RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF F 'hi' jj'w w tft t . ,v. ,'W fej i A w ' if ' . ti '' , ' I BSS After IVRKLEYS helps the stomach. After a hearty meal, try its friendly relief and comfort to the over-burdened stomach. It is the beneficial and satisfying sweet for old and young. And the cost is very small. Try tho New P. K. Adds a Zest Stockings. The long Btocklngs formerly worn were called hose; when knee-breeches were introduced the breeches were calld upper-stocks and the lower part nether-stock; or EtocL'lngs. The knit fed stocking originated In Italy; it was first brought to England by Wil liam Itider In 1504. Woven stockings were devised by Willlnm Lee, of St John's college, Cambridge, In 1G09. Exchange. Merely Shifts It. Tho man who doesn't wnnt any troublo and endeavors to smooth things so ho will have none not infre quently mixes the dope for some one else. Exchange. Everybody wants to save money, but few of us want to do without things to do It. Learn to wait life's hardest lesson. r2lr sstfl. Flavor Jjm 4EKLV it v toM Sar HHHHHHHHHIHHHHHHIHHHIHHBHHHHiBIBHHHHB SPIRIN SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for Accept only ''Bayer" package which contains proper direction Handy ."Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist. Aapltia la tte tua nurk of Byr Manufacture of MoooecetktddMttr SallcjIletcM CONSTIPATION Take a good dose CARTERS IITTLE IXE1R PILLS Every Meal -Jf&te'W WHIG LEV'S 1 fWcmkr C 8 Helps 'Digest Man and the Flowers. The fragrance of plants is not for mnn's pleasure; it Is a means of at tracting Insects to fertilize them. The object of many present-day florists Is to Improve a flower In Its coloring, size and substance In short to "paint the lily." They cannot Improve the fragrance, which Is perhaps the reason they seem to care so little for its dis appearance under their handling. Ex change. To Insure gllstentng-whito table linens, use Red Cross Ball Blue In your laundry. It never disappoints. At all good grocers. Advertisement. Getting up early Is more often a matter of taste rather than of prin ciple. Successful men possess cith er ability or nerve. There Is n time for all things. Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain of Carter's Little liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a lew nights after.They cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine Icat ilgnaturcy&&rz Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. V . y Some Dogs and jjjj Some Folks $ By C. B. WHITFORD ((C, 1922, Western Newnpnuer Union.) A dog with a "gallus" movement and nn nlr walked Into the doctor's ofllec and Httltl with n show of pride: "I'm n Bohemian, Doc. Is thero anything you enn do for tlmt ailment? I'vo had It lone enough and I feel like getting rid of It If 1 cnn." "Are you a sure-enough Bohemian, Jack, or arc you Just a plain tramp alloy dog?" , "Oh, I'm the real thing. 1 know It, because I've got qualities and 1 haven't got a home. I Just knock about and Bee all thero Is to he seen and mix with nil sorts of dogs and folks. I cat at any old time, and I eat all the outland ish stuff on the market. And then I'vo got genius enough to knock all tho other dogs I meet. I know lots of things you wouldn't think I knew. But somehow I can't get much more than n few hones and a poor hed for It all. I'm a Ilohcmlan, all right, and I'm Just waiting for somo one to come along and appreciate me. You might show mo how to promote this Idea." "About all tho genius that ain't busy Is In Bohemia. Of course genius don't always oat like other folks, hut for all that the Ilohcmlan is a good fellow. Every one used to enjoy buying him a glass of beer, und it was a real pleas uro to see him eat n handout with It, Just as If It weru a bit of delicatessen or some high-priced hand-picked food. You can't pinch a real Ilohcmlan any where, but what you'll squeeze out n little Information, more especially If you pinch him In the artistic parts. He don't look any more like an esthetic than you do, Jack, but ho Is esthetic to the core. When you llnd the real Bohemian you are In luck If he will let you hand him a big piece of money for a little piece of work. One thing makes me think you are only a tramp with a high-sounding title Is the fact that you are really and earnestly look ing for n Job. Dogs are Just like folks, Jack, once they get the Bohe mian habit they don't want to get cured, at least they never go hunting for medicine. "Oh, I ain't so stuck on getting a job that I'll take anything that comes along. You have got to show me some thing pretty good, and the folks that get mo hnve got to understand that I am Just n little eccentric. I can't bear to be Interfered with. I've got to hnve by own way or I make trouble. I don't exactly have to hnve n new Job, and mnybe If I got a good one I wouldn't keep It long. What I really crnve Just now Is n change." "Just what I thought. You wouldn't keep a steady Job If yon had one. You would soon be back to tho free-and-easy life of the nlley. Men get n kind of bulging genius sometimes that cracks their heads. Then they become number two Bohemians and there they stick until they get to be old enough to be picked up by some good aunt, who Is herself old enough to nppre elate tho eccentricities of genius. As long ns you can outmuneuvor the. dog catcher, Jack, and cnn work your genius for a bono and n bed, you'll stick to the Joys of the alley. Perhaps when you get to be old some one will let you lie around their place and tell their friends whnt a great dog you' might have been. Dogs and folks aro pretty nnich alike. They get to think ing they hnve qualities, and then they persuade themselves It's n line thing to be ns free ns air and uneasy as n bird, without a steady curing plnco or n regular bed. You've got tho hnblt all right, Jack, and you won't be suited away from tho alley and tho alley life. You are too young for a change." Prince of Pessimists. Tho "Weeping Philosopher" was Hcrnclltus, a Greek sage and natural ist, who lived In Ephesus nbout fiOO B. C. Ho was so called because of his solemn benrlng, the gloomy -views he took of human life, and his fre quent lament over the folly of man kind. "The Laughing Philosopher" was n nnmo given to the Greek snge, Dem ocrltUs of Abdern, In Thrace, who lived between 4C0 and 357 B. C, be cause of his satire at the expense of the human rncc. lie showed much flip pancy in discussing human life and viewed with supremo contempt tho aspirations of man. This ancient philosopher advanced tho theory of tho formation of tho universe by ntomB In motion, which was later developed by Epicurus and Lucretius. Struggling Youths. The head of n largo shipping Ann In tho West received a letter from a millionaire banker asking that his son bo given n Job where ho could lenrn the business. Soon after tho head of the shipping firm wrote back to the young man's father: "Your son has nrrlved. I have given him employment In my ofllco at $20 n week, with others of his class. One of these young men has Just bought n $100,000 yacht and nnother comes to the ofllco In a $12,000 motorcar. I think your son will And his surround ings congenial." Philadelphia Ledger. 8o Far and No Farther. ' "Fellco creuted a sensation In her hnthlng suit by showing n llttlo moro of her ilgure thun any other girls on tho beach." "She's handicapped now that tho bathing hcason Js over." "How's that?" "In tho case of street uttlro, tho law stops In Just about whero competition really begins." Birmingham Age-Herald. Forest Station Established. So marked has been tho destruction of the timber lands In the southern Appalachian region that tho Deport ment of Agriculture has established a new forest experiment station at Ashevtlle, N. C, to determine meth ods of conservation and control, says the Scientific American. This station Is the first of lt kind In the eastern states. A further object of the estab lishment Is to secure Information for forests regarding tho handling of southern trees.' Her First Love Affair. When I was six years old I thought I was In love with a boy tho sumo age. Wo both attended private kinder garten. While ho was out of tho room I fixed his chair nd when he camo buck to sit down I pulled It from un der htm. Ho cried and hud to bo taken home, and that ended my "first love nffrdr." Exchange. One secret of pucccss Is constancy of purpose. HOW TWO WOMEN ESCAPED OPERATIONS Doctor Advised Use of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Happy Results in Both Cases St Joseph, Missouri. "Both of my Bides swelled and hurt mo so that I could not move or do any of my work. There wns heavy pressure and painB through my lower organs and tho doctor told mo to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for theso troubles. Ho said 1 had this ono chance, and if tho Vegctablo Com pound did not help mo nothing butan operation would. After tnkingseveral bottles I felt it was helping mo and now I am nblo to do my own work. If my testimonial will help others I shall bo glnd for them to read it and hopo your Vegetablo Compound will do them ns much good as it did me." Mrs. Wm. Lockman, 513 N. 4th St, St Joseph, Mo. White Ploins.N. Y "Ihcdsucha Sain that I could hardly walk and ths octor said that I needed an opera tion. I was sick for a year beforo I Btarted taking your medicino and I could not work. I saw your advertise ment in a littlo book and that is how I camo to take Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines. I have been taking tho Vegetablo Compound and Lydia E. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Iiydia E. Plnkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information DIDN'T GET AWAY FROM HIM Discords Might Have Been Omitted, but They Were Very Apparent to Mr. Splnks. Splnks, tho niuslcinn, and his wife wore on their wny homo from a con cert and were overheard discussing the. merits of tho entertainment. "It set my tooth on edge," Splnks Mild, "to hear the orchestra playing 'Ynnkeo Doodlo and 'Dixie' ut tho same time. The Idea Is all rlghv of course, and even commendable from n sentlmentnl point of view, but tho two pieces, when played together, are full of discords." "But didn't you notice," said his wife who Is something of u musician her self, "that whero certain notes or passages would have been dlscordnnt they were omitted from ono nlr or tho other and left to the drums?" "Of course, I noticed It,'' he testily rejoined, "but I could hear tho dis cords in my mind just tho samol" Mllwuukeo Sentinel. It Is tho respcctnblo appearance of most shiners that makes them dunger- OUB. Why THE path of the coffee or tea drinker is beset with dan gers to health and comfort. These dangers lurk, in the irritant, caffeine, which is the active principle of both coffee and tea. For those who enjoy a well made cup of coffee or tea, but fold that it makes them nervous, wakeful and irritable, there's satisfaction and freedom from discomfort in delicious Postum ft .MP : N '!'H"IftaM'",M'a li J After Thorough Trial a Detroit, Mich., Man Endorses Pe-ru-na iff lottor written from Detroit, Michigan is no simp judgment expressed onthotnorits of Po-ru-im, tho woll- known catarrh remedy, but rather a mature-, sober opinion formed aftorn full year's trial. This la tho way Mr. Mlolmol FaUo of 000 East Pnlmor Avonuo, in tho Michigan Mctro polls, writes i "Aftor using PE-UU-NA for nbout onoyearwill Bay I havo found it n very Rood mcdlaino for ca tarrh. It hns holpod mo n crcat dcnl mid I am very well satisfied. I liavo gained in weight, cat and sloop woll, my bowels aro regular and bottor color in my face Pinkham's Dlood Modicino, also Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and tho capsules and prescrip tion recommended. I am doing all my work and havo gained twenty pounds. I nm taking tho medicines still, but I feel fine. You havo my permission to uso this letter for tho good of others. " Mrs. MAitvMAnK,37HamiltonAvo., Whito Plains, N. Y. Somo fcmnlo troubles may through neglect reach a stngo when nn opera tion is necessary. Hut most of tha commoner ailments are not tho sur gical ones; they aro not caused by Borious displacements, tumors, or growths, although tho symptoms may appear tho same. When distorting ailments first ap pcar, take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound to roliovo tho pres ent distress and provent moro seri ous troubles. Many letters have been received from women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound after op erationshavobeen advised by attend ing physicians. As Kathleen Saw It. Mothor (quoting neighbor's clever daughter to small child who has fulled lamentably in n school examination) "I can't think how you can be so stupid, Kathleen. Why, look at llttlo Mnrjorlo Daniels. Sho has passed with honors." Kathleen (weeping) "Y es, M mummy, b but you Hccm t to forget that M m murjorlo Daniels has c clover p p parents." Lon don TIt-Blts. Pa Had His Revenge. "Get your pa to coino on out nnd play ball with us, Billy," urged ono Inf tin nnfTrlilinrhnnil timf "No chancel" ejaculated Billy with emphasis. "Tho last game lie played with us I struck him out threo times nnd when wo got home he said I'd been wnstlng too much time on foolish amusements and I'd have to study more." Success. Fish Story. "Uh. Whero Is that big fish you hooked?" "It pulled mo overboard." Somo men are too Intellectual to be Intelligent W yjmJI 'fSSrl Risk Your Health? Its fragrant aroma and rich, full-bodied flavor are delightful, Postum is made from roasted wheat and contains no caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient whatsoever. OrderfromyourGrocerTODAYI Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared instantly in the cup by the addi tion of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being pre pared) made by boiling fully 20 minutes. the table beverage of no regrets. POStUm FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason" Made by f osiutn Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. "PE-RU-NA hna dono wonders and to mo is worth its weight in gold. I Bhnll continuo to ubo jftt-uu-NA ns long as Ilivo and recommend to my frlomls who aro troubled wltlicntnrrh." Nothing can bo moro convincing than no en dorsement of this na turo from an actual user. Thero aro many pcoplo in ovory com munity whoso oxporl cnco,in using Po-ru-nn, hns be'enidontical with Mr. Fnko's. It is tho standby for coughs, colds, catarrh, stomach and bowel disordors and all ca tarrhal conditions. Put up In both tablet and liquid form. Bold bveiiywiikiik. CONSIDER USE OF AIRSHIPS Possibility of Their Successful Enxf ployment In Making Aerial Ob servatlons of the Himalayas. ' Consideration has been given to tha possibility of aerial observations In tho Himalayas. The range, It appears, has only six peaks abovo U7.000 feet high, ami an aviator Hying at nbout 1,000 or 2-1,000 feet should havo no dllllculty In crossing If the highest peaks wero avoided, while, If ho clioao certain of the gorges, an altltudo of. somo 10,000 feet would sulllce. Tho greatest of the many obstacles to bo encountered Is the mountain sickness, which occurs In tho highest altitudes through detlcleney of oxygen. Tho grad ual climber, going afoot, Is less handi capped In this respect than tho avi ator rising suddenly from sea level In his machine; on the other hand, tho pedestrian has moro fatigue to under go, and this practically mat ters. Tho chief consideration in nnj; case is an adequate supply of oyygcn, with u proper Inhaler. PasRportn a Nuisance. Up to the time rf the beginning ot tho war the passport regulations were very slmplo and the fees Inexpensive, but when the great contest broke loose It was necessary to mako It mora dtfllcult and unfortunately tho rigid regulations of tho war times have never been changed. Tho fee for Issu ing and vlselug was $2, but It was Increased to $10 by the United States. At once the nations of Europe made, their charges accordingly so that In order to visit n few countries the matter of securing a passport was a serious one. The matter remained In this shupo although there was con siderable grumbling by who were compelled to submit, not only against tho charges but tho amount of red tnpo which was necessary In order to get a passport. A Good Word for Him. Hans Schmidt wns reputed to be tho meanest man In tho neighborhood.' Ho died. Ills body was placed In the grave, and according to nn old Penn! 8ylvnnhi German custom tho people! stood around the open grave, waiting) for somcono to say somo good things nbout tho deceased before filling the grave. After n long wnlt, Gustavo Schulo said: "Well, I can say Joost one good thing nbout Hans; ho wasn't always us mean us ho w us sometimes. First Steam Transatlantic Trips. Tho American vessel Savnnnalf crossed tho Atlantic from Savannah, Gn to Liverpool In 1810 In 29 day 11 hours. The trip was mado pnrtlJ! under stenm but mainly by sail. In 1833 tho Royal William, of 830 tons, built In Canada, made tho first trans ntlantlc voyage entirely under strany All natural action Is beauty In tlon. i M i't