ANNOUNCEMENT. Pnnuni, fl'T riili.f Cn, III . ftt. f. M.I. Patent Attorneys, J, W, M.rlli, P.i.hI Allara.y, nil IH4, rw J Ai.e ttutitHM, D, - i ip miiinw xii yuan. Wtddinf Stationery. H bliUINU mimatieaa sad aaaouauaaieaia lisi4 ae ini4; sasaplaa mi npa ranaa. nraais rrlatiag diartmat. Miscellaneous Announcements. OAITKU ssddla korrn fur rM by koar r 4sr. All sre alia. My esrsasal sttentios givsa u swatnaara, Saillli Cr a, proprietor. km a ha ACADEMT. Ct.ll. WA. Ak-S.r-li.e n.14, 111. DIAMONDS I y Ika k Olr. silk arlvllaas la buy back at mall profit. onoag JKWKL.KV CO.. outaka. Nab., S N I sin HI, Telephone Ihj. 4, VA''Ca,TTfcH a a4art4 la Saturday Bvanini rati. ( it, juas J7, an s hikilinn and sals, VACVKTTR CALK CO Or OMAHA MM tlarnay Ml. Phono AT. oos. W kyy. aall sa'ss. make dasks. show. rasas, at., Omaha Pliture 4 Supply r.. m. w. iw. ilia ana fauviaa, J A sis. OMAHA PILLOW COlll-ANT. Maitraai ma 4 a er In as tleks kalf pnea af aada llaf faming JA. 1441 DM. Louis N. Smirnoff, diaaau of !" snd children, lit M flat St. AT. ' rnr.aV'HIPTIONk earsfully rompaun44 al Ika I Shsrmsa MrOunsll I'ruf stores. WANTED TOBUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New tasks, ut4 dks bought. sld snd Ira4a4. J. ', Haed. I2T Karnam. AT. (144. Call WB. (l Urn P tot furnllura. rugs, siovs. clothes. FOR SALE. Furniture nd Household Ocofla, Auction Auction ANOTHER BIO Tl'RNITURB fALB IN DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE. . 18th and Webster St., :. Saturday at 1 P. 1M. Including 4 high-grade planoa, t . player pianos, I Standard Talkm ma. rhines end 1 records, Big lot of high, grsde WlUon Valval. Axmlnster an4 Brussels rugs, nesrly all aliaa. vary ' penslva overstuffed and cana lnaarl.4 psrlor suites. 1 William and Mary period, ma hot any dining roem aultss. Two queen Ann period dining room aultaa. aavaral good oak dining room suite, beautiful vary lataal atyla Amer ican walnut- Mahogany and old Ivory Bad Room aultaa! atvaral maaalva Brass : and Simons beds, draaaara. draaalnf table and' chlffonisrs, pictures, drspss, llnana. fancy and atapla dlahea. slectrle vacuum claanara: esvsrhl Standard Else- i triA . limn., sawlne machine, trunka. 1 ' Oaa rinin. steel ranges, linoleum. clocks, vlollnf, maltraaaaa, lea boxaa, library table, kitchen tablaa. laundry and garden tool., lawn mowere, garden hone, cooking utenalla and hundrada of articles too numeroua to mention. James L. Dowd and Ass't; Auctioneers . If you have anything to aall call Atlantis o or Walnut ItU. - The Friday ; Stephenson Auction Offers You ' Plenty of seats, no standing up Bereaaarf. 8a lea room Is wall ventilated, plenty of fane, you will be cool. . A downtown location, only five mln ut.a' walk from 17lh and Farnam 8ts. A selection of ordinary, medium, Bigh ' grade and mlecellaneeus furnitura and home furnishing..' , x You will always find aeaaonabla' ar tlclea auch aa refrigerators, lea boxaa, lawn mowers., ata., on sale. It starts Pr). day, Juna H, 1 p. n. ' ' ISO Captol Avenue. . 1 1 " Frank B. Stephenson i Auctioneer. : ' No sals Saturday. We will conduct the suction at the Bekln'a Omaha. Van A Storage Co., Saturday, Juna 1?.' . ELECTRIC WASHINO MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices, tit buys the beet. Phono Douglas 4423. SOLID mahogany Irving' room . Sat, up ' ' bolstered In gekuine leather, nearly liw,. HA..Hil '- v . Pianos and Musical Ingtrumentt. . TRADE your used piano oh a new player piano. Balance as low. aa . 110 par . .'. month. A. HOSPB CO.,. IMS Douglas. Clothing and Furs.. DUNDEB WOOLEN MILLS. '.' For. sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" auits. cheap, alterations frea, .. Northwest Cor. 16tfc and Harney &ts. FULL DRESS auits' nd 7is.adoa for rent. JA. 312. 161 N, 16th St. I. Faldman. ARMT ehpea 11.10. 708 -No. lath. Good Things to Eat.: 1,000 bushel cherries for sale. Saturday, Sunday. Monday. Pick them yourself. Price l . per bushel. On Finch farm. Calhoun. , Douglas (111. . Horn and scape Service Co. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . AND. All MAKES bought, so!dv ranted and repaired. Sola agents for the CORONA. . Oet our prloea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, . J A.' 41. " It'll Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, tll.00 and up. Midland Office. Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous -Articles. ' : Weinehl's, BAKERY ; . . 1911 1EAVENWORTH . Saturday Specials . . DANISH. HONEY. " COFFEE CAKE SUNSHINE CAKE ' AVe speclallie on French pastry, for hotels and restaurants. FOR - SALE One mahogany office set. complete: office equipment. desks, chairs, hall trees, typewriters, dicta phones, calculators, tables, filing cabl nets, fir proof safes, Edison rotary mimeograph, other miscellaneousMtem. store fixtures, scales, -ice boxes, electric coffee grinders, eleetrlc motors, cooky racks, sprinkler vegetable display racks, cnieae cutters, two wneei trucKs, annK. .; Ihg fountains,, stencil cutter, bin scoops, platform scales, paper racks. scoops, tin tea bins, stepladders, gas and oil pumps, sausage stutters, meat altcers, other mlsceltaneoua items. Call at 716 south sth, Omaha. - . EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1173. HAVE your trees eared for by expert aur , geons, not tree butchers: cavity work - and tree trimming our specialty. Home Landscape Service Co. DO. 61 15. BOTTLES New and uaed. Nathan Steinberg, iois Marnsy. Pa lug. . ATHLETIC Club membership, $60.00. DO. 4891. - SURPLUS bees and supplies. WA. S04I. WANTED SITUATIONS. WHITE woman wants laundry work. KB. 2284. ' HELP WANTED MALE. An INTELLIGENT person, either sex, may earn $100 to 4200 monthly corre sponding for newspapers; 116 to 126 ' weekly In spare time; experlenco nn- ' necessary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars, National Press Bureau. Buffalo, N. T. ARCHITECTURAL Draftsman Wanted at Once State experlenco ami aalary ex pected. Address 206 Grain Exchange, Sioux City. Ia. Chicken Pickers AND Egg Packers WANTED Omaha . Cold Storage Co. , Someone will buy what you hire to sell. A Bee want ad will find the bilker, . . !THE GUMPS : - f flU WTa WMAf I lMVb 6t ru wtb&iN amp tH T CorWS iwib MOM TH, riHOtt MS 0)AF COW UCT I taut NUtax BRINGING UP DEAR ME N)Y CYE SKHT NOtT CE CETTIN POOR I CANT TOS THESE R.N;) HELP WANTED MALE. District Manager For the City of Omaha By k strong progressiva life Insur ance company writing up-to-date life, health and accident Insurance contracts. An exceptional arrangement will be of fered to the man who can measure up to the atandard of our qualifications. Apply giving particulars aa to age. In surance experience If sny, psst and present employment, with your phone number for appointment. Box H-176, DO you want to Inereasa your income f writs tna National Auto School zlll W. 10th St- Omaha, for catalog. - IRON MOLDBR wanted for light bench and floor molding. Address Caswell Manufacturing. Co., cneroKee, la. . MOLER BARBER COLLEOE.- :' lit 8. 14th. Write for catalor. 46 JHanagw XYsntsd A real one to r Jhirsftfle'.uil Mat of Nesj on. cominls- ViCn ut'k 1st re one. Simile article. See .WcCrlllls, Hotel,Rome, Room 404, 1 p. in. to 7 p. m. . . Salesmen Car owners preferred. Our plug sells on sight: fires In oily cylinders. Oet proposition. Fan Flame Spark Plug Co., Inc., Tonkers, N. T. SALESMEN High-ten tlon stock, bond. typewriter or - agoing machine sales men to- fSste.t-selling article - on the market Universal demand. if 176 a week interests you call at 409 Arthur Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL, wishing to go to business college, can earn her tuition by doing some' light office work for me this sum mer. . Olve your education and age. Ad dress Box H-llS.- Omaha-Bee. MAID White; competent, for general houaaworfc, call Vi"yn3l.- ' ' , Nurses wtd. 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 1981; WA. 4I3. Proofreader Wanted Experienced and accurate lady proofreader. Must be nonunion. Modern plant midst beautiful suburban surroundings. T-lli;, Bee. SHORTHAND teacher. Lady to teach Gregg shorthand; big future; prefer someone wishing permanent position and desirous af becoming Identified with work. Teaching experlenco not neces sary. . State age,. 'education and previ ous employment. r For Interview write Box H-117, umana Bee. WOMAN AS TRAVBUNCT REPREBENTA- TIV1S. Employment director of old estab lished Chicago corporation, will inter view mature women anxloua to make permanent connection ' with splendid op portunity for advancement.: Must have at least high school education . and be free to travel extensively. No Invest ment or experience-necessary. R R. fare and salary to start. POSITION WORTH 176 PER WEEK. Only women with personality," cul ture and refinement will bo considered. Sea Mrs. Carroll, Fontenelle Hoteh HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Man, ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while . learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Bamer tjoncge. "Sil.CSPRnPt.n wAntMit for vnrv Drofltable. permanent ana pieou ,ut&. ..iuim free. W. A. Htxenbsugh. Isl4 St. Marys. X educational: DAT SCHOOL NIQHT SCHOOL romnlfct courses In accountancy. ma chine bookkeeping, 'comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Knaitah and commercial branches. : Writs, call or phone Jackson 1566 for largo Illustrated catalog. Address ' ' Boyles College T " Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 210 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6690. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 602 Karbach Blk. J A. 108L FRANK HENRT, Saxophone Instruction Man, Wed., Sat. Mlaner School. BUSINESS CHANCES. COMPLETELY equipped Marlnella shop la western Nebrssks. Only place of this kind within 40 miles rsdtus. Five years established business on sound basis, t ot sale because owner must leave locality July L Wonderful opportunity. Price reaaonable. Write Y-1926, Omaha Bee. PARTNER wanted to Join mo in light manufacturing In Omaha. Stapla ar ticle in big demand; largo profits; won derful opportunity for a good hustler. Small Investment.' 8e McCrlllla, Hotel Rome, room 404, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. BAKERY for exchange, town sO.000; brick . building; well located, fully equipped; stocked; running annual sales more than 1100.000. Requlrea $5,000. Balance city : property or land. See Jim .Wray, 143 Paxton hotel until Sunday noon. 20 rooms with restaurant combined, all furnished completely. A very low price at $260, doing good business; good - prospects. Reason for going out of bust Bess, leaving town. 120. So. sth. AT. 62. MERCHANDISE for sale. Well assorted stack of general merchandise doing a cash , business In a live town. Writs John H. Landes, Real Estate), Shenan doah, Iowa. GROCERY, meat market, town .0; good lease, center business; big all cask patronage; I7.10S handles. Sea Jim - Wray, 241 Paxton hotel nntll 8unds neo'n. z " RADIO ' and Electrical Supply business for sale r will take partner capable of handling business. Write Y-19H Omaha Bes. ' BAKERY for sals, town SO.OOt. Sales ovsr - $200 daily. $5,00 handles. Live propo sition. See Jim Wray, 142 Paxton hotel until Sunday noon V y I I i i k ,rm, ? Pi r Am ? -iwuni-m t ' ' , 1.922 sv Intu PtaTusie Eenvief. iNci. "J ' Jt. .'I. TX". iu n IN COLOM IN THK SUNDAY SCI KOt) XORH OUT tOH6 kt WHM TWe NVfttHT3 I AtltA.Vy rs.i, Va TVIT4 irtTVf HOMft s Alt OWW, W HN i6Mt WtMC FATHER CARD OF THANKS. MODKRN first class hotel for sale at a reasonable price. Oood location. Excel lent transient trsde. Address Box 161, Red Osk. Ia. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Rooms to Rent LARGE, AIRT, COOL ROOM, single or double, In private home, with break fast If desired. Nice shady versnda and grounds, use of drawing and living rooms, piano and. phone. Block from Dundee and Farnam car line;, tea min utes from courthouse, real.-" home ac commodation for nice people. Phone Walnut 0860. WOOLWORTH AVE.. 8803, Hanscom Psrk dlst., 3 rms.. new fur., priv: home. 14.60 each, with breakfast, . HA. 280. HOTEL 8ANFORD, HTH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW. 16TH AND FARNAM Special a tea to permanent, guests. WEBSTER ST., 8223. nice front 'room; close to car; for ladles or married cou ple. employed; private home. - CHICAGO ST., S006, front room, private home, gentleman, electrio fan. HA. 4787. DODO IS ST., 3003 Large, well ventilated room; twin beds, for 2 young men; pri vate family; walking distance. HA. 5144. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. 33d St., 116 No. Nicely furnished room - for a gentleman; references required. HA. 4'31. 14th St., 1505 So., 2 pleasant rooms, prlv. home; breskfast if -desired. . DO. 8478. SPENCER ST., 1811, lovely furnished rm., modern home, two peopte. WE. 0198. CALIFORNIA ST., nicely furn. room, mod ern, walking distance. AT. 8722. SMALL room, In modern home, I3.0fc West Farnam district. .' WA! 1963. : THIRTIETH Ave.,-1117 So. Largs, front pleasant room; Ideal ljome. HA.V9861. Housekeeping Rooms. WIRT St., 2582, 2 Urge front .rooms, downstairs; private entrance; felectrlc lights and gas furnished. Adults. 17. Webster 6581. COOL rooms, unfurnished Or partially . modorn. price very reasonable. At lantic 7442. i , LOVELY light housekeeping rooms, 15 to 7 per week. 114 80.-21st Ave. HA. 3718. 3 or 4 dandy housekeeping, 1st floor. AT. 0369. ' 29th St., 1718 So. Lovely cool rooms, private family on carline, HA. 3479. Board and Rooms. A REAL home where you . can enjoy southern cooking offers board to three or four persons living in the vicinity of 29th snd Hickory, one block from Hans "com park. HA. 4886. TEL. AT. 6666 Elegantly furnished rooms with board In private home for one or two. Walking distance. MARTHA ST., 1513 Nice room for couple or 2 girls; private family; home cook ing.. Atlantic 7134. MERRIAM HOTEL UNEXCELLED meals, large rooms, huge porch to enjoy in comfort. Close to business. The best place. Inquire about 25TH AND DODGE ST. Tel. Wli. 0844 Large, well furnished room for two. with family; meals. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, closa In. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 8260. FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished. HERE is a - very unusual opportunity for a summer home at Lake Okoboji; 7-room cottage, decorated, clean, ready ' to occupy, well furnished; beautiful sur roundings, abundanoa of shade, lake shore front; two rowboats. Will rent for season. C. S. Andrews, 3514 Lincoln Blvd. Omaha, Phone WA. 0441. IN WEST Farnam district, furnished, six room modern house, good condition, Choice location. Will rent until October 1 or lease for one year. -Applicants must furnish good reference for dates to see property. Box H-173, Omaha Bee, KOUNTZB PLACE, duplex, north half 2102 Spencer; (-room, all modern house, entire new decoration, soft water in basement; stors room In attic $60. References. HA. 2619. A NEWLY i furnished six large roomed bungalow, possession , until' September 1. References. 624 South 41st St. Tel Hi 9719 - - f" FOR RENT Six-room house, redecorated garage. 2023 Pierce. Now vacsnt; $37 per month. Call At. 2126. 4364 Dodge St. 5-room brick duplex. Flat condition. . s. f. Boatwlck. AT. 1606. FURNISHED 2-room cottage. Inquire 3837 S. 23d St. MA, 2504. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FOUR rooms,, completely furnished; mod ern home; reasonable; - adults, wal nut 4541. FURNISHED, room apt. modern, cheerful, cool two 1837 So. 23rd St. Unfurnished. Six Rooms ' West Farnam 2211 Harney St. New decorations, new paint. Very desirable, strictly modern. No children. Rent $66. Payne & Carnaby Co. "Omaha's Rental Men". 16 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. JA. 101$. Pi jyB' S7 Lfl I RCY r MY AIM 1 I TWNK, ILL ) fl CONE. 1 A Jt PCK EN S ( GViOLLy. vffr; : TEReLC -1 J U WEAK: ECK (ft) JV IU H 1 UP HO DON'T V0,J VOOf At l rTELE?SS CAN'T EVEN HIT T" ' B.. W & W V? XlJ ) Wt I M S wftMivu. ,T J tL J hERe", T. IT iPf ' lCi away- r-JC Dwewuz AON that l"--H L rsT lrak t ' A i,r Mil X v. not in a FIVE-ROOM apartment In Benbow court. 44th and Dodge. Vacant about June 16. East, weat and south expos ores, steam heat, water, light, gas, laundry, garage. Constant breexe In summer. - $100 a manth. Apt. No. T. Phon Wslnut ' T ' - .HE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNK 17. 1922. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TVlt PO0OW WtO tJi IP THf, WOWT C0Mt V0Q TU. I OOT Of THl Keglsiarad . ralaat Offlaw FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. . Large Apartment No. 1, Urbsna Apartments, 1117 Psrk avenue, hss 6 large rooms, coma In and pick your awn decorations. Large porches. Rent $76.00. Payne & Carnaby Co. "Omaha's Rental Men" 1 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 101$ Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. HOUSEKEEPING Four rooms, unfur nished, in new, strictly . modern home; no children; rsferences required. KB. 0940. TWO, four and five-room newly decorated apartments. The Florentine, 911 B. 25th St. Phone JA. 1422. IO Q . room modern apartmentB. THE , , O DRAKE ' RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Howard 8t. AT. 7is. ja. zuo. CHULA VISTA, beautiful 6-room apt.. first floor; no children. so. m, MODERN 4 and 7 rooms: low rent, closa In. O. P. Btebbins. 1610 Chicago. DRAKE Court apartment, to party buy ing furniture. Atiantio stsi. St. Marya Ave., 251E Entirs second floor of home, 4 rooms, private bath. Adults. NOTHING like it 3 or 4-roora apt with sleeping porch. ZSQH . Z3- WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses. WANTED TO RENT 10-room house with sleeping , porch In first-class locality, with plenty of ground around house. Box H-188, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. Automobile Row Location Available July 1 Splendid location for auto business or retail line; now occupied by one tenant; will be available July 1st. Room vat present Is 68 H feet wide by 162 feet deep. Will divide Into two store rooms each 24x132. If taken prompt ly will be arranged to suit tenant. . Bankers Mortgage Loan Company , 318 South 18th Street. Jackson 1014. FIREPROOF daylight building for rest; l to b inaiviauai noors. wis. stus. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE-. 11th and Jonss Sts. HOUSE CO., Garages. NEWLY built garage, 40x60; skylight; location- 14-16-18 Chicago St.; corner of flley. Inquire D. V. Gross, 402 North tti St. DO. 6049. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" B'ACKING-STORING-SHIPPINO. Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY 8tvoarnA0co 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. - - BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken on job or hr. Olobs Van ft Storags Co., JA. 4331. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. tO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 6883. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED wh. Spitz dogs. Web ster 1391. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. FOR SALE Handsome flve-galted Sorrel Gelding saddle horse; 5 years old and about 16 hands high. Plenty of style nnd suitable for a lady. Write H. V. Scott, General Delivery, Grand Island, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from $60 snd up. Dodge, BtMcks and others, $100 and up " a Ford bodies winter tops. I OOLD8TROM AUTO SALES CO., , 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. FOR SALE One 3 ton Mack truck, one AH ton Master truck, one 1 ton Repub lic truck. All In good running condition with covered bodies. Priced right for quick sale. Call at 716 South 9th or phone- AT. 9331. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. " 5056 Farnam St. AT. 7836. BUY A OUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safs Investment. 26th -and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. USED Ford parts at half price. Parta for all standard make cars. Nsb. Auto Parts, 101$ Hsrney St. s'REB Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery siM Parta Co, 141$ Farnam St,. AT. 1314. USED cara, worth your money. Tha Ne braska Oldsmoblls Co.. ltth and Howard Sts. AT. 1770. U8ED radiators, all makes for sals. Green oagh, Radiator Repair. 1031 Farnam. PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto at Pfelffer'a. 2526 Leavenworth. DODGE touring. 1110; 165. WA. 4122. good condition; HIT FORD Touring, A-l shape. Call HA. 4171 CROW ELK HART. 1617; fins condition. $200. 107 Woolworth Ave., J A. 1378. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. (12 S. 24th. kui koQSlN I AOIM6 "TO ZU. corFtn b) xtratw nv tvh Oouo in. tJivMtvts- rtt BU K0THIN6 TMfcYS VtlH lkCj- (k UXTU. SWM Ui WW- tO M T SEC 4IGG9 AND MAGGIE IN PULL PACE OP COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BtE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Today Is the Last Day of Free Auto Licenses A used car, worth the money with a free llrenss good until De cember 31, 1922. Inspect our offerings, know our prices. The car values se offer are out of proportion in comparison to tbe actual depreciation In the car Itself. Our policy of honesty and square doalings Is bsck of every used car leaving our floor. NEBRASKA OLDSM0BILE COMPANY USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED. 18th at Howard. AT. 1770. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service 8tatlon. 15th and Jackson St.. DO. 3600 REAL ESTATE WANTED. HOMES for sale, APT8.for rent. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keellne Bldg AT. 880. List your home Buy your horns, BINDER & OTIS, , Real Estate. Loans, Rentals, JA. S681. Charles W. Young' & ' Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 8. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'! Bk. Bldg. J A. 1428. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6146. OR TTFNTf, Realty Co- LlBt w,tn VJAVU AJlXJ us for ouick results. us for quick 1418 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A, 1964. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sells, Rents,' Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg., JA. 0633. I AM moving July 16. Have $1,000 cash . and want a home In Omaha on Pay ments. William Hammond, York. Neb. LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US. H. 8. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-yoar loans, 6V per cent. . AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380. MOVING to. Omaha July 1. Want to buy 5 or 6-room bungalow; $600 to $750-cash. Mr. MAA. Ohlinger, Jr.. Portsmouth, la. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wsnt to sell your property 7 List It with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bit. Bldg. NEW homes, completely - financed. Pay like rent. C. T. SPIER A CO.. Realtors, 304 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4S6J. 35 YEARS' experience selling homes. Call A. f. TUKrii & SUN. 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 4223. WANT or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first; bavs cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee; CEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. . 106 South 18th. AT. 29. WANT to buy 5-rm. home. Box H-109. LIST your homes for sale 'with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST -. MENT CO. ' GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern houses. 62 Ky. Exchg. Bldg. AT. 4956. WE can sell your property If priced right. GEO. F. JONES CO., AT. 6636. LIST' your property with W. Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. Farnam LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co., Securities Bldg. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 2946. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 1(07. FINANCIAL, Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hind (o loan on Omaha residences. . E. H. LOUOEE, INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. rTarm T .nana No delsy on western T drill JjUdlla Neb. tarma, ranches, Kloke Investment Co., 845 Om. fTat'l Bk. FIRST mortgage loans mads promptly on Omana real estate. Shopen Co, Real tore. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. . ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 'IS OMAHA NAT. BLD. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 2711. 1100 TO 110.000 loans mads promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 110 S. 11th St Wead Bldg. At 0161. Stocks and Bonds. Liberty Bonds Sbon'S HOUSE. 1321 1st Nat AT. 1(44. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 121 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. .FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE On account of age, excellent stock farm. Sea or write owner. "Wood lawn." R. 6. Mankato, Minn. No agents. Nebraska Lands. Cash for Your Land Sales made In (0 counties of Nebraska. Address Col. Mark Carraher, Central City; Neb. Drawn for kit. "Uti CAS UKE- Tta- oft, A CHfcHCf - 4Nt 9 VIA l WWWO IH lUUTWl VV1U6HX Of kXK m TWt. JkNv A TOO OT TIM- AS-OVWO FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Do You Want? .to Buy .. Land? Tell the number of seres desired, 'whether Improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc.. and I will assist you In lo cating auch a farm or rsnrh ss you are soeklng. I have no land of my own to sell, nor do I represent sny Isnd sell ing campsny. My assistants In locat ing a farm or ranch for you Is frea Write Homcflnder, Box 1-1925, Omaha ee. TTAPMQ Wrls M A. Larson, Centrai 1'n.XVlViO city. Neb., your wants for screags tracts, farms. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. HIGHLY Improved 158-acre farm near Tecumseh, Johnson county, Nebraska. Price $200. ' Loan $14,000. 6. Want east Colorado farm. Louis Miller, Frank fort, 4nd. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dodge St. Living room, dining room, kitchen first floor; 1 bedrooms, sewing room and bath, second floor; 14 osk floors and finish, -second floor. Full lot, shutbery, etc. Eaay term arranged. Glover & Spain, 919 City Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 2850. 6-rm. mod. Dundee." Osk trim. AT. 6260. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 140. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIJSS FOR .SALE One of the most desirable .cottages on Lake Qkobojl. Just west of . Inn. Most exclusive surroundings. Pos - session for this sesson. Also one for rent for season on Dixon's beach. M. E. De Wolf, Spencer, la. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. West DUNDEE. Just as. we state In this add a splendid sound house of 8 rooms, needs - painting outside but In fine shspe in side. A beautiful 50-foot lot with pav ing all paid. Has a garage. We are out to sell this house for the owner Is here from out of the city and stopping at a down town, hotel to do it. Priced at $5,800 and as he ssys we are either to sell it or . give It swsy In the next few days'. Let us hear from you. ' Call Mr. Mitchell, KE. 0791 or office open to p. m. AMOS GRAN?1 COMPANY,- Realtors. AT. 8380. 210 South 18th, Ground' Floor. Leavenworth Heights Bungalow $5,250 Now building. ,Five fine rooms, sttlc, and full cemented basement. Oak floors. Well built, well arranged and well lo cated. . On paved street. Close to car. Easy terms. . Evenings call Grant Ben son, Walnut 1680. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block.' Atlantic 3540. ONLY $6,960! ON FONTENELLE BLVD. Six-room atrictly modern bungalow, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen and 3 bedrooms: one room fin ished in attic that may be used If do sired. Terms. . J. L. HIATT COMPANY, Jesse L. Hlatt. First Nat. fik Bldg. AT. 9900. . Working Man's Chance Only $1,975, $300 cash. Homey 4-r. . place. Large lot, trees, near car and school. El. It., water and. sewer. No commission. 4312 Pierce.' North. Minne Lusa A beauty, bungalow of six splendid ' rooms including eunroom. Large liv ing . room With guest room closet Beamed ceilings, dandy large bookcases. Pedestal opening between living room and panelled dining room. Beveled . plate , French' doors to sunroom. A dream of a kitchen with all kinds of cabinet work and bulltin Ironing board. Tlis bath with recessed tub. Pedestal lavatory and clothes chute. Two fine corner bedrooms with plenty of closet space. Best of oak finish and oak floors throughout. Fine attic. Full basement with coal and fruit room. Gas heater. Selected brick foundation with cement steps. Plenty of shrub bery and hedge. Garage for one car, 2 dandy south front lots. Will sell separata vrtth one lot Charles W. Martin & Co., Realtors 737 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. AT. 1$T. KELLASTONE BUNGALOW. Brand new. an especially sttractive place, oak and enamel finish: large rooms, breakfast nook, built-in cup boards. 8outh front lot. Located In one of the beat parta of Minns Lusa. Price $6,260, $1.(00 cssh. RASP BROS. Ill Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. 3336 CAMDEN Ave,. ( rooms, modern with hslt sera of fruit 11,090 cash, balance monthly. ( Bee Bldg. JA. 0200. ONLY $400 CASH. 7-room modern. Only $4,600. Rear I 14th and Spragua, Call AT. 4138. ID. E. BUCK CO. buy pA sell homss. MM AW Th Be by Sidney Smith tOsPfftSBll ttlll CAIW Ml AMtTkUHG THt MAH WHO tTOOO I vie wo M,iit took VMAt wO I CAXt? At COMTCKTMIHT MIH 0M Of Kat TrfCMNCi tOPt i Drawn for The Bee by McManiu iCopyrtghti It21 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South, 3062 8. HTH ST. Six-room bungslow, $7,16. C. G. Csrlherg. Rvsltor. Ill Brsndels Theater Bldg. JA. 0586. Vacant. Ralston Lots ill; payments. 1 hsne Stewart, Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot, n. e. corner 67th and Har ney. 80x100. Beautiful location. Priced to sell. $3,000. KE. 0460. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terms. Atiantio 3640. DUNDEE lot . near 61st and Farnam Sts.. $1,000. Geo. CO.. Realtors. AT. 3024. Acreage. LOOK HERE Nine small farms for sale, ranging in size from 8 acres to 40 acres, all on Lincoln highway, 40 minutes by auto from Omaha, adjoining town with high school and churches within 5 min , utes' walk. If you. have been looking for a place . to build a country home, or to raise fruit, garden truck, chickens, or dairy, this U tlis opportunity. f a life , time. Select one of these fine tracts NOW, pay 1,i down, balance on long easy terms. Prices range from $300 to $460 per acre. By appointment , will take you by auto to see them. . . This is absolutely your . . Last Chance to buy land so close to Omaha at any such prices. W. A. EHLERS 231-35 City Nat'l. Bldg. Douglas 4931. Street Graveling RIDGEWOOD Work Is Now Under Way Paving contracto r has started work ; on Ninetieth- and Pacific streets. Home Sites in the First Unit of the Big West Pacific Residential Development District Are. Being Taken Up Rapidly. - Some Good Sites Still Available Many City Conveniences No City Taxes Come Out Today Early or Late Development Is West. ' Omaha Is Growing West West streefs being paved, Ak-Sar-Ben developing its western activities every year, country clubs going westward, drives in Elmwood. park being paved, etc. How to Get There: Drive west through Elmwood Park, on Pacific Street to Eightieth, or west through Dundee and Fairacres, turning south on Beverly -Drive, just before reaching Peony Farm. j Salesmen and Office on the Ground,' Prices LOW, and Terms EASY : SHULER & CARY REALTORS DOuglas 5074 J3 IS REAL ESTATE irfPROVED. Acrts(. For Sale or Exchange . fa fiem Ika pev4 fu.d. IS ilea fram ika sa4 af Ik Kiarea'a ear Uka. a aaraa )k eery mart.ia a. rmmm baaaa. awls fcaaea aiker bui'diatei part la allaila ! ' alas, aarantlraasa II. ass. I'n.e ll.soe Win Inula far fceua ib Ontaka aa4 U KKkVsl HBAf. lSkTATK COMPVT, 4U Osnska Nanaaal Vaak ktui. RSALTOItS Jre.H I'H. 2t Acres-$1,450 Iwsvale4 SB llh Street, five klacke saik a( Cealer " rar Tkia is o last chaure a kay la la acreage. The Kyron Reed Compariy Pewglaa tltt. isnrsinam Si. rAIHA?liKB. IV aeraa. High, alghlly leailB! east frnnl; eloaa to pae4 slteal, I'rltS air l.M. Hastings & Heyden Mil Harney Ht Allsntl Miictllinsoui. , Home in Good Neighborhood TU ran gel this well Bulll horns, nattly dacoratad throughout. rnnaUitag of living mom, dining room. te4rom. bath and kncba. Living room, dining roem oak floors and finish, bath room whits anamt. kllehea built-in rsMnots. Full rsmenled basamsnt, lloor drain; Road hasting Plant, garage, a pratly edge around the yard. This is lik-sted Mf a park baulsvard, rar line, arnnst and ran be aurchassd on easy lnaa Payne & Carnaby Co.. l Omsha Nat'l Wldg. JA Jali Look Them Over and Call 4 rooms modern, 2flh and Cass. $1 . tea; I ronms, mod era), ilth and lon. $6,600; I rooms, tlf Pins St , 17.. o. modern; list and Nichols. T rooms, modern. fU.nos. Others on our list, Gallagher & Nelson ' 62 Teters Trunl Bldr J A 1111 KKW home, small cash payment arm build your new noma on a mt in- norm part; build It to suit you. Call tvaulngs, AT. 947. WILL build snd financa your new Boms for you. -HASTIN08 HEYDEN, ' 1414 Hsrnsy.Si. . AT. Rubber "die m storage. .: Spragues are freth rubber. Buy them at the" Mill. I LOT SALE j I Sunday 1 Westmoreland"' I v Addition 2 The last close-in district in which you can buy. GOOD lots at $225 to $500 ' $25 Down, $S per Month. ,. i .'- T Only 23 minutes to 15th and I Farnam, direct car service. I Fine stores, schools, churches, etc. City water, sewer, side? walks, electric light and teltn f phone lines through a greater" I part of this addition. Make I your down payment today and start building tomorrow if you! wish. Come out today.' Take I North 45th St. car and get off I at 45th and Wirt Sts., or drive. J by auto , to 46th and Grant and north to Wirt St: Sales- I men on grounds all day Sat- I urday 'and Sunday. , I I 515 Peter Trust BMf. AT Untie 2403 IN 2d Floor Keellne Bid