t New Want Ad Rates it pee baa ah day. I at I , 11. p 4. lit f. aw "- iiapaa nun as-. ) mw imibv. Ta reiae il i Ta Beads tt well I Tb Morals sal Kveaiag Baa, All weekday !) it-m.ai. epraeir la boib MMBln 4 414 ediltaa ( IB 0e et, Tk above reia pply sclnelvel' la Waal A4e which ata cmmeal terffte kil vaau." aa 4a Be laolad verti.emenie of ta4ivi4al( a ad. evrueiaa or espiomag laaia aualaaaaaa. TUB BKB reaerve In rifkl iWaatf Bat what retain him a aubna aaai. Waal Ad accepl.d at lb lulea-laa pi, r, MAIN OPFICM nm and r.raem Ha. Seal Bi 4ltl Raaik ilih Cuil Bluff it aeon at. Teiepno - AT.tenile 111. Call fr Waal Ad Deeartment. Aa a. periaiwed waal A4 teaer WIN reeeiv your a4 aad bill will will ba nulled latar. Tka rata quoted apply la Her (barf af ean oraara. - ci.oivo Mouai fob want am Evening Edltiea ,11:11 a. m. Warning Kdlliaa) p. . undey Kltl I ft, ah Saturday MUlini'K' a .,.. . THK MORNING BUI.. THB EVBN1NU Br.16. i THB HirNOAT fKK. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. LOCKHART r.lmoa T t saaaad aa at lha bom, till Fowler Ava.. Tundar. J una II, llil. ft year. Mr. Local)." la survived by hie wife. 4 daughtera, Mr. IMmar Jeffrie. Dwlghl. Ill i 4 A, Bar- raa, Omaha: . O Charrlf. Norfolk. Nab. aa Miu Bath Lockhart of Omaha; 1 aana, C. B. Lorkhart. Ktnaaw, Neb.i O. r. Lock hart, Omaha j K. w. UKanart, Olbboaa, Nab. .... . Funeral aarrlraa Juns II. 1133. tram oby-Moor funer! noma. 14lh and Irt. at 1:14 p. m. Bervice la chapel i af lha a. A. vtitl Interment al rraal Un cemetery. AlMl'HSEN Jene Peter. Juaa 14, A fad II year I month aad II day. I'l South Twalfth. al laoal hospital. Sur vived by thraa daughters, Mra. Mabel Ora vaa. Pleaaaaten. Nab.) Mra. Asm Baadiraaa and Ulaa Lala Raanuaaa. ba'h or Omaha, Ramatna war aaal at till a. m. Friday front Hoffman Punaral Homa tar laiarmtnt at Past. Nab. CUNNINOH AM Jlffla B, paaaad aa al lha homa, ilol Uavaauort, Wtdoaadayi Juna 14. A aad II. Panaral aarleaa .will ba hald tram lha homa, S p. m . Friday, J ana II. rvaaral arvlea la eharfa Bt. John ladf a, A. r. and A. U. talirmaat Foraat Lawa eamatary. f TAN William, aaad 71. dM4 Tharadar atornlnr. Daeaaaad waa a rotlrad farmar . af Malroaa, la. s aarvlrad by two broth ara, John, aad Itav. E.. W. Ramalna will ba aaat from Haafty Haafay cbapal Friday at I , a. m. to Albla, la., (or nana i CEUETER1E8, Visit Forest Lawn Thara ara lit arraa la Forait Ijawa aamatary, tha maat baautlfwl apol In thla alalnlty; aufflctaat lo aeoanmadata lha paoola at Doutlaa aounty for kundrada af yaara. Thara ara aala a faw laraor amatrlaa In tha country nana In thla vieinity. urricea at ina oametary mono af city llmlta), and lit Srandala Thaatar lrt. FUNERAL DIRSCTOKS. F.J. STACK & CO. Btaok Faleonar ' OMAHA'S BEST. rAMBULANCPHrai; Thlrty.lhtTd and Taraaat. HEAFEY: & HEAFEY Vadartakara and Smbalmara. -bona HA. 0341. Offloa till Farnam. , Hulse & Riepen, Fanaral Dlractora. - tilt Cumlna. CROSBY-MOORE Tb. florists. LEE LARMON fSTJ AT IT WITH FLOWER FROM HEM A BWOBODA. 1411 FARNAM STREET. j. HEND1CRSON, HOT Farnam. JA. 111. JOHN BATH. 1114 FanW, tA. ' ATTRACTIOW& " "T; MBRRT-GO-ROUND own.r, p.t la th wltk Ickeraoka akj s 16a haw aa prapdlltloa to ojTr o. , BIS, Faartt at July celebration. I i Jtlt Pt wlra,- foM Ward.- aaeratary. ; 1 ' . '-' 1 v WANTED All hlnda at oontaaaiona for ana . of tha blag aat calabntiona avar pullad off in thia part of tha aauntrr. Cordi F. Dterjka. eoacaaaion com. nieKoraon, sn.o. WANTED Marry OaRoua4 eoncaaalan . v af all klnda, for fourth. of July. Unday - anaplcaa of American Lofton. Sutton, jwao.j cox. a.a. LOST, FOUNI AND REWARDS.' IOST In ElmwaaA park ladya- wrtat waten.- oval anapaa, piannnm, amau diamonda In eaaa. Very liberal reward. J. W, Lewl, JAj ttll. . TRAVBLINd bag on B e n a o n road, few blocks weat of carllne Sunday night Kl. 1277. Reward. LOST Bunch of keya between Jth and Hickory and Hat and Wrlfht. Reward. Call Harney M3S. ' - 6. O. W. pay check 10.632 loot near Grain wxchantra Juna 15. Reward for return. DO. 1889. " LOST On Fort Crook hlhway. 1 atraw uttcaee. Reward.. Return to Hotel Cas tle. xr. Nolan. LOST Oold rosary near Holy Family enurcn. .nm ana i.aiu. v. LOST Oold watch, initials C. H T. on back. Call ATlantlo 1117 i LOST Tire. 7i6; finder please call KB. 4I7T. LOST Black horse from 414 and. T Sta., , Market 1888. t5 reward. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial homa solicits your old clotting, furniture, ' magaalne. We collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4111 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect oar new home. 1110- 1112-1114 Dodge St. quiet heme for chronic cases or people:, trained nurse; terms. WE. TERN1TT HOME, electrlo baths for lervoiisness. lilt Emmet. WIS. till. HAONET-IC hatha-, Violet Ray treatment with Massages., 114 8. lth. AT. 1381. , THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lisbon's, Omaha. SULPHUR hatha. Swedish massage, ohl . ropody. Evenings to 8. JOI & 20th 81. FOR nurses by the hour or for eau AT. 1988. or WA. lill. ' MA88AGE Emma. Brott, 1717 Webstar. EXPERT MASSAGE.' ATLANTIC 1141. BENT vacuum cleaners. Tic. HA. 1471. FISHER Bath, mass. 880 Arthur Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, . aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch . f fng. buttonholes. Write Ideal Button At . Pleating Co.. sot Brown Black, Omaha, NEB. PLEATING d Button. i.oe nrnaa. id noor. DO. iT. Chiroprtctoci. Carlson 5?--. .StsrH . c baivii - aaayyaan awaA,. m WE. Ills. Office) hraw It a. m.-4M p. aa. ' CoHtncfofs, ' OARAGES built, any atyla and alia. 114 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumbar At wrecking Co. Tel. WE. Mil. Dancins; AcadcmiBs. lARN to dance: aaauier claaaee; 14 lea- . ataep a. ma Farnam. DO. to. SKTTAL X-RATS. la aaeh. al . aii lit Socwttioa BMc, llth aad Farnam. DVMCttVSta ladapendet Datectlva Bureau, 104 Neville sb.at.iwi: nigat, wa. 401; KB. 444 a RELIABLE Detect! va Bureau, Railway aau giag.. ja. nee; nignt, KB. sua. JAMES ALLAN, Ill Nenile Blk. Evidence ' aecurea la all cane. AT. 1114. Kodak FaTiUteii. XLMS DEVELOPED FREE. iTha Ena4f Ceu 14M Howard at : FlfffaPfB. WIT 7 wBAU. I aid : . k THE GUMPS Ur PCPA0RI AMP nSsVPtltVeJ, fW9 , A Xm "TO tH- WOV, ZAHOtt.- m iom tr uro hi im ivft tnrtvTU Bgrr tnl HOT MfXII. VX VKTiV. tt fZtoS TO fMH. ui -nniLiuuLrui.n siutj A wttU. KUVOPf-1 TVIl HaXMtwrriklfi Uorf rAMitvit.- hih BRINGING UP I'M TO ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dr4MroAklng. Kmbroiderlng." dreaamaklng. AT. 'IT1T. MattrosBds. CITT MATTRESS CO. . Mattresses made nvar. New ticks. Bog Springa Repaired. -Bill Cuming St. AT. 4IT. OsteopathB. OR. MABEL WESSON, Osteopath, 141 woria-M.raia mat. At. Ja. ts. Priating. aDDT Frintlns Co. Ill A IB Bt Do. II4T. . Pitnt snd Paper HsiniBg. PAPsTRHANGINO and painting properly ley, At. 4111. CLEAN paper, wash walls; eip. JA 1041. Pattnt Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1712 faaga, room sot. Also wuningten, u. C. I help Inventors sail their" patepta. WetjcUtu StatJondry. WBDBINO inviuttene and announcements printed or engraved t samples sent upon request. Brandale Printing department . MiwellaosoiM Announcamonta. OAITED saddle horsee for rent by hour or nay. AU ara gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA KUUC ACADEMY. Ak-8ar-Ben Field. Phone WA. 1051. DIAMONDS wfc. "wfth 'Privnel.- to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 402 N. iota, at, Teiepnona w. avv. WB buy, oall safes, make desks, show eases, eta., umana a-txtura a ouppiy co., a W. Cor. llth and Douglas. JA.2724. OMAHA PILLOW CO MP ANT, Mattressea made ever in new uena at nan pnes new beds, iso? cumtng. ja. hw. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, diseases Of women a. .a a i. sr r 44 aa, A fit It fa? It ana cpiiaren. r- timy n- a. FRK8CBIPTION8 carefully compounded at tn o Bhermao Mcuonneu yruw Btorea. WANTED TO BUY., DESKS DESKS DESKS ' Nsw dssks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 1141. Call WB. 1441 first Wa pay mora for furniture, rugs, stoves, ciotnee. FOR SALS. Furniture and . Household Oooda.'! -" Auction Auction 1 i" Three complete homes of furniture, rugs and furnlahlnga from three beauti ful Dundee homes. . To be sold In My Austlon House, 18th and Webster Sts. Tonight at 7 p. m. Consisting of two good plsnos, one player plane, 2 mahogany davenport tables, about 40 extra high-grade rugs, almost all alsea and kinds, two very ex pensive overstuffed parlor suits, one cane Inserted parlor auit, 1 library table, one very expensive American Walnut, one mahogany and one oak din ins room suit, t beautiful bedroom suits, in y Amsrlcen . Walnut and mahogany, massive Brass and Simmons beds,' com plete, dressers, chiffoniers, gas ranges, steel renin, ' linoleums, ice boxes, drapes, linens, pictures, sewing ma chines, sun and den room furniture, cooking utensils, laundry and garden tools, and hundreds of articles too numeroue to mention, s , James L. Dowd and Asst. Auctioneer. If 'you have" anything to sell call AT. lilt Or Walnut 4218. - Annual Auction or Unredeemed Household Goods The auction aala you have been waiting tor tha unredeemed household goods auction begins , Saturday, June 17 . '10 A M , Bekins Omaha Van & Storage ':'t' ur So. 17th St. Evening Auction . New, and Used Furniture Dimock Ruction House Friday, June 16, 7 p. m. D. C; Dimock, Auctioneer Take South Omaha, Car to 2421 South Bliteeaith Street. -. To Ssfl Faraltaro Cfatek, Tat. tO. 414; ' ... Aaetlaaa every Taeslsy aad Friday oteaia 4t T p. ns ST? IN SUNDAY Jlltll CA1. MSS tTRAbi&t MC ABTtat ASHWVl 10V KWW TMT AwAf fttOM xou .TO IT FATHER-- Beaiaeered 0. A fataaa Of flea WOW.! I THINK L OH I! WHEfcE tiONNA DIE Bel HAPPY IP 15 THE DOCTOR Of THE-tHlP? I WUZ feORE OP IT!! FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. The Friday V; " Stephenson y Auction v .Offers You, r ' Plenty of seats, no standing T up necessary. , ' Sales room Is well ventilated, plenty of fans, you will be cool. A downtown location, only five mln. ut.a' walk from 17th and Farnam Sta. A selection of ordinary, medium, high grade and miscellaneous furniture and home furnishings. - Tou will always find seaaonabla ar tides such as refrigerators, ice boxea, lawn mowers, etc, on sale. It starts Fri day. June 14, 1 p. m. JMI Captol Avenue. . - Frank; B. Stephenson ' Auctioneer., No aala Saturday. We will conduct the auction at the Omaha Van .& Storage Co. Saturday. Juno 17. , . ,. .- ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. 171 buys the best. Phoao Douglas 4123. - Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new player . . nlano. Balance aa low aa -ll0 ner - month. A. HOBPE CO., 111! Douglea. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sals, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations' free, 1 Northwest Cor, 16tb and Harney 'Sta. FULL DRESS aulta and. Tuxedos torrent. J A. 1128. 104 N. llth St- J, Feldman. ARMY shoes. 12.14. 704 No. llth Typewriters and Supplies, ; ........ TTPEWRITEBS AND x ' All MAKES bought, aold, rented and repaired. . 8olo agenU for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. . EVery machine auaranteed. . i Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 411. tl aarnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, 112.00 and up. Miaiana oince nuppiy tjo.. noi uooge. MiBcellaneous Articles. FOR SALE One mahogany office sot complete ; office equipment, , desks. ' chairs, hall trees., typewriters, diota- phones, calculators, tables, filing cabl- nets, tiro proof safea, Edison rotary mimeograph, other miecellaneous Heme; store fixtures, scales, ice boxes, electrlo coffee grloders, electric motors-., cooky " racks, sprinkler vegetable display, racks, cneese cutters, two wheel trucks, drink ing fountains, stencil cutter, bin scoops, platform ' scales, paper racks, scoops, tin tea bins, stepladdera, gaa and oil pumps, sausage stuff era, meat . sllcers, other miscellaneous items. Call at 715 South Ith, Omaha. V 10,004 bushel cherries for sale. Saturday, - Sunday, Monday, Pick them yourself. Price 12 per bushel. On Finch farm, Calhoun. Douglgas Sill.. Home Land scape Service Co. . EXPERT sewing machine- repairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1973. BOTTLES New and used. Nathan . Steinberg, 1011 Harney.- Da. 6166. 10,004 PEONIES at 75 cents a dozen. West Dodge Peony Garden. WA. 2983. ATHLETIC Club membership, 150.00. DO. ' 52. .. , - ...... .. , ....... .v. SURPLUS bees and supplies. WA. 3042. ; WANTED SITUATIONS. WHITE woman wants laundry work. KE. : B2S4. - ' - HELP WANTED MALE. An INTELLIGENT person,, either sex, may earn 1100 to 1200 monthly corre sponding tor newspapers; 111 to 121 weekly In spare time; experience un necessary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send 'for particulars.' National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. T. - v - ARCHITECTURAL Draftsman Wanted, at Once State experience and salary ex- ' pected. Address 208 Grain Exchange, Sioux City, la. IRON M OLDER wanted for light bench and floor molding. Addresa Caswell Manufacturing Co., Cherokee, la. SALESMEN Old established corporation manufacturing line of staple specialties paying liberal salary, commission and bonus, also expenses, has vacancies for .' high-class, experienced traveling sales - men, 21 to -60; If you can qualify, sea Mr. Jong wen, Room 401 . Hotel Sanf ord. SALESMEN Wanted at once, some 'live - salesmen to handle automobile special -. ty line In Iowa and Kansas. Have . choice territories now open. Apply 431 Securities Bldg. between hours of t and 4, Nebraska Weldene CO. ' SALES Manager Wanted A real one to handle the state of Neb., on commis sion but a large one. Staple 'article. See McCrillla, Hotel Rome, Room 404. 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. SALESMEN High-tentlOn stock, bond, typewriter or adding machine sales men for fastest-selling article en the market. Universal demand. It 174 a week Interests you call at 4lf Arthur Bldg. SALESMAN wanted to handle high-grade Una of bedroom furniture through Oma- , ha and vicinity. Write Buffalo Furni ture Mfg. Co.. Buffalo, N. T. - XXX you want to Increase your income 7 Write the National Auto School. 1114 - N. llth St. Omaha, far catalog. - - . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 114 8. 14tb. Write for catalog HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL, wishing 10 to to business college, can earn her tuition by doing soma flight office work for mo this sura . mer. Qlve your education and ago. Ad dresa Box W-111, Omaha Bee. - eiBVL, whits, for graeral houoewarh; small family; no Uoadry. HA. 117a. THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNK ltt. W. Of All the Sad Words of Tongue or Pen- Xanafttl'. NOV fttHAfS TvBmC TO tlCtrve A LtTTttt ROM ALL. TMB VBPtlAftaMr MimAw -nlAV "aw narrvw- TO 1kN WITH I WaMT fo W4JTT IT UsAS MOT VlATw (At W NPjBMIMj TQ&g VOV CAR "TOO- bTMOVAl y t Btvrr mav. aWCOMf, kntwj t CAM WMl THt 1 OP VOIMO pvTTMOVIT OO VOL) ,WAHT TO tea him? HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEWORK Want experienced woman to assist with housework. HA. 1113. MAID White; competent, for - general housework. Call WA. 12I. Nurses wtd. 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 1111; WA, 4211. SHORTHAND teacher. Lady to teach Oregg shorthand; big future; prefer someone wishing permanent position and . desirous of becoming Identified with work, , Teschlng experience , not neces sary. State age, education and previ ous employment Far Interview write Box H-117, Omaha Bee. WOMAN AS TRAVELING REPRESENTA - TIVE. ' Employment director of old estab . llahed Chicago corporation will inter . view mature women anxious to make '. permanent connection with splendid op ) portunlty for advancement Must have at leaat high school education and be free to travel extensively. No Invest , ment or experience necessary. R R. fare and-salary to start. POSITION WORTH 171 PER WEEK. Only -woman with personality, eul ' turn and refinement will bo considered. See Mrs. Carroll, Fontenelle Hotel. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles -and boys to learn , barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; atrletly modern. Call or write 1 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable. permanent and pleasant work. Training free. W. A. Hlxenbangh, 1114 St. Mary, EDUCATIONAL; , ' DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL - CompleU courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, eomptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all ' English and . commercial branches. Write, call or phono Jackson lilt for largo Illustrated catalog. Addresa . Boyles College Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Nsb. : Van Bant School of Business. Day and Evsning Schools. 224 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas 1114. " ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 501 Karbach Blk. J A. 1011. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET TOUR ROOM through7 The Bee furnished room di rectory. ' Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT. Very cool rooms in lovely new mod ern home, for 1 or t gentlemen. Har ' ney 7474. HOTEL SANFORD, 1ITH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent guests. WEBSTER ST., 8223, nice front room; close to car; for ladles or married cou ple, employed; private home. . CHICAGO ST., 3006, front room, private home, gentleman, electric fan. HA. 4787, - - ...'. I DODGE ST., 3003 Large, well ventilated room, twin beds, for 2 young men; pri vate family; walking distance, ha. sue. FURN. rms. with priv, bath; warm, com - fortable, cheerful; prfcoa reasons ble, day 1. TT ... 1 TT 1 1 . .rK Jim vr wn. niiuinun. . . . 33d St., Ill No. Nicely furnished room for. a gentleman; references required. - HA. 4?S1. : :- ' 26th St., 1505 So., 2" pleasant rooms, prlv. home; breakfast If desired. DO. 8478. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO -? . the ' better housekeeping rooms 14 the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter, Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city. COOL rooms, unfurnished or . partially modern, price very reasonable.. At lantlo 7442. ' . 2 LOVELY light hskpg. rms. In private home, modern. Call WB. 6431. LOVELY light housekeeping rooms, 15 to 17 per week. 124 So. list Ave. HA. 3718. I or 4 dandy housekeeping, 1st floor. AT. 0361. . , . . - Board and Rooms. TEL. . AT. - 6161 Elegantly furnished - rooms with board In private homo for ' one or two.- Walking distance. MARTHA ST., 1511 Nice room for couple . or 2 girls; private family; home cook " Ing. Atlantic 7134. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room tor light house i keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent Call Af. 1230. BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER Wanted to join me In light manufacturing in Omaha. Staple ar ticle In big demand; large profits; won derful opportunity for a good hustler. Smalt Investment.' Sea McCrillla, Hotel Rome, room 444, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. 15.464 handles going business In Sioux City. Ia, Becelpta more than 1304 daily. Sea Jim Wray, Room 143, Paxtoa hotel, On-aha, until Sunday noon. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. I-ROOM house with eleeplng porch I July 1 to September 1. Wal. lilt. FURNISHED 1-room cottage. Inquire 3837 B. 23d St MA. 3564. Unfurnished. 4i Harney st. . . Six-room flat, centrally located, good condition; rental. 174. S. L. HIATT CO., First Nat Bank. . AT. HOI. 4314 Dodgo St. .-room brick duplex. Fine condition. A P. Bostwka, AT. 1504, 0 i UHit TAKCN TX U'BtRTT OS VCHA9m A pJtNM CAfX 90 MU. t OtUVW AT AH , WOW V6U VfltU ACCW M.fx ticmw wort "tmat tots m o The wuauatoh ahd V .TW HkvWlW V4 m Un NOW I AM 6AIH& ftarwc TO N Av)TAUk MittRA.LV MHAPPr. V41rt tW OOQP WM. AM BlUf CD! u 7 Ir SEE JIOCS AND ' MAGGIE IN FULL' rACX OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY IU , I OONT WANT ) f R4H . 1 ( nm.Mf H .TH.AT .1 ' TO MOHAVE TO? J ' ' Aj ' J, OmTJ FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. KOUNTZB PLACE, duplex, north halt '2102 Spencer; l-room, all modern house, entire new decoration, soft, water In -, basement; stors room in attic. flO. References, HA. 1414. FOR RENT Six-room house, redecorated: ; .garage. . 2022 Pierce. - Now vacant; 137 per month. Call At. 2826. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FIVE rooms and sunroom to sub leaae at a reduced price. Theodon Terrace, 81st Ave. and Jackson St. Harney 2182. FOUR rooms, completely furnished; mod ern home; reasonable;, adults. Wal nut 6548. , - 1 , i FURNISHED, modern, cheerful, cool two room apt. 3837 So. 23rd St. Unfurnished. v For Rent 7 -room flat, 621 South 16th street, 174 per month. , George & Co. ATlantjc 3024. Peters Trust Company, ' WHERE OMAHA RENTS. HOUSEKEEPING Four rooms, - unfur nlshed, in new, strictly modern hornet :- no children; references required. KE. .. 4146. ..." . . . .. . .. TWO, tour and five-room newly decorated , . apartments. Tha Florentine, 611 a 36th St. Phono JA. 1432. IO Q room modern apartments. THB , &f O-DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 170 Howard St. AT, 1701. JA. 2101. CHULA VISTA, beautiful 6-room . apt, first floor; no children. 180. Ha. 1713. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close In. O, P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. DRAKE Court apartment, to party buy ing furniture. Atlantic 1781. St Marys Ave., 2516 Entire second floor of home,- 4 rooms, private bath. Adults. NOTHING like it 3 or 4-roora apt. with sleeping porch. -220 N. 23d. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT 10-room house with sleeping porch in first class locality, with plenty of ground around house. Box Hill, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to 6 Individual floors. WE. 3483. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth and Jones Sts. Garages. NEWLY built garage, 40x60, skylight: location 14-11-18 Chicago St.; corner or alley. Inquire D. V. Gross, 402 North 16th St. DO. 6049. ; - MOVING AND STORAGE. . "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-STORING-SHIPPING. Phone Jackson 0318. FIDELITY. :&G3,!k 1107-11 Howard St.r . FIREPROOF . WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household , goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. -. .. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4143. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken on Job or hr. Globo Van & Storage Co., J A. 4331.: AT. 4230. 620-24 North 16th St. TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 1881. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT aCf eenlngo, 11.10 per 100 lbs, A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. J A. 1142. : THOROUGHBRED wh. Spits dogs. Web ster 1391. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. FOR SALE Handsome tlve-gaited Sorrel Gelding saddle horse; 6 years old and " about 15 hands high. Plenty of atyle - and suitable tor a lady. Write H. V. Bcott, General Delivery, Grand Island, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. . REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. . , Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. . Fords, from 150 and up. ' Dodge, Buicks and other, $104 and up - . -. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., ; 1311 Harney St Central Garage. FOR SALE One 3tt ton Mack track, one ) hi ton Master truck, one 1 ton Repub lic truck. All In good running condition with covered bodies. Priced right for quick sale. Call at 716 South Ith or Phono AT. 1131. BOMB bargain in need Forda; prompt - delivery on new Fords. t. if. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. f i": Tho Handy Ford Service Station. . llth and Jackson Sts. - " DO. If 01 LOOK over our list of used cars. THB AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, fill Farnam St. 'AT. till. 4'HEB lnapectlon and water for all make battery. Balterv and Part Co, 1411 ' Farnam St.. AT. 1314. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmoblle Co-, llth and Howard Sta. AT. 1774. UBED radtatora. all makes for sal. Green ongh Radiator Repair. 3036 Fsrnar". PATENT Pullman bod built Into your auto at Pfeiffer', lift Lmureaworth. DODGE touring, 1136; good condition) 1556. WA. 6333. - filT FORD Touring, A-l shape. Call HA, 4171. HOLLY. 4trt auto trimmer. Ml A Jita, Drawn for XOU WVHCM tAHVT 6 AT I vmwt AN 4HAM nou cah '13 W0V tooi AN Tefit HOM a Drawn AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Omaha People ' Demanding -:: Free Licenses. . . I , '.. Some did not get under the wire. A few have not heard of our of fer. Perhaps .you are ons of : them. Friday and Saturday Last Chance. , ''' ..- . . ' Every car buyer on Friday and , ' Saturday got a-brand new 1122 car license good until December ", 31, 1922, They are free. Come In and see the cars. If you cannot afford a- new car, here ia the bargain offer of the '. year. Midsummer values, priced right and worth the money. NEBRASKA . , OLDSMOBILE ., ' COMPANY USED CARS THAT . CAN BE - USED. llth at Howard. . - AT. 1774. Fords,! Fords! , . i .. . .. .. i r . - . ,-ta i f Newrgnd. Used. ; : .. ;. . Cash or' Terms. ' ? W have them all prices all ' ; models. Be sure and sea us before you Jbuy. , McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station.'" Authorized Ford and Lincoln ' ..... Dealers. - , . .' ..... .... . -15th and Jackson Sts, . DO. 8500. Open Sunday fronv-4 till 11 a. m. Fords!; Fords! .. . , -,'5 . ' . New and Vsed. '-. i. 1 s " Cash, or Terms. Wo have' them all prices all models. . :.. Be sure and see ns before- you buy. , , McCaffrey Motbr Co., "The Handy Ferd Service Station." . Authorized Ford and Lincoln . ' . Dealers. . . - 15th and Jackson Sts. . . DO. 3504. Open Sundays from 6 till 11 a. m. BUY A GUY L- SMITH USED CAR, ,.- . A Safe Investment.-. - -26th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1170. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HOMES for sale. APTS. tor rant W. J. Palmer Co., Beal Estate Management" Specialists: Keeline Bldg - AT. 8986. List your homa Buy yonr home, BINDER & OTIS, .Real Estate. Loans. Rentals. JA 361. Charles W. Young & Son Real Batata, Rentals, Insurance, 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. 4668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1130 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. ' JA. 1434. Reed & Co.: 1247, Farnam St Phone AT.. 6146. VJlVUCflNAVr ua far quick results. 1418 First- Kat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 1466. TlTP'K'Ti1rPrP REAL ESTATE DlXVIYi-J 11 Belle, Rents, Insures. 366 Peteru Trust Bldg-, JA. 4481. LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. 't AT. 3403. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, - 4 per cent AMOS ORANT CO., 201 S Isth. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8316. 15 YEARS' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKBY SON. 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. J A. 4228. HAVE Inqulriea tor homes do you want to sell - your property? List It with C A. QrlmmeL Omaha Nsfl Bk. Bldg. NEW homes, completely financed. , Pay like rent. C T. SPIER 4s CO, Realtor, . 304 Peter Trust Bldg. DO. 4867. WANT or 7-room, wall located. In Dun- dee, by the first; have cash. Box 13L Omaha Be. OROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern bouse. 431 By. Kxchg. Bldg. AT. 5S. EO. T. PORTER a CO. " Real Batata, Rentals, Insurance. 141 South llth. AT. III. LIST your homes tor aal with ua Wa have the 'customer. PAYNB INVEST MENT CO. WANTED TO BUY A small horn from owner. - Hsve 5n cash. HA. 3630. E. G. Gangestad & Sons WE can sell your property if priced right. GEO. - T. . JONES CO.. AT. 4611. . LIST your - property with W. Farnam Dmltn CO., nip Farnam St WANT to buy t-rm. homo. Bos H14I. Bqnltabla Traat Co. Realtara. AT. till. Wastara Real feteta Co, J4,Mt The Be by Sldnty Smith Cofrthli Hill A viowwifuv HI VH VeH- uoo. ti lNf for The Bee by McManut (Copyrlahti 1M . REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your property with R. D. Clark CoT, Securities Bldg. - FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WB have cash n hand to loan en Omaha residences. - . E. H. LOUGEE, INC. ' , 638 Keeline Bldg. ' Farm .Loans ftftSSTZSZ: Klok Investmnt Co.. I4t Ora. Nafl Bk. b-ibst morifi.i loans made nromDtly on Omaha real estate. Shopen Co.. Realtor. - J A. 4121. 134 Keeline Bldg. niu IMP PROPRRTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 141 OMAHA NAT. BLBv OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 On. Nat Bk. Bldg. - Jackson 3711. 146 TO 110.600 loan mado promptly, F. D, WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 110 B. 18th St Wead Bldg. At 0181, Stocks and Bands. Liberty Bonds Ws'od- house. i3zi lit mat. i. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. ML City wat'l BanaBio. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Do You - Want to - Buy Laud' . Tell the number of acres desired whether improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down. etc.. and I will assist you in lo cating such a farm or ranch as you ar seeking. I have no land of my own to sell, nor do I represent sny land sell-, ing company. My assistance' in locat ing a Tarm or ranch roe you la tree. Write Homefinder, Box Y-1925, Omaha Dev. Cash for Your Land Sales made In 60 counties of Nebraska. Address Col. Mark Carraher. Central '..uy. jsen. .............. . PAPMQ Write M. A. Larson. Central a "iviuo city. Neb.,- your wants for aareage tracts, farms. - Minnesota Lands. FOB. SALE On account of ago. excellent stocx farm. See or write owner. "Wood lawn," R,' .... 5, 7. Mankato. .Minn. No ' agents. '".-! - - REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. HIGHLY Improved 158-acre farm near incumipn, jonnson county, ixeorasK. Price 1200. Loan 114.000. 5. Want east uojoraao tarm, .uouta Miner, nann fort, tnd. '- REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. PRETTY 5.R. BUNGALOW . RTRIfrrr.Y MOD. ALL ONE FLOOR. EAST FRONT. EX. LARGE LOT. SHADE AND FRUIT t 11.000 DOWN. ' 13.750. WORTH 15.000. t This Is euro a wnderf ul bargain. Only 3 blks. from street car. Choice location. can Jackson 2282. - . w Dundee. "A Man's Home" ' Here's the homo that fills the bilL . Corner lot, 8 large sized beautiful rooms, extra large full length Irving room, fire . place, sun room, French doors, large sleeping- oorch. hested Karaee for three cars and chauffeur's- room. You must see this at once. Priced under cost. Shown by appointment only. Schroeder Investment Co. REALTORS. . JA. 8261. - 638 Ry Excbge. Evenings call Schroeder, HA. 0411. Mead, osov. isoocn, WA. onus. ' 1 New Dundee Bungalow We are building two ultra modern bungalows In the- Dundee- dtetrlet,- each has five rooms and breakfast room, fire place, built-in boekcasee, cabinets In Kiicnen, linen closets (2) ana other con vience too numerous to mention. Con- f- sidering the quality of construction, lo cation, etc., the price is remarkably low. - The terms are 6800 cash and balance monthly. . The Byron Reed Company uougia orT. ' - -nil ntntm st. . , Brand New The homa you-have been looking for. Six room, very attractive arrangement, excellent finish. 'Very easy terms ar-' . ranged. ,. .'..,. . - . Glover & Spain REALTORS. JA. 1856. 416-20 City National. Dundee ; Bargain, $12,500 - This beautiful red sand stona home, with-- two-oar garage. In thla location. ' couldn't be duplicated today for 116.10. , It s a beauty and will move quickly at thla price.- Terms can be arraaged If you have about one-third to one-half cash. For further information or ap pointment call HsV. 4311 eve., or AT. 1057 day. WANTED A VACANT LOT. Witt accept a vacant lot aa tint pay . meat oa a l-room. strictly modern homo la Dundee neighborhood. House ' t yesr old; paved street; would sell oa easy term. Atlantic SSM, ve .' ninge; Atlantic 7411. day. Mr. Cars. 4-rm. mod. Dundee. Oak trim. AT. 1251. j Florence. NETHAWAT Mil and trade. KB. 1401. REAL. ESTATE OTHER CITIES FOR BILE - Oaa af th most desirable cottage oa Lake OkoboJL Just west of Ina. Moat oxeluotv surrounding. Poo eeaioa for thla season. Also one for r"t for jsajoa on D!xn'4 eoaeb. M. & C .Waif, ffucer, la, AA REAL ISTATE IMPROVED. Weal ISTM AK1 JONCS. hwlahaoraood ' bae o . bi..a ina Ha aelwol. Tbt 14 a Btorf 44 half wi.a aah rlntah la ho , Ii.ib ro. . Tka upstair h4 tw bod- r roeme aad a lMiaa " i riakuly M.tt. It dewa and . Ill li par aioaia. CH Me. Bpieka for full parlKUlara, AT. or H opea Assti!i oJlANT COMPANT, Bealtaf'- ; AT. Ill II a. Ilta. 'West Farnam Horw reams 44 t hoik it all . , floor and k aad blreb Hatalll aasill- " tel leeatieaj finely II nneiy aeeoraua, . pi deewataJi spleadid ' loti 4. ad, aaaeaasnl, fleer V4la . neer euaia. k.,-i- as aaat aaa iinsi E. G. Gangestad & Sons til W arid -Nereid Bldr a''' Dundee Vacant" CaK front. Bleaaal laoallata. reeme. A IHIIa aeauty. u aad mm rlgki ta. Ill Ma. 4im tt. McCague Inv. Co., no 1 hi. RMS. WALNUT HlLta 644 CA4H II.IS4. Her' a good home. raB. lairs. I bedroom aad balk upstair. Rseepthm hall d llaaa .. Oak floara. Full haastaant, Bosjtb Iroal lot. I blk. to Faraam car, Can I bofia 4a 41V hllrala thla. BHOPBN CO, Ra4ra, J A. 4111. HAVaJ i-rm. sued. bunlw, a ear Haraoy -. ear. II II. will 14(4 i a pw" mn. . HOMB BEALTT CO.. AT. UH COLOBBD 4 to I raa. saederal asaall j psymant . m- . . ww. Itt Oram Bt WB. Mia. I-ROOU modern, near llth l.iao. Tel. do. isis. North. Near 17th and Spragiw 1 . Wall atruet4l bungalow type hasa, located ea aa t (root lot. On blaok . to car Ha. Home oaslatlM 1 "; sad bath first floor. I room nnlebad en Ind floor, furaae boat, Froal aad mr porchea screened. arT rTa. ear. Daady ehleken hous an MC if axcaltent repair and oowlr Palatod. Her la aa opportunity la bay a bop worth the money. George & Co., . ; .-. - .altera. . S . ATLANTIQ Mil, ' THIS BAROAIN CONSUTB OF . a (in l-room bungalow aad let, A flaa location and pretty view a avtt--weet oeetloa, faolng a parh, Abowt t year old and Juat reflnlshed; k aad enamel finish; full basnt. eotSeoJ floor, furnace; water, wr, gas aa paving in and paid for. Is44 eaah will hsnrlla CU Clark. AtlanU T41Ii 44., nlng Walnut 1511. - A l-room modern cottage, em I V : tin, schools sad ehwwbaai Urea M with lots of shrubbery aa hl .. r lent block; dandy lobatioa. fay aalr 1,146; 1,T44 cash, term w boJaB. : For appolalaeat call Nr. Lwl WA. if. r. CLARY CO.. Boaltare. llth an Am Ave. Kenwood BWI. Partly Modern ' ) Grand Av. horn. I roomif 141 , r- chicken houso, fruit tree. U 11.11.' -,-or trade for larger place.,' ,,'c,' E. G. Gangestad & Sons 730 World-Herald Bldg. ' - TJO. Bill. , ONLY 11.16. -tt I I room snd bath with t Iota.. Tbla I 'v not new, but a good bay; locatloa bleb -nd lightly; I blocks to ear Mo.. Only, .... . 1106 cash, balanc easy torma. - , R. F. CLARY CO., Baaltwr. -24th and Ames Ave. Kenwood 1171. 3336 CAMDEN Ave., rooms, modara with .7 half aero of fruit 11.000 caab. balaaaa t,: monthly. 401 Be Bldg. JA. 02B. ;., Hfji it yvVV iJl aram. r-room modern. Only 14.14. . Jtaari a.tn ana ppragu. van v.... D. E. BUCK e CO, buy an 11 home. ' v ... South. ' ' 1I0 DOWN. v ' A very smsll paymant for the day and time. We have a cottafe of B room- with -city watsr and electrlo ttahta. Lo. w , ct4 in Orandvlew addition. wtbat.vx part of town. Price only f 1,46. snaathlp payment 110. Call Mr. WyesrasaV AT..7, . 1451 'or office open to I p. m. ' amor ORANT COMPANY. Realtors. . -. AT. III!.' Ill So. llth. Oroaa Floor. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. '"'K at about your own term; located near ' ' Rtvervlew park... a beautiful localiea. ' Ready to move In. Call evenings. At. "v la'ntlc 647. - " - " ' 3063 S. 34TH ST. Six-room bungalow, 17,210. . C. O. Carlberg. Realtor, 111, Branaeis Tneater ping, ja. u. Central AltQ nome, close in, t.,wms w. ur -vv . lot - Rent a few room. lwmr,-!i will pay for It Think It over. Call H. A. 1341; for appointment if you hav..:8-.' ' 13,506 to pay down. Location 146 So,, 29th.'- - . i - Vacant. MINNB LUSA LOT. . - N. E. corner, JOth and TItua Av., a ' real cheap Jot - . ! RASP BROS.. 211 Keeline Bldg. AT. 4731. " Ralston Lots 22, ""Sot" 4 payments. Phon4 Stewart, Ralaton 16-W.i ? DUNDEE lot, . e. corner 67th and Har ney. 66x100. Beautiful looation.. prlcf to solk 13,44. KB. 4444, - !Z- WILL build to your ardor on our beoutW ful lots in Edgewood; vry easy term."" Atlantia 364. . " DUNDEE lot, pear 61st an Faraam !..-. 13.043. Gee, e Co.. Realtor. AT. B34 r Acreage. . LOOK HER13 "1. Nine small farms for .: sale, ranging in size-. from 8 acres to 40 acres,;, all on Lincoln highway, 40 minuses by auto from:: Omaha, adjoining town"' with high school and churches within 5 min-' utes' walk, ' . .. - If you have been looking for a place,; to build a country home, or lo raleo ... . - fruit garden- truck, chickeaa, or dairy,,; thia Is the opportunity of a life time. Select one of the fin tracta NOW, psy H down, balano on long easy terms. Prices rang from 1144 to 46 per acre. By appointment will tak yoa by anto to see them. . - Thw I absolutely your v: ..... . ' i Last Chance ( to buy lend so close to Omaha at any such prices. a.V W. A. EHLERS ' - ' - 331-36 City Nafl. Bldg. - ' Douglaa 413. , FAIR ACRES. ... Hi acres. High, sightly location; out front; close t paved vtreet. Prion . only 15,000. . Hastings & Heyden 1114 Harney St , . Atlantlo MM. , STORE F0.1REDT Wm, Jlctea 1111 Sprague Tirei are made of live rat ber. Buy them at theMUI. . " It . I. ' oVl