Y rt 1 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JUNE 17, ' 1922. Railroad Values Boosted 9 Million for Tax Purposes Sutc Hoard of Equalization Pint Big Levy oil Carrier! ; Three Allowed Decreases. Lincoln. June 16. (Siwcial.)- The Ute board of equalisation to-1 lay fixed the t enable valuations o( ill railroads in Nebraska except the uiuitk'o & ivortn western, at ii7. .'54,1.'.'. an increase o( $9,788,544 over u.t year. The valuation of the Northwestern it withheld pending development in a. federal court injunction luit. The amount for this company last year was u.uuu.uuu. Six Franchiaci Taxed. The slate board alto announced that with the exception of fix com panic operating m Nebraska, no IranchUe value would be placed on the tax roll. Five of the companies not exempt are the Blue Kiver rower company, American Tele phone and telegraph company, American Kailroad hxprtss com' pany, Western Union, Omaha-Liiv coin Railroad and Light company. .The following valuations of the railroads were announced: Btirlinpton. $137,389,782; Union I'aclfic, $98,259,808; Milwaukee and I Omaha. $12,693,223; Rock Island, VJCi0.694,326; Missouri Pacific. $11,' r 596.213; Kansas City and Northwest ern, $487,855: St. Joseph and Grand Island. $4,052,113: Mason City and Fort Dodge. $540,000; Omaha-Lin- coin Railway and Light, $99,450: Omaha Bridge and Terminal, $648 000; Omaha, Lincoln yind Beatrice Railway company, $91,800; Omaha and Southern, $90,000; Illinois On tral, $54,000; Wabash. $54,000; Mil waukee, $108,000; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, $15, 000; North Flatte Valley railway company, $376,000. ' - Three Increases Mada. The following increases were made: Burlington, $5,634,057; Union Pacific, $7,398,688; St. Joseph and. Grand Island. $80,218. v . - The following decreases were al lowed: Milwaukee and Omaha, $1, 305,632; Rock Island. $808,659; Mis souri Pacific, $1 210,128. ( -V .H Complains Against Officer Who Called Him 'Cheap Guy' '"Cheap guy" were the words ap plied by Police Sergeant Gardner to Jacob I.icb.. 1924 Sahlcr street, ac cording to a written complaint filed by Mr. Licb with city council yes terday. . 'The complainant alleged that he suffered embarrassment before' a crowd at 1111 Farnam street. The matter was referred to the police commissioner foe investigation and recommendation. Baptists Invited to Hold Next Convention in Omaha ("Invitation has been extended by ie Omaha Chamber of Commerce Bureau of Publicity to the Northern Baptist convention to hold its next annual mjeeting.ini OrjjjaJw .Tjbeeon-' vention repfees'cntaC jo,verTsi.i50,000 Baptists i through three or tour ttousand ' delegates who usually njeet im tune. . Tb.tttfireaTVWeting i beingheld in I'twiarjapcil.', '. v Woman and Nine Men Fined (or Speeding une woman and nine men were fined In central police court yester day on charges of speeding and rccklcls driving. Mis M.ble Hall. 119 South Thirty fifth street, was fined $10 after she told the judge she was just "hurry ins to get downtown." Floyd Taylor, 620 Saratoga street, was fined $5; J. Cummingi, 2912 outh heventeenth street, js; c Saunders, I'laza hotel, $10; R. Ba laugh, 703 Hickory street, $5; Harry Whitcomb, 22J8 Ohio street, $10; Edward Bays. 2745 South Ninth street, $10; H. L. Wethans, 620 South Nineteenth street, $10; Byron Hart, 180 Hurt street, $25; and Lake bngclke, 3494 Ames avenue, $10. f t Man-Shot Five Times Recovers Brief Cifc$u$$: PloM'MsJisfepsViifthi a oem Bnr association's,'. aojiKfWtl ''day will be staged at trie Happy Hollow chit) June 29. " - To Give Free &dVrhe Chicle company is to dmjrlbute 250,000 samples of Yucata'ii. phewins gum in Omaha througHIodal. stores, Leave for CoBeuUon-kA. ' caravan of 15 automobiles ioenring Omaha Eagles will leave .Dmahd. Sunday evening for the state coivention at Grand Island, ;to . be held" Monday and Tuesday. ' '' Robbed, of fSSHitBS Jenson, driver for the TO"jes company, reported ,to poltpe JSpi traa robbed,; $32 near Twenty-shverith. and Spald ing streets at jkiavytspterday morn-' trtg. S. F. Seebe'rgep, complained that his pocketws5plclted of 9. 'Pnbllc SchooWa6P;0maha P 11c schools closed' theii- doors forth summer yesterday, and jwill riot re open until Labor ! day. - There were no classes at the grade schools yes terday, the pupils reporting onlx for their report cards and promotions. - Receiver Files Report William J. Ttandaii, receiver of the Basket Stores company, filed a supplemental report In- federal court yesterday in which he showed receipts of $571,010 is handling of the bankrupt con i, with expenditures of $386,654. Petitions for Divorce Mrs. Mamie Meir tiled a petition for divorce In the district court yesterday against' Andrew Meir, mechanic in ;- the Union Pacific shops, alleging that her husband preferred other femi nine passengers in his newly-purchased automobile. -V "Airplane Hits Hayrack Pilot Andy Nielson. B. H. McCarthy and Dr. F. H.Klnyoun of Omaha had a narrow escape Thursday afternoon when flying from Tekamah to Omaha, '-their airplane -colliding with a hayrack at a forced landing three miles out of Tekamah; - Miraculous Recovery Made by Victim of Wounds in Stomach and Lungs. Although he was shot three times through the stomach, once through tfie lung and through the right hanfT Albert N. McDonald, 43, has recovered and walked out of the hos pital to Central police station, yes terday, according to police authorities. McDonald signed a complaint charging Richard K. Fox, alias Wil liam James, with assault with intent to kill. McDonald is said to have been shot in a ' fight with Fox be cause he attempted to remove a friend from Fox's place of business, near First and Haskell streets in Gibson. Police. say that McDonald's recov ery rivals that ot lari (lathsh) Fisher, negro, whose four wounds in the stomach failed to kill him. Mc Donald was on' the operating table at St. Joseph hospital for an hour and a quarter. Hospital attendants despaired of the man s recovery. - McDonald has' had a varied ca reer. r- or three years he was mid dleweight champion of the Ameri can' army. lit 1916 he enlisted in the Canadian army,- tie was wounded in the' knee by a machine gun and twice in the head by shrapnel and at another time thrust through the arm with a bayonet. He is a native of Fort Worth. Tex. Nonogenarian Seeking : Lost Daughter Jailed Anthony Thavant, 90, who has been searching for his lost daughter, 57, for 11 years, landed in the coun ty jail yesterday. I am only searching tor my daughter," he protested from his cell. "I have done nothing wrong. I have relatives here in Omaha but they are shy of me." The patriarch was taken into cus tody by Sheriff Mike Clark yester day morning when Mrs. M. Grimm, who lives on a farm foui miles north west of Florence, complained that the weird mendicant was annoying her family. Thavant asked for food at the Grimm home ' three days ago, ac cording to deputy sheriffs, and told the Grimms that he was makinga canvass of. Taf mhuses near Omaha for- his lost: daughter V , v. Have you work for someone? Ad vertise ,it in the ' "Help r Wanted" columns of tomorrow's Sunday Bee;, assist.,' someone; in getting a job. Have You Sent in Your Contribution toMilkFundYet? Single Dollar May Save Life of Baby Suffering From Lack of Cooling Nourishment. It takes such a little bit of money to io so much good through The Bee's Free Milk and Ice Fund that no one should hesitate to scud in A single dollar may lave the life of some baby who is suffering from lack of cooling nourishment in these torrid days. It will bring untold happiness into the heart of some despairing mother who from day to day has been forced to watch her dear one fail for lack of cool sweet nvilk. There is nothing so pitiful as the weak wail of some suffering infant It rends the heart of the mother who it unable, through lack of money, to stop its suffering. There ' are hun dreds of such cases in Omaha, within but a . few blocks of cool, com fortable homes. It requires but slight effort to mail a contribution to The Bee Free Milk and Ice fund, or to drop into The Bee office on Farnam at Seventeenth street with a con tribution. Each contribution will be acknowledged in these columns. rrevlMMlr wkiMtMrdgrtl I11S.M Mr. A. M. IMnto I. OS lr. J. T. Malhaws S.M tub . ' l.SS as. e. b i.ss ToUl S1SI.1I Bee Want Ads Produce Results. SiTljivxAY 'ONLY DOLLAR BOX MEN'S LISLE ' Hosiery Come packed six pairs of a color in each box. Black, White, Navy, Gray, Cordovan. These are refr nlar 2'k qual ities. Ten bny them by the box. Saturday, pairs at .... '1 Mala Floar South Section CORRECT APPAREL, FOR FOR MEN AfD WOMEN Men, White Oxford Headquarters . $Q50 and $4 Men's white and palm beach ox fords. Their comfort; and cool appear ance speak for t h e m selves. ' New lower prices Men's' dark brown and black gun metal oxfords; welt sewed soles, Sj5?00 rubber heel caps. U special ......... Men's all solid leather brown calf oxfords; short vamp, round toe or square toe, rubber heel S?00 cap; new lower J price , Men's Nebraska' special shoes and oxfords. Un- Jj5095 donbtedly the best values for the money in Omaha O Greater Shoe Department Entire Worth Section Main Floor. rCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: Objection Raised to "Jitney Ice Station ' Three residents of the north part of Omaha went Into ditriet court yesterday to seek an order retrain ing a "jitney Ice station" from doing business in rtieir neighborhood,. The petitioners, Herman G. Seume, 4123 Florence boulevard, William I Teterson, 4UI North Twentieth street and ICdith Lirh, si lege in their action against the Oma ha Ke and Cold btorage company and the Uoulevrd Improvement company that in their dreds to thnr lots bought from the latter com. (any a clue was inserted stating that the lots would be ued only (or private residential property. The neighborhood in question lies on Twentieth street between Laird and Saltier. Dee Want Ads boost business. Woman Asks Damages for Sale of Liquor to Hubaitd Mr. Viol Yhite brought suit aganikt Ike Payne and three other men for $.'5,0"0 damages, sllrging that the four men sre responsible for her liukbaiid being an habitual drunkard. The other defendants are Tony Marco. 1407 South Fourth street; t'arnicllo (Jraitdinetto, 22S2 Tierce street, and Tony Hedge, 1318 South Twenty-second street Mrs. While charges that her hits band traded a peck of apples to Mar to for a bottle of whisky, 'the Whiles have (iu children, Chester. 9. Donald. 8, lCdua, 6, Mildred, S.snJ Koltrrt. I. .The petition states that although Mrs. White wanted the four men to stop selling liquor to her hus band, they ignored her demand and continued to sell him booze. One Minute Store Tolk 'Thanks to you folks, a summer suit la not a sort of necessary evil any more. What a treat It is to find on store where fine fabrics and fine workmanship are combined to make a man look presentable in clothes that are comforta .ble," said an Omaha banker, buying a tropical wonted suit at our store. Are yea enjoying the New Mm Summer Suits? The Bee leads all the other pipers in sport news. Read The Ute first Mayor to Entertain School Cliil.lrni at Kru'g Park Mayor Dahlman wilt have as hi guests at Krug park this sHernoona group of several tliotusnd school children, this being the firt group of several he will entertain at the park. The mayor drligbts to rn trrtain children and has made ar rangements for the lads and Us sies to ride free on several of the park oaacetaWne, 'JOHN A. SWANSON, President' WM. L. MOLZMAN, Treasurer-' '"The Clothing Corner of Omaha" The Cool Clothes World's Newest of the New ITERE'S the store wonderfully prepared.' Greater Nebraska's amazing se-AJ- lections open up avenues of Clothes comfort never before presented by any Western store. Save time and temper. Come to cool clothes headquarters. STORE CLOSES a p. m. SATURDAYS. 8HOP EARLY, Sport or Conservative Models $7.50 , ummjjwm Superb Tropical Suits House of Kuppenheimer Tailored $35 The New 1922 Quality Fabrics Your ideal suit the suit you have always looked for ward to buying. The suit with all the character of the Spring weight, but skeletonized to the limit in thorough ly hand-tailored zephyr weight fabrics. Here today in great array of colors and models. Linen Knickers For Golf (Knit Grip Knee) Golf Knickers In Tweed (Knit Grip Knee) 87.50 98.50 Zefirette Tropical Worsted Suits $30 Other ool Tropical Suits, all sizes $15 to $25 Air4)Weave Cool Mohair Suits $25 Other smart Mohair Suits priced at $15 and $20 Extra;iTroiisers--:Utmost Values $3.50, $5.00, $7.50 Made tosell at $5.00 to $12.50 Fine worsteds, flannels, serges, cassimeres, che viots. All sizes for men and young men. Kuppenheimer Finest . Palm Beach Suits $20 Strictly Hand-Tailored. The Best Made. Finest $60.00 to $75.00 Suits The ideal year-round suit, customized quality tailoring; :ny imported fabrics. Society Brand, Fashion Park, &A( fryiC 1ttTf - Hickey-Freeman, Kuppenheimer masterpieces, at prU) p4t)y ipOi) Palm Beach Suits rNebraska Extra Pair Palm Beach Pants, $4. $11 22 and $1522 Our Special Value Feature Cool Suits Men's, Young Men's, Younger Young Men's Clothing Entire Second Floor. Both Buildings. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY 3Wrulae JOHN A MMNSONmis Wm l tigUJMN.mwiav iTTTTTTTI I M COMPARE 1 OUR VALUES I ALWAYS j CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Cool Athletic Union Suits JOO Men's athletic union suits and knit union suits-a feature here, in all sizes, at Men's athletic union suits of sheer hand kerchief cloth, made by Vassar, at $2 Men's lisle knit union suits, Vassar, all sleeve and leg lengths, all sizes, fine quality, at $300 Superior Athletics .... -81.00 to 82.00 Knitted Superior TJniona 82.00 to $3.00 Burton's Irish Poplin Shirts 22 The ideal summer shirt made of Burton's genuine mercerized Irish -poplin in . the new' cool gray with separate collars to match. Royal Tan piped edge shirts. Just arrived. . Come with collar $" 50 to match. Specially priced at X Radium Pussy. Willow Shirts The coolest of cool shirts. Separate fgOO collar to match. The new light gray shade, at Garner fine percale shirts. Guaran teed fast colors. Sizes 14 $" 00 to 17. A value revelation at X Eagle Ripple Crepe Shirts Another 1922 innovation. Needs no ironing. Clever patterns. SQOO AUgizes, at O Fine Bathing Suite for All Men's all worsted heather and solid color, 450 fine quality bathing suits, specially, priced. .;' 4t is Finest- heavy wor sted bathing suits. Extra fine quality. Price- V too SWrte Xaia 'iwf araaai Eafraact- Bradley all-wool ex ceptional quality men's bathing euita $350 MEN S COTTON BATHING SUITS Sl.OO. 81.50. 82.S0 Mea'a Farwe tr--. r'a - ; Men's Knitted Union uits "White and ecru, short sleeves, length - M SO - J. . 1 and short sleeves, ankle length. .H HAUL .aiii WOMEN'S BATHING ' SUITS $3.50 to 87.50 -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN- BOYS BATHING SUITS 50 to $5.00 ' Bathlnir Saltan 1 Mala PI 1 Ilertk at Elevator V