( MacNider Talks at Convention . At r i,u d i.. ' ui ixuAii ,uouy Unity of Principle Between . Two Bodies Proclaimed by Legion Heid Amid . , Cheeri of Meeting. Cincinnati, June 17-(By A! P.) Unity la th principles of both the Ameritn Legion ind the American Federation of Labor was proclaimed Jrt at the federation' convention by leaden of both organisations amid the applause of the convention delegates, who . include practically every prominent labor leader in the country. , "The American Federation of Labor and the American Lesion." laid Hanford MacNider, the Legion commander, both have at common enemiei those who aeek to tear down the lawful integrity of our nation." Samuel Gomperi, preiident of the 1 federation, added later the reply, "There ran be no division in the joint ranks" of the two organiaations a long as both continue to hold the high ideals of freedom and justice. In his speech, Mr. MacNider told the delegates that the legion knew "no creed, no sect, no class, no dis tinction any kind except between constructive and destructive forces," and he added that the ambition was to keep the legion "fair, clean and Ant,.L.N The mutuality of purpose of the two organisations.' as declared by their spokesmen,, was the outstand ing development ot the convention session, which adjourned early when none o.' the committees was ready to submit reports. The only important work done by the convention' was 'its second blow at the "one big, union" idea, .which came before the delegates again by Atlantic Refining ' Company B' , ;'' duo 137 ,' - ' ' .' ' ." ' The net earnings of this Standard - Oil ' property average 13 times interest requirements, " .. .4 - ,.. . ' This bond will meet the needs of the most exact ing investor. ; . . PrtcwJ. to Yield 5 .. Burns, Brinker& Co. ST WV Cor.' 17th and Douglas ' ' Omaha, Neb. ; ' " ' .. ;'.- ,-'. V , r t t . 1 - - - . , . !. s tj v -, l.. . . -vv .. njt. .v.,ir - rv ' E.F.Leland&Co. f (Suee-tr Wr ft LUb! j Stocks--rBonds ' - Grain- Provisions - Small laid ftom Ian attantloa aa I art Iota; PRIVATE WIRES. W iavlt iaquirio. N. Y. Stock Eachanga Cklcagw Stack Eachanga ' CMcaga Board of Trad Omaha Crala Eacaangd TJ7-30 OMAHA GRAIN EXCHANGE v. : -T.N.Ruttr, Managar.-v" - .V la the Stock Market . FORTUNES Mad From Small IavestmaBts , Writ tor Ft Booklet " H Th Most Simple Explanation of Profitabl Stock Trading , F-ENNEDY & CO. . a a ' u - Eat. taad am m aB taVfl ' 74 Dromawaj, new ion norjEY in GRAsn $1Z 50 bayaguaran tea option onlO, 000 botate( wheat or can. Wa fwttaf Mr. awTamant of So fram option priea tiyaa l a oaDartaaifr to taka iam nn- as. tafln.flfe Sa,m00. ate. WRTTl TODAY POR PAR TICULARS amt FREE MARXKT LETTER. lintTNi MKT UIM. Sa11riMt tvsma n, law awni)ar,KaianoiTT,aaV What Will The Market Do Next? KEEP POSTE D - Important ' development : contained In thla week' . market review regarding tk following (ecuritiea: SJatltir CaL -U. a. Steal lat Mere. Maria : N. V. Central . Pu-Aaw. Pet.-' Par Maraaetta. . Math Tract . VfMt llrtp)JIW": Nlaleilat Stlaaa Chandler Mtam Defaat I Writ, tar fra copy . p.o.sTnnr.iGco. V Member ConacHdated . ' Stock Etc ha age of New York 35 S. William St, Naw York PUTS and CALLS XSVlVSl Tkeir an ta Tradina In WaO at clearly etplaiaed at ar PKES BOOKLR K. 4S. . Tawaaaa Ca. as WUHaa) at new York, S9148 PROFIT IN 30 DAYS IITSS FROPTT IN IS DATS MIST PROFIT IN It DATS SIMS PROFIT IN SS DATS I SS PROFIT IN It DATS eadacid br Stack Pi Iv Baa a an 100 I akara. reatrag $T to $137 JO. Writ far Pre Booklet Mo, 14. PAUL KATE. 140 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. - " OXCMIl tlL Wkt. Wk,naomiw. fx c - aM.'AAMuaco. SAW resolution proposing adoption of universal label The proposal 'was voted down. Deaths . . Mn. Part C. Cat ear. Anirarm. N Mr. arl f f.l. u. ef lk ploa.era f Hamilrs eeuaty. area burled (ram ha Coegr.iallonal rhareb Mr. Mr. Culver and her auabead w.ra. prior I her death, tha hI. aarvtvlae eaerier memiv.ro r eber-h. Th teit aanlveraarr ef Ik chunk arl celebrated cai WW e eg. " WUba rtek'rnrtla. Oread Llano. Nth Wilbur Flak Car. iw-ar lb anlUl.-T pome el Burkett. Ne., WN away at. that Inetiiuiio after ralkar esl.eded tllaeea. death reeultlae (ram eld St.. It wee IS. Surviving mm la a dassnler. reoiaing at Leaingto Nab.; a aa. at Morrison, III., aad wa slaters. Funeral eervlce war held at Ik Methadiet- ehurch at wood River, burial being la Ik wood River Urr. . . . Me4bay lata West' - Mr. aad Mr. A. M. Msthear mourn th a er aa Infant aon wa. paasee. away at Ik hem hrtiy artr Mr lb. Tk body tskea evwlaad le at. ram. Neb., lor burial. ' ' -leoa Iara4 DIM Tom Jim, proprietor of tk Mandarin eat Ib thla-elty, aad. Mr. Jim mourn 4k loa or aa mrent aon who dlM enortiy afiar klrtk. Burial waa la th Orand la- land cam.tarr. . W. A lalarram racalvad hr from Pan dna. Cal.. aaaouaead th daatk of J. W Thompaoa, a form.r promlnant raaldant of thla city, wh dlad at ha homo thai- fallowlaa llncarln lllaaaa. Mr. Thomo aoa waa for manr yara vlca prtaldaat of tk Oraad lalaad National bana and waa aetlv la atir kualn lntrati of th eltr. About two yaara ago th family mevd to California to raalda. Th body waa brouaht to thla elty for burial. ao eompanlad by tk rolatlvaa, lun.rai aarr Iraa balna kld from th RraibyUrlaa church. Two dau(htr. raaldln In Call- forna, and a aon. Jay, or umaaa, aurviv aim. ... AaaaaibM Mi innrfln liana It. fralaht chackar.ln th Union Paatflo- fralfht dapot In Jhli city, mat daatk by drownlm In tka Koaa di Aaktoa Uk. In tk aouthatra part of thla city, balnf th aacond of lh aa- on' batklnc fatantia. runorai a.r lca war hald from 8t..Mry Catholl church, burial balnf la Grand Ialand cam- tar. . ' flamncl Hextor. ' Samuel . Heater.. II. a prominent and long-time realdent of thla city., paeaed away at tka home of hi daughter. Mr. Bol Klrach. In Bt.. Joeeph. Mo, followm; a ..i.nrfarf lllneaa. Mr. Kexter bad lived la Orand lalaad alnca 1H. and for a namhar of yeara waa engaged In the clothing noalnea here, retiring from ac tlva work about 10 yeara ago. Hla wlfa preceded him In dtk by four montha. Slnca the death of Mra. Heater hla do cllno had been rapid. Surviving him ar three daughter. Mr. Oacar Valt of Grand Ialand: Mra.. Lloyd Cady of Haatlnga, aad Mr. Sol Mlrach of St. Joaeph. Mo. Tha body waa taken to hla former home, New Tjorlt city, for burial. , , William Barker. ; '" rrlnd.' Nob. William Barker, a reel- dent ot SaHn county for the " yeara, died at the Soldlera homo at Mil ford. Mr. Barker la aurvlved by eaa daughter, Mre. W. W. Gordon of Friend. In who home he lived lnc the i death of vi. r.hrn,rv a. 121. until ha de cided to 'go to the Soldlera" home. He waa a veteran of tha ctvll war and waa It. oenn .u. wnnti. - vrv Mah Joaenh C. Dormer, 7S, . a u ... .in llli. died at the fkmlly' homo following a abort '". Ha waa a civil. war veteran.' He wa on ot York county's oldeat and highly reepeoted cltiiene. , ' - ' . ' Aagnct Petron.'-' ? , .i - ,...... p,tM.n. .nioneer rea ldent of Madlaon county, died at h e home In thla city. H w.b" fj?". Holateln, Germany, February "" cam to Amertca and to -Madlaon eo""' r . ..j .,...h..,il a. .anarter aection of land flva mile aouth of Madlaon. giv ing a apan ot ponie ar . -j waa married Jun . 14. iSSS, to Cfcrletin Jacobean at Madieon. Ha la urvivi oy Chrlatln. Pet.reon, hie wife two daugh trl. Mre. Marie Buettner and Mr. Dora wlf."wlf of Otto Wolf,, county clerk of una city, and two aone, Adolpn, .Aurora, Minn- and Auguet H. of Virginia, "lao 5y two brothere, Henry, .and TJf nd;threa aletera, Mr. Jteglna. CHrlatlatt aea. Mra. Katharlna Boyafn.; anoj Mra, Dora Marten, all of Madlaon. :t j Mr. Chafiatto Farite. ' . TecumeehTh funeral, of Mr. Cker lotta Parker.' . widow -f Samuel B. Parker ot tola city, waa held at .ta bom. ot her .on. Bert ' Pnrk.fr In thU elty. Mr..-Parker waa.n native of Iowa. Her lather, Rev. .Thomaa, B. Bdwarde. waa an early day ChrLtlan mlnutv of Nebraaka. and located at Brownvllle t time when Mra. Bdwarda.waa the only whit woman In th aettlement. . H. be cam engaged In circuit r ktlng In tla aection, and eetabllehed- aom of the firet churche. In Nebraaka. Mre. Parker waa a charter member of th. Flr.t Cbrl.tlan church at Brownvlll.. i v T Mre. Mary A. Metiger. Beatrice Mr. Mary A. Mettger, a reel-dent-of Beatrtoe for mora than 4 yeara, died at. her homo -In thla -city. ... . y ' Samuel Kleckner. ... Batrlc Samuel Kleckner, 70, - mar chant of Firth and a pioneer of that place, waa found dead In the yard at hla ' hom where he had gone to . mow am weede. Mr. Kleckner la eirvlved by t widow, two iom and three daugh ter. : .. - " ' . , ! ' i'." ! . Cfiwae" aawsfc. ' 1 '' Bhelton Isaac Buck, 47, . died- at hie hom In McAllen. Tex., according to word received her by realtive. and th. body la being brought to Shelton for- burial. Ha wa. born on hla father', homeitead three mile, eouthweat of townr wl:er ho waa engaged in farming from the time ha wa. a young;' man. until the fall of 11, when he. moved -to ' Texae. Mr.- Buek purchaeed a large tract of land- near Mcr Allen, but the p.t few year. ha. apent con.lderable time In the Tamplco oil fielda of Mexico. Ha la aurvlved. by hie wif and three aona. s ' -Beatrice The funeral of. Mt.:' EmmaJ Francla, 32," who -loot her life-by drown ing In Cub creek wea of the city while flehlng, wa. held -in the Scott-Harmen chapel here,' the sermon being given by Bev, A O. Broylea. ,'...-... MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 Virgil V. De France. Omaha... ...j... ,11 Mabel E. Cook, omana. ............ ....Ji Jamea B. Zugg, -Omaha. . . . ........ ...MO Velma B, Walker,- Omaha. , . 2i Charles J. Clemens. Bowie, Arlt. ... Susan M.' Koley, Omaha............. Homer H. Ray. Omaha....... Ethel I. Larson, Omaha ...SS ...12 ...IS ...21 ...21 ...il ...14 ..'.24 ..27 George C. Poth, - Omaha ............. Gayla Chancellor, Omaha .......... Rev, Buo Benaike, Omaha . . . . . . . . Anna C. Hansen, Klmballten, la. U. Karl E. Phillip. De Molnea,- la. '. . . Catherine H. Row. Washington, la. Jacob Xurt,-Omaba ...... .;... .....IS .....66 .....14 27 24 .....27 i 21 Anna Bauer, umana . ........... .. EmII. Langer.- Oauiha' Anna Brlik. , Onrfha Walter R. NeHon, Lincoln, Neb.',.. Haxel M. Nielsen, Llncoln.e Neb. , . . . Frank A. Hayea, Lincoln, Nen. Edith E. Heine, umana . .... George E. Pickett. Omaha Letty Kyea, Omaha Helger Peteraon, Council Bluffs, la.- 21 .24 Elsie Heidvogel, umana .-w..-.. ...... .2L. John C Lanphere.' Cre.ton. via .2S May Jones, Oman,' i.. ...... ;The "more corhple.arid numerous your proBlems, ' the greater your, need' ior Want Ad. Great results from little Want Ads . grow. $1.50 That oar new pro-war prie fee leaainaT and prsslaT sacn'a two or three piece salt. Called far aad 4a Llverad. ' - . - . DRESHER BROTHERS Stir Fa AT. S3S State Finance Secretary Explains Where Taxes Go III I V 1 X I II I X X I X. a I I I I . JVJV . .. , . , .. . ' 1 I ' . 7 Lincoln, 1 June 17. (Special.) Phil F, Bross, secretary of finance and revenue, has issued charts -and pamphlets analyzing the .1921 1 taxes in Nebraska. 'The charts deal with averages of the. state a a whole and show plainly that taxes go chiefly, for local expenditures ' . .' One chart analyzes the state levy of $3.30 on $1,000 valuation,' which is especially interesting, as it shows that of this $3.30 state tax, 60 cents goes to the maintenance of charitable and . penal state institutions, 61 cents to the state university. 47 cents to the roads, bridees and Da vine-. 30 cents to the new capitol tund ana 79 cents for purchase' of bonds for relief of ex-soldiers. The constitu tional officers, boards and commis Associates Start Libel . , . Suit Against .Northcliffe . London, June ; 17. (By- A. P.)-f Libel actions which have begun against Lord Northcliffe, chairman of the Associated Newspapers, Ltd., by Sir Andrew Caird, -vice chairman, and Walter G. Fish, a director of that organization, have - caused .a sensa tion jn newspaper, circles and are giving rise to much speculation. Both Sir Andrew and Mr. Fish decline to disctiss the subject . ; - ' The origin of the trouble between the newspaper magnate and his co directors is reportad "to have been a divergence of opinion which. came .up"- while Lord Northcliffe - was - on his -world tour,- , i -. . ' .. - . ': Helicopter Airplane , . ' Makes. Flight for Experts Washington, Jcne 17. Apparently successful, trials f a new helicopter airplane were conducted yesterday near College Park, Md., in the pres- i ence Of- experts from the Navy de partment s Dureau ot aeronautics. Operated by Henry Berlinerson of Emil Berliner, the inventor, the ma chine, was three" times raised ti ait elevation of about seven feet, and while at that height waa made to rise and fall, or to. remain poised in the air. t wa later driven over the cir cuit of a' half-mile track in the vi cinityp . If you put a sign in your window every, day for a year it would not be read by as many people as a Want Ad in the morning anderen- ing Be& -' . Zj.i- THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. - .. . sanaaJ-- " ' . ....... t sions spend 26 cents of the money, the-normal schools 20 cents and code departments J8 cents. , r Other charts analyzing the' aver age county levies show . that the average county levy of the state as a whole, . including the ' township levies, is $4.32, - while the average county levy for the .66 counties un der the commissioner form of gov ernment is $4.10, and the average county levies, including the township, for the 27. counties under the super visor system is $4.86. ? . Still other, charts point out the relative per capita tax in each county for the state, the county, the city and village, the schools and the townships. The levies on a $1,000 valuation for each of the above pur poses also is compared by counties. Auto Sale Is Conducted on ; "No Cash Down" Basis ' The Hayward-Peterson Co.r: Inc., is holding a used car sale that is without precedent in the city. ' - . It is conducted on a "no cash down basis and is meeting with remark able success, according to, the firm. The stale started Saturday, and it was the biggest day's business in used cars the company has done this year. The .Guaranty Sales system of Cleveland, O., represented by L. S, Fuller, is in charge "of the sale. Improvement Notes ; Mill to 1 Schuyler Tha first special meeting of th atockhelder of the reorganized Wells-Abbott-Neiman Co., Inc., was held and articlea. of Incorporation amended (or present , condition, a. euggested by the Bureeu of Securities. They are already buying 'grain and will begin opperatlon July IS. , Accept Kleetrle Plant. . Pawnee City Tha teat run for the'' new I7.0 power plant -Just erected. - -hae been made and tha plant has been ac cepted by the city. Tha engineers esti mated that the earing In coal consump tion alone la lift per cent ever the old ongln. . Examiner Bnya Bank. " Columbus Ernest R. Brock of Colum bus, wh ha been connected -with the Bute Banking Department a atate bank examiner for th past two- Tears. ' hae purchased tk controlling Interest in the Bank af Belgrade and will manage tba bank aa cashier. Mr. Brock la vie president of the Clt tlsena State . bank-and Citlzena Savings bank at Blah-, la which inatltutiona he waa active baton he wa connected with th department. He waa formerly con nected wtth banka at Garrison and Rising City. During Mr. Brock's .term, aa -ex-amiaef ha kaa Bad'ao falturea on bia ter i SUNDAY, JUNE 18. 1922. Woman Kidnaped at Golf Says Mate One of Kidnapers Cincinnati Woman Returns From Indiana Town Where, She Sayi. She Escaped From Captora. nBBBBBxasBawBBB ClndnnatL O.. June 17. Accom panied by her brother and her at torney Mr i. Clara Marshall returned to Cincinnati early today from Mag nesia Springs, Ind., where, she said, , , . .. , sne escaped irom an auiomooiie in which she was abducted forcibly by four men yesterday when playing golf at a country club here. Two of the men, she said, left the machine just outside the city limits. From the Tnrltana villacr tat Inat nignt, Mrs. Marshall telephoned her father, William B. Schawe, treasurer of n Cincinnati anna maniifarenrins company, that she was safe, although snowing me enects ot ner struggles with her cantors, and that mm f the men was her husband, Albert Marshall, from whom the hail heen separated lor several months and had sued for divorce. No motive fx, tha act was assigned in her telephone conversation and unnn hr ninrn to Cincinnati Mrs. Marshall waa aairl to be in a hiirhlv nervnna rnnililina bordering on collapse and could not oe questionca. After her eirlna frm Um -.. lk(IIIIW Marshall rode away, telling her aa ne ieit mat ne had "committed a crime under Ohio Iiwi mil -m not return to Ohio, she told her at-. torney over the telephone. Mrs. Marshall was playing golf witn jura, tenuis i. Hanpir whn k. ----- ------ . n automobile drove tin with its fnnr a,. cupants, and before Mrs.' Hauck or me caddies could interfere, Mrs. Marshall was seized bv turn nf h men, dragged into the car and spir? iu away, streaming ana struggling. Country Home i Sites Provided Eighty Acres of A. J. Low Farm in West Pacific District Plan. Eiehtv acres of the A. T. Love farrn, on West ' Pacific street, now being developed bv ahuler & Carv, will be opened as country home sites the latter part of this week, according to me developers. This land is at Eightieth street, on Uhe south side of Pacific, which is under contract to be oaved this vear. It, lies east of A: J. Love's country. nome. The tract will be known - as Love land. It is the east portion of Mr. Love's farm, which includes more than 200 acres. A The ground is being developed ac cording to West Pacific district olan which,- among other things, callsfor building restrictions, street graveling and petitions . for water mains. " It is directly west of Eltnwood park. Loveland is just across . the street from Ridgewood, the country home site addition now being sold. Ridge wood was formerly the Arwood dairy larm owned Dy w. xighter wood, Mexican Financing Plan Is Completed .New York, N. Y., Tune 17. A plan for adjusting the entire external debt of the Mexican government, the national railways debt of that coun try - and certain . so-called internal debts held largely outside of Mexi co, was. agreed upon today by the international committee of bankers on Mexico and Adolfo de la Huert.a, finance minister of .the republic be low the Rio Grande. The agreement, subject to the ap proval of President Obregon, covers securities with a face value exceeding $500,000,000 in gold, on which the interest in . arrears approximates $200,000,000., - , Under the agreement, cash pay ments on current interest are to be gin after January 2, 1923, out of i special fund into which will be paid the oil export taxes and a surcharge on railway gross receipts. All cash payments as to back in terest are to be waived. - . ; Overdue coupons will be , de posited with a trustee, and the re ceipts for' the coupons will be amortized without interest over period of time, this arrangement be ing a cancellation of part of the back interest. . Gold Gifts Arc Showered Upon Couple Wed 50 Years Friends and neighbors showered Mr. and Mrs. John W. Evans with gold gifts, Friday night, at a sur prise party, in honor of their golden wedding anniversary: The occasion was also the 22d wed ding anniversary of their daughter, Mrs. Charles K. Imem -. and Mr. Thiem, and the 100th marriage date of Mrs. Evans', grandmother, long deceased. ' ? . Mrs. Evans cut a magnificent wed ding cake to find $50 in gold,-the gift-of her children, therein. -Her husband gave her a diamond ring. Neighbors presented-them each with gold-handled umbrellas " and five brothers of Mrs.ffevahs in New York, sent gold pieces)? :''. , The celebration -took-place at the Evans' home, 5351 North Twenty eighth street. Sixty were - present. Eight lodges of "Which Mrs. Evans is a member, including Rebekahs and Woman's Relief corps, sent flowers. Deaths arid Funerals Mra. Jessie A. Gillette; J, wife of Har ry B. Gillette. 113 South Twenty-sixth street, died Friday afternoon.' In a local hospital. Rer parents, a brother ; end two sisters also survive. .Funeral aervtcea will be held Monday at 4:45 from Gen tlemen's chapel, thence to Koantse Mem 6rlal , church at ' J. Burial will be in West Lawn cemetery. Funeral service for James F. O'Plynn. IS. killed In a South Side factor acci dent Friday, will be held Monday mora inrr at S:30 from Gentlemen'a .chapel to noiy r amny cnurcn at I. Burial will Da In Holy Sepulchre cemetery. inomae u'Nelii. 7. dim Friday at a local hospital. A aon, William, living at HOI Webater.atreet and one aon in Lead. 8. D.. are the. only surviving relatives. Funera aervlcee will be held Monday at 1:1 at Gentlemen'a chaneL Burial will be la West Lawn cemaUrar, ' Brief City Newt- IVUl Jury tntfctl Th federal Ptll jury wo ordered yesterday lo raport Monday, June IS, for eervlc on civil caaaa, Judge Day to Speak Dlatrlct Judge Da will make memorial addraaa before tha Knights of rytniaa at Mindan today. IWiy Arrivew A aort waa born Bat- uroay to ilr. and Mra. William Hooion at Lord Uater hospital, Ura. Hoot on waa 'formerly Mlaa Helen rranaon. . , , he-eura Have Son Mr. and Mra. Albert L, ggur. SS Drake court, an nounc tha birth of a aon, Robert Baldwin, tfuturday at Stewart hoa- piiai. i ; CbkvimMin lo Lrfture Harry Me- 0111 of Chicago wttl lecture tonight at Bpiruuai. church.' Tweniy-ntth and 1'oppleion avenue, on "Modern apirituaiiam." Orrtcfr Vlalilna' ll.r TJeut. A. It. Maok. In t'hnrc ot naval recrultlna in Peg Molnea. la vlsltina L eut. Kred ncic I'owera, in charge of the local recruiting station. Dnrk Fmm CnlWae Sidney Cut llngham returned from. Lafayette college yeaterday morning. . Ha will accompany hla father, R. B. Howell, on a political campaign tour of the iiaie, Deginning next Monday. - r'allicr Dlrn John Nicholson, chief ooputy clerk of the federal court, went to Grand Island yesterday on receiving word of the sudden denth of hla father, Jamea Nicholson. The elder Nicholson visited hla aon here a month age. Cloning School Kxcrclaes) Cloning exerciaea for the school term were held at St.- Margaret M'ary achool, (001 California atreet, Friday after noon. Mlis Margaret Sheehan, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. J Sheehan,' 40 California atreet, took a leading part. Judrc Detained Federal - Judge Woodrough, who has ben holding court In North Platte alnce Monday. did not return here aa expected for the week end. Court businesa ached uled to come before him waa post poned. He will flnlah work in North Platte probably Monday and be here Tuesday. . .... After Convention The' Chamber of Commerce bureau of publicity la co-operating, with the Omaha Liona club In lta preparations to ana ten the 192S international convention of the Lions association for Omaha. , A total of approximately 2,000 will at- tena tne convention next year, it is estimated. , - Foresters to Give Show Foresters of B. and M. camp 945. M. W. A., will give a minstrel show and dance for the benefit of the late Capt A. E. H. . Thompson at Swedish audi torium, Fifteenth and Chicago streets, Monday night. Fifty, cents admission will be charged. , - Fifteenth In Bank ' Clearings Omaha ranked -15th in bank clear ings in the United States last week, Bradstreet'a message to the Chamber of 'Commerce . bureau '. of publicity states. The Omaha clearing house gave the total clearings for the' week at $41,439,526, as compared to JS9,- 615,967- the corresponding week last year. "-, ' ,; '. -,.'r , -' ; Doctor Fined Dr. 3. P. McCor- mick, 85, who refused to dress when officers appeared to, arrest him on an insufficient fund charge, and was led clad only in a raincoat through tne corridors and lobby of the Well ington inn, was fined 110 for being drunk in Central police court yester day morning after the .check charge had been . dropped.' , Maxwell Car Climbs. Steep ' Bascom Hill in Hifeji Gear Fort v miles the' healthier ' side of the Mexican border, in LasvCruces, N. M.. the steeD slooe of Bascom hill blisters under a desert sun. 'The approach is marked by a hairpin turn, well laden with deep sand. .:-. "Bascom hill is not only a ditticuit pull for any car because of its 22 per cent grade," said W. S. Johnson, local Maxwell dealer, "but the condition of the road places an added obstacle . .. ., . T - t in tne pain 01 me anyer. iio iuur cylinder car had ever accomplished the ascent in high gear until a few weeks ago. "At that time the owner ot a Max well touring car decided to make the attempt. With three passengers, . he experienced no difficulty in climbing Bascom hill :n high gear. Ihis ciimD is but one of the many reported by owners since the . new- series of the Maxwell was offered to the public. Grandmother at 33 Makes Flapper Look to Laurels USsi St LouisMo.. June 17. Juvenile flappers will have to "watch their step" if they are not to be outstrip ped by their seniors. tor here in bt. Louis is a grand mother in-' possession of all the at tractions .customarily reserved ; . for flappers - laughing eyes. ' impatient young feet and the faculty "Of wear ing smart sport hats and sweaters in the most flapperish manner. the is Mrs. Joseph E. Dehner. 33. married at 14,. a mother at 15, and a grandmother at 33. " When Mrs.- Dehner -was 14 she left her home to elope with the man of her dreams then a youth of 23. . "I have a funny habit of keeping Kansas Citian Heads Ad Cubs of World Tmila Hnllanrf nf Kansas fit v. fn. u'aa elrterf nreaiilent nf tha AsAri. ated Advertising Clubs of the World at the convention in Milwaukee. Knights of Kodosh HonorDr.Meredith Unusual Services Held Last Night at Scottish Rite - Cathedral. Rite Masons from both Omaha and Lincoln gathered at the local scottisn Kite camearai, twen tieth and Douglas streets, at 10:30 last night in - attendance . at the Knights of Kodosh funeral services for Dr. George W. Mereaitn, wno died Thursday night. Friends and relatives of the deceased man were also present. . . The services '.were conducted oy the ' St. . Andrews council of the VnioKta nf Knrlnsh. at the reauest of the Lincoln council; of which Dr. Meredith was a -member, it , is a very unusual service, given only m nf those hiehest in the decrees of the fraternity. : It has been given at the local cathedral only one other time in the nast seven veal's, accord ing to members of the order. . Dr. Meredith practiced medicine for 35 years at Ashland. Neb. He tn Lincoln, where he has been located for the past five years. Six weeks ago he became in ana a:.a Ttiiirctav nichf at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. H. Brice, 2448 Manderson street, Omaha. l Following the Knights of Kodosh midnight ceremony of last night, mil3r funeral services will be held this afternoon at Ashland. Rev. John L. Barton of the local tmanuai Baptist church, will be assisted by the Masonic lodge in conducting the services. "' Ship Capsizes at Hamburg ; , 11 Members oi irew iuinaiug Tr:i.;. T.ima. i7.fRv A. P.l iri.'. -A.mV.Va nftne'?crW of the' .ICVClt ,11V... w. - , - ... t t i... (-iinunne- the turning Idle IdBl liign, v..w o. . . over of the vessel when it was being hauled out of drydock at-tne vuicaa Rrazilian liner .Avare were missing ship yards here, une.nunur.u .. . . . ' x I.aI m f twelve otner memocrs vi -" and shipyard workers were rescued r-. ,u hnM nf the vessel. Eighteen of the survivors were un- vuiis-iv ' ' - "... ...... v;ir,i iii the accident. --;.e-when -raicen our. r an." alUCSS. ivaa iv..i- . The capsizing ot the steamer is a tributed to its being lmpenecuy u. need when released trom qryaocK. Tnrliananolis Pastor Heads INorthern uapwsii i.j;...nii: nri ' I tine i. i.c, l.--trirk-' K I 3V Ot OI .nUl-IldfU'" modernist leader, was elected presi At nf ihr , Northern BaDtist con vention " at today's v session of the church's annual meetinr here. He succeeds ;"Mrs. Helen D.' Mcyitgom ery' of Rochester, N. Y. oIsoK' Daft-v. , my husband in love. with me, too," Mrs. Dehner says. "He thinks I'm younger looking, than I ever .was. . "When I was younger I regretted my early marriage. I missed the dances and all the other good times that .my playmates, en joyed, but I wonder now if I'm not better off as things , are. Marriage and mother hood are the essential things in life, and when I saw my own daughter married and a mother it gave me real something to be interested in. "Please don't, think I approve Of all early marriages," added Mrs. Dehner. "But they're all right when the girl is serious and loves children. She also must like settling down." 5 B ."''" Feeder Predict Adf-nce in Finished Cattle Price! Lou Smithberger, Stanton ounty feeder, again took top price on the Omaha stock yards Friday for fat cattle when three loads ot hla Here ford steers sold for $9.2S. The cat ,1. ... I-!... 2m Jr.ll. M ne wrif wisjiiu in ww yni. head scaling 1,290 pounds and 17 head averaging 1,397 pounds. " "These steers came from string of feeders I bought from the Slaugh ter Bros.. 'Laiy S' ranch in Texas in May, 1921," said Mr. Smithberger. "They were run on pasture all last summer and since the first of De cember have been fed on a ration of ground corn and an alfalfa and mo lasses mixture." " " f Mr. Smithberger is expecting to see a substantial advance in prices on finish cattle soon. Bee Want Ad Ratei It per line each day, 1 er t day. ' .' l:o per line eai-h day, I te S day. V loo per lln earh Say, T dy r loafer. . Thas rate epply ta The Sunday a well lo The Moraine and Kvcnlaa He. All weekday advertlsementa appJ In both morning and evening edit lone at the one cost, ... Th bov reles apply eicluslvely tb Want Ada which are commonly termwt "nubile want," nd d nt Include ad vortlelng or iiloltlng their bualnee vertlalng or esploitlng their bualoeaaee.; TMH BKB reaerves the right lo desig nate whet ronatltutes a publl want. Want Ad (csepted at tha tollowraeT nftlree: . . I?- StAIN OmCB ..ITth and" 'srnam it. south Side Ul aoath 14th y Council Bluffs IS Soott at,. Telephone . , i . AT-lantlo 109. Call rnr Went AU Dpartmat. Aa ptrlrnred Want Ad taker will rrlv your ad and a kill will be mailed later. The rate quoted above apply to either nra or ci.osiNro'HbuBS ron want ad. Kvenlng Kditlou 11:4s a. BJ. Morning Kdltloa W...Si5 Sunday Edltloa P- ". turdy THB MORNINO BEK. . ..H, THB BVENINO BKB. THK tlUNDAjT BjOgM-, CARD OP THANKS. WE) wlah te thank our many frlnd and neighbor for Uielr kladnee howa aad. th beautiful floral offerlnga during the Mines and death of oir beloved on and brother, and particularly tha offler ef th Slth Reserve lnfsntry, who i kindly acted. as military guard. ISIgned) SIRS. BI.LEN B. 80UTHWICK. . 1RMA SOUTH WICK. VINCENT BOUTHWICK. " ' ALKTHA BOUTH wiur.. ANGELUS BOUTHWICK. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC eaallnjr jwrete burtal vaulU Rcommnded and by all leading undarUkers. Wster . . tn rust, ao wood to ae cVy"tC. Vh7l01IATIC KAI-. 1NO VAULT TttmUctoTrt toOni Coaorat Burial Vault Co.. Site H. SSta. Omaha. Tl. Kenwood 1STT. MODERN first class hotel f ' ;'- . reasonable price, flood J..!. lent transient trade, Addraas Bea fS... Red Oak. Ia. i' CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn There are SJS acre is Jnt f eemetery, the moat beautiful spot In tU vicinity; sufficient to accommodate to people of Douglaa county for hundred of years. ' Ther are only a few lrgr.. . wmeterle In th eountry dob la tb vicinity. Offices at the oemetery Bortl , of city llmiU), aad 7S Brandela Tbaattr Bid. ' ' '.- DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES.: O FLTNN--Jama eg SI yeara. He la sarvlved ey mr par-. ' --. -Timothy O'Flyiin. Nenagh, Couaty Tip. . rary. Ireland; fire brothere. Rev. Johar J. O'Flynn, pastor at Lyons. Neb: Timo--thy P.. -London England; Patrick, Michael and Lawrence ef Nenagh. Coun ty Tlpperary, Ireland; els aiatara. Mis . Margaret. Mlsa Helena O'FlyBn end tr. Walter Phillips, of LondoB. England; 'Mr. William Cavanaugh of Limerick, -Miss Kathleen O'Flyan, Dublin. Ireland; Miss Bridget O'FIyna, Nenagh. County . 1l.-4 - . " Funeral Monday morning from 7oh A. Gentleman mortuary, S:S0 to Holy Family church, S o'clock. Interment Holy Scpulcher cemetery. GILLETTE Mrs. Jessie . A.. . bfclove wife of Harry V. Survived beside her.. husband, by her parents, one brother and two sisters. Funeral Monday afternoon. John A Gentleman's mortuary, 1:46. to Keant Memorial church.- J p. ra. Intermeo Weet Lawn cemetery. - ' ' ' ' O'NEILL Thoa, ged 7S yeara.- H la survived by twe on'. William of Oma' ha and George of Lead, S. D. ' - Funeral Monday afternoon at S:S0 p. ra., John A. Gentleman Mortuary. Interment West Lawn cemetery, i , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK & CO.,, , . Successor te ... .i,.. Stack 4 Falconer t OMAHA'S BEST. . .KAMBULANCESL- - - Thirty-third and Farnarn. ..j HEAFEY & HEAFEY ;- " - Undertaker and Embalmara. - - Phone HA. 026. Office SS11 Farnaaa. Hulse & Riepen, -. FuneraV Olrectorg. - S1S4 Cuming. WE. SS4T. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON pn.V. DTOV; SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HEi-' & SWDBUDA, 141. fAKKaa tn". L. HENDERSON. 1S0T-Farnam. JA. 1SSS JOHN BATH. 1S04 Farnarn. JA. lt0V. LODGE NOTICES. THE Grand Lodge of Benevolent Patrio tic Order ot Doea will hold apeclal busl-n-ss meeting in the- Elks club reoma. July 7, 12!. at t p. m. AU membera ' of the Grand ' Lodge r requested to be preseat. (8lgned Supreme ; Praaly dent Mr. E. T. Darden. ' " ; ATTRACTIONS. Concession Men Trick riders' and clowns, write er wire . Executive Committee, Toder Rodin. , Thousand' are coming to ae broncho busting, riding, roping, bulldoggtng. racing, etc.. at new town on Union Pactf lo extension from North Platte. A. 15,000, etiow for-11.10 at Toder. Uoahea county. Wyoming. Jun SS, 84 and SS. WANTED All kinds of eoncesetona for; .one of th biggest celebrations ever Cord! F. Dier?ks, concession com., pulled off In this part of th country. Nickerson. Neb. , .. Ward, -secretary. i "' - ' MERRT-GO-ROUND' owner, get In touch with Nickerson, Neb. We have a real proposition to offer you, big Fourth ef July celebration. Writ or wire Jh WANTED Merry -Go-Round ooncraalena" or ail kinds, for fourth or July. Uaaafr auspice of Amerlcsn Legion. Sutton, Neb.. Box 44J. ' ' WANTED For July J and 4 celebration at Craig, Mo., merry-go-round and ceBv cessions, writ Adolpn Peg, chairman--conceasion. . , WANTED Concessions, swings. FerrlS" wheels, merry-go-round and other at traction. Writ today. Prof. FeUb Stanberry. Mo. ... CONCESSIONS wanted for Fourth of Jaly.- Aoaresa Hurray ana noperta, Bhaay Lake. Columbua. Neb. CONCESSIONS wanted July 4. Write nee., uriswoia, la. BUNt-ALOwT $1,200 Cash Buys " Bread new Klltea h-agalew. S large rooms, braakfaat Mk and hath. Finest eak Ihsiak. Built-in kitchen. Dandy fire place. Fall caaneat haaeaaent.' KeUaatoB garag te Match, -Hi eeeaent drtae, Eaat f mt. Worth ar.TSOt. ell kav- etty, wflt U for tejOO. Tl D. E. BUCK A CO. t n w.. a- I, , Sa-4-yi WC. OftSJ;' KE. SSSd J EE .T T