12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 16. 1922 " Denies Racial : Antipathy Caused Annapolis Row Secretary Roosevelt Reprl- nianJi Ensigu OInistcad for Cruel Treatment of - Fellow Student WisliinRlon, June IS. Acting Sec- rftary of the Navy Roosevelt today official reprimanded Ensiijn J. L. Olmsted, editor of the Lucky litg, 1 the year book of the present year'a graduating class at Annapolis, for " "cruel and unwarranted" treatment of Leonard Kaplan, a fellow mem ber o (the class. When asked for a codv of the rep rimand. Acting Secretary Roosevelt ' made public at the same time a statement in which he expressed the belief that no racial antipathy was behind the treatment of Kaplan. , No Racial Motive. "A most serious note in this in- stance at the academy' Col. Roose ? velt said in his statement to news- papermen, "was struck by the query . of certain people's minds as to whether the action has been taken because of racial reasons. Feeling "as strongly as I do how un-Aineri- ' can any such distinction as this .should be, I have gone most care I fully into this phase. I am happy to say that I am convinced that, bad Z though this incident was, no such motive was behind it. " "The records o fthe naval acade I my show that in the class of 1922, nine men entered their faith as Jew ish. Certain of these men were among the most popular in the class. Furthermore, -a number of our prom inent officers in the past and at the "present time are of Jewish faith or , Jewish attraction. ' , . Part of Record. ' 2, "The traditions of our country have always been exemplified by our tnayy. We pride ourselves that in the service there are no distinctions of race or creed." The reprimand automatically be- comet a part of Olmsted's official navy record. Ensign Olmsted is at tached to the battleship Wyoming. Baltimore, Md., June IS. Ensign Leonard Kaplan of West Virginia fwai quoted here today as willing to "let the matte,r drop.'1 Farewell Dinner Gven in Honor of Morris Levy 1: an ... Morria Levy. On the eve of his departure to spend the summer in ' Europe, 50 friends of Morris Levy, venerable head of the Nebraska Clothing com pany and chairman of the Jewish welfare Federation, tendered him a farewell' dinner in the Brandcis res taurant, last night. Harry A. Wolf, toastmaster,' paid tribute to Mr. Levy's service to the community and his activity in bring ing about a complete federation of all Jewish communal work locally. Dr. Philip Sher, William Holz man, Harry Lapidus, Henry Monsky, Commissioner Harry Zimman, Isidor Ziegler and Louis Kirschbraun made brief talks. The guest of honor made a gra cious response. Though past three score and ten, he is daily in his of fice and untiring in his philanthropic works. . Men Picked Up on Streets to Complete Jury Panel Because judymen were excused for illness and failure to qualify yes terday, W. D. McHugh, jr., election commissioner, was forced to secure 10 talesmen from the streets to com plete a panel to hear the case of Guy O. Rabeck, who is suing Marbral DcWitt for $50,000 damages, on the allegation that he was run down by DeWitt's automobile. Suit for $1,500,000 Docketed for Trial Judgment Against Indepen dent Telephone Stockhold er! Sought by Receiver. Suit for $1,500,000 against two stockholders in the old Independent Telephone company of Omaha, brought in behalf of bondholder and judgment creditors a year ago by James H. iianley, receiver, is docketed for trial in ledcral court at Lot Angeles Monday. i Foreclosure suit against the Inde pendent company in federal court here in 1912 developed the fact that the company owed bondholders and creditors $2,5UO,0U0. The physical property of the compauy was sold to the Bell company for $1,000,000, leaving a deficit of $1,500,000. Asserting that three California stockholders had purchased $5,000, 000 worth of stock and failed to pay for it Charles S. Elgutter, Omaha attorney, brought suit against them. The death of one of these stockhold ers left but two defendants in the case: U. S. Grant, jr., of San Diego, aud William 11. Allen, jr., of Lot Angeles. Air. Elgutter, with Arthur Mul len, also of Omaha, contends that a deficiency judgment obtained in fed eral court here, makes Grant. and Allen liable Sacred Heart Commencement Exercises to Be Held Today Commencement exercises of the sacred Heart High school and Sa cred Heart Junior school will be held at Sacred Heart church this morning. High mass begins at .9, to be fol lowed by distribution of prize and conferring of diplomas on graduates of both schools by Rev. P. J. Judse. The graduation sermon will be preached by Rev. A. T. Schott Jefferis to Make Flag Day Address at Lincoln. Sunday Congressman A. W. Jefferis. will make the Flag Day address at Lin coln Sunday evening under the aus pices of the Lincoln lodge of Elks and the Lincoln post of the Ameri can Legion. If you want to sell your present business or get into a new one, a Bee Want Ad'will help you. MM-Joime Sale Drug and Toilet A rticles FRIDAY AND SATURDAY c 16th and Harney 1 16th and Dodge 19 th' and Farnam 24th and Farnam I 49th and Dodg ; U- CIGARS A"for ,25 c 'Standard brands, Fri day and Saturday. 10c straight CIGARETTES Camels, Chesterfields, Spun, Lucky Strikes, Black and - rhite, Piedmonts, Friday and Saturday, 2 pkgs.. . mOC &ATHING CAPS All styles, sizes and colors Jockeys, Tarn O' Shan ters, Divers' Skull Caps and many others. Priced ftoin 19c to $1.50 Quickly Regrow Your" Bobbed Hair Women who wish to stimu late the growth of their hair should try Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage, which is so suc cessfully growing hair. Strong, vigorous hair surely follows a Wealthy condition of the scalp and a good circulation of blood to the hair roots. Ask us for Van Ess, which comes in a patent applicator bottle. Easy to apply. If used as di rected it will cause your hair to grow 8 to 10 inches each year. TOILET NEEDS AT REDUCED PRICES 50c Victor's Cucumber, Benzoin and Almond Cream . . . . . . . . . . ,..334 25c Mavis Talcum ..... .... .17 25c Qui Sait Talc ...... . . ..... .24 35c Mary Garden Talc. .... ... . .244 25c Williams' Talc. (4 kinds).... 14, $1.25 Houbigant's Ideal or Quelques ' Fleurs Talcum . . . . . . . . . . ... .894 $1.00 Murray & Lanman Florida Water for ......,......,....... 694 35c M. & L. Florida Water ......244 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste .344 50c Pepsodent ....334 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste . . . . . . . 194 $1.25 Piver's Azurea, LeTrefle or Flor- amye Face Powder . ..... . . 744 $1.50 Ayer's -Ayeristocrat Cream for ' '...$1.14 50c Velvetina Face Powder . . . . . .344 $1.50 Azurea Vegetale ....... S1.14 30c Amolin .244 60c Orchard White ....394 35c Pond's Vanishing Creamy.. 24 STANDARD REMEDIES AT LOW CUT PRICES 75c, 16-oz. bot..Paraf fine Oil (internal cleanser).. 494 50c Milk of Magnesia. .3945 75c Parke, Davis Alophen Pills ............. 544 35c Freezone . .'. . . . . ?244 25c Rexall Foot Powder, 194 60c Pape's Diapepsin. . .444 35c Spring Tabs, of Sulphur and Cream of Tartar, 274 40c Castoria ........ .244 75c'Q-Ban Hair Restorer for .............. 544 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for ............... 444 30c Sal Hepatica ......224 $1.90 S. S. S. ..... $1.49 85c Jad Salts 594 60c Syrup of 'Figs . . . . . 444 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp. . 984 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil for 394 50c Borden's Malted Milk for ...... 394 $1.00 Malted Milk.... 794 $3.25 Malted Milk... 82.89 $1.50 Gude's Pepto-Mangan for ............ $1.14 1 Now Open Soda COOL Room Everything bright and new. Cool, delicious drinks, Sundaes, etc, 16th and Harney Downstairs JOSS STICKS (Package of 180 sticks) Will keep away insects and . perfume the house. 1Q package. $TujfjpTf$ Free! Fresh Yucatan Chewing Gum At All Stores Friday and Saturday. Come in and ask for it 50c Bicycle ' Playing Cards for .............. 394 35c Boraseptoline Tooth : Brush -,.. .. 244 25c -Pink Velour Powder Puffs 94 $6.60 Polar Cub Electric Fans ........... 84.98 T'- LYKNU FURNITURE POLISH 25c sise ........,...194 50c aiza v.. ......... .394 $L00 size 694 BATH SPRAYS Fit Any Faucet $1.00 to $5.00 Thermos and Vacuum Bottles $2.50 Full Pint Alum inum Vacuum Bot tle, special QA . sale price. . SOAPS IntheNewIfedtagei -to the same genuine ' ' Special Sale Pric LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 for ....254 8 for 494 16 for 954 25c Woodbury's Soap. ..194 ' 30c Resinol Soap......2l4 15c Lux 94 Palmolive Soap, 3 for. .254v Don't "Swelter Buy a Bond 1 Summer Suit and Be Comfortable! Gemiiie Fatei Eeacli and ,Col Ootn A man's efficiency is greatly affected by his bodily comfort if. he feels right he can work right You can't really be comfortable in that heavy woolen . suit. . Why try .to be when for a very small expenditure you can enjoy these hot days . in one of Bond's Palm Beach or Cool Cloth 2-pants suits. : The ex-. tra pair give you more wear. White Flannel Trousers Made of Clark and Danner Flannel (the best obtainable) and a great showing of summer suits, with one pair of trou i . sers. These suits are far . better than the average as are all Bond's Clothes. In- " stead of "hanging like a bag," these suits fit It's : "all in the way they are tai lored. ; Every wanted summer fab ric is here Palm Beach, Cool Cloth, Havana Cloth, and Mohair. Gabardine Suits Silk $0 A Trimmed . aJ Tropical Worsted Suits $700 V . v 1 'J tA ' Kt mM'li ft If f H ' ( w Wl fAi cnfw IV if u V v Vly TfM J a, I II There's Economy in Bond's Policy Bond's Direct to Consumer Plan Means Tremendous Savings for Bond's Patrons Just as the most directroute between two given points is the shortestso is the most direct method of reaching the consumer the most economical. Bond's Clothes are made in Bond's own factories and sold through Bond's stores, direct to the wearer. No road salesmen) no retailers, no credit losses all these ex pense items are entirely eliminated. We're, not doing the im possible,: but we're following, a definite" plan which has proved itself absolutely -practical and economical. : , Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 1514 Faraani St. f Alterations Free iMii'ytiftM 1 "' 1 J New York Cleveland Detroit Akron Toledo Pittsburgh Younptowa Louisville Colarabui . Cincinnati St Louis Kansas City Lorain . Omaha A r is&ttuni i i Ct : T, JUUUXXM(fSlsUV J-rs