v !i K t JURD CLODt), MlBBJjnA,v lOTH? QjhVPH mrvP wgaaniifefrwi' Fgt aSfl'A ii&&t4tiHT?ri&3MiG! y Christm 1 W-t Do you realize it is only ten days until Christmas? And the longer you wait iii selecting your gift the smaller the assortment is to choose from. I have a good selection yet to choose but do not wait too long. If you do not care to take gift with you, will lay tnem away lor you. te TMi clfi j$wi ffifb SSfc f1) M TH i cKl jft &W ft rap ml - ' "S Furs In furs T have carefully selected the styles and quality. There is nothing one nan gel more good out of than a f ur bhoulder piece. It can he worn alone, as a wrap, with, a suit or in real cold weather with a coat. Come in and look tlie .stock over before you purchase elsewhere. Hand Bags A hand bag is always a "useful 'as well as a necessary article for a lady. Just received a new assort ment in the tooled leather in the beaver and browns. Have some nice ones in black leather. Prices from $3 to $9". Come in and see the new things in leather handbags which came in this week.' It has been a long time since we had so good a grade in a leather hand bag as I am now showing. In the tooled leather from $4 to $7 Handkerchiefs One never gets too, many handker chiefs. A nice handkerchief is always appreciated by any one. I have chosen my line very carefully as to grade and price. Have a nice line in whiles and all the dainty colors so much in use now. From Silks ., )C to iisa wmoiowf uwmum atAMMani It goes without saying, a waist or dress as a gift is always acceptable to Miss or Matron. They never get to many. When you buy silk here you can be assured that the quality is the best and Hie price as low as good silk can be sold for. Have Holdings silk in most all the wanted shades. n trrt rr -rt - uses Blankets Just received a new lot of blouses j in Georgette Tricolella and Crepe de j Chine. Also .a few in the more practical stamped wash silk. From b ft I B $3.25 to Have only eight pairs left. Three in part wool at 50.5(1 and the all wool from 59.75 to $10. These are all new bought this fall, and priced as low as a good all wool blanket can be sold for. Infants blankets from m ifmrjwmi ph rlMMVMU'" The .above are only a few of the good practical gifls I have in stock. I have a good line in ihe following items i vvill be glad to show if you will "only come in. The prices are as low as a good grade of goods can be sold for. , In buying the first thing to consider is quality. - DU A "PF1 The Women's Store ST JJlIJbaJ RED CLOUD iinv i2lll tS2U Vil &uar Mm Ikii. dll S tZj "litSm Baby blankets, Sweat ens, silk jersey bloomers salein bloomers, silk hose, wool hose, lowel sets, bed spreads, caps in all styles for children a neat ready made house dresses for the busy housekeeper, Kid, silk er chamois gloves, wool lined gloves for theso who drive a car. S3 SLZfZSS&ZBSSS $4A .,...-. .-!- .uiuiiuiajimw i iijiAJiwiiOTiiittgttifcWiiwiuiAUxaim3w-iwTi3 MmmJLmUMummMMMnmmBKnKwatrfrnmrT 1 1 I cnnnwwmnwnrnnnMiiiii umirir nrrrrr i. imiiBiiiimiHWIIIII ill ll M J..KaBf K1 1 -j" " IT- S !! ill. ! wr m ". -Jnt-. i-n. w nctiiw JtrrfF--'fc-A .V- . -v1'- '' ir,J TaamxmaMxxmnzyrmrtsvxTJ&vjZMMnwxx The Glad Christmas Time feMMMWI MWIIllIWfXiMM WMWW WW Will Soori Be Here! . A visit to oui hiore will make your Christmas shopping easy. Our stock of Holiday Goods is jigger and better than ever hofore. We have a very complete line of" books, gsmes9 stationery, toys, dolts, fanny goods, Xmas booklets find post vesrds. For Yor Xmas Candies " ' - We now have a Candy. Maker and can furnish ', " ' you pure, delicious home made candies at 'the same-price you pay for thchcap factory made candies. . : . E. M. EGE ;' RED CLOUD'S REAL CHRISTMAS STORE uturavsmxtirttciriManiisnn:Brrmaaiu3 Lutheran Church Notes Dr. Wells Lectures Here Ki'Knlnr services are hold ewry that ,.V,,,HV votln' ,,mvli, very stormy, mill tliinlStimlny In the munlli in the , , , of t, , j,, Wc ninniH.unn.iu., ....- ... "' l.il. llMiirr.l. ,,l,n.i. vv:. not. vi-rv ..,...- , Iurjji-ly ut'ciult'd, but tlioio ftsw tlo.t-ns wlio bruvtul tho storm, sero reutly ; pk'ufd with tin1 tint' tliingt hoy hoard . in hi Ulk on, ''The Hopes of lliunan- 1 W Mr. H. ii.ii'duisu nliiycd u hi'iuitifiil mid W ulnii' St l'lvni'lmu " II " t lilt' pui'iic in j;uiierui is iHiiiimu in vlU-d. (). It. 1IIXITZ. Pasn.r ,..... ..... v?: irju r. -. !KTf-wWi5Sf: in ll.ll HI. J.II llWWtlini""! rr.rrry, -- .TaJIjkCTSX3TxmxciJn3mi:wiMB i aaotawarjaMJMUW iiwmnmi!HtMiriiiTinrarceaMi i and our community needs met. toetli. ibcen largely responsible for forcing ' er. J a like policy upon tho minor subdivi- Tlio si.xth and last liopo was for roli (sins ol government." . Kinn to tieenmc more widoly spread ( "Democrats demand and will pledge Clni-t anitv lfts ns un where we can , tiimeplvrs to retrenchment and re mm' lift :is It siiould bu seen. Most of us live down. in tho valley, so let us not remain in th rut of iiidiiforuii form." 'The first and imperative duty is Sunday School Convention ft', n r butoil) I The Sunday Sell Kuril! fcNt Dldtri Snml'iy urt4riitniii Suleotiotrou lil violin and luibw.utd e coie by u vuvnl puody on Muuiilta.'' 1 VLOV l' .t'Nwwiatiil iutioduued tlio l.oiironti.iioftl,e'P-U,,r0'l,,"weT,ln'r ln B teW 0eU n I in Hue Hill, . r7 " "" '"" .1.9 ..,. .. llllliuili w. ... .. .1. ...... in.'i.? in .i nninf where but try to ruulo the mountain of hope ! ti. uponi,, WH1 be able to pay them and lUeUou hight-r gruund wHhout going into bankruptcy. The . . . . , vrjuco appropriations ac cordingly Tho government of Ne braska lias got to be put on a poor man'.-, diet for a while, and compell ed to gel. along without champagne and ruffles. It has g.t to learn to do without." "Nebraska taxpayers arc loaded down with iob-holding leeches they Democrats to PJeet in Omaha, January 14th Omaha. Decern her 23, Democrats ..., .. . !nf the htate aie id initiate the 1922 itrniuuuui'v - -- - marks, b npulw ot bow ho liked N. j carajJWKn with a b.g mooting hero t wasv.,.11 ttM.i..i.a and o entuus , ,e luivl 0 onl January 14th. down with job-holding leeches tney iasth, crowd o younx people led tho. KifctbutlUlPt0 lU0inIls llfr0i nIM, On the afternoon of that day -the don't noH and would bo bettor off CXarcihlS for tllW RftfcrtlUPll. ......... ... L 1....-. P V, CHr, f!nmmlt.lne wiOmnt." Thoro aro tblrtjtwo Sunday Sohools? over the enmity at id tlier- wero some lieu onosi rpresento i tber Mr. U. ('. Mtout of Dliideii road a piper on H'ltiday Seiiool oi'ir-iiiiznUJu, ivliie!; wtuso good that it is Koltig to wine!! win so gooa unit ll is Kouig i" r Up pnbUsbod by the County Soorotnry I u,Jl "" Ur 7,M " t vi.ll llll VV I El (III in Hint hhoit time hud btinu as. ed to speak fifty times In the hopes ho mentioned for hum unity, ho stated that ho realized these eatne, from, and wru expressed by the thoughtful men and women of every tho thlnkoiu wisp wwi m mw u HIDES and FURS No. Hi. S lliilex 7 hit 11. No. U (i. H 1 IJ tries i) per il. I'art cure d Utile Ic lew , fJrCu'nIIIltwl ton'. UrcNi l'rozoa lllJt-i i vr Hi. Oluo lllilcp ;i)i,r!l). No. I lluiho llldoH Jij." No. i ltorgc llllu4 U.Vi l'ony ami (Hue llorne Jl.00. Wool at Market Value, liON'TMKMlhl.l'.MI JIV UIIjUI'.II I'Kll'Kh l'urw nt top Market I'rlci. illilp your Illilwnnu Turk to BEATRICE HIDE CO., Beatrice. Neb. Yes, GarBer Js -Is The Place! T6 Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And t Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture FraraintJ. The Margin o? Safety Is repr"-enteil by the amount of instil aticu you carry. Don't lull jO'H'Milf into a faneie seeurily. lleeaup lire has never toiiehud you itilnesn'i follow that jotrreimmunn Toinoriow no today, if you have time and you better (ind time pome to tlia olllee mid we'll write a policy on your house, furniture. More or ninieluuidlHO. -l.Al'KU MAY BK TOD LATH- O. C. T'SEJL I icilable Insurance fctwiaiBwiwMiwxairTiKMiirjaniaiMUKaMtMi THE HUGHES WAY- ' Clcauers-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS In tU newsniinKi"" Webster County - dlvidi-d into live liik'rie'n. Nuilli t-tst. North- Wufct. Month I2a-.t nnd South Went with ltuil Cloinl a whole (ilhtriut by iUolf, and eiieh lias its own set of oilleeru and holdb dBporateconventioriS nnuunlly An imp utant question was askod in the (Miuhtlon box, ' Aro our Sunday Schools servlnu this county?" Aro tlioy bcrvinR tho people and tlieir needs? Wo are not us eager to help build up the Sunday School it fccenis nowadays, as a lonn time hko when it was tipopu liar boi'ety. We do not Hud many 1 yoiuii; men and uoinan mailing it their bpoeial work. Tho Sunday School In ; the mral dlsl riots aro mostly deserted ! of tho youiiK people You can tiavel n distance of tun miles in tho Jorth Kust dihtiiot and not Hud ono Sunday Sebool and aH a contrast, forahtroUih of ten miles in tho South West district you iind ellit Sunday Schools thitoin. Bvery Important line of Suuday Kehool worlc was dlaenaaod from the J Cradle Roll to the Homo department. Tlio special Mntln,' was bplondld, cftpecinlly the mile quartflt from tlie Uoscinont Sunday School. Jt was a profitable ufternoon '.for nil who attended. 'Farm Loans with the wisdom whijli come with deep reaiinj;, lonely meditation uml frviHit htudy, ho vealizu that there 1h on, a grijal urlslH in tho woild's hist, ory. 111k Hr8t hope Was that pf peaco. That this RrinrkUiciituonfcronco now in sesblon waadenuvndcd or roully forced to oome to pas t.'y the cry of tho whole world. That it Is really imperative, that the Kreat expenditure of money for urniamont and munitions of war, should bo turned for constructive rath er tlmn'de&trtrettvo purposes. Tho second hope was for Temper ance and rltrhteousnenH to rule tho worl i. What an advanced etep the lust- and present uoiiernMoiis hine niado in iiboltshlntf the public saloon. An obligation reit-i on every law ubld ins rlllian to eooperato In all ways to sou that the prohibition law Is onlore. ed. Tho third hope was that of liberty. Liberty for all peoples within our bounds. The font th hope was tor cooperation. 'Co-operation iu i.ll walka ot hforeli' tfloti. schools, bublueus, and all tho mi- tiunB 9f tho world can worlc iu accord with a LenRiio of Rations, The fifth hope w.is Hi it of nnlKbbov liuess. Wo should not divide ouruelv eaoil'. into social, business, religious and political groups to outrival oaeu olliier, but bn imlghborljv let tho eom. iminlty.bplrit.BmN and with sume mdmlvws of tho State Committee without." will gather. In the' evening, there "Government lias gone off on a wjll bo a banquet with 1. Ui ladicts ' drunken tear of new laws and new and gentlemen of democracy particl orficent to enforce each new law, till Dating. There . ill be national speak- every cltfocn ia carrying an official ors present, including United States 0n his bark. The people arc not only Senator G. IU. Hitchcock, 1n will bo u.xed to death, but they arc bdsscd back from "Washington U attend the ;ind directed and meddled with and. .rr: -n t..i.. . :.:ini Tlio . urmnnini Mil tlm sit-uation has bc- .llIILIi. QVCOIKiuy " '""""' 1"r . VU4IH1... - " doors will be wide opo. I come both ridiculous and unendurable. iors win ue wine un, ,, i tmi. ". ........ - rwicin f v,nifi in mnotintr vas The result ia the laws wo do need aro reached at a conference of executive losing their force) and effect, and even committeemen hero. Tlr.irt attend- our indiHpensablo officials havo flnea'werc hopeful of tho future and grown lazy and indifferent and m rcport a ca'" in democratic sontiment cmiHoqucntial." in various parts of tho state. Ex- "Tho dqmocratle party of Ncbras Governor Keith Neville, follpwinu tho ka, if I nm any judge of democratic mooting! on behalf of the executive- BPntmont', is iromK to make a fight committeemen issued a statement in for a return to first principles next which ho raid: year." "Tho democrats of Nebraska are Jf . . r'ari'n to go." oienn Fry returned ftom Lincaln "Govoi-nnent of the people, by me SaUu.(jy to Bpcn(l the holidays witli people, and for tho people, h8 jrot in be lxstored in Nebraska. It is tho liurnwe and duty of tho democratic party, if again entrusted with power, to rchloro it." his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F'-y. r- Lypn Bush arrived homo Sattrrday nv'eninL' ftvm Hastings 'to spend tho 'Nebraska' is hard up. There to no holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mr N. u. inisn. I am tu'idy as always to make any UIHI till luriu ioiutt at me iunv i.u " '." -iv ". . .,, . , , :i.i i...,4..iia'JD .M,.i,.i,.fi: ..n.i.ua'Lhlnt in common, the reorcutlon nnd JIUII UCSV Ujlkiuur J.TJr.vviSj ..w-v,w.. ;-- - .tylUmr, nituud no oxpensn for inspection. .1. II. Bailey. i.u irvinrr to dodcrc the fact. Condi lions affect not alone the farmers, who aro the backbone of the state but every lino of activity and busi ness. Hanks aro passing dividends, Inurincbs houhos big and littlo aro Ktruggling to keep out of the red ink column, many workingmen aro unem ployed, nnd tho farmers nre deppor- atcs." "It is an impudent outrage, a tra vesty on tho forms of popular Govern ment, that ,at suclv a time the state administration should bo collecting unheard of taxes and pouring, tho th.im1r nut like water. It JH n ' ....,..,.,( flf"!nini nnd tlm nonfilurt In need, will then all be looked after calamity that statq legislation has Mjss Maudio Williamson, returned tolMcd Cloud Saturday morning after spending a few weeks with her par ents at Denver, Colorado Po" Fulton returned to Lincoln Saturday morning to resume his duties as mail clerk after spending the past three weeks here. , Miss Mildred Pope, who is' attend ing? collcgo at Hastings, arrived homo tl last of the week to spend tho holidays with her parent, "Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vopc. i i I :