&,. mm& mMA; Ar H .u I 'I . " i ,' & k " n Ax i J' EC MMMMMMMMM feM M M M Jl M mj,,l,t AS TOLD TO US K IS rihrmhrrrimirr'mm Next Day. E. S. day. Thursday is Thanksgiving Garbcr was in IJastings Fri- J. M. Burgess Hastings. spent Friday in Monroe HIuc Hill. Mcintc spent Friday in Chns. Moon of Hastings was in the city Wednesday. W. G. Hamilton was in Omaha the first of the week. Wanted Wishing. Mrs. Floyd Hoi eiMiii, phono Iii-I. 7S l Miss Anna . Stumpenhorst Saturday in Hastings. spent Everett Coon was a passenger to Omaha Friday morning. Clias. Hunter was down from Tna nlo Tue-day afternoon. Itov. D. Fitzgerald was a passenger to Superior Saturday morning. Mrs. I). G. Erilton was a passen ger to Superior Fiiday morning. !W! VJ'V r!l 'u"UPW" l,Pf' Roundhouse Foreman J. W. Hauck went to Coffcyville, Kansas, Fridn morning to visit his parents and relatives. iiSL ."""I mrrx&wmfrfiiFirm Clifford White and Miss Merle White, both of Bcloit, Kansas, were married by Judge Kannoy Tuesday evening. Don't fail to hear the band con cert given by the Ucd Cloud band at the Hesse Auditorium on Friday even ing, Dec. 2. Miss Edith Zeiss, who is teaching school near Superior, spent Saturday hero with her parents, Mr. and Mm Chris Zeiss. Mrs. Dorothy KenkeJ of Nampa, Idaho, arrived in the city Sunday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clint. Potter. Ucd Cloud and Franklin Academy will meet on the Hedge Held Thanks giving Day and no doubt the game will bo havd fought. Mrs. Alvcna Berg of Armour, Xc bmka, arrived in the city Monday evening to visit he mother, Mrs. Kon fro and with friends. Mr. S. Hardman was a passenger to Bloomington Monday morning. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell were passengers to Milford Monday morn ing. XUh.l Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall attended the foot ball game at Lincoln Saturday. . E. W. Comick of Concordia, Kan sas, spent tho weekend with friends kcrc. Dr. R. S. Martin and Isadore John von were in Hastings pdncsday yening. Harry Thompson and tylo. Miller attended the foot ball game at Lin coln Saturday. Mrs. Smelscr returned homo Sun day morning from Kiverton where she spent a few (ys with her daugh ter, Mrs. Fred Taylor. J. C. Mitchell returned home Fri day evening from Lincoln where ho was called to attend tne luncrai ol his brother, Will Mitchell. Mrs. Andrew Saladcn returned home Sunday morning from Denver where she had been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Sanderson and family. Will White returned to his work at Danbury where he is foreman of a Burlington bridge gang nfter spend ing Sunday here with his family. Miss Nellie Emcrton spent Satur day in Hastings. Her father, who has been in a hospital there for tho past two weeks, returned homo with her. Mrs. Lydia Hoffman went to Hast ings Monday morning , to spend a couple. of days. t X Mr. Powell of Ncleigh spent the last of the week hero with his son, Oliver and wife. .1. P. Check and Kay Oglevie were in Superior Friday attending to some business matters. Clias. Funk went to Superior Wed nesday, morning to vii.il his son, Mar ion Funk and with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hauck returned-homo Tuesday evening after spend ing the past week visiting their par ents and friends at Coffeyvillc, Kansas. Ilr WnrwIoW, the Njipclnltst, will meet Ey, K.ir, Nom tinil Tnnrnt pati ents tmd tho.e needing uhnses, at Dr. nHiiieriiU'h, Monday, Nov.2lst. bonis 2 to 0. W. G. Hamilton and son, Gordon,' Lew Walters, Dr. Hurst and C. M. Shorwood attended the Nebraska v Kansas University foot ball barnc at Lincoln Saturday. The lied Cloud band will give a concert in the Besse Auditorium Fri day evening, Dec. 2 at 8:30. Seventy cars of stock passed thru hero Sunday enroute to the markets at St. Joe and Kansas City. County Agent H. R. Fausch went to Lincoln Thursday morning to at tend to some business matters. Miss Christine Caldwell, who is teaching school near Franklin, spent tho weekend here with her mother. Stanley Barta of Spring" Ranch and Mary Souchck of Bladen woro mar ried by Judge Ranncy, Wednesday. Will exchange income property in Red Cloud for lato model iiatomobile: L. E. Tait, 1514 N. St. Lincoln. Fred Temple returned ""WKansan City Friday morning after-spending n few days hero and at Inavale at tending to some business matters. N. II. Bush wishes to meet the chair njfii of till cnnimitteeK for the Com tminUy Christ urns Tiee on Tuesday evening next, nt 8 p. in., in the Lllirary building basemont Mrs. N. B. Bush and Mrs. L. R. Parker autoed to Hastings Monday morning and spent the day with the former's son, Lynn, who is attending the Hastings college. The Misses Blanche Pope and Bon nie Miller returned to Inavale Satur day evening after spending tho day here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pope. A REAL COMMUNITY, , FESTIVAL FOR REp. CLOUD An enthusiastic meeting: 'Was held at the Auld Library on Tuesday night for the purpose of discussing and planning for a community Christmas festival. As the Christmas season draws near, we all should feel n. little nearer to our fellowmcn, and what could bo a more fitting commemora tion of the birthday of tho Christ than a real' Christinas Festival, n joyous gathering of everyone in the town and surrounding territory. A big tree, brightly lighted, treats for all the youngsters, and Christmas carols, without which no Christmas is com plete, are all best enjoyed with others, and everyone old and young, should possess more of the Yuletide and com munity spirit as a result of such a gathering. The committees who had approxi mated the cost made their reports, and it was unamimously voted to "put the Festival over." It is planned to treat tho 700 children under fifteen years of age in and around Red Cloud. N. B. Bush was elected chairman of tho committee on arrangements and Mrs. Halbert Thomas secretary. A j financial committee, with J. Johnson as chairman, id now at work raising , the necessary funds for the tree and treat. , and any money which might be left will be u.sed for charitable pur poses. Two Sunday schools have sot a good example by giving the amount formerly us-ed for their own treats to this fund. In order to conflict less with tho celebrations in tho homes and the iiHual Christmas Eve rush of shoppers, the Festival will be on Friday even ing. December 23, in tho Sale Pavilion, which Mr. Auld is very generously of fering and getting in rcadincsg. At tho meeting Tuesday night it was voted to ask the places of busi ness to close for one hour, nt tho time for tho nroeram. If all will do this, J it will work a hardship on none. Tho success of this, as of any other community enterprise, depends upon the hearty co-operation of thoipublic, and it is hoped that every citizon will he ready to help make this the enjoy able event that it should be. The following committees have been appointed: Finance I Johnson, chairman and treasurer, Chas. Pitchier, Mrs. Edgar Cowden, Miss Jessie Kellogg, H. E. Thomas. Building J. W. Auld. Provide tree and Santa Claus Dr. Nicholson, chairman, Chas. Brubakef, Ben McFarland. ll Lights E. W. Stevens and; Boy Scouts. Purchase treats and fill sacks Mrs. E. L. Morhart, chairman, Mrs. A. E. Boles, Mrs.L. Wondcrly,' Mary Peterson, Mra.j.Wjm. H. ThomasJVMrs. D. L. Kalcy, Mrs. E. A. Crcighton, Mr. Paul Pope. Pro'do sacks for treats Mrs. M. A. Albright, chairman, Mrs. E. L. Grimes, Mrs. C. H. Miner, Mrs. Bran son Slewurt. Distribute treats Three Scout masters and Scouts. Decorating E. M. Ego, chairman, Mrs. W. II. McBridc, Mrs. Maynard, Boy Scouts. Program Howard S. Foe, Mrs. F. P Hughes, E. J Ovcring Jr. chairman. Heating and seating F. J. Munday, chairman, Ed. Piatt, Marion Bloom, Poy Scouts. Publicity Rev. S. Hardman, chair man, W. T. Edson, W. B. Smith, A. B. McArthur, Mrs. A. W. Gelwick. ' Please watch tho papers for the date of tho next meeting. FOOT BALL! Hedge's Field 3:00 p. m. Friday, Nov. 18 & JO!. A jnencan Vs. Legion High School Stars of 1918-19-20 ICf O The American Legion has a great number of good husky, experienced players, while yon will see m the old High School players' line-up the same men who carried off 2S victories out of 27 game during their high school career. THE LINE UP: All Stars A. B. Crabill shinned two cars of hogs to Kansas City Sunday morning and Yost & Robertson one car of cat tle to Omaha. J. H. Ellinger went to Omaha in charge of the cattle. American Legion R. JONES. End R. KOONTZ. Tackle F. NEVVLAND. Guard C. PICHLER. Center C.CHRISTY, Guard CHET ROBERTS. Tackle ROBERT IIOXSEY. End C GELLATLY. Quarter-back CECIL BARRETT, Halt-back ISADORE JOHNSON. Full-back ELTON POPE. Half-back D. SALADEN. End RAY MOUNTFORD. End HAROLD DOYLE, Tackle FLOYD PREVOST. Tackle FRED ROBERTS, Guard MARVIN HARRIS. Guard G. MERCER, Center HOWARD KALEY, Quarter-back FRED SLABY. Full-back HAROLD GILBERT, Half-back R. NEWHOUSE, Half-back '" FRANK CHRISTY Utility,! , . Come Out and See a Good, Clean, Hard Fought Game and Have a Barrel of Fuil Admission 25 Cents Bsg&TmmreisreHsaBa Tho tiladen Fair management is wooplnsr hot, briny tonrs because tho county commissioners divided tho $2,000 tho countv gives each, yenr for agricultural exhibits, equally between the Bladen Fair And tho I("l Cloud Farmers' Institute. What tho county ongbt to do is to establish n real coun ty fair, mannged by and for" Webster county, and let tho prlvatlyaiMiHged fairs take care of thcmselws. Guide Rock Signal $H ., A Farm Loans Work baa beon delayed on building the elcotric transmission lino for the roRson that Lawronco is arranging to take juice from Superior also. In tho event that Lawrenco does bign up for liithts, tho lino will be run west from Nelson to Lawrenco and Guido Rock, instead ofjliroct to Guide Rock from Superior. In this ovent tho lno will be built on from Guido Rook to llnrr Oak, hooklnir up thoro with the Con- oordln line to ltiirr Oak, making a dnuhlo hitoh for each town on tho cir cuit, the Concordia power plant being also owned by the Southern Nebraska Llht and Power Company. Guido Rock Signal. Miss Roda Foss of Beaver City spent Sunday at tho home of Dr. and I Mrs. W. H. McBride. Sho returned homo via Hastings Monday, going there with Miss Thelma McBride who is attending the Hastings college and liad spent tho weekend here with her parents. Monday, November Ulht ut '.I p. m. tho women voters of Hie lty are Invit ed to attend h meeting itt. tho Court House In the intete-t of measures of future benefit to the people. Editor W. 1). Smith, of the Com- ' ! mercial Advertiser, was taken, sud , denly ill Sunday morning and is im proving nt this writing. It is thought that he will bo able to bo out next week. Friday afternoon the Bloomington and Red Cloud High School foot ball teams met on the Hedge field. Tho game was won by Red Cloud by a scoro of 21 to 0 and it avos a hard fought game from start to finish. T. E. Blake, who has been working ffllffl!IIIIITOIIIIllllWlinlllffi.llllll11IIll1M p for the Burlington as operator hero for several months, went to Kansas City Wednesday morning where he will work in tho future he having sevorcd his position with the Burling ton. ' PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Travellers ('heques protect tho tourist by affording ti sate form in which to curry funds. These cliecpies, whioh uro l-sued in ditiiominu tlotih of SH, S'JO. S.10, anil S10(), furnish a ready ' i(li)iitificutioi) of the holder mid are payable up on coiiinuivsigiiiituie They are accepted throughout, the world by bunks, hotels, traiiH portHtton jnmpiinies and 1ur1iiu-h linusus. Ilefdro taking an extenriod trip let our officers explain in detail the adv-mUgcs of carrying tbeso chequPH when travelling THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK. Edward Flounce, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cathie Vtpoilt Guarantied by tht Depotltors Quaranty Fund of th Stat of Xebratta nmuMiiB I am ready as always to (utiiko any and all farm loans nt the litest rato and best option. Absolutely no wait g and no cxpenBo for inspection. J. H, Bailey. ThB FOLKS AIJHOME EXPECT YOU HID TUI.no TOTEUL'EM AU. ABOUT 3Sg?S9ope9 V?T'T Exhilarating BURLESK and VAUDEVILLE Stags AliTavi Fllli-d with Prclly Oirli, funny CIoh us UoriKnna l!qulpr, Ktilli-rt f'jenio I'inirouiiunt. MATINEE DAILY, 2ilS; EVNGS 8:30 CVERYUODY GOEft ASK ANYBODY ,.!'.vai'3lhof"2S8StandKrrtS.wWostof Chicago Cheaper Farm Loans I am making farm loans at lower in terest rates with optional payment pri vilege. No expense to you for inspect ion and! money is ready as soon as abstraot Is furnished. SEE It. VV Stowart, Honded Abstracter Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paint?, Ami Electrical Supplies. Tin brsl place for Picture Framing. t NO CREDIT Is given me, for CLEANING your battery terminals, GREASING them putting in NEW BOLTS, and above all. for WASHING your battery with amonia BECAUSE you don't know I do these things Well I do. With me it isn't simply a.case of charge your battery and throw it back in your car. but with every battery that comes into my. shop, I follow !the above procedure. ft increases the lije oj a battery just about loo "per cent. That's why I get practically all of the battery business. BURJDEN The Exide Battery Station Two Doora South of Farmers Union Store ,.ffih i ff 11 True Economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you know you can depend upon. We pride ourselves on our sincere desire to have in stock at all times the best quality food stuffs at moderate prices. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee Wullbf&ndt P. A Groceries and Quconsware wimraiic'rtimminii!iinm :l 1 I i