The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 29, 1921, Image 6

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M n tt"I W. Jll
ww,W w,fl wraw
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Cppn'r.hi by Ptr B. Kyn
SynopsK-CAPtnln I'lilnons I. ScrnKRfl
hfui urown up around the docks of Sun
Krancluco, nml from mess boy on a rlvur
atcamer, rlHen to the ownership of the
tcatnar MsirrIo. Blncn ouch annual In
spection promlard to b the lust of the old
wcathrrbeaton vessnl, SrniKica naturally
lias nomo dimciilty In securing ft crew.
When the Btory opens, Adelbert P. Clhncy,
Itknbto, but erratic, i man whom nobody
but BcraBirs would hire, Ih tho skipper,
Nolls Holvorsen, a solemn Swede, consti
tutes the forcastto hands, ami Ilnrt Mo
CJufloy, a waMrol of the Olbney type,
relKns In the enulne room. With this
motley crew and his ancient vessel, Cap
tain Scraui s Is ennaKOd In freighting gar
den truck from Hnlfmoon bay to Ban
I'Yanclsco. The Inevitable happens, the
HnKRle going ashore In a fog. A
panning vessel hailing the wrerk, Mr.
Qlbney gets word to a towing company
In San Krancleco that the ship ashore Is
tkt Yankee Prince, with promise of 'a
rich salvage.
CHAPTER III Continued.
That'll do, bosun," Olbney thun
derctl. Then, In bis natural voice, to
Scruggs: "All net, Scrnggsy. Gupbh
we're rendy to bo pulled off. Get down
In the engine room nud stand by for
full speed abend when I give the
"Quick I Hurry I" Scrnggs entreated
as he disappeared through the little
engine-room lintch, for the tide was
now at the tip of the flood and the
Mngglo was bumpliiR wickedly and
driving further up the bench. Mr. Gib
ncy turned his stovepipe sen ward nntl
shouted: "Tugboats, nboyl"
"Ahoyl" they answered In unison.
"All rendy I Let'er go-o-o-ol"
Thn Squarehead stntloned himself at
the bltlH with a lantern and Mr. Olbney
hastened, to the pilot house nntl tool;
his pluccnf the wheel. When the haw
sers commenced to lift out of the sen,
Tho Squarehead gave n wnrnhiR shout,
whereupon Mr. Olbney called the en
gine room. "Give her the gun," be
commnnded Scruggs. "I'till URnlnst
them tugs for nil you're worth. He
member this Is the steamer Yankee
I'rlnoe. We must not come off too
Captain ScrnRgs opened tho throttle,
and while the two ttiRs stendlly drew
her off Into deep water, the Magpie
fought valiantly to stick to the bearh
and even to continue her Interrupted
Journey overland. She merely suc
ceeded In stretching both hawsers
taut; slowly she wits drawn senwnrd,
stem llrst, mid at- the expiration of
fifteen minutes' steady pulling, Mr. Olb
ney could restrain himself no longer.
He rang for full speed astern and got
It promptly. Then, culling Nells Hal
vorscii to alii him, he abandoned the
wheel nml scrambled aft.
With no one nt the wheel, the Mag
gie Mint off at a tangent and the haw
sers slacked Immediately. In the twin
kling of an eye Mr. Olbney had cast
them off, and as the ends disappeared
with n swish 'over the stern he ran
Mr. Glbney Turned His Stovepipe Sea
ward and Shouted: "Turjboats,
buck to the pilot house, rnng for fuJl
epeed ahead, put his helm hard over,
.and hcmlcd the Maggie In the general
direction of China, although as a mat
ter of fact he cared not whnt direction
ho pursued, provided he got away from
the bench and placed distance between
the Maggie nnd two soon-to-bo-furlous
tugboat skippers.
Tho crews of the Aphrodite and the
Bodega Blept inte, for they were
weary and, fortunnteJy, no cnllB for
a tug came Into the office of tho Red
Stnck company all morning. About
ten o'clock Dan Hicks and Jack Ha.
Tierty breakfasted and about ten-thirty
both met In tho office. Apparently
they were two souIr with but a single
thought, for the right hand of each
sought the shelf whereon reposed the
blue volume entitled "Lloyd's Regis
ter." Dan Hicks reached it first, car
ried It to the counter, wet his lurry
Index linger und started turning the
pages In u vain search for the Ameri
can steamer Yankee Prince. Presently
he looked up nt Jnck i'Mnherty.
"Flaherty," he sold, "I think you're
n liar."
"The snme to you nnd many of
them," Flnherty replied, not ft bit
ubnshe'd. "You sold she was an eight
thousand-ton tramp."
"I nove'r went so far as to any I'd
been aboard her on trial trip, though
and did cut down her tonnage, show
In' I got the fragments of u con
science left," Hicks defended himself.
He closed the book with a nigh and
placed It hack on the shelf, Just as
the door opened to admit no less
personage than Bartholomew McOuf-
fey, late chief engineer, first assist
ant, second assistant, third assistant
wiper, oiler, wnter-tender and stoker
of the S. S. Maggie. With a brief nod
to Jack Flaherty Mr. McGtiffey ap
pronched Dnn Hicks.
"I been lookln for yon, captain," he
announced. "Soy, I hear the chief o
the Aphrodite's goln' to take a three
months' layoff to get abet of his rheu
matism. Is that straight?"
"I believe It Is. McGuffey.M
"Well, say, I'd like to have a chance
to 8tihstltoot for him. You know my
capabilities, Hicks, an' If it would be
agreeable to you to hnve me for your
chief your recommendation would go
n long wny townrd landln' mo the Job.
I'd sure make them engines behave."
"What vessel have you been on late
ly?" Hicks' demanded cautiously, for
he knew Mr. McGuffey's reputntlon for
non-rellnblllty around pay dny.
"I been with thnt freshwnter senven
ger. Scruggs, In the Mngglo for most
n year."
"Did you quit or did Scraggs fire
"He fired me." McGtiffey replied
honestly. "If be hadn't I'd hnve quit,
ro It's a toss-up. Comln' In from
Hnlfmoon bny Inst night we got In the
fog nn' piled up- on the bench Jib
below the Cliff bouse "
"This Is Interesting," Jnck Flnherty
murmured. "You say she walked
ashore on you, McGtiffey? Well, I'll
be shot!"
"She did. Scraggs blamed It on me,
Flaherty. He said I didn't obey the
slgnnls from the bridge, one word led
to another, nn' he went dnncln' mad
nn' ordered me off bis ship. Well, It's
his ship or It was bis ship, for I'll
bet a dollar she's ground to powder
by now so nil I could do was obey.
I hopped overbonrd nn' waded ashore.
I suppose all my clothes nn' things Is
gone by now. I left everything aboard
an' hnd to borrow this outfit from
Scnb Johnny." He grinned pathetical
ly. "So I guess you understniid. Cap
lain llleks. Just bow bad I need that
Job I spoke about n minute ngo."
"I'll think It over, Mae, nn' let you
know," Hides replied evasively.
Mr. MeOulTey, sensing bis defeat,
retired forthwith to hide his embar
rassment and distress; as the door
closed behind him, Hicks nnd Flaherty
fnced each other.
"Jack," quoth Dan Hicks, "can two
towbont men, hnldln' down two hundred-dollar
Jobs an' presumed to have
been out o" their swaddlln' clothes for
at lenst thirty years, afford to be
laughed olt the San Francisco water
front?" "I know one of them thnt can't,
Dnn. At tho ijiiinc time, can u rat like
I'hlnens P. Scruggs mid tt beachcomb
er like his mate Olbney make a pair
of star-spangled monkeys out of snld
two towbont men nnd get awuy with
"They did thnt last night. Still, I've
known monkeys that would light nn'
wns human enough to settle a grudge.
Follow me, Jnck."
Together they repaired to Jackson
street bulkhead. Sure enough, there
lay the Mngglo, rubbing her blistered
sides against the bulkhead. Captain
Scraggs was nowhere In sight, but Mr.
Olbney was at the winch, swinging
ashore the cnites of vegctitldes which
The Squnrehend nnd three longshore
men loaded Into the cargo net.
"We're outnumbered," Jnck Flaherty
whispered. "Let's wait until she's un
loaded nn' Olbney an' Scruggs are
aboard alone."
They retired without having nt-
trncted the attention of Mr. Glbney.
Promptly at twelve o'clock the long
shoremen knocked off work for the
lunch hour nnd Nells Ilnlvorsen
drifted neross the street to cool his
parched tbront with steam beer.
While waiting for Scraggs to come up
out of the engine room, and take him
to luncheon, Mr. Glbney sauntered nft
und wns standing gazing reflectively
upon a spot on the Maggie's stern
where the hnwsers hnd chafed nway
the pnlnt, when suddenly his fore
bodlngs of evil returned to him n thou
sand fold stronger than they hnd been
since Scraggs' return to the little ship.
He glanced up und beheld gazing
down upon hlra Captains Jack Fln
herty and Daniel nicks. Dnttln wns
Imminent and the valiant Glbney
knew It; wherefore he determined In
stantly to meet It like a man.
"Howdy, men," ho suluted them.
"Olnd to have you uboard the yncht,"
and he stepped backward to give him
self fighting room.
If of"' I
A T f T7VT S
of the
"Here's where wo collect the tow
age bill on the S. S. Yankee Prince,"
Dan Hicks Informed him, und leaped
from the bulkhead straight down nt
Mr. Glb'ey. Jack Flaherty followed.
Mr. Glbney welcomed Cuptaln llleks
with a terrific right Bwlng, which
missed; before he could guurd, Dan
Hicks hud planted left nnd right
where they would do the most good
und Mr. Glbney went Into u clinch to
save himself further punishment.
"Scrnggsy," he bawled, "Scrngg-sy-y-yl
Help I Murder I It's Hicks
ttud Fluhertyl Bring an ax I"
He flung Dan Hicks at Jack Fla
herty; as they collided he rushed In
nnd dealt each of them a powerful
poke. However, Messrs. Hicks and
Flnherty were sizeable persons and
while, Individually, they were no
match for the tremendous Glbney,
"Scrarjfjsy," He Bawled, "Scraggoy-y-yl
Holpl Murder! It's Hicks and Fla
herty! Bring an Axl"
nevertheless what they lacked In
horsepower they mndo up In pugnacity
nud the salt sea seldom breeds a
craven. Captnln Scraggs thrust a
frightened face up through the engine
room lintch, but nt sight of the buttle
royal taking place on the deck nft,
his blood turned to water nnd he
thought only of escape. To climb up
to the bulkhead without being seen
wns Impossible, however, so, not
knowing what else to do, ho stood on
the Iron Indtler nnd gazed, pop-eyed
with horror, at the unequal contest.
Backward and forward the tide of
battle surged. For nearly three min
utes all Scraggs saw was an Indis
tinct tangle of legs nnd arms; then
suddenly the combatants disengaged
themselves and Scraggs beheld Mr.
Olbney prone upon the deck with n
gory face upturned to the foggy skies.
When he essayed to rise and continue
the contest, Flaherty kicked him In
the ribs nnd Hicks cursed him; so
Mr. Olbney, realizing that till was
over, beat the deck with his hnnd In
token of surrender. Hicks nnd Fln
herty waited until the fallen gladia
tor hnd recovered sulllclent breath to
sit up; then they pounced upon him.
lifted him to the rail, nnd dropped him
overboard. Captain Scraggs shrieked
In protest at this added touch of bar
barity, and Dan Hicks, turning, be
held Scrnggsy's (White fuce nt the
"You're next, Scraggs," he calied
cheerfully, and turned to peer over the
rr.ll. Mr. Ojbney had emerged on the
surface and wns swimming slowly
awny toward nn adjacent float where
small boats landed. He climbed
wearily up on the float and sat there,
gazing neross ut Hicks and Flaherty
without animus, for to his way of
thinking be, had gotten off lightly, con
sidering the enormity of bis offense.
Tbe least he had anticipated was three
tiutitliy In hospital, and so grateful
wau he to Hicks and Flaherty for
their forbearanco that he strangled n
resolve to "lay" for Hicks and Fla
herty nnd thrush them Individually--something
ho was fully able to do
und forgot his aches and pains in u
lively Interest us to the fate of Cap
tain Scraggs nt the bunds of tho tow
bout men. He wns aware thnt Cup
taln Scraggs hnd fulled Ignomliilously
to rnlly to tho Glbney nppeal to repel
boarders, nnd In his own expressive
terminology he hoped thnt whnt the
enemy would do to the dastard would
be "a-plenty."
The enemy, meanwhile, hnd turned
their attention upon Scruggs, who hud
dodged below like a frightened rnbblt
nnd nought shelter In the shaft nlley,
Ho had sufllclent presence of mind, us
he dashed through the engine room, to
snatch a large monkey wrench off the
tool rack on the wall, nnd, kneeling
Just lnslde the alley entrance he
turned at bay and threatened the In
vaderu with his weapon. Thereupon
Hicks and Flnherty pelted him with
lumps of conJ, but the solo result of
this assault was to force Scraggs
oAttthor of-
further back Into the sliuft ulley und
out o( range.
The toutiont men held n council of
war and decided to drown Scraggs out.
Dilu Hicks ran up on deck und re
turned dragging the deck lire hose be
hind him, tie thrust the brass nozzle
Into the shal't-nlley entrance and In
vited Scraggs to surrender uncondi
tionally or bo drowned like u kitten.
Scraggs, knowing his own tire hose,
defied them, so Dnn Hicks started the
pump while Flaherty turned on the
water. Instantly the hose burst up on
deck and Scraggs' Jeers of triumph
filled the engine room. The enemy
was about to draw lots to see which
one of Ibe two should crawl Into the
shaft nlley and throw u cupful of
chloride of lime (for they found a can
of this In the engine room) In Captain
Scrnggs' tyiee, when n shadow dark
ened the hatch and Mr. Bartholomew
McGtiffey demanded belligerently:
"Whin's goln' on down there? Who
the devil's tnkln' liberties In my en
gine room?"
Dun Hicks explained the situation
and the Just cause for drastic action
which they held against the fugitive
In tho shaft alley. Mr. McGtiffey con
sidered h few moments and made his
"If what you say Is true an' I ain't
In position to dispute you, not bavin'
been present when you hauled tho
Maggie off the beach, I don't hlame
you for feeling sore. What I do blame
you for, though, is carryln' the war
aboard the Maggie. If you wanted to
whale Gib an' Scrnggsy you should ha'
laid for 'em on the dock. Under the
circumstances, you make this a per
s'nal affair, an' as a member o' the
crew o' the Maggie I got to tuko a
hand an defend my skipper nglii yousc
two. Fact Is, gentlemen, I got a date
to lick him first for what he done to
me last night, nowsumever, that's a
private grouch. The fact remains that
you two Jumped my pal Bert Glbney
an' licked him somethln' scandalous.
Hicks, I'll tnkc you on first. Come up
out of there, you swab, and fight. Fla
herty, you stay below until I send for
you ; If you try to climb up an' horn In
on my fight with Hicks, Glbney'U brain
A faint cheer enme from the shaft
nlley. "Good old Mne. At-n-boy!"
"You're on, McGuffcy. Nobody ever
bad to beg me to fight him," Dan
Hicks replied cordially, nnd climbed
to the deck. To his great surprise,
Mr. McGtiffey winked nt him nnd drew
him off to the stern of the Maggie.
"There'll be no tight," he declared,
"although we'll thud around on deck
nn' yell n couple o times to make
Scraggs think we're goln' to It. He
Aggers thnt by the time I've fought
you an' Flnherty I won't be fit for
combat with him, even If I lick you
both; he's got It nil flggered out thnt
I'll wait a couple o' days before
tncklln' him, on' he thinks my tem
poral cool by thnt time an' he can
nrR.v me out o' my revenge. Suvey?"
"I twig."
Mr. Glbney hnd returned to the
Maggie by this time nnd he now took
his stntlon at the engine-room hatch
nnd growled nt Flaherty nnd nbused
him. "Keep up your cournge,
Scrnggsy," he culled, ns Illcks nnd Mc
Gtiffey pranced nround the deck In
simulated combat. "Mae's whalln' the
whey out o' Hicks an' Illcks couldn't
touch him with a buggy whip."
At the conclusion of the three min
utes of horse-play, Mr. McGtiffey came
to the lintch again. "Up with you,
Flaherty," he called loud enough for
Captain Scraggs to hear, "up with you
before I go down nftor you "
Flnherty wns uboiit to possess him
self of u hatchet when the face of his
confrere. Dan Illcks, appeared over
McGuffey's shoulder nnd grinned
knowingly nt him. Immediately, Fln
herty hurled defiance at Ills enemies
and came up on deck, and once more
to Captain Scruggs onme the dull
sounds of apparent conflict overhead.
Suddenly a cheer broke from Mr.
Olbney. "All off an' gone to Cooper-
town, Scrnggsy," he shouted. "Come
up nn' take n look nt the fnllen."
Out of the shnft nlley came Scraggs
with n rush, tossing his wrench nslde
the better to climb the ladder. He wns
hnlf wny up when Mr. Glbney reached
down n great hand, grasped him by
the collar, nnd whisked him out on
deck with n single Jerk. Here, to his
horror, he found himself confronted
by a singularly scnthless trio who
grinned triumphantly nt him.
"Seeln' Is bellevln', Scraggs." Dan
Illcks Informed him. "That's a lesson
you taught me nn' Flaherty last night,
I.... I., .1.. ...... . !..,, ....,.,1, 1... ;iv-
IIIUl UVIUL'IIIIJ .Villi Ullll I HUlll "J -nerlenee.
You're too miserable to
beat up, but Just to show you It uln't
possible 1'or n dirty bay pirate like
j on lo skin the likes o' me an' Fla
herty we purjiose luingln' the seut o'
your piiutK up around your coat col
lar. Fuce him about, Glbney."
With n quick twist, Mr. Olbney pre
sented Cuptuln Scraggs for bis pen
ance; Flaherty nnd McGtiffey followed
Dan Illcks promptly and Captnln
Scraggs screamed nt every kick. And
now came Mr. Olbney's turn. "For
fnllln' to stand up like n mnn,
Scrnggsy. an' bnttle Illcks tin' Fln
herty," he Informed the culprit, nud
tossed him over to McOuffey to be
held In position for him.
"Don't, Gib. Please don't," Scrnggs
walled. "It ain't comln' to mo from
you. I never beard you cnllln' n-tnll.
Honest, I never, Gib. Have mercy,
Adelbert. You saved tho Maggie last
night nn' a quarter Interest in her Is
yours If you don't kick mel"
Mr. Glbney paused, foot In midair;
surveyed the Maggie from stem to
stern, hesitated, licked his lower lip,
and glanced at Uie common enemy.
For nn Instant It came Into bis mind
to call upon tho valknnt nnd able Mc
Ouffey to support him In a fierce counter-attack
upon Hicks and Flaherty.
Only for an Instnnt, however; then
his sense of fair play conquered.
"No, Scraggsy," he replied sadly.
"She ain't worth It, un' your duplicity
can't be overlooked. If there's any
thing I hate It's duplicity. Here goes,
Scraggsy nnd get yourself a new
nnvlgntln' ofllccr."
Scruggs twisted nnd flinched In
stoutly, nnd Mr. Olbney's great boot
missed the murk. "Ah," he breathed,
"I'll give you nn extra for thnt."
"Don't! I'lenso don't," Scrnggs
howled. "I.ny ofTn me nn' I'll put In
n now boiler nn hnve the compass ad
justed." The words were no sooner out of
his mouth tbnn Mr. MeOulTey swung
him clear of Mr. Olbney's wrath.
"Swenr It," ho hissed, "liaise your
right hand nn' swear It an' I'll pro
tect you from Gib."
Captain Scraggs raised n trembling
right hand nnd swore It. "I'll get n
new lire hose nn' Are buckets; I'll fix
the aMi und run the bedbugs an'
cockroaches out of her," bo added.
"You hear thnt. Gib?" McGufTey
pleaded. "Hnve a henrt."
"Not unless he gives her n coat of
paint nn' quits blckerln' about the
overtime, Bart."
"I promise," Scraggs answered him.
"Pervlded," he added, "you an dear
ol' Mac promises to stick by the ship."
"It's a whack," yelled McGufTey Joy
fully, and whirling, struck Dan Hicks
a mighty blow on the Jnw. "Off our
ship, you hoodlum'!." He favored
Jack FJnherty with n hearty thump
and swung again on Dnn Illcks. "At
'em, Scraggsy. Here's where you
prove to Gib whether you're a man
thump or a mouse thump or a
thump, thump bobtnlled thump
fat." Dan Hicks had been upset, nnd as
be sprawled on his back on deck, he
appeared to Captnln Scraggs to offer
nt least an even chance for victory. So
Scraggs, mustering his courage, flew
at poor Illcks tooth and toenail. His
best was not much but It served to
keep Dnn Hicks off Mr. McGtiffey
while the Intter wns disposing of Jnck
Flnherty, which he did, vln the rnll,
even ns tho towbont men hnd disposed
of Mr. Glbney. Dnn Illcks followed
Flnherty,' nnd the crew of the Mngglo
crowded the rnll ns the enemy swam
to the flont, crawled up on It and de
parted, vowing vengeance.
"All's well thnt ends well, gentle
men," Mr. McOuffey announced.
"Scrnggsy's goln' to buy a drink nn
the past Is burled nn' forgotten.
Didn't old Scraggsy put up a fight,
"No, but he tried to, Mac. I'll tell
the world he did," nnd. he thrust out
the bend of forgiveness to Scraggsy,
who, realizing he hnd come very hnnd-
"I'll Fix the Ash Hoist and Run the
Bedbugs and Cockroaches Out of
somely out of an unlovely situation,
clasped the hands of Mr. Olbney and
McGufTey nnd burst Into tears. While
Sir. McOuffey thumped him betweun
the shoulder blades and cursed him at
fectlonntely, Mr. Olbney retired to
change Into dry garments; when he
reappeared the trio went ashore for
the promised grog and n luncheon nt
the skipper's expense.
This Scragg person it some
fine little promisor.
Rapid Americanization.
An American visitor was Riving the
other day some exumples of the ex
traordinary speed and completeness
with which thu process of American
Izntlou la carried out, even In the enso
of extreme nllen types. Perhaps tho
most extrnordlnary Instances occurred
in the newly erected mansion built
In the style of un K-sliuped Eliza
bethan manor of a Chicago multi-mil-llonalre.
Ho decided to Import n
Kliost to heighten the Illusion of an
tiquity, nnd after a prolonged search
and the expenditure of n considerable
sum of money, a satisfactory speci
men was picked up In Devonshire and
shipped to Chicago In cold storage. It
walked by daylight and had every ap
pearance, both as regards garb and
figure, of hnvlng Just missed the Ball
ing of the Muyllower. The millionaire
nud his friends, some of tho best peo
ple In Chicago, were delighted with Its
old-world looks and solemn deport-
mont fin flirt thlrrl ilnv nnfnrtiiiinto.
I .l.A 11,1-J .!., .. ..... .!.
Wll 111U UlliU MUjr, UIIH'l HllllllU-
ly, It wiih seen eating Uoughuut.
London Morning Monitor.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feci cecuro when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure nnd contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Suck a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swanip
Uoot, kidney, liver and bl.tddcr remedy.
The taiuc standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Knot.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
tcnspoonful do?ec.
It in not recommended for everything.
It is nature's (treat helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver und blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity ii with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot. If you need a. modieinc, you should
linvo the best. On sale ut nil drug stores
in liottld of two pizo, medium and Iatge.
However, if you wish first to try thin
great preparation send ton cents to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., ltiughnmtoii, N. Y., for n
sample bottle. When writing ho wire and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
No Offense.
Chairman Lnsker of the shipping
hoard said, In nn Interview:
"These men arc taking needless of
fense. They were taking offense where
none Is Intended.
"A tail, gntiiit. vlncgar-fueed wom
an walked Into Wnwn stntlon one tiny
and said to the ticket agent:
"'Gimme u tlcckt for Chester
" 'Single?' said the agent.
"Tho woman's eyes Hashed stoolly
"'Nono o' ycr darn business,' sho
ulssd. '(Josh knows, though, I
mlvht hnve mnrrled n dozen times
iivr If I'd been wlllln' to grubstake
tranc shiftless, pntty-fneed monkey like
vers. "
Not for a While.
He wns n bachelor In the forties and
he was n sweet young thing of twen
ty, but bo loved her nnd was courting
her vigorously in nil the ways .nn old
bachelor knows how to woo a young
innld. Then one night ho decided ho
would sing to her. Going lo the piano,
he picked tip some loose sheets of
music und began to pluy. Finally he
(-.ime to one which pleased him and
lKgnu to sing:
"Grow old with me The best
if "
But the sweet young thing had In-
oiTiipted hlni very forcibly. "I won't
lo It." she tossed back Impudently, "nt
trust not for L3 years." Brooklyn
Standard Union.
Cuticura for Pimply
To remove pimples mid blackheads
nmec-r them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off In live minutes with Cuti
cura Soap nnd hot wntcr. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
unlly toilet purposes. Don't fnll to In
clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement.
Taken in Turn.
"Let's see, whom were we discus
sing?" "I forget ! Who went out of
the dressing room last?" London
Cheap philosophy Is the kind that
expressih Itself In platitudes; but
that Is always tliue-trleil anil true.
Nebraska Directory
What Yo Want
Electric Starter Specialists
Distributors of Presto-Lite Batteries
Phono 134 1 36
31721 S. lllu SI. LINCOLN, NED,
o fto
1123 O Street a Lincoln, Nct
Creamery and Cream.
' Station Supplies
Milk Bottles nnd Dairy Supcllei: tit--Casoj
end Chicken Coops; B0U.ER3
1300 Junes St. 11 W. Third St.
Wabash Pad
Cura Collar Sore while you
worKtnanorse. snyour
dealer or send us $ I SO
lor sample, postpaid
Mln.i Lincoln. Nebr.
Our IIiuilnr in Wn Trur
'Km Up nml Hell tint l'lrern
1'urtH for All .MuKch ut Curit
Call,, wrlto or phone: you'll recclvo prompt
Srrvlcft. HlRlU'Kt prlcru pnlil fur old enrx
2021 O Otrect Lincoln, Nulirnuldi
Dividends JSSS
Tor Information nnd ilrcnlara wrlto.
322 S. 18tb Street. Omiht. Nek.
1206-8 Douglas St. Omaha, Nab.
Do You Have St o machT rou b le?
I did for 2S years but I huvo no more, 1
tried all Hindu ot doctors and medicine. It
did no good. Onn old Indian unman told ins
whnt to do. I liavu been dolus what aha
told mo to do nnd I linvo no morn trouulo.
I uio no medicine, llcnd me J&.00 by postal
money order nnd t will tell you what I nm
'dolnrc. It U simple and easy. J. I). l'OUU,
I ,J I.V3 -WM.M V., A.M...M.., V.W
I w. N. U., LINCOLN, NO,
if all
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