WL -- ? :. y jw .OS W ' -i r .its HARNESS and SADDLERY Back to Pre-War Prices Come in and soc for yourself our exceptional values. Harness and leather goods of all kinds oiled and repaired Rebuilding and repairing automobile tops a specialty. FnrfAl I n II fl EH Red Cloud r Bldg. J. 0. BUTLER Nebraska rHE REDCLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Intcrod In the I'OHtofllco lit lied Cloud, Nob as Hccond Clasg Matter A. B. McARTHUR.tEditor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & 12M ramcmniiiiM Greater Than Riches A good healthy body is more to be desired than all the wealth of the world. Good health assures a clear mind, inspires energy," ambiton and working efficiency. The Food We Eat Is Important The careful housewife will secure only the highest grade groceries and foodstuffs to safeguard the health of the family. Our Goods Are The Highest Quality Selected to give our patrons the best goods obtainable at prices as low as it is possible to make them. This Store Will Help You In the practice of consistent economy and give you full value for ever dollar you spend here. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware llpiipiii;iiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiii:iiaiiiMiiiiiwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiliwilllllil!lwlBm If it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of business and by the class of correspondence and the kind of advertising matter used. Since the success of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public the necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right We arc prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief Political Announcements For Sheriff I hereby announco mysolf nsa candi dnto, for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County, nt the Primary, July 18, 1022, subject to the will of tho Re publican voters of Webster county. JACK WALLER. I .hereby announce mysolf as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of the voters of the Democratic party at the Primary election, July IS, 11)22. LAWRENCE DOYLE. I hereby announce myself as'ti candi date for tho nomination for Shcrlfr of Webster County, at the Primary, July 18, 11)22, subject to the will of the Re publican voters of Wobstor county. N. I PHILLIPS. I hereby announce mysolf as n candi date for ro-olection to tho olllco of County Sheriff of Webster county, sub ject to the will of tho Democratic vot- ors, at the primary election, July lb, 1022. FRANK RUFFER I hereby announce mysolf as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Wobstor County subject to tho will of tho Republican voters at the Primary, July 18, 1022. FRED HEDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tho Democratic voters of Webster coun ty nt the Primary, July 18th. B. A (BERT) KING I hereby announco myself as a candi date for tho nomination for Shcriir of Webstor County subject to the will of the Republican voters of Webstorcoun ty nt the Primary, July 18. OMER CROWELL, Guide Rock. rjl hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Wobster County subject to the will of tho Republican voters of Webster county at tho Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. For County Clerk I hereby announce mysolf as a candi date, for tho nomination for County Clork of Webster County, nt tho pri mnry, July 18, 1022, Bubject to tho will of.the voters of tho Democrat party. 11. F. PERRY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for the nomination for County Cleric of Webster County, at the pri mary, July 18, 1022, subject to tho will of tho voters of the Republican party. ELMER K. SIMONS For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Troasuror of Wobster County subject to tho will of the voters of tho Repub lican party at tho Primary election, July 18, 1922. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) Students Hint have been expecting to get certificates should be sure that their averages are above 80 if possi ble for a frnction below 80 will bar the certificate out even if tho grcdos arc high cnougli to meet the law in other respects. There will bo three more teachers examinations this year. They will bo May 2G and 27, Juno 3p, July 1 end August 4 and 5. These examinations will bo held in Red Cloud only unless special arrangements arc made. A program of the timo for the different studies can be found on the backs of most of the cards giving the examina tion grades. As soon ns students know that they arc going to High School they should make application for free High School privileges. Anyone wishing land transferred for school privileges should make application before the annual meeting. Wc nro hoping to get the eighth grado marks before the end of this week. Tho nnnual meeting will bo held Juno 12 this year. Tho directors legal blanks will be sent out soon now. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By Henry R. Fuusch, County Agent) Miss Stella Mather, Home Demon stration Leader from tho College of Agriculture was in the County Tues day and Wednesday meeting with different women's organizations and explaining the work available from tho Extension Service thru the County Farm Bureau. Meetings were held with representa tives from the Inavalo Culture Club, Red Cloud P. E. O. Club, The Will ing Community and Helpful Commun ity Country Clubs, Beulnh Ladies' Missionary Society and Prairie Gem. The Extension Service sends out subject matter for Womens' Clubs newly organized and for those desir ing help in making up their programs for the year. Federated clubs may receive this help by notifying the county agent. Tho organization desiring to in clude different phases of work other than literary programs may request help along the lines of clothing, health, nutrition and home canning. Specialists from the College are sent upon request and aid in the establish ing definite projects along any of tho above mentioned subjects. The clothing program is n very practical one and has been very pop ular in many counties of tho state. This begins with a home made dress form demonstration by tho clothing specialists. As soon as 10 women have made dress forms the group, is entitled to the next number of the program which is a demonstration on short cuts in sewing and the use of sewing machine attachments. When five groups have dress forms and have learned to use their attachments these groups are qualified to send two delegates each to a dress instruction or millinery school. These schools continue four days and the last day is a stylo .show open to the communi ties sending delegates nnd others. Tho delegates agree to return to their own communities and pass on the informa tion they have received to at least five women each and as many more as care to attend the follow-up school. Ball Ball Game Sunday, May 2 1 , 3 p. m. Red Cloud vs Blue Hill Come out and see the game Special Showinj THIS WEEK YOUNG MEN'S New Model Sport Suits Just Arrived-The Very Latest Things in Young Mens Wear $20-$22.50--$27.50 $30-$35 to $45 Block and Kuppenheimer ALSO NEW ARRIVALS Spring Shirts $1.25 to $3.00 Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE m m mm mm WiPJ&f $miL$ m wM Jpr .., JBk L r311 VflLicujirBriHttHHIHIHHIHiHllKB 1 hereby announco myself nsa candi date for the nomination of County Treasurer of Wobster County bubject to tho votors of tho Democratic ticket tit the Primary election, July 18th. A. V. DUCKER. I hereby announco myself us n candi date for tho nomination for County Trcnsurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub licuu ticket at the Primary election July 18th. MRS. CLARA E. WALKER. Comfort, Economy and hciency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. -wftW;'- Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. ' G. W. Trine'sfHardware I heioby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination for County Treasurer of Wobstor County subject to the will of tho votors of ihe Repub lican party at the Primary, July 18. CUAS. C. BENNETT, Cowles, Nebr. In the District Court 'of the United States For the District of Nebraska, Hastings Division In tho Mutter ol tilmundjimti airtirlil r jj:uu;nipi. ) To the Creditois of ) In Dnlruptry.Cv No 147 '.-.Notice ol H 3 C 3C COAL 3 n We Sell I hereby announce mysolf nsa candi date for tho ofllee of County Troasuror of Wobster County, subject tn the will of tbo Republican voters nt the pri mary election, July 18, 1922. P. E. MUTTON, Blue Hill, Ncbr. I heroby announce myself as a candi date for County Treasurer subject to tho will of the voters of tho Democrat ticket at tho Primary July 18, 1022. MABEL DAY ALBRIGHT tflave you planted a flower bed of Zinnias? For County Superintendent I hereby announco myself as a candi date for rcuomlnation for County Sup crlntondcnt of Schools on tho Non Political ticket nt tbo Primary election July 18th. ESTELLEE DUCKER. I hereby announco mysolf as a candi date for tho ofllce of County Superin tendent of Schools, of Webstor county, on tho Non-Pollticiil ticket, subjsct to tho will of tho voters at tho Primary July 13, 1022. MINNIE CHRISTIAN. rst Mecddir in iretlllor.s. Ed annul James Fairfield of (fuide Rock in the County of Webster nnd district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on tho 11th day of May, A. D. 11)22, the said Edmund James Fnirlleld was duly ad judicated bankrupt, and that the tlrst meeting of creditors will he held at olllco of B. W. Stewart iu Red Cloud on the 2dlh day or May, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at which time the bald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tho bankrupt, nnd transact such other business ns may proporly conio before said meeting, O. NORBERG, Referee in Bankruptcy. Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump m We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. s-?a Ittd FARMERS ELEVATOR New Sunday School Organized A Union Sunday School was organ ized last Sunday afternoon at the Ten nant school house G miles northwest of Red Oloud. C. P. Turner of Mlnden Missionary for tbo American Sunday Sobool Union of America took charge of the organizing. A good number were present and much interest shown. Everyone in the neighborhood is invit ed to attend our Sunday School which meets eaob Sunday afternoon ut 3. C. A. Pclrco Supt,, Ed Dickson Asst Supt , Susio Strobl Secy. Always Obliging. Jud Tunklns says bo's perfoctly wlll tog to bo wrong sometimes, for tho jako of not spollm nn Interestln' or- I (ument. UG HE GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers . W do FRAE BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco, We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS General Electrical Service Devices Repaired Fans Overhauled B. R. FRAZIER Tel, Lincoln Red 3, Jud. 170R V ( tc t. A V V , A