USD 0L0T7D, NEBRASKA, CHEEP Mix I i H y It ' Here is a Treat For You FOR SATURDAY ONLY 25 CASES PUNCH BRAND SLICED LEMON CLING PEACHES These are the finest California peaches Packed in rich heavy syrup, a quality that we sell regularly at 40c For Saturday only 28c per can.. Post Toastics i nr large package 1 UB Cream of qeA Wheat OOC Oatmeal, large OK packages j& fcUU Pineapple, sliced Qfl large can.J will Canned Corn !51, Sweet clover brand 03C Canned Corn Red Oak l2Kzc Canned Corn, Punch onn Country Gentleman fcUC Tall Salmon pink 15c Tall Salmon red 20c Clean your Wall Paper with Absor. cno. Sold by Cotting. Pure Barred Kock eggs for hatch ing. Phone Ind. 18-9. Mrs. Mel Her-rick. Miss Blanche McCartney wns a passenger to Hastings Tuesday morning. Oatmeal Large packages 25c Post Toasties Large Packages I On Sugar $6.50 Per Sack Tli .AC Wee s Company k AS TOLD TO US a K 8 KtSBKKKHBBBHBKHKM Next Sunday is Mothers' Day. Fred Fcarn was in Guide Rock Tuesday. G. A. Schultz spent Tuesday in Hastings. B. W. Stewart spent Monday in Hastings. Ralph Newhouse was in Hastings Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Butler spent Thursday in Guide Rock. - Chi.Nnniel is the best varnish lloor and furniture. Sold by Cottitig. Dont fail to sec The Sliick at the Besse Auditorium Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Andrew Saladcn went to Den ver Thursday evening where she will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mary Sanderson. Tho Inavalc and Red Cloud ball teams played a game of ball on tho local diamond at which time the homo boys won by a score of 9 to 8. Mrs. Homan Pate and children of Omar, Colorado, have been here for the" past few days visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark. John Edwards of Riverton was in the city Tuesday. Two good places to cat, at home and Powell's Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maurcr spant Thursday in Hastings.' Jane Petersen spent Saturday with relatives in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satt'oy spent Tuesday in Hastings. Ed. Burr of Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday morning. C. B. Steward was a passenger "to Lincoln Tuesday morning. John Edwards of Riverton was in the city Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Moore returned to her home at McCook Sunday evening after spending a few days here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Black of Boul der, Colorado departed for their home Sunday evening after spending a few days with, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kalcy. George Heffclbower shipped a car load of hogs to St. Joe Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives in tho city. Mrs. G. V. Trino went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to visit her daugh ter, Miss Vernn. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Buzzard' lmvc moved to Blue Hill whore they will make their home. Ford Walker of McCook is in tho city visiting his mother, Mr.. Walker and friends for a few days. Roy Hcrbergcr of Koncsnw spent Sunday in tho city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hcrbergcr. Ed. Garbcr wenf to Lincoln this morning to attend a meeting of -the Republican state committee. F. W. Cowdcn went to Kansas City Sunday morning to spend a few days attending to business matte s. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhouso of Guide Rock spent Sunday in the city with their parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. G .Britton of Smith Center, Kansas spent Sunday with relatives and friends in the city. ) Miss Edith Zeiss wont to Friend Tuesday morning where she will vis it relatives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner autoid to Hastings Friday morning to spend the day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Andrew Saladen rcurncd homo Sunday evening from Denver where she spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. .Ed Piatt and daughter, Marion, returned homo. Thursday evenirg niter spending a lew uays in uraun.-j Mrs. F. R. Hughes went to Hast ,'nn.n Sotnviinv morninc? to snend a few days with her parents and friends.. Alf Nolan, Emmett Ryan and James McPartland attended the Knights of Columbus meeting at Orleans Sunday. D. A. McAlphino freight inspector for tho Burlington from Denver spent Wednesday and Thursday hero attend ing to matters in connection with his work. Miss Grace Davis returned homa Thursday evening from Hastings where she had been in a hospital ic ceiving medical attention for a couple of week3. Donald Funk was a passenger to Hastings Monday morning. Miss Mildred Fey was a passenger to Lincoln Monday morning. Senator Rickard of Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday evening. Lew Breakey was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday moKping. Carey Derr has accepted a posi tion with Smith Bros. & Copley. ' v Mrs. N. B. Bush returned home Friday evening from Hastings &fter spending a couple of days with her son, Lynn. , '- - ""'Iri'.uv-'' Mrs. F. R. Hughes and children re turned homo Tuesday evening from Hastings where she spent a few days with her parents, , is. s : Mrs. G. W. Meyer shipped her household effects to Wetmoro, Kansas, Saturday and she and her children in tend going to that place tho last of tho week where they will make their home. Mrs. Roy Robinson returned to her homo Saturday morning after spend ing two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jcmbcrg, and with other relatives. Mrs. Harold Moranville and children returned to her home at Homingford. Monday morning after spending the past week hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrott. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bloom and baby went to Fairbury Saturday morn ing to spend a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Butler of Hastings spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler. Mrs. Herrickstcad of Denver ar rived in the city Tuesday morning to visit Mrs. Mary Polnicky and other friends. Tho Women's Society of tho Con gregational church will hold a food market at Wccsncr's store Saturday, May 13th. A supreme tempter for appetites of big and little folks "Lit ten, you Herble, you let go of thota Kellogg's Corn Flahes or you'll be late for tchool and I won't) wait for, you an other minute I" ( ii W--3L & 5 25 s Put it right up to Kellogg's Corn: Flakes to do a master job sharp ening breakfast appetites! And, they'll repeat at lunch and supper, for Kellogg's are irresistible in goodness! Kellogg's win every one because their flavor is delicious and because their crunchy crispness is unfailing! You'll prove that! Such a cereal you never ate before! "You'll say; Kellogg's arc a" revelation and they will be, in" particular, to any; one who has eaten imitation corn flakes! Kellogg's arc as distinctive in flavor as they, are in crispness. rAnd, Kellogg's are never tough' or leathery! Start eat ing Kellogg's .Corn Flakes tomorrow morning! You can't afford to miss such happiness as Kellogg's hand out to young and old alike! But please be sure you get KELLOGG'S, tho delicious Corn Flak'es ill the RED and GREEN package. Look for the signature of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes. NONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT IT! VrztrsA minwtr ;u TOASTED FLAKE , "-'" ,11111' A J& CORN FLAKES Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krumbled Mrs. J. W. Auld and children, Thomas and -Virginia, returned home Sunday morning after spending a few days in Denver. Miss Mary Christian was a passen ger to Blue Hill Tuesday morning. Attorney H. S. Foe returned home Thursday evening after spending a few days at Hastings and Lincoln at tending to some legal business. FOR SALE A now No. 9 Oliver typewriter. Inquire at this office. Mrs. Herb Ludlow returned homo Friday morning from Slrntton, Colo rado, where sho had been visiting her son, Clarcnco Bnkcr and family. Mr. dnd Mrs. Louie Schultz of Konc snw spent Sunday with relatives hero. No War Tax Effective Nay 8th', 1922, the Excise Tax on United States Tires for passenger cars, both casings and tubes is absorbed by the makers and not added to the selling price. United States Tire Company Tho City Cleric will receive bids on i v bef( re noon Juno G, 1922 for haul ing fuel, oil and coal to tho power house for the ensuing year. Bidder to stand all demurrage. Place your order at Powell's Cafo for a box of Chocolates for Mother's Day. Make your mother happy on May 14th. "Mother's chocolates 81.00 per package. AT HOME EXPECT YOU TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT VISIT The FOLKS "OMAHA'S FUN Cnttl7 CENTRE," THE " T "-F IT ExhilaratlngBURLESKVAUDEVILIE StafeAliwi Filled withrrcUyGirU, Fanny Clonnp iiOrfeODI HQUlPlfiCt urillian. accniD uiiviiuuiueuw MATINEE DAILY, 2:1 5j- EVNGS. 8:30 EVERYBODY GOES: ASK ANYBODY V AtwayxthoBiggestandBestShowWestof Chicago BEAUTIFUL GIFTS For Graduation Presents At Cotting's Drug Store COME AND SEE J. Earl JIcKimmey of Holdrege spent Sunday in tho city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. y. H. Mc-Kimmey. A. II. Carpenter and daughter, Mrs. Fred Mocde autoed to Lebanon, Kan sas, Friday morning where they toolc tho train for Sclden. Tho latter will spend a few days with her sister be fore going to dasper, Wyoming to malco her future home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oatman, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Silvey of Inavalc, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladen, Robt Reihcr, Chas. Whitaker. W. G. Hamilton and B. F. Perry nttended tho Shrincrs' meeting! at Hastings Thursday, jw, " Tho thirteen months old baby girl of Mr. and Mw. August Brinkman passed away at their homo Friday cvenintr after an illness of several weeks. The funeral services were held at the homo Sunday morning, Rev. Marjorio Owens in charge after which interment was made in the city cemetery, Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST lb the Purchasers of a 3ox3 Usco for $10.90 IIP!!! HEN the "Usco" Tire announced its new price of $10.90 it carried this understood contract with the buyer A price reduction made in good faith using all the U. S. advanced art of tire mak ing not only to get the price down, but to keep the quality . Today $10.90 is not the uncommon price it was last November. But the "Usco" Tire is still the uncommon tire value it always gl""T--f--""----------- r r r r r r r r f r r f r r f f r v f r r r r r r r r f r r has been. Because in carrying out the"Usco"price reduction in good faith, wc learned something about rais ins the quality, too. United StetesTircs are Good Tires 7 A A i i A A 7 A 1 4. i 8kw'. ??v3& ' mSHWWM S?4-2A ' MlfHaH-V iiakVirC-watt-Vm a Emma W4m$m' K-Hf TO7-S2g--a 7 KJH ErtLf$- tV Ei-Hf ifeIPi -4tlw . KV;lKil 30TV ' ltl-i r IH Hi t.v: lai naa KfipI BMlSSI Mr w . MS Ha ! w mil II United States "Tires Wum&mS 't United States Rubber Company MKSnGf '' fSJlvthf Th Oldttt and Laratit Two kundrtd and B-fi!Vlr A f tattoritt RuUtr Organuatlen in tht Wtrld thrvliv$ Drancht, iHB- T A r 7 I , ' JI&';4flMBSer a I -p Where You Oley Iverson, Bladen, Neb. Blue Hill Tire Co. Blue Hill.Neb , Can Buy s Crick Garage, Campbell, Neb. Cowlcs Garage, Cowles, Neb. U. S Tiresi ' Flathers & Lano, Riverton, Nebr. . I a Red Cloud Nebraska i r..-e. !.-,i A 4