The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1921, Image 7

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Turks Pass by
Unveiled Girls
'Change in Custom Does Not Find
Favor Among the Men of
the Orient.
Preachments of Hallde Hanum and
Other Workera for Freedom of
Women Find Favor In Angora
, Veil Custom Modified.
Angorn. Turkish men Mill refiio
to look upon unveiled Turkish women
when passing them In tho Ktrcets or
on the minis, despite the attempt of
the latter te adopt the preachments of
(Hallde Iliitium and other workers for
the freedom of women In Asia Minor.
"According to our customs, It la Im
polite to flirt In public or address or
look on the fiis-o of our women, and 1
can't break the custom," explained a
Turkish olllcer traveling with the cor
respondent. Angora Sens Change.
In the nationalist capital of Angora,
Hallde Iliimni) Muildo Forid Hanum,
'the author and wife of the former
minister of llnnnee, and many other
women who emtio out from Constan
tinople, to support the nationalist
movement, go about the streets or rldo
Lorfccback with jJiolr veils turned back
and folded Into a handsome head
dress, modeled after the Hussion
Tint outsldo of Angorn, despite the
example vet by American women of
charity organizations, or of the ex
ample f Greek and Armenian women,
inost of tho Turkish women strictly
iinlntiiln the old custom.
Modify Custom.
t The custom of veiling has long been
modified to the extent that tho face
may bo shown freely to the men of the
village or or the party with whom
the women may be working or travel
Frightened Child Too
Quiet to Suit Snakes
Surfern, N. Y. Jennie Van
Olsen, twelve, had a thrilling ex
perience with two lnrgfc rattle
snakes while on n berry pick
ing party In tho Itnmapn moun
tains. Tho child had wandered
some distance from the rest of
the party when she beard n
humming noise, and turned
about to see two snakes near
her. The child was motionless
with fright, which probably
saved her life. Other members
of the party saw her standing,
Investigated and killed the
snakes, which were as large as
any ever killed In this section.
Ku KIu Klan Spreads in North
""i' ,, a a 'wwvvjk'AMffpMccirrff0Bw$W . . 0iMHHBOTS(!P j
The modern Ku Kltix Klan, which U becoming strong hi the South, Is
,lso spreading In the northern Mnto.s. decently a large number of now mem
bers were Initiated In Chicago. The photograph shows Imperial Wizard Sim
'mens and aids performing the wlerd rites In the Chicago ceremony.
National Health Experts Will Develop
Ohio Town and County
for Five Years.
Washington, D. C Selection of the
itown of Mansfield and the county of
Richland, ()., as the location of Its
.llve-yonr experiment in the develop
ment of children was announced by
'the National Child Health council.
The Ohio communities were picked
ifrom 80 which sought the distinction
ns most nearly complying with the
,(lualIllcutlonH of a typical American
The demonstration, which will be
.directed by Dr. Walter II. nrowii,
jformerly health olllcer of Urldgoport,
'Conn., will be conducted, the council
.announced, to show what can be done
itbrough concerted action to increase
(the health and strength of Uie rising
In Itussin bricks made of coal dust,
(combined with molasses and resin, are
(used for paving.
ing, but so soon as a stranger, whother
Turk or Kiiropoiin, approaches, the
veil Is drawn. If the stranger Is a
Turk, be looks straight ahead as If
the women were not present.
Ah the pretty gauze or thin cloths
of prewar days, white, blue, black or
brown cannot be had, the veils are
often of coarse white cotton, and In
tho case of the working women, the
cloth may be of a stiff, heavy cotton,
which serves us a siinhonnet. If the
tt'.ltlH.lM It.. a....... ...... .1 ..I, , ..... )
""" .- "ij limn, nit: vuii mm inn
er garments may be but n crazy quilt
thing of patches of all colors and
thicknesses, pathetically mended and
browned by sun and weather.
Amorlcan Collector Displays a "Mite"
at Boston Exhibition Worth
.02 of a Cent.
Itoslon. Obsolete and rare coins,
some of which bore dates hundreds or
years before Christ, were Included In
an exhibition of tho American Numis
matic society. I
What was said to be tho oldest coin
In the United States, and of the
smallest value over Issued, was shown
by a southern collector. It was u
"mite," with a face value of onc-llf-tleth
of an American cent, and was
coined In 700 H. C. at Aeglna.
Widow Sees Her Husband's Ashes
Scattered to Winds by Son
In Airplane.
New York. Flying at nn altitude
of .',000 feet over Long Island Bound,
Charles S. Halght unfolded an Amerl-
France Has Its
Get-Rich-Quick Banker Projects
Gigantic Financial Schemes,
Then Goes Bankrupt.
Brought to Trial Eight Times, Im
prisoned Six Times and Becomes
Bankrupt for 21,000,000
Francs Is Free Again.
Tnrls. Amerlcn, to be sure, has no
monopoly of the tribe of Get-Itlch-Quick
YVnlllngford. It Snny not bo
that "they order this mutter better In
Once Navigable Stream Reduced
to Rocks and Pools.
Fishermen Gather Bin Catches In
Streamlets Where Once Angry
Torrents Raged.
Saiilt Ste. Marie, Mich. Modem en
gineering has broken the prestige of
the old-time Soo rapids, reducing to
rocks and shallow pools a stream
which, in the days before the civil
war, schooners plied with no fear of
hitting bottom.
Completion of tho last of tho com
pensating dams above tho rapids has
brouglit to the surfaco moss-clad rocks
hidden for centuries, and It Is now pos
sible to wado across a space where, In
18.V2, there was n Rtrenm of such re
spectable voluino that tho sailing
schooner Uncle Sam passed easily.
Capitulation of tho rapids, which has
drawn nearer and neurer during
can flag containing the nshes of hi
father, Charles R Halght, and scat
tered them to the winds. Thin strange
ceremony was viewed from tno ground
by the dead man's wfdow and two
other members of the family.
The unique disposal of the remains
of the late Mr. Halght, n widely
known Hrooklyn Insurance olllclal,
was In accordance with a wish ex
pressed Just prior to his death, July
US, In his sixty-fifth year.
n in j"i 'in ibm -hit igyjff fiffiuL
Onorlo Iluotolo, the eelehrnted Italian-American
sculptor, has Just com
pleted this monumental bust of Enrico
Caruso, which will be erected In the
foyer of tho Metropolitan opera House
ns the gift of tho Italian-American
Musical League of New York, of
which Caruso was the honorary presi
dent. Huotolo's portrait Is Inserted.
France." but nt least they do not fall
behind the cutest Yankee. In witness
whored! note the case of Monsieur
Marie Itenaud.
From time to time the attention of
I'nrls has been attracted to a man who
projects gigantic Hnanclnl schemes,
but Invariably becomes bankrupt as
soon as he has separated n sulllclent
number of easy marks from their mon
ey. Today he has once more come
Into contllct with the criminal luw
of tho country.
Man of Profession.
M. Itenaud is now about seventy
seven years old, and, therefore, may
well be reckoned the dean, tho Nes
tor, of his profession In France. It
was after the war of 1870-71 that he
mad his debut In Paris. Though he
stopped on that occasion nt n small
Inn he conceived the grandiose scheme
of conquering Paris. Three years la
ter the banker, M. Marie ltoiiMid,
owned a palace on the Kols de Hon
logne and conducted a bank In partner
ship with a mesmerist who bewitched
the customers.
After a couplo or yenrs the firm was
dissolved and Itenaud was arrested,
tried and convicted, but on appeal was
acquitted, ho then removed to IJrus-
sels and rounded the "Credit Inter
national," which promised Its shnre-
holders f00 per cent Interest and
'which went to smnsh In 1001. Ho
. was arrested, hut again got clenr and
then went to London. He was again
brought before a tribunal In Paris
as a bankrupt with 21,000,000 francs
liabilities. Again he got free by means
known only to himself,
i In Jail Six Times.
Ills last or latest enterprise wai
the foundation of a "National Hank"
In 1010, calling himself Itocklnnd,
alias Count Itoqtioplnn. In the cnurso'
of his career he has been brought to
trial eight times, has been Imprisoned
six times and has "annexed," "con
veyed" or otherwise acquired about
10,000,000 francs. Withal ho today
appears like a well-preserved man of
llfty, elegant In attire and manner,
and everybody In Paris expects that
ho Is about to start bis ninth "bank."
seventy years, reached Its climax with I
startling quickness recently when, '
wiinin an nour.arter the closing of
the dam, the rapids became gaunt
rock and disconsolate rivulets.
The scent of fish and moss tilled tbo
nlr. In pools were some unwary crea
tures of the water who had not 'lied in
time, and anglers hastened for their
kits. Most of tho fish in the rapids
had taken refuge In the lower river
ns the water receded.
Hut the passing of the rapids bring",
some Joy, for llshermen believe the re
iiialnlng pools, borne of them several
feet deep, will attract the rainbow and
speckled trout, and that these will bo
more easily snared.
Dams above the rapids were con
structed to regulate tho depth or Lako
Superior and to obtain a steady drift
of water In tho locks.
Th,o elder DuinnH, In one phenom
enal yenr, actually turned out volumes
nt tbo rate of ono a week.
.'.. ,,. "'-..
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
The (iroat Western Sugar company,
which Is advertising widely In this
and other stnto-s for 1MKKI laborers
for the end of this mouth at Its fat
, , .
lories In (iering, .Mitchell, linyiuil
and Scoltshlurr, V not take down
lis advertising at Hie request of the
mayor and city council of Seiittsbtuff.
Scottsbluir's city olllelals had blamed
a receni increase in crime to the fact
that men bail come for work and been for the past week. The iinlmals
could not at present llntl any. The bear no brand or mark of hlentlllen
sugar company olllcers pointed out Hon and no one knows where they
that unless there are thousands of ( came from. The giinie warden will In
men here at the end of September, i vestlgate. Some belli e the buffalo
when the beet harvest begins farm- have wandered from the Yellowstone
its will lose a great deal of money national park or from herds known to
because of the scarcity and high exist in South Dakota and Wyoming,
prices of labor, and the factory will The federal government has twenty
lose also because It will be Impossible ' head at Valentine, Neb. The one
to keep the factories running at ca-' caught at liroadwiiter may be sent to
paclty when the campaign starts. I Join the federal herd at Valentine.
The Nebraska Scottish Kite reunion, j The sample case containing watcher
will be held In Omaha, November 17-1S. 'and Jewelry valued at $.'MHJ which dls
Tlnley Combs, Oiiinha, Is .secretary, appeared from a Llnciiln-P.eatiice bin
An attendance of 1,000 Is expected. Jmuiio days ago, was picked tip on the
The Nebraska State Railway com-! Coriibuskcr highway by a mail at Sut;
mission proposes to the Omaha Street, ton, who phoned Chief of Police Inflow
Itallway company Hint It reduce sala- nt Lincoln, of his ilnd. The sample
rles of olllcers and employes Instead case Is the properly of a South Mend
of Increasing ls fare rates 7 to S ( ts. Intl., jewelry company, and was in
Long Pine Is expecting a rush of possession of D, D. fJnllinir, their rep
hunters In a few weeks. Prairie ! resentatlve, enroute to Lincoln, when
chlekoin are going to be more niiiner-, taken. Ho is of the opinion that It
otis this year than last In that section, ' was thrown from the bus with the ex
according to ranchers, who tell of see- pectatlon of securing It Inter on.
ing Inrge Hocks. I W. II. Osborne, stale tax co'mnils.
Over $;i,00(),U00 Increase In deposits sloner, Is gi therlng data on nil hns
or state banks and upwards of $-l,-l(K),- pltals, business colleges and lodges In
000 gain in cash reserve, contrasted Nebraska who are escaping taxation,
with a reduction of nearly ?.ri,000.(Kl In ; "ith n view of determining whether
loans, are the outstanding features of they are operated exclusively for
a summarized report given out by the charity. Under the new taxation bill
Nebraska banking bureau, comparing , H such Institutions which are not
conditions on August (! with those of .operated for charitable purposes only
Mny -". '"re subject to taxation.
Pawnee county people nre nntlcipnt-l Sarpy county voted almost three to
Ing the greatest corn show ever held one l favor of the $ I. "0,000 bond issuo
at a county fair this year. This Is due ' for a new courthouse, iiceordlm; to
not only to the fact that the county the total unolllclal vote compiled. The
has one of the largest corn crops in Its ' oto decided against annexation to
history, but nlso bemuse n gieat deal . Douglas county, olllelals believe,
more In prizes has been offered for tljo j strengthening the petition expressing
best showing of corn. opposition, which was signed by more
Clreat preparations are being made :''" 1.000.
r .i... m-..i.i ..... . . ... I 1.-..1.1 .. . . ...
f inu iisiiinKiun c'ouuiy lair wiueii j j-.wueiicc.s oi incendiarism were
will be held at Arlington, September I found by State Fire Marshal Hartford
1V2'-'S. The agricultural society ; following an investigation into clrciim
purchased the thirty-two acre stock stances surrounding the burning of tho
park Just west of the village of Arllng-1 vacant garage building owned by
ton, which Is one of the most attractive ' Knuil: PItzer and J. K. Reynolds at
natural parks In eastern Nebraska. Norfolk. Collection of approximately
in.,.. .. i it. ... .. i cr. nui , . . '
i tiia ui j. u. .ivrciier or j nnsas ,
City wre nccepted for McCook's new
liosnitnl. Plans call for n -10-bed bos
pltul, suitable to bo added to ns de
muml nHses. Tt la nviwwi.ul t .
' -v " "i" .. ... ...)." 1
work and to have the foundation In j
tlllu full Tn... I. .!.... ..!..... lit I...
this fnIL Dominican sisters will
In charge of the hospital.
The Nebraska State Teachers con
vention will be held in Omaha Novem
ber 0-11. Headquarters will be at Hie
Hotel Fontenelle. J. II. Iteverldge,
Omaha, Is president. An attendance
Of 5.000 Is nxnoptPil.
School began In Aurora with the :
high school crowded and every room Special election will be held' at
In the grades Is well filled. Aurora Columbus October IS, to vote 75,000
hns U8 teachers besides Superintendent '""ids to complete the new court
J. A. Doremus. j house. Cash on hand Is Insutlleient
The bid of the C. P. A. Construction ; t complete the structure with mater-
lii. ior me erection oi tno sciiool House
in Miienune lor which $00,000 school
bonds wore recently voted, were ac
cepted by the school board
Seeding of fall wheat has begun In j
nninilton county and the acreage this
year will be larger than last year,.
The splendid yield of wheat this year
has greatly encouraged the farmers
In wheat raising. For the first time
In four Vears HieV irnt n L-onil nrnn
'In tltVltlWlt.. vl..v irntinHnl ..! f.. .... r I
.. M""'" mi- unviui limit; 1,1
(be residents of the community through
organized effort the Community club'
was organized at Hcomor with E. A. '
i-rieil as president and E. A. Bauer as
vice president.
Ira Itoblnson, thirty-eight, mnrrled
nnrt the father .or live children, died
rrom the results or being kicked In
the stomach by a horse. He lived nenr
Tho city council or West Point has
let the contract for a new muiilclpnl
electric light plant.
The Wyuiore lire department hns
Just Installed a combination chemical
nnd hose truck.
The new school building nt "Archer
will be ready for occupancy when
school starts.
The blto of a dog afflicted with
rabies, In the opinion of physicians,
caused Valentino Stellar, wealthy re
tired farmer, to blow off the top of
his head with a shotgun at Clay
The olllcers of consolidated district
No. 1-1, southeast of Dawson, sold S."!0..
000 In bonds lust week and will soon
...S. ...... .' M.M... ,W1, IM'II HUM' IHII-
commence tho erection of a splendid ished with the hot winds, hiKh torn
rural building. There nre twenty- pornt tiros and drouth of the last half
eight sections In this district with nlof,AugiiM, according to the state and
valuation of about 52.000.0(H). No ex-, floral weekly report Issued at Lin
penso will be spared to make this one' coin by A. E. Anderson. Late corn,
of the best schools of Its kind in theu-speclally. was damaged by too rapid
",,t. I
Ibiyard new liluli school bulldlnir is
now complete. The building has been
In the course of construction for two
years, with the usual worries and
anxieties attending any building these
last years, the estimated cost of the
finished building amounting to $250,
000. Mnur C. O. Cresson, Fort Crook,
Omaha, hns brought suit for ?200,000
against the New York Evening World,
alleging damages to his reputation.
The Nw York paper published a story
to the effect Hint tho mulor bad been
accused of conspiracy to free Slacker
Fidelity Post, American Legion, nt
Ord, is after the grapes. It Is tho
opinion of the Ord post that Post Com.
mander Cllne will be a good man for
the Job ns national commander and
then Ord Is after it man on tho state
and national boards. Ord post has re
cently completed tho purchase of a
modern two-story building which will
be UH'd for headquarters and club
rooms ami are now planning the win
' tor's activities which will Include a
carnival, home intent nilnisti-,.1 ., i
. - -...
(lances and special eommunliv kiu-vlf-n.
Chief Came Warden tieorge Koster
has receiver a letter from n ranchman
at IboiMlwntor, Morrill county, slating
that ii male biilValo was caught there
September .'. Two buffalo cows aro
i '
' still at large In the hills and have
"?, insurance ins iieen ini,i n
pending completion of the Innnh-v
Four old landmarks In Sidney 'have
been torn down and three more have
been cnnilnmiinil nmi n.i.......i .1 ....
. v.. ..ill, mui-ii-ii iiuun oy
the state tire marshal. These build- ...III 1I...II.. ... . .
...,.-. ..1,1 iMiiLin-iuiy mi no repriced by
new and modern business buildings.
The International Aero Congress, un
der Hie auspices of the Omaha Aero
Club will meet in Omaha, November ."
fi. An attendance of 10,000 Is expected.
Scores of planes will be present to
compete for the prizes. The llvlni:
field Is In the north nnrt of tin. ,.itv
"" "P io me standard so far used.
The elevators at P.lusnrln'' iimi tn
shut down because of the lack of grain
cars. 'Ihe era in is about- oiu.iinir in
Farmers are hauling ns they can be
accommodated by the elevators.
Oshkosh was visited by a hall storm
and hall lrom seven to nine Inches In
circumference fell, canting great dam
age to crops, a heavy rain accompan
ied the storm.
- - r-."- in .-mi iii, in mi; viciIIIIJ Ot
IHgsprlugs Hint sparks from tho trains
passing have started fires In several
places. The last good rain was last
The grass s so dry In the vicinity of
Harvest of the biggest potato cron
in the Long Pine section of the potato
growing country will commence this
week-. Hundreds of cars will be ship
ped from this place.
Saunders county Kanred wheat seed
."coins to be quite popular this year.
Six thousand bushels have been ship
ped to Iowa.
Nemaha county olllelals nre consid
ering the reusability of equipping
Sheriff Dials with an airplane.
From reports, residents of Platts
inouth expect to form a chapter of the
Ku Klu Klan.
Considerable Interest Is centered In
the special election to be held In
Ileatrice September 20 when the voters
will decide on the proposition of bond
ing the city for $150,000 for the con
struction of n municipal lighting plant.
While Nebraska has a good corn crop
In sight, the chances of approaching
Insit fnru linnci1 niiilii..,lri.. I. .... .....-
1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 ' lint mirlv fiipn wnu iitiliiliii-iwl
Four olllelals of Hie Nebraska Chiv
T . ...,. J''.
Products company, owner of the Illicit
nndynio Manufacturing plant at Hum
boldt, visited the plant and conferred
with the local foreuvin concerning the
future of the plant. It Is the expressed
Intention of the company to re-equlp
the plant for an early opening In tho
spring of 1022.
Tholleatiico Chamber of Commerce
lias named a committee to take up the
matter of providing for a municipal
swimming jmioI adjoining chnutuuquii
park or bomo other good locution. The
lu a drive for the sale of Sl.000 worth
J of county fulr tickets.
Tells Childless Women What
Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Did for Her
Millston, Wis.-"I want to Rive you
a word of praise for your wonderful
medicine. u
very fond of children
and for a consider
able time after we
married I feared I
would not have any
owir.p to my weak
condition. I bcRiin
taking Lydia E.
P i n k h n m s Vege
table Compound and
now I have a nice
strong healthy baby
cirl. I can honestly
aay that I did not suftcr much moro
when my baby was born than I used to
suiicr wttn mv perious ooioro i iooie
Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound years ago. I give ail tho credit to
your medicine and Hliall always recom
mend it very highly." Mrs. II. II.
Janssen, Millston, Wisconsin.
How can women who aro weak and
sickly expect or hope to become mothers
of healthy children? Their first duty is
to themselves. They should overcome
the derangement or debility that is.
dragging tlieni down, and strengthen
tho entire system, as did Mrs. Jansscn,
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and then they will bo
in n position to give their children tho
blessing cf a good constitution.
.f frlt. I Imtlt.t. tc. .P'l'-tr
tn.ii.i jr. r. ionL. ir.u. ii urftHV
COMPANY, i1t Ukbltlj A?. Cbkut-
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33-1921.
if the unexpected always happens,
why not expect it?
Is Hrcatly relieved bv constitutional trcnt
Is a constitution;!! remedy. Catarrhal
Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining or the Husta
clilnn Tube. When this tube. Is In Maine 1
yon have a rumbling Bound or Imperfect
licut Ini:, and when It Is entirely closed
Deafness Is the result. Unless the In
llninmntlon can be reduced, your liearlnrr
may be destroyed forever. HAUL'S
OATAUlill MKDIOINK acts through tbo
blood on the mucous fiurfaccs of the syn
tcm, thus reducing Hie inllnuunatlon nnd
iiivdHtlng Nature In restoring normal con
ditions. Circulars free. All DrtiKKlits.
V. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ad
vertisement. On? of the modern "cares that In
fest the day" Is siting that one's
clothes are pressed.
Notice this delicious
flavor when you
smoke Lucky Strike
it's scaled in by
the toasting process
A.&j &s ' tslfncfs&Z:
Send fur
Alpha Indigestion Tablet
nnd pet relief. No money neeesBnry, mall im
pnntal und we will dendyunu bottle contiilntnir
tUrec week' treatment, O.O.D. l'urcel post 75c.
1011 Arch Street Philadelphia. Pa.
Bant"o Cray nm! Fnded IUIi
"iiniei (i iiini ii Uliilllh
nifoT Clu-m. Wy. I'atrliiiRiir.N. YJ
irlita. lllseoi Cbeulcul Work I'ttcbomiof H. y,
Cut your finishing bill In half.
Film developed 5c each roll;
prints, any size, 3c each.
Box 6006, University Place, Neb.
Enslow Floral Co.
131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Neb.
Ladies Let Cuticura
Keep Your Skin
Fresh and Young
Soip 25e, Ointment 25 ud 50e, Tilcnm 25e.
VVatBon 13 Oolomnn
ttau,, readable- III.boilM AffilS'nuaalSWSS
i Mariav hflf .iav.... i
TriiUtiVS XiV? S."'0"
"unt'a Salve and 8op), fall la
j... ..cumin oi ucn, uciema.
lnworni,Ttter or other ItehT
lnatilnitla... 1 l
me.n.t S! i"' ,UH-8old b" " reliable drufVhta!
. U. RJchardt M.dlclot Co, Shtrman.YolS
tiSSfe I
csr Its
m lwjm
4 A
jrtawWrffatiMteJ v w--faatf'tt'Jl-'''wy"j;r'f "st BMBB-" iwm"'.fi!
$vywrMmmmm4ist tw .
Ll m utL .JU m.'tilMri'T"'- "" ill mnW liim IMWi;