wit- jiStt iUJt fce?$ IE; ,i vi 'iv -r. . v., -.- J'ntM , " f Children's School Wear Week School starts September 5th. While lots of mothers have anticipated the dress needs for their little ones, many have been delayed by one cause or another in making their purchases until now, while scores of other needs will be discovered when preparing tho children for school. School Dresses tMHmiiMiwMBntiHMnMrraMmMwMMM)MnMHMMi Our Showing in Prctly School Dresses in the READY TO WEAR In Sizes From 4 to 20 Years at Prices That Will Salify The Most Exacting SWEATERS Nothing is more serviceable for cool mornings for child ren than a good sweater. Before buying come in and look. m Ginghams If you prefer to make the dresses we have a nice line of gingham, linen, poplin or wool in most all of the wanted colors. Hose In buying hose you want the best you can get for the money. I have selected my stock of hose with care both as to texture and price. Agent for Home Journal Patterns The Women's Store RED CLOUD NEBRASKA 4AflWftftWU,AV.V.V.V.V.VV.V.VV.V.V.V-V.".V.VJ'V Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES HED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AM ACIC -PHONE IND. 76M UWWmVJWJW, .wuwv.v.w 1 uywwwuwu. v.vvwv Announcement n 0 Wc have installed NEW equipment for cleaning and blocking cloth, felt and panama HATS. Look Up Your Old Hats Now 3ME THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners Dyers Tailors Both Phones Bell 88, Ind. 19 311 Wo call for and deliver your clothes JWAJWJW.W.VAV.VWWWI pIE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of ycur bucincoc career. Write yonr letters on HcmmcrmiH Ripplo Bond, correctly printed at the Chio! office. It crcatec a favorable impression. Bra i&V, NiGhQlsw DENTIST J?cd Cloud Nebraska Dp. E. GflJffP GfUR0PRflGT0R PHONES Ind. 1 93-X I3elM8 Office Turnurc Did;, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. i. Blackledec J RED CLOUD NI3UUASKAI The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you curry. Don't lull yourself into u fancied security. Because flro has nover touched you it doesn't follow that you're hntnuuo Tomorrow -no today, if you have tlme-and you hotter find time como to tho.ollloe and we'll writ a policy on your house, furniture, htoro or morehandifcu. -LATHK MAY BE TOO LATE- . C. TEEL R.eileble Insurance T77" ft THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. NebraakflL PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY tutored In the I'oMonicc nt Itcd Cloud, Neb aa ticcond Class Matter1 A. B. MoARTUUlMIiditor and Ownor AdvertsinJ 'Rates Forclrtn, per column Inch 15c Loco.!, ' " " 10 & 2i Farm Bureau Notes ROOMER'S DATES . George 11. Boomer, Specialist in Marketing, is coming October .'5, 1, 5 and Glh Monday,. October ISrtl Gar field Township, Tuesday, Octobei' 4tt l'.ousant Hill Township, Wednesday October 5th Oak Creek Township and Thursday October Glh at Cathcrton Township. LIVESTOCK BKKEDKUS' PICNIC Webster County's Improved Live stock Urccdosr' picnic was held at (Juido Bock as per schedule. The curly morning rain spoiled the basket dinner for those that had planned on this feature of the picnic. Tito Guide Rock band furnished the music after which President C. 11. Steward took charge of the meeting and introduced for the first speaker, Dr. Woodring, Acting Chief of the Nebraska Bureau of Animal Industry. Dr. Woodring, talked for a short time on Tubercu losis Eradication and Hog Cholera Control. He Urged tho farmers to have their cattle tested nnd that way Imve clean milk for tho family. On Hog Cholera lie warned tho farmers to look out for the but-brcak of Hog Cholera this fall, due to hogs being shipped in to cat up tho cheap com. Ex-Governor A. C. Shallenbcrgcr gave one of his splendid talks which was worth going many miles to hear. In his talk he dealt a considerable length of time on the Livestock busi ness. Red Cloud Boosters for tho Farm ers' Institute attended the picnic and Father Fitzgerald extended the invita tion to the Livestock Breeders and farmers to prepare and be represent ed at the Institute with and exhibit. He vlm extended an invitation to tne citizens of Guide Rock and vicinity to come to the Institute which wiU be one of tho best agriculture and livc r.tocl: r.h.own in the Republican Valley thi3 year. , HENRY R. FAUSCH-' ' County Agricultural Agent. Looking Backward Thirty Yoara Acc-I'mhi Tho Chfcl of September ICtK 10CI. i i , ' Alfred Ilndell is a.iin Mdile to le around. A. Mmli'iil is. hmno uguiti from II. trip Hi Illinois. Tlllt lellllillll WHN ) glcllt MICClt-H mid a very ploitMtnt utt'iiir. Tin- Hpih pl chinch I being moved to lliu new giouuilr,. Alison Hit: by name in I bin week from Detidwouil. Ilo will move hid lumi'y huiu hliortly Fred Peterson, the engineer who hn been jilibunt fur about two yearc, and family arilvid home list week. Fieil ban been all turer the west. Mih. Paul 1'liarcs of Topka nnd her three children lire vhdtlug her pirtiit", Mr. and Mr". V. Newlioubo Puul it, expected in about two weekn. George Ducker of Jollet, III,, one of the tuobt thorough dry goods men in the wt-bt wtm in Red Cloud this week looking Hfur lilb Red Cloud buslutba Mr. Pete Shea traveling Baleauiau for ihu Keuiutrd (Jrocery Company huh moved back to Red Cloud unit ia local ed in the. Carl er building on South tidurd Stieit. Lolaud AlideiBun Hedge, age 10 yenra i! tnoutlm and 14 day-, miii of .Mr. and Mt. AndeihOU Hedge, died at. bin houio September lilih at 2 n'oluck alter an illness of only it few daya. Kansas Pickups BMITII COU.NTV Box Kellhnu aim wilu pnt Sunday with Mi, Rt'llliui.'n piueiili-, Kobi. Lniyiigan nnd fniuH.v. V. L Worrall of Mmden. N'el.r . vis. itod old friends in this vie'niiv Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Brown, who is keeping house for her three daughters in Smith Center, is spending n fow days on tho farm. E. E. Spurrier' nnd family spent Sunday with thoir daughter, Mr. and Mrp. Earl Abbott nnd family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Newell Mcrritt nud daughter, Frauline June, spcntSunday oveuing with Earl Abbott and family. Methodist Church Notes Sunday School tit 10 u. in. Church borvlco at II a. m. and 8 p, in, Epworth League at 7:15 p. in. Prayer meeting Wodnesday evening at 8 o'clock. If yon are not attending elscwhui , wo extend to you a cordial invitation to attend our Sunday School, and uhuioh sorvieob ' HAitltY W Coi'E, Pitsto '"T ' If hl'f'i ( ' ' v A pipe tongue : ' r.y ''. .j ., , v . ,. ., Vv s 't won't burn your If you smoke R A.! Prince Albert It hoIJ In toppy red hags, ttJy red tine, handsome pound nnd bell pound tin humi Jars and mthe pound ei yttiil pints, humidor with sponge moiituner top. lll.,HII.,MHllWiii htiw WlJ,,'J wiff Get that pipe-party-bee buying m your smoke scction! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pips can and will do for your peace and content! Just check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out cf their pipes all ag ow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Albert! And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince Albert s quality and flavor and coolness --and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu sive patented process) will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likej cf which v0u rover before could believe possible! You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! ' And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the sport of rolling 'cm? Get some Prince Albert and the makin's papers -quick -and cas'i in on a cu rette that will prove a revelation! . Copyright 1021 by h. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Vlu3ton-Salcm. N.C. Jb W JKL J A, Hv 3K ft z -d te- M I ,m i tl miass&j the national joy smohc Publication of Summons. Samuel Garbor; Mary A. Garbor; the heirs, devisees nnd successors In inter est of said named persons and all pcrj s:ni3 having or claiming any Interest in Lot 18, hi Block 5, of tho Original Town of Red Cloud, in Webster Couu ty, Nobrnsko, will take notice that John Uummitjgs; Beiilah M. Mltchejl and Mary S. Creighton as plaintiffs havo filed their petition and commenc ed an action in tho District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, against thorn, the object and prayer of which i rj to obtain a'judgmoht and decree of aM'Court quieting and confirming in In plaintiffs the full owueishlp and t tljn mid to said Lot IS, in Block Jj, of the () ik'inal Town of Red Cloud, Wob-li-r Cennty, Nebraska, and for. I'vi-r bur Mud exeludo the defendants an I all persoi a nthor than tho plain t ir I miii htieafier asserting, setting up, nr utaiiiilug any title or interest in or to (lie Nxiil prriiita, or any pnrt thereof ad vein) to tho present full title and ownership of l'n plaintiffs. The p'niuiiff-t n'so pray for general tqultHtile rellnf You nro requited to nn-wersaid pet' tlou on tile in tliHolIlce of Hie clerk of said Court nt U"d Clnud, Nebraska, on or before Monday, October Gist, 19JI. Dated September Jl, Ifr2l. John Cnmmings, et hI, By E. U. Caldwell, Their Attornev. a UH (C Ks j Il JLi N We Sell -1 :r1 Niggerhead Maitland And Routt CoMEity Lump D li g We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. H S3 S3 FARMERS' ELEVATOR Notice of Administration In tho County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In the matter of Ilia estate of Rhs miiH JeiiHeii, deceased. TO Al.L PEIISONS iNTKnCSTKD 1 SAID ESTATK Nctlco is hereby given Hint Ray Miyo Iiiih thin day filed it notition In t'w county io ut, piMyTmr tint a linln Utiation of h.tul i'swim mty bti grant 0 I to (Jeorge II MeOiaiy, an adntlnl tmtor. and th it huld peti'ioii will lie lieaid liefure Hie eourr. on the Nth day cf (inloiier. l'JJl. nt tiie hour i f ! o'clne'i A M. at Hie on mty ooiirt i'imhii in I ho eiiy of lied CnMiil. in i I ooiiiil.v. when all ieiciM lnleresteil In n ild ui.it' r in ty npuu ir mi d nhow enii-e why Hi, pi'MyHi i,r pfiltiouer t-hoii d not be giiiMtfd; a'.il Mia I nutlee of lliu filing of Mild ill and I he healing thereof, bo given by pu'ili-liiug '"py of this ordor in the Rod Cloud Chief, n legal weekly newspaper priuted aud of general circulation lu said county, for three consecutive weoUs prior to add day of bearing. Dated this 2tat day or September 101. A. l. KANNEY, (Seal.) C unity Judge. - Congregational Church Notes i: v. M.n- .i .m I. .. r. l'a-'or I't, . ! ., I'.'- I' II I HI r , i ! . I i ! . ri I'i.i.. a nt i'i. iv i'i hlny i'V n ing at 8 o'clock. AH aio wwHsouu. to any of thoso borvlces American Legion DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT - SEPT At The BESSE AUDITORIUM "THE KROMAT1C KIDS" WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC WITH A PEP 2 Everybody come out and have a good time Admission 81.00 Spectators 25c Dr.W.H.McBride E. S. Gsvrber DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nobraskck. Mrs. Laircca Canton returned to ing tho past two weeks visiting at I wm VVire lour House And tho W. J. Lippincott home. Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guarontoedl Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures V J' 1