THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. JUNE 18. 1922. Council Bluffs' Society Brid of the Week. On Friday evening it 7 o'clock occurred the marriage of Mitt Jscquctta Heisler ind Mr. Paul J. Newton. - Tbt marriage lines were read by Fev. George A. Ray o( th Second I'reibyterian church, and only reli. tives were present Tbt bride was unattended and wore her travelling costume, smart taffeta (rock of black and red thep herd check with a black ahadow hat. Immediately after the ceremony a bridal dinner wat aerved and during the evening Mr. and Mra. Newton departed (or Denver and other west ern point (or their honeymoon. - Series of Parties. Tha first of a aerie i of social affairt planned by Mra. F. T. Seybert waa, given on Saturday when 28 gueita wert present for luncheon, fol lowed by bridge. Mra. Seybert if to entertain again on Monday and even tablet- will be placed (or the game which ii to be preceded by luncheon. Buffet Supper. Mr., and Mra. George Spooner give a buffet supper (or 20 guetts last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Spooner's parenu, Mr. am? Mrs. Emmet Tinley. Mra. Htnncey Entertains. Mrs. M. C. Hennesy gave two afternoon bridge parties latt weak which were well planned and most enjoyable. ' . ' ' On Monday six tables of guests were present and the high and low prixes were awarded Mrs. Mas Butsell and Mrs. Floyd Hendricks respectively. ' Eighteen attended the Wednesday party when Mrs. Harley Mayne had high score. On that day Mrs. Ar thur Oard received the consolation. Tea. Mrs. Dillon Ross and her daughter-Jn-taw. Mrs. Harold Ross, entertained on Saturday at a beautiful tea honor ing Mra. Lewia Ross, a recent bride. Pink and white summer blossoms made the rooms most attractive and about 60 guests called during the afternoon. For Mra. Heyden. Mra. C. I. Palm was a hostess of laet Wednesday who entertained at her home complimentary to .Mrs. Ralph Heyden of Omaha who is leaving soon for California, , Eight guests were present and at bridge which followed the luncheon Mrs. W. C Crosbee of Omaha had high score. ; Golden Jubilee Celebration. Today and Monday will be the occasion for some very unusual celej brating planned by the members of the St. Francis Alumnae association in honor of the golden jubilee of the Sisters of Charity in Council Bluffs. In addition to the religious exer cises the committee in charge promise a very -unique entertainment in which former pupils of these sis ters will take part. . Mrs. Suing, who- was formerly Miss Theresa Paschel of this city and the first graduate of St. Francis, is now in Spokane, Wash., and unable to be present for the exercises, but her daughter, Miss Blanche Suing, arrived in Council Bluffs during the past week and brought with her the valedictory which was read by Miss Paschel on the day of her gradua tion. This Miss Suing will read at the entertainment Sunday evening. The salutatory is to be given by Mrs. Nicholas O'Brien, and is the same one which she used when as Miss Katherine Madden she was graduated from this institution. One clever feature of the program will be a hoop' drill, in which a class of the Very early graduates, many of whom are now grandmothers, will take part, and a flag drill, .to be fiven by some of the city's sedate usiness men who, when boys, were probably not more adept than now. Attics and ' wardrobes are being called upon for costumes which will be worn by the "flappers of 72," and many other clever numbers will be given onhis program.: A golden jubilee song, -written by Mrs. George Hushes and Miss Celia Mulqueen, both graduates oi St.- Francis, will be sung by the alumnae on Sunday and Monday." A public reception -has been ar ranged for Monday afternoon from 3 until 5. and to this all former pupils and friends of the sisters are invited. At 7 that evening there will be a banquet followed by a program. Bridge-Luncheons. ' Two very delightful parties were given during the past week, by Mrs. Millie Graham Butler at her home on Sherman avenue. On Tuesday eight tables of guests were present for luncheon and at bridge which followed 'Mrs. . Virginia Mills had high score. The cut-for-all, was awarded (Mrs. A. W. Casadv. ' Twenty-two guests were assembled for luncheon on Wednesday and the afternoon was spent v.ith bridge: On this occasion Mrs. Net' Empkie was the prize winner and V.ts. Roy Max- field received the cut-ior-all. Luncheon. ' Eight 'guests lunched informally with Mrs. E. E. "Spetman Saturday at her home on Bluff street and the afternoon was spent with bridge, Mrs. Baumeister entertained on Wednesday last at a very lovely luncheon and bridge which was ' nlanned complimentary to ' Miss Agnes Wickham who sails on Fri day for Europe. 1 - , . the dininsr table was centered with a most attractive arrangement of blue delphinium, daisies and gypso philia in a wicker basket, and covers were laid tor nine. ; . To Entertain. A tm will be eiven on Thufsday of this week at the George William son home with Mrs. Williamson and Mr. Robert Peregoy hostesses. , The affair has been planned in honor "of Mrs. Will Kellar who is here from Tacoma, Washington, for a visit at the S. S. Kellar nome. Musical. Two interestinar musical visitors in Council Bluffs for a few days are Mr. and Mrs. L H. Shearer of Glas cow,- Scotland, guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Van Orden. Mr. Shearer is a concert organist of note and his wife has a beaut ful mezzo-soprano voice. They are making an overland tour of America and delighting many au diences en route. At an entertainment on Thursday evening last, given in the parlors of th First Presbyterian church by the orgtni.t, Mra. Fremont Benjamin, Mr, Shearer charmed the SO guests present with three exceptionally weir rendered organ numbers and at the service! . today In the church Mra. Shearer will ting to offertory tola Mra. Benjamin's musical was de lightfully Informal and several of the guettf present'eontributed to the program. ' Bridge Teas. Mrs. Walter Luts and Mrs. I. B. Rohrer west joint hostesses on Thursday at the home of the former. The afternoon diversion was bridge at which Mrs. Roy De Vol hsd high score. In the cut-for-all Mrs. George Williamson was the winner. Mrs. Luta and Mrs. Rohrer enter tsined again on Friday when three tables of guests played bridge, Country Club Dinners. At the Country club on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. L C Squire had 14 guests (or dinner. With A. K. Mayne there were 10, Mrs. Cheyne and Adam Hess each had six, W. & Stillman (ivc and A. R. Dunn four. j For Mr. Mitchell Mrs. E. L. Cook and her daugh ter, Mrs. Scott Covalt, gave a bridge Wednesday afternoon compliment ing Mrs. J. E. Mitchell of Chicago, who is visiting Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Eighteen guests , greeted Mrs. Mitchell and the hostesses and Mra. A. W. Casady was awarded the prize for high acore. Mrs. J. E. Wallace "eeived the consolation and Mra. A. W. Tyler the tut-for-alL Personals. Mrs. J.'E. Mitchell of Chicago is visiting Mrs. J. B. Atkins. Chester Dailey is in the city visit ing his sitter Miss Adah Dailey. Miss Rose Seybert has gone to Des Moinea for a visit of ten days with friends. -. . Miss Adele Keeline is visiting her sister Mrs. Paul Burke and Mr. Burke of Dubuque,' la. Monsignor F, P. McManus and Rev. M. Culhane have returned from a stay of several days in Des Moines, Miss Blanche. Suing of Spokane, Wash., is the guest of her aunt Miss Mary Paschel and uncle Charles Paschel. Miss Marjorie Annis. who was a junior last year at Ferry Hall, ar. rived home Tuesday for her summer holiday. Miss Kate Meyers of Seattle, Wash., will arrive in the city the early part of the week for a visit with relatives,. Raymond and Edward Wickham, who attend college in St. Mary's, Kansas, are expected home today for their summer vacation. X. S. Davis has returned from a trip to Lake Okoboji, la., and will go again to that resort for a longer stay the early part of July. ' Mrs. Will Kellar of Tacoma, Wash., is visiting at the S. S. Kellar home and will be joined this week by her husband, Dr. Keller. ,V Robert Ptrcival Mullis is sptndipg the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullis. He is enroute to Canada to join his wife who is visiting relatives there. The Misses Helen and Catherine Tyler who are to sail on the Empress of Britain from Quebec next Friday, lett council Bluns Saturday for Chi cago where they will spend a few days. S - Mrs. Morgan Cutler and son Tack of Princevile, Ind., will pass the sum mer in Council Bluffs with Mrs. Cut ler s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Organ. They will arrive in the citv Tuesday morning. Miss Muriel Mann who has been for the past month at St. Katherine's school in "Davenport, la., arrived home last Monday and was accom panied by Miss Jane Schoentgen, who is a siuucm mere. . . Mrs. F. T. Day arid daughter. Miss Elazabeth, and Miss Celia Mulqueen left last evening for Chicago and ' trom there will go to join Miss Anna Ross at Montreal and sail on the 21st for a summer in Europe. Rev. Maurice Aspinwall of this city, who was ordained a Catholic priest in Des Moines, la., on Thurs day last, arrived in Council Bluffs that evening and today will celebrate his first high .mass in St Francis church. w Mrs. Frank True and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell leave Monday fox Lake Okoboii where . Mrs. True has a summer home and plans to spend the: next few months. - Mrs. Mitchell will return to Council' Bluffs after a short stay at the lake. ' ' ' t Miss Hazel Moore of this city who teaches voice in New York city and does concert work in the east expects to go to Pine Knoll camp in Conway, N. H., the latter part of June where she will give programs for the girls at this summer camp, Mrs. Frank Wright, who left here a few weeks ago to visit her son, George, at Annapolis, is now in At lantic City -and from there plans to go to Philadelphia for a short stay. Later she will be in Chicago with relatives for several weeks. Miss Anna Z. Ross left Thursday night for Chicago and from there will go to Montreal to meet part oi the Council Bluffs, Omaha and Bur lington, la., -people whom she will condtict through turope tins sum mer. The S. S. Melita on which she is to sail leaves Montreal next Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cutler, accmv panied by their son, Dr. Morgan cut ler of Princeville, Ind., leave here on Tuesday ' for points in . Canada. They plan" to b? in Banff for a fortt night and trom there will eo to visit Howard Cutler and his wife who are at St.- Mary's camp near Lake Louise. The Cutlers do not expect to return until October and will probably tour California en route. E. H. Jackson, one of the party of Council elutts Kotanans who attend' ed the recent convention in Los An- geles, returned home Wednesday i ... morning. Mr. Jackson was very en thusiastic about a trip which the Ro tarians made to Hollywood, during which time they met several of the screen stars and saw Douglas Fair banks and other celebrities making a picture which later will be presented to the public. . Miss Agnes Vickham leaves Mon day for Quebec, Canada, from which point she sails next Friday on the S. S. Empress of Britain for Europe. Accompanying her will be H. V. Burkley, sr., hit daughter, Eleanor, and sons, Robert and Francis of Omaha. En route they will visit Niagara Falls and go through, the Thousand Islands to their sailing point This party will land in Liver pool and directly thereafter in Bel gium 'plan to join Mist Anna Rost, who it to conduct them on their sum mer tour. t ' Mrs. A. Louie and her daughter, Miss Leontine, who arrived In New York on the New Amsterdam May 27th from a year's ttay in Europe, are now in Harrtsburg, Pa., at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skinner of Omaha. After a motor trip through the cast with the Skin ners and a few days in New York city, the Louiet plan to return to Council Bluffs. The Misses Rose and Cecilc Hellmuth of Paris, who accompanied the Louiet to America, came directly to thit city from New York and are now with their uncle, A. Metier and Mrs. Metzcr. Married Life of Helen and Warren (ctMUaMa rtm ( rv.) charge you for that Welsh rarebit." irrelevantly, as she brushed her hair. "That's right, dig up tomethin' ?) worry tbout," Warren tumbled into bed. ' Put my, shoes out, will you? And fix that blamed shade so it won't rattle woke me up this morning." Warren was sound asleep and Helen was just dozing off, when the was aroused by a woman's thrill voice from the hall. "I can't wait until morning I I must know now!" , "But they've gone to bedthe transom's dark," a man's voice. "We can't disturb them now." "I must know where my Fin is! I couldn't sleep a wink all night I" Switching on the light by the bed, Helen answered the knock that fol lowed. "Yes?" standing back of the door as she opened it an inquiring inch. "This it Mrs. Curtinl My Fifi." excitedly, i "What did you do with her?" "Fifi?" repeated Helen in sleepy bewilderment. "Oh, (hat little Pe kingese dog? The manager took it away he aaid he'd take care of it." "The manager's gone off and the night clerk knows nothing about it!" Her voice was almost a shriek. "Eh? ,What' the trouble?" War ren, now aroused, was lifting up in bed, a toutled, pajamaed figure. . "Oh, I .must come inl Tell me all you know I'm almost frantic 1" Before Helen could stop her the woman had pushed her way into the room. She was tail, auburn haired, with dripping diamond earrings. Her expensive evening wrap contrasted incongruously with Helen's simple nightgown. "Eh. what's all this?" Warren, not quite awake, stared at the intruder. blandly unconscious of his dishabille. "Johnson, ray chauffeur he said he brought her up to my room him selfbut be lied I I II discharge him tomorrow I He gave my precious Fifi to some stupid bellboy and be put her in the wrong room! "Well there's no dosr here now,' growled Warren. "And what's more, I ve hadenotfah trouble over that lit tie beast I Don't know where it is, so there's no use pulling any hys terics around here. For a moment she stared at him speechless; . ' "Do you know whom you're ad dressing?" haughtily. "I've never been spoken to like that!" with out raged .arrogance. r "What do you .mean-" - " r "I'm sorry, but-.Tm afraid we can't help you," interrupted 'Helen propitiatingly.i "The name on the tag must have been Curtain, but it looked like Curtis that's why St was put in here. 'Did you ask the night watchman?" "I've asked everybody but they don't know a thing!" Voices in the hall. A knock at the open door and a bellboy announced: "There's a little dog tied down in the trunk room we just found, it. Got a red collar. That yours. ma'am?" "Fifi! Down in the trunk room? My . precious baby I My darling Fifi!" '7 She dashed out, her shrill excite ment filling the hall. "Her darling Vitir snorted war ren, rolline back into bed. "I'd like to wring its measley neck and hers too! If that's the type of female that smuggles in their dogs no won der the manager s hard as nails. "Dearj you were so rude!" lock; ing the door. . "And those old blue pajamas I I kept motioning you to slip into the -.bathroom but y,ou wouldn't budge!" "Welt; what's she expect? I don't sleep Sn my dinner coat" Then with a Critical glance, "You don't look so nifty yourself I The nerve of her, horning in here after midnight! She was asking for a hot shot and she got it!" "But you needn't have been so horrid," painfully conscious of her kid curlers and shiny cold-creamed face. Then she turned off the light, "I wonder if they'll let her have the dog in her room tonight?" . "If it was my hotel, she wouldn't," grimly. "If she spent the night with her 'precious Fifi,'" she'd camp on a trunk in the . basement Wish I'd handed it to her hotter than I did!" . Savagely he flounced over," shoul dering the bddclothts. . ( .- "Here's, where we get some rest if Fifi'll let us. .' Did me out of my supper and' toused me out of a good, sound sleep. . Vtn about fed up with that damned mtrt!".. Next" week Her Sister-in-law Evades a Debt . Household Hints New tan shoes should always be polished before" wearing. Any scratches will then affect only the surface. ' , - To clean mirrors rub mirror with ball of soft paper slightly dampened I J11" uenaiurea aiconoi, tnen wun a 1 duster on which little whiting has been sprinkled and finally polish with clean paper. This treatment win make the glass beautifully bright Wash windows with warm water to which had, been added ammonia in proportion of a tablespoon to one-half pall of water. Rinse with clean warm water and rub dry with chamois. This wilt remove every vestige of grease ana am ana leave winaow with beautiful, "brand new" gloss. A To properly promenade in the sum. mer sunshine, a sunshade of daring colors I vti . -. iii. jj: r".; r. us noi out a weuoina wut iw Thit Year Alone, but for the Yean to Come. THE John Henrlckson Jewel Gift Shoo. Sixteenth and Capitol it ready to help you select from their h. out a lifetime of happiness. Not only va iihi do you wish to feel a certain pride in the appearance of your gift today,' but you will be glad to have the is- turance that your gift will have the tame dainty distinction ten or twenty years from now. Impressive indeed it the gift of silver whefl given in a substantial chest One may make se- lection from a silver chest line with price range from $20 to $150. The finest clocks made are offered at from $12.50 to $75. Coffee Service! are ideal gift offerings where teveral members of a club or family wish to make one gift and that a hand some one. These tervicet may be at impressive as one wishes, according to the price one can afford to pay. They range in price from $20 to $109. "The largest collection of cut glass in town," one heart de lighted purchasers exclaim when in this jewel shop and it it indeed love ly. Added to from time to time it the large line of gift pieces in Lib bey and Hawkes quality cut glass, each piece marked with the maker's name. Fascinating are the new cuttings,-altogether different than any teen before. Dainty little bon bon and nut dishes, every bit of the sur face cut, showing the delicately en graved little . primrose design are offered at $3. Of a distinctly dif ferent beauty is the shaping of the new wide . vase for long-stemmed roses. A gift'tbap which awaitt your selection. Bridal veils mostly covet the hair. Vacation Songs Prove Interesting in Juiythm and Melody. rnHE theet mucin H.n.rf. Vt y. the A. Hospe Company, 1513 Douglas, offers a number of songs lor rollicking evenings of dancing during vacation time: All Over You 30c m ' Smilin 30c Just Start the Day With a Smile 30c It Took a Wild Wild s , Woman to Make a Tame Man Out of Me .30c ' , Got to Have My Daddy Blues ; 30c ,' - Wonderful Pal Good Night ..,30c A happy selection you'll agree up on receiving this medley of tuneful "hits." . Striped ratine makea the newest sports dresses. , Daintily Groomed Women Import ant Part of Summer't Landscape, rp HE Ideal Beauty Shop, 8 Bald ridge BIk., 20th & Farnam, At. 6185, have a staff of operators whose work assures your daintiness during the trying days of summer. You will recognize two names I'm sure, Misses Tara and Borton. A full line of Marinello goods is carried here. Dainty Lilies Decorate the New Voile Frocks. When One Takes a Dip in the Cooling mHE Mode Pleatinor Cnmnanv ItK FIoor, Paxt,0I Boc. "A & - Fr- when it comes to the wearing of such exquisitries. Slipovers in Iceland lead, with Navajo designs running through "? V "Vj. "f.?" ' ZuX nra. "l'Ke.s th08e Pretty ,itt,e hem" the Kht shades c summer. Chiffon Alpacas are perhaps the most popular wool sweaters for summer wear and " L iIa JL ? -t?til M( stitched lilies decorating their pointed they are indeed charming with their dainty disclosures of delicate French lingerie. The sleeveless "Tux" and ?ssur? ,T , X !i j! pettU with rows and rowt of delicate slipover models are "going big" in the east, which means that they have achieved immediate popularity in , ul-V. wlVuZ liZn l hemstitching. Charmantl The inlay pmaha. "Either very vivid, or white," one's sweater thjs year, to quote one smart little person. Silks, to be !" S fit ?i,u " iv ,thJlV nrir'Z I J! hemstitching is 'distractmgly lovely sure, pure silk thread sweaters in a delightfully varied showing, stripes, plaids and fancyV'iowers" in price range IVvi Ai'lnc." Wlatll, tn y re p c " on the Swiss frocks. Have you seen from $21,75 to $75, the fiber silks in bright shades, $6.95 to .$15. Your vacation wardrobe demands at least one y .... ot fashion s favorites HER bathing suit, should be not only becoming in color, but well tailored. or om,t the 8,ft of flowers bon You'll find the new suits at Hayden Bros., second floor. Sixteenth and voyage" to those on pleasure bent? Dodge streets, distractingly different, indeed you'll want more than one. John Bath, florist, 18th and Farnam, Suited to the large woman is a gray topped navy blue suit with navy collar, will arrange and deliver your flowera flatly stitched. A chocolate brown has deep V-vest, tiny tucked of sand, in a .most satisfying fashion. ' Hunter's green is beautiful when in the water, especially when it has gold trim. A showing of bathing suits at $3.98, $4.50, $5.98 and up. A new lace in gunmetal color is .. used as trimming. Fans Whir a Welcome in Large Style, Beauty and Good Lines. - New Dining Room. . TATHERINE M. Wiker, man- .White Clothes the Coolest , THE Metropolitan Dining Room, ager of the Barcfey Corset Shop TUNE days are truly hot in Ne Hotel Keen, 18th & Harney, is the 16th floor City National Bank Bldg., braska arid call for the donning coolest place imaginable these days. "Cooler than at home" said one man as he .took his place at dinner last i.. T I ' , , 1 . a . l . It S side of the room and a great 440 watt fan in the back of the room assure lasting coolness. Plain white flannel skirts are fa vored for sports wear. Summer Hair. Ornaments Just Ar- rived. Tur r u QriiaH k Cn U22 " , naaen ot vo., im. Douglas, offer a new shipment of hair ornaments to Mademoiselle Bobbed Hair, and Madam Soft Coil, her mother. Beautifully made shell barettet, plain or set in bright stones are priced 25c To hold the soft- coiled coiffure, demanded by hot weather, are lara'c-headed oins and .mefco graceiuuy curving comos. , 17U.. Am. AI.. f ' a 1 1 are accordion plaited. ,r...v .,..v wyvixm atiii Mr Gb iloppin villi R)liy "Mutt the iecf and tender brant blouom prove Almost emblematic of our vedded love? How very tweet end jeffov eaiji broken (Senator Cole 'la tpeaking of the month of June and of orange blotomt and of his wife remembered this little poem, which he wrote to her is the days past o( romance and chivalry.) ' v MY DEAR VACATION GIRLS: . ; Art Department OHert Assemblage ODISHLY attired yoo mutt be tented in the thopt of Omaha, list liks fiber or wool sport hat or i U9S, bloomers . - - When You Have Invited Ouetts for Dinner and the Mercury Climbs to ut Top ot tna Tuermometer . PALL Alfred Jones. Ja. 3951. and k him to deliver some of his delicious individual chicken piei at ! inn; wmitj nannri kitu ! ju: top coil lor uiomuuu inu wmt. . ... iiAtna rAmnunv. 141.1 a... a .1 ta J . j a's' a i- ai ia 1 J J II Ilk. f 1( r w.--a-w"t iu; elastic giruie lor aancing, niKing ana goinng. up; nana-maa uiouk, , Aff;n ... lln,mll,tiw , more dressy satin. $7.50 to $10: tailored hose. US0: lingerie, glove silk vestt In orchid or pink. ,, ry .oxe.., a, pr.c.c ...y any Pr. y. w.. w, P.,. - . , -. , . - . - 50c which are a meal in themselves, so rich are they, or one might have instead a lovely homefried spring chicken with corn fritters, "Alfred Jonet Style, $150. a generout serving lor three or four persons. Hot weather need have no worries for the housekeeper who depends upon thit clever caterer. Every follower of vogue wears the aUam. t-. -1- SL!. ..... A I.Ula. :?.r'- im"Z, ""V'." i wnue saiin nai ukc xne is offered in1 creamy wh One pictured is offered in1 creamy white satin with tnpmgs of straw and two crystal P1.1" at tne ,,des t0 iccentuate its width. - Summer Sweaters Diaclose New Beauties in Each New Shioment rTHE sweater department at Burgess Lake . . 16th & Harney is very, emphatic in of white clothes. Get the Dresher assuring those she fits that her Bar- habit early this season, it's true com cley will prove a contributing factor fort to know that one's smart white in attaining the above graces. A corset with choi of four bni"8s. th. . . ..WhaIn 6 Felt seems to have mistaken its season this year, for instead of wait- or utumn it has made its ap-' Pearance in many of the very smart est spnng, hat$ An even more $(ar. tling departure from custom, how- ever, will be its use in dainty sum- mer ehapeaux. It may prove a hit w",rm for . wearer- but probably n"'dy wo" m,nd, since she knows I ls carr.yin? "shion s latest . i!e' V bs,le' . summery , be added bnm or CTVB 0f s,;awL ,, . " Summer frocks as well as hats are t t . ... rt . v in txjmi Miups. ana, juugiiiR Trom tne first models, they are going to be un- 1 A New Season Offers Novel Style Features lor your vacation flitting and, judging' this "attirement "will be easy oi accomplishment one might wen io low a .t. I. i is ' .!..n .. .l.t- i ... Kill 1C1CCUUM II DniTI HJ V "How to Massage Your Fact" Bach Movement It Plainly. ueKnoeo. . TN THE new Harriet Hubbard Ayer folder with cleverly illustrau cd diasmmi of etch step in the maa- sage, inese.max oe naa upon re- uue io me urecn rnarmacy, ioin nd Howard, who will also send sam- Pjes of these delightful toilet requi- sites which cover every beauty aid: Luxuria, the ideal cream for sunburn, wmdburn, chapped face, lips or hands, invaluable to the automobilist; intrwi iiuuunu njtr r wrwui, which will remove freckle, moth patches, blotches and pimples; Skin and Tissue Builder and Massage Cream is scientifically prepared, an invigorator for sluggish skin, to be used in accordance with the diagrams illustrated. All of these th samples will be sent at your request, free of charge. . Sunbeam Dainty Day Dresses are smart little frocks which have cap- tivated feminine Omaha. A crow- barred dimity has red-checked ging- ham trim. $2.95. ' Time For Remodeling of Furt io Take Advantage of Summer Prices, THE time has arrived to have your furs remodeled if you wish to take advantage of the greatly reduced prices offered at the Kneeter Alaska Fur Shop 15th & Douglas Phone Atlantic 7288 for prompt delivery service on storage of furs. You'll find your fur garments in lovely con- riition next fall after they have been stored during the summer in the new modern storage vaults of this iur fhop. - . ' rpHE Nippon Importing, company. - 218 South 18th St., have an un- ... .. ... ' . rniinn rr.iv tiimnnn in 12 different .cow, which ranee in price from $1.95 to $3.95. Especially lovely is tn,s ,hop's line of silk kimonos. - Nash is a resplendent place just now. Each new arrival in Blousedom The Lure of The Race Track Proves The Undoing of Hair and Skin. . OMAHA'S boxes at S Fairest graced the the Ak-Sar-Ben' Races during the last two weeks. "Excit ing, indeed yes, but my dear I'm a wreck; on my way down to the Le Bron Beauty Shop, 510 Electric Bldg., 15th and Farnam, now for a 'clean-up,' they have soft water you know." Phone Atlantic 4029. A red hat is smart with 'a red-and-white costume. Even Though the Weather Is Warm. p AN you neglect your sick friends clothes are being scientifically dned. Call At 0345 for pleas- ., rmf j.i,, v usually interesting this season. Print- ed crepes, foulards and georgettes are evidently going to take first v'ace among the materials, while lines will favo pane)s gnd draperies skirts will in all probability remain short, for designers have signally failed to make the women of America accept long ones, even though their efforts to do so have extended over, three seasons. There will be many bright colors, but the smartest frocks will Wml"nt ,hem with a neutral tone, o thait the effect will be .artistic rather than dawling. . - " . muai iwi.iifv iivtv v - cessorics ire nimiTiutive fans ot cream or white lace with centers of It the orange blouom our Handle the orange blouom with utmost care At you would love itt life U fleet and rare." ' COBNRLIUl COLE. from the fascinating array pre- Give Your Family a ...... i. - : ' vacation a.vry way. From Now On. BY MAKING the porch as cool and inviting as the veranda of i.i . ... tl. .... i. ...nin.i ukc irom nuisi. .v. .v .... i wnen yon consider that porcn iur- nishmgs last tor years, nanmans, 415 South 16th Street, display antique ivory, frosted brown and blue and Baronial fiber and reed furniture in a great many different designs popular (or sun parlors and protected porches. Some of the pieces shown are plain OtnerS upnOISierea in an ipc"j , . ,. , . 0a cretonne Specially marked this yOUR n,r " Rummy" during weei j( a varied selection of chairs L the summer mouths, coarsened by ' ,n(j r0ckers at $1475, values ranging dutt ,nd wind whiIe drivinjf ;t TegUlarly from $20 to $35. natural oil extracted by swimming, careless drying and dust particles. A GirlUh Styles for Stylish Girls. Ic,p ,nd g,jn ,pecialist is partic- j AMOND's, 17th and Farnam, are ularly neeesssry in directing the care JLfc,turing the Lurie Dresses whose h'r nd skin during summer. May . v c. i t, c,i;,t, 1 suggest the special sta. Mr. Rob- an.' ?,rh ??kfcSiSi erts Sid Mr. Frank of the Black and ' Girls." Just arrived is the showing Whjte Room Burgess-Nash. The of dainty frpckt ranging in price from Sjob de gMute fl, FontenelIet $9.73 to $14.75. which have used tis- fcnd )e BUckltone BMUty Shop, sues. Swisses and voiles tor meir you fe panning , 0Verland auro- fashioning. Quaint panel drapet at mobi,e trj thig ,ummer their ldvjce the sides, yarn embroidered jiosegays. wii prove invaluabe on tash or, shoulder yoke at once . proclaim the distinction of the Lurie Xoo- Hot to g0 0ut in the Sun." de'"n,n' ,t4 , ' QO laying this Busy Business Man Beautiful Birdt Ideal Gift Offerings look from his desk a Miller's Box for the Wedding or Anniversary. . Lunch, opened it up and k certainly T PE LARMON florist 18th and nvitingly arranged. Crisp paper I , i-AKMUJN' non$l foin , wrapped round each article of food, "Douglas, has an extensive selee-an(wiche( pastries, relishes tion of excellently trained canary and fruits entirely separate. These birds, appealing gift offerings for the, are delivered for 25 cents each upon bride of 1922 or for, the anniversary a phone call to At 6390. Have you gift to a bride of years ago. ' tried their picnic lunch which features .chicken sandwiches?. Um-um, Stockings in gunmetal color are, you II say so too after you have tried "coming in." them. - - a . v. a .t uiita unusual m uecoraiea vmns. THE Truax China ; Studio, j CA..U XT I A A A It fitf . t 320 South Nineteenth street, phone DO-uirtas 4803. has a lovelv collection of gift pieces in hand decorated china, ideal suggestions for the brides gift, unique prize for bridge, 'The vacation traveler this season is unusually smart in her "knicks" with felt hat lacquer quill trimmed. organdy flowers, so that they have the appearance of old-fashioned nosegays in crisp lace holders. Noth- ing is more charming with a crino- line evening gown than a coiffure and corsage that carry out its quaint ef- feet, and when the latter also serves as a fan milady is doubly fortunate in possessing it Exceedingly small beaded bags seem to be replacing the large ones, while leather pocketbooks are grow- in to satchel-like proportions. Dres- den silk, are being used for some of the smartest spring purses, however. heavy leathers or beads during warm m siini eiit; nwrny UICIcreaDlC IO weather. marriage token. ol Qiftt at Moaest rrtcinga. m HE art department of the A. Dougias, p pealing case the Ititude of n.rm whom Brides and graduates for to make selection. While ivl in nu-iurn Aa not ehanae. flower pieces have practically be- come essential in correct decorat- " of the dining room and brighten- ing up of living rooms. Tins de- -,.. . in, I'etl WtHTlll, I'ittClltn vt J exquj,jte jower pjece, wmcn ringt !' s us, ail, I'twtMtf j ww fvivviivii from the iimpe ,le ovaI. iquarti Uld ncg0l ,0 the elaborate regal p;,cque, vthich reproduce world- (amoui pjcturel. Don't Neglect Your Hair During the gummer f jme n i .u. . . Tj . . Trl... Va,. yjJ HEN you spend the summer in ? the city you can well attorfl to add to the attractiveness of your 'wn by the purchase of a piece 'ol artistic stone from the Ideal Cement . Stone Co., 3124 Spaulding, on the Creighton boulevard. Your lawn is a different place when it aervea as background for a gracefully built., bench, a bird bath, sun dial or gaz 'ing ball. Send for illustrated catalog describing the different nieces with prices. The Little Coat. Dresses of Sports Silk are Heavily Weighted by Buttons. TTT HPM vmi fcavo vnnr tittV suit w - ' ' ' ' made up of soft spqrts , silk you'll want to send the scraps down to the Ideal Button and Pleating Company, 3d Floor Brown Block, for smartly shaped little covered but tons to provide the necessary weight ing along the coat seams. If your linen frock is yarn . embroidered, 'draw a few threads of contrasting yarn over the top of the button when made. The effect is decidedly chic. . Sample Line of Imported Swiss Or gandies Assures Exclusive Dress T3E Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas, tave been fortunate in securing the entire stock of the largest importer of high class swiss embroidered or- Beautifully designed this Was Your Choicest Hat Wrecked by The Storm? ( THE Kfuger Hat Shop, 303 Bar ker Block, will renew itt beauty for they reblock, trim and tint hats, remodel furs, feathers and marabou. A service shop for women's wear ables, you know. Fashion's Vagaries Vary With Each Breeze of Summer A frock of tan" crepe has knife plai tings of brown crepe. The short-sleeved slip-on sweater is favored by the flapper. Lipstick red is having a great vogue. All shades of yellow are Smart in millinery. Tuxedo sweaters in knot-stitch are smart When Polly Shops for You . Send a list of what you need with $2 deposit if things are to be sent out C O. D. Remember that it is some times difficult to find the exact filling of your order in any one shop, several trips are necessary. If it is basement bargains for which Polly seeks, a bit iof patience is needed, for she will wait until the articles requested go on tale. A free shopping service to Bee readers. 0 . Titlt ind Trademark Xte1atr4 V. U sattot OOic. AAr.