equipment is to be vested in the trustee, and the equipment is to be leased by the trustee to the following railroad companies which are jointly and severally to covenant to pay rentals su ficient to pay the certificates and dividend warrants as they mature: The .New York Central Railroad Company, The Michigan Central Railroad Company, The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company, The Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny Railroad Company, The Cincinnati Northern Railroad Company. THE ABOVE CERTIFICATES ARE OFFERED FOR SUBSCRIPTION, SUBJECT TO ISSUE AS PLANNED AND TO APPROVAL OF COUNSEL, AT THE FOLLOW ING PRICES, PLUS ACCRUED DIVIDEND: $1,843,000 Due June 1, 1923, at 100. $1,843,000 Due June i, 1924, at 99.62 to Yield 5.20 $rJB43,ooo Due June 1, 1923, at 9943 to Yield 3.20 The following $ 1 43,000 $1,8430 $iJB43,ooo $1,843,000 $ i 43,000 $1,843,000 Subscription books will be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co., at 10 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, June 2r, 1922. The right is reserved to reject any and all applications, and also, in any case, to award a smaller amount than applied for. The amount due on allotments will be payable at the office of J. P. Mor gan & Co., in New York funds, the date of payment to be specified in the notices of allotment, against delivery of temporary certificates or trust receipts, exchangeable for definitive certificates when prepared. J. P. MORGAN & CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, New York. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY, New York GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK New York, June 2X, 1922. .141 14 14 . ! 49 SI . SI SI SI V. i. (joveramenl Hands, S4e Liberty 1 IS 14 t 4 ! Liberty l-t 4 ,,..eon loo t 1D I Liberty Ind 4a.,,, 4 1190 4 V B Ursa!! Is. HI 11 n lg I., tl U a Mas 4 .. Ills 71 Liberty let 4 ..ool4 lee II lee 14? Liberty Ind 4 .,! 04 II IS 14 !.llty ii 4,, , ,01 190 64 00 1104 Liberty 41 h 4s..1"ll 10 0 111 Victory 4 We ll 10.6 101 StaUwny snd Miscellaneous. I Alas Rub ! 10 Am Ag chm t..isi lot 7 Ant Smell Ss 11 ST Am Sua Is tn 100 IS Am T 4 T tv 4a, .114 114 AM T T tr ,. 97 I Am Writ Pa 7s... 16 II Armour 4 Co 4s lS 4 A T a 8 r gen 4s.. l 100 l3 S 100 144 7 16 s 11 II At Her l 101 iil 1 Halt Ohio nn o Hit a Ohio i v 4 is .' 71 Hell Tel 'nn T...l 107 107 4 He Hi St pin 1 0 0 ii twin r,o gen is u,,io 3 i'al tl a Kl 6s.... 7 Csn Nor Pan . . II I 14 Csn Psu d 4a 77 II Cont Lea Is ; Cant Pao. gtd 4s.. S7 13 Cerro rasco He ... IIS. II Ches a Ohio cv 5.. l 106 16 4 111 111 77 774 7 lf 7 17 117 117 lit nes at 01110 4a. 30 C II I Q if 6s A. 1 C K III ts 17 Chi tit West 4. 64 C M A Ml P cv 4 Us 7 0 7 7 1 T' 9S ? 10 7 1 so 16 0 4 C M a St P ref 4s 1 V t C A N W 7s 17 17 C N W s ...110 4 C It 1 a P gen 4a.. 2 3 C. n I A P rrf 4s.. o 5 O A W Ind 4s.. 71 ( C C C A 8t L g 4s.. 11 1 107 11 110 : ti 10 10 73 71 1 ! 5 Chile Con 7s 104 A 1114 104 S3 Chit Cop Is 0 0 0 4 Colo Ind 6s 7t4 7SV, 75 17 4 (7 S Colo A 80 ref 4s. 87 87 3 Cp t ft El 6s.. 4 4 10 Cbn Coal Mrylnd 6s 87 87 26 Con Gss 7s 117 114 116 10 Cb Cn Sug d 8s... IS 84 14 1 Cb R R 74s A. .101 103 103 7 Cubsn Am Sug It.. 106 104 101 t Del A Hud cv 6s.. (5 95 96 D A R U Imp 5s.. 80 10 10 1 Pet d ref 6s.... 103 o 101 6 Det Vtd Rys 4a.. S3 81 81 14 Plmnd Mtch 7s.. ..10 107 108 21 Ppnt Nem 7s....107 107 107 29 Duquesne Lt 6s.. .,103 102 10! 84 Erie gen 4s 53 63 63 Erie gen 4 2 "2 2 3 Flsk Rub 8s 10 106 106 7 Kramer I D 7.. 7 7 97 1 Gal H A H 6a 85 86 85 13 Gen Eleo d 6s 101 101 101 34 Ooodyesr T Is II. .101 101 101 3 Goodyesr T Is 41. .116 114 114 Ond Tnk Ry C 7.111 113 113 11 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s.. 103 102 10 18 Grt Nor 7s A 109 109 109 44 Grt Nor 5s B....100 99 100 32 Hud A M ref 6s A.. 82 82 81 17 Hud A M sd In 5s. 62 62 2 18 III Cent 5a 100 100 100 1 III Cant ref 4 88 86 86 10 Ind str 6s 99 99 99 1 Int Ag 6s 79 79 79 7 Int Met 4s 13 11 12 17 Int Met 4s ct.... 12 13 12 8 Int R T ref 6s.. 6 66 66 38 Int M M sf 6s.... 95 95 96 12 Int Fa Ref Is 86 86 86 8 Invlnc Oil 8s 98 97 97 Iowa Cent ref 4s... 44 Vi 44 44 3 K C South 6s 8 86 86 $27,645,000 (Total Issue) GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE (Philadelphia Plan) To Be Issued by the Trustee Under an Equipment Trust Agreement Dated Jnne 1, 1932. Payable to Bearer, With Optional Registration as to Principal. Denominations $1,000 and $500. Dated Jane 1, 1922. Serial Maturities of $1,843,000 Per Annum, June 1, 1923, to Jnne 1, 1937, Boti Inclusive. Warrants for the Semi-Annual Dividends at the Rate of s Per Annum Mature June r and December x. Certificates and Dividend Warrants Payable at the Office of the Trustee. Issue Subject to Authorization by the Interstate Commerce Commission. maturities to yield 5:30: Due June 1, 1926, at 9&-93 Due June 1, 1927, at 98.70' Due June r, X928, at 9848 Due June x, 1929, at 98.26' Due June 1, 1930, at 98.06 Due June r, 1931, at 977 Kell-gpnng T . I"l T l.eka Hi U !.,.. It Lck Sit is io..., lat. S IS m ( d . II . , 14 l LN A S4H 4 4. II.. ! t Lehish Valley ss. , "4 1. 1 Mel , i 11 ll 1 14 4 1 Ml IP el 1 l4 7 IS I. A N let IU , .to, 104 14 S 9 I L N unified te., e 10 II Mkl 81 Hy ron Is.. tl IS M.ll.nd Oil Ik 1-4 is 4 Ms Pet . ni utw f it Mi. rt Hist Tel Ul I l s sua v cv s i I SI A 81 I. ref 6a.. 46 41 14 SI M P A 8HU 101 !' 41 SI K A T n p I Sa A tl (1 141 M K A T n ad Sa A 86 14 41 no 1 J IP lt 10 I M K A T 4a., TS II M P gen Is S3 11 Mant Pow Ss A... t Murrls A C 1st 4s S i N il II L con SS..I0O ts N O T A SI Ino Sa. 70 IS t 11 1 00 7 1 IIS NYC col 7 101 11 43 N r C rol Ss 101 6 1 N V C con 4a II II IN 7 W ref 14s .101 to I NY Ml A 11 e Is 4 li 1 I N Y Tel d Is 4. 101 101 II N Y Tel ref Is 41.101 104 N Y W A Bos 4s. 51 51 tl Nor A W coo 4s, 19 11 11 N P pr lien 4s.. 14 11 1 N P gen 4s .... (I II 110 N Ml N Jl Is.l06 0 4 Nor His Pow rf Ss A II 0 11 N W Hell Tfl 7s.. 101 10 ( Or Cal 1st Is..., 91 19 13 Or R A N 1st 4s.. 17 17 O H 1. gid Is.. ..101 103 14 O 8 L ref 4 11 II 10 Or-Wsh R R A N 4s 0 10 1 ntis Nt la A. ...ion 10 T Pao O A Kl 6a.... 19 I Pac TAT 6s.... 11 14 J Packrd Slot Cr la.. 101 17 1 Pan-Am PAT ..1"1 101 34 Penn R R g ..lnl loau ! 101 II je 10 0 104 ! 11 II ol 0 101 11 17 lul II 10 100 19 107 10 ml 21 Dom gen 6s 99 19 99 e iom gen s.... l si 3 Psre Marq ref Is.. II (1 34 Peoria A E Ino 4s.. 35 35 Pierce Oil d ts.. l S P CCO Bt L Ss A 6 91 I 35 S Pro A Ref 1 101 103 101 34 Reading gen 4s..., 13 11 ! s rtep i 1 a coi is. IS Rio O A W let 4a 13 R I A A L 4s. 19 8t L A H F sd Ii. ( Bt L A S V Inc 4s. 30 St L A B F P 1 4s A 15 71 0 77 4 7 79 7 70 10 51 24 41 7 79 77 70 80 61 14 41 104 98 4 1 57 4 66 7 106 91 58 1 70 10 Bt P A K C 8 L 4s 10 02 rinrfl A L con ss.. 51 1 Bhrd A I, sdj 6s.. 34 30 Sbrd A L ret 4s.. 41 71 Sinclair Oil cv 7s,104 104 .(3 Sinclair Oil col 7a. 91 II 1 80 Bell Tel Is.. 14 94 80 Pac cr 4s 91 91 1 So Pac ref 4s .... 87 87 1 So Ry gen 4s.. 99 7 15 80 Rk, con 6s.... 94 14 30 So Ry gen 4s.... (4 (6 1 8 Prt Rlc sg 7s 97 97 73 Stan Oil Cat d 7s. 106 105 ; Tex A Paa 1st 6s.. 93 3 1 Third Ave ad 6s.. 68 58 7 Tex A Pao 4s.... ! 4 Tldwtr O s ctf..l02 103 103 17 Tob Prod 7s 103 103 102 24 Un Pao 1st 4s.... 2 91 12 4 Un Pac cv 4s 94 4 94 18 Un Pao ref 4s.... 6 83 84 113 Un Tsnk Car 7s.. 103 102 102 8 Utd Drug 8s 111 110 110 6 Utd Ry Inv 1st 6s.. 84 14 84 1 U S Realty Is 94 94 94 3 U 8 Rub 7s 107 107 107 18 U 8 Rub 6s 89 88 II $iJ843,ooo Due June r, 1932, at 97.69 $r 43,000 Due June 1, 1933, at 97.52 $1,843,000 Due June 1, 1934, at-97.36 $1,843,000 Due June r, 1933, at 97-2x $ 1 43,000 Due June 1, 1936, at 97.06 $1,843,000 Due June r, rg37, at 96.92 I in t km ? ,e I V My 8 ... . 6 I Vt.b.s 1st Ss r IS W..i slrylnd Ul s II VVt pas Is 11 II U..i l' H ,.,n I U..UB .ed t 11 I Wlrk.kpet 81 7., M I VYtlMSj A C t TH 11 Villein A 1' cv ss., l um Can sa It wl, SI Cs.ch Slav 1 "? 19 1" ! ie e lJ 1 11 s TUt ! ol beads today were III Ml.oo eumrared e)Hh III. Ill, pretluu day and il,lI,e( g, ,r N. Y. Curb Bonds New York. June l Tinello en Ik New York curte bund msrket today wet as fulloas: no vi r stic no pa, 1 Allied Pack la ... IS IS t Allied Park la ctf 41 II 41 3 Allied Park ts . , . ! 6 I Aluminum 7s '2. Il 11 l"l I Alum 7 'II I H A 16 I Am L A T ,...! l 0I' Am TAT '13 l l" n II Am T A T '14 0 11 0 I Am Tob 7 'l..,.te; iJ I on, II Ana Cop i ., ! o II Ana Cup 7 ,.,lj Ml 1 01 f it Arm A Co, 7 ...104 1 1C4 v, II At II W Is , .... I 1 11 T Beth Hi I 7 '11 ,,.l4 I0 ll Cent Hieel I ...,iel 0t I0 1 Chsr Iron lit , S Ch In tl la, B... I Com Paw is o to ts T Cons Gss 7s n lo lo Cons Uaa of Bal 7s o 1t n , S Cons Teitlle Is ..10 )0 inn I Cop Eg A n la '14 101 11 l2 IS Cop Eg A'n Sa '2S 104 1114 104 Cubsn Tel ls .,.to log vt, 1 Peer a Co. 7 ,.loo 100 lo 1 Em a A P 11 101 lot 1 Preep Tel 7s ....111 113 117 S den Asp 3 14 104 104 Hood Tir 7s 100 100 loot, I tirand Trunk a 101 106 io:, 11 Hull Oil 7 104 n 101 4 Member Co. 7l .11 101 101 Hood Rub 7s II 3 Intorb R T 7s .... I 7 30 Interb R T ts '21 11 lt 11 1 Ksn O A H la ... 96 l l 1 K C T s 1l 11 101 33 Ken Cop 7s 104 04 104 13 Laclede (laa 7a ..100 100 los 5 Llbby McN A L Is Jgr 4 4 - , I.'VI 4'1 t.. S Manitoba Ts S 96 t W SI 7 100 me ino I Morrl A Co. Ta 104 101 10414 17 Nal Arm 7a ... 7 96 3 Natl C A 8 I ...101 101 Imv, ,' 11 Natl I.ea It 11 II 1 Phil Kl I 103 103 101 Phil Kl 5s 11 19 P 8 C of N J 7s.. 101 100 101 3 Robert Gslr 7a ...! T Ssks A Co. 7s .... IS l 94 1 8ears Roe Ts '23.. 100 100 loo 8esr Ro 7 '31..KH 101 101 3 Bhawiheen 7s ....103 102 101 Sol and CI Is ...105 106 101 4 8 W Bell Tel 7s. .102 102 10 I 1 8 O N Y 7s 'II ..104 101 lo 1 1 8 O N T ll 'II ..101 101 106 2 8 O N Y s ...17 107 107 14 Ste Warn Is 108 107 101 5 Run OH 7s 100 10 100 4 Swift A Co. 7s '25 101 101 101 8wlft A Co. 7s '31 103 102 102 33 Texss Co. 7s 101 101 ini 21 Un O Bst Is ....100 100 100 5 Un Oil Prod Is ..106 106 105 1 U Ry of Hav 7s 105 106 105 4 Vsc Oil 7s 107 107 107 3 Vslvor 7s 11 9 99 11 West El 7s 108 101 10k 1 Winchester 7s ..1C0 100 100 I I