RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 0NG fce WRI6LEY5 fee I ) Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions lluady tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggist. Aspirin If the triila matt of II) er Uaoufactura of Munoacctlcacldntrr of Stllerllcacll No two leaven, even from the feuino I tree, nre exactly alike. I MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If tho little tongue Is coated, or If your child Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a tenspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works nil tho constipa tion poison, sour bite nnd-wuste out of tho bowels, and you lmvo n well, play ful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know n tea spoonful today saves n sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genu ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for bnhlcs nnd children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an Imitation ilg syrup. Advertise ment Aunt Susan's Dilemma. Aunt Susan, nn old Maryland durkey, was being registered for the first time. LTke many other women who were torn between their desire to vote and retain their youth. Aunt Susan neither relished telling fier age nor discussing her private matters. "What are your nlllllntlons?' asked the registrar. "Why, boss, 1 don' have to tell dem, do I?" queried Aunt Susnii In dismay. "Answer the question." commanded the hard-hearted registrar. "Hut. boss," protested Aunt Susan. "I don' like to. He's got a wife and five children." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Had Heard His Father. Mother Willie. I'm shocked at you. Do you know whnt becomes of little boys who use had words when they play baseball? Willie Yes'm. They grow up and become golf players. ISoston Tran script. In the Wilds. MWns It primeval where you went?" "You bet. Some place you couldn't buy a postcard." Louisville Courier Journal. The Reason. "I hear Charlie's on his feet ngnln." "Yes. the poor hoy, his creditors took his car." Do You Look Forward To a Good Night's Rest? Do you regularly antici pate a refreshing sleep? Or do you dread going to bed, only to stare, sleep less, at the walls? Tho difference between sleep ing and staring is simply a matter of nerves. When your nervou9 system is in a sound con dition, you are certain to sleep well. . But when your nerves are worn out and beyond your control, your rest is broken and your awakening leaves you languid and irritable. Doctors1 know that much of the nerve dis orders result from tea and coffee drinking. Tho drugs in these drinks the serious ills which result from disturbing the regular bodily functions. It is for your health's sake that many doctors now say you should quit tea Postum for Health "There's a Reason" N'ow York . stale has about 8,000 miles of Improved highways. Eroportant to all Women Readers of this Paper Thou.nnds upon thousands of womct hac kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect It. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho rcsuff of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys arc not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain" in the back, head ache and losi of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, Irrita ble and may be deppondent; it makes any one so. Hut hundreds of women clafm that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be jut the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to eec what Rwnmp-Root. the groat kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Tr. Kilmer & Co., Binclmmton, N. Y you may receive sam ple size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at oil drug stores. Advertisement. Logical. Teacher Thomas, will yon tell me what a conjunction Is, 'iiul compose a sentence containing one? Thomas (nfter reflection) A con junction Is n word connecting any thing, micli as "The horse Is hitched to the fence by his halter." "Halter Is a conjunction, because it connects the horse and the fence." Harper's liazar. Spreading the Gospel. The English Bible society announces that the Hlhle has now been trans lated in fil.'l languages. The latest peo ples to whom It has been made ac cessible aie tho'-e of the North Trans vaal, North Nigeria, Angola, Assam and Itlsmarck archipelago. Nor Is this all plans are being made for trnuslu tlons for forty other peoples. Dining In Midair. An airplane Is under construction In London which will bo equipped with kitchen and dining room for the ac commodation of fifty passengers. Tho cooking will he done by electricity. Going to the Root. The Anglo-American Congress of Historians arc of the opinion that Eng lish history text-hooks nre wnrped by prejudice. There Is some talk of his tory being abolished. London Punch. The mole cricket has curious mold like hands ndmlrnbly adapted for ' fllirulntr. and coffee. Drink Postum, the delicious meal-time beverage instead I In fla vor it is much like coffee. Postum is fundamen tally a nerve strengthener because it lets you get sound, restful sleep. Postum 's a skilfully-made cereal beverage, and tho secret of its popularity is its protection to health and its delicious flavor. Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink this hot, refreshing beverage in place of tea or coffee for 10 days and see what a wonderful difference it will make in the way you feeL Postum cornea In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made Instantly in the enp by tho addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (In packages of larger bulk, for those who pre fer to make the'drink while the meal is being prepared) mad by boiling for 20 minutes. xrjgjm& 7 H Primitive Water Carts (Prepared by th Nntlnnal Orographic So ciety, Washington, D. C.) No region in nil North America Is aiore frequently mentioned or more widely misunderstood, pcihnps, ns ro gards places, routes, distances, nnd the customs of the people, than the Mexican border. The nnmc Itself brings to mind a blending of modern Americanism and the romance of tho old frontiers. It hints nt turmoil and Intrigue, nt wild night rides by cavalry ralrols, nt gun-runners nnd smugglers. It suggests, too, brown-faced, snappy eyed senorltas In red skirts and man tlllns, peddling tongue-bllstcrlng tit mnles nnd mild dukes; of Mexican women washing clothes, babies and dishes lu Irrcgulnr ditches; of burros, hens nnd pigs fornglng about the door ways of flut-topped, squatty adobe huts. In mnny ways the soclnl cleavage of this border Is shnrp and startling. It cuts us off abruptly from another peo ple, showing nn odd, Interesting cross Fectlon of diverse civilizations. Nor nre nil the people along this line either Yankees or Mexicans. Thou sands of Chinese nre settled there on the Mexican side; nnd beside them nre Turks and Jnpnncsc, nnd 20 Indian tribes speaking 20 of the bubel of tongues henrd In Mexico. Thousnnds of settlers migrate to this I'Orderlnnd ench year, losing them selves In the vast, hnzy-blue stretches of Its open country; but they are Americans nil, mostly from the Mhldlo West nnd the South. The hordes of Finns, Slavs nnd Nenpolltansthnt pour Into our Atlantic ports never get this far; they stop In the manufacturing centers of the East. In Texns nnd California, of course, nntlve-born gen erations are found; lu the newer states of Arlzonn and New Mexico most of the residents (barring children) lmvo come from other states. . Rough and Difficult Trip. Adventurous, colorful nnd full of contrasts ns It Is, the 1,800-mlle trip ulong this crooked historic lino Is inugh and dlfllcult and has been made by few people. Some of the wildest nnd least known regions of our country nre piled up ngnlnst this border. Ask nny dough boy, of the mnny, mnny thousands who have done a "hitch" on the Mexican border, what he thinks, for Instance, of AJo or the Vumu sector. From the gulf up to El Pnso, nlong the Texas frontier, the Itlo Grando forms the boundary between tho United States nnd Mexico; thence to the Pacific the line Is marked by stone or Iron monuments (save n short break xnt the Colorado), so set that one Is supposed to be visible from the other. The Itlo Grande part of this border has caused both Uncle Snm nnd Mex ico much work nnd mental anguish. During bnd tloods the line ns formed by the river squirms around In so ns tonlshlng nnd lively n manner that whnt Is Mexican soil one dny mny be In Texns the next, nnd vice versa. Then, too, there Is the over-recurring problem of dividing the waters of the river for Irrigating purposes. Around nidi places ns Laredo, Tex., this situ ation nffords many nn acrimonious In ernntlonnl argument. No spot on the wholo border nffords more of Impressive grandeur thnn the region nbout the mouth of the Pecos. This yellow, turbulent strenm ronrs Into the IUo Grande near the town of JDel Itlo, fonmlng along the bottom of a steep-walled canyon worn hundreds of feet deep In the solid rock. Relic of Camel Experiment. At the old fort at Camp Verde, north of Uvalde, In a relic of one of tho old est experiments ever mnde by our gov ernment. It Is an Arab khan, In ruins now, but in its time nn exact replica of the rectangular adobe caravnnsarles built along such caravan trails as that from Ihigdad to Teheran. This khan was built buck In 1850, when Jefferson Davis was secretary of war and the famous experiment wns made with camels for army transport use betweeu Texas nnd California. As you follow the border west, onks, pines and underbrush decrease, aridity Increases, nnd cacti lift their thorny beads. Cattle, goats and sheep are pastured In large numbers ; but, except for Irrigated areas along the river, the country Is thinly settled and undevel oped. Dordcr counties like Brewster, Presidio nnd El Pnso nre of amazing area Inrger than some of our small CAN BORDER I SI on Mexican Boi der. eastern stntes. Windmills are every when. "big electric fans to keep tin cattle cool," a waggish cowboy once, ex plnlued to a London tenderfoot. El Paso ("The Pass"), great borijci mart of west Texas, Is set on the edge of a rich stretch of the Rio Grande valley. It stands at the point of Intersection between two old high ways, the first channels of trafllc estab lished by white men In America. It Is the only large city from "San Antone" to Los Angeles, n ride of l,r00 dry, dusty miles. It Is well served by both American and Mexican railways, and Its merchants buy and sell goods for hundreds of miles below tho Itlo Grande. Despite the nrld country nbout It nnd Its occasional blinding dust-storms, Its climate Is exception ally good, owing to high elevation. The largest Irrigation reservoir any where Is the grent Elephant Ilutte dnni, which stores more water than the world-famous Assuan dam on the Nile. This big dam, built In the IUo Grande nbove El Pnso, at n point In New Mex ico, holds wntcr enough, we are told, "to cover Massachusetts to a depth of six Inches." .Tunrez, El Pnso's sister city across the Itlo Grande, like most Mexican bor der towns, Is known chiefly because of Its pitched battles and Its bizarre methods of entertnlnlng sporty Ameri can visitors. A wooden bridge spam the river here, nnd El Pnso street cars loop oer Into Mexico when the loop ing Is snfe. Across an Arid Wilderness. From the point nt Monument No. 1 where the boundary line crawls out of the Itlo Grande (nt the southeastern corner of Now Mexico), It strikes west Into a wilderness of singularly dry and empty nspect. For 40 miles nlong this march the traveler must curry his own wuter. Near Columbus n few small trees nppenr. To the west lie the rough, hostile foothills of the Dog mountains; near here, In the Snn Luis range, the lino leaches n point 0,000 feet above the sea, marking the continental divide. Through San Luis puss runs the old emigrant' trail. Slightly west of the one hundred and eighth meridian the lino turns at right angles and runs south for u few miles, thence west ngnln. In the Snn Bernardino valley the lino strikes the first running water after quitting the Itlo Grando 101 miles to the cast. In the whole 700. mile stretch from the Rio Grande to the Pncltlc this line crosses only five permnncnt running streams, and th average rainfall throughout Its length Is only eight Inches, Save the ham lets of Columbus and Hnchlta, the New Mexico section of the border Is almost uninhabited. Hurdling this line In pursuit of Go ronlmo nnd his Apaches was for years a fovorlto outdoor army sport In these parts; but nowadays most ambitious residents arc mining copper, roping nnd branding cattle or fussing with Ir rigation ditches. Not long ngo coyotes were chnslng horned toads over an empty desert where Dougks, Ariz., now stnnds, with libraries, country clubs, theaters, pub lic baths, street cars and n hotel that might hnve been lifted bodily out of Cleveland or Knnsns City. Just over tho lino from Douglas lies drab, dusty Agua Prleta, with its sleepy peons and sad-eyed burros. "Blstee In a Canyon. West of Douglas, eight miles north of Nnco, on the line, nnd quite hidden In the barren Mule mountains, lies the quaint upside-down, busy, hustling Ills bee. Its main street runs up a deep canyon, mnny of its houses clinging llko pigeon cotes to steep hillsides. Of our whole border, the California section Is perhaps best known to Americans because of denser popula tion, excellent motor trails nnd prox imity to cities like Snn Diego, Los An geles, El Centro and tho bclow-the-sea border town of Calcxlco, opposite Mex ican. The Incredibly fertile Imperial valley of California sweeps north from Cnloxlco to tho Salton sea, more thnq 200 feet below the sea level. From Calcxlco tho line runs west past Signal mountain, up the Jncumbn pass over tho Lagunns, pnst tho his torlc border town of Cnmpo, through tho towns of Tecate nnd Tlu Juana (famous for races nnd gambling ca sinos), nnd thence to tho Pacific, a tow miles below San Diego, WRIGLEY'S Newest Creation i o tixjggmr mm viaT k?0 Ar lis nW is Jr Sl $Sm The Flavor Lasts An American Miss. For u quarter of an hour the mas ter had been giving examples of the names of rivers which In Greek were feminine, when he noticed one boy, blissfully unconscious of the mental edification ho wns missing, contem plating the beauties of natuie through the chiHsroom window. "Jones!" lie roared, "give me u femi nine river!" The dreamer stirred, and In n flash of inspiration answered: "Sir, tin. the Mississippi, sir !" Exchange. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin "When red, rough nnd Itching with hot baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcurn Ointment. Also mnko use now nnd then of thnt exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of tho lndlspensnhlo Cutlcurn Toilet Trio. Advertisement. Quite So. Speaking of home brew, prohibition Way be said to be Its raisin d'etre. Iioston Transcript. Tho housewife smiles with satisfac tion as she looks nt tho basket of clear, white clothes nnd thanks Red Cross Ball Blue. At grocers, Cc Advertisement. The upper classes In .lupan do not frequent the movie. COME International Omaha, Nebraska Tf vnn want to tnkn nart In tory 8omethlnfr that will trrlp m Bometnine ho eiauornio so Kiganuc mai u win oe me mm u inn world come to umana ror tno nrai international Aero uunKreu. vembcr 3, 4 and G. THE IUGGEST. MOST SPECTACULAR All! EVENT EVKH HELD The program for this Aero ConRress Is complete In every detalL Scores of aircraft from the world's greatest engineers will be on ex hibit, and take part In tho attcntlon-grlpplng- AUl DEItniES AIIl RACES ALTITUDE TESTS BALLOON ASCENSIONS PAnACnUTE DIIOPS STUNTS, SPItlNTS. C1.IMII9 TIIE nOMHINO OK A FRENCH VILLAGE lOItE THAN $10,000 IN CASH PIUZE9 Special entertainment parades, dances, bannuets. rennlons, boxing" exhibitions, etc. Kvery minute of your time will be enjoyed IMMENSE BXHIIHT OF TIIE LATEST AinCHAFT CIIKATIONS Speed planes, battle planes, flylnit boats, balloons. Mlmpa. passenger ships every typo of aircraft will be shown. Plan to purehaae your alrplano and air equipment durln the comrress GUAM) ItEUNION OF AIH MEN Thousands of flyers will be In Omaha for the Congress from sdl tho world. See your former "Buddies" and help fjrm i national mix body for the advancement of aviation. AERO CLUB OF OMAHA, Omnfta. Nebraska K "AFTER EVERY MEAL" A delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around pep permint flavored chew ing gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. llllllp The Cheenui Liar. Klist Trunk Enjoy your vacation? Second Trunk Feeling line; I could lick my weight in baggage men. ScnIIIc, Spain, Is said to have been the first European city t huvo a po llcowomun. Used In One Family Far Twenty-Eight Years Jane, Mo. "Twenty-eight years ago I wub in very poor health, having taken tho measles when my oldest child was ono month old. My blood was out of order and I also had inflammation of the womanly orgnns nnd bladder. I doctored with the best doctor I knew of, but gradually grew worse nntll I wnsn't able to do anything. I heard of Doctor Pierce's medicines bo got a bottle of Golden Medical Diucovery and one of ' Fnvorito Prescription, and I Immediately commenced to improve. After taking three bottles of ench I wns able to tin light home work and felt like a different person n very email expense compared with what I had been paying tho doctor. Since then I have always used these medicines in my family." Mbb. Ciiarlks Shanks. Rerul 10c to Or. Pierce's Invalids' Ilotol In Ituffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of an of his remedies. Noalcoliol. anir-n aptcNDiD opportunity ! $v5l I A II I P A Jno'in "jb-rai pwtXlthu. Dfl J, v v w m. IMUrANt.ttliB MichluA.B. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 42-1921. TO THE Aero Congress November 3, 4, 5, 1921 nn event tinn.iralleled In avlntlon his your attention and hold you spellbound X