I C y f rnHimL i. . C v. MO CLOUD ftlBftAMCA, onur 5 yllIMIMIMKHRM.il AS TOLD TO ife u "a III Lloyd Hintcr qf Guide Rock was here Saturday, I if i" : nta u fa ri ii :!( f Enrl Pattarsfon'. of Harmony was here Saturday. Vic Ander on of Cowles spent. Sat urday in this city. Grant Turner .was in Hasti;i?)i Saturday aftcrnom. The Aftern on Whiflt Club met with Mrs. Ben McParland Tuesday. Miss Goldie Fry loft the first of the week for Lincoln to attend school. Dclbcrt Moline was a passe-.ger to Hastings Thursday morning on train 4. Miss Ethel Hilton was a passenBo to Hardy Thursday morning on train 10. t Roy Gble returned home from Hasting Tuesday morning en train ii. John Wolfe av..s u ,:.. . o .cr ir Wymoyc Tue.;d.i" morn'nir c.x train 10. Mra. Risslc Ox rctu'-nn '. Satiir'ay morning from a trip to Savannah, aDwouri. Mtes Opal Wetimer was a pa sen der tc Itnstiigs Thur.i'ay morning on train No. 4. Mr. a .d Mrs. C. U. Deck autoed tc Kearney Tuesday to vis"l her broth er, Earl Patten. Mr. ad Mrs-. II. C. Gellatly and tchili.4,1 iloei. 'IViankspvinp with friends at Lincoln. Trod Kobcrtsi of Fairbury spent Sundny here with his brother Che tor and wiie and friends. Dr. K S. Ma-tin and Miss Rachel Cowden attended the foot ball prune at Lincoln Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell attend ed the Nebraska Notre Danic frot b'll game at Lincoln Thursday. Several of the local foot ball fans attended the games at Superior and Lebanon Thanksgiving day. Roaclmastcr P. Traut went to Or leans Wednesday to attend to mat ters in connection with his work. Dr. E. D. Lciby departed Monday for his home at Ft. Collins, Colorado , he having finished his work here. Miss Nina Simmons went to York Thursday morning to spend a couple of days visiting wi'th her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Meridith IUitler of Ilaatingl: flic it Sundny here w'th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E Rutler. Isadorc Johnson returned homo Friday evening from Lincoln where lie spent Thanksgiving with friends. Ross Raines and Miss Esther Kcev er, both of Smith county. Kns-is were married by Judge Rannoy Wednesday. Frank Ellmger ent t 13 'isr Sunday morning Lr spend a couple of days attending to bu fiiess m tters. rMrg. 0. H. Mincer wcrjt to Trenton Friday morning oi train 15 to spend a few days attending to business mat tcrs. ' Mra. Charles Turner left for Illinois Monday morning where 'she will spend a couple of weeks visiting with her brother. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Creighton re turned home Friday after spending Thanksgiving in Lincoln visiting with relatives. The next mass meeting fi r the Wabster county tax payers will bo held at the court hou:e on Thursday December 21. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Childrc s "and children drove to Rluc Hill Sunday nnrning to spend the day visiting with friends. MjJ and Mrs,. Louie ;Schults .of Kenesaw drove to this city Thursday mmning to s-end the day visitinr with relatives Miss Clm'st'.no Davis went to Su perior Thursday morning on train 10 to pe-.d a cr;ple of tl.y; visiting wi'.h le p.;rmt3. Lee Trim:- nrr'.pd in the city S t u-!ay evening after spendirg roverul months working for a tclejdo e com puny in KatiMif. Society The Me lrdist Home Misskur-rv entertained the In .vale So- ciety on Tuesday, in the basement of the church here. Horn to Mr. and Mr . Dewey Sain den on Sunday December 3rd a 5'.i pou id girl at the home of it . grand mother R. W. Koontz. Robert Ho::sey spent Thanksgiving day here vi.-iting his parents Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Hoxscy, returning to Hastings Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt and child ion drove to Republican Thursday morning to spend the day visiting at the home cf his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Burden of Wilcox spent Thanksgiving day here visiting with his mother Mrs. J. A. Burden and with other relatives. Earl Patten who is attending the state normal school at Kearney, suf fered an attack of appendicitis and underwent an operation this week. ) J. A.' Lewis returned home Tuesday from Strang where he has been for the past few day.? visiting with friends and attending to business matters. John Ainell went to Orleans Thurs day morning on No. 15 to spend the day visiting with his mother, return ing home on No. 15 Friday morning. Attorney James Gilham went to Hastings Tuc-day morning to spend the day attending to legal business maters, returning home that evening. Mrs. C. II. Miner returned home Tuesday morning from Trenton where she went last wool: to spend a few days attending tc business matters. Nccrt-n-ry blanlts Iihvo been roelveil by the locitl punt ofllco along wlthnultu orlty to cenpt for tx''liiuiKe nd pay ment, War HhvIiuh Certificates of the 1918 Issue Lost A buy's Mler ''Yankee Inger ooll" watch and u small size gold watch o'lrtln attached Lost Nov 18th about 3 ruilfs south of Red Cloud. Mrs. Anna Eiistnci'', Ilcllaire, Kas. Mr and Mrs. R. P. Wccsner and brby returned home Friday from Lin coln where they have been spending the past few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mm. Guy Zciglor. Mrs. Sa'ndcnion returned to her homo at Lincoln Fridny morning nftcr spending the pa t few days here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Potter and with friends. Mrs. Bran en Stewart and daughter returned home Sunday evening on tr.iin 17 from Lincoln where they went 1 spend iriianlrjgiving with her parents and with frient's. Julius l'eirso, of the Jul'iis Penrsc Firo Equipment Co. of Denver, Colo rado spent Tuesday in this city at tending tu bsines mutters going to J H Idrogo Wednesday on train 4. M;.vs W'llla LV.t'.i niriveJ here i'nday evening from New Y,rk City to f (.e ;d. a few daya visiting with iter parcits, Mr. and M:s. C. F. Cuther and wi'h other relatives and fnoiids. Mr. r.iid Mrs. JJ. F. -Perry wuie asengors to Omaha Monday morning wheic they will spend a few dajs isiting with friends and attending U matters in en- nc-tion with his vi rk. The Community Chorus will ghe their CTiristmas Cantata "Eternal Light" at the Auditorium on Sunday December 17th at 8 o'clock, under the 'jfde loader.hip of Miss Josephine Mizer. Mrs Irene Weisz of Chicago arrived here Friday evening on train 11 to spend a couple of weeks visiting with her sisters Mrs. E. A. Creighton and Mr.-. W. A. Sherwood and with other ic idives. Six carloads of hogs and one cai load rf cattle comprised the stcck loaded out of this point Sunday morn ing for the Kansas City market. total of ono hundred and fifteen cars of stock passed through for the Mis souri river markets. County Survey r George Over'ng went to Omaha Monday morning or tr .in 4 where he will spend a few days ,V tending to business matters. Ot D. Hedge went to L'neoln F' day morning after spending the pat few days here visit'ng with his fam ily a id attondi''- to bu iness matters. ill iS8 YOUR furs should tin ciitrustt'd to our dry isU-Biilng'' export. Do not trust thorn In any but unpublo liandh booniiso of tludr viiluu If your winter cott nei'ds humm ing or cleaning lot. us ond for It Dainty Dorothy s:ijh sho hns found out that wo uroto b ile. pended ujion ;SVvAY VOaliiAJLli PHONE'-BBSPHOflE'iaSM Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilham anci liildrcn drove hero from their home ;.t Holbtein Thus-iay morning to spend the day visiting with his par e its. Fred Roberts returned to his homo at Fairbury Tuesday nnrning on train G after spending the past few days here visiting with relatives and friends. j Mr. and Mrs. 0. Martinson went 'to Norton, Kansas, Tuesday morning 'n train 15 where they will spend a .ow day. visiting with relatives and ( friends. Mrs. Ray Sutton and children re turned home Sunday morning on train 16 from Oxford where she has been for the prst few days visiting with relatives. The state meeting of tax payers will ba called in Hastings ncxl Mon day December 11th, at2:3() p. m. at the Clarke hotel. Everybody should plan to attend. Herb Ludlow returned home Fri day evening on train 11 from L'neoln whero he lu.d been attending the Notre Dome Nebraska foot ball game Thanksgiving day. Farm Loans Call and see- mo if you want a farm Oiiu at i ioiucq I rnti-nf iutorct itnd licit . option. Loans c'o-od imini.Mil ately with no delay or expense for p.v nminnt'ou., J. II. UAIMiY. The regular annual meeting of the Itad Cloud Farmers Union Local will bo held Thursday evening, Deo. 14 at 7 o'clock at the Union Store to elect oflleers for the coming year and select delegate to the state convention at Omaha. At 7:15 the Local will give a program and oyster supper at the I. O, O. F. hall. Rev. I. W. Edson will speak on school problems and H. J. Kcem y of Cowles will give uu account of b s trip us State Delegate to the National Convention at Leesburg, Va All mem bers uro urged to bo prcr-mit and imm bors of other locals are also invited. A. H. l'ulrce, President. State Banks Will be Assessed For Nearly a Million Another special ussessmont of $3(W, 0 JO to $000,000 will be necessary about thf ilrst of Jaiuiniy lo loplcuinh tho statu hank guaranty fund anil tiring it up to tho minimum of 1 pur cent of average duposib loi'uho preecdiu six moiitlis, as required by law. This will be in addition to the regular assess ment due January 1, nniouuiiiig to about $U8,0jo Tho fund has again bcuoiiie seri ously depleted by being drawn mpou several times recently for payment of depositor in failed bunks. At present tho balance is about 5lf'0O. 000. This is a million dollars less than the legal requirement of 1 per cent on deposits The guaranty law makes it mandatory on tho state banking buioau to levy special as schhineuts when necessary to bring up tho amount, on hand to that llgurfc. Within tho past two years, four spec ial assessments have been made nggro gating 32,500,000 or more, and the ono now in prospect will raise the total to at least $3,300,000. This is in addition to whut the banks arc required to sot hsidu as regular assessments every bix in nulls, at the rato of one.twentleth of 1 per cent of deposits A draft of 15.f p(cr cent is just being miduon the guuranty fund to pay 5235,000 of depositors' accounts in the insolvent Homer Stato Uunk. It was precedod a woek ngo by another draft of 1,0 per cent, totaling $30,(100, for payment of depositors in tho Ejidlcott Stato bank Deposit liabilities of otiun- state banks aro still to bu met out, ot tho gnaianty fund for a gross soni obtL mated at $l,7l)0,COO. TIib lutt full uro wns that of the OitlzeiW .Stato bank at Kimball, a few days ngo, and 8100,000 to 50U,000 will have to lo drawn out of the guaranty rui d lo pay its deposltors.-Satutduy Lincoln Star. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By II R Ifauach, County Agent.) Butchcr'.ng, sonp making and meat canning demon -t'mtfon Tuesday, Dcc ember 12th at 1 p. m. at tho farm of Eddie Ohmstcdc south west of Guide Rock. M. B. Posson, specialist ii Animal Husbundry, will demonstrate meat cutting and butchering. Miss Floranco Attwood, specialist In Foods and Nutri'ijii will demonstrate meat canning and toap making. Wednesday, December 13th at the farm of Henry Stumpcnhorst south west of Blue HiB the same demon stratir-n will be given. Everybody i.itercstcd in the above demonstrations should plan to attend. MEETING OF WOMEN'S CLUBS Tuesday, November 28th as re ported by J. W. Lipi incett, secretary. Tho meeting wn.i called to order by Mr. F. tiscli, the c unity r.gc it. Mrs. H. E. Thomas was chosen tern po.ary secretary. Yt-.o puiposo of the meeting was explained by Mr.Fuu ch. He I' en ntrodured Miss Stella M Uhcr, Horn lemonBtratiui Leade1, fruit the V. . ten ion Serico at Lincol i vh took ch rgo of the meeting, c cck-i g up i n thj extension work which hal Uo . ihno and deaci'ibirg woik which w.i aAailaMe f.r the futui-e. The follow Jug organlssati it; reported their num ber 'of reprcsci.tativcB, their nvni' o -ship and what pWases of the cli-thiiic program they had finished, otc. A brief summary of ti e.CIub !: a follows: 11 clubs organi'cd, repres o Natives jnesent at meeting 31, toU.l membership 107, total number of dress forms made; 107. toL.l numbe of short cut; finished 20. Since each organization must have ten women with drcsi forms and ten women who have learned ti use their sewing machine attachments and ether short cuts in sewing before they arc qualified to send delegates to a die s construction or millinery school, it was voted to ask for tho clothing specialist in January to meet with grcups who had not yet had the sewing machine attachment demon stration. This would then enable all groups to get ready for a dress con struction or millinery school in February. Keports were then made icf the different groups using the monthly lessons sent out by the Extension Service "forWomen's, Clubs. Those who Had not yot(mado u0 of these decided to Jtry them the first of the year. The c "meeting then adjourned until 1 p. m. Mr. Fausch again called the meet ing to orde'r and asked Mrs. Max Mizor to report on the value of cloth ing clubs tb girls. Mrs. Mizcr told of the work done by the Red Cloud Girls' Sewing Club and said that it was of value not only to the girls who did the work but also to the local leader. Mr. Fausch also spoke very highly of the work done by these girls. The question of an organization of the women of the county was then discussed and resulted in the organi zation of the Homo Department oi the Farm Bureau. Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Red Cloud was elected president, Mrs. Chas Arnold cf Ina ale, vice president and Mrs. J. W. Lippincolt of the Garfield Willing Workers Clurj ccrctary. The organi sation voted to meet twice a year in June and at the time of the annual F.irm Bureau meeting. Miss Mather suggested that a con stitution be t-ubmittod to the different organizations f..r their approval. This was carried. The matter of electing a Farm Bureau delegate to the annual meet ing of Organized Agriculture which meos in Lincoln January 2nd to 5th was then taken up and Mrs, II. E. Thomas was elected delegate and Mrr. Oliver McNutt her alternate. Other phases of an extension pro gram were considered and it was voted to ask for Miss Brown v tome one else from the Club office to spend four day;j in 'the county with groups who wished to '.organize boys and girls clubs. The fourth week in March was re quested for this week. Miss Mnthei emphasized the need of some pharc of bos and girls club work in every community. Miss Attwood the Nutrition spccialiat wa3 requested for the meat caning and soap making work in Dec ember nnd for the vegetables and fruit budget work in April or May. 'ITo health conference held in Gar field was discussed but nothing defi nite wai decided in tho matter of further health work. Meeting was adjourned nibject to call of the president. Grace Church Notes There's Econonny For o$fi In Wearing Better Clothes Good clothes not only make you look better and $ take greater pride in yourself. They save you ' money too "that's the kind of service we offer you. A service that considers you first. Sec our Hart Schaffncr& Marx's suits and overcoats $30.00 to $40.00 Wonderful Line of all Wool Overcoats Just came in $22.50. SEE US FOR Sweaters, Underwear, Shoes and Caps. We Save You Money Wo G, Hamilton Clothing Co. jawmujiiwiffimmfjigBimMBiim uxsmnxmaaan. mavantttiaujivaaasaK vwtt9XMixryrkrtjuaatamMtmMvmjurwnam mmxwmnTMmmiwrmtmvm I" A TVIerry (Christmas IT IS TIME lo buy your presents nnd we c.m show you a line display of gifts. Parisian Ivory Goods in Manicure Toilet Sets. Brushes. Combs, Mirrors, and many novelties. A large selection of Books for old and young. DOLLS-GAMES-STATIONERY Whitman's Candy The finest in the land in beautiful packages We invite you to visit us. CHAS. L. C0TTING, The P"'" otRrmMaiii!!i;su GROCERIES Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such a big clientele. Another is that our Groceries arc always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day V Pe A. Wiiilbrandt r Groceries and Qucensware fnwiMiPwrcT'rOTW'crflT"1-'"1 Hi'cond Sundny in Advent. Siiniliiy Si'liool ui ID u. in, Moniifip .Strvlco ill 1 1 11. m. I'.vrulni; Hoivleti ill 7:1)0 p, rn. You are all wuicomo. Our Printing is Attractively Done Clean cut and snappy. We know just how to handlo type to get the most attractive display and the best results. Need stationery - - bill heads - - Book lets - - hand bills of any kind? Phone us. Double quick service - - A No. I quality, No job too large or too small for us to print. k sA The Red Cloud Chief . .. J M 1M1niwJ A 'y$ y r t i it h" ,r v "T" lKKTwVfyfiiS