RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mMJftlAiaiUJJLJ,.HBtat5K,WJilBLJIl,jmiMLUBl W m i i -i r i- & Wreck survivors tell how tobacco kept them going When foot! and water gave out on third day, they smoked until rescued Perhaps they were only pirate? of the sea, and deserved no great charity from the hand of Fate. Nevertheless, they were very much human beings when they found themselves miles out to sea adrift in an open boat. With two days' supply of food and water, they confidently expected to be rescued in plenty of time. But when tho third day passed and no friendly sail appeared on tho horizon, It began to look liko a case for Davy Jones's locker. Ono of tho victims, crazy with thirst, suggested that they divide a bottle of iodine and end tho agony quickly. "Tne tobacco hasn't given out yet," said another. "Let's stick it out a while longer." And they did. Late in tho afternoon of tho fifth day a tramp schooner saw their dis tress signals and came valiantly to tho rescue. "The only thing that kept us going at all was tobacco," ono of tho survi vors admitted when ho was safely de posited on dry land again. "Wo smoked and hcwcd, and that sort of kept us up." Tobacco is cer tainly a poor substitute for food and water but under tho stress of trying circumstances smoking a pipo is a big help. Pipes filled with Edgeworth probably have no more soothing effect than pipes filled with other tobaccos, but most Edgeworth smokers some how feel that they need Edgeworth to get complete pipe satisfaction. If you have never smoked Edge worth, send your name and address on a postcard to Lams & Brother Company. They will be glad to send you freo samples generous helpings both of Edgeworth Plug Slice and Ready-Rubbed. Smoke a few pipefuls and judge for yourself whether or not you wish to become a permanent member of tho Edgeworth Club. Edgeworth is sold in various sizes to suit the needs and means of all purchasers. Both Edgeworth Plug Slice and Ready-Rubbed are packed in small, pocket-size packages, in handsome humidors holding a pound, and also in several handy in-between sizes. For tho free samples, kindly address Larus & Brother Company, 80 South 21st Street, Richmond, Va. If you will also include on your postcard tho namo and address of your regular tobacco dealer, your courtesy will bo appreciated. -To Rcla il Tobacco'Merehanls: If your Jobber cannot supply you with Edge worth, Larus & Brother Company will gladly send you prepaid byparcelpoat a one- or two-dozen carton of any size of Edgeworth Plug Slice or Ready Rubbed for the samo price you would pay the jobber. '0m 1 SSBJt Even a dog banks his surplus bones. WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Dy or Tint Any Worn, Shabby Gar ment or Drapery. CDjamond dyes Each lG-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions bo simple that any woman enn dye or tint nny old, worn, faded thing now, even If (ho has never dyed before. Chooso any color at drug store. Advertise ment. i-S VA VM Hi & ! 1 a&dffi ' f. WW. 3Kfe tWOTWttiM Pijoosfxt flwiiiA J&ja i-fijrA rJ'vuy rfv, filjim I7l ll.SjfltL riJhf frittiV Jasper ftk& YcJto Wl-& && K& . Wft &'irsff. cw lH.' KVjf viikc Mt' btk wi'i" glU ..iAMU V W" Spokane .til bvl NV K 4WT1 -rOTlK ALP" Wtitcrto lakts Pith Mcloa . .. rc2iitfsrif Grlart LnLmt 6crniitiqr.y 'ourtdary Lwa MONTUNA JsP s 'v i sfe .XV ISM v JCk I CJ -GbcjerforM USA IV5 i4-- through the Bliice'e I Indian reservation 'l'lit National l'i''i of North Atner'm! , Tlmt Is tlu new tutor- lllltloillll conception of two systems tlmt lire essentially out' In tlmt tlii'.v represent geo logically mill biolog ically it continent rulh it than two countries. Detormlncd mid per Mstcnt attempts at commercial Inviislon ol tlio iiittloiinl parks o lmtli countries haw. hugely brought uliout this Interim 1 1 on u I iaocniont. Tin Amcr lent i Association for tlio Advancement of Science, the largest scientific organization In the world, with 12. 000 members In thu United State unil Cnn mla. spoke for both coiintrloH when It re cently passed n resolu tion setting forth the perils of the situation, .,. V :-imx; t .' irf'l, !?.. tmmmwM M a m MSh 7 fcWCH m jt t u l - jVfO . Wat IP?' hderfwiiomi Aw Hsffo timftdiswi Beamy Jpo msx & y. .5. 4 f" V V& &&tt0i0&mm!0 2 DEAUTY IS INTERNATIONAL 3 3 The co-called national park3 of the world arc not national save In name. They are no more national than Is good music, classical literature, beautiful pictures. They belong to the world. We people of Canada feel that the beauty spots within the United States that have been designated as national parks belong to uo as they belong to you. They are but placed within the keeping of the people of the States. We feel and we hope that the peoplo of the United States feel, that the beauty spots of Canada that have been designated as national parks are as much your park6 as they are our parks, that they arc merely placed within our keeping for the use of all. Beauty Is Inter national, regardless of the form In which It is expressed, and national parks arc but the natural beauty spots of the world pre served for the people of the world. J. B. Harkln, Commissioner, Canadian National Parks Branch, Department of Interior, Canada. Is agreed In niiine; Some men hurry through life as If Widows were ehnsltiK them. IcViirWnrlr HnrH?l Is your work wearing you out? Are you tortured with throbbing backache feel tired, weak and discouraged? Then look to your kidneys! Many occupa tions tend to weaken the kidneys. Con stant backache, headaches, dizainess and rheumatic pains are the natural result. You cntTer annoying bladder Irregularities; feel nervous, initoblc and worn out. Don't wait! Use Doan's Kidney I'lUs. Workers everywhere recommend Doan's. They should help you, too. Ask your ncighborl A Nebraska Case 'tnlto MtJarf B. F. Ellor, city marshal!, Adams Avenuo, Harvard, Nebr., says: "My back bothcrad mo and it was nara to bond or, slralghten. I bent ovor to lift n plank and I wan taken with awful Bharn calns In my hnclc. After ushlK Doan's Kidney puis a few days my back was all rlRht and I haven't been troubled since." Gt Doan't tt Any Stora, 60e Box TS A M. KIDHEV JLVft.i WF PILLS FOSTER.MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. tf' mumm ESKBm By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN OMPLI5TION of the Hanfr-Wlnder-mere motor highway across the cen tral Canadian Hockles shnrply em phasizes the fact that the national parks movement Is Just about tho llvest non-polltlcnl issue of the times In Cntmdu as well as In the United States. An Increasingly Interna tional aspect Is Its latest develop ment. On both sides of the most remarkable frontier In the world It that national parks are national only thnt natural scenic beauty Is Interna tional; that there are no barriers between parks save those placed by nature; that larger develop ment of roads should give the people of the North American continent easy access to the most splendid recreation region of the globe. It Is a credible prediction that the near future will see a system of national parks from Mount MeKInley In Alaska to Grand Canyon in Arizona under a working International agreement that will make It "a unique continental exposition of Inestimable value to science and to the popular education of future generations," a.s well as a vast scenic playground for the people. Tho immediate effect of the opening of the 101 mlle, two-way llanlT-WIndeniieru highway, making passage by automobile possible through the (en trul Canadlnn Hockles Is that It completes a ri00 mile circuit of Itocky Mountains, Yoho, Kootenny and Waterlon Lukes Niitlonnlpiirks in Canada and connects this circuit with the National l'nrk-to-I'ark highway In the United States a gigantic motor way that circles 0,000 miles through nine scenic western states and touches Mount ltalnler, Crater Lake, Lassen Volcanic, Yoseintte, General (runt, Sequoia, Gland Canyon, .Ion, Mesa Verde, Itneky Mountain, Yellowstone and Glacier Nutiounl parks. The Canadians call the highway from Hnnff to Lake Windermere and on to the International line at Klngsgate the HanfT-Californla liee-Line high way because It keeps right on across a corner of dilaho to Spokane and Portland and thence south to San Kranclsco and Los Angeles, n distance of miles. They call the other half of the "Grand Circle tour" the Hann'-Graud Canyon road ; this crosses tho International line at l'eskan, Mont., Just to the east of Waterton Lakes ami Glacier National parks. The forniaj opening of the IJanlr-wiiiilermere highway this summer at the point where It crosses the Kootenny river was an International affair of considerable pomp and ceremony. Old Glory was much In evidence. The hand played the national ulrs. A notable assem blage wns In attendance. Dr. King, Dominion minister of public works, welcomed tho guests. .1. Uoss Eakln, superintendent of Glacier National park, was thu official representative of Secretary Hubert Work of the United States Department of the Interior. Tho speech-mnklng emphasized the International Importance of the occasion. Then the lieutenant governors of Alberta and British Columbia, Dr. II. G. Lrett and Walter C. Nlchol, cut the red, white and blue ribbon across the mad and automobiles started east ami west amid cheers tK A! miim m rklfi , h wfcaw Tamrny v A- Successful H Treatment of the Century M CATARRH i Tablets or y Liquid Sold Everywhere iy ALULU TODAY-DGT DELAY Cbrc& CbZds iitSA Hoiinm M La Grippe in 3 JDcaSM M w.m. nn.t-co.,peTnoiT. ,.B Knowledge Is not found unsought. , w ft? & i " warn m "$ .t'lV: ?M Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insist! Sememe) Several motor highway projects on either side of the International line are Important In this connection. One Is a nearly-completed road that will connect Buffalo park nt Walnwrlght, Alberta, by way of Edmonton with Jasper, largest and farthest north of the Canadian national pnrks. It Is being built on r$00 miles of abandoned roadbed of the Canadian Northern, from which the gov ernment tore the rails In the World war to send to France. Another rond Is ncnrlng completion from Lnke Louise to Field In Ilocky Mountains. This runs on an old roadbed of the Canadian I'aclllc across the Continental Divide. In time. It will be carried through to Golden on the Columbia river. A proposed Canadian scenic highway through the heart of the Central Canadian Rockies runs directly from BnnlT to Jasper park, IL'3 miles In un nlr line, connecting at the base of Mount Itohson at the headwaters of tho Frascr with the Buffalo-Jasper road Just mentioned. Three road projects In and about Glacier In the United States have International Interest. The National I'ark service has begun construction on the Triinsmountain road across the Continental Divide from St. Mary's lake to Lake McDonald. Its completion will bridge the last gap In the National Park-to-I'ark highway by uniting the east entrance (Glacier I'ark) and the west entrance (Bolton) of Glacier. It aNo supplements the All-Canadian circle by a United States Canadian circle much smaller than the Grand Circle tour. The second Is the road being built by Montana to parallel the Great Northern along the southern boundary of Glacier, closing the present gap between through east and west high ways at this point. The third project Is the Improvement by the United States government of the Babb Intel na tional Boundary road along the east sldf of Glacier. In accordance with a decision by tho comptroller general that the entire cost of a state aid project through an Indian reservation may be paid from the funds apportioned to the states under the federnl highway act the Mon tana state highway commission has submitted as a federal aid project the Improvement of this road 83S9WmemW3KQ NO INTERNATIONAL LINE The tremendous and Increasing tourist travel of the last few years Is proof of the appeal to the people of the North American continent of their national parks. The United States and Canada stand together In making more contented peoples by getting the public into the great outdoor scenic exhibits with which both countries are supremely blessed. We live In peace and friendship on the most remarkable political frontier in all the world. But In scenic beauty there is no International boundary line nt all, no barriers save those placed by nature. The extension of our National Park-to.Park highway across the border by the opening of such splendid connecting links as the Banff-Wlndermero highway will be followed, I sincerely hope, by the lager development of national park roads In both countries until the two peoples arc given easy access to the finest Bcenlc attractions of the globe Stephen T. Mather, Director, National Park Service, Department of Interior, United States. ZapmamimaM the Importance of an "unique continental exposl tlon" and requesting "the people and the congress of tho United States ami the people and tho parliament of the Dominion of Canada to secure such amendments of existing law and the enact ment of such new laws as will give to nil units In the International parks system complete con servation alike." The International pnrks system Idea has fnunl much favor In both countries. The friendliest co-operation exists between Stephen T. Mather, director of the National I'ark service of thu United States (photograph No 2), and Commis sioner J. B. Harkln of the Canadian National parks (photograph No? 4). In the United States the Idea has been genernlly accepted by tho "National Pnrks Army of Defense." which has ap proximately -l.OOO.OOO members In alllllated nation wide organizations. The National I'urks nssocla ntlon, a leader In this army, Is promoting It. "I thoroughly approve an International parks system along the line and for the purpose set forth by the A. A. A. S.," said Mrs. John D. Sherman of the General Federation of Woman's clubs they cull her the "National I'ark lady" In Washington. "The general federation Is energetical ly active In promoting national parks as 'National Museums of Native America' and In bringing about legislation for their complete conservation. Its national council at Its last meeting passed a resolution similar In effect to that of the A. A A. K." In Canada organization Is well under wny. Tho Alpine Club of Camilla, which has twenty branches, Issued a general Invitation to a meeting In the fall nt Lake Louise at which was organized the National Barks Association for Canada, with directum representing the Dominion from Mont real to Vancouver. Atllllatlon with organizations of many kinds Is proceeding rapidly. Here Is u Munition which shows the need of concerted International action for the protection of national parks against commercial Invasion; A bill will presumably bu Introduced In the Sixty eighth congress for the damming of Lower St. Mary's lake, Just outside Glacier. Tills will raise the level of Upper St. Mary's lake, Just Inside Glacier, one of the most famous beauty spots of Glacier, and destroy much of Its beauty. Three fourth s of the How Is to go to the Milk river Irrigation project of Canada. Two years ago the International Joint commission was Induced by Irrlgutlonlsts to recommend this project, but neither government cured to act In the face of popular protest. The bill per se stands no chance. But the Canadian Irrlgatloulsts are planning to iliini the CiMiadlan end of Waterton lalie, which lies across the International line. This would spoil me pari in uiu iiiku hi uiacier. ah "ex- been nrranged to further jf the St. Mary's lake (low to stay In the United States In return for all the flow to Canada from tho Waterton lake dam. Glacier park Is protected by law; Waterton Lakes park Is not. Ingenuity and persistence like that can only be met by concerted International action. As to the pictures: No. 1 shows the Bed Gates of Sinclair canyon on the Banff-Windermere highway In Kootenny. No. f Is a view of Mount lidltli Cavell In Jasper. No. 3 gives a gllmpso of tho buffalo herd In Buffalo park, near Wnln wrlght, it fenced Inclosure of 1"8 square miles. The herd, established In 1007, has Increased mightily. In November 2,000 nnlmuls were killed, leuvlng f,bW. Unless you see the name "Bnycr an package or on tablets you ars not get ting the genuine Btyur product pre scribed by physicians over wenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Ilemiacho Toothache Lumnago Karaeho Itheumatlsm Neuralgia rain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Kneli unbroken package contains. proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 21 and 100. Aspirin Is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldestcr of Sallcyllcacld. Advert Iscment. Usually the more the law costs tht less Justice there Is In It. GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35-Cent "Danderlne" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected Hair. A glenmy mnss of luxuriant hnlr full of gloss, lus ter and life short ly follows n genu ine toning up i neglected scaIp- with dependable "Danderlne." Falling h a I r, Itching scalp and the dandruff Is corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hnlr Is quickly Invigo rated, taking on new strength, color rind youthful beauty. "Danderlne" Is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy I Any drug .store. Advertisement. Nothing warms the congregation like cold facts from Cic pulpit. mj' Mrs. A. Van Arnam "& ?JK " ' sfS$&. v 'riii chango of water" has thu two projects, nil of Davenport, Iowa. "I wish I could toll to all tho world how much I owe to Dr. PIcrco'B Favorlto Prescription. I was ncarlng middle Hfo when my last child cam nnd my health waa miserable I had continuous pain bi my right aldo. i took nine bottles of Favorite Proscription' nnd can truly Gay that I Buffered tho least that time and my health afterwards was bettor than It had vor been before Whllo passing through tho critical tlmo of llfo I dponded sololy upon Favorlto Prescription' to keep me veil and strong nnd it did not fail me. I had nono of tho distressing eymptoms most women havo at this period, suoh as heat flashes and dizzy epells. I camo through in oxcollont health and am still Just as strong and woll as I waB thirty yenrs ago, thanks to thlB host of medicines, Dr. Pierco'a Favorlto Prescription." -Mrs. Alice Van Arnam, 1705 W. Fourth St. Your health la most important to you. Why not write Dr. Plorco'a In valids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free, confidential, medical advico or solid 10c for trial pkg. ot Favorita Prescription Tablets.