The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1922, Image 3

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Intermediate Variety Bear Better
When Given Support of Low
Brush or Wire.
Best Plan to Depend on Succession
Planting a Week or Ten Days Apart
Rotation Is Also of Much
The very finest quality pens nt the
present time are neither, strictly
speaking, dwarfs, nor nro they tall.
Thoy nro Intermediate and while they
may bo grown ns dwarfs ami without
brushing, they benr better when given
the support of low brush or a nurrow
strip of chicken wire. These are the
tirailus and Lnxton types oS pea,
which vary from 'M Inches to almost
four feet, according to variety. All
do better with support, although com
monly grown as dwarfs. They give a
heavier yield when held upright.
Wrinkled Type Superior.
Of the very early peus of the wrln
Med type, which Is much superior to
the earliest smooth-seeded type, Lit
tle Marvel stili holds a high place
nmong really dwaif peas, the vines
being only ubout eighteen Inches. It
matures In eight weeks and Is very
linrdy and of tho finest quality. A
little earlier. Is Market Surprises
Alaska and Maud S., smooth-seeded
peas, still icmnln tho earliest of all,
of good quality if tnken very young,
but not equal to tho wrinkled vari
eties, which are not so hardy and cun
not bo planted or cropped so early.
It Is possible with the variety of
pens now on tho market to plan a
good succession planting, starting with
Alaska, Surprise, Little Marvel, (Jrad
us, Lnxtonlan and Thomas Lnxton.
However, it Is better to depend up
on a successionnl planting a week or
ten days opart, ns tho season mny be
such ns to bring tho cropping of dif
ferent peas too closo together nt ma
turity, if planted nt the same time.
The planting of pens In double rows,
sly Inches apart, these double rows to
bo three feet apart, Is about right for
tho more dwarf varieties, but if the
more vigorous growing dwarfs are to
be planted they will need nt least four
feet between tho rows unless they tire
given brush or wire.
Tho round seeded pens can go into
tho ground as soon as it can bo dug,
1)ut it is best to wait a week or two
for the wrinkled varieties to be on
the safe side.
Rotation I Necessary.
The peas should not be planted this
year in tho same position that they
OLCupied last year. Neither should
Method of Brushing Peas.
thoy bo placed in ground occupied the
previous season by bonns for best re
sults. A gardener should study his
garden plan each year with an eyo to
moving the peas and beans across the
. garden, so Hint they will, not occupy
the same spaco In succeeding years.
Of course, heavy fertilizing partly
makes up for the exhausting of the
soil, but it cannot wholly do so. These
two vegetables take more out of the
soil than the others und It Is more
necessary to see that thoy rotate.
Lime Sulphur and Scaleclde Must Be
Applied If Orchard Trees
Are to Bo Saved.
During tho last two or thrco yonrs
a good mnny people in the North with
homo orchards have believed that the
San Jose scale was becoming extinct.
As a mutter of fact the sieot which
persisted so long on tho trees the win
ter of four years ago suffocated tho
scaio just as docs tho lime-sulphur
spray when applied. After that win
ter, many old trees revived und have
grown well since then. Now tho scnlo
Is catching up again and, unless we
hnvo another such sleet, lime-sulphur
nnd scnlecido will have to bo put on
If tho trees are to be saved. A still
day Is an idcul time to spray with
lithe-sulphur because It is easier to
breach all parts of tho tree when there
Is no wind.
Enables Gardener to Recall Earliest
and Latest Varieties In Planting
Gardeners should keep records of
planting dates and maturity of certain
varieties of vegetables so that thoy
'may recall the earliest, tho latest and
'the mid-season varieties when plant
ing time comes. This information will
save trouble nnd ennblo one to plant
eo tho tnblo may bo supplied during
the growing sensor v
1 4 7l3"''i:'p
I . " -V
Heavy Losses to Growers During
Past Two Years.
Bureau of Plant Industry Conducting
Experiments In Florida to De
termine Presence of Mangel
Wurzel Seeds.
(Prepared by the. United States Deparlmem
of Agriculture.)
Becauso of tho heavy losses ex
perienced by beet sugar companies
during the past two years through the
presence of mangel wurzel, or tjtock
beet seed In the imported sugnr-beet
seed, tho bureau of plant Industry of
the United States Department of Ag
riculture Is mailing growing tests of
samples of such seeds. Tho tests ore
being made In Florida In tho open
air. Lots of Imported seed hnvo been
sent by beet-sugar companies for test-
Loading Beets for Shipment to Fuctory
at Owosco, Mich.
ing. When any of these samples nro
found to contain stock beet seed, tho
senders will bo notified before plant
ing time. "
Similar tests made In tho green
houses during the past year inndo pos
sible the location of mixtures con
taining stock beets of red, or orange
colored varieties. It has been found
thnt whltc-fleshcd varieties of stock
beets cannot bo determined through
germination tests alone but must be
grown to n considerable size before
their distinguishing characteristics nre
discernible. Thnt the heavy losses ex
perienced during the past two years
due to this cause constitute a strong
argument for the development of an
American-grown supply of sugar-beet
seed, sufficient for tho needs of our
beet Industry, Is the belief of the
officials working on the problem.
Excellent Plan to Remove All Stalks
and Burn Them Ashes Make
Good Fertilizer.
In getting rendy to make gurden this
spring, It is an excellent plan to sec
that all the stalks of Inst year's vege
tables which may have been left stand
ing are removed and burned.
In the first place tho ashes will mnko
good fertilizer as tho stems of nearly
nil vegetables contnln excellent ferti
lizing material In their ash, nnd nn
oven more importnnt consideration Is
that by removing nnd destroying them
tho Insect pests nre likely to bo
Mnny Insect pests find refuge under
bonrds, nmong the dried leaves or
Rtalks over winter. Often the spores
of fungus diseases which create havoc
nro only waiting In theso old stems to
get into action with balmy weather.
By burning the refuse a great quantity
of them will be destroyed.
Select Best Piece of Land and Put It
In Good 8hape Clover Sod
Is Excellent.
It pays to have tho potato ground
in good shape. Select the best picco
of ground you have. You ure putting
more money Into tho seed than for
any other farm- crop and probably
moro into the cultivation too, nnd so
you should have the best land. Clover
sod makes tho best potnto ground. Old
bluo grnss sod Is nil right If plowed
deep enough nnd worked up In good
shape. Timothy sod Is not good. Avoid
fresh manure ; It produces scab.
Profitable to Raise Less Major Crops
and Devote More Time to
Poultry and Dairy.
Rnther than rnisc staple crops that
cannot bo sold nt oven cost of produc
tion, It will bo wise to devote less time
to major farm crops and moro labor
to preparing to Increase poultry and
dairy products. There seems to bo
nt nil times actlvo demand for poultry
and dairy products at prices that pay
well for labor and Investment.
However, It Does Not Correct Poor
Preparation of Soil or Lack
of Humus.
Commercial fertilizer lins Increased
yields and nt a profit, hut do not
expect the fertilizer to tnke tho place
of poor preparation or lack of humus
In the soil. A good seedbed with audi
ciont humus nro requirements for
profitable returns ou commercial fertilizer
I. u ' .a: i.---. -a . "..n gre.r . jajytn-i-.i J'hwt.tjiw ' tv Bcatcd rcy .T-S5rnTsTTffBsssssl
Well Fertilized Plot of Ground, With Reasonable Attention, Is Sure to
Give Satisfaction to the Grower Who Will Keep the Woods Out and Pro
vide Sufficient Amount of Moisture.
Oanger in Uso of Too Much Com
mercial Fertilizer; May In
jure the Plants.
May Be Mixed With Soil Along Rowa
during the Period of Growth
Mixtures Containing Much
Nitrogen Are Favorod.
A limited quantity of high-grade com
aicrclal fertilizer can be used to ad
vantage on garden soils even where n
considerable supply of bnrnynrd
manures have been applied. Com
mercial fertilizers act quickly and can
bo used to special advantage where It
Is desired to mature crops In n short
rieriod of time.
The best results can bo obtnlncd by
the use of fertilizer on laud thnt Is
well filled with organic matter. How
ever, fair results mny be obtained by
the uso of fertilizer on land that has
not been manured and which Is de
ficient In organic matter, according to
the United Stntes Department of Agri
culture. The great danger In the uso of com
mercial fertilizers is that too large
'quantities may be applied nnd cnuse
Injury to the plunts. It must be borne
In mind that commercial fertilizers arc
a very concentrated form of plant food
nnd, therefore, should bo used In
Amount Needed in Garden.
Market gardeners frequently uso ns
much as 2,000 pounds' of commercial
fertilizer on nn ncre of ground. This
would bo nt the rate of nbout 4 or fi
pounds to n plot of ground 10 feet In
ench direction or 100 bqunrc feet. As
suming that tho average backyard
garden Is about 30 by CO feet in size,
50 to 70 pounds of standard, high-grade
truckers' fertilizer would be all that
would bo safe to apply on a garden of
those dimensions. Under most con
ditions SO pounds will bo the maximum
amount to use.
Commercial fertilizers are usually put
up In sacks containing 100, 107 or 200
pounds, and n good plan would be for
two or more gardeners, to Join together
In buying fertilizer.
Methods of Application.
There nre two or three methods of
Applying commercial fertilizers. Tho
first nnd most common Is by scattering
tho fertilizer broadcast over tho land
,nftor It has been plowed nnd burrowed,
then giving the soil n second and even
a third harrowing to mis the fertilizer
with It thoroughly. Another method
Is to apply the fcrtUUcr underneath the
rows', tho plan belli? to open tho fur
rdvs, scatter in Uic fertilizer, then,
by means of a single-shovel plow or
wheel hoe, thoroughly mix the fertilizer
with the soil In Mio bottom of tho fur
row. Tho surfaco soil is then re
turned nnd no teeds are planted for a
few days until the fertilizer becomes
thoroughly Vicorporntcd with tho
Tho third method of applying com
mercial fertilizers Is to uso them ns
a top or side dressing nlong tho rows
of plauts during tho period of growth.
Nitrate of soda and fertilizer mixtures
containing a considerable percentage
of nitrogen aro generally used for this
petpose. When using fertilizer ns a
fide dressing cure should bo taken that
it is not applied too near the base of
tho plants, but at n little distance from
the row, and then it should be culti
vated Into the upper 2 or 3 Inches of
S?rT?i?!TrT2 "Van MMHMMMMfWssMBWsMsiiiiiisiiBMMi -
soil, so thnt tho small feeder roots of
plants will gradually reach It.
Elements in Fertilizers.
The three main elements of plant
food contained in commercial fertilizers
aro phosphoile acid, nitrogen, nnd
potash. Nitrogen has the elTcct of
stimulating the leaf growth, and phos
phoric acid and potash have a tendency
to increase root growth and to mature
tho seeds of the plants. Hoot crops and
potatoes require n reasonable amount
of potash. Corn, benns, and others of
tho garden crops, which nre grown for
their pods or seeds, want n sufficient
supply of phosphoric acid, while let
tuce, celery, swlss chnrd, nnd others
of tho salad or leaf crops require
plenty of nitrogen. The snfest plan,
however, Is to apply an all-round or
complete fertilizer hnvlng npproxl
mnlely 8 per cent phosphoric acid, 4
or 0 per cent nitrogen, and 2 or 3 per
cent potash on land that Is to be de
voted to general garden crops.
Seed Should Be Sown About Time Last
Frosts Are Due; Ready for
Use In .Few Weeks.
Garden beets mny bo grown In any
good soil, but thrive best on rich,
sandy loam. Tho seed can be sown
nbout tho time the last frosts are due,
and the young beets will bo ready for
use In 4 to 0 weeks.
Later plantings will give a succes
sion nnd provide beets for winter
storage. The seed should be sown in
n drill with nbout 8 or 10 seed balls
lo the foot. It, should bo borne In
mind that each seed ball contains from
-.i2s M&r.
f'-U'st. S. sUL -i
IMhkVJ v k V$
Young Beeto Make Good Greens.
1 to 0 seeds, nnd that tho beets will
require considerable thinning. The
young beets that are pulled out in
thinning mny bo used ns greens during
the early spring. Where tho beets arc
to be given linnd cultivation entirely,
tho rows may be placed as closely as
12 to 14 Inches apart and the plants
should be thinned to 2 to 3 Inches in
the row. United States Department of
Gnrdeii Innd Inclined to be wet
should be thoroughly drained be
fore crops nro planted upon It.
If tllo drains or open ditches
cannot bo provided, tho next
best thing is to plnnt the crops
on slight ridges, so ns to get
their roots above tho water table
In tho soil.
m r
if if
W k IP
Biiffi1 fiilw Ti'fr"!
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
After Small Malden'o Plea Few Dad-
dies Could Have Refused to
Buy Toys Sho Wanted.
Little Lady Patricia walked down
to tho corner store with her dnd. Sho
carried her favorite doll and displayed
nil motherly prldo nnd care.
In tlie store thero wus it toy depart
ment not yet cleared of Its Yulctldo
trappings. Tho llttlo mother discov
ered n smnll red chair, "n doll buggy
nnd several other things thnt cnught
her youthful fnncy. Sho demanded
thnt they be bought Immediately.
"Oh, no, I'atsy wo mustn't do that,"
the dad protested. "Christmas Is
Patsy thought u moment then
called her father to one side and
whispered, qulto confidentially, In
his car:
"Sh-h-h-hl Not so loud, father, It's
going to bo dolly's Christmas and
she muatn't hear us."
Did she get tho toys? Uh-huh. In
dlnnnpolls Nows.
Why Not?
It was Memorial day. Tho whole vil
lage wns out nt tho cemetery cleaning
nwny n yenr's growth of briers nnd
weeds nnd decorating the graves. Ono
womnn was busy pointing out to n
stranger tho places where different
ones wcro burled. .She seemed to bo
familiar with the whole graveyard.
Her llttlo boy was listening to every
word. Ho finally Inquired: "Mother,
whore Is my llttlo grave?"
Heno In Trouble.
Lucile wns sent, to a neighbor to get
some eggs. Tho neighbor Informed her
thnt the hens were molting, and she
could not let her have any.
When she renched home Lucile snld :
"Mninnin, Mrs. T. can't let us hnvo nny
eggs becnuso her hens uro wilting."
End of a Checkered Career.
"You mean thnt you have spotted
tho crlmlnul?"
"Yes, nnd ho will soon be striped."
Jr c) V 0
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletsAlso Lotties of 24 and 100 Druggists.
AiDlrln U Uio Uido fc of isycr Hiauracturs or Uaooactttcaciaeitor of Sallcjllcd4
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
r Aft
DISTEMPER AMONG HORSES Successfully Treated With
Spohn's Distemper Compound
At this tlmn of year horsea are liable to contract contagious dls
pravitlvo against thcao. an occaalonal doss of 'HrOIIN'tt' Is
marvelnusly effective. 'As it remedy (or caaes already aufferlnir,
"KVOIIN'8" ta equally effective. Olvo It aa a preventive Don't
wait until thoy nre atck. On aata at drug; atores.
"So this applicant for tho hook
keeper's Job claims ho is u college
man?" asked tho bunk president nil
dressing the clerk. "IIus he nnythlng
to hack up that claim? Can hu qunli
fy?' Tho clerk stepped to tho door and
"The young mnn says," ho reported,
"that with your kind permission ho
will como In nnd give tho collego.yell."
American Legion Weekly.
Each package of "Diamond Dyea" cojv
tains directions bo simple any womnn can
dyo or tint her old, worn, faded things
new. Even if she has never dyed 'before,
the can nut a new, rich color Into shabby
akirts, ureases, waists, coats, stockings,
sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings,
everything, Buy Diamond Dyes no other
kind then perfect homo dyeing is guar
anteed. Just tell your druggist whether
tho material you wish to dye is wool or
silk, or whether it in linen, cotton, or
mixed goods. Diamond Dvcs never streak,
ipot, fade or run. advertisement.
Real Loss.
"And you say you lost control of
your car?" "Yes. I couldn't keep up
tho Installments." Judge.
Watch Cutlcurx improve) Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently smear
the fnco with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment in flvo minutes
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It
is wonderful what Cutlcura will do
for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching
nnd red rough hands. Advertisement
Genius produces tho Inventions,
while talent applies them.
Tho prices of cotton and linen hnvo
been doubled by tho war. Lengthen
their service by using Red Cross Ball
Blue In the laundry. All grocersAd
It's wlso to know a llttlo moro than
you let people think you. know.