ThdTVaUMt iJGtMtiF lU 'id i $" , RED' CLOUD, 'NEBRASKA, CHIEF r. t. 'KlrrJ- -t i : . '4 V.T , I HOW TWO WOMEN ESCAPED OPERATIONS Doctor Advised U&e of LydiaE. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Happy Results in Both Cases 4t- St..To9enh. Missouri "Both of mv p. -j.i ir:i i-.i i i . At.-,. r'r ""- uwencu unu iiuri. ino so unit i couiu not move or uo any oi my woric. t'" There was heavy pressure nnd pains k through my lower organs and tho doctor told me to try Lydia E. Plnk- l ' ham's VeKetnblc Comnound for theso '' troubled. Hfl nnhl I hnil thlq nnn chance, and if tho Vegetable Com ; t pound did not help me nothing but an UfJClOWUII TOUUIU. L<Jl LUIVIII DCVL1UI uvsbhii.-;j a Avrib lb tvua iiciilll mu unu now I am able to do my own work. If my testimonial will help others 1 shall be glad for them to read it and hopo your Vegetablo Compound will do them aB much good as it did mo." Mrs. Wm. Lockman, C13 N. 4th St., St Joseph, Mo. "White Plains, N. Y. "I hnd such a pain that I could hardly walk and tho doctor said that I needed an opera tion. I wa3 sick for a year before I started taking your medicine and I could not work. I saw your advertise ment in a little book and that is how t-" medicines. I have been taking tho Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham'a Blood Modlclno, also Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanativo Wash and tho capsules and prescrip tion recommended. I am doing all my work and havo gained twenty pounds. I am taking the medicines still, but 1 feel fine, "i ou havo my permission to U3o this letter for tho good of others." Mrs. MAiiYMAKK,37HamiltonAvo., Whito Plains, N. Y. Somo female troubles may through neglect reach o stage when an opera tion is necessary. But most of tho commoner ailments aro not the sur gical ones; they are not caused by Gcrious displacements, tumors, or growths, although tho symptoms may appear tho same. When disturbing ailments first ap pear, take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etablo Compound to relieve the pres ent distress and prevent more seri oub troubles. Many letters have been received from women who havo been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetablo Compound after op erations have been advised by attend ing physicians. Lydia E. Plnlcbatn's Private Text-Book upon ''Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to tlie liydia !'. Pinklintn Medicine Co., JLynu, Massachusetts, This book contains valuable information. Cows Do Well on Sawdust. Krom an experiment htutlon In (Visconsln comes the icpnrt, quoted In the Scientific American, that after u mg continued diet consisting of one duitli part of white pine sawdust In lliclr ration cows showed no visible Hump In tliclr weight or mill: production. It N a wise iNh that can read line. As in Football. Life is full of ups and downs nnd It takes a wise fellow to make his downs help 1 1 1 tn towards his goal. Boston Transcript. Some men try to do others they are (limned by. Itcnl adventures are usually uncomfortable. g S ImSA vf I uHH-f'tilf' ate X ITT T ''ft&rs K i T " v . i Jrl 07m6 --mm uttv8mm&Ki &Emg2& SSI should be made artistic, sanitary and livable. These walls should be Alabastincd in the latest, up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper It is absolutely necessary if you expect Alabastine results that you ask for and secure Alabastine. Avoid kalsomines under various names and insist on the package with the cross and circle printed in red. That is the only way to be sure you arc getting the genuine Alabastine. Alabastine is easy to mix and apply, lasting in its results, and absolutely sanitary. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beau tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc tions on cacii paLKUgc. every vuckuc oj giriutn Alabattine lias cross and circle printed in red. Better write us for hand-made color de siims.and special suggestions. Give us your decor ative problems and let us help you work them out. Alabastine Company 1055 Crsndvllle Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich rVlIX IN ONE I MINUTE WITH I COLD WATtfl I II THE ONLY T001 MBJUJTOAPm one-eleven cigarettes I ijmjm run eaaaaH BaaM o 9 H BiusM JU9jff tiHhi ClBlrBx Tlircc Friendly Gentlemen TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEV FIFTEEN In a new package that fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish. Virginia ami BuRLEYTobaccos Guaranteed by ffits jfvii&- CfirGvLCtir? iV FIFTH AVB. HIWVOKK CIVV irm iwiiii :riiJiTriiMWTiTfyiJ'"r"rtrrT'nr,'T ' p Witt Costs Less Per Day To Wear THetn Child Training at Home THE VALUE OF AN EDUCATION By EDWARD N. CLOPPER, PH. D., Assistant Secretary, National Child Labor Committee. SOMK time ago, the United States bureau of education at Washing, ton printed a statement which showed the amount of money that had been earned by different groups of young people up to the time they were twenty-live, years of age. Those who had remained In school until they were eighteen hnd earned nearly DO per cent more than those who had left school at fourteen and had been work ing four years longer. Such n statement of facts will con vlneo Intelligent parents that they should l;eep their children In school and not yield to the temptation of permitting them to go to work beeauso tho family's expenses are high and children are paid better wages than formerly. Men and women are always grate ful for tho sacrifices which their par ents made In order to give them edu cation. They know that In the strug gle to make a living, the educated man or woman has a great advantago over the Ignorant and can reach high er places and receive better pny. To day the competition among those who work, whether they work with hand or brain, or both, was never so keen, nnd the ones who are best equipped are the winners. An education is ono of the chief Items In the necessary equipment. All States Have School Laws. Your state law tells you that you must send your child to school until he Is of a certain ngo and then he may leave and go to work If you let him. And he may want to do so and beg you to let him take that Job In the factory where his friend .loo works. Hut you are older and know better than he does what Is tor his host In terest. You know that If you let him leave school as soon as the law allows, you aro giving him no hotter chance In this world than all children get for the law requires them all to go CONSPICUOUS AMD DECIDED EFFECT OF KINDERGARTENS Dr. Carroll P. Wright, for merly commissioner of labor for the United States, empha sizes the Importance of tho kindergarten In the following significant statement: "Tho conspicuous and decided effect of kindergartens In pre venting the Inception of crim inal tendencies In children ex posed by their homes, or neglect, to such tendencies, proves most conclusively th'nt the kindergar ten effects nn Immense pecuniary saving to the community, not only In diminishing expenditures otherwise necessary for police and protective measures, but In rendering what would otherwise he a criminal population, a part of n useful, law-abiding, self supporting membership of tho state." ThlB country Is spending $15, 500,000 a day on Its criminal classes. to school that long and If you yield to his urging now you will have to bear his disappointment later when he lluds out that it was a great mis take. Tho education which the public school now gives Is better adapted to the needs of children than the coarsen which were taught a generation ago. Today the child learns how to make himself useful and how to do this In an Intelligent way. Every child should begin his educa tion In the kindergarten, for Wi It the seods of good citizenship are sown. It Is In the kindergarten that honesty, loyalty and consideration for the rights of others aro Instilled during the child's most Impressionable years. Patriotic songs and stories of our great heroes Implant deep love of country; marching and games develop self-control, team work and adaptabil ity; hand work and modeling promote efficiency and appreciation of labor. Surely tho foundations of the skilled artisan and the loyal citizen of the fu ture can be laid in no better place than In a well-equipped kindergarten! People Pay for Kindergartens. After starting In the right way, the longer the child stays m school, the more useful he will become and the beter able to tako upon himself tho responsibilities of life. Tho school ol today alms to make Intelligent, etll clcnt citizens, but It will not mtcceod If the child Is taken out and put to work at tho earliest posslblo moment. The people pay for tho kindergarten, eloinentnry grammar and high schools go that their children may have the benefit of them. You are ono of the people and you help to support these schools. They are your schools, built and kept up for tho sako of your chil dren as we'l as for all other children, Uso them, then. Keep your child In school. Lot him begin In tho kinder garten nnd graduato from the high school. LINCOLN'S WISH I hopo tho time may come when our country shnll guaran tee to nil an unfettered stnrt and n fair chance In the race of life. Abraham Lincoln. mrrzsasir ..i,i,'ii,-.ffr'-i.:.fM.iM : -t-ti- . i. ! i i.iti.M). y,y fm iii.M.iii ; III II'1- J-' ....-'- - i-'iii; r i,u. f-, Why Castoria? YARS ago Castor Oil, Parogoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups were the remedies in common use for Infants and Children; Castor Oil so nauseating as to bo almost impossible and tho others all containing Opium in ono form or anothor, but so disguised as to mako them pleasant to tho taste, yet really to stupify tho child and give the appearance of relief from pain. It required years of research to find a purely vegetablo combination that would tako tho place of those disagreeable, unpleasant and vicious remedies that from habit had become almost universal. This was tho inception of, and tho reason for, the introduction of Flotcher's Castoria, and for over 30 years it has proven its worth, received tho praise of Physicians everywhero and becomo a household word among mothers. A remedy ESPECIALLY prepared for Infants and Children and no mother would think of giving to her baby a remedy that sho would uso for herself, without consulting a physician. BplJNct Contents 15Pluid Draortna BJv4S ' -"s-p tif&m gfai --vvrs mm Children Cry For IBSBS msvrf! KKffi' (!i,r. a G'u&Vi SffiR fe.T ItfS&S? few !-;: crfW 5. Si a:r: 'St nfiZi !-: ;- v 'MS,SJJS "-is 93-.-C. rij-rfib. r3' 'or. ..!) B'RSSi HOI 1M k.' ifiMPQi ! m h LCOHOL-araUOBNT. f AfcdctablcIYcparattonfirAs- 7 TimiTBftimnnaisiumw"- sd . .- ;... niAxtfnal tt EKSM ii Lnccnuincsswiuiw..----- . N1 !. nnl.m xiorDiuncnoM WbiwU.NoTNAitcoTicI - ....ITZLcivrrrrraZB u n. ti.Cau V JlflW amYlfJSi&l' Wtt$mrtftirtr . ". - iii ,i.-fir AhClpltlKCim."j - ,h LossofMjEEI rcsifltohcrcrroinjnfarxy. IhcSlmiloSWnrtwem TCnNrAwGoWPW i NFVV wjiZ i -? 5 Have You Tried It? Everybody has read the above headline; how many heiicvo It? Have you a Httle-ono In tho home, and has that dear Httle mlto when Its stomach was not just right felt the comforts that como with the use of Fletcher's Castoria? You have heard tho cry of pain. Have you heard them cry for Fletcher's Castoria? Try it. Just help baby out of its trouble tomorrow with a taste of Cas toria. Watch the difference in tho tone of the cry, the look in tho eye, the wiggle in tho tiny fingers. The transformation is complete from pain to pleasure. Try it. You'll find a wonderful lot of information about Baby in tho booklet that is wrapped around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria. GENUSNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Sicnaturo of Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI CKNTAUH COMPANY, NBW VOItH CITY. Plkr. "Daniel was a inker; ho didn't have any nerve I" The thin, pale person, who muttered thus, lifted his lip In a sneer. "Ho was n piker," ho added, scorn fully. "He only went Into u den of: lions." A moment passed a moment of tense contempt. "I," he continued, "I nm a greater man than Daniel wasl Tor I am on my way to Interview tho cashier ut tho bank whero I am overdrawn I" WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never rsutpect it. Women's complaints often prove to bo nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or gans to become dikeased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcomo such conditions. Get a medium or largo size bottle im mediately from any dmg store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. iWhcn writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. As He Understood It. Robert came homo from Sundny school not long iiro humming tho music of the closing hymn, "Jesus Is seeking the humble heart." "Whut la that you nro humming, Robert?" asked his mother. "I haven't henrd you say tho words yet." "Don't you know, mother?" nn bwered Robert, much surprised, "It'H Jesus sneaking through Humboldt park." Buffalo Express. Predictions. Vlslonnrles arc predicting that tho nlrplnno will tako the placo of tho auto. A few years ago, they wero predict ing thnt the auto would "drive out the horse." Now comes tho government, report ing that tho country still has W.Oii!), 000 horses, compared with 10,83.3,113 In 1010. We havo about 10,000.000 motor cars, along with nearly twice as ninny horses as twelve years ago and llud we need both. That will ho tho auto's future. Air planes will lly by millions. Uso of autos will Increase. Tho two together will ho lnsulllcleut to furnish man with enough transportation, one thing we are always behind on. Consistency. Betty "Tho Idea of Bob whistling to attract my attention; I felt Insult ed and wouldn't notlco him Hark 1 What's that? It's .Tnck honking his nuto horn for me to come out. Kxcuse me, dear, I must go." Just say to your grocer Red Cross Bull Bluo when buying bluing. You will bo more than repaid by tho re sults. Onco tried always used. Advertisement. Wife Does the Talking, "no hns a weak chin." "Well, ho gets no chance to cxcrclso It." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. Ih Indlsprnsabla In all cases of Congo, Cold, Influenza, nenvea nnd Wormn among liorncs and mules. Giro an occasional dose as a preventive. Uxcellent for Dog Distemper c u o i o r . Write for Free Boohlcl Hold in two sizes ai an urng stores. Kill All Flies! TIIKY SPREAD DISEASE l'l.ccl anywhere. DAISY r'l.Y KiM.ER attract, and bills all tllrn. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and ,ehetp l.ainalliea. en. Mans of metal, ?an't t Dill nrtlnover: will not aoll orlnlorn anything. GimrattccJ. rr.v KILLER at vnua dealer or 6 hf nXI'IIKIS, BreraM. II.ZJ. HAROLD liOMElia.lM UoKalb Avo..Utoo!ilrD,U.Y. SZ3MSMKirrm &K&micftttjK'GJt (tmiaMSSSt ImkI rfSn Mr! PARKER'S" T-TAIR HA! ?A1W RrmoTc.nanarotz-Atoinllalrr'alllBr ncaiorea y.aior and Baauty to Cray and Faded Halt wi.uiiu,iw.iiiu;uilini ni.ent Cnem. Wka. I'atf ImaUf.M.T. HINDERCORNS it., .v. cai In meat. atv nfr.t.a tall rialn ,... - 77. ..a.. lOtlSfaf. tft.. Hi fill! Mil mltl. analia , Vi V . m iKh "f,1!" Mk,n? tV -Jr wall or at Vnc ITlitJ. Ul.cox Cbemlcal Work.,I'eln)cua,tl.. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 19-1922. Her Wantn. "Money Isn't everything." "I know. But It seems to be about all my wlfn wnnts." If wo ban the ldenl absoluto free- Tho hardest thing some men havo doin, there- would soon ho an as- to learn Is that the otlicr fellow Is semblngo to enact u lot of laws. I entitled to something. Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor cfllclency as well b promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no Blliny soap, uo germs, no waste, no Irri tation even when shaved twice dally. Ono soap for all uses shaving bathing and shampooing. Advertisement. Channlhg Color Scheme. "Father, are all Bolshevists red?" "No, my boy, some of them nre pret ty blue." Der Brtimmer (Berlin). ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT Wbon elioes pinch or corna and bunions ache, set a package ot ALLUN'H FOOTn EAHH, the antlseptlo powder to be shaken Into the ihoea. It take the atlnif out ot corna and bunlone, elvei Inatant relief to Smarting, Achlnr, Swollen feet. 1,600,000 pound! ot powder for the feat were uied by our Army and Navy during- the war, Advertisement. Somo Resemblance. Olgwlro So poor old Longsuffer Is married at last? Did ho marry money? Gommlck Well, sho certainly talks! WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy 'Aspirin'. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Headache Colds Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia' Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 21 and 100 Druggist Aapitln U the trade toaik of Dajer Manufacture ot MonoaccUcacldeter of SiUcjltctdA