The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1923, Image 3

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'Jbr Sconomtcai Transportation
Every FarmJNeeds Two
v Lesson T
(Hv ttUV. V 11. FIT.WATICK, U D.,
Tnu'lier of Kntls)t Hlble In the Moody
liltilo Institute of ClilrnKo-)
cl tSV'.l V 1 1 rt N'rttaimiM-r Union
EVERY farm needs two automobiles, one of which should
be a closed model Chevrolet.
The open touring car is best for general farm use, carrying pas
scngers or perhaps miscellaneous bulky produce or merchan
dise, but for cold or rainy weather, and for church or social uss
the family needs a closed car, cither a 2passenger Utility
Coupe as illustrated, or the 5passenger Sedan., The extra
large rear compartment is a feature of the Coupe.
These closed cars arc very finely made, furnished, upholstered
and trimmed. The windows arc of plate glass and can be
lowered, providing as much air as an open car, yet affording
full protection against wind, rain, snow or cold when raised.
With a second car on a farm, one isalways available for those
at home when the other car is out.
The low prices of Chevrolet make the ownership of two cars
feasible for most farm families.
Division of Qcncral Motors Corporation
Prices Effective September 1, 1923
. o. b. Flint, Michigan
Superior 2-1'asi. Roadster ... $490
Superior 5-lMis. Tourlnu . . . 495
Superior 2Pats. Utility Coupe . 640
Superior 5-l'aas. Stdnn .... 795
Superior Commercial ChaiiU 395
Superior Light Delivery . . . 495
Utility Uxprcss Truck Chants . 550
Fiic United States manufacturing
plants, seven assembly plants ana
two Canadian plants give us the
largest production capacity in the
world for high' grade cars and
make possible our low prices.
Dealers and Service Stations Etvryuhcrc
A ill mi without nnetrition is like u
m of dough without uny yeust.
A Standard External Remedy
of known vulue safe and effective,
it's "Allcock's" the original and gen
itive porous plaster. Adv.
Hero Gets His Request,
ilecently two French soldiers were
Sathing In the Rhine river. Since they
rrere unable to swim, the soldiers v ore
Ui u serious condition. A young Ger
man, who was watching, swam out and
rescued iftjtli of them. The French
'.Ibunnl, to reward him, promised that
anything he asked would lie granted.
lie asked that the lives of seven men,
who had been condemned to be shot
for causing trouble to the French au
thorities, might be spared. The request
was granted.
A Suspicion.
"Your boy seemed to take n grent
deal of interest In religious matters
last summer."
"Yes," replied Fnrmer Corntossel.
"I'm suspicious he got It Into his
mind tbnt prayln for rain was more
restful than pettin' Into the garden
with n wnterln' can."
Probably Drank From Saucer.
From n story "The womnn In the
rocking chair was sadly shaken up.
Tea stains marked her cheeks."
Some men get rich while others are
waiting for great opportunities.
"O Happy Day" sang the laundress
as she hung the snowy wash on the
line. It was n "happy day" because
hhe used Red Cross Rail Rlue. Adver
Double-Crossed Him.
"Leach played me a mean trick the
other day." complained Robinson.
"What did he do?"
"lie was visiting nt our bouse, and
boasted before the whole family that
he had never been 111 In his life."
"I don't see anything mean about
"I'erhnps not," snorted Robinson.
"Rut one night, not more than a month
ago, I told my wife I had to go and
sit up with him through n malurlu
Killing Them Off.
The Stenog What's wrong now, Air.
The I'.oss A mere trifle. I dictated
In this letter that our 11 nn was founded
In 1S.'!7 and you have written to one of
air best customers that wo wero
"found dead" In that year.
Quite a Few.
"What Is this Almanac de fJothaT
Any Jokes In It?"
"Plenty, my boy."
As a man eateth
so is h
Six Minute Pudding
1 cup Grape-Nuts
1V4 oups scalded milk
1 tablespoon sugar
V4 cup raisins
Cover Grspe.Nots with
cslded milk. Add sufsr,
rsltlns, tndaltltlo rntmcl.
Cook six mlnuttt directly
Over ths hest, slirrlnS con
tsntly, and serve mill any
food pud JinS nuoe. Makes
our to six portions.
9 A
Ptatum Ce.i7
B.m.r " vw,
- ".
THINKING moulds the
mind and exercise devel
ops the body, but food supplies
the materials for building mind
and body.
Grape-Nuts, made from
wheat and malted barley, is a
crisp, delicious cereal food,
rich in wholesome nutriment.
The important mineral ele
ments of the grains arc readily
available in this splendid food.
The essential Vitamin-B is sup
plied in generous measure.
The nutritious starches of tho
wheat and barley are partially
pre-dige3ted by 20 hours'
Grape-Nuts with milk or
cream is a complete food. Its
compact form makes a little
go a long way.
Sold by Qrocers
"There's a Reason
l.KSfON ".TAT -John 17 IS; Matt.
2S K.-lIO; Acts '. C-S.
GOIjDUN TKNT "Ho vc therefore
ami loach tM i.ittlnnx ' Mutt. 'JS:19.
PRIMARY 'JOl'lt' TeMitiK Kvrryone
Admit Jt'Mlri,
Jl'MOlt TO IMC Our MnichltiK Or
ders. l.NTKUMnniATK AND ril'NIOK TOP
IC Working ToKollii-r With ChrlKt.
World-Wide Wltnt'h.Hlnir for Christ.
I. Gent by Christ (.inhn 17:1S).
Christ was sent Into the world to
saw It. .lust as lie was sent, so Ho
sends us. .lust as lie was obedient
to the Father's command, so we 'diould
be to Ills command. That this might
be possible Christ set apart himself,
and that the disciples might be tit for
this work they are to he sanctlllcd
through the trutn of (iod's Word.
That which (Its the one called to rep
resent Christ Is the knowledge of
God's holy Wold.
II. The Great Commission (Matt.
At an appointed meeting place In
(lalllee on a mountain side, .lesus ap
peared before the disciples and guvo
this great commission.
1. Ills Claim of Authority (v. IS),
lie does not clnlm to be merely tho
King of the .lews, but Kins "f Kings
and Lord of LnriR lie stninN clothed
with the authority and power of tho
unlerse. Itefore there will he any
great concern about evangelizing tho
world there must be nn understanding
of the power and might of .lesus Christ
as Lord. The Lord must and shall bo
' 12. The Obligation Imposed (vv. 10,
20). They arc to make d.sclplcs of
all nations. The obligation of tho
Christian Is not merely to preach tho
gospel to the lews, but to all the nn-
tlons. Those who accept Christ as
Savior and Lord are to he baptized
In the name of the Father, Kr.n and
I Holy (ihost. JSy this means they open
ly acknowledge their allegiance to
.lesus Christ n." their divine Lord. To
secure public avowal of loyalty to
Christ Is Important. It strengthens
the character of the confessor. They
nre also to he Instructed to render
obedience to all the commandments
and requirements of the divine Lord.
IJ. The Dlilne Presence Promised
(v. 120). To assure the disciples of the
success of their undertaking, .lesus
guarantees ills presence at all times
and under all circumstances. That
which gives cnurags and encourage
ment to the missionary today Is tho
assurance of the unfailing promise of
the Lord .lesus Christ.
III. Ths Missionary Pronram (Acts
1 :0-S).
It Is esTontlal that the missionary
program ho understood. The work
Incumbent upon the church Is to wit
ness of ClwM's gracious salvation to
all the nations. After this Is done
there will follow the preaching of tho
gospel of the kingdom hy converted
Israelites. This was not clear to tho
disciples, theiefore they put the ques
tion, "Wilt thou nt this time restoro
the kingdom of Israel?" They wero
right In thinking that the kingdom
will be restored. The Ibivldle king
dom shall te established, but not till
after the gospel of the grace of God
Is preached and the body of Christ Is
completed. Its realization Is certain,
hut the time Is unknown. Times ami
seasons are in the hands of God. Tho
program which the djsclples are to
carry out In this present time Is wit
nessing for Cnrlst.
I. In .leiUKt.lem (v. S). This was
done by the Twelve Immediately fol
lowing Pentecist.
L In .luden and Samaria (v. 8).
This was done by the disciples after
the bands of the persecutors were laid
on them. JS'ut only the Twelve but
many others took part In thK
II. (Jnto the Uttermost Parts of tho
Karth. Ileglnnlng with the ilrst for
eign missionary enterprise this work
has been carded on with varying de
grees of success till the present time.
Being Self.Centered.
Nothing Is more wearing or a innro
fruitful source of unhiippiness In tho
long run thnn to be self-centered. If
our thoughts and plans, our hopes and
fears, our Ideals and ambitions all
center In our own personal comfort
and happiness, there must come many
a day of Infinite weariness and self
dNgust when life does not seem worth
living. Poverty or riches have ery
little to do ivlth It. You will find Just
as many well-to-do people as poor, for
whom life has lost Its spice and en
thusiasm. It Is not a question of capi
tal, but of oharneter.
No Place Sweeter Than Home.
It Is very dangerous for any mr.n to
find nny spot on this brond globe that
is sweeter to 1dm than h's home. II.
W. needier.
A Mind In Health.
The first sure syn ptom of n mind
In henlth Is rest of heart, and pleasure
felt ut home. Young.
God Should Be There.
A cottage, If Ood he there, wlU holtf
rs much happiness wi might stock a
enlace. J. Hamilton.
The e
tCopy for llil I iciit llin-iit Snppllnl by th
American l.iKt n Nr-mi Siirvlcr )
National Convention nt Snn Frnncrccc
Selects Cnlifomian to Head
American Legion.
John It. Qnlnn of California was
elected national commander of the
American Legion, at the recent na
tional convention held In San Fran
risen, lie succeeds Alvln Owsley of
Quinn, n typical westerner of tho
open plains, announced he would dedi
cate his administration to conducting
A lgorous campaign to obtain Imme
diate passage of the ex-service men's
testis fSS lini
John R. Quinn.
ndjusted compensation act, and n close
uiiil human contact between the dis
abled veterans and government agen
cies in charge of rehabilitation and
Quinn was elected on the eleventh
ballot. Ills total vote was ,r()L', com
pared with ItlU for Jainos A. Drain of
Washington, 1). C, 80 for Clarence It.
Edwards of lioston, and C4 for Wilder
S. Mctcalf of Kansas.
Tho following national vice com
manders were elected : llyan Duffy,
Fond bu Lac, Wis. ; Thurnuin .Mann,
High Point, X. C; William P. Healy,
Wllkcsbarre. Pa. ; C. SI. Stoddard, Arl
conn, and Lester Albert, Idaho. K.ra
U. Clemens of Minnesota was elected
haplaln by acclamation.
Commander Quinn renamed all ap
pointive Legion olllcers: Lemuel
Holies, Seattle, national adjutant;
Itusscll Provision, Indlannpolls, as
sistant ndjutant ; Kben Putnam, Wei
lesley, Mass.. historian; Itohert Tyn
dull, Indlnnapolls, treasurer; Uobort
A. Adams, Indianapolis, adjutant.
Mrs. Franklin Illshop of Leicester,
Mass., was elected national president
If the American Legion auxiliary.
John Smith, Mon.ihan Post, Sioux
City, la., Sets Pace for
Other Hustlers.
Membership records went flying
when John A. Smith of Monuhan post
of the American Legion In Sioux City,
la., staged n campaign of his own ami
signed up 1M5 new members.
Smith Invaded the packing houses
and stock yards, and made arrange
ments for 150 to join the Legion on
the Installment plan, their employers
taking a dollar a month off their pay
checks until dues had been paid.
As a result of bis activities Smith
won a round trip to the convention In
San Francisco with pullman fare in
cluded and was decorated hy National
Commander Alvln Owsley when he vis
ited Sioux City. Since his Invasion of
the packing houses, Smith has special
ized In enrolling members by mall.
Veteran Refuses Prize Car.
John Dunphy, a big, red-headed,
Irish sergeant In "A" battery of tho
Onu Hundred Flfty-flrst Held artillery
during the World war, recently tossed
away a ticket which entitled him to
receive a $.r)00 automobile, because ho
said some other person was more de
serving of It. A merchants' contest
held In connection with a "fun festi
val" of a St. Paul post of the Amer
ican Legion was enlivened by the
award of a car n a certain lucky per
son, and Dtinphy'H name was the llrst
drawn. The former soldier, busy at
work "boosting" the festival, bad
tickets, but necause he was so closely
connected with tlu event, he refused
the car when his number wbh selected,
saying that he preferred that It go to
borne citizen who supported the
Legion's show.
In Baseball Tournament.
Many American Legion posts In
western Kansas participated In a base
hall tournnment, held under auspices
of tho Legion post at Smith Center.
A purse of S7.rt0 was offered to the
winner of tho tournament and the win
ning tenm was sent to compete for tin"
itato championship.
Black Tan White - Ox-Blood Brown
StllNOlA and the Slunola Home Set
should be in every home. Every member of
, the family can use it (or it gives the quick
eaiy shine. The shine that preserves leauHet
and resists weather. StllNOlA in the haftdy
quick opening box with the key.
easv to shine with the Home Set. 'The Shine (or Mine"
';, !5SiiaiiVK'f wTi i . 'Jir
vr JJSix
A wise man knows the value of si
lence when a child begins to cross
examine him.
Take the burdens off the bnclc of
the fanatically Industrious and they
will hunt up new ones.
The man who prefers other work n
the kind that is allotted to hbn la apt
to dislike any kind of work.
Nothing would pleaso our neighbors
moro than fur us to get what we deserve.
d&S ChiWf?"
J? N ,. : zzirrz2 i . if ii
MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi
tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing
Syrups, prepared for Infants; in arms and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of CaxV-ceIciM ,
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere rccommrnrl It,
'Tivo pleasant ways
to relieve a cough
Take your choice and suit
your taste. S-B or Menthol
flavor. A sure relief for coughs,
colds and hoarseness. Put one
in your mouth at bedtime.
Always keep a box on hand.
"" Famous tine 1847
(trangt aienltta)
Internal cleanliness
protects against disease
IT is but a step from those immediate results
of constipation headache, heaviness, loss of
appetite to serious disease. Such minor ailments
are a warning that poisons from food waste are
flooding your body. Keep clean internally.
In constipation, say intestinal specialists, lies tho
primary cause of more than three-quarters of
all illness including the gravest diseases of life.
Laxatives Aggravate Constipation
Laxatives and cathartics do not over
come constipation, 4says a noted au
thority, but by their continued use
tend only to aggravate the condition
and often lead to permanent injury.
Medical science, through knowledge of
the intestinal tract gained by X-ray ob-
Your bath ttoea servatton, nas touna at last in luonca-
only kin-deep. tion a means of overcoming constipa
tion. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and
softens the hard food wastend thus hastens its
passage out of the body. Tnus Nujol brings in
ternal cleanliness.
Nujol is not a laxative and cannot gripe. Nujol is
used in leading hospitals and is prescribed by
physicians throughout the world.
Don't give disease a start. Adopt this habit of in
ternal cleanliness. Nujol is not a medicine. Like
pure water, it is harmless. Take Nujol as regu
larly as you brush your teeth or wash your face.
For sale by all druggists.
mm V VV
MS. UJ. r-AT. Off.
For Internal Cleanliness