The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 18, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Judge Scorest
1 . . 0
Attorney ior
Fees Quarrel
Jurist Brandt Lawyer Coo
trovf ny in War Bride Case
at "Bold Attempt
to Cheat.
From the bench, ..District Judge
Rediek severely icorcd Attorney
C. E. Welsh yesterday for the letter's
alleged "bold it tempt to theet a
brother attorney, Alfred Hunger, out
of hit feel."
The controversy grew out of the
two lawyen' services for Emilia
Rudy, French war brlda of Frank
Ready, Univenity of Nebraska Un
dent ' '
Wrongful Tactici.
"It la not io much the money in
volved," iiid the judge in awarding
Munger $750, "but the wrongful
tactici employed in maneuvering an
attorney out of hit feet after the kill
and judgment .he displayed in hit
elient'a behalf."
The judge laid that if he were
convinced the French girl could
speak- Engliih and knew what the
cireumitaneei were, he would award
Munger a total of $1,000, or the
amount hiV verbal agreement with
her called for.
Dropa Original Suit .
- Munger' represented the pretty
French bride when she first brought
suit for teparate manitenanee, and a
$25,000 auit against her father-in-law,
E. Ready, county attorney at Hart
ington, Neb., for alienating hia ton's
affections. Munger waa to receive
20 per cent of the settlement, which
was $5,000.
Some time during the negotiations
the French girl dropped Munger and
engaged Attorney Walsh. The latter
the original auit, disposing of
Munger'a services, then refiled and
continued with the settlement. -
Neither welsh or the French girl
. . .. . . . . . - . i
were in court wnen luoga Jieaicai
voiced his reprimand. She announced
recently she would return to France.
Today's hearing was on Munger'a
intervention suit to claim his fee.
Clear Lake Sleeping Car
Service to Be Inaugurated
Week-end sleeping ear service to
Clear Lake, la., through Mason City,
leaving every Friday, beginning June
23, and returning to" Omaha every
Sunday, is to be started by the Chi
cago Oreat Western ratlroao. .he
train .is scheduled to leave Omaha
at 7:40 p. m.,,and arrive at Clear
Lake at 7 a. m. The sleeper may be
occupied at Clear, Lake until 8 a.
m., on arrival, and' will be ready for
occupancy at 9:30 p. m., on the re
turn trip. Week-end ticketa will be
sold for $8.90, with Monday as a re
turn limit. ;
Electrical Expert Will
Visit With Omaha Family
Charles Robbins, superintendent of
the Hawthorne plant of the Gen
eral Electric company at La Grange,
111., and the expert who worked
jointly with 'Thomas Edison in the
perfection of electric . eo.uip.ment of
airplanes and submarines during the
war, will arrive in Omaha July 1 to
visit Mr. and Mrs. George F. Ab
bott. Mrs. Abbott' and daughter,!
Jean, are in Chicago now, guests of
the Robbins , family. They will
motor home. .
To Give Piano Recital."
The piano pupils of Eultlia Rickly
will give a reeital at the Schmoller &
Mueller auditorium' Saturday after-i
noon at 3:30. Those taking part will
be Leo Gettler, Marie Boyle, Gladys
Dunn, Florence Stevenson, Fay Bliss,
oy Brown, Quinn Fravtta, May
rench, Jeanetta Fen tic off. Mildred
Lowe. Edna Penticoff. Beatrice Hoel.
Helen Pool, Dorothy Snygg, Kather
ine Blbss, Helen Bloss, Gerald Viek,
Proffer Windsor, Florence Wood
worth. - . r .- ' :-,
Republican Files for
Secretary of State
Fir ,
. ..f . j ..... .
ii V"C .
Saa-V. 7
-.? Jr.-
Crawford Kennedy.
Lincoln. Tuna 17, Crawford Ken
nedy of Lincoln hied today as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for secretary of state. He is a re
publican party worker of many years
lUndina and recently has been as-
tiitant sergeant-at-arms of the house
of representatives at Washington,
D. C -
Public Defender Hat to
Defend Himself in Court
John N. Baldwin, public defender,
had himself to . defend in justice
court yesterday.
Unfeeling gendarmes, towit, game
wardens, routed him out of his ca
noe in Carter Lake Friday, just a
Tack was hauling in a four-pound
bass. (This is not a fish-story, as
sured the judge.)
The M. P.'s demanded his license
to fish ahead of the season.
.'I have one in my pocket In the
office," Baldwin pleaded. But the
officers were from Missouri.
Saturday morning Baldwin pro
duced the license and squared him
self with the judge.
No Fireworks to Be Sold
on Street Until July 3
No permits will be issued for the
sale of fireworks On sidewalks of
Omaha until July 3, Police Commis
sioner Henry Dunn announced Sat
urday. Fireworks may be sold now,
he stated, but they must be dis
played only in show cases and un
der proper protection. No fireworks
may be used until th Fourth, and
then only the one day, the commis
sioner emphasized.
Following a 'conference with Chief
of Police Dempsey, Dunn will issue
detailed orders regarding fireworks,
he said.
Prayer Each Day
Men eutht always to pray , and not to
Our Heavenly Father, we come to
Thee in humble worship this morn
ing. We thank Thee for Thy lov
ing care while we slept, and for the
sleep and rest of the night. We thank
Thee that, refreshed in body and
mind. Thou hast broueht us to see
the beginning of a new day. Lord
abide with us still. .
We ever need Thee. Protect us
from harm, and guide us in all the
duties of this day. Deliver us from
evil, and make us strong to do Thy
will.' ,
Be pleased to remember with Thy
blessing all our loved ones. Some of
them are far distant from us, but
Thou art everywhere present. Be
pleased to bless Thine own work.
Let great grace be given to ministers
of the Gospel, and all Christian work
ers everywhere, that ny Name may
be glorified through their efforts.
And now, blessed Lord, we com
mit our loved ones and ourselves to
Thy care. : Pardon our sins, and
guide us by Thy Spirit in the way
pleasing to Thyself this day, and all
we ask in the Name of Jesus our
Saviour. Amen.
Kingston, Ont.. Canada. .
Hot Summer Sun Trying
; On The Complexion
How to Protect Your Skin and
Bring Roses to Your Cheeks ;
A Free Oatmeal Prescription Dm, It Work
Overnifnt. You Can Prepare t at Noma.
- New York: Exposure to un, dust, and
wind has. a voir had affect upon tho skin
and complexion. There i a war to over
come this. ''It ia mr owa diseevery and
It takes jolt one night to yet such Mar
velous results," says Mae Edna Wilder
when her friends ask her about her won
derful complexion and the improved ap
pearance of her hands and arms. "You
aan da the same thinr if you follow my
, advice," she says. "I feel it my duty to
tell every girl and woman what this won
derful proscription did for me. , , ,
"Just think of it, all thia chance in a
. single nia-ht. I never tire of teHinar others
just what brought about such remarkable
results. Here is the identical prescription
that removed every defeat frapa my face.
. neck, hands and arms. Until yon try it
you can form no idea ef the marvelous
ehansre H will make tn just ewe applica
tion. The prescription - which you can
prepare in your own horn is ns follows i
. "Go to nap procery store and cot ton
cents worth of ordinary oatmeal, and
f rem any toilet counter n bottle of dor-
. :o. -Follow 'the direction for usinp
oatmeal as (Wen in every package of
derwillo.' If it is -more convenient, you
can use ftenrillo-Oatmeal Swaa instead, of
oatmeaL . ; ' t -
-The first aaolioation of derwillo wBt
astonish you. ' It makeo tho akte appear
transparent; smooth and velvety, giving
anyone a youthful appearance. .
"I MseciallT recommend thia method
for a dark sallow akin, shiny nose, tan.
rnana Mia, tmn akin. rosWaaae, wrin
kles and in fact every Momma the fade.
. hands and arms are heir to." .
If your neck or chest ia diseolorad from
exposure, apply thia combination and the
objectionable defect will disappear as it
by magic It is absolutely harmless and
will not produce cr stimulate growth
of hair, t
No matter how rough sad ungainly tho
hands and arms or what abuses they have
had through hard work and exposure to
sun and wind, this oatmeal-derwille com
bination will work a wonderful trans
formation. . ,,..'.
Over a million girls ana women are now
using it in preference to 14 e powder and
other boautlfiers. ' Thia ia what two well
known actress any about it:
Dorothy Dalten. the beautiful actress.
ays:.Ta first application of this won
derful derwillo-oatmeal combination will
astonish you. It imparts instant beauty
to the akin and snakes a rosy-white com
plexion every ne will talk about. It pro-
tests my akin iff all kinds at weatoer.
That's why I prefer it to all other prep
arations and am never without it."
Viola Dana, the well known star, writes:
"I am often asked how I keep my com
plexion so fresh looking. It s a simple
process for anyoaa to have a smooth,
velvety, rosy-white, girlish complexion if
she will use Llska eeld cream te cleanse
the shin and that well known toilet prep
aration, derwillo, to beautify it. I recom
mend these preparation to all my per
sonal friends and they are just as ea
thnsiastie over thorn as I am."
Note: To net the neat ofTect he one to fhOoo)
the complete otrsatieaa contained in iisi psekat
or uereuio. Drufauts sna experiment stores soar
sntee that there win ba a aotieosble Ueoimiaeat
after tho first aopUeatlons or they wUl nftmd tie
ssoaar. It is said as this city ander a asooay n
raad gasnawa by dapeetmeat otom ad all drat
slits. Ineladlag the gheraua a lIcOmaeD it)
Buses sad tho sterrtn Dm Co.
Kit IccniistnarA Garden Host
? I H m.ts w t f I GaeamB Haao. H-hrn. ttKes
1 111 . I UJ. iaLL, X-4a tdllte
V r UC!Ywxi 11-Hwwrf Co.
f aja gum oaV - v , " - . - -, - AT, dalt
RgglyWiggly Stores
Have Twenty Leases
The Tiggly Wigl'y Stores com
pany, chain store corporation which
announced Ita intention few weeks
ago of coming Into Omaha, now hat
20 leases for stores, according to
Clever k Spain, realtors, in charge
of the real estate business for the
Piffly Wiggly company in Omaha.
Of the ii leases signed five el
them are for space In new buildings
being erected for the Tiggly Wiggly
The I've nlw buildings are 2912
Leavenworth, being built by F. D.
Weed; Military avenue and' Grant
streets, being built by William R.
Nichols; Twenty-third and Cuming
streets, being built by Alex Beck;
1256 South Thirteenth street, being
built by J. J. Novak; Twentieth street
and Missouri avenue, being built by
the Anderson Drug eompiny. '
Negotiations arc still pending with
various property owners for new
buildings to be erected at Sixteenth
and Locust streets. Twenty-fourth
and Lake streets, Twenty-fourth
street and Ames avenue. Thirty-third
and Cuming streets, Twentieth and
Sprague streets. Fortieth and Ham
ilton streets and one in Dundee.
All these stores, for which leases
have been signed, will be opened as
soon as natures can be Installed
W. O. V. Employe! to Hold
Annual Picnic at Park
The fourth annual picnic of Wood
men of the World employes and their
families will be held in Krug park
neat Wednesdtv, Harvey Ilobart
has arranged a list of athletic events
snd new stunts for which prises will
be ottered in the afternoon. There
will be dancing from 4 to i at the
pavilion, A barbecue supper will ba
served at , by courtesy ol the W O.
W. officers, who are donsting im
supper. - .
Nine o'clock tonight It the closing
hour for "Want Ads" in tomorrow a
Sunday Bee. Make sura that yout
order ia in by tnai time.
Iced Drinks ,
Rest moment from your
hopping to have an teed drink
In our Tea Room on tho Sev
enth Floor, or in our Cafeteria
In the Downstairs Store. .
Through the eiMwer maaths '
Our Store Will
Close at 5 P. M.
Every day eaeept Saturday
that day we'll a lose at p. sa.
Summery Merchandise Attractively Priced
Summer Frocks Dainty and Cool
THIS great merchandising institution ia making honest effort to
keep faith with the buying publie. To meet the demand of
tho times for quality merchandiee, reasonably priced, our organiia
tion ia almoat super-critical in passing upon merchandise that la
seeking a place in our stocks. We permit no extravagant or un
truthful autement to bo made about any article we tell
la answer to an ever-increasing patronage, we have provided
tho moat modern and comfortable store in the central west, with
a staff of courteous and officiant salespeople ready to serve you.
Back of these thing ia an executive staff conatantly
working to decrease) tho cost ( . .
of distribution and to increase CfJ $ O
the satisfying elements of our fJuHfUAh JteJi, KJemfiamM
service. 0 ' ef
The Care of Babies
Infant mortality runa highest at thii time of the
year, yet many a child's life might be saved if mothers
knew exactly the right, thing to do at the right time.
Burgess-Nash, striving at all times to render the utmost
in service, has arranged to have
Dr. Newell Jones
one. of Omaha's prominent child specialists, to talk on
"The Summer Care of Children
A child's nurse will talk to mother about
"Summer Nursing" .
Both doctor and nurse will answer questions of
generaF concern. All mothers interested are invited to
attend Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
. . J Burgees-Neon Aualtorium-FIfth Floor -. , -
For Play time Hours
. Six special numbers in
various sized velocipedes of
fered during the week Juno
19 to 26. Well constructed
; with , triangle truss .frames,
wide axles, bicycle heads
and seats, adjustable handle
bars and rubber tires. Priced
1 $4.75, $8.00, $6.60,
$7.00, $7.75
Imported Dolls
Monday Only
Just received a shipment
of fully dressed dolls, direct
ly imported. vThey are full
jointed, with natural curly
hair and sleeping eyes. Spe
cial one day 98c.
12-inch size. ' .
Burfess-Naeh Tor Shop Fourth Floor
' 0,0 0- r
Drapery Specials : Monday
Filet Net of Voile Curtains
Fine filet net in ivory and ecru, trimmed with 2-in.
hemstitched hem, sides and bottom, and with 1-in, lace. .
:-v- Pair $2.39 :
Ruffled Curtains With Tie-Back
If you have been waiting for this special curtain,
we are now able to fill your needs, but the aupply is
limited. Silk stitching on ruffle and hem.
Pair, $1.95
- Cretonnes in Summery . Patterns
All new patterns in the favored dark grounds with
floral designs in colors; ideal for porch furnishings.
v New Bluebird Flat Rods
Absolutely will not tarnish, rust or sag. Extent
sions adjust them to any window. Single rods, 35c
Doublerods, 70c. Extensions, 25c.
Bureau-Nash Drapery ShopFourth Floor
: ' OOO- r
Iced Tea Sets : Glasses
Special Set
Tall tankard and aix 12-ox. glasses
in vintage cut Priced , . -,
Set, $2.95
r ; Crackled Glass Set
Squat jug,, tlx 12-oi. glasses, aix
aippera, . In crackled glassware
; . Set, $5.50 V
Iced Tea Glasses
Attractive glaaaea of Colon
, ial pressed glass n
t . 6 for 85c -
; Grape Juice Set
Floral cut jug and glasses,
with aix nippers f
Set, $3.00
. Tea Glasses Plain and Fancy '
, Iced tea glaaaea, pressed Optle and faney Colonial blown
etched glasses in plain and fancy ahapes
' Priced a dozen, $2.00 to $12.00
" . Bmaaa-Waah China Shop "earth Floor -:;
The joy of living is at its height, and summer discomforts wane when Milady chooses
the cool, dainty frocks here assembled ready to be worn at a moment's notice for
garden, club, afternoon, and sports the numerous occasions that fill the happy
hours of a summer's day.' Truly an interesting collection, and doubly interest
ing at prices decidedly lower than she could expect this early in the season.
One Group Priced at $15.00
Included are sheer printed voiles in the
darker shades, demure French ginghams,
' and straightline linens with Pinafore collar.
Anotherat $22.50 to $29.50
Organdies of petal-like loveliness, many
with cutout embroidery. Silken threads,
silver ribbons, and a rare flower at the
girdle transform the cotton frock.
Crepe de chine in combination with silk
crepe in white and colors, and voiles exquis- '
! itely tinted and trimmed with lattice-work.
Sport Skirts $3.95 to $7.50 :
White wash skirts of surf satin or gab
erdine offer a choice of several styles.
Attractive cotton ratine skirts in rose,
copen and heliotrope are made with two
set-in pockets. ' v
" Burcese-Nash Dress Shop Third Floor
Bathing Sox
For Women
Bathing box in all the colore
and combinations to match the
swimming costume; all
' Pair, 3Se
Flapper ft osettfe
Cool and comfortable a$d
they stay in place much better
than the rolled stockings. , ,
Priced, Pair, $3.80-
White Silk Hose
Women's pure silk hose with
double heel, toe and sole; triple
knee, and lisle garter top..
Pair $2.50
Gauze Vests
Vests cut for summer com
fort; flesh and white, in both
regulation and bodice top.
38e; 3 for $1.00
Burfess-Nash Main Floor
Monday A Special Oj Jering100 '
Mid-Summer Hats
In Two Groups
i .....
Ultra-advanced modes
r of metallic silver on
shining black satin
white duvetyns embroi
dered in black or in
sports shades. Also hair
braids and fine leghorns.
The majority of these
stunning hats are a
brand new shipment,
just arrived; others are
higher - priced models
from our regular stock
reduced for Monday.
. Burgess-Nash Hat Shay Third Floor
White Summer Footwear
White Kid One-Strap Pump
Made with low cut instep and inch covered heel.
; Priced, a Pair, $12.00 ,
Nile Cloth One-Strap Pump
Buckles its single strap; inch and a half Cuban heel.
Priced, a Pair, $7.00
White Nile Cloth Oxford
Plain street or business oxfords; flat or Cuban heel.
Priced, $6.00 to $8.00
Burfesss-Nasa Shoe Shop Main Floor
Cool Summer Fabrics
At Prices That ' Are Very Low
Dress Voile
Small patterned voiles, thin
and cool looking, light and dark
Colors. Priced as low as
Yard, 39c '
Swiss Voile
This flower tinted fabric, in
newest designs, is one of the
season a favorites
Yard, 88
Two-Ply Voiles Tissue Gingham
SilkV-like finidh. In attrn.
tive colorings. Moat unusual
value. Priced
Yard, Sc
Dozena ef new nattama-.
each cooler looking and mora
tempting tnan the other.
Yard, 59e
Crisp White Organdy
- Organdy sheer and fine-a 40-inch quality that retains ita
iK-tuiuicu, jiui.ii siwc iavnoeiings An unusual value at
" Yard, 78e . ... ' i ;-
1Q0 Dress Lengths, Each, $1.85
The woman who enjoys designing her own pret.
, ty aummer frock may do so with real economy In -this
offering. 4V and 5-yard lengths of Imported
and domestic fabrics voiles, ginghama and brochea.
A limit of two dress lengths to a customer.
Burioas-Nasa Secoad Floor
Florentine Jewelry Novelties
Pastel shades -upon blackest
background devise these.
summery ' jewelry novelties.
- r ,
; Sautoirs with Pendants"
Graceful New" Earrings J
- Braceleta for Bare Arms
Bar Pins arid Beauty Pins
- 78a to $4.80 J;"---'':,-Buresa-Nash
Mala Floor ; '
We Have True Irish Linens
in complete assortments dependable household linens
that assure an almost lifetime service productions of
Ireland's foremost manufacturers. . We invite your
inspection whether or not to buy.
. Bnrfeae-Naa) Second Floor
Monday's Special
Yard 59c
The Rad Arrow ia the place of preferred bargains. Only
extraordinsry items ean find a place here. Monday it
?V5;,?eh Tautb Ponge The colon ere white, pink.
delft, old rose, tan, Quaker gray, Jade, and flam,
No C O. D.'a Na Pboaa Ordars
Bartesa Waah Deanatalra Stare