The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 22, 1921, Image 3

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offers to home seekers opportunities that cannot
he secured chewiiere. Tho thousands of farmers
from the United States who have accepted Can
ada's RcncrouaolTcrto settle on FREE homestead
or buy farm land In her provinces have been well
repaid by bountiful crops. There Is still avail
able on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Aora
land similar to that which throuRh many years
linn yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat
to tho acre oats, barley and (lax also in (treat
abundance, while raising horses,cnttle,ncep
and hodslsequallyproOtabte. Hundreds of farm
ers In western Canada have raised crops In a
slnnlc season worth mora than the whole cost of
their land. With such success comes prosperity,
independence, good homes and all the comforts
and conveniences which make hfe worth living.
Farm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying
are sources of income second only to grain
growing and stock raising. Attractive cli
roate, good neighbors, churches; schools.
good markets, railroad lauuues, rural tele
phone, etc.
III... " .. .. -AM
ruriuu.vrBicu iiuthiuto. Mmmwt umuitiuvMi viihw
oppottunitie in Mtniiom, tiwnwo,
Alberta and UriUth Col umbU, minced
rtoiwaj rue, nc., writ
Boom 4, Bee Bldg., Omsha, Nek
Auttiertiad AfMit, Dapt. at ImmftriOofl
mmI Colonliatlon, Dominion of Cnd
Recent Happenings in Nebraska,
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
A few cases of Influenza Imvo been The Cutlcum Toilet Trio.
reported In tho vicinity of Cnllnwny. I Having cleared your-flkln keep It clenr
What to Take for
Disordered Stomach
Take a good dose of Garter's little liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights alter.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Dizzincss.Slck Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mUetg of Ccmitlpathn.
&tsn?&ZC Sn PiTIs Sn Doie SauB Pries
Conscience la not ti perfect instru
ment. There aro mnny hnlr-trlggcr
BY "BAYER" IN 1900
Look for Name "Bayer" on the Tab.
lets, Then You Need
Never Worry.
If you want the true, world-famous
Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians
for over twenty-one years, you must
nek for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin."
The nnme "Bayer" Is stamped on
each tablet and appears on each pack
Age for your protection against Imita
tions. Advertisement.
"She talks Intelligently on all sub
jects." "Conversntle. so to spenk." Bos
ton Transcript.
In His Glory.
"Thu Pecktons had. a burglar scuro
In their house last night."
"I noticed l'eckton walking about
town with ills chest stuck out. Did lie
ratch the burglar?"
"No, but for the first time in twenty
years he got a chnnco to issue some
sharp commands to airs. l'eckton that
were meekly obeyed."
Insurance Man Could Do Mors Than
Guess at the Birthplace of
His Acquaintance.
An Insurance man of Indlnnnpolls,
who Is also a Biblical student, was
recently making his usunl weekly
calls In Irvlngton, and stopped at a
residence- to inquire of the young
woman at tho door about tho birth
place of her mother.
She said that It was the snmo
nnmo of a town mentioned In the
"Was It Jerusalem?" he asked.
"No. hut I am sure It was a town
near there," she snld.
"Well, then," the mnn replied, "It
must have been Antioch."
So In the evening whop the mother
returned homo from n social function
the daughter related the conversation
that had taken plnce when tho in
surance man called.
"It seems strange," snid tho moth
er, "but ho was right. I was born In
n little town In Ohio by the nnme of
Antioch, and nearby was another vil
lage cnlled Jerusulem." Indianapolis
Battle-Battered Monster.
'Die Curators of the Luunceston
,rid Tnsmanlnn museums Imvo pre
sented the Royal Society of Tasmania a
preliminary account of a nearly com
plete skeleton" of a gigantic extinct
monster, recently discovered In the
pleistocene beds of Tasmania. The
unltnul was as large as the largest
existing rhinoceros. Tito new dis
covery shows clearly that It was a
rhinoccros-likR anlmnl, with a skull
built for aggressive vwirfure. and at
least ono powerful horn on the snout.
Evidence of tho gigantic hnttlcs in
which this animal tjngnged is to he
found In the complete smashing and
partial mending of thu collar-bone,
und in the crushing and subsequent
it-pair of the bones of tho nose and
Room for Improvement.
The newly-elected president of a
banking Institution was being intro
duced to tho employees. He singled
out one of tho men In the cashier's
cage, questioning him In detail about
his work, etc.
"I have been here 40 years," snld
the cushler's assistant with conscious
pride "and. In all thnt time I only
made one slight mistake."
"Good," replied tho president. "Let
me congratulate you. But hereafter
be more careful." Wall Street Jour-mil.
Surrenderl Never!
"Why don't you get rid of thnt
horse, if lie's so vicious?" usked one
farmer of another.
"Well, you see, Jim," replied tho
other, "I hate to give in, If I was to
sell that horse, he'd regard it as a per-
I sonal victory. lie's been tryln' for the
Inst six yenrs to get rid of me."
When a Federal Bureau reminds
you that children should not
drink coffee or tea why not think
of your own health?
The Federal Bureau of Education includes
in its rules to promote health among the Nation's
school children, the warning that children should
not drink coffee or tea.
1 The .reason is well known. Coffee and tea
'contain drugs which stimulate and often over-
excite the nerves, and so upset health.
t; Tho harm is by no means confined to chil
idren, as any doctor can tell you.
' If health is valuable to childhood, it is valu
able always. If harm to health should be avoided'
until bodies grow up, is it worth taking a chance
with health when bodies have grown up?
You can have that delicious and satisfying
cereal beverage Postum, with any meal, and be
Bafe you, and the children, too. There's charm
without harm in Postum.
Postum cornea in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins)
made instantly in tho cup by the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (in packpgea of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers.
The road to health is a good road
for anybody to follow
Dun V. Stephen, banker of l-'ninont.
predicts fifty cent corn by next July.
The Omaha city council Is Investl
gating a proposition to dc elope power
by harnessing Hip Missouri river.
Twenly-livu murine- have anie.
In Omaha to act as guards on mall
trucks and nuill trains.
The large two-story brick Woodman
building at Conislock was destroyed
by lire. Ions is estimated mi S.'O.OOO.
licrherl Tuedtkc, of fronton, was in
stantly killed when n Northwestern
tralu struck his automobile.
The Nebraska State Bar association
will meet in Omaha December 2IK50.
An attendance of fiOU Is anticipated.
Anon Itiiyniond, Oinahii Is secretim.
As a precautionary measure, the cltv
council of Fremont ordered the pur
chase of high powered rllles and saw-ed-olT
shotguns for use of the police
Nebraska farm hens laid I0,l.,i2,fl37
dozen eggs In 1020. according lo a re
port by the Chamber of Commerce
publicity bureau.
It has been announced that the Con
sollduted (ins and Electric Company
nt Beatrice will soon build a new
$150,000 plant at Beatrice.
In a drive to raise funds for the
Improvement of Its building, the Om
aha Young Women's Christian associa
tion obtained pledges amounting to
Tho enforcement of city ordinances
requiring the Inspection of milk and
meat Is requested by the Beatrice Wo
mnn's club In a petition filed with the
city commissioners.
All December wenthor records were
broken In Omnhu December 1,'ith when
tho thermometer registered 70 de
grees. Tills was one degree less than
the record of December 10, 1800.
Charles McNally, postmaster of
Inez, Neb., was bound over to tho fed
eral court at Norfolk on n federal
charge of embezzling a money order
amounting to $2,fin7.78.
John Ileorlad, who farms near Lew
fston, has Just finished gathering corn
from !100 acres, the yield totaling 1,400
bushels, as shown by the scales, or
forty-eight bushels to the acre.
The postolllce and general merchan
dise store at Cuiuro, was burned to
the ground. The store belonged lo N.
Morgan, who is tho postmaster. It
was partially Insured. All stamps,
records and government pupcis were
in the sale and not destroyed.
A near Christmas rarity was shown
at Pawnee City when more than a
dozen dandelion plants on the front
lawn of W. D. lleartwell's town prop
erly burst into full bloom. The maxi
mum temperature was 72 degrees, a
record for the souMin of year, so far
as cun dm recalled.
The Nebraska Aircraft corporation
unnouncod that Otto Turner of Venice,
Cnl., representative of the Pncitlc
Asiatic Co., was on his way to Lincoln
by airplane lo negotiate the purchase
of llftecn pas'senger planes for th"
( 'hinese government.
Five head of horses burned to death
when lire of unknown origin destroyed
the George tilbhs livery burn nt IIuv
Springs. A man who was sleeping
In the structure was curried out un
conscious. Twelve head of horses
were In the barn when lire was dis
covered. II. E. Barrett, of Norfolk, who was
listed on the recent slacker list sent
out from Fort Crook, Is asking tho
army to make a correction In tho draft
records. Barrett enlisted nnd served
In the supply company of the l.'JTtli
infantry overseas. He was honorably
discharged April II, 1010.
One hundred Nebraska Bankers met
recently In Omaha and organized the
State Agricultural Loan association.
The purpose of tho association is to
convert slow assets Into cash nnd In
turn, put the cash Into circulation in
order to help the ilminclul situation.
Four persons .Joseph Kclnk, .Mrs.
John Strelow, John Hagenilre and
Frank Keller were badly burned, one
A temporary Injunction against Is
suing bonds for the erection of u high
school at Imperial was grunted In dis
trict court at McCook.
As a result of being thrown fiom hist
horse, John Belners, 10, of Hastings,
suffered the loss of his right eye and
a fracture of the Jaw bone.
The farm loan company, organized
In Omaha for the purpose of aiding
Nebraska farmers and Stockmen, has a
capital of K1,000,000.
Failure of the Bank of Cuss Cunty
ai I'laiismouili will cost the slate
guaranty fund from $100,000 to .$120,
000, was announced authorltlvely.
Hugh MrCurty, a pioneer of Sarpy
county, has Just died ul the age of 81)
years, and is survived by 101 direct
The Ord schools have the largest
attendance In their history, and it lias,
been necessary lo employ an additional
Mi.Cook has officially qtialillcd as
a clly of .",000 population and a dis
pensation has been grunted for the or
ganization of n lodge of the Elks In
Unit place.
The four year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Pferfer, of near Butte,
was burned to death In the family
home while her parents were out In
the Held picking corn.
Bather than cause the Inylug off of
18 per cent of their co-workers Fre
mont employes of the Northwestern
voted to adopt a four day week pro
grain during the. present depression.
O. D. Loffter, of Lincoln, has been
arrested for selling 1000 shares of
stock In the Missouri Valley Coal &
Mining Co., to Jacob Hocenbnutn of
Wymore, without a license.
In two days after the organization
of thu Omaha branch of the War Fi
nance corporation, farm loans nggr"
gating $1,030,000, coming through 01
Nebraska Banks were approved.
One of the five night schools to bo
established In the stnte by federal
and state governments will be at North
Platte, It was decided after olllclalu
had completed nn Investigation. Tho
school will carry twenty classes.
Several farmers living In the vicinity
of Shclton report the loss of horses
from the corn stalk disease. F. C.
Horth, who has been feeding corn fod
der to bis herd of horses, lost n valu
able race horse.
On account of the packing Iioiiho
sttlke in Omaha mid thu Christinas
rush, the stale board of inquiry, which
had planned to hold hearings on econ
omic conditions In Omaha has deferred
the hearing tint II after Christmas.
After Judge Clement, of Ord, lias Is
sued an order dl charging Emmet
Ilolmnn from the Holt county Jail la:
presented him with $.". which would
enable him lo procure food tin rl shelter
honestly until he could lint! work.
Thomas Daniels, ot Pierce,' who
sned Frank Dulchcr. prominent bus
iness man, for $10,000 heart balm, lost
his sull in district court. Daniel
claimed Diilchei caused a separation
between himself and his wife.
Bonds which- were voted nt Slratlon
four to one, for a intiiiy Ice plant which
did n big business and made money for
tho city all summer, have been de
clared Illegal because of a technical de
fect and ii new lecllcn lias been calleJ
to pass on a $0,000 ibsue.
J. B. (ireekmur, '10, proprietor of
the Vesta battery station of Fulrbury,
was found dead In Ills place of busi
ness. K Is the supposition that he was
fixing a battery with a blow torch and
that the battery exploded.
Weaver Boii-ch, 25, of Atkinson,
Neb., was found guilty of desertion In
evading tho selective draft law In
court-martial proceedings at Fort
Crook, and sentenced to one year at
hard labor in Leavenworth federal
A telephone strike Is almost certain
to start In Valley county January 1
with nenrly 100 per cent of tho sub
scribers "out." Following a mass
meeting nt St. Paul, attended by repre
sentatives of business and farming in
terests from all sections, tho local
Community club was given full power
to "call out" telephones the first of
the year unless thu Northwestern Bell
company reduces rates.
The economic depression In Ne
braska Is threatening to force tin!
ituto to, discontinue paroling convict
from the pcnltontlnry, it was an
nounced by M. T. Harmon, secretary
of the state hoard of pardons and pa
roles. "Men eligible to parole.whose pa
by mnklng Cutlcurn your ovcry-dny
toilet preparations. Tho soap to cleanse,
nnd purify, the Ointment to soothe nnd
1 henl, tho Talcum to powder nnd per
fume. No toilet table Ib completo
without them. 2fic everywhere. Ad
Dorothy I just henrd something hor
rid nhotit Gladys.
Kathleen You know I Just bate gos
sip 1 What was It?
Less Paid, fewer the npnloglc
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25$ end 75 Packoges. Everywhere
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
'physicians over 21 years and proved safe by milions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
llnnrly tin boiea of 12 tablet Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists.
Aiplrla U U irate mark of llajer MuurMtor C IfonptccUudfeiter of BAitcrlteMM
Long Mourned as Dead, EnoHsh
Woman Learns Her Husband Had
Served Prison 8entenct.
Mnny people, doubtless, 'disappear"
for reasons of their own. Debt,
crime or some other hidden pngo In
their apparently blameless lives rany
be tho real reason for their going.
Llttlo did tho wife of n Manchester
mnn know into what tcrrlblo entangle
ment her husband had got ten years
before. Ho was thought to ho a re
spectable merchant ; his homo life was
happy and blameless.
One dny he went out to buy n news-
pnper and rctnrncd no more.
For yenrs his wife mourned him ns
dead, until one dny during tho war ho
came back. He was now a soldier, hut
his disappearance wns explained by
the fact that, under another name and
In another town, ho hnd been carry
ing on n fraudulent stock and shnro
olllce a "bucket-shop" nnd hnd been
arrested and sentenced to a long term.
He was released during tho wnr, nnd
while serving In Franco hnd thought
of tho onco huppy wife ho had so
misled. Hcnco his sudden reappear
ance to n world which hnd almost for
gotten him. London Answers.
A two-foot rule wns given to n la
borer In n Clyde bontyard to mensufo
nn Iron plnte. Tho laborer, not being
well up In tho uso of the rule, lifter
spending considerable time returned.
"Now, Mick," usked the plutcr,
"what size Is the plate?"
"Well," replied Mick, with a grin of
sutlsfnctlon, "it's the length of your
rule and two thumbs over, with tills
piece of brick nnd the breadth of my
hnnd nnd my arm from hero to there,
bar a finger." Everybody's Magazine.
of them seriously, In a prulrio lire near
Uassett which raged all of Saturday J rols Imvo been sanctioned by the board
and Sunday. It covered an nrea of IH) ' are remaining in the penitentiary ha-
square miles nnd consumed 200 tons
of hay.
Valley County has Just dedicatee)
their new $207,CS3.00 court house.
Acting Postmaster Herbert S. Dan
iel of Omnhu, has been appointed aud
itor by Federal Woodrough to investi
gate regularity of the sale of the
Wells-Abbott Nleinan Milling company
property at Schuyler to W. Dale Clark
and to protect rights of stockholders
and crojlltors of tho million-dollar con
cern. The WellS-Abbott-Nloinnn prop
erty holdings wero sold for' $00,000 to
W. Dale Clark by the receivers in n
salo'N.o'venibcr 21, 1021. Judge Wood
rough will not confirm this sale un
til lie receives the report of Daniel.
December 20 will he "bridge day"
In Central Clly. Tho occasion will he
a fitting celebration of the opening of
tho new state aid bridge, which spans
the PIntto due soiith of tills city and
which was built at a cost or .$100,000.
Golden engles are unusually num
erous tills winter. (Jeorgo Ilobortson,
who resides on thu Idlewlld farm.
Dodge county, captured one nllvo the
other day and It Is being displayed In
a storo window at Fremont. John
(Ireenlec on tho Abbott farm found tho
body of an eagle that had hcon electro
cuted by wires passing over ills fiirin.
No Longer Does the Freshman Win
Football Games 8ingl Handed
Style Improved.
Thero hns been n noUccnble slump
In tho demand by boys nt libraries1
for the school story, with the hero
who always won tho big footbnll games
nnd who knocked tho homo run with
three' on bnscs when, ns a substitute)
player, ho brought tho baseball hon
ors to Tushtushvlllo prep schooL
Boys who Imvo tried to go out nnd
win footbnll gomes slnglo handed and
who have sought nn opportunity to
muko home runs nt crucial momenta
In Bchool hnscball series, hnvo found
out wlint rot has been handed them
in fiction. They know thnt boys sim
ply don't do such tilings not an
"frosh ," nnywny.
Tho school hero still maintains, but
ho is traveling nt a slower paceu
Proxy docs not kowtow to tho gifted
youth ns suddenly ns In Uie heyday
of such fiction. Librarians say thnt
tho big Improvement in school Action
has como through saner plots and
moro enrefui work in characteriza
tion. Tho author must really show
his own Interest in n school character
If ho Is going to get tho hero "over."
Arthur Chapman in the New York;
Tribune. s
Prompt Punishment.
There wns a great stampede for the
omnibus. A mnn was pushed off tho
step and ho nnd his son failed to bo
euro places.
"Did Cod see tho man that pushed
us off?" asked tho llttlo boy.
"Of course ho did."
"And will ho punish him?"
"no hns punished him, sonny."
"Already, father?"
"Yes, I've got his watch." Londo
"Aro these cakes fresh, cutlo?"
Well, sir, I think you hnvo them a
trifle outclassed."
"Idle cariosity?" The blame thing
works dny and night.
If n mnn known a great deal, he la
bound to tell It, either vocally or witli
tho pen.
Aro you a go-gcttor, or a goat-get
cause no work can he found for then
outside tho walls," Hnrmon said.
A milch cow census of eight western
stales recorded Nebraska second with
ir.l.'ifO cows.
Attorney General Clarence A. Davis
of Lincoln, has been requested to be
gin disbarment proceedings against
Thomas II. Mutters, Omaha attorney.
Tho request came from tho supreme
court, being preceded by thu receipt
by t,he court of a request for disbar
ment from this State Bar association.
Thomas II. Matters Is the Omaha at
torney, who wns Indicted on tin em
bezzlement charge in connection with
the failure of the Pioneer State bank
which failed some time ago.
Mirny head of hogs have died of
cholera In Klchnrdson county during
the past few days. Euo Glosman lost
forty head within nsliort time.
Hundreds from nil sections attended
tho dedication of the new county high
school building at Harrison. Prof. .1.
Wilson of Clindrnn normal gave the
main address.
Wayne Marples was badly cut nnd
bruised when a tractor lie was opent
lug along the highway near Wymore,
struck an obstruction and rolled over
a 10-foot embankment, pinning him
beneath the wreckage,
What Kind of a Day
Do You Wish Yourself?
Suppose you could make a wish at the
breakfast table and finally have the wish come
true. Would you say,
"I want this to be a eood day," or "I am
willing for this day to drag along?"
) If you keep on wishing your days with the
food you eat, finally the wish Js likely to come
j true.
5 GraDe-Nut9 helps your wish for a good day.
Nothing miraculous; Just the natural result from
right food with the right taste.
There is a charm of flavor and crispness
In Grape-Nuts that is like the smile of a good
friend at the breakfast table
And Grape-Nuts, with cream or milk (fresh
or tinned), is fully nourishing feeding the tissueg
and glands, the bone and blood, with just those
elements which Nature requires building
otrength without any "heaviness."
Grape-Nuts is the perfected goodness of
Wheat and malted barley, scientifically developed
ready to cat from the package. A Grape-Nuts
breakfast or lunch is a practical wish for good luck.
"There's a Reason"
Sold fo all grocers