RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I f ,j 1 11 . ' ' "i 5 P K t! K Xi K K K K K K K S lot AS TOLD TO US m I, K 11 K K I;! K 1 S K K K !5 i'l I Wrnteil -Washing -Mrs. Floyd Hob. 1 eisoii, phono Intl. 7S It Huy llioiul t Powell and Pope's Cowlea Nuto Siobcrt returned .Saturday morning. to 1tc. t Mottntford, who is attending college at Omaha, arrived in the city Saturday to spend his vnc:.tion with lii purer t. Wlllinm McHridc, v. ho is attending tho state University at Lincoln, is Howard Adams of Lebanon win in ' gpendlrig tho holidays nt homo with the city Monday ovoning. I Uis parent. Huy Ilor n Kresli Uox of Ciuidy Xmns nt Powoll ,t Pope's Cnfe for j Mr, and Mrs. Laird Potter and baby went tj Ha tly Saturday merninjr to Bpsnd a few days with hoi pnronia, ! and f rend". llomor llaney spout Chrislmns with rolutives at Clrand Island. . iHnA Editii Zeiss, who is teaching Miss Ebbn Gregcrocn spent Christ fchoo1 near Superior, arrived homo mas with her parents, at Mintlen. ' Saturday to spend the holidays with 1 parentj, Misu Anna filumphonhort wa-i &l : passencer to Hastings- Saturday! Mr. and Mrs. Jtoy Ilobiiuon of morning. Choyenno, Wyaihfng arrived in the .. . J city Friday to spend the holidr.y Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt spent wth their parents. Chriitmas with his brotltor at llepulh ! .limn City. Emil Folnicky went to Lincoln Sat r, urday morning to spend a few with friend. day. Mis Jo-"epltlro Frlsbic, who Is at tonU'n.'y the statn normal school nt Cv'pv, Col fado, is spending the holiday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Waller at Superior. s;ent Har-y Mr?. R. g. Mitchell and ehldlrea of Apple ton, Wisconsin ore ependinjr the 1 o!Wny w'tlf her site Mrs. C. M Shrwocd and- ciher relatives. 0. J. Piatt has puti'lmsed a now elec tric ear. Monroe Mcintc spent llluc Hill. Tuesday in Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Friday in Hastings. Nines spent Worth Sh'pman was in Thursday afternoon. Hustings Isadora Johns m and D. C. Hender son spent Monday in Hastings. Miss Kdim Grant wr.s a passenger la Hastings Wednesday morning. Mrs. D. H. Burden and Miss limit Sutton spent Wednesday in Hastings. County Ayent Henry Fauseh was n parsonger to Lincoln Monday morning. Tho Misses Hattie and Minnie Christian spent Wednesday in Hastings. Mrs. Bert Stunknrd and daughter, Misu Helen, stfent Tuesday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hedge of Man-1 uM Mildred Mercer, wh is teich lialton, Kansas spent Christmas in ( tog school near Imperial, arrived the city with his mother. 1 home the last of the week to spend ' tho holidays with her parents. Miss Laura Hedge of Lincoln is' spending tho holidays here with her mother and ether relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Cramer spent Christmas with his brother Geargc and family at Woodruff, Kansas. llohert Illackledgc, wh is attend ing the state University at Lincoln, arrived in the city Saturday evening to .spend the holidays with his father. Mrs. Barbara Pharos spent Clirisl nvs with her s fis, Charles and Slicri- Mrs. II. It. Pylo and daughter, Elizabeth, of St. Joe arrived in the city Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Beit Hatfield and other rcla- Shave 20c, Haircut 40c at tho V. A. Hunt and M. A. Mercer barber simps, Mrs. Fred MePheters and Miss Hal He Summers spent Wednesday in Hart'ngs. Mcrlyn Boner is homo from Lincoln to spend the holiday vacation with his parents. Tho Walton & Walton irarage Irive'ST installed a gasoline tank in front of their garage. Will'filll ttneuni' nf l?1 Ptnml mi1 I I Miss Lena Ohmstedc if Guide Bock were granted a marriage license by Judge Banney Tuesday. Miss Florance Bollinger departed Friday morning for her lumie at Af lon, Iowa where she will rpctid the holidays Willi her parents. Herman F. Gorlnch or Bosemont and Miss Lewi Ktiiggc of Gtddo Bock wore granted a marriago liconso De cember 19th by Judgi' Banney. Mr.. Alvona Berg returned to l-,er ho:nc at Armour Tuesday m rning after spending a few days hero with her mother, Mr. Maude Hen fro. Mr and Mrs Bui Tlioiiip-1011 tei -lug near lluin, ICtts , itro the pan tits of a baby girl liiini WuilnvsdH.v morn lttf. The little lady lino boon (mined l!-t'y (lince Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kshelman and son Sumner departed Wednesday morning-for their homo at McPherson, Kansas after spending a few d&ya with relatives and friends hero. Krch Pottor, who is interested in ' ('evelor,n-.ent . f a new oil field ti Ciienwocd county, Kr.ncas, arrived h tie city tho lust of ths week to fpcnJ. a iw days with hts parents and ft lends. List Wedne. day Mrs. Clarence Johnston, residing south of Guide Bock, had tho misfortune to fall and break her arm. She was brought to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox for medical care. Our Prices the same as will remain during the BIG SALE Miss Nina Simmons went'to York Friday morning to spend the holiday with her parents. dan and their families at Guide Bock, j tives Helen Albright, who is attending the state university, is spending the holiday vacation here with her parents. Jliss Edith Hoffman, who is teach ing school at Shelton, arrived here Saturday to visit her father, Al Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Glcason and childrpn went to Alma Saturday even ing to spend a few days with her fcistcr. Miss Verna Trine, who is attend ing tho state university at Lincoln, is spending the holiday vacation with relatives. Lee Truax, who is employed on the Lincoln Telephone Co., repair gang, spent the last of tho week in tho city with his sister, Mrs. J. P. Check and family. Miss Margaret Miner, who is teach ing in the public schools at Alliance, is spending the holidays hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miner. Miss Pauline Gellatly, who is at tending the state university at Lin coln, arrived in the city Friday even ing to spend Christmas with her brother, H. C. Gellatly and family. Smith Bros., of Superior will bold their a 1111 11 11 1 sale of Poland China Sows on Februnry 14, lfJ-"2 "I11K Mr. and Mrs. Guy Zciglcr of Lin coln spent Christmas hero with her father, W. L. Wccsncr. Mr. and Mrs. Balcigh Higley of Omaha arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lain and other relatives. Mrs. C. N. Dillon departed Friday morning for her home at Dallas, Tex as after visiting relatives here. NGKLIC CIIOIB" TO BH BBPKATFI) Owing to the fact that there were quite a number who were unable to hear tho sacred cantata, "The Angel ic Choir," given by tho C immunity Chorus a little over a week ago, the Chorus has decided to repeat same at the Methodist church on this com ing Sunday evening, January 1st. Everyone should hear this. In appreciation of the cordial relations existing between us during the past year, we wish to extend to you a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR. f W G Hamilton Clothing Co. The House o! Quatity lilJU irf- BWHHnSFr smrfiJd ' U V:QtnnevZfW,Br Kr'' Mrs. Lee Johnson went to Beatrice Thursday morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Farm Loans Mr. I am ready 11s always to make any 1 t t-. rii ..r ana iirs. nrucc uuhiiimhi 01 ,, , ,., !,, . ,,. i,liv.0, ,., Superior spent Christmas in the cityj,,,,,, i.,t option Absolutely tin vviiit I "ir mid no expense for inspection. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Bdbinson. .1 U Itnilev Operator E. II. Pasco and wife ar rived here Thursday morning from Arapahoe he having taken third trick at tho depot. Operator Jeffcrs who has been working here for the month intends leaving for his home in Arkansas In a day or two. Al HUME EXPECT YOU TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT VISIT IT 1(16 IULKS "OMAHA'S FUN ghrmajnTT3A CENTRE," WlTSfAZyteW ExhilaratingBURLESKandVAUDEVILLE C...- A . DJII..I !.I.O .... ?!!- 17 fl , 1 fiBxcr.lwuys i'iiicu win.. rcurjiii.. runu,.iunui past 1 Corijcooi liquipaHe. Urilliint Scenic Itnviroamcnt. iWAiiiNbt. uaily, z:i&; tvnus bmu CVERYBOQY GOES; ASK ANYBODY Always tho Biggest and Best Show West of Chicago Mrs. Abel went to Hebron Friday morning to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Al Goodwin arc spending the holidays with her nar cnls, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wallers. Mr. and Mr.s. Meredith Butler of Hastings spent Christmas here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Butler. Robert 0. Stckes and Bertha White ley both of Inavalo, wore united in marriage by Rev. P. E. Henry Monday. I I He Left Something 1 .1 I I I , I - in. I -J i kQBP ?? va?' -3v- , 1.. t -.tifis-txmzfi'iVfy '",'. -tot -jfcr A' .' -.rmr-, jTTTnjrijiaya Buv a Whpat and Corn Fflrtn in Knst en Colorado from Owneis. Partien bus, CliHinber of Developmotit, Deer Trail, Colo. The Community Chorus will repeat tho sacred cantata, "Tho Angelic Choir" at the M. E. church next Sun day evening. Earl Saladcn returned to Lincoln Tuesday morning after spending a few days here and at Republican City with friends. Mr. II. Robins i arrived here Sun day morning from Kansas City for a short visit at the home of his uncle, C. D. Robinson. . Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hincs return ed to their homo at Wymoro Tuesday morning .after spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Peters departed Friday morn ing for her home at Kidder, Missouri where she will spend the holidays with her parents. Lyle Miller departed Thursday evening for Harlington, Nebraska where he will spend thci holiday va cation with his parents. The following shipped stock Tues day morning: A. B. CrablH two cars of cattle to Kansas City and H. G. Hulsebush ono car of cattlo from Lestor to St. Jco. Lew Aubushon and II. G. Hulsebush accompanied the stock to market. CheoperFarm Loons I am iiiMlclngJf.uiii tonus at lower in terest rates with it!nmil pigment jiri" vlleijo. No 1 mii n to. von l"nni-peof ion niii iuoiii-y U lemlv us muhi as ulMi'Hut Is liiriiKlieil. H 15 R f II. V. Stewart, Bonded Ab&trautr Slight Changes in Trains The Burlington has changed their original lino up a little in ihanging freight service through here. No. 63 nnd 6-1, the fast freight from Kan sas City to Denver has been taken off as originally planned. The Hast ings Red Cloud freight however, will run as in the past, not going through t: Oxford as reported. Local will run west of here every day except Sunday and cast there will be a local train only three days in the week. The Hastings freight will leave here at 10:25 a. m. instead of lltfQ a. m. as in tho past commencing January 1st. TI!H COMPENSATION BILL'S BENEFIT The provisions of the Adjusted Compensation Bill which The Ameri can Legion is asking Congrses to pass at this session are given bolo If this bill is made a law, each' World War Veteran will have the right to J avail himself of any cmc, but only one, of the following options: 1 Adjusted service pay, at the rate of $1 a day for home service and $1.25 for foreign service. Maximum of $500 fr man without overseas ser vice; 625 for man with overseas service. 2 Adjusted service certificate (so called insurance feature), a paid-up 20-ycar endowment policy. The face value of this policy will be H.38 times the amount that would be received in cash. The face value, of this policy would be payable to the veteran at the end of 20 years, cr if he dies before the expiration of 20 years the face vauc would be pa:d to the beneficiary of the policy. Loan values are pro vided for. I) Vocational training aid of .$1.25 a flay while taking a course in voca tional training. The amount thus paid in no case would exceed 140 per cent of what would have been paid in cash. 4 Farm or home aid, 140 percent of wltnt would bo paid under option No. 1 if tho money is used to pur chase, improve, r mako payments on approved farm or city or suburban home. 5 Land Settlement. A Provides for the establishment of rcclamatioa projects for the de velopment of vacant land. This may bo government land or may be land purchased by the Government. If possible, projects will be located in each State, the State paying part of tho purchase prico of privato Itnds bought for this purpose. Ex-scrvico men to be employed on tho project as far as possible. B Provides for tho sale of farm units on these projects when thoy are ready for settlement. Sale price is to include purchase price of land plus cost of improvements. Terms, part down, rest in 40 years at 5 percent interest. CVot-r-ms nmy have their i.dju&t od service pay applied a first pay ment on this land. , , - . SRF ami WVhy Come to our store and let us show you the most economical fence for you to buy the fence that is woven from even, heavily galvanized open hearth wire. The wavy strand wires expand and contract with the heat and cold and ALWAYS STAY tight. The stay wires are held firmly in place with the famous SQUARE DEAL LOCK that positively prevents slipping these are only a few of the superior features of Square iBe&l Fence You will make no luisiak.. ii baying SQUARE DEAL FENCE it lasU Ion Tcsl, co. 1: less for repairs and requires fewer posts. We Mavc tins nouular fence in a variety of styles a fence to meet your every requirement. Come in and see us when you ncf'l fcnrinir. (5) TRINE'S HARDWARE NEW YEAR DANCE The .Red Cloud Post 228. American Legion, will qive a Big New Year Dance that is to be conducted in the clean, refined manner characteristic of all the Legion Dances, and promises to be the biggest event of the entire holiday season. Friday Night, December 30. Remember the date. Plan to follow the crowd and attend. The pleasant memories of the good time you have will remain with you during the entire new year. The Besse Auditorium Will be crowded with merry makers from all over the country, and your friends ex pect to meet you there. The Kromatic Kids Will supply that irrcsistable music which puts life in a crowd and makes dancing a real pleasure. Admission $1.10 Spectators 25c Begin the New Year by Subscribing For The WORLD-HERALD Nebraska's Big Newspaper The Omaha Paper With THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Every home should receive a daily paper. Keep abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG Paper The World-Herald. Subscribe for tlie World-Herald at the Chief Office '1 ' - rtr rr---""T-f,rT';'r"Jr?""IJT,'-' "''","''""ICT'e"-"TmimnTn!r