The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1921, Image 7

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fuii-itirYhe-Eace am
T Lesson T
ll HK II l-'ITHWATUl, V. ..
'IViii her or IIumII'-Ii llllilc In (lit; Mooily
1MiIl liiKlltiac Dl (.lniiiKii)
?! rlKlit. l'JJI Wi muni Nlnper Union
,. .b-SitA:. y v
"B TS TUB Tl rQ&.' ?
"B t
i- mi ehv i Bin
Tlicrn la only one medicine thnt really
(timls oat preeminent no n medicine for
curable nilmuntH of the kidneys, liver luid
Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root stands th
hlglif't for tho renbon that il has proven
to I io just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thounnndfl of distregtung canci.
Swump Root nml(C8 friendn quickly be
cauip its mild and immediate cfTcct if) noon
realized in tiioxt catcs. It in a gentle,
licnling vcKciable compound.
Start ticntaient nt once. Sold at al
ding Rtorcti in bottles of two sizes, medi
um nnd large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation rend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hlnglinniton, N. Y., for
tatnplc bottle. When writing he sure an4
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Some people talk best when they nra
going through the motions of reading
a newspaper.
UlCin I B lillNRrMJ'-m:
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The focmen fled in the uight,
And Itain-in-the-Face in his flight,
Uplifted high in air
As ghastly trophy bore ,
The brave heart that beat no more
Of the While Chief with yellow hair.
I w X
I M . X
Custer" of which v
Well, In Colonel S
3 lioolc. "Iilankct Inil
II 13 foregoing Is actually y
I.oiisfellow. thuiiKh you niny doubt
It. Inddcntally, It is worse history
than It Is verso.
Also In nmny bonks you will Unci
the portrait of it gooiMnoklng In
dian In MivtiKo finery and under it
this caption, "Itnln-ln-tlu'-Kaiv the
ORnllnln Sioux who killed GenenU
more hit or.
Shlehls' recent
Indians of the
Northwest." (Vechten Wnrlns
company, New York) ,1s a chapter In which Haiti-In-tbo-Kaco
tells how he ran 300 miles on snow
lines In n blizzard In throe days by far the most
ronmrkable run In nil history.
Ushf what u discussion that chapter has raised
jiII over the West! For the West will never Ret
through talking ubout Custer and the buttle of
Little Itlg Horn ltlver, June 1!5, 1870.
Now, of course, anyone who has over traveled
on hnowshoos nnd has been in n South Dakota
Mizzard lias n posftlve opinion as to the truth of
the Indian's story. Incidentally the world's record
for n hundred mile run Is 1U:2G::10. However, the
Mory of Haln-ln-tlie-Kace serves n double purpose :
It makes Interesting reading nnd It has brought
out some reliable facts concerning the legend that
the Sioux chief boasted that he would kill Custer
and eat his heart and actually did carry out his
According to the story told to Colonel Shields
by the Sioux in December, 1873 or 1S74, while
quartered with a portion of his tribe at the Stand
ing Hock ngency, about 75 miles south of His
marck, Itnin-iii-tlie-I-'uco got Into an altercation
with four white men and killed two of them In
sclf-defeiifco, ns he claimed. He was captured, tak
en to the agency, nnd thrown Into Jail, "n tem
porary, unfinished log structure without n floor."
There wore six or eight Inches of snow on the
ground that had blown In through the openings In
the walls, nnd the prisoner's "only means of keep
ing from freezing wus to keep walking constantly
about the room." This cruelty to Indians was prac- (
tlced on the orders of General Custer then In com
mand nt Kort Lincoln, near Hismarck. General
Custer ordered that "if alive, Rnln-ln-tlie-Fnco
should be thrown Into Jail nnd punished ns severe
ly as possible, pending the time when the court
martini could be convened and the culprit dis
posed of In a legal way. And tills meant, of course,
thnt he would be hung or shot." When this order
wns reail to the prisoner, "Hnln-ln-the-Face swore
vengeance on Gcnernl Custer as the nutlior of his
Bufferings, lie swore that if lie ever got out ho
would kill Custer In n hand-to-hand fight, If pos
sible, and If not, then at longer range; that ho
would cut bis heart out and carry It away ns a
Some time before tlio Custer ninssucre, Itnln-ln-the-Fnce
escaped from his prison with the as
sistance of two friends, who "handed lilm a pair
of snow-shoes and n blanket In which n piece of
lricd bufTulo moat was rolled." The buffalo meat
fell out as ho ndjusted the blanket, nnd so ho
started out "Into the desert, In tlio midst of n
howling blizzard, at nightfall, with only one
blanket, without a mouthful of food, without n
weapon of any kind, when the temperature was
probably forty degrees below zero nnd the wind
wns blowing thirty miles un hour." "He told mo'
the story of his great run nnd I will tell it to
you In his own words ns nearly as I can recall
them," reports Colonol Shields:
"I asked him, through an Interpreter, 'Where
did you go when you escaped from the Jull nt
Standing Rock?' He Mild:
" 'I went to the camp of my friends, nt the baso
of Woody mountain, in Cnnadu.'
"'How far Is Hint 7' I asked.
"'Three hundred miles ns the crow flies.'
"'How long did It tnko you to mnko the run?'
" 'Throe days and nights.'
"'Do you mean to tell mo that n'mau can run
a hundred miles lu twenty-four hours, on snow
Hhoes, nna nnotnor huudred In the next twenty
four, nnd another hundred In the next?"
"He said, 'I did It.'
" 'How often did you sleep on the way?'
" 'I didn't sleep nt all. I knew I dnrcd not sleep.
I dared not even sit down to rest, for if I had,
under the terrible fatigue and hunger nnd strain
from which I Buffered, I would havo lost conscious
ness, n stupor would have overtaken me, nnd 1
would havo frozen solid In half an hour, I was
llcelng from the persecution, tlio wrongs, the out
rages Inflicted on mo nnd my people by the whlto
Jneu. I woo going to my friends nnd had deter-
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mined to rench tliem. I knew the only way I could
do thnt was to keep going. I ran most of the way.
Occasionally I would slow down to n wnlk to re
cover my breath and recuperate my strength n
little; then I would forgo ahead again.'
"'What did you out on the way?' I asked. Ho
said :
"'Rrowse. When 1 would cross n dry coulee I
would break off a handful of brush, willows or
box-older, nnd out It as 1 ran across the next pla
teau, mnybe ton miles, or twenty miles, or thirty
miles. Then when I crossed another coulee 1
would break off more and eat that as I ran.
" 'After running two days and nights and the
greater part of the third day, late In the after
noon the wind lulled, the snow cleared from the
ulr for n few minutes, and I saw the dim outline
of Woody mountain toweling nwny into the sky.
That gave me new hope, new courage. I knew
the camp was not more than twenty miles
nwny, nnd I knew I should roach It. I put on a
new burst of speed, nnd after running a few miles
more the wind lulled again, tin' air cleared, and
I saw the outline of the great blue forest that sur
rounds the base of the mountain; nnd I saw three
little columns of blue smoke curling up among
the trees.' "
The Indian told Colonel Shields, with equally
substantial detail, how ho found his friends, how
they welcomed him, how he collapsed In their
arms, and knew nothing for two days and nights.
D. F. Horry, ofllclnl photographer and scout with
Custer's forces, wns at Fort Lincoln during the
time Kntn-lii-the-Fnce was In Jail there. Ho give
this "plain, unvarnished account" in the Wisconsin
Times :
"In 1S74, the Seventh United States cavalry wns
out scouting along the ellowstono. Dr. Hoi
zlnger and n trader by the niiino of HiiMruu
Btopped'to pick up some mos agates while vhe
command moved on. A little later the horses
owned by tlio two men came up to the command
riderless. The scouting party started back to sou
what happened to Holzlnger and Hallrun and dis
covered they hnd been shot. They scouted around
to see who had killed them but there was no trace
of Indian or white man to be found.
"The next summer the Sioux Indians were hold
ing a big war dance at Standing Hock nnd be
tween the dances some of tho warriors would get
up In the center of the circle and relate some of
tho bravo deeds of tho bund. A handsome young
chief Htepped Into tho circle and told the Indians
how ho had killed two men on the Yellowstone,
shooting both. When he hud finished ho received
great applause from tho Indians. This Indian was
Chief Hiiln-hi-tlie-Fuco.
"Chnrles Reynolds, General Custer's famous
scout, vms present watching tho dancers and heard
the chief tell how ho lmd killed the two men. The
next day he returned to Fort Lincoln, the army
post, located near Hismarck, on tlio west bunk of
the Missouri river. Reynolds told General Custer
how ho hnd heard Chief Raln-ln-the-Fucc relate
his deed. On tho next ration day, General Custer
sent Ids brother, Cnpt. Tom Custer, nnd 100 sol
diers of tho Seventh cavalry, together with some
olllcers, to Stnndlng Rock, to arrest tho Indian
chief for the killing of the two men.
"Captain Custer discovered Chief Raln-ln-the-Face
In tho traders' storo nnd with some boldiers
grabbed the chief, wrested big rifle from him and
ordered him to mount n horse. Tho purly headed
for Fort Lincoln, nnd upon their arrival there
Chief Rnln-ln-the-Fnco wns placed In tho guard
house to await trial for murder in tho spring term
of tho United States court.
"Two men who hud been caught stealing oats
and other grain from tho government nt Lincoln
were also In the same gunrd-houso nwnltlng trlni
at Fnrgo. Friends of tho two grain thieves cut n
holo in tho guard-houso to effect their cscnpo und
when the second wns leaving be motioned to
Chief Rnln-ln-the-Fnco to conic. They made their
escape soon after tnps had blown and all lights,
were then out nt tho post.
"Raln-ln-the-Fnce started towards Standing
Rock, keeping nwny from tho trail and traveling
by night. When he reached his old camp the In-'
dlnns started him for the hills for fear the soldiers
would come nnd get him. A small party acconi-,
panled him and they later became known ns Itcnc-i
gade Sioux. Their band Increased until their num
ber run up In the thousands-. The next time Ruin-ln-the-Fnce
met Captain Custer wus June '2."t, 1876,
on the Little IUg Horn river, In Custer's tight.
Contrary to reports Chief Ruln-ln-the-Face did not
hate General Custer, but liked him nnd his wife.'
They often talked with hlni while he was In tho
guard-house. However, the chief did hate tho
general's brother nnd sought vengeance against
"At one time I asked the chief If he hud seen.
Captain Custer and he remarked that he had
looked for and had found him. The Indians told
mo that tho chief hud mutilated tho captain after
tho big battle. Tom Custer's heart was not cuti
out ns the reports have It. General Henteen stated
In n letter to pie that he would make an allldavit
to that effect. General Hijnteen and Doctor I'orterj
were the two men wiio lilentllled mm
Custer's body wus horribly mutilated."
"There was no blizzard the night Raln-ln-the-Fnce
made his escape." Mr. Harry declares fur
ther. "I hesitate to comment, knowing Mr. Shields
very well, but historians will grab such stuff as
this nnd pass it on us authentic.
Doane Robinson, secretary nnd superintendent
of the department of history of the State of South'
Dakota, writes to the' Literary Digest:
"When Rnln-ln-the-Fuco lay dying at Ids homo
on Grand river, South Dakota, he was constantly,
nttended by Miss Mary C. Collins, the very notable
missionary, who was a doctor of medicine us well
as of souls. He professed great remorse for tho
sins of his life, particularly his sins of meuilaclty,(
and confessed that it had been n great satisfaction
in his sinful career to Invent whoppers for the
edification of the whites.
"1. There Is no record that Raln-lii-tlic-FiiceJ
killed two men at Standing Rock agency In 187JI-1.'
Tho offense which got him In bad with the inlll-i
tary wns the killing of Holzlnger, the veterlnn-,
rlan, nnd Hullran, the sutler of General D. S. Stan-j
ley's expedition to the Yellowstone. This occurred
on August -1, 18711.
"2. The next winter Ruln-ln-the-Face appeared
at Standing Hock agency nnd boasted of tho mur
ders ho had committed. Word was sent to Forti
A. Lincoln, und Captain Tom Custer, brother of
General George A., went down to Standing Rock)
LKKKON Tl:.NT At Ih 2 t-31.
(K)l.tU-N' TI'.X'I I am ri.uh lo jin-m-h
the ki)nhI o )dli Hull ii m at ltunu! iilco.
I 'or I inn nut nnliuiilt'il of tlin kdhIH'I nf
I'lu-lHt. for II Is tin- pouut- of Hod Unto
talviitlon to vironu tliut belluvolli.
Koin 1 lf. 1C
i!i:ri:m:Nci: M.vTi:uiAis-Murk ic is,
Itciin. 1 s-lT.
I'lUMAlU TOl'lC-The Knil of lnul'
Jl'MOIt TOPIC-The Km! of il IillB
Paul Living In Itoiuo.
young pkopi.i: Aumr topic
IMiiI'h MIiiIhHj In Homo.
I. The Shipwrecked Crew on Mellta
(vv. I-1P).
Through the storm they lost their
bearings, and when they were safe on
laud the) learned that the Island was
called Melltn.
1. The hospitable reception of the
natives (v. 'J). They built a tire and
made them us comfortable as possible
from the cold and the rain.
U. Paul gathering sticks for a fire (v.
.".). This Is a line picture of the world's
greatest preacher and missionary not
above picking up sticks for u tin1. Tho
ability and disposition to serve natu
rally hi whntovov way Is the evidence
of capacity for great commissions.
.'t. Paul bitten by a venomous ser
pent (v.. 'I). With the sticks that Paul
gathered there was a serpent. Per
haps it had already curled Itself up
for Its winter sleep, but when tho
warmth of the fire iiioued It It darted
at Paul and llM'd Its fangs upon his
hand. The natives expected to see him
fall down dead, ot lie shook It off,
nothing harmed. At lirst the natives
I'liiieluded that he was an escaped
murderer and that this was retributive
justice being meted out to him. When
they saw that he was unharmed they
concluded that he was a god.
1. Paul heals I'ubllus father (vv. 7
10). These people are now getting
sunn' return for their kindness. When
this man of note was healed others
came also and were healed. To this
they responded In appreciation by load
ing I hem down with necessary sup
II. Paul Arriven at Rome (vv. 11-10).
When Paul lauded at Home Christ's
charge to the disciples was fulfilled.
After three months' stay at Mellta,
Paul departs for Home in the ship Al
exandria, whoso sign was Castor and
Pollux. At Syracuse they were do
hoed tlnce days, perhaps for favora
ble winds. At Putcoll ho found breth
ren, at whose request he tarried seven
days. At Applll-Foruiuuudnt the Three
Taverns biethren from Home met him.
From Puteoll the news went before
Paul's coining, and so Interested were
the brethren that they came more
than forty miles to meet him. This
greatly encouraged him, for which ho
gave God thanks. No one, pcrhups,
ever enjoyed more close fellowship
with God, and yet no man ever en
Jojod more und derived more henellt
from Ii n mill t fellowship than he. His
readiness to preach the gospel at
Home, which he bad expressed In the
Cplstle to the Homaiis, written from
'"orinth about three years before, was
now icallzcd. Ho was treated with
great leniency nt Home, for he was
allowed to hhe a house there and live
Captain ' alone except that the soldier that re
. inalued his guard was coustuntly with
hint. Holug chained to u soldier was
I nil her Irksome, hut yet It gave him a
chance to preach to the soldiers which
l he could not have had any oilier way.
lie rejoiced In whatever circumstances,
Just so the gospel was preached.
III. Paul's Ministry in Rome (vv.
1. Ills conference with the leading
lews (vv. 17-'). He did not, as
usual, watt for the Sabbath day to
speak to the Jews, lie only allowed
one day for rest. His object wus to
have a fair understanding with them.
When they came he endeavored to
conciliate them. He told them that,
though he came as a prisoner, he wus
not a criminal. Though his own
countrymen had so sought his life, he
did not come with an accusation
against them. Thf result of this Inter
view was that the Jews cautiously
took neutral ground, hut expressed a
desire to hear what Pnul could say In
defense of u sect which was every
where spoken against. The fact that
this wet was spoken against Is no evi
dence that It was wrong. Many times
a thing may be wrong In men's minds,
because their Judgments are biased. If
Hurry, mother 1 Even a Bick child
loves the 'fruity" taste of "California
Fig Syrup" und It never fnlls to open
the bowels. A touspdonful today may
prevent u slcJk child tomorrow. If con
stlpntcd, bilious, feverish, fretful, has
cold, collo or If stomach la sour,
tongue coa!d, breath had, remember a
good clcnnr'ng of the little bowels Is
often nil tMt Is necessary.
Ask youf druggist for genuine "Cali
fornia Flp Syrup" which bus directions
for babies nnd children of all ages
printed o bottle. Mother I You must
say "California" or you may got aa
liultntlot. tig syrup. Advertisement.
Tho man who looks straight abend
miss a lot on the side.
For your daughter's snke, nso Red
Cross Hall Hlite In the laundry. She
will then havo that dainty, well-groomed
appearance thnt girls admire. Ad
Hy taking pains, one can begin being
old nl ''
wooLirs jWV TAMano - Mft I'l'jumiiiiM
" T" VWTTv'ftMoii
Nebraska Directory
Dividends &;
For Information and slreniara writ
322 S. 18th Sued. Oath. N
1206-8 DougUa St. Omaha. Nab.
Our UuilnrM la We Tear
'Km Up anil Hell tliff Flrcr
1'urla for All Mukr of Cura
Call,, write or phono: you'll receive prompt
Service. HlRheiit prlcta paid for old cara
2021 O Street Lincoln, Nebraaka
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies: E
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1309JoneiSt. 11 VV. Third St.
Wabash Pad
Curo Collar Sore while yon
work the horse. Ask your
dealer, or send us SI so
(or sample, postpaid.
Mln.. Lincoln, Nobr.
Injr lUE IB
PXI2&-f J
-frif. 7 IM- i
Yonr Host
For best resul ts sell your cream to our
nearest local representative or ship ua
direct Write for tags and prices.
Dept. A, Lincoln, Nebr.
to npin-eliend tlio culprit. He found lilm trudlng J u tiling Is right In the sight of (!od It
In the sutler's store, und slipping up behind lilm
throw n blnnkot over the Indluirs bend nnd lcnp
Ing upon him soon hud hint securely bound nnd
tool; hhn n prisoner to Kort A. Lincoln. Whutover
vengeunce Itiiln-ln-lho-Knco wus harboring nt this
time wus ngutnst Captain Tom mid not ugulnst the
"'A, Uuln-ln-iho-Fnco escnpod from the prison. I
nin not Informed of hlb ivherenbouts during his
freedom; he may have tnken hliusvJf to Woody
Mountain. ,f " ,l W1,H not nearly 'threo hun
dred miles ns the crow files.'
"1. Halii-IU'the-Face took no pnrt In tlio nattlo
of tho Little IUg Horn, on Juno J2T, 1870. Flo wns
nwny during tho entire day, but returned thnt
'5. The body of (!eneriil Custer wus not muti
lated, nor wns thnt of Captain Tom, whoso fcenrt
Halti-ln-the-Fiico hnd vowed to cat. If bo nte any
body's heart that night, It was not that of elthoi
mutters not what uwn think about it.
''. Paul expounding the kingdom of
(iod und persuading concerning Jesus
(vv. 'S.'A). He pointed out u renl
kingdom the Messlunlc Kingdom with
Jomis ns the King.
1123 O Street a Lincoln, Neb.
Hall's Hardware
New and Used
1517 0 Sired - Lincoln. Neb.
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(Kiiatiniin Kodak Co.)
Dept. K, 1217 O St Lincoln, Neb.
If you wnnt to live In this world,
doing tin duty of life, knowing the
blessings of It, doing your work heart
ily, and jut not absorbed by It, re
member thnt the one power whereby
you can so net Is, that nil shall he
consecrated to Christ. Alexander
Supplication of Solomon.
Now, my (hid, let, 1 beseech thee
thine eyes bo open, and let thine can
io nttent unto the prayer that Is Hindi
In this phiecIl Chronicles 0:41).
What Yon Want
Wbei You Wait H
Eloctric Starter Specialists
Distributors of Presto-Lite Battorits
Phone Bl 130
J17-21 S. 111b SI. ' LINCOLN, HEI.
" f
t -v ve
r V TMlr-"Mfr 1j4ir!&iKZAi2? 3 Nat